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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 380x263, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10003351 No.10003351 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy how I told someone the other day on /vr/ that Mario RPG is one of the 5 or so games I would recommend them absolutely play, and now it's getting a wicked remake immediately afterwards. This is one of the most unthinkable projects I think Nintendo has ever done ever, what do you think? its hardly even theirs, it's Square-Enix's game, so how is it possible.

>> No.10003357


>> No.10003367

it would seem unthinkable 5 years ago. now it’s just more evidence that these companies will do anything to avoid having an original idea. everything is being remade. creativity is going extinct in games. it was a good run.

>> No.10003402

This was a pretty barebones game not gonna lie. I enjoyed it but this isn’t some holy grail 10:10 on release, definitely okay w this getting the treatment. I enjoyed it but it left a lot to be desired, maybe if it had been my first and not my 100th I’d feel differently. Probably romhacks that are better but they don’t make anything new anyway so whatever.

>> No.10003409


>> No.10003412

>its hardly even theirs, it's Square-Enix's game, so how is it possible.
You see, companies can talk things out.

Sarcasm aside, I'm pretty excited for this. It's my number 1 most favorite game of all time and loved the trailer, I'm sure I must be a minority who's ok with almost everything including the new 3D style.
I'm worried about the changes tho like that Percentage bar and the random buffs you can get on battle, hopefully they'll expand on the battle system and not streamline something that's super simple to begin with.
It's a baby's first RPG but it's the BEST baby's first RPG, the game doesn't need to become easier than it is.

>> No.10003451 [DELETED] 

which character(s) will be race swapped into negros?

>> No.10003459

yeah I hope it's not a 1:1 remake and that they improve the combat in different ways, but is has to retain the same feeling to play. it was satisfying to time button presses and get more damage off. I'm not a fan of it not having the menu separated into the four face buttons, I thought that was elegant originally.

>> No.10003462 [DELETED] 

This isn’t a Sony title, you don’t need to worry about that.

>> No.10003464 [DELETED] 

Valentina will turn into Shaniqua and her special ability will be to steal all the air from the battlefield with her horse nostrils for a high chance of instant KO.

>> No.10003480
File: 437 KB, 1197x1488, Little Nicky GBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning to start it this weekend actually. Should I play the original or just wait for the remake now (emulated)?

>> No.10003492

Ang just a few days ago I finally found my childhood cartridge in a random drawer.

>> No.10003943

>a wicked remake
It looks like shit. I'd play the original any day over this.

>> No.10003958

>yeah I hope it's not a 1:1 remake
that's the problem though. it does look like a LITERAL 1:1. like someone wanted to recreate the game exactly in UE.
I mean… if I wanted exactly the same game, I'd play the original. SMRPG obviously shows its age. the isometric platforming wasn't great back then, today it feels very much like a product of its time. the isometric look felt like they tried to ride the wave of popularity of pre-rendered 3D, like DKC and Sonic 3D Blast.
the gameplay was OK back then, but after all a lot of time has passed. Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi tried similar ideas and advanced them too. an exact SMRPG remake will feel like a huge step back with a weird isometric look.

>> No.10003961

The most unthinkable Nintendo project is the remake of Famicom Detective Club. It literally doesn't get more bizarre than that

>> No.10003968

What if they remade Devil World?

>> No.10003969

immediate disregard

>> No.10003970

I don't have a huge issue with remakes, but I don't understand getting excited about them.
As a fan of old games, I would rather play the original every time.
Also, it's as much Square's game as the Capcom Zelda games are Capcom's games.

>> No.10003974

Looks solid, a little lazy in some areas and very nice in others. I don't understand not understanding remakes. If it's a game you like to replay, why would you not want to play it a new way. That said Koopa and Toadstool should look less modernized. I hope a fan mod fixes that and the HUD. Also I don't think mario's eyes look dilated enough when he's doing the sky arms pose

>> No.10003976

>creativity is going extinct in games. it was a good run
It's incredible we're so deep into remake culture that even niche games like this are being remade into full price remakes. The lengths modern companies will go to avoid having to create new ideas or new concepts is outrageously funny to me.

>> No.10004034

What if they remade Mole Mania?

>> No.10004058

Sky skipper open world in the style of BOTW amd GTA.

>> No.10004240

Nazo no Murasamejo remake in the style of Sekiro

>> No.10004596

>Super Mario RPG

>> No.10004625

It's an RPG, most people don't play that

>> No.10004741 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 867x1390, IMG_0985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your vegan menu, ma’am

>> No.10005051

So by your logic, Chrono Trigger is niche.

>> No.10005056

>t. lives in the 2000s

>> No.10005062

Better examples would be FF7 alone and Pissona series after 3.
Normalfags just love that shit

>> No.10005807

well it is

>> No.10005874

Well, there are different kinds of remakes.
A 1:1 remake with better graphics and "arrange" versions of the OST don't tickle my Elmo very much.
However, if a game is flawed and there's a lot of stuff to correct, I'm into that. Example, I think the original FF7 is a game with good ideas but awful execution, so not only does the remake help a lot of issues, it brings it closer to what was originally intended.

>> No.10005904

kill all janniea

>> No.10005983

Emulating the remake if I did anon

>> No.10005995

The original has such nice and perfect sprite graphics and sound that any remake can go fuck itself.
Play the OG on a decent CRT by any means you want, and it'll be a far better experience.

>> No.10006234

What if I've been that periodically for 20 years

>> No.10006264

I've done so many times since the game first came out, and I'm still looking forward to this. Curious to see how they'll handle Culex and if they'll change the graphics of the outskirts of Seaside Town to better match Yaridovich's arena

>> No.10006282

There's no way they're leaving Woolsey's translation in which was a huge part of the charm of the original.

>> No.10006315

Wow, you just happened to recommend a popular SNES game with "Mario" in the title?
That's fucking crazy. You're like a prophet or something.

>> No.10006392

I tried playing this recently, I beat the boss in the forest maze, which is the further I've ever gotten in this game. Something about it just doesn't jive with me. I love Paper Mario so I always expect to love this one, but it just never happens. It's got the action prompt mechanic which is cool, some of what Mario does makes me laugh, some of the dialog even makes me laugh (finding Peach's dildo or whatever was a surprise too). But still I just want to stop playing for some reason and move on to something else.

Is there a moment that I haven't got to yet where it'll seal the deal for me? If I keep pushing will I see a cool moment or something that will pique my interest and make me see the light? I want to like this game, not because its a well liked game and I have to follow the crowd, its just that I know that it's a game I should like. Its funny, it tries to deal with some of the more boring aspects of JRPGs, its bing bing wahoo boy, its different from everything else in its genre, I like the aesthetic of it too. I should like this game, but I don't. What am I missing /vr/? Will it click after the third or fourth star or something?

>> No.10006460

Yeah, I just saw the trailer and I few like I watched someone's fan made project. It doesn't have the colors and charm of the original. The old one had a unique toy-like feel to it. This one mixes modern Mario aesthetic into the game. i am pretty disappointment and Mario RPG is one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.10006575

Sometimes games are just like that. It ticks all your boxes that makes a great game, but you just don't feel it so much.
Thats me and ARPGs like diablo or PoE

>> No.10006630

You have poor taste if this is top five, mate.

>> No.10006661
File: 21 KB, 996x200, Blizzard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They kept Blizzard the same, unless it's a placeholder.
I'd be shocked if they did everything from scratch, like the bizarre Japanese speech mannerisms of characters like Croco or Punchinello.

>> No.10006687

>skip intro
>start new game
>have to watch the intro you skipped anyway

What the ass.

>> No.10007304

the remake seems pretty faithful to the original but it will always look wrong and it'll never have the full personality of the sprites.
I'm still super excited for the game since it's success could give us a SMRPG2. I mean why not replay a game I love with a new coat of paint, and see what things it did better.

>> No.10007768


>> No.10007779

Now that AAA is retracing the footsteps of Hollywood, there's an opportunity for indies to shine. I wish I could make a game but I feel like I am way past my prime and the years have taken too much of a toll on my mind for me to make anything good at this point.

>> No.10007797

But the FF7 remake is even worse executed than the original.

>> No.10007832

>I'm still super excited for the game since it's success could give us a SMRPG2
Don't get me wrong, I'd love a sequel too; but has a video game remake doing well ever actually convinced a developer to make a sequel? Genuine question.

>> No.10007845

For years, Director Chihiro Fujioka has made it no secret that he wants his magnum opus to be the sequel in his head.

>> No.10007892


>> No.10007947

Yeah that’s probably the worst opinion I’ve read on this board.

>> No.10008553

>Will it click after the third or fourth star or something?
Yes, actually. Once you're at Booster's Tower, shortly after the third star.

>> No.10008564

Is there an actual reason, or just because it makes you angry seeing it? By the "mate", I'm thinking the latter, but you can explain.

>> No.10009430
File: 17 KB, 300x225, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I'm convinced: the anon(s) that strung us along dangling that almighty retranslation carrot was just a Ninty/Squeenie psyop advertising the remake all along, right?
10/10, nearly fooled me.

>> No.10009452

Advance Wars is currently being used in this fashion.

>> No.10009604

Strung along? Anon, it's out. Like two years late, but still.

>> No.10009636
File: 66 KB, 512x448, sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really it? It looks nothing like the old one.

>> No.10009641

I've never seen or heard anything from an "old one," just an anon on here who said a retranslation was being worked on, reassured me it was real a year later after I asked about it, and then it finally came out another year after that, when I wrote it off as a bizarre prank aimed solely at me.

>> No.10010791
File: 33 KB, 800x452, wtfiswrongwithppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, what's up with Croco?
Oh God, why does Punchinello sound like a hobgoblin?
Oh God, why are the Tortes Pokémon?

>> No.10010818
File: 120 KB, 298x318, Duke_Nukem_shot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remastered sound effects and/or voice acting

>> No.10010834

The author of this knows 0 japanese, btw

>> No.10011231
File: 12 KB, 570x630, 1680646171288403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10011248

It's surprising it hasn't been done earlier. A RPG of SM is a pretty crazy idea, lots of people might find it interesting, and one might capitalize on it. Specially for a popular franchise too. They've made other RPGs anyway at this point and Square Enix is a RPG company so it all checks out.

>> No.10011286

>wicked remake
Eat shit, remake garbage.

>> No.10011327

There are a lot of weird rights issues with the game with how Square owns a lot of the original designs. Nintendo and Square have collaborated before on re-releasing it on virtual console and the Smash Mii costumes. But it probably took a while to come to an actual remake. Nintendo and Square haven't mentioned who's developing it either. Just that they are collaborating on doing the game.

>> No.10011419
File: 104 KB, 512x448, tester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-described "relocalization" churned out in months, rapid-released like fifty versions, made a previous hack he was too proud of to not spam, RHDN only, gross inflated-ego project pages...
Anon, that is IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM the retranslation you're thinking of, lol, that's just some disingenuous kid's creative writing assignment. However, the unoriginal greedy punk did inadvertently ensure that all the things he stole from others will NEVER possibly see the light of day in a remake. In the long run, count yourselves lucky the author of the real thing neurotically paid attention to undocumented/invisible pixel shit no one in the right mind would care about, because ironically, having it out before the once-thought impossible remake would have turned out to be a colossal fuckup that killed off any remaining chance that the official release had of providing an accurate retranslation unimpeded.

>> No.10013020
File: 66 KB, 377x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell were these guys? The remake seems to replace them with a Terrapin

>> No.10013062
File: 10 KB, 136x212, Koopatrol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like either a precurser to Koopatrol, or some kind of a devil Koopa.

>> No.10013907


i thought they were a statue of the hammer bros, but with a bigger hammer.

>> No.10015036

This looks much better than the MTL nonsense and I'd definitely want it.

>> No.10015047

>having it out before the once-thought impossible remake would have turned out to be a colossal fuckup that killed off any remaining chance that the official release had of providing an accurate retranslation unimpeded.
I'm not sure that's how anything works but I'm glad the remake is free to potentially do an accurate translation regardless. I am really curious about what the script situation is going to be.

>> No.10015082

Looks fucking soulless

>> No.10015104

I don’t want any remakes made by nintendcucks

>> No.10015135

I'm excited for this because now kids in the general Nintendo audience get to play it. Maybe it'll sell enough that we can see a sequel.

>> No.10015213
File: 21 KB, 720x480, cult-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but that was exactly what made stuff like the FFVGBA translation go nuts, and previews are already keeping woolseyisms like Blizzard and Smithy Gang. Worst I think they'll do is make fun of the dude like Skyrender though, he can't be that big of a threat.

>> No.10015278
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, 1687794334952027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the way people are reacting, you'd think it looked like this. "Soulless" just means "I don't like it" now.

>> No.10015407

I had a thought: what if they can't rename anything because copyright/trademark issues sets things in stone? Is that a possibility?

>> No.10015416

I would have preferred a remake of Lttp desu

>> No.10015831

Worst case scenario is they keep the entire Woolsey script, which has yet to be ruled out. It has so many factual errors with regards to item descriptions, and a few major fumbles with the script in general, like the Rose Way scene with Bowser's troops.

>> No.10017725

>Worst case scenario is they keep the entire Woolsey script, which has yet to be ruled out.
They did remove the subtitle, though. Surely that counts for something?
If they do use Woolsey verbatim somehow though, wonder if the remake will credit him. Japanese companies are friggin' weird about crediting the OG staff.

>> No.10019796

Comfy ass game

>> No.10020231

>I would have preferred a remake of Lttp tbqh
we all would have

>> No.10020347

>They did remove the subtitle, though. Surely that counts for something?

Yeah, they already ruined the game and they haven't even released it yet.

>> No.10020386

>I don't understand not understanding remakes. If it's a game you like to replay, why would you not want to play it a new way.
Except the "new way" is almost always worse than the original

>> No.10020430

it's *different* than the original, you would be hard pressed to find a remake that is actually worse if you put your mind to it.

>> No.10020949
File: 26 KB, 720x720, SMRPG_NS_Baby_Chibi_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything looks about as good as one can hope for - except Peach. She sticks out like such a sore thumb. Why does Nintendo have a chip on their shoulder in reusing her old design? They even show it off at the start of the trailer.

>> No.10020982
File: 999 KB, 1021x573, Screenshot 2023-06-28 125702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks alright enough minus that hud.

Easily one of the most soulless huds I ever seen.

>> No.10021020

We don't even know how it works yet

>> No.10021232

Shut up, anon. Let me have an opinion on how soulless it is! I never cared for the game to begin with btw, but my whining is just as valid. Stop othering me.

>> No.10021306
File: 273 KB, 663x614, dafukisgoinonhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, looks like the battle system is modified. We'll..have to give it a chance. I liked the battle system being one-handed, though. Mostly because, well, who didn't have a save file just so they can..do stuff looking at Valentina's titillating bazongas?
What I wanna know is if the trailer cinematics are in-game or if they're just part of the new opening sequence. Is that bit where Geno's skating on what looks like Rainbow Road an indication of new bonus areas?
Also super-interested if Culex is gonna break the third wall again and remember the original game, but that might be too clever for them.
I don't expect too many renames/retranslations in terms of characters and major terminology in case this does lead into a sequel. That way, they can safely reuse elements without confusing too many fans who only played one version. It would be a giant waste if they didn't touch up the dialog though.

>> No.10021324

Always has

>> No.10021535

We can already tell
Stop impersonating me faggot

>> No.10021541

Okay hotshot. Tell the class how the new battle system works.

>> No.10021571

It doesn't

>> No.10021598

When in doubt, assume it's just a new opening sequence.

>> No.10021619
File: 12 KB, 256x224, SMRPGWindowBG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that bit where Geno's skating on what looks like Rainbow Road an indication of new bonus areas?
This is Crazy Speculation, but I always thought the fact that nearly all the unused enemies have a similar palette meant that basically a whole "world" was cut from the game. Maybe an ice area around Yo'ster Isle or before Bowser's Keep?

>> No.10021669
File: 24 KB, 197x343, SMRPG_Peach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Peach would look a lot better if they can just remove the damn vagina lips on the sides of her hips. That's what's throwing the whole look off. Anyone wanna photoshop it to show off what I mean?

>> No.10021675

these statues always looked weird in the original. I knew what it was supposed to be, but I liked looking at it as if the entire status is a monster with a really big open mouth

>> No.10021694

>Geno's skating on what looks like Rainbow Road an indication of new bonus areas?
I thought it was maybe new supers. There's what looks like a super gauge with %. There will probably be full animations for these
I never saw it that way, huh
But the game went through a crazy amount of changes if you look at beta videos and materials. I wonder if they're going to reuse any discarded ideas and stuff they didn't have time to put in the final

>> No.10021724

>the damn vagina lips on the sides of her hips
Also I tried in a previous thread.

>> No.10021786
File: 7 KB, 177x211, slashingSlash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also super-interested if Culex is gonna break the third wall again and remember the original game, but that might be too clever for them.
It'd be hilarious if he came back in the original game's CG-sprite style and was like "aha, I have obtained my 3D form!...Wait...Really, guys?"
>I thought it was maybe new supers.
...Oh SHIT. Are we getting fucking DOUBLE/TRIPLE techs?!
>I wonder if they're going to reuse any discarded ideas and stuff they didn't have time to put in the final
Maybe, but I'd hope they restrain themselves a bit for the sequel on Switch 2 and it WILL happen now with all the buzz the game is getting and the death of the other Mario RPG series.

>> No.10021905
File: 890 KB, 1611x2477, Super_Mario_RPG_Worlds_Final_Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would bet real-world money they intended to do a lot more with the Yo'ster Isle area. The Japanese guides even say that it's World 3 by itself (the Nintendo Power guide instead says it's still part of World 2, presumably because two action screens are absurd for an entire world).
And why was Yoshi on the Japanese box art? Was he supposed to be the sixth party member that they dummied out?

>> No.10022003

Bowser sticks out way more than Peach. He just looks like he was shrunk down and that's it. Even Mario looks a bit stylized.

>> No.10022057

they already stole sm64 and made a remake over a decade ago; this is nintendo we're talking about

>> No.10022064

This game was a rental, not a buy.

>> No.10022518

Smash Ultishit Plus is gonna be put out on Nintendo's next console. They need all the big money to pump more life to the thing, so they're literally going to do Everyone's Still Here with some new separate smash team.

That's why SMRPG is getting remade out of the blue.

>> No.10022572
File: 234 KB, 837x640, 6650a9fa073da8ec543bd38d2cfc8e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because he always looks that way.

>> No.10022579

The only oddity is they're basing the updated graphics on the in-game looks instead of the promotional renders. It's why Boshi's got anklets instead of boots, they misread the pixels.

>> No.10022583

looks like SE and ninty are on good terms for this to happen.

>> No.10022608

>they misread the pixels.
Lol they're the ones that developed it, retard.

>> No.10022890
File: 18 KB, 397x270, FzKEvo4aAAEZCbf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then why is Boshi missing his shoes?

>> No.10022893
File: 16 KB, 328x450, FzKI0GLaYAAGh1i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10022938

Maybe they found them uncomfortable.

>> No.10023007 [SPOILER] 
File: 190 KB, 497x342, meds (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10023009

zoomerz literally have one joke

>> No.10023821

>vagina lips
this man has never seen a fancy dress.

>> No.10023840

i like the original better. it was supposed to be like fingerless gloves, which along with shades, was 100% automatically cool in the 90s.

>> No.10023873

Her waist is too skinny for the woke mob in the original. Gotta make her look ambiguously mid-sized to avoid the backlash over “unrealistic female beauty standards”

>> No.10023885

Meaning we'll get a 30 year old game everyone played the shit out of remade in indie-style flash graphics and with encounters probably dumbed down too
But hey, gotta get dollars from those 50yo's right

>> No.10023890 [DELETED] 

Pls go and stay go, normalfag /v/irgin.

>> No.10024274
File: 746 KB, 1080x606, kilek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a peculiar detail: the Magikoopa in the trailer is not only smaller, but seems to use the small "popping" defeat animation from the original game rather than the large boss "fading" effect. This is a stretch, but maybe we're fighting Magikoopas as regular enemies instead of just that one boss? That seems to be something the original game wanted to do. He's still red instead of blue, though.

>> No.10024280

No tit jiggle = skip remake

>> No.10024308

It's far more likely the fading effect for bosses is out and all defeated enemies pop now. Small details like this mean less than nothing to remakers.

>> No.10024337

I'm the opposite, I can never get into Paper Mario even though I love SMRPG and Superstar Saga.
Even Partners in Time I couldn't finish

>> No.10025284
File: 148 KB, 369x452, plot_hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.... if Boser had access to the copter this whole time.... why can't they all just fly to his keep at the start?

>> No.10025474

Nintendo probably bought the whole game.

>> No.10025816
File: 29 KB, 1280x960, culo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope it has new areas, and the combat isn't ruined. Maybe add a harder mode. Otherwise I have no reason to play as I prefer how the original looks.

>> No.10025845 [DELETED] 

I hung out with normie friends from college today and the remake came up, I brought up some points about how I thought it was dumb and didn't need to be remade and everyone in the room got extremely defensive and kept calling me a hipster contrarian for even suggesting the NEW PRODUCT they were excited for might be nothing more than a cash grab and a worse experience overall than the original, I shouldn't have said anything but I was taken aback at how hard they came back defending it lol

>> No.10025858

crash n sane trilogy and spongebob bfbb rehydrated led to sequels

>> No.10025965

Doubt it, it's still missing from their main website when other RPGs are still there (even trash remakes): https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/mario/history/index.html

>> No.10026034 [DELETED] 

negative people are annoying

>> No.10026084 [DELETED] 

It depends on how he said it.

>> No.10026240 [DELETED] 

Forced positivism is still worse.

>> No.10026252 [DELETED] 

Totally agree with both. But "NEW THING BAD" is the worst and "Cash grab" is the laziest argument.

>> No.10026268 [DELETED] 

"New thing bad" and "lazy cash grab" would be dumb arguments if weren't for the fact that most of times the arguments are correct.
Recent example: that awful Battletoads revival game, which was new, bad and aimed at nostalgiafags to get an easy buck out from them.

>> No.10026317
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, LIVE-A-LIVE_2023_03-30-23_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't look at this >>10020982 and not see it as a cash grab. Live A Live HD looks much better.

>> No.10026430 [DELETED] 

ain’t nothing forced about people being excited about a game from their childhood being remade with pretty graphics and with apparently minimal changes

>> No.10026438 [DELETED] 

>minimal changes
Well, that's where you are wrong.
A remade game that looks and plays completely differently then the original one is one of the reason why lots of people hate new versions of old games, and while some remakes are genuine improvements over the original ones (Dragon quest 7 3DS, for example) those cases are very rare.

>> No.10027034

Don't be a schizo.

>> No.10027068

Square Enix is desperate (and that's a good thing). But seriously this game rules. I actually hope they DO change the casino into something else for the remake. It's two weak ass minigames in the original. I wouldn't even call "look the other way" a minigame because it's literally just flipping a coin. But, I hope they keep the method of unlocking it the same.

How does that apply here, though? The original SMRPG wasn't a big seller, more of a cult classic. It's probably being remade because the director wants to do a sequel before he retires, as in he actually has a passion for this IP and ideas he may have been kicking around and itching to put out into the world for years.

it's funny when you see people trying to score coolkid points bitching about the HUD in Super Mario RPG of all games because it barely fucking has one, you don't even see it during enemy turns when you'd actually want to. It's like you looked at screenshots for a game you never played that was made before you were born to find something to complain about.

>> No.10027140

>that shitty bloom pixels style
I'm glad Breath of Fire is dead enough that Capcom would never consider it for a remake.

>> No.10027146
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, ss_16b4be5769b07ec99bd59defc2ba51bbecfe7552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The effects can be a bit much sometimes, but you can turn them off if you want.

>> No.10027184

>How does that apply here, though?
We will see it the day ths game is out so we could play it and decide if it's a great remake or not.
I'm expecting at least one new dungeon to explore and some extended arcs, by the way.

>> No.10027189

That'd be nice.

>> No.10027190 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 220x220, 1F2C4298-B445-4397-A738-D7326FA7F4E9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I brought up some points about how I thought it was dumb and didn't need to be remade
>suggesting the NEW PRODUCT they were excited for might be nothing more than a cash grab and a worse experience overall than the original
The first problem you have is we didn't ask.
The second is we don't care.
Thirdly, no on likes a Stan Marsh.

>> No.10027191 [DELETED] 

Let people be excited for stuff they like.

>> No.10027198 [DELETED] 

He literally answered your question.

>> No.10027203 [DELETED] 

>if weren't for the fact that most of times the arguments are correct.
You're no better than the people who constantly whine about politics in everything. Learn to be vigilant about the crap you don't like and not give free lip service to outrage bait because of it while enjoying things you DO like or it'll make you fat and miserable.

>> No.10027224 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x997, 620F31B9-31AE-4957-9499-A6E4603834E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic shitposting aside, that mindset can be retarded and dismissive without listening to the points being made.
It'd be one thing if College-kun cares about her friends enough to have them not get TOO hyped and be frivolous with they're money incase the game does turn out to be shit, but she comes off more like an entitled, egoist bitch, got "ratio'd" IRL by her mates because of a bad take and came to whine about "Nomies, amirite??" it on muh secret klub.

>> No.10027253

>this game that makes its efforts to pretend to be 3D so apparent that the optional superboss literally makes a joke about it "doesn't need to be remade" when we're well into actual 3D graphics now
Not to mention accessory descriptions can actually say what they do now. The tiles in Booster's literal "floor is lava" room can stop being victim to an oversized hitbox. The Yoshi race minigame can stop being bipolar about when you're doing it right. And THEN there's the nitpicky stuff, it could have more modes, more difficulties, a level cap, an extra dungeon, new gear or items. We already know there's cutscenes and at least a couple of new battle mechanics.

>> No.10027263 [DELETED] 

That's a strange way to spell "I", you know.

>> No.10027268 [DELETED] 

I accept your defeat.

>> No.10027271 [DELETED] 

I like how his friends are the ones who bring up video games in conversation but they're the ones who are "normie" because they aren't little assholes

>> No.10027276

>a level cap,
I would appreciate if the level cap is raised to 40 to give you more space to customize your character's stats without having to turn them into cripples.

>> No.10027282

It always was a weird, low number for an RPG to have, but I'd prefer to lower it. The portable Castlevania RPGs let you choose a level cap on New Game+ so it isn't an unheard-of feature.

>> No.10027283

Somebody over there finally got some sense.
Should have, and could have been done at least 10 years ago.

>> No.10027284 [DELETED] 

that guy did nothing wrong though. you people are acting like he went on an autistic rant

>> No.10027289

It would have been nice to get this game ported to the 3DS, yes.

>> No.10027290 [DELETED] 

saying an imitation-3D game has no reason to be remade is really stupid

>> No.10027292 [DELETED] 

it isnt though. its just an opinion.

>> No.10027301 [DELETED] 

Is this the narrative people are going with now? that the art style of the old game has no merit to exist on its own and should be superseded by the remakes graphics

>> No.10027304

I think I will wait for the third remake when they have to update the game for the graphics of 2055. Then the game will be REALLY good

>> No.10027306 [DELETED] 

Go back to Plebbit.

Thanks for your non-answer, fatass.

>> No.10027308 [DELETED] 

>Is this the narrative we're going with now?
Are you real? Who talks like this? Jesus Christ, shut up.

>> No.10027316 [DELETED] 

So you are autist, got it.
Imagine tumbling through life without being able to utter 2 words without trying to start a fight and never understanding why it's not right.

>> No.10027317 [DELETED] 

You're a weirdo man

>> No.10027318 [DELETED] 

see >>10027224
Blog elsewhere.

>> No.10027321 [DELETED] 

Whatever goes your narrative

>> No.10027325 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.10027326
File: 159 KB, 1430x597, SMRPG #1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy that millions of people will play Geno's game

>> No.10027330 [DELETED] 

That post doesn't even parse as english

>> No.10027334 [DELETED] 

Yep, definitely autist.
Whatever, enjoy your internet asshatery or whatever since obviously it's all what you have.

It will be nice to play with Geno after so long, even if it's still the same game.

>> No.10027335

I think im just going to sit out all video games now. this announcement just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. and i dont get why nobody else can see it

>> No.10027337 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.10027340 [DELETED] 

are you just responding to every post in this thread with vitriol?

>> No.10027342 [DELETED] 

Retorting with these extremes reads like those Twitter posts that people meme about.
>"(x) is stupid."
>Oh so NOTHING should exist then -- is THAT what you're saying?"

>> No.10027345 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.10027349

It's weird that they give us such a stylized Mario, but Bowser is just modern Bowser.

>> No.10027350
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1450955742405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo acknowledging a game they've ignored for 27 years after lobotomizing one of its successors and watching the other one die put me off video games completely

>> No.10027351 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.10027353

it comes from reading between the lines

>> No.10027360 [DELETED] 

>Insecure blog baby gets pissy when his friends disagree with him
>Goes on the defense when internet strangers don't care
Colleges are still daycare centers it seems.

>> No.10027361

I don't really mind games getting remade since I can always play the original. This one looks kind of sterile and boring though for such a wacky game.

>> No.10027365 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 512x512, E7D9E978-C677-4879-B849-8F943C89A593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger you need to go back.

>> No.10027368
File: 90 KB, 604x785, Happy Geno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they're keeping the fade to Smithy enemies? I always thought it was weird that Culex just popped like a normal baddie.

>> No.10027380

Uh what lines are there to read between other than the director saying a year ago he plans to retire soon and wants to make another Mario RPG as his last game, meaning this could be gauging interest and there could be a legitimate sequel in the pipeline where the head honcho may have a genuine passion for what he's making?

>> No.10027382

>I always thought it was weird that Culex just popped like a normal baddie
Hah, I remember the first time I beat Culex as a kid and thinking "he just pops!?" Think I even called my friend and commented on it.

>> No.10027383
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, Geno Double-Beam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably knew that he'd get HEEM'd by the giant sword and its army if he did. Remember, he already lost his entire group of soldiers between the pond area and Booster's Tower so he had no chance even if he wouldn't admit it. He had to swallow his pride and recruit Mario.

I hope we get some more party interaction. In the original, we just had to imagine Bowser asking "Yo who's this cloud fucker and the talking puppet?" because they never properly met. At least we see Geno watching Bowser knock down Booster's door. IIRC Bowser and Geno had no interaction until the very end of the game, and NONE between him and Mallow other than Mallow introducing him to his parents.

>> No.10027395

Anon I'm more aware of when a company is clearly making cheap, inferior products to sell to the open mouth masses compared to my friends. That's why I come here instead of going to Reddit/Twitter/etc. where those echo-chambers will just gobble it up, but apparently that's sadly the case here too.

>> No.10027396 [DELETED] 

what are you talking about man

>> No.10027398

>Uh what lines are there to read
the fact that all smrpg threads will be as bad as this one from now on for one

>> No.10027401

The fact that they retained the original designs so faithfully is nothing short of a miracle by video game standards. People just see Mario anything and start hissing and spitting "sterile" and "boring" like it's how they breathe.

>> No.10027404

Could always go to /vrpg/ or the Mayro general on /vg/.

>> No.10027410

>The fact that they retained the original designs so faithfully is nothing short of a miracle by video game standards.
huh? did you expect them not to? no video game remake has ever done that

>> No.10027414

His mouth matches up good to "Geno Beam". I wonder if each special has a super version?

>Super Whirl KOs the entire enemy party

>> No.10027417

>its hardly even theirs, it's Square-Enix's game, so how is it possible.
Nintendo and Square Enix doesn't have that fucking sour of a relationship.

>> No.10027421
File: 176 KB, 926x1500, SMRPG Remake 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario RPG is being remade
>I will finally get to see Mallow, Geno, Smithy in modern 3D

It still doesn't feel fucking real. Like, this looks like a very well-done fake. Watching the trailer live and seeing Mallow and Geno with Bandit's Way playing was absolutely surreal.

I can't wait to hear Smithy 2. I hope Goodbye Geno is even half as good as the orchestrated one.

>> No.10027423

Look at some of the M&L remake redesigns. We're very lucky this time.

>> No.10027426

Squarenix needs Nintendo's dollars now and that's enough to rekindle old flames.

>> No.10027431

Your standards are rock bottom.
>People just see Mario anything and start hissing and spitting "sterile" and "boring" like it's how they breathe.
Because a lot of modern Mario IS sterile and boring. The whole forced soul thing on /v/ for Wonder is retarded though.

>> No.10027436 [DELETED] 

this is just one of those games that's going to be hard to talk about online from how many people want to talk you off the ledge from being excited for a thing

>> No.10027445 [DELETED] 


>> No.10027449 [DELETED] 

I'm opposed to all forms of groupthink which is why Reddit and you fagoids obsessed with making sure everyone shits on everything to fit in can both fuck all the way off.

>> No.10027451 [DELETED] 

>forced soul
Please don't utter that forced no pun intended ironic buzzword filth for the unoriginal Zoomers here to latch onto and spread it further.

>> No.10027453

They released too many NSMB games with nothing setting them apart from each other and it's like the whole franchise went to hell with you lot. Anyway, they're faithfully remaking the most bizarre and atypical Mario game they've ever made. Fuck's sake.

>> No.10027454 [DELETED] 

>this is just one of those games that's going to be hard to talk about online
So don't talk about it and your problem's solved.
You can tell when is the right and wrong time and place to talk, right? You are not some chatterbox who can't be happy unless he's talking nonstop to others no matter if they like it or not, right?

>> No.10027458

Nintendo is the most slow-moving of all of the gaming entities. Even minor characters from it get extreme attention now. It was the same ten years ago. Five years or so of fandom would pass, then nintendo would act on it. Shit like super mario bros wii was more cleverly planned than people think. Some games will hit incredibly hard in sales at a certain time.

I'm not big fan of nintendo and their practices, however they are at least decent at knowing when certain things will sell the most.

>> No.10027460 [DELETED] 

Are you my fucking mom? Who are you to tell me what I'm allowed to talk about or not, asshole? You're saying this space is reserved purely for people to piss and moan and that anyone with enthusiasm or who's looking forward to it should leave? As long as we're telling others what to do, go fuck yourself!

>> No.10027462

>They released too many NSMB games with nothing setting them apart from each other and it's like the whole franchise went to hell with you lot.
The DS Marios weren't any special and Nintendo's cringy attempt to make Mario edgy and way past cool like Sonic didn't help either.
You do remember Mario's weird and edgy sports games, right?

>> No.10027463 [DELETED] 

You took the "/v/ hates everything" meme seriously like a retard. SAD!

>> No.10027464 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a "You" problem, then.

>> No.10027465 [DELETED] 

Nah you are more group think than them. All they've said so far is
>Looks bad
Which is their opinion
>Looks sterile
Also their opinion
>Hesitation about gameplay changes like the new meter in battle
Valid concern
>Wondering if they're going to add anything of worth
>Oh man here comes the HATERS can't we just stay positive guys

>> No.10027467 [DELETED] 

You know something? You're right. My problem was engaging with you. My bad.

>> No.10027468 [DELETED] 

didn't ask

>> No.10027471 [DELETED] 

I like a lot of things that are unpopular here, but because I'm hesitant on this game I am now a boogie man. Neat.

>> No.10027472 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 225x225, chimlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Unironically take your meds and touch grass, dude.
I keep forgetting that autist people go apeshit mad whenever they are told to please stop talking.

>> No.10027486 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 5C28FFCF-C607-48A6-AACB-6C6CEC487226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So don't talk about it and your problem's solved.
I hope that squirt gun isn't loaded.

>> No.10027487

Why not just post your hopes and dreams for the remake instead of getting pissed at people who are free to voice their opinions. What I really want is hard mode, and more side content. If the game doesn't have either it's a skip from me.

>> No.10027492 [DELETED] 

OK, so what am I supposed to complain about to fit in, since you're apparently my dad who tells me what to do and I have drawn undo attention to myself with expressing my positivity for this thing, which is probably the first and only thing in an actual decade to illicit this response, Mr. internet Gatekeeper Man who doesn't understand social boundaries then calls the other person autistic retard

>> No.10027494 [DELETED] 

How about ignore the autists who think nitpicking is valid criticism. Starting now.

>> No.10027498 [DELETED] 

>he's still telling me what to do
Anon, I think I know why you like the word "autist" so much.

>> No.10027506
File: 176 KB, 1268x712, smrpgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I'm worried about is the % indicator in the bottom-left. It's a cool feature and it *might* replace the flowers that gave you buffs in the original, being that they serve basically the same function. Only they're tied to timed hits. My problem here is, getting hit doesn't make it go down, and doing specials that aren't even timed like Geno's charges still make it go up. You get attack boosts and even modifiers to base stats like speed. So... I'll be honest, if the game were just as easy as the original, I wouldn't complain TOO much, it'd be disappointing but it wouldn't be doom and gloom. But I sure as hell hope it isn't even easier.

>> No.10027508 [DELETED] 

This whole exchange started because some fag got hazed by his normalfag friends for not being an autistic cynic and cried about it here like anyone gives a shit, not because of differing opinions.

>> No.10027519 [DELETED] 

That just makes you seem even more retarded.

>> No.10027521 [DELETED] 

Man the school system's failed this underaged too. Glad I didn't skip English class.

>> No.10027526

I'm really interested to see how they depict Smithy's final battle arena, the surreal one that's seemingly comprised of a pile of discarded Smithy heads.

>> No.10027527 [DELETED] 

Pls go /soc/ and /adv/ and stay go, retard-kun.

>> No.10027530 [DELETED] 

>guy comes in rent-a-modding an online argument like he's the objective mediator for both sides
this is the real part where nobody asked

>> No.10027531

I want extra areas to explore, more unique dialoge lines for every character and finally I wish the enemies dropped some gear and weapons besides of the usual recovery items.
The rest will be OK if it stays the same.

>> No.10027537

>What I really want is hard mode, and more side content. If the game doesn't have either it's a skip from me.
Same. I can easily excuse some models looking bland and the UI looking like it's from a damn mobile game if they add some new shit. Otherwise I don't see much point in playing this over the original.

>> No.10027538 [DELETED] 

You can simply decide to not participate in the conversation if you can't handle not being told you are right 100% of the time, you know.
Not replying like an angry kid shaking with rage because some stranger told you to not do something would be nice as well, you know. Unless you ate so far down on the spectrum that you genuinely believe that chimping out and insulting people will make them agree with you and want to be your friends, which is something that for some reason all autists unironically seem to believe.

>> No.10027549

>elaborated/additional cutscenes
>extended areas
>new areas
>new enemies
>new extra hard hidden bosses, possibly with references to other Mario games, or even a new FF parody boss in addition to Culex
>blatant sequel tease
>Peach nudity
>Valentina nudity
All the weird, convoluted secrets in the original like the B'tub Ring, Grate Guy's casino, and the Lazy Shells added a lot to the mystique of the game, so more stuff like that would be great.
Hard mode would be cool as well.

>> No.10027551 [DELETED] 

>He deleted his comment
Looks like he really cannot handle other people saying "no" to him.

Buddy, I'm saying this with nothing but genuine good faith: you don't seem to be able to interact with others so you should just leave, at least for a while.
Get some professional help you if can as well.

>> No.10027552

>Peach nudity
I think you will like the Paper Mario games.

>> No.10027556 [DELETED] 

Well that just happened.

>> No.10027576

Janny are you okay? Janny are you okay? ARE YOU OKAY JANNY!?

>> No.10027609

Arguable improvement
>actual 3D instead of imitation 3D
Mixed/possibly worse
>new battle systems that may contribute little overall and make the game even easier
Unconfirmed but likely, and absolute improvement
>retranslated accessory descriptions that actually say what they do in-game

Also worrisome is Culex sticking around and whether he'll be a sprite asset like he should. There's also the music, but, I don't think there was any red tape rearranging the scores for the rereleases of older FF games after Uematsu started his own production companies--I don't see any copyright to him or them in any of the trailers--so, as long as the Square Enix part is squared away, it should be good to go?

>> No.10027615

Nah, I think he did okay. This discussion was really going off the rails.

A Valentina side game (like Bowser's Minions) would be a nice addition, mostly to see more about Mallow's story before Frogfucious found and adopted him.
Something similar with Booster would be fun as well.

>> No.10027703

So do people actually power-level in this game or is it more popular to try and avoid enemies? I think the latter contributes a lot to what makes the game appealing. Same with Chrono Trigger. There's a mild maze-game aspect to having enemies with distinct movement patterns that you navigate around.

>> No.10027705


>> No.10027769

I foght every enemy when possible. Maybe my next playthrough will be a minimalist run, but honestly I enjoy fighting enemies. Timed hits and different inputs for magic makes combat a lot more fun than in a lot of turn based RPGs.

>> No.10027849

It's hard to place exactly how the game is "meant" to be played. The opening demo shows Mario avoiding enemies, and most of them have sort of erratic movement patterns like they're challenging the player to try avoiding them. On the other hand, you get places like Star Hill where enemies are easy to avoid, with totally unique enemy varieties you won't see unless you're purposely getting in fights.

>> No.10028732
File: 380 KB, 860x472, kuppaprideparade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Valentina side game (like Bowser's Minions) would be a nice addition,
Oh fuck no, I loathe this side-mode trend they've been doing in the later Mario RPG remakes and other Nintendo rereleases like Xenoblade. Sell shit like that separately on the eShop at a budget price if you must, or just weave the extra content into the main game like you used to, just please stop packing them as exclusive separate-but-not-really game-mode scenarios into the remakes. Super Luigi U did it okay, where it was sold as DLC AND its own standalone package. That should've been the standard. We waited decades for a "Super Mario RPG" remake, not "Super Mario RPG + Bowser Jr.'s Koopaling Misadventures".

>> No.10029053

I liked the story of Bowser Jr.'s Journey, but the gameplay was garbage, the whole conceit was garbage. Should have just had the same RPG gameplay.

>> No.10029718

I'm hoping you'll be able to switch out Mario.

>> No.10029765


>> No.10029792
File: 134 KB, 269x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks somehow weird

>> No.10029841
File: 27 KB, 512x448, 8-uh-oh[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real irony is that they used that scene to show off the the new chibi models when that was the one scene in the game where the Peach had her normal proportions.

>> No.10029928


>dis game sux I only played it a 100 times

>> No.10030084
File: 73 KB, 176x176, old man yells at cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Toadstool
You damn zoomers, you will address her as Princess Toadstool unless if she let's you address herself with such familiarity!

>> No.10030226
File: 119 KB, 741x599, King Koopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never call her Princess Frogshit again. I much prefer King Koopa over Bowser, though.

>> No.10030230

THeres only like a handful of decent games out there and they are all retro. If you haven't played them all hundreds of times you're just a retard

>> No.10030259

Super Mario RPG proves the importance of gestalt in game development

>> No.10030313

>its hardly even theirs, it's Square-Enix's game, so how is it possible.
Rare didn't make the last 2 Donkey Kong Country games.

>> No.10031191
File: 104 KB, 500x523, dcnbowi-6aa4fae7-da1e-4b0e-b590-85789525024a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess Toadstool gets struck by lightning as King Koopa can't help but watch in horror

>> No.10031350

Mario and Luigi is the other end of that. I hope it never gets a remake because I wouldn't care.

>> No.10031572

Yes, I'm the same guy from the other day. I'm trying to fight some pirate shark boss on the wrecked ship. I can get to the part where he 1v1s Mario and then it's over no matter what. Mario can only do like 20 damage per turn and the boss does like 50+. There's literally no possible way to beat him because I can't use pick-me-ups. I hate this game so much it's unreal.

>> No.10031581

Open /vr/ see this mario shit and zelda shit. Close the window.Nah. This board sucks.

>> No.10031812


>> No.10032051
File: 41 KB, 500x480, bowser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could full parry Chun SA2
>figured out Makoto's stun combo on her when a lot of people still thought it was impossible
>can't do more than 21 Super Jumps

>> No.10032149
File: 203 KB, 2553x1413, WaterBlastMyAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, here's a trick on that one - leave one of the shark minions alive throughout the whole fight. He only forces 1-on-1 when he's the only one left.
Good luck on the boss after that though, he's even harder. Hint: you always auto-target the real one, and even if you're not sure, you can bring Mallow and Psychopath to be certain.

>> No.10032251

Thank you. I kinda suspected that strategy but didn't test it out.
When I get to the next one I can just use pick-me-ups every single turn like I've been doing the whole game.

>> No.10032263

Screenshot your stats. You're larping at being bad.

>> No.10032775

Dude, get the Work Pants you get in Moleville. They're one of the best equips in the game. Battles go by much faster with them on your characters. They only wane in usefulness by the endgame.

>> No.10034284
File: 47 KB, 795x446, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the Super Suit once. Right before my battery crapped out.

>> No.10035548

So someone tweeted at the director of the original and got confirmation that he's got nothing to do with this remake.

I think I managed 30 when I was a kid, but never could get 100.

>> No.10035596

Doesn't the timing change every couple dozen of jumps just to fuck with people?

>> No.10037030
File: 63 KB, 500x500, lodofcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give this a 0.1% chance of happening. Square handled the script, story, and localization in the original. There's very little chance of the roles of both companies changing in the remake. Tell me: has Square EVER re-released a non-emulated game that DIDN'T get a text touchup? Hardly. Especially for a major project like a full-on remake. This is getting retranslated for certain. The better question is how much of the original Japanese script will remain the same. There's a decent chance too that a lot of it will be rewritten or expanded, or both.

>> No.10037786
File: 224 KB, 854x958, 01cc879dc579fdeecc9135812fd072f968ab8c47e7ceba1385eec7aa39806e3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they refuse to credit the original staff who made a remake possible in the first place, I will think twice about my purchase.

>> No.10037837
File: 96 KB, 792x924, 1687321407781734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So someone tweeted at the director of the original and got confirmation that he's got nothing to do with this remake.

>> No.10038225

Yeah I exhaled sharply when I read it. I thought his attachment to this series and the fact he said he wanted to do another one as his last game was the whole reason this remake was happening.

>> No.10038541

lol no it's getting made because the shitty Link's Awakening remake sold 30 million copies. This one reeks of the same shit quality

>> No.10038945

It sold (((6 million))). Where the fuck are you getting that figure?

>> No.10039581

It should have gotten a sequel

>> No.10039626

Those were popular in the 90's

>> No.10039849

I should have known something was wrong when they never admitted who was developing it in the trailer or on the website.

>> No.10039857

Gullible niggers, the lot of you. God I hate kids...

>> No.10039865


>> No.10039890

He's not in the industry anymore. He's a musician now. He quit video games when Alphadream died in 2019. His dream sequel was never happening.

>> No.10039902
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imho this is the ideal way to tough it out through modern culture until the next U.S. civil war happens and American culture gets reset.
Whenever the people who are in charge of media now get "creative" it's always a slap in the face. I'd rather just have the next decade be remakes of games from brighter times than play Fuck The West 2k23 or Depressed Tranny Walking Simulator.

>> No.10039912
File: 300 KB, 646x431, IMG_0091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll rescind my comment, but refuse to kill myself.

>> No.10039918

somebody at the top really wants Geno in smash

>> No.10039937
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Game is way too fucking hard.

>> No.10039967
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>> No.10039986

What's wrong? Am I under-leveled? I'm forcing myself to play this game and it's fucking brutally hard.

>> No.10041113
File: 29 KB, 450x355, super-mario-rpg-belome-papercraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably going to change Romanizations like Belome in the remake, aren't they? Or are they too charming to change? It's hard to say. Whoever possibly thought THAT was better than leaving it alone should be made completely embarrassed of themselves, though.

>> No.10041378

So are we getting this or what? It still feels like a prank made to string along like 2 /vr/ users. There's no evidence of its existence outside of weird, vague posts that crop up when it's asked about on this board. That fucking English-only clown who used machine translations co-opted and tarnished the reputation of this idea, so if someone doesn't correct that, it's ogre.

>> No.10041505

if you were avoiding some fights, but staying within normal leveling range, you should be at minimum, Lv13. and Lv14 makes him a joke.
When I 1st played, I avoided all fights, except bosses, and was Lv10 at that fight. got steam rolled.
every playthrough after, its hard to not be Lv15, even when avoiding a few annoying fights (not intention grinding)

try to just let enemies run into u. no need to chase them down, but just dont avoid them, and you'll be the correct level most boss fights are intended for.

>> No.10041619
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>> No.10041664

>name in all caps
Reeks of insecurity

>> No.10041757
File: 35 KB, 906x178, i also have this bullshit artist's 'old shame'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking English-only clown who used machine translations co-opted and tarnished the reputation of this idea,
Oh, you have NO idea just how disturbingly close that is to the truth, but I unfortunately don't have permission to share specifics for the time being (that can change later depending on circumstances). The author of the real retranslation project has at least two trusted confidants who know all about it and who the author is, and yours truly happens to be a channer (to be clear, this lying doofus is NOT the other confidant - we wouldn't associate with someone so obnoxious of our own volition).
>so if someone doesn't correct that, it's ogre.
The author isn't concerned about that in the long run, because with any luck, the thief is set to get steamrolled by the remake. Instead, the author is more worried about the freak timing of the remake's announcement, has reasons to refuse to release it before it's out, and is torn between releasing it as-is on launch day or rebooting it again to convert it into a full or partial script port. But yes, it is upsetting that those who don't know what a retranslation looks like are getting short-term duped by an attention-seeking pissant. That's why the unauthorized poll I made is so important - I want to show the author that there is an audience who still wants the retranslation of the original game, and we have no guarantee that the official localization won't mess it up again.
Side note, I DO have two of the old fully-playable builds - one from 2018, back when it was tentatively titled "Relocalization" (don't worry, the author was always aware that localization without translation is meaningless, which is partly why it was rebooted the first time with a more serious focus), and one from 2021. A 2023 build is in testing (unfortunately not by me, I got too busy) and will be the build representing the third and presumed-final phase. Maybe I can convince my friend to tide you over with the old work...

>> No.10041773

I think a proper retranslation is still very much necessary for the original game, even if the remake somehow has a very faithful retranslation, which is something I don't think is particularly likely. It would make sense to wait until the remake is out to release it, though. My worry is Nintendo themselves will be handling the retranslation, which could lead to a lot of stupid rewrites. Square's own retranslations tend to be faithful outside of a couple of famous lines from old localizations, but there is currently no evidence that Square has any direct involvement with this remake at all, outside of the licensing.

Regardless, playing the original game with its properly localized original script seems like an invaluable experience for any fan of the game.

>> No.10041792

>I'm forcing myself to play this game
well why the fuck are you doing that

>> No.10041947

He's clearly exaggerating, but his point is that a Gameboy game with a new coat paint could sell that much opens the door to other classic "faithful" remakes to make a quick buck. You don't need the original directors involved.

>> No.10042030

>He quit video games when Alphadream died in 2019
It was just last year he said he wanted to do another Mario RPG, well after Alphadream dissolved. I think he means retire *altogether*, not move to another industry as he's done to this point.

>> No.10042053

because I bought it
back in the day I rented it from blockbuster too

>> No.10042287

>the author was always aware that localization without translation is meaningless, which is partly why it was rebooted the first time with a more serious focus
Then here's my suggestion on how to turn this sitch around: use this opportunity to help turn "relocalization" into a dirty word. I'm serious. Pretty please. These past few years, "relocalization" has been a weasel word. It's code for "I'm an amateur who doesn't actually know the language I'm 'translating' teehee UwU". The entire board knows it at this point. You seem to know this. I bet your friends know this. But normies tend to fall for this. It might have been synonymous with translation work at one time, but now, it's getting further and further removed each day by dummies with delusions of grandeur. Be /ourguy/ and make them think twice about it. Just don't trip up.
>Maybe I can convince my friend to tide you over with the old work...
As tempting as that is, don't do it if your friend's reasons for slipping under Nintendo/Square's radar are Serious. That filename, on the other hand... the twerp might deserve it. How much worse can it be if he's burying it?
>"January 2022"
>leaves tangible web-proof that it in fact did not even cross his mind by then
What a total fucking idiot.
I mean, honestly, WOW, the nerve of this schmuck. He even knew there's been one in the works and he still thought it was a good idea to barge in on a quarter-century year-old game and think THEY are the one to "relocalize" it as slapdash as possible, just to put neon signs on his hack and shout "First! xD"
Can't he see that clearly nobody bothered with the "oh hum if only Ted Woolsey just had more time" cut for a reason? Does he even know what that really means? For fuck's sake.

>> No.10043145

yes, you are under leveled. maybe just kill the ghosts in the ship, maybe go back to star hill or something. literally just grind until you are level 15, and THEN you can face shark boss again. afterwards, be a god damn murder-hobo, killing anything that moves every time you come across it. if you've already been in a room, you dont have to kill it a second time, but you must kill everything once from now on (unless they are hard to reach for some reason). before you give me any kind of excuse or complaining, go fuck yourself. you're doing nothing but failing and complaining in threads already, take the advice and play the game better instead.

>> No.10043326
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>Oh, you have NO idea just how disturbingly close that is to the truth, but I unfortunately don't have permission to share specifics for the time being (that can change later depending on circumstances).
... So, "co-opted," in other words, means...?

>> No.10043772
File: 31 KB, 256x224, please understand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be relieved to know that the retranslation project took shape more closely after the latter, like "what if a retranslation was done by Square Enix on GBA or DS alongside Square's other RPGs." It's painfully obvious that the other guy was inspired by the former. Take solace in that, no matter if Square or Nintendo is handling remake localization, neither tolerates comparisons with fan hacks/projects, so there's zero chance of any sort of "hire-this-man" happening. This is partly why the author wants to stay far out of their way and let them do their own thing until release day.
There's also reason to suspect they'd be able to identity the author (if they aren't already tracking movements) if they got mad enough about it getting in discourse along with remake buzz pre-release, but I for one think we could get away with dropping the earliest build from 2018. If nothing else, it'd be fun to see how it stacks up to the other guy's self-described "passion project" (criticism deflection) he made since "January 2022" (ie. lies), and be cool to have a "before-and-after" with the final polished version later, even if the author's ashamed of old choices and placeholders. I'll ask. All you have to do is pinky swear that you will keep it to yourselves and not confuse "Relocalization" with "Relocalized";)
If you can believe it, Relocalized might be worse, but Reworked Text is revealing in its own way.
I'll pass the other messages along too. We're on the same wavelength, but the author is generally nicer. I think this experience has to be eye-opening to say the least. The author's trying to appeal to that guy that the lead-up to a major re-release is the worst possible time to have text hacks out, but I know it'll fall on deaf ears. The guy clearly lacks self-awareness and is probably too autistic to comprehend consequences (at least I think so, the author was silent).
"No further comments on that matter at this time."

>> No.10043971

It sounds like all this stuff's in good hands. If the author decides to move forward and release this project after the remake comes out, where will it go? The same website as that stupid relocalization? I guess we'll just be able to find you or someone else involved here in future Mario RPG threads made post-remake either way.

>> No.10044225
File: 171 KB, 310x396, WhenYouBlowUpTheWrongThing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should be relieved to know that the retranslation project took shape more closely after the latter, like "what if a retranslation was done by Square Enix on GBA or DS alongside Square's other RPGs." It's painfully obvious that the other guy was inspired by the former.
I just want to say on behalf of present and future translators-in-training that we are going to find the difference to be a very insightful case study, so here's to some small appreciation for BigBlackBomberMan, I guess.

>> No.10044285
File: 140 KB, 662x448, Super Mario RIP - Legend of the Fuckin' Hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zophar's a given. The original plan was to have it on that and RHDN along with a third pseudo-selfhosted option, but despite the visibility of RHDN, I'm trying to convince the author that they've changed too much to be a good fit, and the third option fell through and will probably be replaced by GameBanana.

>> No.10044316

Fucking kek