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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10029318 No.10029318 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good licensed /vr/ games? Just finished playing this one, and while it was far from perfect, it managed to be fun. The sprite work was also fantastic.

>> No.10029325
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>> No.10029402 [DELETED] 

Beat saber

>> No.10029406

None, all are basic shit

>> No.10029408 [DELETED] 

Elden ring

>> No.10029420 [DELETED] 

Nice game back then. Still good thou

>> No.10029426

You really stink

>> No.10029440 [DELETED] 

Blade and sorcery because it was literally the first game I wanted to try

>> No.10029449

Eve online

>> No.10029454

Diff folks with diff options

>> No.10029479 [DELETED] 

Hollow Knight. When you enter the city of tears for the first time, and the music hits, you get goosebumps.

>> No.10029498 [DELETED] 

So good

>> No.10029514
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Die Hard for the NES.
It's amazing how they can actually accurately portray the movie in that one. A bit hard at first but at the end you are an expert avoiding enemy bullets. I had a lot of fun beating it.

>> No.10029518 [DELETED] 

>What are some good licensed /vr/ games?
I really dunno, but I've tried out the VR version of cloudbreaker leaving haven, and I'm hooked! The seamless transition from ordinary game to In-car vr is impressive.

>> No.10029536

I prefer things like Nilo

>> No.10029546

Spent a lot of time on it

>> No.10029551

>HUD for Cave Cat looks completely different from the final game
>Catsablanca set on a train instead of the streets (supposedly seen in the Sega Channel release, but no confirmed evidence)
>Weird zero in the top-right corner of most screens that doesn't seem to do anything
Has anybody ever figured out the details between versions, maybe in one of the occasional prototype ROM dumps?

>> No.10029931
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Scooby Doo.

>> No.10030346

Speaking of, anyone know what year Jim Davis sort of “gave up” with the comics? Been reading some of the older ones and they are actually pretty entertaining.

>> No.10030357

My money's on 1989, after Jim did his highly-controversial "Garfield in Purgatory" week arc and was so devastated by the reaction that he pretty much gave up trying to do anything clever with the comic anymore.

>> No.10030359

Probably around early or mid-90s. Maybe 80s. When the art style was finalized and Garfield became a recognizable brand to sell lots of merch.

There's one Japanese Garfield game on Famicom that clearly was made to get some quick yen.

Davis probably still was drawing his comic strips by himself at that time, though. Nowadays he just uses assistants who doesn't even draw and use cookie-cutter templates to "build" a comic.

>> No.10030365

Pretty much. The Garfield's 9 lives, the detective story even the best animations were all from back then

>> No.10030392

I saw a strip in the newspaper recently where it was 3 of the exact same panels with different dialogue. You wanna talk about soulless.

>> No.10030412
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You mean Halloween strip? I guess people just wanted another funny comic and were displeasantly surprised. That happens when you suddenly change the mood of your le funny thing to explore more serious themes.

But it's non-canon anyway. If there is any canon in Garfield besides his food choices and Mondays hatred.

>> No.10030417

I remember there being a sorta feelsy one where he meets his mom too.

Poor Jim. Tried to get a bit creative but got stifled by the status quo. I’m sure he isn’t too depressed about it, but still, I remember that whenever that status quo was broken Garfield could get into some fun scenarios and situations.

>> No.10030420

>But it's non-canon anyway.
Of course it wasn't real. The whole thing was Garfield's overactive imagination exaggerating his loneliness when Jon and Odie had only gone away for a little bit. Still didn't go over well with the audience, and it broke Jim hard.

>> No.10030434

>he whole thing was Garfield's overactive imagination exaggerating his loneliness when Jon and Odie had only gone away for a little bit.

Wasn't it implicated that Garfield was coping so hard at the end he actually started _imagining Jon and Odie_ with him?

And Davis got adamsandlered. Many such cases.

>> No.10030437


>> No.10032295

I’m sure they have enough money that they aren’t exactly crying about it, but the fact they can’t reach their creative potential probably sits at the back of their mind from time to time.

>> No.10032308

He never did. It was the fans fault.

>> No.10032310

i like donald land

>> No.10032341

I found that game slightly irksome.
The Genesis version makes the first level that Dracula themed one which is a mid to late game level in the other versions (also a much more difficult level than the Egyptian one the other versions start at). Love to know who the pricks were who made that decision.

>> No.10032396
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This is surprisingly fun. I was just playing ti today, thinking to myself 'This will be shit' but you know what. It just is not and by the end of the second level I was...this is good. Great mini games as well, races, frogger, platformers etc Better plot than e.g most Mario or Zelda games and better voice acting as well. A fun little number. You switch beteen the four main characters, zebra, giraffe, hippo and lion complete with their supporting cast like the other zoon animals and occasionally as e.g. the penguins. Its a little easy and that's not a surprise as its a kids game like zelda or mario but its great fun and keeps moving and makes you smile unexpecdly with the voice acting .

>> No.10032409
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Pic related is based on john carpenters the Thing and if you have not seen the movie, stop now, turn out the lights and go and watch it. Absolute gem and fits perfectly with the survival horror feel of this game. Good plot, game mechanism and graphics. if you like survival horror or the thing you will love it. Its not a simple childrens game like e.g zelda or mario but its a lot of entertainment if you like games like silent Hill, early resident evil etc you will enjoy this


>> No.10032426
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Van Helsing PS2

A Devil May Cry style Romp which is great fun and will suck you in, the first levels are not bad but not great either but the game improves vastly if you don't get filtered by them

>> No.10032448
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Enter The Matrix PS2
There are two Matric games on the PS2 of note this and path of neo. I recommend Enter the Marix to you OP. Great music and fun combat with tons of original matric footage and acting that was created for the game nearly enough for another move at one hour of specially shot material by the matrix directors. It is not suitable for children like e.g Zelda or Mario but its certainly worth a look especially if you are a matrix or cyberpunk fan

>> No.10032460
File: 25 KB, 256x330, Twotowersbox1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 the two towers
Excellent game of the Jackson Movie this hack and slash puts you right in the middle of battles like helms deep and is a fantastic game adaption of the movie, including great music and voice acting straight from the film, a must play for any fan of the film. Its not a for very young children like e.g mario or zelda but its very enjoyable.

>> No.10032474
File: 13 KB, 210x210, 514FZMPR0XL._AC_UL210_SR210,210_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 The Return of the King
Following in the footsteps of the two towers this is very much the sequel to the Jackson movie based two towers again a hack and slash with both video, voice and music from the a more oiled and enhanced version of the two towers release again if you liked the two towers or the Jackson movies or Lord of the rings you will love this


>> No.10032480

Samefag also recoomend
King Kong PS2/Xbox game of the Jackson film great atmosphere fps survival horror
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter PS2 arcade-style combat flight
Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2 PS2 Excellent FPS
Battlestar Galactica PS2 Combat flight

>> No.10032496

Wasn’t there a version of King Kong, maybe the 360 version, that’s really fucking good? I remember playing a demo of it and being impressed. I saw a high price for one version recently but had no idea why it was priced higher then the other versions.

Also two towers is really friggin good for a licensed game no doubt

>> No.10032501

Weird didn’t even see ur post about King Kong until I posted mine. Someone give us a rundown if you don’t mind about Kong

>> No.10032508

>Enter The Matrix PS2
>King Kong PS2
>Battlestar Galactica PS2
>Star Wars Jedi Starfighter PS2
>Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2 PS2

PS2 Evil dead regeneration (if you are an Ash Williams fan)
Futurama (if you are a fan)

>> No.10032526

I've never played the Xbox version, I have it but I need to do caps on my Xbox. I've played though it on the PS2 and really enjoyed it. Its a well done game. I've the trailer here..its an fps/survival horror based on jacksons film and the island where everything can kill you and you periodically get to control Kong too

Also the Simpsons game on PS2
And Simpsons hit and run PS2

>> No.10032537

>PS2 The Return of the King
>Following in the footsteps of the two towers this is very much the sequel to the Jackson movie based two towers again a hack and slash with both video, voice and music from the a more oiled and enhanced version of the two towers release again if you liked the two towers or the Jackson movies or Lord of the rings you will love this
Oops wrong trailer that was the two towers again, here is the right one