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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 76 KB, 600x338, 1682743232764233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10021857 No.10021857 [Reply] [Original]

PSX has the bigger library, but N64 has more 10/10s and better graphics.

>> No.10021861

Nah, they both have amazing games and shitty graphics for different reasons.

>> No.10021867


So this is what N64fags keep telling themselves.

>> No.10021871

PSX doesn't have a single game that's as timeless as Mario 64, Zelda OoT or Mario Kart.
It's a fact. Just look at metacritic.

>> No.10021875

It doesn’t have either of those, back to your containment board

>> No.10021896

Crash Team Racing is better than Mario Kart

>> No.10021901

The PSX doesn't have a game as good as Mario Kart 64? Is this nigga serious?

>> No.10021908

Literally undebatable.
Not even close. Mario Kart 64 is still one of the biggest speedrunning games but nobody gives a shit about crash.

>> No.10021918

>Mario Kart 64 is still one of the biggest speedrunning games

and what kind of people are into speedrunning games fulltime at the expense of their own health, anon?

>> No.10021919

Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Silent Hill, Vagrant Story, Xenogears, the Spyro trilogy, Metal Gear Solid.

Feel free to disagree, this is such an overdone fanboy argument that will never die as long as people have nostalgia for either console.

>speedrunning games
dilate and cope

>> No.10021920
File: 1.20 MB, 321x310, playthegame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon it's 2023 — just play the game

>> No.10021923

>Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, Silent Hill, Vagrant Story, Xenogears, the Spyro trilogy, Metal Gear Solid.
Most of these aren't exclusives.
Speedrunning is an indicator of cultural relevance.

>> No.10021925

>speedrunning is an indicator of cultural relevance.

what kind of cultural relevance, anon?

>> No.10021930

>Most of these aren't exclusives
They all were at release you daft cunt, I'm guessing the N64 only has Perfect Dark then if post-release ports are what we're basing this on now.

>> No.10021932

>Cultural relevance
To furries and trannies maybe, which are you?

>> No.10021934

>PSX doesn't have a single game that's as timeless as Mario 64, Zelda OoT or Mario Kart.
Metal Gear solid, Final Fantasy 7 and Gran Turismo. You're in a brandwarrior stupor and need to leave.

>> No.10021935

>People care about Mario Kart
>People don't care about Crash
Really not rocket science.
Never left Nintendo platforms. Your biggest games were basically multiplats.

>> No.10021938

They have almost finished decompiling Crash and there will probably be a PC port, and it was remade not that long ago, and has multiple sequels
People like it

>> No.10021941

>Most of these aren't exclusives
>Two games

>> No.10021942
File: 262 KB, 766x720, N64 fanboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10021946

OP here, I’m both actually

>> No.10021947
File: 232 KB, 1348x774, 1679170060579785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10021951

no, you're dodging my question; what makes speedrunning culturally significant that warrants you to defend it? because everyone else is doing it? lots of people take drugs too and slavery is still an issue in parts of the world due to its popularity in various regions.
are they ok in this situation because they're culturally relevant?

>> No.10021953
File: 259 KB, 1348x774, 1662331921743295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers speak for themselves.

>> No.10021954

Good God, this is your argument? Your console had nothing but first party releases to survive on and therefore because those games (which number less than 15 I might add) were better than the majority of first party releases on the playstation, it's a better console?

Please stop being wrong.

>> No.10021962
File: 704 KB, 338x338, 1673648022036465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think less people would have bought their kids an N64 if they knew that they would develop a lifelong inferiority complex because of it.

>> No.10021967

Next you'll be telling us the Wii was better than the PS3 and 360 combined because its exclusives were better and all the great PS3 and 360 games were multiplats and/or third party.

>> No.10021971
File: 58 KB, 300x300, 1687362557692127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metacitic scores do NOT matter, okay?? its all paid reivews anyway!

>also, this nintendo game got a higher score on metacritic than a non-nintendo game. checkmate losers.

>> No.10021983 [DELETED] 
File: 454 KB, 640x480, 1677649367304916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the ones who are coping, literally. My core argument still stands. N64 has more 10/10 games and had better graphics. Show me a single PSX game that looks this good, without being upscaled.
Hahaha, very funny.
I never said that, nice strawman.

Holy shit, you brainwashed fucks. Didn't know that this board was SNOY central.

>> No.10021987

It must have been horrible for them growing up, being reminded every day that they bought the wrong console.

>> No.10021989

>Show me a single PSX game that looks this good, without being upscaled.
That image in and off itself is upscaled. The real game runs at 320x240 and a real N64 is much blurrier than that.

>> No.10022008

Look, it's tough being a transsexual furry, I get it. But just go kill yourself already and stop troubling us with your problems.
We both know all you're going to do with any screenshot we provide of you of any PS1 game is come up with some excuse about how your flat tree 3D platformer from 1996 has better graphics on account of your subjective view of its art style.

I'm sorry there's no good doctors around who'll cut your dick off for you on the cheap, that's because you're mental and it's barbaric.

>> No.10022013
File: 109 KB, 320x240, ffixbahamutnative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, here's a native res shot of Bahamut from FFIX.

>> No.10022024
File: 345 KB, 498x348, 1671653324726000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me a single PSX game that looks this good, without being upscaled.
Show me a single N64 game with this much soul.

>> No.10022025

not him but you have to compare games of similar genre. you're comparing what is effectively an open world game with huge draw distance and fully rendered models and dozens of entities to a single model in a closed off environment with no interactivity. it's like comparing a fighting game to an RPG.

>> No.10022029

not /vr but you know modern Nintendo absolutely hates OoT right? they even wrote it out of the canon despite its 'timeless' quality.
how do you feel about that?

>> No.10022032

PS1 is good, and especially good if you could only choose 1 system.
If you could choose 2 systems, though, Saturn+N64 duo is better than PS1.
Of course, being a three-way idort was the best way to spend 5th gen.

>> No.10022035


Back to your containment board

>> No.10022038
File: 43 KB, 400x300, spyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, have a nearly native res shot of the title screen of Year of the Dragon. We can move the goalposts all bloody night on this if we need to.

>> No.10022042
File: 70 KB, 1024x888, 1664594526759545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally looks like that because that's the resolution of a VRT TV, dumbass. Actually even better because of scanlines.
>no arguments
Glorified cutscene, not gameplay.
SNES had games looking better than that.

>> No.10022048

Anon singlehandedly BTFOing the entire thread. Keep it up lmao.

>> No.10022049

again i'm not him and it isn't "moving the goalposts" when what you're comparing are fundamentally different. you can't possibly be too stupid to understand that a huge world isn't going to have the same fidelity as a single model in a tiny space. wouldn't it be "moving the goalposts" to post a game with pre-rendered graphics and say it was better looking than a full 3D environment? sometimes i think you guys are clinically retarded honestly. that doesn't look nearly as good as SM64 by the way.

>> No.10022058

Pathetic samefagging attempt to save face.

>> No.10022059

This is true. I've felt that way back then and still do now. It's just full of heavy hitters and bangers. Look at the first year it was released alone and tell me a system that had a better list of exclusives.

>Pilotwings 64
>Wave Race 64
>Killer Instinct Gold
>Mario Kart 64
>Doom 64
>Blast Corps
>Star Fox 64

No other console before or since could compete.

>> No.10022067

>upscaled image
>SNES game
>still no N64 RPG to compare the post with.

are you done yet? you'll have a more pleasant experience sticking with /v than here you know. it seems to be up your alley.

>> No.10022086
File: 607 KB, 640x480, 1669545175347795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 doesn't have lots of sprite games, but this blows all of the PSX ones out of the water.

>> No.10022105

>comparing an open 3D world RPG to something like Haha World 64

come on anon, you can do better than this.

>> No.10022110

Looks like shit my dude.

>> No.10022115

all of the really "good" looking PS1 games have to make huge compromises to achieve what they do, e.g. Vagrant Story which looks pretty nice but has these tuna can environments with very few characters/objects. the N64 could produce these kind of visuals without compromising on draw distance, environmental size and interactivity. just look at Ocarina of Time: here you have a game with huge environments filled with interactive characters and objects galore, with moving skies, moving water, night and day cycle, dynamic lighting effects, weather effects, high poly models, ad nauseum... and all of it with no loading times. fun fact: Link's model alone has 500 unique animations that are loaded at all times -- his attacks, jumps, rolls, dodges, blocks, items, flinching, facial reactions, even little things like stretching and sneezing -- it's all instantly available for the game to display and isn't situationally bottlenecked. this is because the N64 is able to use the cartridge as additional RAM where data can be buffered and streamed instantly. this, on top of everything else. a game like OoT as it exists on N64 would simply not be possible on PS1. you can find PS1 games with big environments, or high poly, or lots of interactivity -- but you can't find any that have it all, because some corner has to be cut. the N64 did not have to cut the same corners. you have people that like to chide the system for shit like framerate (see: Perfect Dark) but this is only because the graphics were so advanced. in the cases where N64 went for PS1 tier graphics, ala Quake 64 or DOOM 64, it had no problem maintaining 30+ consistent fps. if the PS1 tried to run PD though, it wouldn't be chugging along at 5fps... it just wouldn't work at all. there's something to be said for storage limitations, but outside of this, the N64 was an objectively, vastly more powerful system.

>> No.10022116

I've played your 10/10s, they're really 6 and 7/10s. I don't belive you know what fun is.

>> No.10022119
File: 52 KB, 640x622, 1669844541213309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the N64 could produce these kind of visuals without compromising on draw distance, environmental size and interactivity. just look at Ocarina of Time:
It runs at 20fps, with drops.

>> No.10022121

... and if the PS1 tried to run OoT, it would run at 0 fps.

>> No.10022127

Nothing compares to Mario 64 yes but OoT is garbage

>> No.10022132

>the N64 could produce these kind of visuals without compromising-

anon, you know that the game is still missing assets right? a lot of the games fidelity had to be stripped away just for it to run on the n64 and even then, its easy to break. pretty good sound design though.

>> No.10022142

>53 replies
vr is doomed

>> No.10022143

it isn't "missing assets", what a retarded statement. every game ever made has to cut things back to achieve a shippable retail version. this is like saying DOOM is "missing assets" because the alpha version had a fucking assault rifle. not like this matters anyway because the final product still has everything i just listed and more, but you're looking for any irrelevant, abstract reason to discredit the argument.

>> No.10022147

There’s games that push way more polys. There’s even an open world life sim on the PSX. You’d be shocked at the graphics it’s capable of. OOT barely pushes any polys but has phenomenal art design and does take full advantage of the system. The systems flaws also really show

>> No.10022148
File: 3.59 MB, 2880x2160, Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) [FastROM v1.2]-230626-233106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal baby game.

>> No.10022149

Cope and absurdity.

>> No.10022152

>Mario 64, Zelda OoT or Mario Kart.
games for literal children, imagine anyone taking spyro as an example of a timeless classic on ps1?

>> No.10022154
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, 1676559710073686.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 would have no problem rendering oots jpeg backgrounds at 60fps

>> No.10022156

but i thought the n64 didn't need to cut corners? and that the console was super powerful?too bad i guess. its hard to accept hearing that the n64 is not what the fans said it was.

>> No.10022158

NTA but I'd like to see how this runs on real hardware.

>> No.10022159
File: 362 KB, 570x512, 1672567369483227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>64mb max

>> No.10022162

oh look, a game with vaguely OoT looking assets and tiny environments that looks worse than already existing PS1 games that you're going to spend the next 100 replies pretending is relevant. wake me up when you can post a webm of the actual game running on PS1.

>> No.10022170

>Zelda OoT
There are lots of PS1 shovelware running at sub-20 fps too.

>> No.10022171
File: 160 KB, 801x909, 1687766432453834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frothing tendie doesn't even recognize MM first 5 minutes

>> No.10022172

i said it didn't have to cut the same corners. you have the reading comprehension of a nigger and your entire "argument" is based on continually ignoring how N64 games outperform PS1.

>> No.10022174

>"OoT can't run on PS1, thats ludicrous. its too advanced"
>"well, we have something here to show that it can do something preeetty similar, MM actuall-"


>> No.10022176

Probably well. But the PSX couldn’t smoothly do the wide open fields of OOT well. But there’s things the PSX is capable of the N64 simply isn’t. They’re very different consoles with strengths and weaknesses. The PSX pushes tons of polys and great textures. The N64 does those nice big flat environments and flat texturing well. It’s just pro/con. The PSX has games like Spyro 2, THPS and Syphon Filter that the N64 just couldn’t do

>> No.10022179
File: 91 KB, 845x576, 1687225643771513m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australia-troon falseflag thread
Please stop taking this console war bait, /vr/os. These threads are only made (by a mentally ill shitposter obsessed with trying to make N64 AND Saturn sound bad) to make this board gay by making you hate other posters and making threads dedicated to that instead of discussing games. 99% of posters on this board love all pre-2000s consoles. No one is this obsessed with a particular brand or console, or with "warring against" a particular brand or console except this ONE poster (ie, the maker and samefag of this thread).

Tl;dr: Stop feeding these extremely gay console war threads and letting them affect you. It's exactly what faggot OP Australia-kun wants.


>> No.10022180

>"i said it didn't have to cut the same corners."

yeah, but it still did, because its underpowered.

>> No.10022183

i said PS1 can't run OoT. you then post a webm of a fan game with OoT looking assets, lacking the size, polycount and complexity of OoT, and you think this is relevant because the character has a green hat. you are retarded dude.

>> No.10022185

I'm honestly surprised that faggots like OP are able to continue the old console wars, as if that shit even matters anymore.

>> No.10022187

but anon, you said it wasn't possible? it looks like Zelda to me. would work pretty well on a Switch too.

>> No.10022191

OOT/MM aren’t even the best looking N64 games dude. The PSX has multiple games the same scale and scope as MM like Driver, Soul Reaver and Spyro. I don’t know what makes you think it couldn’t render MM.

>> No.10022193

Those are Majora assets which are higher quality

>> No.10022195

it isn't possible. the game you posted is not OoT. it's a tiny, tiny tech demo without any of OoT's features. the only similarity are the aesthetics. be honest, are you baiting or are you legitimately this retarded?

>> No.10022196
File: 1.18 MB, 321x310, playthegame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan game with OoT looking assets

>> No.10022198

at this point, its just funny seeing how angry some of them get. most of this thread is just anons poking fun and OP is just losing his mind all the way through.

>> No.10022204

there is no game retard, it's a tech demo

>> No.10022205

>the game you posted is not OoT

oh anon, you cant say that. after all, all 3D platfomer games are Zelda clones and Mario clones, aren't they? you should be ashamed of yourself, tendo-kun.

>> No.10022206


>> No.10022212
File: 1.03 MB, 498x368, 1685119378699319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i thought we were going to have an intelligent argument here but you're satisfied sucking your own penis and laughing. congrats, you baited me. PS1 cannot run OoT. good day.

>> No.10022216

i accept your concession. enjoy your under powered console!

>> No.10022217


>> No.10022219

ok so

if N64 is so superior

why is it that N64 games outside of zelda are never discussed here

and most threads are about ps1 titles

care to answer?

>> No.10022225
File: 69 KB, 642x1083, 1673553387942790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10022231

>Mario Kart 64
Everyone agrees Double Dash obliterated that shit

>> No.10022232

Man, I miss pre-wojak era memes.

>> No.10022235

I listed multiple games similar to OOT in size here. Soul Reaver also just has better graphics flat out. There’s nothing indicating the PS1 couldn’t have done an OOT like game

>> No.10022238

Unsurprisingly, this is the fastest thread on /vr/ right now.
Neo-/vr/ is nothing but /v/, console warring and shitposting.
I won't blame the rule change alone because /vr/ started declining before that, but the rule change was the final nail.

>> No.10022240

Stop redditspacing and feeding this garbage.

>> No.10022248

> better graphics

>> No.10022249
File: 111 KB, 640x480, 177237-legacy-of-kain-soul-reaver-playstation-screenshot-the-titular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soul Reaver
Lmao dude that game couldn't even draw 100 feet ahead without fog, Ocarina doesn't even have fog. And where's all the shit in SR that Ocarina had? It didn't have any of it. The whole game was a bunch of fucking lifeless stone blocks with no moving scenery and like 2 enemies om screen and no NPCs and no real special effects. Kill yourself you disengenuous faggot ape.

>> No.10022251
File: 265 KB, 640x480, 1657869135395325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocarina doesn't even have fog

>> No.10022257
File: 921 KB, 897x672, vagrant story ps1 butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 has zero games with good graphixs, while the ps1 has a couple good looking 3d games like Megaman legends, and at least a dozen really good looking 2d games like mana.

Also, ps1 has way more 10/10s as a total.

>> No.10022258
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that is but it isn't OoT.

>> No.10022259

>mario kart 64
Absolutely shit. Super was better, and all the sequels are better. It's the worst fucking one.

Also, krash racing is way fucking better

>> No.10022260

It’s draw distance isn’t much different that OOT and is better than MM. I think you’re remembering the game way different than it was anon. Like I said, they weren’t even the best looking N64 games. Keep in mind the draw distance is better on emulation. It had worse draw distance based on the framerate and other factors. It was dynamic not fixed

>> No.10022261

I don't care about troonrunning.

>> No.10022262

that pic isn't even from the N64 version and that part is during a storm in lake hylia you fucking tard, it's completely clear normally.

>> No.10022265
File: 69 KB, 320x240, OoT-Hyrule_Field_1_Apr98_Comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw distance isn't much different
You have to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.10022267

Troon culture? Nobody cares.

>> No.10022272

Silent Hill, Vagrant Story, Xenogears, the Spyro trilogy

Still never left ps1.

>> No.10022275

>Mario Kart 64 is still one of the biggest speedrunning games
it says more about speedrunning "community" than about the game itself

>> No.10022279

what objects am I supposed to be not seeing here to demonstrate oot's draw distance?

>> No.10022281
File: 7 KB, 268x188, IMG_3100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again. Go put the game in your N64 and play it. Both games adjust draw distance based on framerate. It varies depending on the area. You’re also looking at like. A very plain area even for OOT. There’s nothing going on in that screenshot. The ps1 was pretty capable of big vibrant busy areas.

>> No.10022284

you will be given a 30 day ban for posting "Floigan", literally just the word "Floigan", but this kind of shittery is perfectly fine. i honestly want to know what the vr mod's angle is. are they just letting the board fall to pieces for fun? are they completely unaware of what's actually going on here? i don't get it.

>> No.10022285

>Neo-/vr/ is nothing but /v/, console warring and shitposting.

its angry nintendo fans from /v getting mad that people want to discuss games that aren't from their systems, so they're constantly flooding the catalogue looking to hijack the board.
they do it everywhere that ignores them.

>> No.10022289

Nigger in that Soul Reaver screenshot fog is literally 50 feet in front of you. In OoT, you can stand at the top of the stone wall and look in any direction and see for a half mile. You are fucking brain damaged.

>> No.10022290
File: 1.21 MB, 1788x1665, 1687252276429161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna defend the N64 on any other account, but MK64 is easily the best one.
>perfect slidey control
>items not too OP
>VA, OST, sprite soul
>4 player
Mode 7 makes SMK turn into a garbled mess. It doesn't control well without analog either.
Same with F-Zero vs F-Zero X, PW vs PW64.

>> No.10022292 [DELETED] 

can you stop redditspacing? thanks.

>> No.10022293

Tourist go back.

>> No.10022297

>but N64 has more 10/10s
I really don't agree, man, but it doesn't matter anymore. We can play all of those games without even owning them. What's the point in arguing anymore?

>> No.10022303

My man when is the last time you played OOT on an N64? Soul Reaver is way more complex and has some areas you can see everything. There’s also not a lot going on in those areas. You can also shift between two different maps with different texturing and lighting in the fly. It’s a really impressive game and looks good even on the Dreamcast. Most of it is tight but there’s big areas. It’s generally considered one of the best looking games of that generation. Lookup a long play on YouTube instead of being racist on the internet. Maybe go play OOT

>> No.10022304

>without even owning them
collectorfags disagree

>> No.10022305

Sony ponies are by far the most militantly retarded fandom in existence. last week somebody told me I was a "nintoddler cultist" for playing OoT on my PC, despite owning not one Nintendo console or game and having a total of 3 Nintendo games installed on my computer, and ironically having 10+ PS1 amd PS2 games. you can't reason with them, you can't argue with them, they will just spew verbal diarrhea until you get tired.

>> No.10022309

take your blogposting back to /v, please.

>> No.10022310

redditor go back.
>inb4 but muh good old chan days of redditspacing
yes, even before reddit there were low IQ armchair intellectuals adding unnecessary space to paragraphs on an imageboard that they think is the entry form for an online english class essay.

>> No.10022312

>blatantly untrue non-argument
>muh heckin' racisms
Ah okay, you're just a faggot. Carry on.

>> No.10022313
File: 33 KB, 800x600, IMG_3102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. I’ve never seen someone saw it’s a bad looking game. It also mostly runs at 30fps with an increased resolution.

>> No.10022315

I didn't ask them.

>> No.10022317

>Dreamcast version
sad part is, this still doesn't even look good. it's a tiny room with nothing in it. wake up retard.

>> No.10022319 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1024x950, map level design tomb raider classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro mario 64 looks like pure shit.
Now go back to plebbit

>> No.10022321
File: 33 KB, 800x600, IMG_3103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Ok anon? If you want games with good graphics we’ve come a long way from the N64. If you want long draw distances there’s ridge racer, driver and omega boost. Omega boost runs at 60fps with crazy draw distance. There’s also that space sim game

>> No.10022323

phoneposter begone.

>> No.10022325

are you okay? you're posting Dreamcast versions of Soul Reaver while simultaneously babbling nonsense and dilating your swollen mangina. you are a fucking clown shoe my dude.

>> No.10022327

>xir finally stopped redditspacing
at least it's progress

>> No.10022330

That screenshot was supposedly specifically from the PS1 from a retro site. I don’t know how you’re picking it apart as the dreamcast version and I just don’t care that much. I’m just pointing out how games look. There’s tons of games in the PS1 and you’re ignoring every other example

>> No.10022331


>> No.10022332

Meh. Half of the levels are pure shit. Sequels are better. Crash 3 is better.
>Pilotwings 64
Overrated slop. Ace combat and panzer Dragoon shit on it.
>Wave Race 64
Wipeout hd and Rollcage are better
>Killer Instinct Gold
Not even a good fighting game. 0/10 don't even make me start listing actually good fighters, well be here all day
>Mario Kart 64
Crash Team Racing is better
>Doom 64
Console tard
Not a good fps
>Blast Corps
>Star Fox 64
Mediocre af
Garbage game.

>No other console before or since could compete.
Literally the worst Nintendo console

>> No.10022334

>I don’t know how you’re picking it apart as the dreamcast version and I just don’t care that much
probably because there's a dreamcast logo right on the fucking picture retard, as if you couldn't tell from the lack of pixelation, the higher poly models and the presence of a z-buffer. holy fuck man, how have you not been hit by a car already?

>> No.10022337
File: 2.33 MB, 498x371, mega Man Legends skating gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no good looking n64 games. Literally zero.

Also mega Man legends has some big areas. Looks like shit on 64

>> No.10022339

>There are no good looking n64 games. Literally zero.
There are no good looking PS1 games.
Literally zero.

I win now, look at my redditspacing and samefagging.

>> No.10022343
File: 15 KB, 95x107, 1686967436870338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retard
>say retarded shit about thing
>so unfamiliar with thing that you can't even post right thing
>why are you focusing on thing!

>> No.10022347

>better graphics.
Fuck no.

>> No.10022348
File: 200 KB, 609x680, completely organic behaviour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods, do your fucking jobs.

>> No.10022349

>Ocarina of Time: here you have a game with huge environments filled with interactive characters
The only big environment is an empty field. The characters don't interact beyond any rpg. You just talk to them.
>and objects galore,
>with moving skies, moving water,
Common across all systems
>night and day cycle,
> dynamic lighting effects,
Not really.
>weather effects,
Just a fucking rain Overlay
>high poly models,
Low poly
>ad nauseum

>> No.10022352

That’s the health bar. That’s how your health is measured in the game. The engine soul reaver uses is pretty good about warping and is a bragging point. It was considered pretty cutting edge at the time and was even used for later games.

>> No.10022353

The n64 cut lots of corners.
Ugly textures
Sub 30 fps
Shit sound

>> No.10022356

fuck... i guess you were right. looking at it now, that is pretty impressive for PS1. i concede, maybe the PS1 is more powerful.

>> No.10022361

Can’t believe you’re this nutted up about a mediocre looking game on N64. It’s not like you’re even talking about Banjo Tooie or Conker. Just fucking OOT

>> No.10022370

bongs are the worst posters of this board

>> No.10022372

But unlike the 64, there's lots of great games that run at 30 or 60

>> No.10022374

they're not the ones starting the flame wars here on /vr, tbf.

>> No.10022375

>It literally looks like that because that's the resolution of a VRT TV, dumbass
What the fuck is a VRT TV?

CRT TVs on the other hand don't work that way. The game runs in 240p. So you get 240 lines in the same spot each field, no interlacing. And the horizontal resolution is 320 pixels wide because CRTs don't have a fixed horizontal resolution and can sync to different horizontal resolutions.

Mario 64 on a real N64 looks nothing like your shot because your shot is from an emulator.

>> No.10022380

My man. Have you ever seen or heard the monstrosity that is THPS on the N64? A game that played against ever weakness the console had? There’s no measure where it’s better. The games on each console played to that consoles strength. Even stuff like Conkers had serious compromises everywhere. None of the consoles were a powerhouse or even flat out better. They were all just different

>> No.10022382

it's literally a subhuman brit behind these 5th gen threads

>> No.10022384

Soul Reaver, unlike ocarina, has seemless world shifting.
Cool. 1 thing. Who the fuck cares?draw distance is all you have. What a boring flat plain btw

>> No.10022385

aussies aren't brits though.

>> No.10022387

Plebbit spacing isn't a real thing you fucking newnigger

>> No.10022394


>> No.10022410 [DELETED] 




>> No.10022428
File: 37 KB, 309x268, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10022436

I'm here from /v/ to say that 99% of games from this generation do not hold up whatsoever.

>> No.10022449

Crash Team Racing is continously considered the best kart racer of all time despite countless Mario Karts being stacked up against it.
Final Fantasy 7 was THE JRPG if the 5th gen.
Gran Turismo and Ridge Racer were THE console racing games of the 5th gen.
PSX Metal Gear Solid was literally the face of the videogame industry for years.

>> No.10022497

>Crash Team Racing is continously considered the best kart racer of all time
literally no one thinks that