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File: 509 KB, 1120x718, Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 01-13-41 NeoSD Pro AES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053335 No.10053335 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10053364


>> No.10053367

Just emulate bro

>> No.10053429

>preorder for December

>> No.10053447
File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem.

>> No.10053453

>$600 emulation box

>> No.10053497

The NeoSD is an FPGA that costs more than the misterfpga and only plays Neo Geo games.

>> No.10053563
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i have about 55 of my favorite carts
i still want the neosd someday
i recommend lurking arcadeprojects forums for a better used price
if youre considering this godtier flashcart you have an extra grand laying around

de-10 nano, neo ASP, analogue pocket, etc
all are objectively the same thing

however i do wonder of the neoSd supports the physical dip switches if you get the mvs version

>> No.10053623

>he doesn't know the difference between software emulation and hardware cloning

>> No.10053653


>He thinks there's a difference

>> No.10053656

Thanks, but I’m sticking with Batocera.

>> No.10053680

>used the word ‘cloning’ instead of emulation.

>> No.10053685

I've got one.
Yeah, it's alright. Put every game on a 16GB MicroSD and only ever play the Slugs and Neo Turf Masters.
The price is absolutely inflated, but that's just the Neo Geo AES man. You can't do real hardware on the cheap.

>> No.10053734

IMO there’s just better ways to play neogeo than original hardware these days. It’s not really “worth it” but it’s worth it if you want the whole experience you know? But odds are you buy this thing and end up playing the same couple of games anyways.

>> No.10053803

What's the current state of those crappy multi carts for the MVS?

>> No.10053916

Even with a dual PCB there is zero reason for this to be that much more expensive than an Mega Everdrive or FX Pak Pro. This could easily be half that price and still turn a profit. Neo Geo taxation at it's finest.

>> No.10053939

>paying $600 because you waited too long

>> No.10053970

There are many better ways to spend $650 on /vr/. I recommend putting the money in the bank and downloading an emulator + roms.

>> No.10054310

Even today you don't have to pay anything close to that. You really only need the DE10 Nano and a RAM stick to get mostly everything out of MiSTer.

>> No.10054327

If you need to ask 4chan then you should really be saving your allowance, kid.

>> No.10054782

>The tech illiterate faggots come seething
>they actually think somehow jewtendo makes products only they can create and has never heard of what an FPGA does.
I don't even own a mister btw. So don't even try. I just simply know what an FPGA does.

There could still be areas for inaccuracy and issues but you are too stupid to figure out where and why,and if you did you would have pointed it out so its not even worth considering.

>> No.10054784

These flashcart jews have no shame

>> No.10054789

I paid €280 for the full setup in 2020

>> No.10054794

Literally no.
There's no reason for that thing to cost that much other than they are trying to match AES game prices. It shouldn't cost any more than any other flash cart.

>> No.10054827

>I just simply know what an FPGA does
then you know that a core written to fpga isn't automatically better than software cores
its all about how its programed, y'know like an emulator

>> No.10054831

Accuracy has nothing to do with whether something is software or hardware. Those old Genesis clones that were a dime a dozen 15 years ago were both hardware implementations and had shit audio. I blame the FPGA community for deliberately confusing the issue by pretending it's a magic bullet but it really is a hardware implementation, not software emulation.

>> No.10054839

Not really, an FPGA Actually enables you to have better accuracy than software. The point of using FPGAs is to have 1:1 accuracy to the original hardware by logically "copying" the chips logic to it, a software emulator can't do that, it has to be translated to your system's CPU instructions, which is slower, and can sometimes be impossible to recreate appropriately without hacks or tricks. That's why stuntman and driv3r still have AI pathing issues on PCSX2 for example, you could create hacks to fix this problem in particular for that game but that's not accurate.

>> No.10054841

I have a model 2 Genesis with shit sound, very crunchy and blown out is how I'd describe it. There was a website that compared the sound of various Genesis models and I think the one I have has a badly designed DAC after the soundchip or something.

>> No.10054848

>hardware implementation
Hardware emulation. Fix'd, emulate literally means imitation

>> No.10054858

you didn't read my post
it CAN do anything, but is up to programmers to actually make it that accurate my retarded shill friend

>> No.10054859

>Is it really worth it?
Was that ever a question?

>> No.10054949

>my emulation is better than your emulation because my emulation isn't emulation!

>> No.10055045

The various Genesis revisions are all over the place when it comes to sound but none of them are as bad as those old system-on-a-chip clone consoles. Same with the NES ones. For reasons I'm not technically knowledgeable enough to explain, sound is especially hard to get right. I guess it's just more likely any inaccuracies will be perceptible by the end user.

>> No.10055062

>The point of using FPGAs is to have 1:1 accuracy to the original hardware by logically "copying" the chips logic to it,
Which isn't done anywhere. Part of the problem is that it's all theoretical. Yes, FPGA allows for 1:1 accuracy (sort of, there are nuances in the sense that the literal layout of the transistors aren't the same but that's irrelevant since there's more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to an electrical circuit). But there are no FPGA cores that I know of that meet that standard. The stated goals of MiSTer fly in the face of the cores that are actually being delivered. They're certainly accurate enough as far as the end user is concerned but they aren't 1:1 and no more accurate than many existing software emulators. People are just getting tired of the double talk from the FPGA community. Either deliver what you're promising is possible or stop trying to claim superiority.

>> No.10055080

Semantics. Nobody ever called those shitty Firecore Genesis clones with a custom ASIC "hardware emulators." They were just "clones." Same with FPGA. It's a clone. In this context there is no fundamental difference between an FPGA and manufacturing a NOAC from your HDL. The Verilog that you'd use the FPGA to test is the same Verilog that you'd send to the factory to manufacture your chips. The difference here is people are skipping the manufacturing process and just using the FPGA directly.

>> No.10055151

In most cases they're also doing a much more thorough job of reverse engineering the hardware, decapping and die tracing the chips as with the Neo Geo core

>> No.10055164

>Those old Genesis clones that were a dime a dozen 15 years ago were both hardware implementations and had shit audio
The reason for the shit audio was rather simple. Yamaha still own the patents to how their FM chips worked. This meant even if Blaze's chinese cloners had the talent to clone a YM2612 they weren't legally allowed to sell one. So they made a deliberately shitty implementation that at least makes noise when fed YM2612 data, but doesn't do so in an infringing way. Mister and software emulation technically have the same flaw but because the cores are distributed as software online and not part of the main distro, it sidesteps the issue. Kinda like how VLC is technically illegal in America but US'ians download it anyway.

>> No.10055181

Wtf is this?

>> No.10055184

>a girl using a supergun
This has literally never happened irl, outside of a girl doing it to humor her chad-nerd boyfriend.

>> No.10055189

Another thread shit up by mister cope
You Will Never Be A Console

>> No.10055203

MAME does that, too. The issue is what's in the core? Which ones are 1:1?

>> No.10055218

Do you already have an AES? Then I'd say it's worth it. If you don't, I strongly recommend going the MiSTer FPGA route.

>> No.10055238

The MAME decaps had more to do with extracting embedded mask roms than finding out how a tilemapper worked at the gate level. MAME is a software engineering project that's concerned more with documenting wiring and ROM layouts via C drivers. When it comes to how the hardware draws tilemaps and sprites and such all the drivers essentially use the same generic renderers. It's why MAME emulations all exhibit the same flaws like sprites not updating on the right frames, or misalignment, or priority errors, etc. Because at the heart they are all just parameters passed to the current build of the sprite engine. And they've warned previously that the high input lag is caused by the way sprite engine composits.

>> No.10055250

As was made even more widely known from the Billy Mitchell cheating debacle, even a simple game like Donkey Kong doesn't draw sprites on the correct frames in MAME compared to real hardware.

>> No.10055261

Theres no way it takes even half of that amount to even make one of these

>> No.10055267


Haha, mister is emulation. Sorry you bought the meme.

>> No.10055296

Is MiSTer any better in this regard? From what I understand, most of the cores are derived from software emulators converted to HDL, making most of them less like hardware implementations of the original console and more like hardware implementations of software emulators. Very accurate software emulators, mind you, but still a degree of separation from the original machines. Maybe this isn't true for the more worked over systems like the NES but at least some of the PS1 core is derived from the Duckstation emulator.

>> No.10055319

While it's true that "most" of the cores are software derived, that's largely because each arcade game is a "core" so it blows out the stats terribly. The older console cores are pretty much hardware engineers doing hardware engineer things. Accuracy is all over the shop but they aren't cribbing off software emulation's homework.
When it comes to later consoles like the PS1, the project has sadly attracted some of the wrong sort of people who are taking dirty shortcuts. Jotego gets a lot of love for working on big popular arcade games, but he's not sitting with a decapped CPS2 trying to accurately portray the tilemapper.

Basically it's like RetroArch. Go down the list of cores in RA and there's a LOT of bullshit in there. But the bullshit doesn't detract from the fact that bsnes accuracy is there too. It's a free project and it's up to you to know who is giving you the goods and who is selling snake oil.

>> No.10055427

You can play NeoGeoCD games on a dreamcast now.

>> No.10055432

I got a MV1C from Ebay, but everyone said the Jamma connectors we in bad shape and would need repair eventually. So I sold it at a loss and got a little over half my money back and will probably get a MV1B next time if I do get another MVS board. I just don't know what a good supergun would be since I don't have an RGB TV or Retrotink X5.

>> No.10055460
File: 241 KB, 320x213, D9MHnZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10055468

You can always solder the connector

>> No.10055485
File: 455 KB, 320x240, 38921012.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10055632

Don't know how to solder, but I do know that some nice people from here suggested that. I didn't want to ruin the connector further, so I'd rather sell it to someone that can fix it or use it better than I can at this moment.

>> No.10055710

Or take a JAMMA extension harness and bend the pins inward to grip tightly onto MV1C edge connector. Like fixing the pins on a NES.

>> No.10055713
File: 76 KB, 1000x563, 8023bd3la6n11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine someone has already shared this pic but just in case. Learning a new skill is good for your brain, if you're ever willing to give it a go I suggest picking up some ewaste to practice on, usually a clock radio or cheapo cassette deck. Get a cheap variable temp iron, some desoldering braid, some electronic flux, and don't be afraid to wreck the ewaste. If you absolutely abhor the idea of destroying something you can always get through-hole breadboard to practice on instead.

>> No.10055735

I've never seen that before. Thanks!

True, but I decided on just getting a new mv1b board with better connectors.

>> No.10055746

They work out of some tax evasion fake island nation, so no lol

>> No.10055750

It’s still emulation.

>> No.10055751

Well, glad to share then.

>> No.10055768

It doesn't really matter what this thing does,
I can assure you that, no, it isn't worth it.

>> No.10055978

I think I'd just feel more comfortable if the MiSTer community were more forthcoming with that. There's a fundamental lack of transparency and people will bitch at you if you start pushing that button. I'm not unreasonable. I get that in the early stages of a project like MiSTer the first thing is to just get games up and running period. So I understand that the initial cores for systems like PS1 and Saturn might be just to get it working and being quick about it at the outset has some advantages. But my concern there is that there's not going to be an incentive to go back and redo the core for greater accuracy. It's just human nature to not want to do double work for something that isn't going to show much to the end user. And I just know that anyone who brings it up is going to get yelled at. "It works though!" "You should be grateful!" "It's better than emulation!" The obfuscation of what exactly is "more accurate" than software emulators, not in theory but in the actual available cores, is something that I see only getting worse before it gets better now that even N64 is on the table, which doesn't seem to be able to fit on the DE10 without some fudging.

>> No.10055990

I bought 1 cause i have a 1 slot cab and want to no switch carts. also have a mister....lmao cause i have money!

>> No.10056043

I'm not well versed in it since I never owned one. But why the fuck would anyone buy it if its not 1:1 accurate? Its the entire point of the machine, and also why flashcards that need to recreate some special chips uses them.
Do you have any writeups or example of their inaccuracies around ? While I wish for FPGAs and great cores to propagate, a good shitshow is also interesting to watch
How can I shill for something I don't own or even know that much about ? All I see are people with the IQ of an inbred nigger screeching the same shit over and over with no arguments, proof, or discussion to begin with. no shit I steer the other way around.

If you want to actually change the mind of people act like the anon I replied to before you, *he* actually does something somewhat productive

>> No.10056114

That was a pro mister post you illiterate retard.

>> No.10056214

Its not worth it to you so don't buy it then. You can stick with your shitty clones while I'm glad there is a premium option for those willing to pay. You new fag bandwagon jumpers, just play it on your $1000 phone.

That Lamborghini is shit, there is no reason it should cost anymore than a honda odysee. Thats what you sound like. If you can't afford it then don't get jealous of those that can.

>> No.10056232

One reason to use a MiSTer is because by being a hardware implementation it makes it easier to do certain things. Lightguns, for example, "just work" so long as you're using a CRT. And outputting to a CRT itself requires jumping through fewer hoops.

>> No.10056234

Neo Geo fags are amazing. Some fucker will literally double the price of shit just because these people will pay it and then they'll happily tell everyone else how poor they must be for pointing out the obvious grifting.

>> No.10056235

Justify why this is double the price of other flash carts without "just because."

>> No.10056283

Only if you're a mister owner who understands what it really is, which most of them don't and repeat the memes about it being exactly the same as the original hardware.

>> No.10056287


>> No.10056937

If its your only use case, you probably should get a sinden lightgun, or something, unless you absolutely want to use a CRT

>> No.10057147

Well, the obvious answer is because it needs to hold GIGA POWER quantities of data as opposed to 32mbit cartridge images.
Consoles expected really low latency on cart access and modern DDR is designed for HIGH latency high throughput so it's completely unusable for flash carts. You need to go old school like EDO so you can respond to accesses in time frames that won't hang the bus. And naturally there isn't an abundant supply of 1gbit EDO for cheap.
Put simply, those everdrive and FXPack flash carts are RAM starved as it is. Some of the larger ROM hacks don't fit. Hell, RE2 N64 overflows the ED64's RAM but you get away with it because RE2 doesn't actually fill the full cart anyway.

>> No.10057868

Even in the middle of the pandemic I managed to get the DE10 Nano, RAM, and a Blisster for lass than $300. Maybe that's just me lucking out before the hype got to it.