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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7169378 No.7169378 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite movement in FPS? QW/CS style-airstrafing? VQ3 strafejumping? Tribes skiing?
My dark horse pick -- Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. The combination of un-normalized movement (e.g., running diagonally is faster than just walking forward or strafing), the weirdness of the engine in general, and Force Jump + Force Speed make the movement in that game an absolute delight. Nothing really feels like it, even the other JK games -- although JK:O and forward did have pretty cool movement in their own right.

>> No.7169407
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GoldSrc engine, specifically bunny hopping and surfing.

>> No.7169429

Vanilla HL. It's a combination of doomguy greased endurance man with a little bit of vertical mobility, but not so much you have to wait for his hands to grab on to stuff etc.

>> No.7169435

Quake 3 is automatically discarded purely for popularizing the autism that is bunnyhopping.

Also, anyone who says faster is better for an FPS deserves to have their dick and balls cut off, no exceptions.

>> No.7169440

We see it already happened to you.

>> No.7169446

>Also, anyone who says faster is better for an FPS deserves to have their dick and balls cut off, no exceptions.
Are you talking about /vr/'s preference for arena shooters over "tactical" shooters?
I think Q3 hits the sweet spot for speed though, QW and Doom MP (which I've admittedly only played once or twice) seem a little too fast. What are your main arguments for faster NOT being better though? Halo (for point of comparison) feels slow as fuck and like you're moving in low gravity all the time.

>> No.7169459

Unreal Tournament 2004 ShieldJump/TrickJump/Trial yt videos.

Thx me later.

>> No.7169464

What, that I became a chad? Thanks, no doubt, no doubt.

>> No.7169465
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, quake12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, anyone who says faster is better for an FPS deserves to have their dick and balls cut off, no exceptions.
I certainly didn't appreciate Q2's slowness in the singleplayer, that's for sure.

>> No.7169475

I kinda like UT 2004's mechanics: Double jump, tapping the opposite key near a wall in mid air to push you off in that direction, UT's double tap to evade on ground and using a special sequence to activate a temporal perk once you have full adrenaline.
Also the Translocator. Teleport frags make my dick hard.

>> No.7169478

>Are you talking about /vr/'s preference for arena shooters over "tactical" shooters?

Yes, 100%. Multiplayer only games, specifically arena shooters, are a cancer upon society and gaming as a whole. When you have games that don't rely on who can point to a dot on the screen the fastest, you have more time to balance the game's level design and atmosphere and story and world-building ala Return to Castle Wolfenstein, F.E.A.R., and Aliens vs Predator 2.

>> No.7169483

Q2's character movement is okay. The problems is that enemies don't feel as menacing and well placed as in 1, so it's not very exciting. The most threatening enemies are the turrets in that expansion pack that can nuke you from a corner if you're careless and the Black Widow boss that doesn't let you cheese it out with power ups.

>> No.7169484

>When you have games that don't rely on who can point to a dot on the screen the fastest
Weird how this applies more to Counterstrike and Call of Duty as opposed to arena shooters when those are the ones you say are specifically cancer.

>> No.7169486

>When you have games that don't rely on who can point to a dot on the screen the fastest
Arena shooters avoid this though. Most "tactical" shooters have quick or instant ttk (headshots) compared to arena shooters where people get overshield and stack. You have to worry about map control and you have to actually make plays to get frags. Your opinion really betrays either a lack of understanding or skill desu

>> No.7169491

forgot to add -- RtCW was good though, we can definitely agree on that. and wolfET is incredible and still fun to this day

>> No.7169493

Circle jumping in action quake 2 was based though

>> No.7169498
File: 2.94 MB, 852x480, quake2051985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q2's character movement is okay
It's not just 'movement', it's everything. Switching guns, shooting guns, it's all a slowdown in Quake 2 and it's balanced weird: The regular shotgun and grenade launcher shoot faster than super shotgun and rocket launcher in Quake 1, while the opposite is the case for Quake 2 so they're dealing more damage AND they're quicker to use. It looks real cool and the controls are still great, it's not "irredeemable trash", just a chunk more boring.

>> No.7169504
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, DUM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arena shooters also gave birth to this abortion, so this is another reason why I'm opposed to them.

>> No.7169508
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>my opinion of a game from 2016 affects my opinion of a game from 1996

>> No.7169510

> Most "tactical" shooters have quick or instant ttk (headshots) compared to arena shooters where people get overshield and stack.
>Your opinion really betrays either a lack of understanding or skill desu

Ironic since you just displayed your own total lack of understanding and skill, since moving the mouse cursor too fast and moving or running at all increases your inaccuracy in tactical shooters, so no, going for running flick-of-the-wrist headshots does not happen in tactical shooters like Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Hidden and Dangerous, ARMA, or Operation Flashpoint.

>> No.7169512

>another reason

Nice reading comprehension there retarded sub-100 IQ dipshit, pay attention next time you may learn a little.

>> No.7169514

>you have to stand absolutely still to hit anyone, this adds depth

>> No.7169517

duke 3d

>> No.7169519
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Uhhh, yea...and it filters low IQ brainlets such as yourself before the "mission" even begins

>> No.7169529
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I really like Turok 2's movement.

>> No.7169530

>Arena shooters also gave birth to this abortion
That's pretty dumb as the new Dooms are more 'Quake meets Brutal Doom' while progressing like a linear hack and slash. Arena shooters led to the terrible 2016 DLC and then Quake Champions. Also not retro.

>> No.7169539

i played rogue spear and swat 4 and enjoyed them. but you got filtered by multiplayer lmao

>> No.7169540
File: 311 KB, 792x451, metroid_prime_3_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid Prime had the tightest fps controls I've experienced. One of the first games to get strafing correct on home consoles.

>> No.7169543

>That's pretty dumb as the new Dooms are more 'Quake meets Brutal Doom' while progressing like a linear hack and slash.

It's not, because that's simply your own opinion, which I can also say is equally as dumb, especially since Brutal Doom is the natural evolution of Doom, ala what John Romero said.

>> No.7169547
File: 16 KB, 264x377, Call_of_Duty_4_Modern_Warfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not like it, but this is the game that set the standard for modern FPS movement.

>> No.7169548

>I played Rogue spear and SWAT 4 and enjoyed them
>plays dumb
>when tactical shooters objectively have more depth because of ballistics calculation and involvement of weapon sizes where smaller weapons can be moved quicker while losing less accuracy

Just stop, the cope is too cringe.

>> No.7169552

It did for a while, but that stopped being the mainstream standard since 2015

>> No.7169563

i played them and enjoyed them and then i moved on. multiplayer games provide decades of entertainment

>> No.7169564

Unreal Tournament if we are talking retro, but I actually think Titanfall 2 has the best movement.

>> No.7169568

You're actually right, it was only really the standard for the 7th gen. In the 8th gen arcadey movement regained popularity with stuff like CS:GO, Overwatch, nuDoom, and Fortnite. Yeah, I know that last one isn't FPS but its extreme popularity still makes it worth mentioning.

>> No.7169573 [DELETED] 

>multiplayer games provide decades of entertainment

If you've played one Quake 3 match you've played them all. Nothing to really see or do differently in a match other than kill someone with a different gun while bunnyhopping. Rainbow Six Siege on the other-hand....

>> No.7169578
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>It's not
No, yours is pretty dumb. Arena shooters didn't lead to anything besides Unreal Tournament. Then they were forgotten about in a sea of Halo, Counter Strike, and eventually CoD.
>ala what John Romero said.
Got any sauce besides what he said in the 20th anniversary video and twitter?

>> No.7169583
File: 132 KB, 1472x420, death of arena shooters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiplayer games provide decades of entertainment
If you've played one Quake 3 match you've played them all. Nothing to really see or do differently in a match other than kill someone with a different gun while bunnyhopping. Rainbow Six Siege on the other-hand....

>i played them and enjoyed them and then i moved on
Cringe cope from a desperate arena-shooter addict who can't recognize reality.

>> No.7169586

Proving my point I see.

>Got any sauce besides what he said in the 20th anniversary video and twitter?
>got any evidence aside from this other evidence

>> No.7169597

No one really likes multiplayer fps.
Just a larp.

>> No.7169604

They're meme games that eventually die when the popularity goes with them. Singleplayer games can provide decades of entertainment, Multiplayer games can only provide entertainment for as long as they have other people playing them.

Multiplayer only games eventually become dead-end wastes of money because the userbase dries up and moves on to the next meme game and you're left having squandered 50$ to play a game temporarily.

>> No.7169615

>Proving my point I see.
It's safe to ignore my quips and actually respond to the content of my post, it's okay pal.
>got any evidence aside from this other evidence
He only says they "would've destroyed the game industry" - which would happen regardless with PB, DRLA, any other gameplay mod - and that the mod is hilarious. That's not evidence, so you've pulled that "natural evolution of Doom" out of your ass.

>> No.7169631

>It's safe to ignore my quips and actually respond to the content of my post, it's okay pal.
Nothing to really acknowledge. Doom Eternal was objectively inspired by arena shooters, similar to Quake Champions, and that's that, no arguing or debating this, lmao.

>He only says they "would've destroyed the game industry" - which would happen regardless with PB, DRLA, any other gameplay mod - and that the mod is hilarious. That's not evidence, so you've pulled that "natural evolution of Doom" out of your ass.
He also said on Facebook it's the best weapons mod he's ever seen. The fact that Romero loves and appreciates the mod, and even jokingly questioned if they'd released Doom originally like that, shows that Romero fully endorses and considers the concept as being a part of Doom, of course there's also the fact Doom was noted for its gore even back in the day. My bet is you're some 24-25 year old zoomer who likes to pretend they're a 90's kid and really knows what's what.

>> No.7169658

>Doom Eternal was objectively inspired by arena shooter
A single player game was inspired by arena shooters and not Quake, which was consequently what inspired those arena shooters? The game that also has no multiplayer besides some weird asymmetrical multiplayer?
And you're saying there's no arguing or debating this with you? That certainly saves some time.
>He also said on Facebook it's the best weapons mod he's ever seen.
Cool, so he didn't say it was the natural evolution of Doom? Thanks for being considerate and proving MY point, anon, peace!
>My bet is you're some 24-25 year old zoomer
That's wrong, so this must be projecting.

>> No.7169683

Just loading into a new mission/level in games like Doom/Wolf3D/Quake for that first time. Something about having no fucking clue what I've gotten myself into and those first thumping beats of level music.

>> No.7169962
File: 74 KB, 800x600, Star-Wars-Jedi-Knight-Dark-Forces-II-screenshot-star-wars-33467221-800-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Dark Forces 2 for the first time recently, after already having played Outcast and Jedi Academy, and thought the same thing. The movement combined with the great level design, massive with a lot of verticality while still being coherent, makes it one of the best FPS games I've ever played. Sad that this didn't become the template for future FPS games, rather than Half-Life which came out a year later, with its linearity and set-pieces.

>> No.7170007

>soi wars

>> No.7170019


>> No.7170028

>You're projecting

Sad that people are this desperate to cope

>> No.7170139
File: 69 KB, 837x607, wodz21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing this game back in the day on msn gaming zone amd downloading new maps and mods from massassi.net was a treasured part of my childhood. i even tried download jed and JKEdit and making levels

>> No.7170214

meme forces wishes it was as good as hl1

>> No.7170369

df2 is a thousand times more fun than boring ass half life

>> No.7170371

No,it's cringe like all the Star Wars franchise.

>> No.7170376

enjoy your proto-cooridor shooter with boring weapons while i cut dudes arms off in upside down crashing spaceships shoot rail detonators and jump 40 ft in the air

>> No.7170387

They don’t really avoid it all that well considering most arena shooters eventually devolve into server lists full of instagib horseshit.

>> No.7170392

I will thanks.
Enjoy your dead forgotten soi wars game.

>> No.7170393

that's fair. i like instagib as a change of pace but it does suck when it starts outnumbering dm/ctf servers and the like. would be neat to still be able to play Assault or Domination in UT99 for example

>> No.7170750

Running faster in diagonal is the default, check your pythagoras.

Any game where it doesn't happen, the programmers compensated for it by intentionally making the diagonals slower

>> No.7170753

>using Q3A and not QL to prove a point

le biais

>> No.7170869

>Any game where it doesn't happen, the programmers compensated for it by intentionally making the diagonals slower
that's what "normalized movement" means

>> No.7171156

warsow wall strafing

>> No.7171159


I miss wiimote + nunchuk for my comfy fps experience.

>> No.7171164

rocket jumping

>> No.7171178

Bit of a boring opinion maybe but nothing so far has topped the original quakes movement for me. Goldsrc was also great but somehow it was just a bit clunkier than quake.

>> No.7171302
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>> No.7171323

>no muzzle flash
what were they thinking?

>> No.7171329

I played cs for 4000 hours and i still can never surf or bunny hop
I just dont get it

>> No.7171362

wheelchairstein 3d

>> No.7171364

DF1 was superior DF2 is "I wunna be a jewdi" garbage.

>> No.7171376

it's not bunnyhopping in quake, it's strafejumping
bhop is goldsource/source

>> No.7172553

respectable opinion
surfing is just holding left or right as you slide along a slope, go find a beginner surf map and you will figure it out in 2 mins

>> No.7173262

This, literally perfection.

>> No.7174190

Hows Fortnite treating you?

>> No.7175592
