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File: 160 KB, 600x800, Denis_Loubet-3593921000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10036204 No.10036204 [Reply] [Original]

So what's been happening with Ultima the last couple of years? I heard a rumor that a new game might be coming out? And that the last comeback attempt called Shroud of the Avatar sucked ass.

What's a good place to get Ultima news other than here?

Any good mods/rebuilds come out lately? Last thing I played was U7 SI using Exult back in 2016.

>> No.10036207

The series should have been put to rest canonically after 7 SI. 8 and 9 were never needed.

>> No.10036208

I despise ultima man. I just cant get into it. WHAT HTE FUCK IS THE APPEAL.
it pisses me off. i wish people would never talk about ultima. I play Ultima 1 and it looks l ike fucking PONG

>> No.10036245
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OK so its not your cup of tea, fine. I get that.

>> No.10036248
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>8 and 9 were never needed.
They were needed otherwise the Avatar would have been just stuck on Serpent Isle (in the void) with some of his companions dead and who-knows-what happening in Britannia with the Guardian.

The series needed a conclusion... but 8 and 9 were not it. I guess blame EA like everyone does.

>> No.10036338

The only hope is if some autist makes a fangame that retcons the events of 8 & 9 and gives the series a proper ending. Unfortunately this is probably one of those franchises that gets lost to time because zoomers don’t have the attention span or imagination to play Ultima games

>> No.10036340

Man I like 8 and 9, you people are insane

>> No.10036350

Project Void WHEN!?

>> No.10036401

What's that supposed to be?

>> No.10036424

Wasn't there a fan remake of 8 or 9 in the works that EA shut down? If you want more Ultima the only real option is Ultima Online or an Ultima Online clone server.

>> No.10036962

8 I can understand. 9 sucked

>> No.10037098

Holy shit that artwork is metal as fuck

>> No.10037204

Pagan has a AMAZING premise that was executed badly due to EA rushing it out of the door. If Pagan was finished it would have been the best entry in the series based on the premise alone.

>> No.10037206

Take your fucking meds, retard.

>> No.10037226

You like the fact that they took a fat steaming turd on top of the rest of the series? All the evil shit you did in Pagan was for nothing, or seemingly retconned since 9 starts on Earth. Blackthron's redemption, undone. Dupre's sacrifice, undone, which somehow doesn't destroy the universe now the three serpents are unbound. Is it just the novelty of seeing Britania in 3D?

>> No.10037235

>All the evil shit you did in Pagan was for nothing,
Oh wow it's just like after the quest of the Avatar when all your "good deeds" led to the decimation of a peaceful race and brought nightmare inducing evil that corrupted Britannia. Or how the good ol' Lord Brittish did a religious cleansing in Brittania after you helped him establish himself as the one true savior!

>> No.10037247

The difference being that they worked it into the story. At the end of 8 you become an elemental titan standing in the ruins of Britania, then in 9 you wake up on Earth with all your gear gone and fuck all explanation as to why. Oh and don't bullshit me and say the Guardian did it.

>> No.10037301
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That premise being...? Dank mushroom world with elemental demons isn't an amazing premise.

>> No.10037328

The premise is the Avatar going against the virtues for a perceived greater good. And this all happens with the Avatar having in the back of his head the knowledge of how much evil happened just because he wanted to do good. That's why it's interesting and that's on top of him having to supposedly finding love on Pagan according to the cut content.

>> No.10037330

>then in 9 you wake up on Earth with all your gear gone and fuck all explanation as to why.
Ultima 9 is four different unfinished and scrapped games mixed into one product. It only came out because they were obligated to release something as per the EA contract.

>> No.10037339

Was calling it Ultima 9 part of the contract? I think I would have hated it less if it was another spin off game.

>> No.10037354

>Was calling it Ultima 9 part of the contract?
They could have called it The Adventures of a Paladin in an Unknown Land.

>> No.10037365

Ultima Online was making EA a lot of money at the time. No way they wouldn't try to abuse IP recognizably.

>> No.10037386
File: 15 KB, 310x332, U4cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding love on Pagan according to the cut content
Oh? Now that's interesting. Where was this revealed? Was there an alternate script for the game that can be read somewhere?

>> No.10037723

A single copy of the U8 expansion is supposed to exist isn't it? Funny how it was never leaked.

>> No.10037729

IRC the expansion would be about exiled cultures that didn't want to worship the Guardian. Which is ironic considering Lord British did the same lol.

>> No.10037857

>origin constantly shits on EA
>richard garriot sells them the company
>years later he is now shitting on fans
why is he like this?

>> No.10037887

They should remake 8 and then make a new 9

>> No.10037891
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But even if by some miracle a company legally made and published these remakes, who would buy them? Nostalgic boomers are kind of a tiny market these days. And being virtuous is out of fashion in the new generations.

>> No.10037895

>And being virtuous is out of fashion in the new generations.
Stop being a retard.
Though you're right of course that the series is probably too old at this point and the fanbase just isn't there.
Oh well.

>> No.10037962

>years later
Ultima V/VI were elaborate shitposts to humiliate anyone that thought the Avatar is a role model.

>> No.10037976
File: 19 KB, 769x733, give me a proper answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh and don't bullshit me and say the Guardian did it

>> No.10038105

>Any good mods/rebuilds come out lately?
Ultima VI has been remade using Exult, came out a few months ago.

best news foir Ultima projects is here >

and I'm looking forward to Ultima V Redux, its looking good >

>> No.10038119

Lord British was working on a new game "Iron and Magic" but that appears to be dead in the water, no updates for almost a year and all websites are dead

>> No.10038154
File: 50 KB, 400x400, denis-loubet-coverarxfatalis-3988123801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet! Thanks. That U5 mod does look great! I'll probably try that when it comes out as I never finished U5. The U6 exult mod looks good too but I've played that one so many times I don't really care to do it again.

If it had anything to do with NFTs then that's a blessing it's dead.

>> No.10038162
File: 426 KB, 1200x1568, ef286a8c75aeed649c2d9eb4507d7a4eb339f9d4-1605300767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it, though? Have a U1.

>> No.10038256

I finished Ultima V early this morning.

>> No.10038415

You did this to Lord Blackthorn.

>> No.10038429

What is this fucking boomer’s obsession with MMOs? He unironically killed the Ultima franchise because of his obsession.

>> No.10038489
File: 241 KB, 928x1319, shroud of the avatar playerbase steamcharts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shroud of the Avatar
Holy shit, I didn't realize what a disaster this turned out to be.

>> No.10038919

Does the Ultima have that many fans? I mean would "Ultima" on a modern game move any product?
I liked the first 3 games though as a kid I never knew what was going on.

>> No.10039570

>being virtuous is out of fashion in the new generations.
it's time to stop posting and go outside anon. the real world ain't twitter, /pol/ or even reddit.

>the series is probably too old at this point and the fanbase just isn't there.
considering that elder scrolls is basically what a modernized version of ultima would be like there's totally a market for ultima in the form of TES fans either tired of waiting for TES6 or sick of the direction that the series took after morrowind.

the fact that people were hyped for avowed on the idea of it being a "TES killer" kinda shows there's a market there for a competitor to TES.

>> No.10039607

no, he makes some good points

>> No.10040120

>considering Lord British did the same lol
I could go on a rant for a long time about this. I'll say Serpent Isle is my favorite game in the series. That it worked all the ways virtues had come to conflict in previous game's since 4 in some way while introducing another new system that ideologically held itself together with all of two living practitioners outside of the SS is amazing.

Even with elements every 30 feet that I would praise: I really hate that SI didn't explore the incongruity. Even though I don't think we were given a whitewashed version in the manuals... yet even accepting there was any truth to it: everyone is guilty of the crimes that they accuse LB of. Monitor exiles people who fail, or refuse to take the test of knighthood. And both Moonshade and Fawn are run by autocrats. Fawn exiles people considered ugly or who are nonbeleivers in their religion. Moonshade has a caste system with a feckless wizard-dictator who seems interested in nothing but his own indulgences while a clearly magical catastrophe is raging around them.

But at no point, even after Iolo is imprisoned in every city, after the Avatar exposes corruption everywhere, after you meet Erstam who is not only responsible for the flight from Sosaria but witness to whatever high-ideals the settlers once had crumbling, do you debate the actual virtues of their societies with them directly.

>> No.10040138

Go play your Ocarina of time for a thousandth time, fagget.

>> No.10040147

People should realise by now that "a name" alone doesn't make great games

>> No.10040221

Exult came out years ago lol

>> No.10040332

Ultima tier list pls.

>> No.10040342

Maybe read that again? It's a U6 remake in Exult.

>> No.10040353

4/7 > the rest :^)

>> No.10040363

Akalabeth was the last good one

>> No.10040370

It wasn't a proper answer, you're trying to start a fight because you have fuck all worth adding. I even admitted Pagan had potential to be good, but outside of the novelty of getting to see a 3D Britania? Ultima 9 is trash.

>> No.10040376

>Is it just the novelty of seeing Britania in 3

It's not even fucking Brittania, Ultima IX's world is competely inconsistent with everything established prior and to even mention Brittania in reference to that piece of shit is a fucking insult. It's like a bunch of braindead nigger jews got around their ghetto jew table and started ooga-booga-ing and thats what turned into a game. Fuck niggers and fuck jews and fuck you too you fucking faggot

>> No.10040381

>>10040221He's talking about Ultima 6 not Ultima 7 you illiterate useless fucking autist FAGGOT, fuck you and kniferape your mother you fucking faggot fuck

>> No.10040395

>Vidya Masterpiece Theater
The Black Gate
Quest of the Avatar
The Serpent Isle
>Better but not really Best
Labyrinth of Worlds
>You really had to be there
>Worth playing
The False Prophet
Stygian Abyss
>Play it or don't
Warriors of Destiny
The Savage Empire
Martian Dreams
>Meh but it was "wow" in 1983
>The biggest letdown you'll ever experience
>Made by a teenager, alone, with a box of TSR scraps
Revenge of the Enchantress
The First Age of Darkness
Akalabeth World of Doom
>Not even a real game
Lord of Ultima
Ultima Forever
Runes of Virtue 1+2
Escape from Mt Drash

>> No.10040479

Why do mental invalids like this even waste time posting.

>> No.10040482
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The more detailed Ultima games get, the less I care for them. III/IV/V are peak.

>> No.10040490

Its a shame how much Exodus is dragged down by the leveling system from hell.

>> No.10040736

I can't imagine playing IV and skipping V/VI. The world of Black ate might as well be a different planet after the changes that happened in the world between IV and VII. The whole Fellowship cult is a direct result of the events that took place after the you became the Avatar and put a big fat turn in the Abyss.

>> No.10041029
File: 54 KB, 639x361, 6cc1c37b1de7b078927638db6ee14c9b218173c87322634e5d77ab22e0974da4_product_card_v2_mobile_slider_639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played though IV and V a few years ago for the first time - they were before my time but I had a great time. Started VI and holy shit the interface is dogshit. Inventory management was lightning fast in IV and V once you had the keybinds memorized - VI has this clunky graphical mouse-focused interface that I just couldn't get used to.

I decided 'fuck it' after a few hours and skipped it to try VII since ive heard it's one of the best. I laughed when I saw the new interface was even worse - ugly text font, and your inventory is this unsorted, non-grid-aligned jumble of items. I can't imagine how frustrating this gets later on.

This thread reminded me to give it another go - I really bounced off both on first impression.

>> No.10041238

VI is my favorite even if I think VII is objectively better. You get used to the shit interface.

>> No.10041246

He did it to himself.

>> No.10041251

My nigga.

>> No.10041257

You can max your levels in about 30 minutes killing the two guards in front of Lord British's catle. Have your wizard cast the spell that drops them to 1hp, everyone gets some kills.

>> No.10041274

>III/IV/V are peak.
The early Ultima graphics are very comfy. It's just the right level of detail to trigger the imagination too.

>> No.10041293

Sorry but it was (You) that shattered the gem and infected the world with the Shadowlords.

>> No.10041308

>that shattered the gem
>and infected with world with the Shadowlords.
No, that was Captain Johne

>> No.10041391

Heard a bunch about Ultima 7 in the This Week in Retro podcast. Which version is best, DOS or SNES?

>> No.10041427

The SNES version isn't really Ultiam VII just a silly attempt at recreating it. What you want is Ultima VII running in Exult.

>> No.10041447

wtf is that? is it that open-source project to play CD1 and 2 in 1 game? does it run on Linux? do I need the data files? is it even decent, considering the project website is a piece of shit that doesn't support dark mode?
I don't really care about higher resolutions, since I'll be playing in a CRT

>> No.10041463

Pre-trammel Ultima Online was and will forever have been the best MMO ever created. Post trammel UO was boring as shit.

>> No.10041480

God. My brother and I have been passing ideas back and forth about an Ultima fan game for about 21 years. I feel like if we took 3 months off work and slapped the AIM conversation logs together into a U7 mod if we would have more than 600 people play it.

>> No.10041486

For example?

>> No.10041493

Ultima VII is a fangame for all I care. How could they fuck up the lore so hard.

>> No.10041659

I didn't make him weak to temptation and corruption. He could have just left town and slept for a day until they went away. He could have used the telescope.

>> No.10041665

Exult is shit. It looks like a chinese knockoff and introduces worse bugs than it fixes. I play every Ultima vanilla and encounter no issues.

>> No.10041674

So, as usual, the original is better, got it. I'll get the DOS one, thanks.

>> No.10041676

I love some of the things they did in this game. Turning in a Council memeber name to get the oppression password. Blackthorn destroying shrines if given the mantra. Having companions permanently killed if you refuse and their ashes on didplay at the codex. The bad "ending" if you show up to lord british without the box.

>> No.10041687

You got it. You can try exult after to see what people are talking about if you want, but the things people bitch about in U7 are usually user retardation like inventory management and poor key management. The game is pretty shallow as Ultimas go, but it's fun.

>> No.10041692

>no issues

>> No.10041702

Ultima VII doesn't even have properly working music if played in DOS. Exult at least patches that.

>> No.10041707

It works fine on Dosbox. Music is there. No clue what you are talking about.

>> No.10041709

No game breaking issues. Bugs will always be present in these games even with exult.

>> No.10041760

Would be a sequel to Serpent Isle. Starting with Shamino, Gwenno, and Iolo passing through the Order Wall of Lights in an attempt to return to Britannia. Following old writings Gwenno had about worlds the Ophidians encountered on their attempted flights from the Serpent Isles.

The world they wind up in has an incredibly strong magnetic field, which effects enchanted items too. The party gets an equipment reset discarding all irons an enchanted items. But they figure it is magnetism because the urn they have with Dupre's remaining ashes is bronze and not affected. Reducing the party to using slings, staves, clubs, and torches as weapons.

The society is tribal and the magic system is totemic. Shamino leads this discovery but each of the 3 companions have a different spirit animal, and each must go through trials to reach deeper harmony with it to call various powers forth. Owl, Fox, and Beaver. They need these powers to work in tandem in order to progress. Part of this will be confronting the memories of their actions they took as hosts to the banes atoning and purging themselves of their guilt. While other purgings will be specific to a character.

One tribe revers insects, and are vegetarians because their companion animals pollinate and promote the growth of fruits. They find other tribes subsisting on meat disrespect the spirits that they represent. Another tribe, to the very opposite extreme, thinks consuming having their warriors hunt and consume their spirit animals make them more in tune with them. A seagoing tribe migrates between bays, following flocks of birds. Their free-movement is thought to be trespassing by the others and stealing their territory's resources.

There is evil beyond that of men working in the world, but it seems only these 3 outsiders have the clarity, will, and perspective to pursue it. Rather than just start a feud with another tribe over it.

>> No.10041764

Is Ultima IX really that bad or are people just parroting that opinion because of Spoony's videos where he sperges over every detail of the game?

>> No.10041920

>It works fine on Dosbox.
No it dosen't the Ultima VII engine can't properly read the midi music loop tags. The base game never played it's music correctly. Also the Avatar has 2 frames of animation but the engine duplicates a frame to make it three(because the avatar is the only character that has two instead of three frames of animation) resulting in stuttery movement for him.

>> No.10042075

I tend to agree

>> No.10042089

U9 being bad was a universal consensus over 10 years before the Spoony Exsperging. Spoony was even accused of plagerism at the time since his rapid fire shit slinging seemed to mirror Hacki's Ultima nitpicks fanpage.

I can't think of a single honest complement to pay the game. Yes it does crash all the time. Yes it is a game from 1999 wearing a 1995 3D asset pack. Yes the story is nonsense, and it is the penultimate game for a pioneer of CRPGs. Yes the game feels like it was cut together out of a game four times the size that was a fifth done. Yes the combat is brainless, and only gets worse if you learn the weapon skills. Yes there is more platforming, maybe not more than in Pagan but I didn't do a jumpcount on each.

>> No.10042819

I played it three times this year and it was fine. Now you want to complain about a fucking animation frame, but you think the weird hud and animations of exult are better? You exult fags act like you have stock in the company. You're the same as the zoomers that need a rom hack to play a nintendo game. Play how you want though. No one cares.

>> No.10042839
File: 124 KB, 1055x1055, 346029847_775943540586023_7724818830814919964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started playing ultima 1 tonight and am getting filtered hard. this might as well be a roguelike considering how fucked you are if you die. gonna do a lot more trial and error tomorrow.

>> No.10042927

The secret to having a good time is knowing where the good weapons can be found.

>> No.10042983

>I play Ultima 1 and it looks l ike fucking PONG
this part made me lol. you anons should lighten up a little!

>> No.10043151

He went overboard complaining about the dumb questions the Avatar can ask. Clearly they were optional dialogue choices for players new to the series. Otherwise yeah it is a mediocre RPG with an awful plot. The Bob White plot would have been a little bit better if they didn’t have to gut the entire game multiple times during production

>> No.10043158

Melee combat is completely useless. Get the bow as soon as possible

>> No.10043161

Is there no pc version of Ultima that updates the graphics to the NES or am I just better off emulating it?

>> No.10043215

install the gog releases and then use this:

>> No.10043235
File: 139 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima series is cursed. Play pic related for a flavor of Ultima back when it was good.

>> No.10043573

Big fucking deal, so I made a little mistake, I think you are the autistic faggot.
Yeah. My mistake. I was on readchan and I don't think there's delete option so I was sure I will be corrected.

>> No.10043827

You sound like a Vim user

>> No.10043883

Only Emacs user could have typed this slander.

>> No.10043935

Jump into a dungeon right away. Kill monsters on the first level only to get gold and keep exiting for hp. Don't get treasure chests because they are almost always trapped and not worth it. After 2000 moves, shops start selling the best equipment.

>> No.10044067

Both vim and Emacs are just too damn slow. They print useless messages like, ‘C-h for help’ and ‘“foo” File is read only’. So I use the editor that doesn't waste my VALUABLE time.
I love ed, not just because it comes first alphabetically, but because it's the standard. Everyone else loves ed because it's ED!
Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which
>generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG
>reduces the user's disk quota by 100K
>RUNS ED!!!!!!
Ed is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to overwhelm with verbosity
Ed is the greatest WYGIWYG editor of all.
When I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless help screens and cursor positioning code! I just want an EDitor!! Not a "viitor". Not a "emacsitor". Those aren't even WORDS!!!! ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD!!!
When IBM, in its ever-present omnipotence, needed to base their “edlin” on a Unix standard, did they mimic vi? No. Emacs? Surely you jest. They chose the most karmic editor of all. The standard.
Ed is for those who can remember what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi. If you use ED, you are on THE PATH TO REDEMPTION. THE SO-CALLED “VISUAL” EDITORS HAVE BEEN PLACED HERE BY ED TO TEMPT THE FAITHLESS. DO NOT GIVE IN!!! THE MIGHTY ED HAS SPOKEN!!!

>> No.10044106

Pure distilled mental illness. Pajeet needs to get off /pol/ before they groom him into shooting up a school and/or lopping his dick off.

>> No.10044110
