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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10018596 No.10018596 [Reply] [Original]

I did not care for Super Mario 64

>> No.10018625

I do not care for your shitty meme post.

>> No.10018632

It insists up in itself

>> No.10018637
File: 143 KB, 1292x880, F6D720A4-149D-4A32-9997-7BE80C72D750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario 64 is alright but it's one of those games that's been definitively outmoded by later entries in the series. After playing Galaxy 1+2 and 3D World, I have zero interest in 64

>> No.10018664
File: 298 KB, 432x706, dallemini_2022-7-15_19-51-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Mario 64
>I hate Mario Sunshine
>I hate Mario Galaxy
>I love Mario Odyssey
>I don't care about 2D Mario

Why are my Mario opinions so all over the place

>> No.10018675

>ultimate gay

Don't know, anon... why do you love sucking dick?

>> No.10018678

Just stop posting man

>> No.10018690

shallow and pedantic

>> No.10018730

>I did not care much, if at all, for the Jaguar CD

>> No.10018831

You like the ones with strong core gameplay, and hate the ones designed around dazzling players with retarded gimmicks and minigames. Pretty based to me.

Kinda weird not liking retro 2d mario though.

>> No.10018832

>Liked Galaxy 1 and 2
>avoided sunshine like the plauge
>don't care for any other 3d mario
I tried odyssey recently and thought it was pretty boring so far, just going by the first area alone.

>> No.10018868

>I never cared for Jak & Daxter

>> No.10018951

>I did not care for EA sports games after the PS2 and Xbox era.

>> No.10018956

galaxy games and 3D world don't really play like 64 (levels are obstacle courses rather than exploration-based) sunshine and odyssey are closer but they suck lol

>> No.10019082

Detailed 2D cartoons > origami shapes vaguely approximating characters
This is what we lost in 5th gen.

>> No.10019085

>games u did not care for:
I love famicom games, but the early castlevanias and mega mans always seemed really janky to me. The movement physics are just so bad. But to be fair the later games in both series are awesome.

>> No.10019118

>Detailed 2D cartoons
2d mario games had fuck all in terms of detail. the sole exception was yoshi's island.

>> No.10019123

same but for Ocarina of Time

>> No.10019132

I fucking hate mario. Blessed thread. Imagine beating him in the face with a length of rebar until the big bings and the waheys get fainter and fainter and replaced with the sound of choking on blood and the sickening crack of braking bone until at last to one gurgled 'Bing Bing' his fucking head explodes like a fucking water mellon and I see his exposed brain and dance on it and scream wahey. I wipe the rebar off on the coloured dungarees and then piss on the copse. The only thing I hate more than Mario is that fucking zelda SHIT

>> No.10019167

lol calm down

>> No.10019173

Holllllyyyyy based

>> No.10019174

If anyone says /vr/ isn't dying, you link them to this thread.

>> No.10019203
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Some people grew up and played other games.

>> No.10019236
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>> No.10019249
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>> No.10019261

dick dock cock

>> No.10019274

>family guy fan doesn't like a good video game
Color me surprised

>> No.10019428

>The talent/old userbase left this site long ago.
Very much so.

>> No.10019430

You sound like a giant chicken

>> No.10019456

I don't hate 2D Mario, but I'm kind of bored with them. I feel like 2D Mario never really improved after 3.

>> No.10019615

Nah, you have bad taste.

>> No.10019621

Horrendous take

>> No.10019641

I guess there really is no escape.

>> No.10019694

>Someone does not care for a Nintendo game that virtually everyone else praises. /vr/ has fallen.

>> No.10019938

Since I’m quite certain you’re a retard, I’ll spell this out for you:

Critique of the game itself isn’t what’s bad, it’s the fact that the OP’s extremely low-quality, meme-tier thread hasn’t been removed. There are at least two other boards you can go shit up with this nonsense, we don’t need /vr/ to be /v/ 2.0.

>> No.10020157

Nintendo didn't care about my 3rd world shitty country back in the day so I never got to play ANY nintendo game except the first mario still to this day.
So, same here OP. I did not care about SM64 or any manchild game of theirs.

>> No.10020214

Nor did I. But you got fzero and that one basketball game with a crappy controller

>> No.10020217

that's just going too far

>> No.10020221

you have no argument for why this thread shouldn't exist. you know it's well within established rules for the board. you just want /vr/ to be some gentleman's club of /v/, which is delusional.

>> No.10020298

> you just want /vr/ to be some gentleman's club of /v/, which is delusional
You know what? I can’t argue with this in good faith. Fair enough, anon— I hereby concede that /vr/‘s gradual stagnation is an inevitability that is beyond my control.

>> No.10020314

I think you just have arbitrary tastes.Odyssey isn't even close to 64. It's just as swamped with shallow gimmicks and spectacle has galaxy. Jump superstar is literally right there, and it sucks And the moons are just a safe way to provide low iq's with constant brain tickles.The same hat jump loop isn't a core gameplay, it's just the only tool you have that isn't relying on a crappy hat possesion. And it has so much wide empty space with little platforming, if anything its closer to sunshine in that regard. Donk city is the one exception, maybe, I guess. Haven't played the game in while, the only part I remember about that level is the jump rope minigame. And if that's a highlight then your playing some real shit.

>> No.10020394

Dumb Peter
It's funny

>> No.10021095

Same, I didn't have an N64 as a kid and without the nostalgia factor they really aren't amazing games.

>> No.10021135

Correction: If anyone says /vr/ isn't dying, you link them this:

>> No.10021148

It's low quality spam, you nunce. Take your shitty forced meme back to /v/.

>> No.10022228
File: 33 KB, 476x476, 1687725948812744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first /vr/ thread

>> No.10022652

Shit like this truly belongs on >>>/v/, >>>/bant/, >>>/trash/, and >>>/b/

>> No.10022735

I revisited some classics after a long time and was shocked and dismayed to discover that only SMB3 really held up for me. SMW felt completely flat and lifeless, and Yoshi's Island, while it has some of the best presentation I've ever seen in a video game, has gameplay I find to be tedious slog. I'm especially aghast at the latter point. World being mediocre I can attribute to replaying DKC1-2 before getting to it, but I have no explanation for hating how Island plays.

>> No.10022739

I puked a little reading that

>> No.10022846

"Bing bing" isn't something Mario says. It's the sound of two coins being collected in rapid succession before he WAHOOs triumphantly. It's alarming how many people don't know that now.

>> No.10022962

Is this the manjoola effect? I swear I've heard Mario BING before

>> No.10022963

You may have misheard YIPPEE or another one of the many sounds he makes.

>> No.10022967

he does go BOING in SM64 when you jump off flyguys and those weird snowman looking guys with the spinny flowers on their head.

>> No.10023051

I think that is it now that you mention it. Funny how memory works

>> No.10023192

>low iq brain tickles
Bait harder

>> No.10023193


>> No.10023195


>> No.10023398

>being good at a video game makes you a tranny
nuclear cope.

>> No.10024415

i dont care that you dont care for mario 64 but i am happy your shitty thread makes so many people angry