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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1005829 No.1005829 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ consider this guy to be a good or bad gamer?


>> No.1005840

He has ridiculous amounts of willpower and is goot at puzzle games, but otherwise he is terrible.

Also, >>1003703

>> No.1005861

Did this really need its own thread?

Arino makes stupid mistakes all the time and is generally incompetent, but his tenacity is legendary. The fact that he beat Quest of Ki makes that apparent.

>> No.1005875
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He seems to have fun with the games he plays, even if he is not exactly amazingly good at them. That makes him a good gamer in my book.

>> No.1005992
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>aboonai aboonai aboonai

>> No.1005997


>> No.1005998

I thought he picked up Battletoads pretty quickly, relatively speaking.

>> No.1006162

>Watch his super mario 3 video

>> No.1006930

He's really bad, at least in comparison to me and most speedrunners.

>> No.1006943

He seems to be pretty bad at platformers, but the patience is what gets him through. He gets stuck at some bosses for like 30 times, I would usually ragequit by that point.

>> No.1006976

I always thought that that he was kinda badass sitting through all of these uber-hard games for hours and does not give up. And the most retro games he play are really hard (for normal gamers at least).
However he also sucked at Sonic 1 which I can finish casually in a few hours and I am a pretty bad gamer. Although I have to admit that Sonic 1 was my first ever game and that I always play the shitty PAL 50hz slow-motion version because my sega is not modded.

>> No.1006982

Play the fucking games and you'll realize how bad he is.
If you time yourself beating a game and compare your time with Arino's, you'll realize he spends hours on the most mundane shit.
He's got god tier tenacity though, but he has ADs to relieve him.

>> No.1006990

he's shit and has terrible eye-to-hand coordination skills.

but that shows: you don't fucking need to have any skills at games to run a show where you get called "Kacho" more ironically than anything else, if only you're at least entertaining. and that's what he is: an entertainer, a comedian (a very bad one). he isn't a hardcore gamer and doesn't give a fuck about being good at games either.

>> No.1007000

This really doesn't need to be a separate thread.

>> No.1007005

He was terrible at Mario 3, but it's obviously staged for comedic purposes. Nobody is that bad at Mario. Nobody.

>> No.1007010

skillwise, he's not that great. but he makes up for it for as far as i know not going on the internet and being a huge shithead about video games

so yeah, hes better than most gamers today

>> No.1007017

He couldn't get through stage 1-3 of Super Mario Bros 3 with 99 lives. What do you think.

>> No.1007080

he beat ghosts and goblins, i think that warrants being considered good at video games, he also has an ungodly amount of willpower and enthusiam towards beating these games

>> No.1007106

This. He may not have raw skill, but he's got crazy patience enough to keep trying when many "good gamers" would give up. (And come here to tell us what a "shitty" game they just played.)

>> No.1007441
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He's a better gamer than 90% of people who consider it a hobby. Sure, he makes tons of mistakes and fails against obvious things, but he takes the time to learn a game's mechanics, enjoy it for what it is, and have a sense of humor about his shortcomings. That alone makes up for any lack of skill in my book

>> No.1007575

>he beat ghosts and goblins
No, he failed Makai-Mura, and his ADs had to help him through the second run on Dai Makai-Mura and Chou Makai-Mura.
>he also has an ungodly amount of willpower and enthusiam towards beating these games
That's true.

>> No.1008003

He is bad. BUT. He never gives up, probably because he gets paid to play or because of this dedication.

>> No.1008016

He isn't very skilled per se but he's rather persistent and he learns quick, so yeah he's a good gamer, bad gamers quit.

>> No.1008056


>persistent and he learns quick

That's called being japanese.

>> No.1008157

That's actually something I'd never considered. Is there anything proving/disproving that Arino stages a certain level of failure for the sake of the show?

>> No.1008276

All of the game play is genuine. He just sucks at certain types of games, like Mario and Sonic where you have to build momentum to move at full speed. He has an occasional miraculous success, but those are few and far between. Watch any of the live/stage show specials to see the whole process, warts and all. Do you really think that he wanted to fail Takeshi's Challenge Live, Mega Man 2 Live, Super Fucking Mario Bros. Live, and his Goddamn 40th Birthday Challenge Live?

>> No.1008294

He is bad, he even admits the main draw to the show is that he is bad. What makes him great is his constant determination to finish a game no matter how hard it is.

>> No.1008302

he sucks at games and has outside assistance both on-stage and behind the scenes. most of what is going on is cut out and this so called tenacity he has is quite doubtful. people who enjoy watching arino probably haven't seen the playthroughs done by the nicodouga community, which are far better.

>> No.1008317

He certainly has his ups and downs, and got a lot better in the more recent seasons, finishing a bunch of stuff really fast.

I don't know why the hell they don't give him puzzle games more often, instead of 'y know, something he's horribly bad at, like fighters and shooters. Those episodes aren't even entertaining to watch.

>> No.1008318

Good call on Sonic. I love him, I love the show, but Sonic was easily one of the most painful things I had to watch.
The amount of time he puts into playing is nuts. Now that he's got a family of his own, I'm sure the last thing he wants is to get home after 1am when his wife is far too tired to give him a backrub, nevermind sexy time.

>> No.1008325

It's not nearly as bad as Super Mario World.

All that time he spent dying repeteadly on those magikoopas, the horror...

>> No.1008327

That post wasn't pretentious in the least.

>> No.1008332

What really got me was that he seemed to have no knowledge of the ring system, what powerups were..I was dying for an AD to clue him in, instead they just let him stumble through, Chaos Crystals be damned. They really threw him to the wolves with Sonic

>> No.1008360

Awful. He is able to beat hard games sometimes and gets noticeably better at them, but any skill that he has seems to disappear between shows. I'd guess that it's either purposefully faked so that they can fill up an hour with him failing and then overcoming the odds, or he doesn't actually play video games very much and actually goes months on end without playing them. The latter wouldn't surprise me since he's a busy celebrity.

>> No.1008363

He's a charismatic and likeable DSP that acknowledges his flaws.

>> No.1008384 [DELETED] 
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>takes time to write paragraph regarding opinion related to thread

>> No.1008434

Please go back to /v/.

>> No.1008438

I don't really think he's patient or anything. He's getting paid for it. It'd be like calling anyone with a job "super patient" for doing the same boring shit for a bunch of hours.

>> No.1008441

I've just recently started watching GCCX, and I would say Arino comes across as very patient. Does he ever become enraged and fly off the handle?

>> No.1008449
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You forgot to sage

>> No.1008451

Probably a lot, and they edit it out.

>> No.1008456

That's what I figured. There's no way any human being could remain as calm as he does in the face of constant, devastating defeat.

>> No.1008459

A lot of assuming in this thread...I'd like to see one of you bust out some production crew intel. Otherwise
Opinions, opinions everywhere

>> No.1008461

Ehh, it's pretty normal for people not to get angry over video games. Maybe one or two punches to the desk or wall but that's about it.

>> No.1008464

I doubt it. It would be shameful to express his emotions in such a way.

>> No.1008468

You mean like he did with the inflatable pig he bought in Korea?

>> No.1008486

I haven't gotten around to watching the Korea episode yet. Was it something done for comedic effect or was he actually having a negative emotional outburst? The latter isn't permissible in Japan.

>> No.1008492

He apologized for it after it and didn't laugh while doing it so it looked pretty real.

>> No.1008509

It was just a squishy stress toy. It's meant to be pitched against a wall or table. It's kind of funny when he throws it.

>> No.1008530

>or was he actually having a negative emotional outburst? The latter isn't permissible in Japan.

If you read stuff written by people who've been to Japan they'll sometimes talk about little things that people there will do to vent steam because of this. Like if it's raining sometimes someone will just slam their umbrella into someone's else's for no reason. In one of the GCCX episodes Arino is in a shop and the old woman who runs it blocks some woman from coming in and it looks like the woman shoves her in the back or something. Hard to tell, though.

>> No.1009341

Just another unfunny, unskilled attention whore like every other youtube Let's Play faggot. Only difference is he's Japanese and weeaboos eat that shit up.

>> No.1009412

Would've been an 8 but you went over your buzzword cap.