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File: 204 KB, 250x341, Streets_Of_Rage_2_-EUR-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
717945 No.717945 [Reply] [Original]

Streets of Rage 2 was the epitome of the 80s.

Arcadey game with neon lights and awesome music. It's the Great Gatsby of the 80s in that it presents that age so well.

>> No.717948

Except it came out in the 90s

>> No.717954


That doesn't mean it couldn't have taken to spirit of the 80s and encapsulated it into a cartridge.

>> No.718009

I'm not too sure about the music, which kinda sucks to me... I know it's electro-ish and the megadrive has a terrible soundchip so it's not really the composer's fault, but the few times I play this I mute the T.V.

>> No.718008

>Playing as blaze and continually jump kicking to see her panties, as well as hear her rediculous voice.
>The wierd 'WORF' noise the Bosses made when they died
>The bomb being delivered from a cop car, and if your second player the bomb is a machine-gun-mortar
>Trying to pick up the rolling pepsi can on the Beach level
>The Bridge Level, and all the 'throwing enemies into the abyss' therein contained
>That fucking ship level
>That even more bullshit conveyerbelt level
>The Elevator level, consisting of more 'throwing enemies into the abyss' therein contained.
>Those fucking Blaze Clones near the end
>That music
>Those weird guys in yellow jumper/jackets and slick hair
>Using a broken bottle to bash people

Damn that was a fine game. Got it along with Golden Axe II, so I was pretty spoiled for that sort of sidescrolling game.

>> No.718028


Understandable. It's more 80s club music which can be irritating.

Still doesn't denote the fact that it epitomized 80s music.

>> No.718031
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'the fuck?

>> No.718032


You can't epitomize 80's music, actually... to you, it's that kind of music, but to me it's punk and rock music.

>> No.718038
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It's the game that really defined the Genesis for me.

Me and my brother actually developed a protocol when playing, like lowest gets the turkey and putting out an audible when tossing an enemy... Which quickly devolved into using the enemies in a sadistic game of dodgeball.

>> No.718035


Wow, really? I think it's one of the greatest video game soundtracks of all time and I'm far from alone. I don't want to say that you're wrong but... you're just wrong.

>> No.718041


Not only that but the music in SoR2 isn't '80s at all. It's mostly made up of very contemporary '90s house/dance music.

>> No.718043
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You don't like this?
What's wrong with you

>> No.718049
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>megadrive has a terrible soundchip

>> No.718053

>You can't epitomize 80's music


>> No.718076


That doesn't epitomise anything at all.

>> No.718074


Good, but it's not Go Straight.

Anyone heard the OC Remix of it? It's the tits. I love the little "HOO, YEAH!"s. So fuckin' '90s. I'd post a YouTube link but FaggotChan won't let me.

>> No.718083

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.

>> No.718094

>That doesn't epitomise anything at all.

Only an uncultured swine would say such a thing.

>> No.718102

This thread went of its rails quickly

>> No.718112


"Uncultured swine"? Who actually talks like that? Look, I'm going forgo accusations of fedora ownership to kindly inform you that whilst Smooth Criminal is a great song it does not epitomise '80s music in either sound, production techniques or any other qualifier except maybe the use of synthesisers. There are far better examples you could have used but the fact is that no one song is comprehensive enough to fit the bill. It's an inherently impossible task.

>> No.718118

>Who actually talks like that?
>continuing into a elongated paragraph

Nah. You're trying too hard.

>> No.718128 [DELETED] 


....Please go listen to your modern day shit.
You'll never understand the beauty of such music.

>> No.718127


You're still wrong.

>> No.718131


Punk hit its peak in the late '70s. '80s was post-punk and New Wave.

>> No.718132 [DELETED] 

You bland idiot.

>> No.718148

>samefagging yourself
>trying to delete it


>> No.718151

Didn't this epitome of the 80's feature Skate, the most 90's character ever conceived?

>> No.718157


But skating was the 80s.

The 90s have skateboarding.

>> No.718158

>Playing as blaze and continually jump kicking to see her panties

Didn't they censor her panties on the american version?

>> No.718179

Well, skateboarding was already pretty prominent in 80's pop culture as well ("Skate or Die" games, movies like "Gleaming the Cube" or "Thrashin'"), and Skate wears typical 90's Rollerblade inline skates.

>> No.718191

It sounds like you're talking about Streets of Rage 1.

>> No.718195

>Anyone heard the OC Remix of it? It's the tits.

Your opinion lost all credibility right here.

>> No.718197

Skate didn't fight by throwing Pogs, he has nothing to do with the 90s.

>> No.718219
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>shitting on Gecko

>> No.718250
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The original is superior, but I do love 2 for no other reason than spamming Axel's Grand Upper to death. Hilariously OP'd move.

>> No.718261
File: 43 KB, 495x402, Buster Bunny is tired of your shenanigans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The original is superior

>> No.718296

Not the other guy, also prefer the original

>> No.718319

>The original is superior
I'd love to hear someone explain this point of view as I can't think of a single area that the sequel didn't improve upon massively.

Aside from the cop car barrages.

>> No.718346


Music was better, it was harder, and I honestly feel that as far as gameplay and graphics are concerned SoR2 was more of a straight up Final Fight clone than the original, right down to having a pro wrestler as a level boss. Opinions, of course.

>> No.718369

The first model Genesis had a really nice sound chip, and this game played through some decent headphones will blow your mind.

>> No.718386


With you maybe. Why that is I couldn't say. Maybe you dislike OC Remix and probably also fun. Maybe you're just a grumpy little shit, I dunno. Either way, no-one cares.

>> No.718391

This is the worst SoR2 thread I have ever seen.

>> No.718408

>That fucking ship level
Which ends with a fight against a 7-foot tall 300lbs Russian boxer with enough muscle to throw bears off mountains.

>> No.718415

There was a wrestler boss in SOR1 as well.

>> No.718857
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Say that to my face, fucker.

>> No.718875
File: 278 KB, 964x646, 942662_20070830_screen004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone explain what the fuck this level was supposed to be? On my little TV as a kid, I always thought it was just a hedge.
Also the wrestler after the elevator keeps ass raping me

>> No.718895

it's a reference to the Alien movie, something very common in games of that time (think of Contra as best example)

>> No.718902

I thought so. Is it supposed to be part of the theme park, or it just wedged in?

>> No.718908

It's a theme park attraction. But it's still a really stupid and out of place area that's shoehorned in.

>> No.718937
File: 84 KB, 512x512, guaranteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 I mad.

>> No.718947

fuck that shit, every game had a level like that.
>hurrr you're in the belly of some monster or some shit
>durrr alien ripoffs/zombies/tentacles as enemies
Every. Fucking. Game.

>> No.718952

when you kill that boss in the alien level he becomes a vagina, labia and clitoris and all

>> No.718972

This is the greatest bait post I've seen on 4chan, ever.
Not only does the megadrive have a fucking great soundchip, as evidenced by the stellar music from hundreds of games, but yuzo koshiro ALWAYS makes fantastic fucking soundtracks, and the SoR soundtracks are amongst the best in the history of games.

Jesus fucking christ,

>> No.718976

Bear knuckle faggot, heyooo.

>> No.718980

Bare Knuckle 3 was better in every way, including music.

>> No.719010

hurr durrr le /b/ kid is over here hear him he is the master ruseman.

>> No.719047

Get out of this beautiful thread.

>> No.719067
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>including music.

>> No.719104
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>> No.719304


Sir, I counter your position with this mashup, which I feel demonstrates why SoR2 was the musical epitome of the early '90s:


>> No.719809


What? For every enemy you punch twice, walk forward, throw. For most of the bosses you just grab them as they come onto the screen, knee twice, tap away then toward to grab them again, etc. forever.

You can just jump kick the wrestlers and Mr. X forever. There's nothing difficult about any of SoR1 except maybe the blaze clones.

>> No.719925

And apparently, his full name was Rocky Bear, and you fought his son on the last level.

He was the boss with the fastest recovery time too. He is actually hitting you back during Axels forward+A special, just doesn't land the hits - if you are too close, he can grab you out of the move however.

>> No.719932


Shiva has the fastest recovery time. He can punch you out of jab combos even.

>> No.719945

For the Blaze clones, you just turn your back onto them and use B+C, hits them every time.

For Bare Knuckle 3, you just jump kick every boss. It sucks, because BK3 added so much fun stuff, but had awful enemy variety and totally broken balance.

SOR2 on Mania however, was the first videogame I remember with an AI that wasn't cheating, but was just insanely fucking good. Still can't beat it from one credit, despite knowing every nook and cranny of the game.

>> No.719956

No, Shiva either starts blocking, or does a standing A special (the flaming circle kick). He actually has a full player moveset going for him...

Bear does not have blocking, but has a one or two frame normal jab, fastest in the game, which he can use to interrupt EVERY normal move, and a lot of specials. He is blazing fast.

>> No.719986


I guess you're right. I checked and shiva's hit animation is 15 frames while bear's is 12. I never noticed because R. Bear's just so easy to loop, though.

Fun fact though, R. Bear's jab is just like the muay thai guys' kicks: it has 0 startup frames.

>> No.719989

By recovery time, I mean how fast they recover from getting hit. R.Bear is the fastest (he actually hits you back during Axels forward+A move), Shiva is one frame or two slower (he just starts blocking after the third hit, which is slightly slower than the rest, slow enough for Shiva to block it).

What makes Shiva look lightning fast is the fact that he instantly blocks any attempt at comboing him, and you can only hold him for 1 frame before he breaks out.

>> No.720023

Ah, fuck you, I wanted to post that.

>> No.720052


>any attempt at comboing him

Not entirely.



>> No.723295


Wrong Shiva. SOR3 Shiva is a joke.

>> No.723665

http://www.bombergames.net/sorr_project/ enjoy guys, iv got 200 hours on it so far lol plus a load of mods

>> No.723714


The entire series is inspired by america's early 90's culture. Both soundtrack and setting.

>> No.723795

Am I the only one who plays SoR1 by mashing left, right and punch?
I don't even know if this is possible on a controller, I play on a keyboard.

>> No.724178


No that's a good valid thing to do.