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10030419 No.10030419 [Reply] [Original]

And what are your thoughts on Doom?

>> No.10030429
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It has to be Street Fighter. It's one of those "I remember every scene" movies.
Doom is fine. It's not something I'd go out of my way to watch again, but if a rifftrax came out I'd probably put it on.

>> No.10030436

>It has to be Street Fighter.
This but the animated movie

>> No.10030461

Yea, the animated movie from 94 or whatever is amazing. I’d have love to have seen someone do a sort of live action version because it works so well, for the most part, just like the first mortal kombat, it just werked and was fun.

>> No.10030474
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Tron (2010) for sure.
Really great movie and was always totally underrated. Got to see it in IMAX 3D when it came out.

Whole soundtrack was done by Daft Punk too.

>> No.10030476

Tekken. I thought it was really silly and had a good time watching it.

>> No.10030504 [DELETED] 

Anyone else think Floigan Bros would make a good Pixar movie?

>> No.10030608

if this counts i second it, if not my vote is bob hoskins mario

>> No.10030640

For me, it's the Sonic OVA.

>> No.10030808 [DELETED] 

top kek, unironically yes

>> No.10030905

The Japanese live action movie honestly deserves more love. It has an actual plot and some decent fight scenes compared to that 3D cutscene abortion that shipped with Tekken Tag 2.

>> No.10030947

>And what are your thoughts on Doom?
It's OK for the time, even if it doesn't feel much like doom. That first person episode was cool to see in the theater.
>What’s your favorite retro game based movie?
Original Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter is on par, but i prefer MK just for the iconic soundtrack and personal nostalgia value.
Across Russia, there were rumored and talked about instances of DJs at village clubs deliberately switching whatever they were playing to Techno Syndrome when someone started a fight. I personaly had some brawl like that, but the song was already playing.

>> No.10030964

>Whole soundtrack was done by Daft Punk too.
For me, it's The game has changed. I don't think TRON Legacy qualifies as vidya adaptation.
Yeah, that was great.
Any of you guys liked D.O.A.?

>> No.10031075 [DELETED] 

Never watched it, but looking at the trailer it looks like fun. I'm guessing a bunch of autists cried about it when it was new because they couldn't find a Japanese actress with double K tits to play Kasumi?

>> No.10031087 [DELETED] 

>I'm guessing a bunch of autists cried
Apart from the one I'm replying to it was a video game movie and nobody cared.

>> No.10031097 [DELETED] 

Calm down, tranny, no one was talking to you.

>> No.10031121
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That fucking poster always pissed me off because I thought it was going to be a POV film
Basically just what hardcore herny was which would have been sick af. -_-

>> No.10031162

DOA was fun, but it was like a cheaply made MK from what I recall and the movie came out like what? 6-7 years later at least? It was good fun tho for sure and Kevin Nash was in it right?

>> No.10031176

We’ll let it slide because that soundtrack IS the reason to watch the movie. It’s also one of those movies specifically designed to be enjoyed by the theater/imax experience right? Either way it’s killer just for the ost but I did like the green screen world for it. It made sense as oppose to the prequels of Star Wars where even desert planets are clean.

>> No.10031593
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>Karl and the Urban Rock

>> No.10031595
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first mortal kombat movie
second mortal kombat movie

>> No.10031638
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>> No.10031643

I still remember watching Mortal Kombat Annihilation on late night TV as a kid and being absolutely flabbergasted at how bad it was. It has to be seen to be believed.

>> No.10031671

Bold to kill off your most charismatic character in the opening.

It’s unreal how far from the original it was, w the exact same team. Same thing happened to Stephen Sommers just a lot slower. Ws anderson is a hack that occasionally gets it right (I haven’t looked it up but I think he directed both could be wrong).

>> No.10031681
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Also the tnt show was un-ironically better. Great concept desu but I’ve never gone back to watch it since I was a kid, but I remember it being more fun then annihilation

>> No.10031721

Mortal Kombat Annihilation was directed by John R. Leonetti, the same guy who directed Annabelle (another shitty movie).

>> No.10031789

He can’t keep getting away w this!

>> No.10031820

Most were cringe

>> No.10031832

For retro game-based movies I mostly liked this parody trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWL6j0SvqV0
Doom was... passable.