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File: 126 KB, 867x488, ossc_photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3857942 No.3857942 [Reply] [Original]

OSSC restock soon, lads. Are any of you on the waiting list?

>> No.3858050

No, and I don't see why anyone would be. You realize it's not the same thing as a framemeister right? OSSC is just a line doubler

>> No.3858061

Except for the fact that the OSSC is open source, cheaper, and currently has a quicker recovery time when the resolution changes.

>> No.3858759

*line quintupler

>> No.3858780

that stuff is like encoding mp3 to flac.
150 dollars please!

>> No.3858784

>Are any of you on the waiting list?
No, I already got one.
>it's not the same thing as a framemeister right
Yes, it's better and cheaper.

>> No.3858793

Kindly explain your reasoning behind that statement.

>> No.3858835

This is not true. I'm going to assume this is based on the recent post about converting composite to rgb....? Completely different.

I would be interested in the ossc. I run a dvdo scaler and it supposedly pairs really well with that

>> No.3858843

do these still not handle audio?

>> No.3858850

of course not.

polished input-shit is still shit.

>> No.3858862
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>> No.3858874

Dont Know if its worth. Thinking about it

>> No.3858917

modding the video-outputs of consoles gives you an infinitely bigger improvement than all these overpriced videophile-turdpolishers.

>> No.3858926

You're supposed to to both retard.

Of course it'll look bad if you feed it composite.

>> No.3858934

>currently has a quicker recovery time when the resolution changes.

1. framemeister has a lower resolution change time with latest firmware
2. OSSC still has some recovery time too

also does the ossc allow you to take screenshots to a sd card like the xrgb? That's kind of a deal breaker to me.

>> No.3858937

composite on my 1980s crt looks better than rgb through any scaler on a lcd.

The only advantage of modern displays is the size.

At which point it is simpler if I just use my 15khz capable projector.

>> No.3858945

for what?
modding consoles to output rgb/component/vga gives 99% improvement.

why waste 200$+ for the 1%?

but hey, vidyaphiles gotta vidyaphile.
not my money.

>> No.3858948

>modding consoles to output rgb/component/vga
It's not like there are many consoles to mod. Lots of consoles output RGB natively.
But having RGB is like a requirement if you want quality.
>for the 1%?
For playing on LCD display you absolutely need dedicated upscaling device. Modern TVs may process 240p wrong and add lag on top.

>> No.3859062

why would I spend money on vaporware?

>> No.3859109

So, my OSSC actually doesn't exist because you can't buy it?

>> No.3859115

It's open fucking source, you can build one yourself.

>> No.3859118


>> No.3859194

Probably. Sounds like the kind of think faggots who spend $200 to send their PS1 off to have a mod chip installed would do.

>> No.3859338

>For playing on LCD display you absolutely need dedicated upscaling device. Modern TVs may process 240p wrong and add lag on top.

My plasma does not add any notable lag and the only deinterlacing artifact is where flashing graphics turn into lines (and I can live with that; they have the upside of telling me exactly when the console is outputting 60fps and when it is not).

>> No.3859539

>it's better
It can't do SNES properly, doesn't do audio over HDMI and is limited to 720p output

>> No.3859543

And off spec 720p at that.

>> No.3859757

What is it?

>> No.3859760

>OSSC restock soon
When and source?

>> No.3859769

Upscaler for 240p sources that most modern TVs can't process properly - most TVs will treat 240p as 480i.

Also does scanlines if you're into that shiz.

>> No.3859791
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>doesn't do audio over HDMI
It does with the add-on board which can be specced on purchase. Later hardware revisions will undoubtedly bake this in.
>is limited to 720p output
Nope. Firmware 0.76 add support all the way up to 1080p.
>It can't do SNES properly
I'm pretty confident this will be fixed soon too.

>> No.3859839

>Later hardware revisions will undoubtedly bake this in.
>Adding HDMI output requires the purchase of an HDMI integrators licence, which costs a minimum of $7,000 dollars a year, completely prohibitive for an affordable hobby project like this.

>> No.3859882

It already has HDMI in signal form, just sent out over a DVI connector. Big deal.

Again, if you build the unit yourself there's nothing to stop you adding an HDMI socket if purchasing a couple of quids worth of DVI to HDMI cable hinders your life in some way.

>> No.3859891

That would require an autist to learn doing work with his own hands though

>> No.3859924

>It already has HDMI in signal form
with a DIY-kit, just like the audio-kit.
Straight from the source it only got DVI.

>> No.3859941
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I am looking forward to that revision that reroutes all the cabling to come out of the backside. The diagram also appears to have a HDMI out port, so I am guessing the add-on board for digital audio is integrated in.

>> No.3859946

DVI to HDMI only requires a passive adapter.

>> No.3859963
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>> No.3859989

that adapter wouldn't be much fun with an audio-carrying HDMI, now would it?

>> No.3860003

Can't they put this in a fucking case? This is my biggest problem, besides the complete lack of availability. This thing will gather all the dust there is in my room, which would inevitably cause stability problems after some time.

>> No.3860032

So long as the audio integrator board is fitted it will work just fine.

Personally I just route my audio separately anyhow.

>> No.3860037

Good motivation to clean your hovel I guess?

At least this way you can easily get to the innards to remove the dust, as opposed to a (mostly sealed) case which would probably just fill up anyhow and require disassembly to clean.

>> No.3860068

>So long as the audio integrator board is fitted it will work just fine.
DVI is video-only.

When you get a considerable amount of dust inside a sealed box, you might want to reconsider your house-cleaning habits.

>> No.3860080

>Good motivation to clean your hovel I guess?

I clean it regularly but that doesn't stop dust from accumulating on anything I leave out in the room (like a game console or the fucking TV). If I'd leave this thing connected up to the TV, it would inevitably starts gathering dust.

I'd need to cover it with something like a tablecloth, but that would look stupid, block the LCD, and prevent heat from escaping (if the device emits too much heat, this can cause a problem).

>At least this way you can easily get to the innards to remove the dust

You can't normally dust off a populated PCB. Cloth would either get torn up on it, or just not reach far enough in. You'd need something like a brush to properly clean it. Or just dump it in water and wait for it to dry out before using again (and then you'd get lime spots on it).

>as opposed to a (mostly sealed) case which would probably just fill up anyhow and require disassembly to clean.

A mostly sealed case will not get dust inside exactly because it is mostly sealed. It would require actual airflow inside the machine for dust to get in through the vents, and retro consoles don't need fans (except the Dreamcast).

>> No.3860083

DVI is video-only
Usually, but not always.

Certain pins can and have been used to carry analog audio. I expect in this case it is being encoded and sent along with the video signal.

>> No.3860084

With all the stupid issues the OSSC has, all the people jerking off on how good it is despite its issues, and how limited the availability is, I might just buy one so I can ebay it for twice the price.

Rhea and GDEMU sell for 200-300 quid on ebay too.

>> No.3860096

Good luck with that.

Anyone who wants one either has one already, is on the waiting list or is one of the whiny blowhards on here who have no real intention of buying one (especially at scalper rates) but just want something to moan about.

>> No.3860101

How about rather than being a reseller faggot, you just make them.
It's open source.

>Higher profit margins for you
>No reseller faggotry

>None, unless you can't figure out how to build simple shit.

>> No.3860107

>soldering 128 pin QFP
>simple shit


>> No.3860117

Gotta learn sometime Anon.

>> No.3860127

I can solder (manually, just with soldering iron) QFP chips, and I'm far from professional level.

>> No.3860129

>How about rather than being a reseller faggot, you just make them.

Cost of components is actually higher that way, due to the amount of discrete components and connectors you'd need to buy, as well as a programmer for the altera chip.

>> No.3860146

Naw I just use a s-video crt. if I want upscaled I just emulate.

>> No.3860219

DVI is video-only, full stop.
non-spec shit (looking at you, ATI and NVIDIA) need not apply.

>> No.3860327

>vidyaphiles gotta vidyaphile.
If you're modding consoles in the first place, you've already gone down the vidyaphile rabbit hole.

>> No.3860364

newfag here, what is this good for? or what was it supposed to be go at?

>> No.3860373

Basically modern HDTVs do a really shitty job of upscaling retro consoles, especially those with 240p output, creating a laggy, blurry mess of an image. The OSSC (and the superior Framemeister) will upscale the image properly, with a nice sharp image in high definition. It helps especially if your console can natively output an RGB signal or has otherwise been modded to do so.

>> No.3860428

>im so hard core originalist i use rf
Sounds like you might be retarded slugger.

>> No.3860706

I use composite actually. Why? Because it requires zero modification of any console, composite inputs are on the vast majority of CRTs, and I'd rather spend my game time playing video games than jerking off over how sharp I can make the pixels on a TV.

>> No.3860769

>zero modification of any console
OK. Confirmed young and dumb. Thanks for playing champ.

>> No.3860901

>the only deinterlacing artifact is where flashing graphics turn into lines
So, it does 240p wrong.
Take a high speed camera and compare it to CRT running lag test, and get ready for surprise.

>> No.3860912

Keep trying to justify spending excess money for "upgrades" that do nothing to enhance the experience of playing the game, sport.

>> No.3860924

But please. Carry on making an ass of your self by saying rf consoles like the fc, 2600, etc never existed. 18+ sport. Some /v/illage is missing it's idiot.

>> No.3861017

>Still mad
You're cherry picking and repeatedly attempting ad hominem. That's poor form.

Since you have no legitimate argument to make in favor of console video output modification that isn't Internet dickwaving, I'll take it that we're done here.

>> No.3861131

A DVI cable will pass audio with HDMI adapters on both ends.

>> No.3861141

No, it's more like ripping a vinyl to FLAC.

Analog isn't necessarily better than digital and digital isn't necessarily better than analog.

No it doesn't. There's no visible difference between spending £30 on an RGB mod for the N64 and the OSSC for £150 vs £180 for the N64 HDMI mod. But with the former, you can use more than just your N64. Most consoles have RGB out as standard. The only scenario where the HDMI mod is worth it is the NES.

>> No.3861175

>facts are cherry picking
18+ sport. Now run along back to your containment board.

>> No.3861260
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>read up on it
>with Audio-Mod ~200GBP or ~80GBP as DIY for Elder Soldering Gods, which I'm not

>> No.3861293

Might as well get a framemeister at those prices.

>> No.3861296

I really dont see the use of these devices,its one of those "I have money suck my dick" situations.

>> No.3861305

I don't see what the issue is of running a separate line for analog stereo. On top of that dvi will carry audio using an adapter, as stated.
I still would be interested in one of these, but I'm not going out of my way for it

>> No.3861319

>Take a high speed camera and compare it to CRT running lag test, and get ready for surprise.

Ah yes, let's do an expensive and sophisticated synthetic test, to prove why I must not have fun with my setup.

>> No.3861740

People do rip vinyl records to FLAC (needle drops).

It's a good way to preserve vintage records that might have been mastered differently for vinyl.

>> No.3861848

You'd cry even harder if you knew what the bits in the DIY kit actually cost.

lol. Then borrow your dads gopro. It can do 120fps. If your setup has even 1/2 frame lag it will be obvious.

>> No.3861954

You do realise only wav can match vinyl yeah?

>> No.3862092

You don't realize you have to be 18+ to post here yeah?
WAV is just a container. It can hold all sorts of stuff, including shittily compressed audio.

>> No.3862096

>People do rip vinyl records to FLAC
And they sound fucking terrible with that scratching shit.

>> No.3862116

If it's from a decent pressing and recorded from a quality turntable with a good cartridge you'll get minimal surface noise.

>> No.3862201

Sounds like you have a shit record player and dusty records.

>> No.3862282

You're 12 aren't you?

>> No.3862491

Personally. I love those hiss pops you get from 33s.

>> No.3862514

I agree with homeboy here.
Just use a crt. If you dont have room, graduate from "momma's basement" to "i have a job" apartment

>> No.3862517

>If your setup has even 1/2 frame lag it will be obvious.

Sounds like a lot of effort to find something that wouldn't even affect me while playing.

>Then borrow your dads gopro.

My dad is a hobo who could only afford a gopro if he'd steal it from me.

>> No.3862597

>Ignoring everything about the post other than one point
>Not cherry picking
>Continued ad hominem
Like I said, we're done here.

>> No.3862768

lol. Everything else in the post was your shit opinion based on your lack of knowledge. Why don't you just sign off every post with 1+1=2 so when you're wrong you can accuse people of cherry picking the wrong parts of your post. Done? I hope so, but I doubt it. Autists can never just accept they made a mistake and move on.

>> No.3862910

you know, I thought about flipping one of these (and a GDEMU), but I did the math and decided it wasn't worth my time after the fees.

>> No.3862912 [DELETED] 

>full stop
back to twitter, SJW

>> No.3864219

Its ones ive downloaded from the net, you can hear the scartching from poor rips if you have a decent set of headbones.

>> No.3864250

I'm waiting for independent HDMI mods of each console at this point. The HDMI N64 and HDMI Gamecube are too fucking convenient. There's also a box now that goes straight to HDMI for Dreamcast called Akura.

I realize these are expensive, but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3864251

This. I have the same stuff, anon, except I also have the reproduced AVS NES that has 720p HDMI.

I'm just waiting for them to release an HDMI fpga for Genesis and Super Nintendo.

>> No.3864446

N64 modding is always going to be inconvenient. GC can be done without modding provided you have the right connector. The only place to currently get these is from a GC component cable. Derp. When someone makes the connector everything will be good.
Akura is literally a VGA->HDMI converter in a hobby box. It outputs 480p which your screen will scale to native resolution using it's shitty built in scaler. I guess it has a scanline generator as well. Woohoo. More meme than the hd retro vision non hd cables.

The N64/GC stuff are expensive because of installation. The actual hardware is cheap. But the N64 installation is something most people wouldn't want to try on their own. Akura because, well, hipster are dumb.

This is literally what OSSC is.

>> No.3864562

I can't wait for HDMI to die off. But it probably won't on TVs because m-muh ineffective DRM protection!

>> No.3864564

You just admitted they're poor rips.
That doesn't refute any points made high quality rips.

>> No.3864736

>OSSC can do 1080p?
Is this really true? If so, I will get one. But I can't find a source to confirm.

>SNES support soon
How soon? SNES is the main thing I'd use it for

>> No.3864747

firmware 0.76 added
>960i and 1080i support added

and planned improvement is
>compensation of SNES blur (non-1CHIP models)

if that's what that anon meant.

>> No.3864749

oh, for 1080p this was also added in 0.76
>Line4x and Line5x implemented

>> No.3864905



>> No.3864925

>Given its compatibility limitations and the fact that part of the image has to be cropped, the OSSC is still hardy a replacement for a full scaling solution like an XRGB Mini or a DVDO+OSSC combo, but then as we’ve repeated ad-nausium in the past, the OSSC was never designed to replace scalers like these.

What? I thought that was the point of the OSSC.

>> No.3864942

Is there no Wii HDMI mod?

As I typed that question it occurred to me it's probably just as cheap to just get a Wii U

>> No.3864946

hmmm so 1080p mode is actually a cropped 1200p mode. I wonder if that will be a dealbreaker for SNES games?

>> No.3864948

to add to this, I would guess that the 960p mode would look pretty good on a 1080p screen if you didn't want cropping, right?

>> No.3865004

Framemeister = Standard output resolutions with non-integer scaling and added lag.

OSSC = Occasionally non-standard output resolutions with integer scaling (actually line-doubling, tripling etc) and no lag.

Depends where your priorities lie I guess.

Indeed. I don't have a SNES so can't answer that for certain. Surely Nintendo and their 3rd party devs accounted for typical display overscan though, right?

Some displays will accept it, some won't.
I'd like a line-quadrupling mode with borders tbqh. No cropping or non-integer scaling required and 100% compatibility with displays.

>> No.3865086

>NOTE: 3x/4x/5x do not generate standard 720p/960p/1080p/1200p CEA/VESA modes (total lines, pixels per line), so they are generally accepted only by monitors and not by many consumer TVs.

So additionally to the OSSC you need a $200-$300 scaler, too.

Retro-gaymen's expensive, yo.

>> No.3865269

I meant to say a uncompressed WAV file

>> No.3865271
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>> No.3865393

So can you bus this shit from anywhere yet?

>> No.3865513

Of course not, but you can sign up for their mailing list™

>> No.3865525

I got taken off the mailing list automatically because I didn't buy one for the previous restock either.

I just bought a PVM and I enjoy it much better.

>> No.3865530

Their entire concept of how mailing lists work and what they are for is beyond stupid.

>> No.3865571

What's a PVM?

>> No.3865680

Profesional Video Monitor, it's a line of pro-grade CRTs by SONY. Mostly used in TV Studios, etc. They're pretty easy to find affordably as most places are moving/have moved to HD.

>> No.3866146

>can't find a source
The source for Open Source Scan Converter is on github, kek

There's an official Wii HDMI adapter. There are $5 knockoffs that work just as well.

>> No.3866329
File: 94 KB, 306x243, bed fred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No; maybe if the SNES issues weren't so abundant. I've already put money down for a Framemeister anyways.

>mfw the March pre-orders were delayed 2 weeks

>> No.3866501

They're from the UK right? The British pound is weak so it'd be a good time to buy.

Personally, I'd get one if I can be convinced that;
>it looks good on a 1080p or 4K TV
>it works with SNES

>> No.3866738

SNES-issues are really TV-issues.

>> No.3866745

Hdmi audio is shit. Optical rapes it

>> No.3866762

is this a meme?

>> No.3866769

Both of those are digital.
Audio quality depends on whatever device you send it to.

>> No.3867034

>is this a minor?

>> No.3867208

Yeah, I know. Typically, they'll be better quality than the digital releases, because the digital will have worse dynamic range because the digital releases are for home listening and on mobile devices, while the vinyl will be mastered for hi-fi enthusiast setups.

FLAC is "Free LOSSLESS Audio Compression". Meaning it's exactly the same as the WAV, just with as much compression as you can get without throwing out data.

No, WAV isn't a container. It's uncompressed PCM audio. It's literally just 1's and 0's that represent raw audio data.

>> No.3867227

>No, WAV isn't a container.

Yes it is. A WAV file is a subset of the RIFF standard (also used by midi files), and it has its own header and can store uncompressed PCM, compressed IMA ADPCM, or many other sorts of compressed or uncompressed audio data.

>> No.3867945

Lossless compression is still compressed, WAV has none whatsoever, just like vinyl the waveform is in it's purest form

>> No.3867953

Fair enough but you'd still be wrong. lol

>to dumb to even google or read a wiki page
An hero sport

>> No.3867970

Lossless compression is identical to uncompressed, with the exception of file size.

It's like how I can have a monochrome image encoded in a RGB profile, without compression, and then I save it under a greyscale profile.

The images are identical, except the one saved as greyscale is 1/3 the file size.

>> No.3867997

>just like vinyl the waveform is in it's purest form

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3868019

>WAV has none whatsoever

I have several adpcm compressed wavs that say otherwise.

>> No.3868548

>le WAV is le better than le FLAC máy-máy
please stay in /g/.

>> No.3868836

I can tell you know fuck all about vinyl

>> No.3869436

you clearly know absolutely nothing about vinyl

>> No.3869593

Elaborate then?

>> No.3870138

On which part? The meaning of "you"? kek

>> No.3870294

Laughing at you're own joke god you really are pathetic

>> No.3870545

Laughing at "you're", joke.