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10060872 No.10060872 [Reply] [Original]

Xenogears is one of Square's greatest video games it has ever produced and one of the greatest RPGs ever made.


>> No.10060893
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Ayyy. I like it. I also like big boobs, and long blonde (natural) hair. And huge boobs are nice too.

>> No.10060895


>> No.10060942

Xenogears da bess.

>> No.10060943

It's cool then you get to the desert and then you get to the desert city and then you get to the prison camp and man
I dropped it lol

>> No.10060973

There’s nothing to fucking discuss. The game is an 11/10, a masterpiece, perfection in disc form.

Yeah the ending act was rushed as shit, but maybe one day they can iron that out in a remake. Then it’ll be a 13/10.

I gotta replay this masterpiece soon.

>> No.10061498

Xenogears a shit

>> No.10062053

My personal fav

>> No.10062290
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Woah, that's crazy!

>> No.10062325

>Expecting current year Squeenix to do Xenogears right.

>> No.10062342
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What are ya having?

>> No.10062346
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Nice to know it's finally getting model kits (even if they are small, simple and overpriced)

>> No.10062413

First disc is good. The rest is ass.

>> No.10062435
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>> No.10062851
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>> No.10064353
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>> No.10064419
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is there such a thing as TOO MUCH drill hair?

>> No.10064597

>Old Man Balthazar tells you he believes in the old legends
>Recites the legends to Fei and Bart
>Bart says he belives the legends too
>"Oh dear boy, those are just legends, they don't really exist, nobody takes them seriously"
>Sends Calamity to kill Fei and Bart before they can leave the cave, after helping them to open the exit
What was his deal?

>> No.10064614
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The Evangelion of vidya

>> No.10064618

He recognized what Weltall is

>> No.10064624

>The Evangelion of vidya
Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.10064630
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They help her maintain her balance when she's riding on top of Seibzehn.

>> No.10064714

ah, how practical

>> No.10064736

Hob Jerky. Because i’m a real nigga.

>> No.10064805

I really wish the combat was better, disc 2 was complete and they'd continued the series directly, but yes it's a truly amazing game. There's absolutely nothing like it.

>> No.10065184

>get control of Yggdrasil and full party of Fei, Bart, Citan
>go back to Blackmoon Forest
>farm Zetasol and Hob Jerky while grinding deathblows against enemies that cannot hurt you
genius king shit

>> No.10065264

Id is one of my favorite edgy characters in vidya.
If you've never played the game before, you need to know there are a few places where you can get softlocked. One of which is super late in the game.
I don't like convoluted plots where one character is actually 3 people, but I don't mind it in this. I guess after a certain point of crazy it loops around and becomes cool again.
Reverb: The Game
My headcanon is this is the spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger.
I had a nightmare about one of the final boss' forms and Miang.
System Id and Xenogears' super mode are bad ass concepts.
Ramsus is the unluckiest character in the game. He just gets fucked at every turn.
Jessie is an interesting character, but fuck managing his ammo. Even with subsequent playthroughs it was difficult to get a sense of how much ammo I need to buy.

>> No.10065279

Cheese Plate. Sounds like EP food

>> No.10065293

It's the weakest of the Xeno- games, but a solid mid-range PS1 JRPG.

>> No.10065315

yeah except no one remembers that shit

>> No.10065636

>more content
>better story
>a true mecha experience
sure bud

>> No.10065701

The budget ended before the game did

>> No.10066087

>you need to know there are a few places where you can get softlocked. One of which is super late in the game
what are they?
I'd like to avoid this

>> No.10066102

I remember Rahxephon whenever someone brings it up. And by remember I mean just the OP.

>> No.10066219

When I played this last year I was amazed how it's worse than pretty much every JRPG I played as a teenager. Maybe I would've liked it then I dunno but it doesn't deserve the praise. Breath of Fire 3 and 4, Wild Arms, Chrono Cross, Legend of Legaia, the Final Fantasy's, all much better games.

>> No.10066368

not sure how to explain without spoilers. just keep a dummy save every few hours.

>> No.10066581
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>Xeno posts the last few days.
Is it because they supposed interest by the shareholders in a remake?

>> No.10066995

Am I the only one who plays these older games with a dozen different saves? I make a save every hour going back at least 10 hours.

>> No.10067081
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I'll have the hob-tendies and cheese dip, my good sir. And I don't drink alcohol, it is poison for the mind and body. I will have a mix of your finest Aveh desert lemonade and Nisan tea - or as you call it, a Sigurd Harcourt.

>> No.10067086

I've read Proust and Joyce and I assure you, nothing compares to how boring Xenogears is.

>> No.10067301


>> No.10067531
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>> No.10067559

Which was what deus? Doesn't make sense. There's tons of plot inconsistent parts in this game.

>> No.10067564

Is there a way that deus could have won? Like of the gazel ministry did it's job instead of wanting to be immortal.
What could miang have done to save deus?

>> No.10067797

The Wave Existence is basically the issue.

>> No.10067806

Sure is one of the Square games of all time.

>> No.10068369
File: 224 KB, 640x480, xenolp-lucca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Lucca get to the Xenogears planet?

>> No.10068445

Using a totally safe and reliable teleporter. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.10068671

The best Deus could do is punt the battle down the road until Fei reincarnates again. It was successful at this for 10K years, but the problem is that the contact only needs to win once to break the cycle. Deus leaving the planet and going on its inter-dimensional tour would make it very difficult for the contact to catch up.

>> No.10068694

>There's tons of plot inconsistent parts in this game.
no there aren't. name something you don't understand and I'll explain it. Bal recognized that Weltall was Id's gear and based on the original Weltall, as he was probably the one who worked on them, and he knew something interesting was going to happen soon if that was the case. He didn't care about Calamity attacking them because if Fei truly was Id/contact, then he would have no trouble taking down Calamity, which was exactly what happened. At this point he was just a crotchety old guy that wanted to see how this cycle played out.

>> No.10068967

Ah, alright, I always keep a robust backlog of saves anyway so I should be fine
I think I know of at least one softlock you're talking about

>> No.10068970

>I will have a mix of your finest Aveh desert lemonade and Nisan tea - or as you call it, a Sigurd Harcourt.
very nicely done

>> No.10068973

>Weltall is based on the original Gear that came from the fusion of Lacan's Gear with the Anima Relic -Naphtali-, which formed Alpha Weltall.
>Many of the Gear's black box components were Ether amplifiers and components used to transform the Gear into Weltall-Id.
As we know, Citan was sent to watch Fei because he was "the contact" and had the potential to either be a force for great destruction (most likely) or a force for salvation of mankind

Clearly, Balthazar thought he was the former instead of the latter and decided it was best if Fei was killed. Either that, or he just wanted to see what would happen when Weltall was put up against the wall - see if any part of its' black box tech would awaken
Which, it sort of did

>> No.10069010

There are definitely some late game bosses you can get trapped with no where to grind and level up, if you just try to speed through the game, if you don't have a history of 4-5 saves

>> No.10069016

Oh, I'm not worried about that. I always take advantage of the spots where the game is telling you "okay you're free to grind now and buy new gear parts and shit"

>> No.10069137

imma disagree, and say the vast majority of late game bosses are gear battles, which leveling and grinding do nothing to help. just retool your equipment and you are set. the hardest battles in the game are all on disk 1.

>> No.10069143

Yeah i forgot it's more about the equipment

You can definitely get caught in spots where you aren't able to go back out and grind for the money and buy it though. if you only keep a single save especially

>> No.10069301

Is there a way to use biomass to heal Deus that doesn't involve creating supermen like Fei that can fight back?

>> No.10069842

Which timeline is this? Because I'm pretty sure Lucca is six feet under.

>> No.10069847

Deus tried that already (ie: Zeboim) and it wasn't satisfactory. The spare parts need to be of good genetic stock and have high ether compatibility.
Fei is actually the only person outside of Deus's control, as he is not a direct descendant of the original Miang. However, Fei still has a huge chunk of the Zohar's power, and Deus wants that as well. As for everyone else, yes you need to have people that are the Animus, who host a significant chunk of Zohar's power, such as the playable cast. These power allotments were determined long ago, and will exist in every generation.

>> No.10069903
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Doc knows a lot of stuff about a lot of things.

>> No.10069962

crt-royale + default resolution or 4x resolution with ugly ui and 2d art?

>> No.10069982

royale with native resolution

>> No.10070047

As I said, don't worry about it, any accusations that the totally safe teleporter (at this stage a mere gimmick fit for a festival show and little more) might carry a risk of tearing holes in the fabric of reality, time travel and messing with possible variant futures are just baseless aspersions cast by inferior scholars jealous of true scientific genius.

>> No.10070105
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The guy's a true academic

also just started a new playthrough recently and I forgot how captivating the world of Xenogears is
I'm in Bledavik for the tournament now, had the party eat "something delicious" at the restaurant and they all "gained a little weight"
I had completely forgotten about the whole weight gain/loss system. Is that even there for any reason? Does it even impact anything, or did they just want to put that in there?

>> No.10070112

to be fair, it worked exactly as intended until some dumb slut stepped into it wearing a Zeal pendant

>> No.10070189
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Nah. Conceptually, it's cool, but you can find games with better UI design, more well-realized combat systems, better dungeons, and more interesting side quests both before and after its release. The only thing it has going for it that beats those games is the scope and scale of its story.

>> No.10070219

Because Xenogears was originally Chrono 2.

>> No.10070248

Make sure to get all the badges and the aquarium treasure.

>> No.10070269

Get drunk at the fair grounds.

>> No.10070272
File: 663 KB, 1392x1600, __kid_and_lucca_ashtear_chrono_trigger_and_1_more_drawn_by_nanpou_nanpou0021__da52f4e68af4bb292fa231e1bdf4459a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really despise the idea behind CC, but maybe I'll finally play through it one day and see if I end up hating it as much as I think I would have hated it.

>> No.10070278

Meh, that doesn't mean much. 1995-1997 saw a ton of weird behind-the-scenes planning for Squaresoft. Tons of ideas got thrown around and eventually ended up in various PS1 games.

>> No.10070280

what do you get for it?
I really hate doing the hide and seek

>> No.10070296

You probably missed the RPS badge in Lahan anyway. Also, hide and seek was the best, you're taste a shit.

And no, you get the reward reeeeally late in the game and can get it in other ways. This one is completionist bait.

>> No.10070303

>RPS badge
ah shit the rock paper scissors guy, yeah
forgot to go back for that

>> No.10070603

why is citan's face art high resolution?

>> No.10070607
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I don't know, I was wondering the same thing myself
It's not my image I saved it from another anon, I assume they had some kind of upscaling mod

mine looks blurry like this

>> No.10070805

It's a high resolution UI hack.

>> No.10071030
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>> No.10071304
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I recently started a playthrough of it. First in many, many years. There's also /xgg/ which basically anchors all Xenogame discussion, keeping the community alive. And /vr/ is so slow you can easily keep a thread up for a game like Xenogears with one or two bumps a day.

>> No.10071704
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>> No.10071773

>Is it... made of metal?

>> No.10071830

emeralda SEXO

>> No.10072354
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The arch narrative idea for the "soldier with amnesia who did some fuck horrible thing and comes to terms with it"

>> No.10073309

That, and a "false god" that is really just some kind of alien bio-experiment run amok

>> No.10074061
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Best girl of all JRPGs.

>> No.10074968

I cannot even imagine what a simpering, puke-drooling, single-digit-IQ genetic waste product a person would have to be to not consider this the best game of all time.

>> No.10074976

Just make sure to look for any possible NPC who might be selling Gear parts anytime you're getting "there are probably a few boss fights coming up" vibes from the story.

>> No.10075137
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>love interest girl actually puts out before the end of the game
Elly is automatically better than 99% of rpg girls just for that alone.

>> No.10075216
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Am I biased for thinking the romance between the two of them is pretty good? At least for video game standards. I guess it's cheating that their romance crosses multiple lifetimes and was destined to happen each time thanks to the wave existence and a super advanced bio-computer.

>> No.10075257

Aside from that awful "woman's prerogative" scene with her former soldiers, she's a pretty great character.

>> No.10075264

it's legitemately great imo, because you get to see them go through all the phases; early infatuation, learning about eachother, going through difficulty, and then finally coming to a strong mutual love. that fact that it's lasted thousands of year is icing on the cake.

>> No.10075467

elly sexo

>> No.10075926

I just rescued Margie and got to Nisan
What kind of equipment should I bet putting on my guys/gears?
The Gear equipment especially is pretty expensive so I don't want to waste money on something useless

Right now I'm just slapping whatever ups Defense on Fei, and keeping Weltall as an "all-rounder" with ExtraAR, Beam Coat, and Old Circuit
Bart I'm not really sure what to do with because he doesn't seem particularly good at anything
Citan I'm going all-in on his Evasion on foot and Response in his gear

Also I am aware Ether Doublers are now available at the shop but they're ridiculously expensive. Do I really have to grind for that much money to get them now? I remember somebody telling me to get them as early as possible because they're not available later.

>> No.10076085
File: 100 KB, 600x800, xeno-dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ether Doublers are available fairly late into the game. You can earn enough for two of them before they're no longer available and a third one will drop in Disc 2. As far as Gear set up goes, just dump old/response circuits and magnetic coats. Get what you can now and then you can farm response circuits/magnetic coats later. Both are farmable in areas on the world map, but you'll lose access to the farmable areas later in the game. Magnetic Coats are gone from shops fairly quickly and Response Circuits disappear after a while as well.



>> No.10076094

So really just go all-in on the Response stat for all gears?
I had a feeling that was the obvious meta, hence why I was testing it on Citan

>> No.10076096
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Can I add that I like their fights. It makes them feel more real as a couple. Though it must be hard for Elly since her man is mostly a 3 year old boy trapped in a barely adult body with two other personalities messing with him for most of the game.

>> No.10076102

I don't remember doing it before, but in my playthrough right now, I've found it's worked in almost every gear fight. Now, I've also discovered Ether Doubler + Power Magic and I don't think I've faced any real challenge since that shit became available. I'm on my way to fight Alpha Weltall and I think I may be able to beat him. It'll be my first time beating him if I do.

>> No.10076264

Honestly the game is so easy I'm thinking of just roleplaying it
like Weltall is obviously an all-rounder, Bart even calls it an "all-environment type"
Brigandier is only good for Wild Smile anyway I can tell that already, so Bart and his Gear should be a balance between debuffs and bulk
Heimdall is kicking ass with pure-Response gear so I will keep it that way. It also makes sense roleplay-wise because the engineers tell you that nobody else could handle Heimdall until now, and Sigurd is like "nah it might not even be enough for him"

The game is not as hard as I was lead to believe

>> No.10076704

>The game is not as hard as I was lead to believe
the game is not hard at all, whoever told you that was trolling. there are like 2 semi-difficult boss battles on disk 1, and then a gimmicky gear fight on disk 2 that throws some people.
as long as you keep up with new equipment and deathblows, there really should be nothing that significantly challenges you. any time you run into a sudden difficulty spike, it's the game telling you to buy new equipment.

>> No.10076874
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When I first played the game nearly two decades ago, I never went past the first deathblow combo on gear fights cause I never learned how it worked. It was too different from Final Fantasy.

>> No.10077305

>and then a gimmicky gear fight on disk 2 that throws some people
Fuck, I hate that fight because I immediately saw what you're supposed to do there but for the longest time the boss didn't want to do the thing one last time I needed and I was convinced I was missing something else. no I wasn't, just fucked up RNG

>> No.10078054

Moments like that play just as big of a role in making disc 2 suck as all the PowerPoint plot dumps. Not only is there less gameplay than what you'd expect from the final stretch of a JRPG, but what IS there sucks all kinds of ass.

>> No.10078108

Disk 2 is the best part of the game. If you were playing Xenogears for the gameplay, you dun goofed.

>> No.10078148

Well that wasn't exactly some widely held opinion in an ages where everyone was impressionable to PS1 JRPGs.

It also doesn't justify people dickriding the plot so hard that they call Xenogears the best game ever or something. Like, damn. Whatever happened to judging a game by the sum of its parts and not having tunnel vision for like one or two qualities?

>> No.10078226

When I played the last game I never figured out what the combo option did. I still dont know.

>> No.10078237

>the moment you realize what the opening of the game was

>> No.10078316

>that moment you realize what Babel Tower is
>it goes from being worst dungeon to best dungeon

>> No.10078375

as a kid the whole idea that humanity is just the survivors of a crashed spaceship and "God" is actually some weird amalgamation of a hyper-dimensional power source and an interplanetary bioweapon blew my fucking mind
It was my first time being exposed to those kinds of tropes in sci-fi

>> No.10078738
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Oh my God. I keep losing access to party members who have the best equipment on them. Now their equipment is basically lost to me. WHY is this a thing?!

>> No.10078802

Just the way she goes, man

>> No.10079450
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>> No.10080715

Is there any other game that goes this route? The tech coming from a past super advanced civ.?

>> No.10080930

That's a super common JRPG trope.

>> No.10081030

Perhaps Gnosticism is the religion for you

>> No.10081049

How did they lose the IP, or name? Though?

>> No.10081073

Squeenix just being covetous shitweasels for the most part.

>> No.10081113

I looked into it later in life, went through that whole phase and got out of it. I do still find some Gnostic ideas interesting but ehhh
Off the top of my head you've got the Kingdom of Zeal from Chrono Trigger and I guess the end of Breath of Fire 3 kind of counts

>> No.10081247

I'm locked up in D-Block doing hard time now
Battler Rank A because I'm a boss
does the prison food do anything or is it just a fun thing?

>> No.10081284

Ah yes, Obelisk

>> No.10081293

more specifically Orbital Station Myria

>> No.10081343
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It’s American name anon. Yes, the one from BOF

>> No.10081518

I think it's just a fun thing like the food at the restaurant in Bleadvik that takes your order first then tells you the cost after you're done eating.

>> No.10082425
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>> No.10082550
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Based, Xenogears rules.
>Is there any other game that goes this route? The tech coming from a past super advanced civ.?
Phantasy Star IV is cool because it does this but the super advanced civ is Phantasy Star II's society.

>> No.10083383
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>> No.10083951
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>> No.10083968

There was a scene that was also removed between her and Bart that was much like >>10075137

>> No.10084290

well, I'm in the Sewers now
this kinda sucks

>> No.10084309

It's not that bad, just use the map you get on the first level (SELECT button)

>> No.10084616

No there wasn't. You're referencing some kooky omake shit from Perfect Works.

>> No.10084715

>using intuitive combat systems without menus
Is it referring to the arena fighter mini game? Because that's the only combat in the game that doesn't use a menu.

>> No.10084846

It's probably talking about the combo system

>> No.10084921
File: 1.75 MB, 250x175, ZoharEye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the fact Fei and Elly's romance wasn't the only one in the game. Bart and Margie's was the more traditional one. They would've been the hero and heroine in another game before Evangelion made it cool to have protagonists who were fucked up. They kind of remind me of Chrono and Marle.

Then there was Citan and Yui. While we didn't see much of them, they were a mature couple, married with a kid. Maybe showing what the future may hold. There was also the short-lived thing with Alice which was kind of the opposite. A very young crush. Oh, and of course, the other instances of Fei and Elly, that were of a similar foundation but different shade. Throw all that in with the whole mother/lover/wave existence/Deus thing and you got something I thought was real neat.

>> No.10084963

I found it helped keeping the camera locked to one direction for most of the time. You can see doors from behind the walls so you don't miss them, though ladders can be missed. I spin the camera around now and then, but to keep myself oriented, I keep the camera pointed north or south or the same direction most of the time.

>> No.10085134


>> No.10085139
File: 2.34 MB, 1270x947, bart margie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bart and Margie's was the more traditional one
Very traditional in a way, an arranged marriage between first cousins

>> No.10086568

name one(1) game that comes anywhere near xenogears. you can't.

>> No.10086734

It’s original predecessor.

>> No.10086998

which was?

>> No.10087173
File: 2.10 MB, 2583x960, Church of the Grito- Guanajuato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably referring to the Bible.

>> No.10087384

No, Chrono Trigger.

>> No.10087673
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There probably is another game that tries to do what Xenogears does but I can't think of any. There are other video games that have tried to tell grand and epic stories with a lot complexity or convolutedness, depending on how you feel about Xenogear's story, Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts comes to mind, though I've never been that into MG and barely touched KH. At least from a writing/lore/world building aspect, which are things I really like about Xenogears, I've really enjoyed what FFXIV has provided over the years. Though that obviously lacks a lot of the romance that's core to Xenogear's story.

Obviously, there are the other Xeno games, but I didn't stay a fan of them for long. I think I lost interest around Xenosaga 2. I've heard a lot of good things about the Xenoblade games, but I've only ever tried XBX and it didn't connect for me. I wouldn't mind giving them a shot, but I also just wanna revisit games I already know are great like Xenogears.

That said I'd probably agree with >>10086734 Chrono Trigger kind of does something very unique that hasn't really been replicated, even by its sequel. In the same way, Xenogears doesn't seem like its been topped by its successors either. There's a level of ambition and execution that just isn't captured in the subsequent games, at least based on my experiences and what I've seen. Though, again, I've heard great things about the later Xeno games and of Chrono Cross as well. But I've also heard they're just not quite as great as the originals.

But maybe that's just my ignorance and I should get around top playing those games. I mean, we think highly of Xenogears, but that's just us. There are folks who've posted in the thread that have though more highly of other games from that era than Xenogears. So, it's kind of down to what a person likes and I really like what games like Xenogears and Chrono Trigger had to offer whether it was 25 years ago or today.

>> No.10087785

You're replying to a sarcastic shitpost, anon.

>> No.10088027

>There probably is another game that tries to do what Xenogears does but I can't think of any

heard it was inspired by xenogears and that it also inspired trails games?

>> No.10088264

what about books/movies/tv that are either similar to gears or has references/influences that was obviously included like childhood's end, onions green, and g gundam?

>> No.10088652

Chrono Trigger is pretty different from Xenogears in terms of appeal.

>> No.10089103

Maybe they can use genetic engineering so their kids aren't fucked up down syndrome abominations.

>> No.10089274

only an issue between siblings or parents/children. 1st cousins are fine.

>> No.10089369
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This is true. Fucking your first cousin is sound genetic breeding. However, the fact that the King of Aveh and the Mother of Nisan have commonly been married over 500 years...may be a problem.

>> No.10089437

The Aveh royal family are genetically perfect in every way. They have no defects to bequeath to their spawn.

>> No.10089440
File: 233 KB, 1024x1536, 1686542037023106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some folks don't like AI Art, but I'd thought I share anyways since new Xenogears fan art isn't common.

>> No.10089448

Maria rocking the BWC.

>> No.10090174

>Yeah the ending act was rushed as shit, but maybe one day they can iron that out in a remake.
everytime I read that complain I am glad that I stopped playing the game when it started to get interesting. I am sure I would have hated it just for the 2nd disc alone no matter how good the first one was.

>> No.10090207

disc 2 is pretty good though

>> No.10090224

I want to play the rest of the game not read through it.

>> No.10090229

yeah we all wish that but it's still good, you get to play the major dungeons and there's some overworld stuff left to do
it's not as bad as people say it is, considering how much is crammed into Disc 1
Disc 1 of Xenogears is like Discs 1, 2, and 3 from FFV8 put together

if they did a remake of Xenogears it would end at Operation Aveh with a cliffhanger

you'd have to wait 5 years to wake up in the Nortune prisons in Xenogears RE;KISLEV (memento locket edition)

>> No.10090291

That's a weird hill to die on when you know for a fact the option you want will never exist, but your loss.

>> No.10091349

as already mentioned, disk 2 is the best part of the game.
then Xenogears is not the game for you. go back to elden ring.

>> No.10091573

>so much cope
Final Fantasy VIII got your lunch budget and used it better than you ever would.

>> No.10091635
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what do i need to cope for? xenogears is the best rpg i've ever played.

>> No.10091669


>> No.10092560

Xenogears a shit

>> No.10092576

Final Fantasy VIII was arguably an even less finished game than Xenogears. (And yes, I know this post is just weak ragebait and not a sincere expression of opinion.)

>> No.10092631

Now I cannot unsee.

>> No.10092636
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And Spirits Within killed Xenogears 2.

>> No.10092641
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>> No.10092659

Ramsus is so lucky

>> No.10092716
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>> No.10093265
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This twitter has been posting clips of their Xenogears run. Maybe I should've done my recent playthrough on PC emulation to do the same. But I kind of liked the experience of the game without any social media expectations. Just it being me and the game. No taking screenshots and video clips as I played.

>> No.10093490

Not only is it super common in JRPGs, it's super common to Square, specifically:

Final Fantasy 1: The airship is technology left over from a lost ancient advanced civilization.
Final Fantasy 4: The lunar whale and crystals are relics of the hyper advanced alien moon people.
Final Fantasy 5: The airship, crystals, devices that control the crystals, and the flying earth fortress were all built buy an ancient, advanced alien civilization.
Final Fantasy 10: "Machina" - basically anything even remotely mechanical - are the leftover technological remnants of ancient humanity from before the creation of SIN and the fall of Zanarkand.
Final Fantasy 13: The Fal'cie - artificial "gods" - and most of the technology seen in the game was created by advanced ancients.
Final Fantasy 16: The Fallen ruins litter the world, though their technology is largely unusable as hardly anyone understands it.

Falcom love the trope as well in their Ys series. Nearly every game has some sort of ancient tech being misused to end the world.

>> No.10093528

>She tells you to turn around and bend over.

>> No.10093847

I´d argue that running out of budget is its core strength.
So instead of being 90% finished with a very very rough landing, the gameplay gets tossed aside for actually delivering disc 2 in all its glory.

But the core problem is that for whatever reason Miang/Ministry/Emperor needs to nuke the surface is a civilization starts entering the runaway tech spiral and might leave the planet, even if its just for interplanetary travel.
And the long term breeding isn´t well done, exactly because of that.

Just go to the source material... its all inspired by Dying Earth.
Laser pistols next to F16s next to doomsday missiles next to barbarism where the civilization can barely forge steel.

>> No.10095034

'Gears was going to be 7 at one time.

>> No.10095115

Am I insane, or is there a faster version of "Leftovers of the Dreams of the Strong" that plays both times Bart blows up the ship Fei is on?

>> No.10095217

I remember that, too.

>> No.10095315

>I´d argue that running out of budget is its core strength.
>So instead of being 90% finished with a very very rough landing, the gameplay gets tossed aside for actually delivering disc 2 in all its glory.
And IF the remake (an even bigger if) gets made AND completes the whole of the game as intended, what will you think is the better of then?

>> No.10095353

then game engine can speed up or slow down the music. it does this several times for various scenes.

>> No.10095396

So that's all it was? I had always hoped it was a separate track that was just missing from the OSTs.

>> No.10095432

>But the core problem is that for whatever reason Miang/Ministry/Emperor needs to nuke the surface is a civilization starts entering the runaway tech spiral and might leave the planet, even if its just for interplanetary travel.
>And the long term breeding isn´t well done, exactly because of that.
Ah, so this is the real reason they can't leave. Not that they can't understand the tech from the Eldridge, but when they get to close, Miang decides to erase the current level of tech?

>> No.10095549
File: 556 KB, 1449x2885, XENOGEARS a game review from Christian Spotlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was Christian Spotlight right?

>> No.10095650

Turns out if you play it at 1.25 speed, it's the same version

>> No.10095651

Pretty much. Since humans are really just bio-matter for Deus, they only need to be so advanced. After a certain level, they become unsuitable as material because like in the Zeboim culture they were doing shit with nanomachines and DNA tech that was making them less viable as a harvest.

By the time of the game's events, Humanity is "just right" in the sense that there are enough people, and they're of the right quality, so the "time of the gospel" finally begins

>> No.10095819

Interesting, had never thought about the "variant" tracks much. Just tried that with Knight of Fire, and playing it at 0.75 speed gives you the slowed-down version that plays a couple times in the game as well.

>> No.10096286

They mistakenly equate the Demiurge with the actual God. A common mistake. Killing false gods is cool.

>> No.10096306

yeah but the Deimurge only exists in Gnostic tradition, which was abandoned by nearly all Christians a long time ago
Catholics and Protestants aren't Gnostics, they don't believe in a Demiurge or some kind of false god gatekeeping the real God

It's entirely reasonable for a Christian video game reviewer, when the game came out, to view it was heretical and probably too much for Christian children - which is the perspective the review is coming from obviously

They're not even wrong to suggest that the game should have been rated M

>> No.10096657

No, because one of the great strengths of the game is that whenever a new gimmick is introduced, its going to get tossed aside for more JRPG gameplay.
Disc 2 as actual gameplay would be 4-6x as large as Disc 1, and that means all gimmicks is going to outstay their welcome, instead of Hypermoderne being a bonus for Disc 1 and the main combat mechanic for Disc 2 aside from Ether shenanigans.

All they need to stick the landing is to make the cast less Chrono Cross for disc 1, and go even further beyond into FVM territory for Disc 2.

In the current events of the game Ethos has successfully supressed technology that would lead to runaway spiral instead of high quality population growth.

>> No.10096753

I know you weren't asking, but Xenogears began as a Final Fantasy game, then as the Chrono Trigger sequel, then finally became the greatest love letter to mecha ever made. Although the game is unfinished (not only the second disc, but other aspects as well), it stands taller as a Chrono Trigger 2 than Chrono Cross (which I like btw).

>> No.10096765

Who gives two quarters of a fuck about turn-based combat shit? the story is shonen-tier and the characters are forgettable.

>> No.10096781

Alright, man, thanks for dropping by.

>> No.10097302
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Technology wise, who is more advanced, Zeboims culture, or Solaris? Also, expect to see something for the remake by years end.

>> No.10097625
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>> No.10098447

man I just got to the part where Fei and Elly are stranded on the ocean platform and it just hit me how the story has essentially barely started
this game is loooooong

>> No.10098517

If they had actually finished Disc 2, it would've been like an 80 hour long game.

>> No.10098640

even longer, I think
all the shit they talk about happening in Disc 2 would have been much larger than Disc 1, if you really played through all of it

>> No.10099285

Squeenix recently re-released SaGa Frontier with some cut content added, so there's a tiny hope they'll give us a complete Disc 2 of Xenogears someday. People still care about it 25 years later, there's got to be some market demand.

>> No.10099480
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SE seems to be digging up its back catalogue of games these days and it'll be like 4 years until the next maineline Xeno game from Monolith Software. Seems like a good window to drop a Xenogears remaster/remake. Although, if it were a remake, I would expect it to be a timed exclusive for the Switch 2.

>> No.10100187
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>> No.10100627

If Xenogears gets remade into HD2D, and somewhat get Monolith and ex-Monolith people back to supervise it, I'm gonna fucking nut.

It's not gonna happen sadly

>> No.10101060

they'd have to remove content because sony and just it being 2023 in general

>> No.10101080

Idea: do an uncut edition for PC exclusively.

>> No.10101196
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It's certainly not going to happen before the Chrono Trigger HD2D remake.

>> No.10101206
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Damn. Is the thread autosaged? Did it break a rule?

>> No.10101305

We've done nothing wrong

>> No.10101372
File: 112 KB, 1000x1060, 1659651170873885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another thread that's at 14 days and is autosaged as well. The Star Fox 2 thread. >>10061152 And there are no other threads older than these two. Not sure why the board would have time limits on threads given how slow /vr/ is.

Hmmm, I've liked checking out the thread from time to time. I was thinking of keeping the thread bumped at least a month. I'm at the very end of my playthrough, but not quite done. If the thread hasn't broken any rules, maybe I'll make a second thread for another 14 day run. I can't see anyone being bothered by that.

>> No.10101379

Yeah, by all means start a new thread. I'm doing a playthrough myself right now and it's fun to have this thread around.
About to go meet Billy at Ethos HQ

>> No.10101383
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Alright. I don't want to make it seem like a general, so we should probably wait for the thread to bump off before making a new one. If there's not already a new thread up by tomorrow, I'll bake one.

>> No.10101414

Zeboim…in a context. Solaris is its continuation but really the amalgamation of everything humanity could make to that day…in the form of a skyhook. You must understand tha Cain and Miang would only let them go so far. Once they started to approach the ability to leave the planet, they cut the cords with some kind of disaster.

>> No.10101543

I always got the impression that Zeboim was basically caught up to the technology of the Eldridge, but Kim's research was going to take them beyond the old technology for the first time
So, right on the verge of becoming more advanced that Eldridge/Solaris stuff but never got the chance to really hash it out

>> No.10102303

No, if anything, they were barely scratching the surface. Eldridge came from a high II civ. that was really beyond anything they could understand. Miang was doling it out as saw fit and Kim got lucky.

>> No.10102313

the Eldridge civilization was galaxy-wide?
>also soon is the time to make a new thread

>> No.10102320

PW covered it, Xenosaga attested to it.