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10063383 No.10063383 [Reply] [Original]

>still the best beat 'em up of all time
How the fuck did they do it? Nothing comes close.

>> No.10063397

Giving each character a unique and fun moveset that makes you want to play it at least three times
Giving an annoying enemy a piledriver never gets old

>> No.10063614

Not even the best Capcom beat 'em up

>> No.10063754

streets of rage 1 and 2 were better, also hear that sen goku goes crazy too. also in 3D i’d say the warriors and bully were better. MAYBE yakuza 1 as well. also if you’re talking all time and not just /VR/, RCG 2 is dope too.

>> No.10063762
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The arcade game was quite good, too bad the series was ruined by Capcom's insistence on shoddy and underperforming Nintendo hardware. Thankfully Sega was able to pick up the slack that the 2.68 mhz SNES could not carry.

>> No.10063870


But have you played The Punisher arcade game?

>> No.10063881




>> No.10063884

>>still the best beat 'em up of all time
>How the fuck did they do it? Nothing comes close.
The best beat em up of all time is way of the exploding fist


>> No.10063891
File: 41 KB, 325x322, PlayStation_Fighting_Force_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best beat 'em up of all time

>> No.10063987

this and crisis beat are both shit 3D beat ‘em ups didn’t get until PS2

>> No.10064013

I liked fighting force.

>> No.10064018
File: 36 KB, 500x500, artworks-OW4uUk2aOimQ4X0Z-CKo2hQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best beat 'em up of all time

>> No.10064021

Fighting Force is one of the ugliest games ever made, the soundtrack stinks, and there is absolutely nothing to the combat. It's fucking abysmal. Only tolerable if you play co-op, but that goes for anything.

>> No.10064026

I like the soundtrack and enjoyed the game when it came out. Were you born then?

>> No.10064038

>the best beat 'em up of all time
revenge of the sith Ps2

>> No.10064049
File: 31 KB, 220x307, God_of_War_(2005)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best beat 'em up of all time

>> No.10064051
File: 11 KB, 188x268, download - 2023-07-13T234542.709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.10064153

Vendetta is better in every way. Still love final fight though.

>> No.10064159

Yes. I played it as a kid and I've played it again this year. I hated it. So boring and bad.

>> No.10064161
File: 289 KB, 500x390, 1665172293425767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong game and system

>> No.10064247

One of the cheapest enemy AI outside of Mortal Kombat arcade games.
In the arcade game, some of the enemies can actually teleport the precise amount of pixels required to be *just* outside of the hitbox of your attacks, immediately after you press the attack button when they're in range.

>> No.10064250

Bare Knuckle 3 was better than SOR 1 and 2 combined.
Correct, so is Growl.

>> No.10064313

Growl is a classic.

>> No.10064360

shut the fuck up not even entertaining this shit

>> No.10064535

Both were consoleshitter trash, the real spiritual sequels were in the arcade

>> No.10064539

>Growl better than FF
>Bare knuckle 3 ibstead of SoR3
Consolefags I swear

>> No.10064543
File: 3.00 MB, 400x300, 1602632412041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kiddo, you need to actually get good at videogames to defeat me.

>> No.10064561

lol it's the mhz guy

>> No.10064565

SoR3 is censored and missing content

>> No.10064605

>muh story muh fag cop
Who the fuck cares it just plays better

>> No.10064613

This game flopped for a reason.

>> No.10064672

Growl was an arcade game, dummy.

>> No.10064803

FF3 on SNES mogs shiddy SoR

>> No.10064867

Yes and it's still shit compared to FF, your point?

>> No.10064872

That's not Streets of Rage 2

>> No.10064874

No it doesn't.

Sor2 is the best console beat em up and it's also better than a lot of arcade beat em ups from that same time.

>> No.10064875

sor3 sor2 better than ff imo

>> No.10064878

u r mr. gay

>> No.10064949

Streets of Rage is the Reddit of beat-'em-ups.

>> No.10064950

That's not Little Fighter 2.

>> No.10064954

Everyone knows the snes cpu could do more per clock cycle, making it on par with the genesis cpu which has a more inefficient design thus needing a higher clockspeed to compensate

>> No.10064958

Yeah, actual 0 dollars marketing budget. That and people not being good at videogames.

>> No.10065350

That and its shit.

>> No.10065352

Citation needed.

>> No.10065428

Basically this.
FF2 was garbage and compared to SOR felt like a bad joke. FF3 tried to modernize the gameplay and compete against SOR, but not only was the game still not good enough, SNES just couldn't handle it and it had lots of slowdowns.
SNES is just not good at arcade games, and beateumups were on their weakest points.

>> No.10065548
File: 6 KB, 196x265, d0013b5b1ae9825089792db050b2258941314c8c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snes cpu could do more per clock cycle
And what, exactly, could it do more of "per clock cycle"? Because, if we are counting the operations that involve waiting and doing nothing, then yes, the SNES CPU can "do more", but the actually useful data migration and arithmetics operations require a minimum of 5 clock cycles on SNES, whilst the Mega Drive can easily take advantage of it's 16 general purpose registers and perform the same operations in 4. That means, not only is the clock speed 3 TIMES faster, but the CPU design is also more efficient clock for clock. Pretty sad for the 2 years newer and more expensive SNES, isn't it? It's no wonder it simply could not handle the fast paced, smooth arcade action that made the otherwise excellent 16-bit era so legendary, which it's competitors could all easily live up to.

>> No.10065551 [DELETED] 

Ready for another lonely weekend, aust?
Well, not exactly lonely, the Super Nintendo will accompany you inside of your head.

>> No.10065630

That’s not Shaolin Monks

>> No.10065648

>faster at anything
really nigga

>> No.10065652

This literally means nothing, kill yourself

>> No.10065678 [DELETED] 

Look down at your gut, that second burger worth it, fatass? I get being sick of his "lol spekky was actually poggers" shit posting, but don't pretend you're doing anything different. Nothing more pathetic than a nerd who bullies other nerds.

>> No.10067452


>> No.10067536

get filtered nigger

>> No.10067551

>beat em up where everyone is running past you
I think that the LOTR games on the ps2 were better at the massive war brawler genre.

>> No.10067562
File: 95 KB, 567x800, 11176923-street-boyz-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
This is the undisputed pinnacle of the beat em up genre

>> No.10067586

I don't think there is a Capcom game that isn't entirely overrated

>> No.10067629

t. shitter

>> No.10068531


>> No.10068564

I played this so much as a kid and tried to play it recently and it made me want to vomit. anyone who says games don’t age is a retard

>> No.10068568

>i was a dumb kid therefore games age

>> No.10068579

We know you don’t think.