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10048381 No.10048381 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Sonic Adventure so hated?

>> No.10048384

It wasn’t until ecelebs became a thing

>> No.10048387

It wasn't hated until 2006 when previous Sonic games became retroactively "bad" according to reviewers and journalists aka Nintendo fans

>> No.10048407

Wrong. Reviewers loathed Heroes and Shadow. They also disliked the ports of SA1 and 2. It's not an exaggeration at all to say that once Sega left the hardware market, Sonic's reputation tanked. It also shows how much Sega fanboys reviewing for the Dreamcast really wanted their stuff to be good.

>> No.10048409

>Reviewers loathed Heroes
it was hailed as a return to form funnily enough

>> No.10048429

>Why was Sonic _______ so hated?
because theyre all bad games

>> No.10048430

>stage 1 ends
>drops you into a momentum killing, fun cancer overworld
>every character other than Sonic blows to play as
>every Sonic stage is worse than le dolphin bridge
The demo was such a goddamn hoodwink, lol. Makes Raiden look like a joke.
such revisionism, haha. No. I distinctly remember drifting from it quickly after stage 1 and I'm sure I'm not the only one, and no one had to tell me to feel that way in 2000. Only psycho furries and absolute Sega (I like Sega, but you know what I mean) weirdos stuck around.

SA2's okay, though. There's less to it, but there's less to fuck up and what's there's a lot more polished.

>> No.10048440


>> No.10048441


>> No.10048446

>popular game is... le bad!
I wonder if /tv/ has this problem with classic films

>> No.10048451
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I disagree. Moving fast is fun

>> No.10048463

This game was always divisive, even amongst Sonic fans. It's only popular because of its name and being a system seller tech demo. I won't even say it's bad, it's just not my cup of tea at all, incredibly flawed, and not what a lot of people signed up for after stage 1.

>> No.10048465

Why are you comparing janky children's toys to serious movies?

>> No.10048468

Divisive among people who never liked 3D platformers to begin with maybe. Everyone who actually grew up with it knew it was good, just like Crash and Banjo

>> No.10048471

If you don't want to talk about video games then why are you on /vr/

Go back to /pol/ or something

>> No.10048473

Crash was a 2D platformer, sometimes with strafe.

>> No.10048474

Yikes, double tastelet. Furry thirst is a helluva drug.
Meh, it's more charming but not nearly as mechanically sound and polished as Mario64

>> No.10048479

Only the Gamecube version

>> No.10048480

Well OP you got your answer, idiots who don't know how to play 3D platformers.

>> No.10048481

>if you don't like my uneven as fuck, genre salad, shitty overworld hedgehog game you don't like 3D platformers at all

>> No.10048484

Post your dirty collectard room.

>> No.10048486

One person in this thread already admitted to only liking Mario 64 and another doesn't seem to like video games at all

>> No.10048487

Post your shower

Makes sense once you see who is doing all the shitposting here

>> No.10048493

>liking one of the purest examples of the genre
How is this evidence of not liking 3D platformers, stupid? SA is the one that doesn't know what the fuck it is, and when it is in platformer mode, some sections are holding up and god forbid if you stray from that at all. I also said that SA2 are acceptable.

>> No.10048496

*and Banjo

>> No.10048506

This thread and the other thread are going to make me stop inviting people from /v/

>> No.10048531

It's a fun game but just as a general rule it also just kind of sucks. Some of the worst presentation I've seen in any officially released title, let alone your actual flagship scotformer. Ridiculously bad audio mixing. Cutscene direction is laughable. Not much sense in complaining about the shit dub, most dubs were shit back then, this one is especially shit though. I could understand if you think the game's shit presentation is charming in a pitiful kind of way but the people who confuse that with quality are the worst kind of Sonic fans.
Sonic's stages are the best, as they should be, and I like being able to play as other characters, but Tails is like baby mode, Knuckle's emerald hunt design is kind of lame, the Amy stages are slow and not very fun, Gamma's stages are also ridiculously easy (bosses are just as bad, and Big is well... Big. I think it's funny that he's not even really a problem and his campaign is over in 20 minutes if you can read instructions properly yet it's all any of you autismos complained about for like a decade.
It's a game I'm glad I finished but outside of Sonic's stages I'm never going to touch it again. The use of the adventure field is fine I guess but not an experience I particularly cared for. Some of the music is pretty good though and in terms of control it's about as reasonably good as you can expect a 3D Sonic game to be. I also think this character and his entire gimmick has failed to excel in 3D and it always will.

>> No.10048567

I disagree. I think SA1 translated Sonic into 3D pretty well all things considered. Yeah the physics are not the best but this is a 1998 game. Only Half-Life 2 had physics good enough to faithfully handle 2D Sonic's gameplay in 3D and that's a 2004 game

>> No.10048579

Depends on who you ask. Sonic's downward image mostly came about as a result of 06 being so bad it made people wonder if Sonic had ever been truly good in 3D. Adventure certainly is unpolished and easy to make fun of but on release you can find a lot of positive reviews, usually pointing out the camera as the biggest downside.
For more diehard fans who prefer the Genesis era design, Adventure was when it first started to drift towards something a bit different although I'd argue Adventure 1 was mostly advancing the ideas of Genesis while Adventure 2 was when it really jumped the shark and made people wonder if this was the same franchise anymore. Between Adventure 2 and 06 the games seemed to get even less polished, more broken and the plots just confusing. Not confusing for being complex, confusing because it made people start to laugh at Sonic's identity crisis.

>> No.10048581
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>> No.10048608

Beta Windy Valley is so fun

>> No.10048657

>Dreamcast's only reason for existing
>gets glowing reviews from magazines
What the fuck???
It's like you fools have no idea how journos work

>> No.10048685

People were positive on the Dreamcast games because it was the Dreamcast. Lots of visual spectacle from games like this and Shenmue were the whole point of the console.
The moment it went multiplat all bets were off. Heroes was criticized a lot for not being a normal Sonic game. And from Shadow onwards the joke was set in stone.

The Adventure games are in the so bad it's good Kingdom Hearts territory, where you can almost excuse them for being the way they are because they are so clearly made for teenagers. But even that's a bad comparison because Kingdom Hearts is actually a pretty good game removed from the nonsense cutscenes.
Sonic Adventure is bit the opposite because it's a terrible game but the story is charming even if it's dumb

>> No.10048816

Like I said it controls as reasonably well as you can expect for the time, I don't think the physics are bad either. I don't think it's a bad 3D platformer at all really, outside of all the extraneous presentation stuff and the other playable characters. I just don't think the mechanics that were well established in 2D Sonic work as well in 3D and I don't think they ever will. That's not to say they didn't translate it as well as they could have, but I believe there's a good reason 3D Sonic is incredibly divisive.

>> No.10048890

>Sonic Adventure is bit the opposite because it's a terrible game
that's not true
>I just don't think the mechanics that were well established in 2D Sonic work as well in 3D
I think they work better in 3D than in 2D with the third person camera and with 3D level design
>I believe there's a good reason 3D Sonic is incredibly divisive
they are divisive because starting from SA2, their design philosophies were changing for better or for worse. You can see it the best by comparing SA1's design to Sonic Colors' design

>> No.10049037

Because it looked like a complete abomination. Every gamer I know laughed when they saw the first trailer for it.

>> No.10049068
File: 165 KB, 1200x675, 'they were bad even back then'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy it's THIS thread again

>> No.10049069

what about this guy?
see >>10049037

>> No.10049236

>Sonic's transition from one dimension to the next has been a rocky one, and Sonic Adventure 2 fails to recapture the franchise's magic

>> No.10049287

SA was an amazing game. You cant play a 20+ year old game for the first time and have an objective viewpoint, it just doesnt work that way.

>> No.10049328

Sonic was never good
It is that simple

>> No.10049743

It was a shallow arcade-platformer experience in an era where "deep, compact play" had become the new standard, thanks to the development of Mario 64 and Majora's Mask which kept people coming back to games in order to replay different tasks and storylines. Critics could tell SEGA was in trouble when their plots were weaker than a Nintendo title.

>> No.10049749

>deep, compact play
You mean movie game shit

>> No.10049750

>Everyone who actually grew up with it knew it was good
I played SA1 and SA2 on the dreamcast when they were released and they're both very flawed games.
There are definitely fun parts, and I have some good memories of playing them, but I also remember a lot of boring stages and problems with the controls and the camera.

>> No.10049759

is there a way to fix the controls for Sonic Adventure on a Dreamcast emulator?

>> No.10049762

I remember when your mom jumped on my dick

>> No.10049770

Not really what I meant, Mario 64 is a good example of how you get someone to replay a level from a different mission standpoint without bogging things down with cutscenes. Majora's Mask also capitalizes on small details in order to extend the playing experience, letting them fulfill larger notebook requirements to progress the story or just letting them build up their rupees, acquire items and complete mini-game challenges.

Sonic Adventure promised a kind of RPG experience that it didn't deliver because of the focus on arcade-based platforming. If we got an SA3, it might be nice if it was set up roughly like DQVIII where battles earn points that can be redeemed at shops in the city. Basically the would mean removing the concept of levels entirely in favour of overworlds and dungeons.

>> No.10049780

It kind of got eclipsed by Kingdom Hearts. It feels like the developers might've preferred to make something more like KH with the SA series, but marketing indicated that they needed something more in the Genesis format (but in 3D).

>> No.10049839
File: 454 KB, 457x498, 1B532CE3-A7A0-4AD7-938D-BC27F82B58E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure wasn't hated because of its slammin' soundtrack

>> No.10049895

I just wish Sega took lessons from Mario 64's development and focused first and foremost on nailing then polishing Sonic's gameplay/movement, and basing the game around that as opposed to the primarily story driven experience they set out to make. Sonic's gameplay isn't bad, but it is shallow and the physics/momentum could be better executed. If they had to have extra playable characters/stories then they should've limited themselves to Tails, Knuckles, and maybe Amy, all using Sonic as a base with modified attributes and special moves, like in the classic games. Anyway I really like the Adventure games despite their flaws but in retrospect yeah it was when Sonic as a respectable franchise died, and it hasn't recovered since.

>> No.10049923

I just wanted S3K in 3D, not fucking fishing shit, mechshit, or RNG Mario 64 with shittier level design

Sorry, but SA1 was never beloved, just shilled by paid shills before SEGA lost the war.

>> No.10049969

this is delusion levels on par to saying spoony ruined FF8's reputation

>> No.10049980

Why is he so hot bros

>> No.10049989

big sex with Knuckles!

>> No.10050269

Everything about it is terrible but I have replayed those ten Sonic levels so many times.

>> No.10050281

Nintendo fans had Adventure 2 Battle and the GBA games. Stop having them rent free.

>> No.10050320

you act as if yous have a personal bone to pick with sonic

>> No.10050461

Is it? From my experience zoomers wont shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.10050609

Crash was good. Banjo, not so much.

>> No.10050919

based zoomers

>> No.10051779

i loved SA1 but SA2 was really the start of me hating the side characters in sonic games and not really liking the series until generations.

i also really didn't like how sonic gets sidelined in his own game and how they took the best parts of SA1 (sonic, knuckles & gamma) and with the exception of the sonic/shadow stages effectively made them worse.

>> No.10051806

It wasn't lol. That shit was a cultural phenomenon in 1999. It wasn't until youtubers became a thing that people started to pretend that Adventure was a bad game

>> No.10051873

>It wasn't lol. That shit was a cultural phenomenon in 1999.
Prove it
Why does anything else around that time gets talked about globally but Sonic is exclusively US only?

>> No.10051956
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>> No.10051974

>Took 3 years, 7.5x more devs, only to shit out a game that had more cuts to all that was planned to it than even Pokemon Gen 1 had

>> No.10051976

>Why was Sonic Adventure so hated?
By whom exactly? It was well regarded critically at the time.

>> No.10052234

It's honestly a pitiful release. Its only saving grace was its graphics and image quality which haven't aged particularly well. I still like the look of it personally, the Dreamcast is one of my favorite consoles, but as a game SA is 5/10 at best, which is unacceptable for this being Sega's big first party title.

>> No.10052259

It wasn't at the time. It showed sonic could work in 3D and had a lot of good parts alongside flaws that looked like kinks to be worked out in subsequent games. When future 3D sonic games kept getting worse, adventure started looking less like this and more like a bad game with some good parts. Basically the expected quality of future sonic games coloured its standing at the time, and the actual quality of subsequent sonic games colour its standing today.

>> No.10052370
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>Prove it
Okay, watch this
I was there :3

>> No.10052759

too ludo

>> No.10053031 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 427x677, h7buk9gank411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendie ecelebs stuck in the 90s who want nothing more than to see their "greatest rival" dead and buried.

>> No.10053057

If only a single sonic game (except CD) let you actually go fast.

>> No.10053113 [DELETED] 

Nope, it has one song.

>> No.10053163 [DELETED] 

I disagree with the controls for Mario 64. They're extremely responsive for the time with a nice amount of options.

>> No.10054057


Nah I remember some reviewers tearing SADX apart in 2003, already considered 'dated' by that point.

>> No.10054069


Water stages, Lava/Desert, Hazy Maze Cave are all unique though.
I think Kondo must have been under huge time constraints because the clock and rainbow stages ought to have had their own music.

>> No.10054340 [DELETED] 

This image is the epitome of why Sega fans are so pathetic and delusional. They have to bring in the mercenary power of PS2-equivalent hardware in order to pretend there is a victory or neutrality over last-gen games because they're that insecure. It's hilarious.

>> No.10054360 [DELETED] 

Nowhere does that image claim the game is better for having been on next gen hardware. Write cohesively

>> No.10054460

DX was really bad, that's why. That was the worst version of the game until the 360 port of the DX port came out.

>> No.10054474

>he can't outpace the screen in chemical plant
It's even a low route. Filtered

>> No.10054901

Sonic should never left 2D games. There's stories and characters that can't stand the 3D-everything rush. Sonic is one of these.

>> No.10054984
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