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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 495 KB, 1848x4000, 20230626_115238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10017547 No.10017547 [Reply] [Original]

old one too old

>> No.10018124
File: 282 KB, 1280x958, 83D1B8EF-9C0C-49D2-9371-881BDF3B46CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just threw this classic Windows XP system together to play some great retro games that I missed back in the day. Went with a C2D e8600 and GTX 970. It’s a beast.

>> No.10018130
File: 1.37 MB, 4032x3024, EFA42379-EE64-44F5-9AB4-C6B6BAC1D815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good giving the old GTX 970 new life as king of the hill in Windows XP as opposed to barely struggling to keep up with modern titles.

>> No.10018157

>C2D e8600, GTX 970 and win xp
that's a.. combination for sure

>> No.10018186


>> No.10018208

Bros, what is your go to Amiga kino that isn’t spammed in the usual top 100 lists? Not picky on genre, although I am
Partial to RPGs and shmups (even euro shmups). stuff easily played with a controller is going on the batocera box and everything else I’ll just emulate on a laptop.

>> No.10018213

970 seems like major overkill for the era and your CPU, did you just throw it together from spare parts? And what kind of drive, did you slipstream some AHCI drivers or are you just using IDE?

>> No.10018226
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot from 2023-06-27 13-33-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my neo fetch on my desktop

this bad boi can run windows me and FreeDOS with drivers very wll

>> No.10018247

this bad boi can run ION FURY!

>> No.10018254

ily sparky

>> No.10018293
File: 46 KB, 640x400, Start menu with music mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I randomly rolled this game, it is slow and it actually caps it speed so upping CPU speed doesn't do much after a certain point.
Might bump with it if there's anything interesting.

>> No.10018320
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>> No.10018329
File: 287 KB, 2016x1512, 20230623_170345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of XP i drove past the bliss hills in sonoma CA the other day and just had to take a picture of it

>> No.10018387

That feel when I have a small stack of Voodoos but too afraid of working them out, thus I mostly stick to a TnT2.

>> No.10018517

Sovl, I’m guessing this is hooked up to a CRT based off that resolution? I’m thinking of getting a mini pc off ali and putting debian on it as a dedicated old games box. I live in a very warm climate and don’t play new games hardly ever anymore, so I want a heat efficient alternative to firing up my main desktop. I’m honestly considering getting rid of it all together, the last few new games I’ve purchased like warhammer 3 have just totally blackpilled me.

>> No.10018530

ah yeah i hate living in the deep south of usa

old pc's eally dont gen much heat at all

>> No.10018574

Glad this thread happened.

>> No.10018830

Deep South also? Yeah you’re feeling the heat wave then, and if you have shitty apartment AC like me it’s a real concern. What wattage does the average, for example, 386 PC typically pull? I don’t even know. I know GPUs today are getting totally asinine.

>> No.10019168

i suspect not much

>> No.10019201

Yes, slip streamed AHCI drivers for my ssd, windows XP integral edition makes that easy to do. Yes it was spare parts, finally upgraded the GTX 970 and wanted to keep using it, already had the rest. It’s an absolute beast for XP
Beautiful anon
I mostly just wanted to try using the modded gtx 960 drivers to get the 970 to work with xp, works really well.

>> No.10019210

I live in south FL and it’s only in the low 90’s here with high humidity. I’m still wearing my jacket outside, this is nothing. I wonder how many of these heat waves are just fat and old people suffering?

>> No.10019234

I’m glad that you happened, anon :)

>> No.10019502

I'm thin and in my mid-20s but I sweat like a pig after going outside for like 10 minutes. I can handle dry heat just fine, it's the humidity that's killing me. And I'm not even from Florida, that state is worse than hell for me.

>> No.10019507

I throw my spare parts into a server computer but I've been thinking about learning how to set up remote VMs so I can have a retro gaming PC thing ready from anywhere once I learn how to do that

>> No.10019873

Phantasy Star Online. It makes me wonder what it would feel like to connect on it with a early 00's PC.

>> No.10019892

Some crazy bastard created a fork of DOSbox with ReelMagic support.
For the majority of people who never even heard of that shit, a company named Sigma Designs made some special snowflake MPEG decoding ISA cards that could play 640x480 video at 16 million colors at a full 60fps on a 486 DOS machine with 2MBs of RAM. This happened right at the very beginning of the whole multimedia boom, and naturally was focused on being a tool for FMV games. They pushed hard to get some companies to make ReelMagic versions of games that would use their card to display better FMV than was normally possible.
The card sold like shit, and not many games were released for the card, but those versions of the games were effectively the best versions possible. The ReelMagic version of Dragon's Lair is the closest a home port got to the arcade version, and the ReelMagic version of Return to Zork was pretty much full 60fps video whereas it was static images or 24fps video in the other releases.

>> No.10019949

I had an AGP x850 back in the day and it was genuinely wonderful.

>> No.10020064
File: 75 KB, 640x400, Boss 1 (1-3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first boss is 3 summoned fireball firing lads
>you can just walk behind them as the summoner doesn't do anything and they don't have a back attack
Gamer moment.

Cool. Hope I remember this fork for when I decide to play one of those games or that it gets integrated in the main by that time.

>> No.10020525 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, ComfyUI_00442_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020538 [DELETED] 

mott's gummies are fucking trash

>> No.10020593 [DELETED] 

can this get moved to vg before we have the same group of anons talking to each other and pushing out anyone who doesn't get with the happiness program its bad enough with the constant crt/battlestation/handheld threads as well as the attempts to make bubbles for other niche subjects that these people refuse to take somewhere else

>> No.10020596


>> No.10020603

I’m from Tampa, went to usf, live in Houston now and it’s substantially hotter here. You don’t get the breeze and afternoon rains you have in a lot of FL, it makes a huge difference. Also the temperatures in general are higher too. Houston is a god forsaken hellhole in the summer, at least the work is good here.

>> No.10020607
File: 59 KB, 836x836, 2D989310-74CF-4D97-AC5B-20AC18595A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kino

>> No.10020608 [DELETED] 

>I deliberately entered a thread and they are barely discussing something I don't like and now I am mad!
>How could this happen to me!?

>> No.10020613 [DELETED] 

wouldnt hurt to add that absolutely this is video games and absolutely this is retro but the core issue is that we have anons, namefags, tripfags, and spammers who are continuously finding excuses to post the same content regardless of where it fits.
why do you have to take it like im jealous? even if i told you im not you can assume what you want. i didn't dream these issues up. i'm probably going to get punished for bringing it up anyway so dont worry.

>> No.10020615 [DELETED] 

No faggot because the glut of console warring threads pushes out anything that isn’t that, and I don’t see you in those threads complaining, which makes me suspect you’re just an asspained console faggot mad we aren’t talking about snes vs genny sound chips for the 900th time, so how about you push yourself out of this thread for being a beta

>> No.10020620 [DELETED] 

not true whatsoever. i post my sharp all the time.

>> No.10020625 [DELETED] 

Nothing what you posts rings true because of this:

Never seen you screaming in those shitty reposted threads that they need to go to /vg/, so it feels dishonest as fuck that you claim you want to shove retro PC gaming to /vg/ to "help board quality"

>> No.10020627 [DELETED] 

I'm taking it like you are a sperg, not that you are jealous. This board is already god awful, PC threads tend to get swamped with shitposting by people who are genuinely upset it isn't about consoles or have 0 interest in it and just want to shit on it. Making separate threads will have people complaining that microPCs are shitting up the board with redundant threads as well, so according to you the only option is to just not mention PC ever.
Fuck off, backseat janny. This thread will die in a week anyway so you'll get what you want.

>> No.10020642
File: 47 KB, 310x671, 20230626_171332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same pc. the mobo is glitchy it works mostly though

>> No.10020646
File: 160 KB, 1440x665, 20230425_162631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the inside view

>> No.10020649 [DELETED] 

this is what im talking about when i say not getting with the happiness program. never once did i insult or swear and you guys are heaving the lead out.

>> No.10020650

Do you have plans to replace it? Or just ride it out and see what happens

>> No.10020657 [DELETED] 

Not retro gaming or hardware discussion, fuck off

>> No.10020658 [DELETED] 

Go into other shit threads and say that they should be moved to /b/ because despite them fitting in the retro category they are clearly just shitposting, go be dishonest somewhere else.

>> No.10020661
File: 347 KB, 1848x4000, 4b19efb0-e661-4c87-aac5-4df41d459535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue is the mobo is hella rare
and it is the fastest 286 out there

286 mobos are very expensive these days
even for the common 12 mHz

>> No.10020675
File: 76 KB, 640x400, Vander (rubbing of hands).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shouts aiyaaa
>racists Chinese music starts playing
>starts rubbing his hands as he gives me a shit reward
Bit lacist.

>> No.10020701
File: 734 KB, 1280x720, chinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020704

what changed ?

>> No.10020713
File: 2.58 MB, 1873x2565, mainboard-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently using a socket 775 mainboard with 2 isa slots. For the video card, I'm considering choosing between a Geforce 4 4600 or a Geforce 6 6800.

>> No.10020718
File: 1.81 MB, 2014x1508, g4-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020720

Now he's a naturalized Japanese.

>> No.10020723 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1073x1123, Screenshot_20230628_102838_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020732
File: 613 KB, 4000x1848, 20230515_231101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo! sick

>> No.10020748
File: 1.85 MB, 2011x1505, g6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro! Your setup looks great, and I hope you are able to fix the glitchy motherboard.

>> No.10020780
File: 76 KB, 640x400, No use for people without money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it happened...again
>sends me to fight against 4 midboss tier enemies for some cooking water despite standing next to a pool of water
>single stage weapon upgrade
>berates me for being poor afterwards
Fool me once...

>> No.10020828

I can't wait to have my 90s LAN party, bros. Already have 6 win98 era PCs, just need to replace the motherboard on one of them and repair two of my CRT monitors then its quake/starcraft galore

>> No.10020937

Man, I can only dream about having 6 friends, let alone ones that would be even remotely interested in something like this.

>> No.10020969
File: 184 KB, 893x1547, Solid Sanke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not here anon

>> No.10021049

the mobo chipset needs to have new solder

also i have that card

>> No.10021057

These graphics are so fucking crunchy and sovl I love it

>> No.10021089

Now imagine the choppiness of the movement and 2-4 frames of animation

>> No.10021092
File: 109 KB, 600x800, 62913D4A-C5D3-4EEE-A849-1229EACD7724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better.

>> No.10021108
File: 1.86 MB, 4128x2322, 20220930_051905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharp PC 4521 is pretty cool looking laptop, but it becomes complete e-waste if the previous owner decided to remove the HDD and the HDD controller out of the computer. Would have loved to try out CGA Wolfenstein 3D on this thing...

>> No.10021113

Now imagine the co-op, 1 with keyboard and the other with the mouse.

>> No.10021116


>> No.10021152
File: 2.72 MB, 4128x3096, 20230312_044411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a XT clone PC with EEGA called Sperry HT. For that one I need to get something like Gotek, which I hope works without needing to have drivers in the boot disk.

>> No.10021158

EGA graphics card*

>> No.10021234

I mean I guess you could call Texas the Deep South, most people consider it the Midwest, though. I have another property in OKC and it get much worse than so FLA in the summer.

>> No.10021235
File: 2.41 MB, 4080x2296, IMG_20230628_122225620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never have the space or the money for real Japanese vintage PC's but emulating their software on this thing certainly feels more authentic than emulating them on my overpowered modern rig.

>> No.10021250

Houston is far closer to Deep South in climate and people imo, the panhandle, Texarkana, and west Texas is more Midwest I would say, Texas is just a gigantic state it’s hard to call it any one thing

>> No.10021282

I just had a buddy of mine move out around Houston to learn HVAC, he’s a big boy and he’s sweating like a pig in those attics rn lol. I’ll have to go see him when I head to OK later this year. I don’t envy you guys.

>> No.10021301

Sexo, I honestly would love a setup like this I genuinely don’t have room in the apartment right now. If I ever do manage to get a house I’d like a space for an authentic computing of the era setup though. Emulating on a modern desktop does feel soulless even though I’m a big emulation fan.

>> No.10021505

very nice

>> No.10021508

i'm glad it's looking good again, in the early/mid 2010s i remember it looking kinda shitty

>> No.10021602
File: 684 KB, 1600x1200, Bliss_location,_Sonoma_Valley_in_2006 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10021720
File: 752 KB, 1771x1448, deed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retro PC thread
Ah, home.
My brother got me this for Christmas. He found it in the trash. One of my favourite things. I want to slap a compact flash card in the IDE socket, but I'd have to find the right one (with pinouts) and probably 3d print my own holder for it. The original HDD, while still functioning, is VERY loud. And some madlad installed fucking Windows 2000 on it.

>> No.10021723

>that mouse

I kneel, one of the legendary workhorses

>> No.10021739

How do i get my copy of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire working on a modern PC? Same with NHL 98.

>> No.10021767

Nice Sidewinder.

>> No.10021769

Who the actual fuck would trash a Libretto???
>Windows 2000 on a 70CT
95/98SE is definitely the sweet spot for that model. How much ram does it have? You can go up to 96mb IIRC but good fucking luck finding the modules.

>> No.10021772

This website covers happens to cover both of them.

>> No.10021945
File: 1.48 MB, 3326x1292, leptep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been serving me for many, many years.
I can only assume it was put on here for a very specific purpose; no idea what that could possibly be though.
It's a bit confused for memory. On one screen it says 32, on the other it's got 70. Any ideas why?

>> No.10021965

Task Manager shows all available virtual memory (RAM + page file). It still shows 32 MB total in the 'Physical Memory' section.

>> No.10021979

>I can only assume it was put on here for a very specific purpose
The name it's registered under seems to imply it, perhaps a technician used it in the field to configure routers or test connections.
>It's a bit confused for memory. On one screen it says 32, on the other it's got 70. Any ideas why?
Windows 2000 is really starved on only 32mb, it's using a huge page file. 9x would be much more happy under those conditions.

>> No.10022001

We had a severe drought in California that endured for the past 15 off years. 2023 was the first wet year in forever. Google Tulare Lake to see what's been happening

>> No.10022101 [DELETED] 

can you stop posting ai pictures
this is vile

>> No.10022150 [DELETED] 
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, ComfyUI_00670_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.10022408

Sweet, I'm gonna give this a try. Thanks a lot.

>> No.10022415 [DELETED] 

These suck but at least you are kind enough to let us filter your shitty posts forever, see ya little guy

>> No.10022432 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, ComfyUI_00755_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hav a 486 at 133 mHz overclocked to 166 mHz

i need to find a newer os for it Debian 4 aint cutting it anymore

>> No.10022434

How do I stop collecting old hardware, bros?

I just scored a Pentium Pro but the damn Pentium 2 overdrive is on Ebay for $500

>> No.10022438 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, ComfyUI_00741_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat 286@20mHz is fucking f a s t
and only for 100$

>> No.10022443 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, ComfyUI_00678_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wallet hates me

>> No.10023023
File: 94 KB, 640x400, Floor 7 example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent last night combing a level to see if I could use a level specific item anywhere
Just cut my losses, the only other playthrough I could find (that skips most optional stuff) didn't find anything either and it's not like this shit has guides for me to even find out what it was.
Probably just an equipment upgrade again.

>> No.10023031

>Pentium 2 overdrive
If you pay that much of an old CPU you're both mentally ill and retarded

>> No.10023039

You mean 'burnt'. What an incredible waste of money. Get them for free.

>> No.10023215
File: 934 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230610_210529-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this nice little brick of a PC a couple of months ago. 286, 640k of ram, CGA (with a built-in gas-plasma screen) and two free standard ISA slots. There was a short in 12v line caused by a dead tantalum, but after the replacement it works great. 35mb hard drive still works and doesn't even have a single bad block. The keyboard is really weird, but is mechanical and rather nice. All in all a nice little addition to my small collection.

>> No.10023217
File: 3.00 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230625_002205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that screen is really something. The whole PC looks surreal and cyberpunk at night

>> No.10023250

god what a picture
weird question but do you actually DO anything with it?

>> No.10023269
File: 2.65 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230625_002128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I can't think of a task to do with a 286 that can't be done anywhere else with much less effort. And it's keyboard will drive anyone insane within minutes: swapped ALT and CTRL, no DEL key, no cursor keys (apart from numpad), no numpad enter, ESC instead of numlock, etc. It will piss off anyone, with any task: text writing, calculations, programming, games. It does support normal keyboards though, so it's not THAT much of a problem. But CGA is a real show-stopper - PC has a "normal" ISA videocard, but the display is connected to two flat cables on that card, so there is no way to change it and have a working display at the same time.

The only thing that this PC is good for is maybe working with 5.25 disk drive (it's a single unit, just plug one cord and it's working, no need to hook up a monitor to it) and showing off. I plan to add soundcard into it and a network adapter, and show it to my students at University where I work. Browsing the Gopher on it will be an Experience.

>> No.10023275

I recently completed system shock EE

I collected the CPU codes for all first 6 floors, but when I got to reactor, the keypad only inputs 3 numbers
I used the first 3 numbers and I don't know what happened, it didn't unlock anything? I used the first 3 numbers a second time, and then it did unlock the reactor thing. I just don't understand what actually happened, why it didn't require the the other 3 numbers

>> No.10023293
File: 63 KB, 640x400, Heretic Pedal Power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the electric barriers in the heretic's base is powered by...heretic pedal power
The game was relatively serious up until now, I guess they don't want to use magic to power it for plot reasons. There is a river right above them though, maybe use a waterwheel instead of 9 bald guys (head sprite, the map sprites are reused).
You can talk to them, but they will bravely pedal on as you kill them

>> No.10023302
File: 10 KB, 640x400, Monitor_1_20230629-074430-583583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this exactly? A Compaq Portable III clone? Is the clock speed also 12 MHz? Also, did you run any game on it yet?

>> No.10023304

Le epic red herring maybe?

This looks extremely comfy

>> No.10023338

>cataract is comfy

>> No.10023479
File: 76 KB, 640x400, NP2_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game has an ending rating
>it's based on the number of times you swing your weapon, accuracy, your HP/ATK/DEF (all chest related)
>the game also has hidden breakable walls so you swing your sword at random walls
>killing all the enemies you come across is also bad as you swing more
The accuracy thing is fair as you can just stand out of the way and hold the attack button as it wails on certain hazards that pass by and take a piss.
Pretty basic action RPG that has attack/defend keys instead of bump combat.
Story is basic evil god resurrection fare, you must go down through a dungeon and stop them/save the sacrificial princess.
There are some slight subplots with other characters throughout the dungeon, but they are limited.
The game tends to be fair with its dungeon bullshit as it will show you stuff/force you to do certain stuff so you understand it. Like with breakable walls, you enter a new floor and there's walls all around you but a helpful sign says to hit the wall with your sword. This goes for most stuff, except hidden wallpassages, but they get hinted at or have clues.
Bosses range from trivial to jank. Projectile bosses can double hit you with a projectile and knock you back.
Mines make an appearance and they glint before going off, but sometimes it is hard to see and those can double hit you too. Apparently an item should prevent you from taking damage, but I never got it or it was bullshit.
There was 1 random cursed life draining sword far away from anything important which isn't a huge deal as any equipment found in chests switches places with your old equipment, allowing you to just grab the old one from the chest again, but it makes it a pointless weapon as it has 0 use.
Enemies get recolored real quick, but they do make them more aggressive or give them some new abilities instead of just more HP.
Some bosses in the boss rush were skippable as the trigger is in the middle of the room.
Solid 5/10 don't bother. Not with a friend either.

>> No.10023498
File: 1.09 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20230512_203158-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, looks like Compaq clone, amd clocked 12 Mhz also. But instead of using proprietary motherboard this one uses a standart AT board, with ISA slots and everything. In theory it's possible to change it to a Socket 7 board, but the CGA card will have to stay in order to drive the screen.

As for games - not yet. I tried to run Simcity, but my version doesn't support CGA mode. And there was no simple way to transfer data to it, due to a single 5.25 drive and a full harddrive. I will install XTIDE via network card on this weekend and add a CF-card, that will help with the testing.

>> No.10023953 [DELETED] 

Why would you even try talking about retro gaming on this board OP? Its just a poluced nintendo/zelda/mario board all the threads are either mind numbing stale zelda spam or strawman posting againt everything else. It's a nintendo mental illness board not for actual retro games at all. Post on /v/ instead anon, no point here

>> No.10024000

>90 posts into a thread about retro computers and computer games
Never seen a shitposter cry bitch tears because people were actually discussing the board's topic. Neat.

It's too bad more games didn't get made for this. Return to Zork, Conspiracy/KGB, and Interplay's Lord of the Rings are probably the best titles out of the dozen or so that were made, and RTZ was the only one of the three that really took full advantage of the hardware. KGB just had videos like the CD-ROM re-release, possibly higher quality, and LotR just had some video clips from the roto-scoped animated movie version at certain parts.

>> No.10025215
File: 42 KB, 889x669, 286 UMB2PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 286 mobo with NEAT/SCAT/GL109/etc chipset going in 86box
>throw in extra 640KB of RAM for the hell of it so have 1.2MBs
DOS6.22 on a 286 with XMS, EMS, and Upper memory. DOS is loaded high and the EMS driver is loaded in upper. To the tripfag who was saying 286's can't do UMB's because he read it off of wikipedia, educate yourself.

>> No.10025231
File: 63 KB, 960x714, 286 UMB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the boot screen so you can see it's a 286.

>> No.10025594
File: 273 KB, 1494x934, 1674502637501863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10025610

>sword thyself

>> No.10025613
File: 130 KB, 600x800, 1676772423468223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something like 86box/PCem but for 68k/PPC based systems? I never owned an Apple computer but I'd like to try their OSes. If not, what's the best way to try them out on a modern x86 computer?

>> No.10025615

Not because it's the greatest, but it's decent to pick up and play and probably not on many top lists.

>> No.10025807


>> No.10026017

oh cool!

>> No.10026019

the mobo i use is a m216

>> No.10026045

>Headland HT21
That supports UMB's too. IIRC, Headland HT18 and HT21 chipsets also have some special drivers available for XMS/EMS access.

>> No.10026262

When you only have one rainy year every 10-15 years, dry is the normal state.

>> No.10028158

Makes me wish for the days of ISpy and The Game Of Life.

>> No.10028189
File: 2.88 MB, 1993x1476, Aint_she_a_beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got an old monitor that only does 240p or 480i, but not 480p. Worse yet, it is only 15kHz, unlike the usual 31kHz old PC monitors expect. To accommodate for the monitor, I got one of those ArcadeVGA graphics cards so I can send MAME to the monitor. Problem is that I got the old AGP version, and will have to save up to get the newer PCIe ones. What is the most powerful processor/mobo combo that has AGP which could do a lot of MAME games in 240p? What is the latest/best version of MAME for pairing with the setup?

>> No.10028239

I got a p4/voodoo 3 build to find a case for. Had it running on the test bench and loved how it performed in glide games.

>> No.10028743

those dual boards are cool, but wasted on a 939 chipset which doesnt even have win 98 support.
also a waste to use both cards in that board since only one has a crossfire connector, either one perfectly fine for mame, u dont need an arcadevga, waste of money since they are underpowered, u may be able to find a modded 15khz bios for ur gpu, if not u use crtemudriver here:

list games you want to play and i can recommend pc requirements

>> No.10028858

nice system

>> No.10028974

Is there an actual, legit, proper reason to go with xp instead of 7 besides just (to put it bluntly) nostalgia and contrarianism? Especially when it comes to retro games? Win 98 seems way more appropriate for pentium 3 era systems and anything newer seems to work just as fine or even better with 7. For me, Xp and the proper hardware for it sits in this weird spot in the middle that's too shitty to play any games that wouldn't benefit from being on anything newer or older.
I hope this makes any sense, I'm kinda drunk.

>> No.10029948

I know what you mean. 98 makes more sense because it's much more compatible with DOS games, etc

>> No.10029951

anyone buying the "new" NABU z80s on ebay?

i looked at some videos but it didnt entice me enough to pull the trigger.

>> No.10030393

I would honestly go with XP over 9x except for the games that absolutely demand 9x, solely due to the fact a program crashing out can be terminated in XP but brings down the whole system in 9x. XP is also more lightweight than 7, so it is the superior option for 32-bit CPUs. If using a 64-bit CPU and more than 4GBs of RAM, there is no reason not to use 7 other than drivers not being available. Win98SE can't use more than 1GB of RAM either.
So that sweet spot for XP is Pentium 4's up to pre-LGA775 stuff with 2-4GBs of RAM. 8088/8086-Pentium = DOS, P2-P3 = Win9x, P4 to pre-LGA775 = XP, L775 to 4th gen i-series = 7.

>> No.10030421

Sims 1 worked fine on 7 for me until one day it didn't. It just completely stopped working, I didn't change anything. After that I tried clearing the game files, compatibilty mode, reinstalling the game, nothing worked. Didn't feel like reinstalling windows so I just transferred to playing it on an old XP computer. No issues after that.
It's probably only games from right around 2000 that could benefit from XP.

>> No.10030440

>Win98SE can't use more than 1GB of RAM either
From what I've heard more than 512MB is not recommended. Doesn't matter though since 512MB is extremely overkill for any game you'd need 98 for anyway. But yeah, the reason why 98 is popular for retro systems is because of DOS compatibility

>> No.10030505

9x is alright for DOS, but DOS 7.x was funky and didn't even work right with all DOS programs. I'd much rather have a small FAT16 partition with DOS 6.22, and create a bootable 6.22 floppy to boot off of with the config.sys and autoexec.bat files setup as wanted, then just cd over to the partition on the HDD and run command.com to switch DOS to run off the HDD for speed.

For those wanting to go over 512MB on Win98SE, google vmm98sed.zip. They changed 4 bytes of code, and Win98SE suddenly sees and uses more than 512MBs. Go figure.

>> No.10030948

>Pentium 4's up to pre-LGA775
this tells me u dont know what ur talking about.
opinion disregarded

>> No.10031124

>provides no reason
What a worthless post.

>> No.10031126

XP also happens to be the last OS to support stuff like hardware-accelerated EAX on Creative sound cards, I believe.

>> No.10031394

Anyone know where I can find a nice 4:3 square monitor?

>> No.10032506

Local thrift or secondhand stores, flea markets, garage sales, recycling centers, craigslist/fb marketplace/freecycle/your local equivalent, the curb on trash day.. 4:3 lcd panels are still really common to see if you go looking for one. Use your phone to search the model number to find the specs and reviews. (Many panels that appear to be 4:3 have a 1280x1024 native resolution) Dell ones tend to be the best, the higher-end ones will have composite and s-video inputs. The 2007FP is a model to look out for, and you can probably find it locally somewhere for much cheaper than what people want on eBay. Samsung Syncmasters are high-end but tend to be shit for gaming.
CRTs can't be found in most second-hand shops anymore, you'd have better luck with listings and recycling centers. If you want a high-end CRT may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.10032595

This is tangentially related - I have a bunch of PC-88 keyboards, with what looks like a 13 pin DIN connector. Are there any adapter boxes that would let me use one as a USB keyboard?

>> No.10033058
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how do you destroy the protected camera in executive

>> No.10033170

Just found the recycling site here in town. I'll check it out on Tuesday, see if they got something. Thanks anon.

>> No.10033520

>asks question specifically about thread subject
>tangentially related
There is no pre-made box solutions as such, but there have been some homemade adapters being sold in Japan over the years, and an open-source Arduino project to do exactly what you want has existed since 2018. Google "pc-88 keyboard adapter -kurzweil -power" and it should be the 5th link.

>> No.10033828

>Oversized explorer window size
Reminds me of my boomer parents PC back in the day

>> No.10033861
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>> No.10034189

Model M chad
using a 1985 right now

>> No.10034209

Does a 970 even work with older games? I feel like display driver tech has moved forward to the point Windows XP games would either not run or have graphics bugs.

>> No.10034629

68k Macintosh would be vMac Mini or BasiliskII but it wouldn't work for whatever game this is because this looks like a IIGS system, which used a WDC 65816. the 65816 (also used in the SNES on the console side of things) was better at raw throughput while then 68k (used in the Genesis/Master system) outperformed it in most mathematical operations. a 65816 with some kind of FPU probably would've outperformed the 68020 but it never happened. Color Macintosh only has Myst and Marathon that are worth playing, mono Macintosh has a bunch of simple but decently executed games. The IIGS was really Apple's crowning achievement but Jobs got aids in India so he threw a tantrum and took IIGS's dev and marketing budget. The sound chip it used was developed by the team behind the C64's SID and was really it's logical successor. The IIGS can be emulated in GSPlus.

>> No.10034632

I meant that for you

>> No.10035060
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>> No.10036142
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I figure that board should do good with the FX60 on WinXP but it is a bit overkill for a dedicated emulation for 15khz monitor play. I figure those HD3850 cards would interfere with using the AGP arcadeVGA AGP cards since they are both ATI. Maybe once I have enough for the newer PCIe arcadeVGA it would have enough to play stuff on Naomi, Atomiswave, Model2/3, etc. on a BVM. I am not familiar with this crtemudriver, all I know is that this board could be used for output into those screens for some fun arcade experience.

>> No.10037750
File: 369 KB, 768x1360, illvelo naomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that card looks like an ati 9200, if it is its only directX 8.1, i dont know if modern mame supports DX8, its should be able to handle most 2d games but 3d it will struggle. ideally u want at least directx 9, especially if u want to play naomi/atomiswave, that hd3850 is so much more powerful.

the crtemudriver is the alternative to an arcadevga card, the crtemudriver is a modified ati driver that outputs 15khz and gives you extra resolutions suited to crt's, it doesnt output 15khz till windows boots, whereas the arcadevga cards output 15khz as soon as ur pc's turned on, the link i posted lists your hd3850 as compatible.

my build is a gigabyte G31 motherboard, core2duo e5400, 4gb ddr2 ram, nvidia geforce 7950gt 512mb ddr3, soundblaster live.

im playing naomi and atomiswave just fine with nulldc, i also found that my specs are slightly more powerful than an actual taito typex2 arcade machine, so all games on that sytem work perfectly ive also had some luck with sega ringegde 1/2, even tho the specs of those systems are higher.

if u use ur 939 board with the fx-60, pci-e hd3850 your system will out perform mine, and mine is more than capable considering its a pc from 2006/7, also u want at least 4gb of ram, if you board supports more maxxing it out cant hurt, for Os i love xp, but win7 x64 sp1 is what i use, as ur cpu has more than 1 core a 64bit Os is a must, people say xp is more light weight, well win7 is newer supports newer drivers/programs, and using win7 which people will say is more bloated, is not gonna affect performance unless ur running a 32/64 bit os on a single core with 1gb ram.

since my gpu is Directx9 im limited to older emus, i use demul-057, and nullDC Naomi 104 rev150, everything ive tried on nulldc runs perfectly.

>> No.10038517
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Got rid of this setup some while ago. Caught myself with missing space after moving. Probably closest thing I came to re-creating a "retro PC setup".

>> No.10038937

is it possible to run windows XP on an ssd with a motherboard and CPU from 2011? the computer has an RX 5500 XT in it.

>> No.10038980

>core2 + debian

>> No.10039046

im actually gonna use a laptop from 2011, hoping it works.

>> No.10039741

>is it possible to run windows XP on an ssd with a motherboard and CPU from 2011?
Possible, yes. LGA 2011 Intel boards are the last to have XP drivers, although they don't ALL have XP drivers. The SSD might be an issue, since XP doesn't support the TRIM command. You can kinda hack it into doing so by installing TxBENCH, but I can't promise your SSD won't get worn out in a year, plus you'll have to run TRIM manually. Also make sure AHCI is enabled in BIOS or XP might have issues installing.

>> No.10039752

i'm trying to install on a HP elitebook 8440p with an x64 version.

>> No.10039781

Yes it works fine with modified gtx 960 drivers, you just add the product ID to an .ini file and install. Plays everything that I’ve tried so far.

>> No.10039783

The x64 version of XP is a bad joke. Which doesn't matter, since only 32-bit XP drivers are supplied by HP for that laptop.

>> No.10039794

its the only ISO that gets to the install screen, but then it tells me setup can't complete.

>> No.10039803

I really want this to work but it seems like everything i do is just not fucking working.

>> No.10039804

Is your BIOS UEFI or Legacy?

>> No.10039808


>> No.10039812

Switch it to Legacy in settings, then boot off a 32-bit WinXP disc.

>> No.10039813

i don't have a disc, im working with a ready2boot Drive or do you mean put a 32 bit XP disc on to ready2boot?

>> No.10039819

If your system let's you boot off of USB, sure, that would be ideal since it's faster than a CD.

>> No.10039828

its what i been trying to do for the past 6 hours but i keep running into issues, I really hope turning off UEFI was the problem because i'm getting so tired of trying to get this to work.

>> No.10039841

ok its formatting but it did this last time and then failed after it started to install, so we'll see what happens i guess.

>> No.10039897

How goes it?

>> No.10039901

57% so far

>> No.10039970

so after it restarted nothing is happening... I think I am fucked until I get some burnable CD-Rs

>> No.10040003

yea im just sitting at a black screen and nothing is happening. I give up, i'm done wasting my time on this bullshit.

>> No.10040534
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What are the "best" or reasonably good choices of GPUs for the different versions of old Windows?

- Windows 98: 3dfx Voodoos since they support Glide and have decent MS-DOS compatibility? The Voodoo 3 has support for DirectX 6.0, OpenGL 1.1 and 16 megs of memory
- Windows XP: Something with DirectX 9.0c and 128 or 256 mb of vram probably?
- Windows 7: The GeForce 960 so you can dual boot XP if you're a contrarian?

I'm running Win 98 SE on a Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz with a GeForce "4" 440MX and a Sound Blaster Live!. I'm super happy with the results, but the limitation of DirectX 7.0 and poor performance on some games is sad. MX cards truly underperformed.

What version of Counter Strike is that? v1.5?
I installed AoEII with patch 2.0a without any problems on Win 98, but The Conquerors expansion crashes if I still the latest 1.0c patch. Did you have any problems patching The Conquerors?

>> No.10041053

shit fuck it's been such a headache trying to get multitos working on an atari emulator. so much poorly documented info, which isn't too surprising considering how unpopular it was. just learned today this tricky bastard has five current desktop environments.

>> No.10042079
File: 133 KB, 1900x722, interpreter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start messing around with text adventures in 86box on a 8086
>random crap like CIA Adventure works just fine
>every single Infocom game has weird gibberish text issues when using the official gamename.com z-machine interpreter that comes with the games
>google gives me nothing, apparently no one else has ever had this problem
>try a few DOS z-machine interpreters
>they all have the same issue
>finally find a DOS version of Frotz that doesn't require DPMI
If anyone plans on playing any of the z-machine games on a 286 or older, do yourself a favor and hunt down the "16-bit" DOS version of Frotz. Not the DJGPP version, that requires a 386 or better. The games really don't look right using the official interpreter. Pic related. Left is official, right is Frotz.

>> No.10042118

Best win9x GPU: Geforce 5950 Ultra. Reasonable choice: Geforce4 ti 4200
Reasonable XP GPU: Geforce 285 GTX

>> No.10042837

>downloading something off of internet archive
>see a reference to a massive FTP collection of old DOS freeware and shareware
>check it out
>find a program called 4862PENT that claims to make a 486 act like a Pentium
OK, I gotta test this.

>> No.10042883

>the text game doesn't look right
A statement I never thought I would hear.
I understand the issue though as I've dealt with a Japanese company who made a similar type of engine, though largely it causes issue for people who want to hook it or early attempts at translating it (certain non-caps roman letters are used for code commands). No problem with any of those engine ports though, even the old ones.

>> No.10043714
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>set up new retro box
>install all my favorites from back in the day
>launch every game for 5 minutes and never touch it again
I really need to stop doing this

>> No.10043738

I agree. Actually play the games.

>> No.10043747

That's hardly even retro. Only the win xp is retro.

>> No.10044348

>anon almost figures it out on his own
It’s almost as if the components were chosen to be as modern as possible and still compatible with an older OS. I think the only thing I could have made any newer is LGA 2011 as opposed to 775. The newest of the retro PC’s, if you will. Almost like the youngest millennial basically being the oldest zoomer.

>> No.10045071

I feel you. I was never expecting Infocom games to have problems interpreting the game file using the official interpreter that came with the games. I expect CGA and EGA enhanced games to not work properly, but monochrome and 80x25 text mode games should work without issue since that is exactly what this emulated machine is capable of.

Not that anon or the anon who posted that build, but my last WinXP machine was a socket 775 Wolfdale overclocked to 4.3 Ghz paired with a Geforce 9500. It could run some post Vista games, but it needed the settings really turned down hard, mostly due to the weak GPU. The 960 would be a solid Win7 GPU, it will do just fine for XP.

>> No.10045074

>Windows 7
Nigga there's people in this thread right now who use Windows 7 as their daily driver

>> No.10045093

here anon this might be of interest to you later

>> No.10045097
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, GabbythemeXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep an install of Windows XP in virtual box along with one for Windows 7. Bonus was I found an old Gabriel theme for windows (Xena's sidekick in the old tv show) so I went with it for a giggle.

>> No.10045149

>The 960 would be a solid Win7 GPU, it will do just fine for XP.
I mean, I ofc know that already since I’m using a gtx 970 and I’ve already built the system, but yes, I does just fine as I said.

>> No.10045531

You need the ANSI.SYS driver loaded for the left version to work.
Those <-[37;7m things are ANSI escape codes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code)) used do things like set colors and move the cursor, which otherwise would require hardware-specific programming.
In the early '80s, there were several different computers that had an 8086 or 8088 CPU but otherwise were not PC compatible. Presumably Infocom didn't want to have to make separate game versions for every one of them, so they used ANSI instead, and this way their games worked on any computer that could run MS-DOS and an ANSI driver.

>> No.10045927

Is there any reason why they wouldn't work with nnansi?

>> No.10046006

Not exactly retro pc related, but what specs should I look for if I want to get a CRT monitor? Certain models/years I should go for? Found a Dell trinitron ultrascan on fb marketplace but the dude wants $400+ for it. Feels like it should be cheaper even if everybody and their mother wants one now.

>> No.10046083

Anything free. OR get something off ebay, then carefully break off bits of superfluous plastic on the corner and say it was damaged in transit and won't turn on. Then just request refund. Worked for me. (Although it was ACTUALLY damaged in the post, worked fine though lol)

>> No.10046097

Yes, dry is the normal climate. Everyone here knows that. But the lack of rainfall and snowfall in the sierras shifted the climate from moderately dry > severely dry desert. California is a big state with varying ecosystems, the entirety of it is not the Mojave desert.

>> No.10046438

I mentioned ansi.sys since that's what comes with DOS but nansi, nnansi, zansi or any other ANSI driver should work too.

>> No.10046727
File: 22 KB, 370x270, geforce-6200-agp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you play DirectX 9.0c games if your card only supports DirectX 9.0a only?
/vr/ wizards, how the hell do I lower the CPU performance for video games that have their fps tied to CPU cycles in Windows 98?

Blog: I bought a 6200 (256 mb vram) because it's nostalgic (it was my first good gpu). I didn't check before buying but the bus is 64 bit instead of 128. Will I be ok for some early 2000s gaming?

Why did you pick the FX 5950 Ultra as the best anon? I'm curious about your choice.
According to some YouTube video the FX series lowered accuracy. That could cause some visual problems in some software. I also remember the FX 5200 being famously hated, just like the MX series. I heard that the FX 5500 is pretty fucking good though.
Carmack himself said that the ATI cards were the best to run Doom 3. Apparently the 9800 Pro was pretty amazing back then. But it was released on 2003 so I guess it's more of a Win XP card than a period correct Win 98 if one gets pedantic about those things.

>inb4 YouTube
Yeah yeah. Have the video

Can you play 3d accelerated games on virtualbox just fine?

>> No.10046757

>Can you play 3d accelerated games on virtualbox just fine?
I havent done a ton of tests and mostly have stuck with emulators for old 80s 90s systems.
But I had ok luck running a few 3d games with 3d acceleration. I say install virtualbox and install a nice copy of xp pro and try it out yourself. if anything you lose 30mins. tho dont forget to install the vboxguest cd files for more things like screen resizing and better support for drivers and net along with drag and drop of files to the virtual box.

>> No.10046763

What games did you play anon?
Yes I know how to use VB. Thanks still! I've used libvirt before for a W10 gaming vm but didn't try a full qemu vm yet for retro gaming. Someday I will.

>> No.10046813

The 5950 ultra is the last card that supports 8-bit paletted textures and table fog. Its sucks for directx 9 stuff but is fast at older dx

>> No.10046894

You're nuts tying to have a thread about retro games on this board. Far better to star a general on another board. This is not the board for retro games.

>> No.10046902

Cook, thanks.

Are you on crack anon?

>> No.10046983

Mostly dos games since I have a huge collection of those games. Duke 3d dos worked tho a bit glitch with sound. I managed to somehow get age of empires to load also thru xp. I got rise of the triad going also. Most of my games have been msdos games and roms of c64 games. Now you got me to want to test some more 3d games later when I get home. Any 3d games for xp you are interested in trying to pllay i'll see if I have them in my collection and if they play decent or not.

>> No.10047167

Can you post on /vr/ with MyPal yet or is the captcha still fucked

>> No.10047319

This console had BASIC, does it count?

>> No.10047327
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>> No.10048226

Sadly the captcha is still fucked atm so I still cant post on 4chan with mypal. Hopefully it gets fixed soon so I can.

>> No.10049076


>> No.10049228

I picked up that motherboard from ebay, it posts, but I can't get any keyboard input working. I tried the onboard ps/2 port or USB.

>> No.10049268

if it posts try to get an OS to boot and test mouse as well
skip the installation, install xp on a spare drive and plug it into the board. that should give you a very good starting point to debug your IO problem

>> No.10049572

I like that idea thanks, I spent an age trying to get the keyboard working to change settings. I never thought of seeing if windows will tell me more of the issue at hand.