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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10002363 No.10002363 [Reply] [Original]

Do you dump your own roms?

>> No.10002370

no, but I delete downloaded roms after 24 hours

>> No.10002372

what roms

>> No.10002376

I dumped a tape by buying a cheap ass stereoset with tape functionality, 3.5 to 3.5 jack and hooking it up via headphone out to aux in on my pc and recording it in audacity. shit just werks.

>> No.10002378

>it's been 25 hours
>forgot to delete roms
>hear sirens in the distance
it's over for me lads.

>> No.10002426

>Doesn't take a dump while playing roms

>> No.10002448

>you're shitting yourself!

>> No.10002454

Neat. What game?

>> No.10002462

How are you even supposed to get that bios file for the console legally? How do you dump that even

>> No.10002468

Has anyone ever been arrested for downloading roms?
Nobody seems to care really, even with sites like amazon selling chink consoles filled with 1000s of roms

>> No.10002474

The same way roms were dumped before we had devices like the pic posted in the op. Desolder the chip from the board and dump the data through an IC reader.
I don't think so. Rom dumping is mostly for preservation. It's good to have as many dumps as possible so that we can compare the data.

>> No.10002485

Jap shitdutainment game. Not going to say more, but rest assured it wasn't very interesting and should be in the relevant archives for years now..

>> No.10002705

I would love an accessory like this to pair with MiSTer so real carts could be used.

>> No.10002767

nba hangtime for n64 never works

>> No.10002796

>Has anyone ever been arrested for downloading roms?
Summer. Summer. Summer is here. Everyone. Summer is here!

>> No.10002819

Yes, if a convenient flashcart softmod solution that uses the console exists.

I've dumped much of my DS, 3DS, GameCube, Wii, and Switch stuff.
Never bothered with Wii U because I don't even like turning the device on, too fucking slow.

That Ship of Harkinian OoT PC port? I use the ROM extracted from my own Zelda OoT Master Quest PAL disc dumped using my Wii.

>> No.10002826
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My brother got caught by the Dream Pinball 3D developer or publisher because they were monitoring torrent activity.
They sent him a letter threatening legal action if he didn't pay a fee to settle.

>> No.10002858

Depends on the system, some soft modded stuff like the DS I've dumped carts for, particularly for savegames. Others not so much, if I find a Lynx dumper then I got some ideas for that but that's tougher to come by.

>> No.10002883

It’s oddly specific enough that I’ll bite. What happened? Did he pay?

>> No.10002886

Yes, of course. Every single rom on my PC has been personally dumped by me from my own physical collection of games that was tragically lost in an untraceable boating accident a few years back. Why do you ask, sir?

>> No.10002956

Why? Why wouldn't you just download them?

>> No.10002959
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It's the only way

>> No.10003164

no i cant afford to get anymore autistic with this hobby

>> No.10003273

Just pc cd roms into images because the downloaded version can be different.

>> No.10003563

> be /vr/ retards
> buy such a device
> dump roms
> WHAT? Why won't the dumps work in my emulator?
> oh. copy protections. right. forgot about that.
unless you can crack the software protections yourself (let's be honest, the only thing /vr/ users can crack is the concrete when they move their one tonne legs to walk/waddle), have fun dumping garbage that's been dumped since the 1980s.

it's oddly specific because this board is full of the most detestable compulsive liars outside of /pol/ and reddit. these failures are also the reason why traffic to this board will forever remain shockingly low.

>> No.10003568

You mean all I need to do to make the board as slow as it used to be is to lie all the time? Sounds like fun!

>> No.10003573
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traffic numbers to this board have rarely moved since it was created. the board can't attract users because of such repulsive subhumans. the moderators are so desperate for anyone to post that any level of cancer is fine. that's why this board is dead.

>> No.10003582

Anon, most of the copy protections in these old games work by detecting hardware differences. It's not a problem if you use a modern emulator or a modern flash cart. Patching them out in the rom can introduce bugs and many of the collections available for download online today are unpatched.
>this board is dead
It gets thousands of posts per day, it's not dead. It's slower than other boards and that's a good thing. We all basically know each other and it's nice to see the same group of regulars all the time like the marble countertop guy or the closet guy. Unfortunately that also means we recognize people like you a lot and it certainly does decrease the quality of the board since you can't seem to take any hints.

>> No.10003586

Maybe you were too busy nerding out over board statistics to notice I said I like /vr/ slow. The cancer is just btfo tards threadsliding to hide their shame and newfags making single issue threads which are quickly resolved and promptly 404. Total nothingburger and typical for slow boards (which I prefer)

>> No.10003587

>traffic numbers to this board have rarely moved since it was created.

Yes, but we also have a lot less threads now. We used to have /bst/ threads and Heroes of M & M generals, both were really active, but the board doesn't have either of them now.

>> No.10003640

>Lynx dumper

K-retro has some right now

>> No.10003727

Actually, yes. Currently getting the parts to build the latest revision of Sanni's reader since my current one is an older model that is lacking a lot of support for systems that were added in later updates. Useful device for backing up my old childhood saves before the battery dies too.

Of course, about 99% of my ROM collection is still pirated anyway simply because I have fullsets of just about every major cartridge based system from gens 2 to 5 so my entire collection of legit dumps doesn't even make up 1% of that total

>> No.10003742

>How are you even supposed to get that bios file for the console legally?

You don't need a BIOS file to dump a game's contents. Also for most modern emulators you don't need the original BIOS file either and/or there are homebrew alternatives specifically made for emulators.

But you can always dump it off the console if you have a way to run your own code and a way to get data off of it. E.G. there is a BIOS dumper for the PS1 that can write to the memorycard, and swap tricks make it easy to run that on just about any model of PS1.

>Has anyone ever been arrested for downloading roms?

I assume there probably has been one or two cases to "make an example" or something, like that mess with the RIAA going after kids who downloaded music. But it's mostly the uploaders/hosts they go after.

>Nobody seems to care really, even with sites like amazon selling chink consoles filled with 1000s of roms

Because GOOD. FUCKING. LUCK. suing the Chinese for IP infringement, and Amazon can't exactly have people go through all 80 gazillion products they have on their site to make sure none of them are infringing on anything. Generally action is only taken if something is reported, and trying to report chink piracy consoles is like playing whack-a-mole with a hydra. Just about all of those "consoles" on sale today are themselves a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of the original emulation "console" that also still had pirated games on it. And considering most of these are such cheap shit they are lucky to emulate even the 4th gen in a half-playable state it's generally not worth it either.

Well good news, you can either build your own if you are handy with a soldering iron or get it from one of the sellers who assembles them complete


Being an ongoing project features keep getting added in revisions mind you

>> No.10003757

>> WHAT? Why won't the dumps work in my emulator?
>> oh. copy protections. right. forgot about that.
>unless you can crack the software protections yourself (let's be honest, the only thing /vr/ users can crack is the concrete when they move their one tonne legs to walk/waddle), have fun dumping garbage that's been dumped since the 1980s.

Umm... what? What protections? The roms work perfectly fine. I used an older version of that exact same device to dump my entire collection of Genesis, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, and N64 games, and every single one worked fine in any emulator. The dumps were all a 100% CRC match of the CRCs from redump sets.

The only copy protection was on the console side which would refuse to run the code if the protection checks did not pass, not on the cartridge side, emulators aren't going to care or bother to check for those protections and just run the code. If you have some really really REALLY shitty emulator you might trip an incredibly rudimentary protection designed to detect 30-40 year old cartridge copiers that a few games had, but an emulator worth using in the last 20 years does not trip those. If anything it was disk games that were more likely to have additional checks, but almost all of these run fine in modern emulators too unless you somehow dumped it wrong.

I only know of one Genesis game that still to this day trips many emulators, mostly because it's copy-protection is SO simple and jury-rigged it's easy to trip, but it's also laughably easy to disable it, easiest way being to just pad the ROM with zeroes at the end to increase it's size beyond 24Mbit (a.k.a. 3 Megabytes), and idiot can do that, no "hacking" required. Another would be to disable saving if the emulator supports disabling that (the game has no save feature anyway).

>> No.10003776
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That'll be really cool, but these things are rare and expensive.

>> No.10003907

Do you turn the knob to dump harder?

>> No.10003918

Weebery is a degenerative brain disorder.

>> No.10003927

That's awesome. I also ordered a V5 kit, that's actually why I made this thread. I've got some needs for it regarding save files but also I want to make my own dumps since I have a large collection.

>> No.10003931
File: 200 KB, 701x525, 1686067315766560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Crock just got back form the washroom and just dumped a whole bunch of roms. If you can smell what I'm cookin!

>> No.10004187

Why would I?
The dumps already available are identical to ones that I would make myself, down to the bit.
The information is already available and I don't need to spend $70 and spend 4 hours to retread that ground.

>> No.10004734

>it's nice to see the same group of regulars all the time
eww you're one of those faggots that sucks cabbage's dick aren't you

>> No.10004851

>any praise means they want sex
You must have trouble talking with chicks

>> No.10004862

It's probably some hipster tier thing where the wasted time is the point, to play copies of the carts you own and saved yourself rather than downloading romsets.

>> No.10005225

The only 4chan regulars l know of all are obnoxious shitposters. Why should I care about board regulars?

>> No.10005367

It also doesn't help that a ton of posts get removed every day for being the slightest bit off topic or political. Really makes the place unwelcoming.

>> No.10005370

I am all for that rather than the mess that places like /v/ or /g/ have turned into. I like that /vr/ tends to USUALLY stay on topic and "look what this twitter user said!" topics tend to get purged fast unless it's REALLY related to /vr/, and even then some still get purged.

>> No.10005391

>"look what this twitter user said!"
There has to be a balance between that and some post in the middle of a thread getting removed for casually mentioning a political thing.

>> No.10005393

what's special about these drives?

>> No.10005404

He says, while on 4chan, without even a hint of irony.

>> No.10005448

What part of what he wrote said you had to?

>> No.10005450

If you can't stay on topic you can go vent about your boogeymen elsewhere

>> No.10005481

NTA but Plextor made what are pretty much universally acknowledged as the best prosumer CD drives. If you wanted better you had to spend money on factory-grade CD mastering equipment.

It didn't used to matter quite so much, but now you can't get Taiyo Yuden CD's anymore and everyone lasers are aging, burning/reading problems are becoming more common.

>> No.10005487

Doesn't help that people are just burning disks at the fastest speed either thinking that in no way effects their quality, especially when being read on 20-30 year old optical drives that were never intended to read burned media.

>> No.10005592

No, but even on the slowest, 4x speed my several drives can handle, i'm getting issues with my PC Engine even after dialing-in the laser. Nothing major, and i have obtained some Taiyo Yuden discs that fix things right up, but i worry for the future :)

>> No.10005605

But it is on topic, you stupid nigger.

>> No.10005650

I do the opposite. I download roms and program chips with them so I can make custom carts. Sometimes with modifications to the rom.

>> No.10005692

How do you handle games that had additional chips in them? Not exactly easy to get your hands on a FX or SA-1 without ripping it out of an existing cart.

>> No.10005806

>I can't stay on topic without using funny words
Spineless, needs vulgarity to make his point for him, neophyte probably

>> No.10006434

i would imagine he wouldn't. I did a bit of this for my PCE and Super Famicom, and simply avoided games with extra chips for the latter. Didn't want to play any of them anyway.

>> No.10006474

>Anon, most of the copy protections in these old games work by detecting hardware differences. It's not a problem if you use a modern emulator or a modern flash cart
> wall of text
> just pad the ROM with zeros
really just can't help yourselves but to prove how little that you morons know about anything. anon was right, this board is dead, and you morons that lie about everything and know nothing are the direct cause of why nobody visits this board. you are an embarrsment.

>The only 4chan regulars l know of all are obnoxious shitposters
these are very same people shit up this board on a daily basis and why nobody with any brains would want to contribute to this shithole.

>It also doesn't help that a ton of posts get removed every day for being the slightest bit off topic or political. Really makes the place unwelcoming.
moderator and janny is part of the problem and even creates threads themselves just to get traffic and posts, even posting as a "regular user".

> The dumps already available are identical to ones that I would make myself, down to the bit.
> i would
it's amazing how one anon is able to expose the compulsive lying of this board. like clockwork.. out they come with their fantasy stories.

>> No.10006480

Just wanted to let you know your post was long enough to be cut off on the first page, consider proofreading and editing down a bit

>> No.10006615

There are a lot of ROMs from obscure/rare pinball machines that will soon be lost forever. It's sad.

>> No.10006618

Also my captcha was "W8HHH", which is like a wailing sound.

>> No.10006771

>that will soon be lost forever
Why is that? If it's just a standard ROM chip it should be fine for a good long while unless the unit is kept in terrible conditions.
That being said, if it's something you're passionate about why not start a project to preserve them? If you're good at desoldering and resoldering you could probably talk collectors into letting you dump the data from their machines. While you're at it, if you find some like-minded people you might be able to get a project going for reproductions of old pinball tables.

>> No.10006945
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>Why is that? If it's just a standard ROM chip it should be fine for a good long while

Bit rot is unfortunately a thing with any digital storage, even solid state ones. Even those ICs won't last forever and degrade over time.

>That being said, if it's something you're passionate about why not start a project to preserve them?

There are PLENTY of projects like that, the issue is:

1. Actually finding them, especially hard to do if it's some prototype
2. Getting any owner to agree to dumping it

Generally IF they pop up anywhere, it's almost always some auction site, and those tend to get snapped up by rich collectors who treat it like a Picasso and refuse to let anyone else see it, keeping it stashed in some storage somewhere while it rots. These groups only have so much money, and they need to spend it on other undumped games as well as upkeep.

The story of Marble Madness 2 was an infuriating one for years. There was only three known prototypes IIRC and a collector had two of them, refusing to let them be dumped, MAME team begged and he claimed fine he will do it for $50,000. He never said that in good faith because he believed they would never get that much, they got it pretty quickly through donations and then he backed out AFTER they had taken donations. This was about 20 or so years ago, it took until last year for a dump to finally appear... and it's of only one version (there was a version with a joystick and buttons and a version with a trackball). Meanwhile other collectors for years were defending that guy.

The ROM of Dinosaur Planet that surfaced recently was also apparently in a collector's private stash for decades and nobody knew, it got sold recently because he apparently became strapped for cash. It was ON A BURNED CD! Imagine if that had rotted. It's also only one version, there were many.

Imagine how many others collectors are stashing that we don't even know exist.

>> No.10007034

No matter how hard you try to spin it, you're just mad that someone said a no-no word and you need to go back lmao

>> No.10007648

And then his Nintendo DS clapped.

>> No.10007702
File: 820 KB, 2048x1536, AFC9C630-C2B3-4DAB-8A8C-CEF73BC0D146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these devices, mine is a prebuilt one from Japan. I mainly bought it to save my game data on my carts. But it’s nice that I can dump my games and put them on other devices with the save data from the real cart. It works well.

>> No.10007712

only ds, 3ds, and gba because I have an r4 cart and a 3ds to actually be able to dump them with

>> No.10007959
File: 283 KB, 1440x2160, A4w9IMJz1jJtBVNtEURpyMkR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh funny words

>> No.10008004

That's the Revision 3 right? I think that's the one I currently have. Compared to the latest revision that one lacks support for NES and Famicom, SegaCD RAM carts, several other formats through adapters, has occasional issues with SA-1 games, and uses two buttons instead of a wheel to navigate the menus (one being "down" and the other "accept") and a much smaller screen. It also does not have the option to install an automatic voltage-switch between 5V and 3.3V like the latest model does.

Wasn't a fan of the battery that Revision 4 added and how it made building it more complicated, but that's been removed in Revision 5.

>> No.10009024

yea it fucking sucks,cant have any organic discussion.

>> No.10009034

I'm happy to see more anons show up who have these things. I'm excited to build mine.

>> No.10009045
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No, since I downloaded full romsets years ago, have them backed up on multiple drives, and share with my friends and family.
Come at me Ninty, I'm behind seven proxies.

>> No.10009378

Yeah, I built one last year mainly to backup my save games for use on MiSTer and check my carts for rare revisions.

>> No.10009456

Yes this is the HW3 model. I only use it for NES, Super NES and Gameboy so the other features don’t interest me, I have to use an adapter for NES games but that’s about it. As for the automatic voltage switch in HW5 you have to manually switch the correct voltage on HW3 otherwise it wipes the cart of its save data. I know because I accidentally had it switched to 3volts instead of 5 for the gameboy wiping me 255 hour Pokémon red save lol.
I purchased this one because it was pre built I don’t have the skills good enough to make my own.

>> No.10009462
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Gone forever.. lol. My fault for being a retard.

>> No.10009489

Dumping tools are completely worthless for everyone except for a few subset of people :

1.- People that actually own rare stuff that is not available online
2.- People that live in a totalitarian asshole of a country where downloading ROMS from the net may actually get them in legal trouble (like Japan)
3.- Asshole retro youtubers that use it as a prop to show on camera so they can defend themselves if anyone ever accuses them of piracy, even though they 100% downloaded a rom set instead of bothering dumping their 100+ cartridges one by one

That's it, it's useless otherwise. For everyone else, your carts are not special and you're just jumping through hoops to get a copy of the same exact data that's been available online for decades and that you could download for free anytime in less than 5 mins.

>> No.10009520

>As for the automatic voltage switch in HW5 you have to manually switch the correct voltage on HW3 otherwise it wipes the cart of its save data.

Yeah I know, I have a HW3 as well as I said. HW5 still has the switch by default, but there is an add-on PCB you can install in place of the switch that automatically does it. There is also a revision of that revision that will let you add those components directly to the main PCB instead of being a standalone PCB in place of the switch.

Also, I made the mistake of forgetting to switch from 5V to 3.3V a few times when dumping N64 games, and I didn't have my saves get wiped.

I did have one two SNES games out of all of them that had their saves wiped, but I am pretty sure in that case it was the battery that was dead as I don't think I had even gotten around to my N64 games to switch it out of 5V mode yet.... one of my N64 games was also wiped but that one was infamous for losing your save data.

>I purchased this one because it was pre built I don’t have the skills good enough to make my own.

Same, I got my HW3 pre-built directly from Sanni, I am actually trying to learn to solder right now using a bunch of cheap DIY kits I got off Aliexpress before I move on to trying to make one of these, and then making a GBS-Control, and then hopefully I will get good enough to start HDMI modding my consoles.

>> No.10009529

I used to but then nintendo started dcma'ing my shit on games they didn't even make so I started pirating. No good deed goes unpunished lads.

>> No.10009530

This, I ordered like 10-20 replacement lasers for all of my consoles a long time ago when I learned how to repair and replace my shit. Everyone else is fucked because they pay 10x as much as what I have but only get 1

>> No.10009540

they need to clean up those fucking artifacts.

Especially pisses me off knowing the og picture was white on the back so that is just a lazy job.