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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10058093 No.10058093 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck were they THINKING

>> No.10058098

If it runs crisis its not retro

>> No.10058121

Far Cry but better.

>> No.10058324

Far Cry 1 and Crysis are masterpieces.

>> No.10058350

lemme guess, your pc can't run crysis

>> No.10058356

amk those uruskies got cool tech in that chernobyl game, gotta steal that

>> No.10058376

Nostalgic goggle wearing zooms lol

Crysis is the APEX of soulless. Not even surpassed by most of modern AAA games.

>> No.10058394

What a faggoty post.

>> No.10058483

Crysis 2 and 3 are actually good, but not retro of course. The reason that Crysis 2 and 3 have little to do with the story of Crysis is because the first game really was just a tech demo and Crysis 2 is where the series crossed over into being an actual game.

Killing Prophet at the beginning of 2 and then assuming control of Alcatraz's body through the nano suit so that Prophet is Prophet again by the 3rd game is still stupid and pointless though. They actually had to release a graphic novel that took place between the two games to explain how that mental gymnastics worked out. I guess don't kill your main character next time if you still want to keep him in the game.

>> No.10058502

Crysis is VERY well known for filtering bads and people who suck at immersion and imagination.

>> No.10058560

sorry anon, you have to praise this trash now, in the following years prepare to people praising modern warfare and shit like that.

>> No.10059410 [DELETED] 
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I can't believe those Star Citizen developers have chosen Cryengine lol
What a red flag right off the bat.

>> No.10059431

Damn sounds like you never even played it anon, imagine that.

>> No.10059512

They were thinking that CPU clocks would get (much) higher, but instead it was the number of cores that got (much) higher.

>> No.10059534

Crysis in a retro thread. Didn't see that coming.

>> No.10059543

Its a cool techdemo

>> No.10059546

>first game really was just a tech demo
It wasn't and only people who say it was are the ones who listen to opinions of e-celebs

>> No.10059561

Making a game to filter creativelets and brainlets.

>muh half the game is aliens

It’s literally the last like, 10%.

>> No.10059923

I've played it three years ago, so I don't have that "Oh mein gott it's 2007 and I can schütt trees and throw boxes" card you fags actually play when defending this. I'd rather play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero if i'll want mindless scripted pew pew.

If you have to imagine good first person shooter game to get immersed in it, then yeah, I certainly lack that.

>> No.10060036

>"Oh mein gott it's 2007 and I can schütt trees and throw boxes" card you fags actually play when defending this

That wasn't the attracting feature, R-tard. It was basically being in a semi-open world for each level where you could approach each objective however you wanted, with a suit that had super powers giving you super speed, super strength, invisibility, durability, along with instant on-the-fly weapon modifications that allowed you to add silencers, scopes, tranq darts, grenade launchers, and different ammo types.

>I'd rather play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero if i'll want mindless scripted pew pew.
Yea, you've never actually played the game, lmao.

>> No.10060040

Even when it got released it was considered to be tech demo rather than a game.
>t. changed GPU right before it released to play it

>> No.10060475

Sounds like a personal problem. The way the AI hunt down and attempt to ambush you based off when they last see/heard you gives you a Predator-style vibe. There isn't a single engagement in the game that stays scripted past the first time they see/hear you. Yeah, you could activate armor mode and just shoot them, but nobody actually plays Crysis like that because that energy is better spent mixing up stealth speed and strength modes to turn you into a leaping, sprinting, cloaking machine.

>> No.10060546

Oh it's that game that's only fun if you remove the pitiful suit cooldown with cheats or hacks.

>> No.10061358
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Crysis was a tech demo and the fact that they overhaul the entire story, characters, and even the appearance of the Ceph in the second and third game proves it. They never made the first game with any vision beyond the first game, and when it became apparent that players wanted more, they had to rethink everything to give the players more.

Crysis was designed as a standalone throw away tech demo cliche rambo game against the North Koreans and muh aliens. When it accidentally became a series after that the aliens were redisigned and you never saw or heard from best korea ever again because the story of the first game was designed as a dead end from the get go because the whole point of the game was to demonstrate the CryTech engine and nothing more.

This whole fedora tipping "ackshually" nonsense about how "Crysis wasn't just a tech demo" needs to stop because the actual evidence proves otherwise.

>> No.10061480

Just because you repeat it half a dozen times doesn't make it true. Bringing up the other Crysis games like anyone cared about them just goes to show you're delusional. Outside of an interesting story the gameplay and QoL features fell with each passing game.

>> No.10061486

You're saying that the game used to debut their new engine served as a techical demonstration of said engine? WOAH you fucking stumbled upon something big, anon!

>> No.10061508

Yeah sometimes you can just lose and suck at life. Crysis is genuinely a 8/10 bare minimum for a Western FPS game and any opinion to the contrary just tells me your a really cruddy gamer and just genuinely are mentally unable to play.

I think it's one of the absolute best filters out there to tell how shit someone is at the hobby.

>> No.10061553

I still play Crysis anon. It’s a really good shooter and is one of the top selling PC games ever. I don’t see how you can play it and say that. Up to them shutting it down almost 10 years after release Crysis wars had full lobbies of people playing. It’s a little ridiculous to call a 14 hour game with tons of mechanics a tech demo.

>> No.10062036

Gpu overload

>> No.10062056
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> /vr/ shits on "Modern AAA-gaming"
> praises broken sandbox that actually kickstarted all that soulless bullshit in modern AAA
> the fact it's EA game

I'm sure you guys just memeing around with this game. I'm having a hard time to believe i'm surrounded by actual 20 year olds pretending to be invested in retro culture

>> No.10062059

Until the aliens arrived it was great, basically intended to be >>10058121 even though the powers make things a bit unbalanced.

>> No.10062062

>Deus Ex was a tech demo because they retconned the story multiple times
Literally kill yourself you zoomer faggot

>> No.10062070

dont forget the infinite supply of weapon modifications, which was downright comical

>> No.10062104

I just remember scopes and lasers

>> No.10062128

"Tech demo" has a negative connotation, and people slinging it around as a diss are saying it's JUST a tech demo. The "just" is the point of contention and you damn well know it. Nothing about Crysis 1 is phoned in; it's a full-fledged game that's longer and better than average with all sorts of cool stuff packed in. Yes, it is ALSO a tech demo, but not JUST a tech demo.

>> No.10062429

Being invested in retro and enjoying some later games aren't mutually exclusive interests, retard. You've just outed yourself as a sub-100 goon go and think about what bullshit is flowing through your head and spewing out. Also modern AAA soulless started with Oblivion, even my parents knew this.

>> No.10062438

OP refers to the rule change

>> No.10062459

Transparent attempt at using a popular game to push seventh gen into /vr/

Crysis is slavjank Half-Life 2 on its best day

>> No.10062510

you don't have a point and everything you say is headcanon bullshit. kill yourself.

>> No.10063118

It would be great if the word zoomer was filtered on this board. Somehow it ended up being the favourite boogey word of a complete retard.