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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10062761 No.10062761 [Reply] [Original]

does /vr/ play unauthorized copies of their games?

>> No.10062764

Hell no, officer!

>> No.10062772
File: 74 KB, 923x528, 9cbc333b30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not reading all that shiieet

>> No.10062823

You know piracy is bad because it's not just piracy, it's PIRACY

>> No.10062830


No officer, I did not see that blurb while playing Resident Evil 2 on Duckstation.

>> No.10062842

Remember in the early 2000s when they tried to convince people that pirating games somehow funded terrorism? If only I'd known my pirate copy of Bomberman World had funded the plane lessons I would have never!

>> No.10062886

>oes /vr/ play unauthorized copies of their games?
Actually no. My whole life I have never got into bothering with it. I only play original media I own.
Not even that. Just cannot be bother with malware spiked garbage and firmware hacks written by idiots. I have 1000 or so games and I never paid less than 1000$ for all of them and they include pretty much every classic and game I care about. Cracks and warez have always been about building botfarms not gaming.

>> No.10062893
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sometimes I download roms but I always delete them after 24 hours, officer

>> No.10062913
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I don't remember that, but I remember them trying very hard to argue "It's just like going to the store and stealing a game!". I recall some demo disk or whatever I had on the PS1 had an anti-piracy video and even said that same thing during it.

>Just cannot be bother with malware spiked garbage and firmware hacks written by idiots.

Malware.... for your retro consoles? What? Do you think they are going to install a rootkit on your SNES or something? The only console that counts as /vr/ that let you re-write or alter the firmware or OS was the original Xbox.

Also the majority of firmware hacks are written by people who are practically the most well known experts on said hardware outside of the company that manufactured the system that know the device inside and out.

Man, I remember how that 24 hours thing was on EVERY ROM site at the time. I wonder how it even started. I guess it was posted on some random ROM site before and everyone just took it as true and copied it. I wonder if the originator of that statement literally just made it up or just grossly misunderstood the law.

>> No.10062930

You really are stupid. You are not pretending. You are technically illiterate and don't understand the only reason cracks and warez exists is to create botfarms.
>Also the majority of firmware hacks are written by people who are practically the most well known experts on said hardware outside of the company that manufactured the system that know the device inside and out
What? People like me? No they are not. They are amateur hour plebs that technical nothings like you put on a pedestal. You deserve the world of shit that surrounds this junk and all that comes with it.

>> No.10062974

>too scared of "botfarm boogeyman to ever pirate a game and spends money on free games

I've never gotten a virus once in 20 years; skill issue. Don't bother replying, I'm not coming back to the thread.

>> No.10062992
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"coming 2000"

>> No.10062993
File: 676 KB, 1394x930, piracy in 2002 PIRATERIA 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10062994
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>> No.10062998
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>> No.10063016
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>t. north american

>> No.10063037

Holy based slavs

>> No.10063054

Oh yeah. Piracy used to be more rampant in the 90s for some reasons.

>> No.10063064

all the amiga chads probably

>> No.10063069

Kek i remember the piracy rate was around 98% in the late 90s here, now zoomers cry like a bitch when you mention pirating a game.

>> No.10063138

>You really are stupid. You are not pretending. You are technically illiterate and don't understand the only reason cracks and warez exists is to create botfarms.

Wow, I have seen a LOT of stupidity on this site in the last 15 years, but that takes the cake. Especially since we are mostly talking about 20-40 year old console hardware here.

>What? People like me?

No, not like you. About as far as possible from idiots like you. Pretty much the exact opposite of total morons like you. If you was on the opposite side of the universe right now that still would not represent how far from you those people are.

tl;dr You're a retard.

>> No.10063187


Surely that study is bullshit. 2004 was in the middle of the broadband DC++ boom. You couldn't swing a cat for copies of 1NSANE being labelled as GTA3.

>> No.10063231

People were literally buying pirated games on bazaars back then.

>> No.10063705

How the fuck am I supposed to call the number in the manual if the game is pirated? Does the idiot that wrote that text think pirated games come with a manual?

>> No.10063739

just saw this shit last night before playing crisis beat.

>> No.10064801

>"if you'd like to snitch, please call number provided in the manual"
>pirate version didn't come with a manual
Sounds like a self-solving problem.

>> No.10064842
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Gotta love those "Anti-Modchip" PS1 games. They actually didn't even try to detect if the disk was a copy or if they were in an emulator or whatever, instead they just tried to detect a telltale sign of early modchips, and if found would refuse to work. This stupidly of scanning for an obvious chip signature instead of if the disk was legit meant that the game would still refuse to work even if you were using a legit purchased copy in a modded system.

It also meant it would not detect if you used a swap trick, could be disabled by a GameShark code since the check was so simple, and later modchips removed said telltale signature rendering it moot. (Early modchips would just constantly send the security code to the PS1 so when it checks for it on boot it sees it, the Anti-Modchip protection checked if the system was still receiving the code even though the game had already been verified and booted with the laser was nowhere near the security sector anymore. Later chips added additional wires to check when the PS1 was reading the security sector and only send the code at that moment)

I just find it pathetically hilarious that this shitty idea meant it was punishing people who legitimately bought the game if their system was modded (which was also necessary to play imports) and basically encouraged them to pirate a cracked version since their modded console would be able to boot burned media anyway.

>> No.10064856

Exactly the same as modern anti-piracy measures punishing legitimate purchasers with resource drain and always-online shenanigans. For retards, by retards.

>> No.10064861

It worked pretty well considering you poorfags are still seething about it decades later. The message doesn't say it checks for a legit disc, it says it checks for a modded system.

Personally I never had to worry about this kind of thing. I've always owned my games legitimately and enjoyed my experience never getting error messages like that.

>> No.10064876

>It worked pretty well considering you poorfags are still seething about it decades later.

Seething? I am pointing out how it was one of the stupidest fucking things they did, that's like saying people pointing out that E.T. is still talked about today of how historically shitty it was are just "seething about it".

Like I said before, a simple GameShark code could disable it, and if you didn't have a GameShark or similar device someone you could just burn a crack since your system was already modded anyway and it was super-easy to disable so cracks appeared instantly.

>Personally I never had to worry about this kind of thing. I've always owned my games legitimately

Also as mentioned, this applied to imports as well, I had that screen appear from an imported game I legitimately purchased. A simple GameShark code disabled it. This kind of shit actually pushed me to start pirating PS1 games if I was going to be treated like a criminal anyway for daring to play games out of my region and/or have games I legitimately purchased refuse to work since before I was just using the modchip for imports.

>> No.10064908

>malware spiked garbage and firmware hacks written by idiots
>Cracks and warez have always been about building botfarms not gaming.
Lol this has to be bait

>> No.10064978
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