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File: 15 KB, 1056x884, failvania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1424662 No.1424662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I suck at Castlevania III, give me some power tips. ;_;

>> No.1424668

Don't get hit.

Now you are playing with power.

>> No.1424669

When you run in to a bird, stop fucking moving. Stay in place and just wait for it to swoop down at you and make the kill. activly going after them will leave you crying

>> No.1424671
File: 3 KB, 384x210, wonkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's impossible to dodge this assholes.

>> No.1424676

wait till it makes a slow big jump then attack.

>> No.1424678

Don't use Trevor.

>> No.1424690

basically this, unless you've got the ultimate boss killer, cross 3x.

>> No.1424693

I got the blue wizard dude but his health is gone immediately. At least with the whip guy I can take some hits.

I admit ice spell is pretty useful though.

>> No.1424694


>> No.1424701


Hey, Belmont's still pretty solid in this game. It's Alucard you want to avoid. Being able to fly is not worth shit when you're doing less damage than knives for your basic attack.

>> No.1424702

Well it's hard to tell from all the pixels.

>> No.1424716

Collect hearts, speedrun though levels as a bat, kill boss with Trevor. Easy mode~

>> No.1424723









>> No.1424787


>> No.1424894

Alucard gets past some silly segments and cqn be used for shortcuts.

Trevor is pretty darn good by himself.

>> No.1425321



>> No.1425323

Sypha can freeze the water with her ice spell.

>> No.1427681

So, OP, did you ever beat this level?

>> No.1427758

There is a romhack of this with all of the characters and shit rebalanced. If anyone wants i'll link

>> No.1427823

I just beat the game for the first time, using Trevor almost exclusively. I also went through and made sure I played every level so I didn't miss out on anything.

Avoid the mines, it takes too god Damn long. It's relatively easy.

When there are Medusa head hallways, never jump. Just walk through casually killing and moving away from them.

And try to avoid the birds, stay at a distance until they dive at you, and then jump attack them. They're real Assholes.

>> No.1427829


Whoops! Forgot to finish what I was saying about the mines. It's an easy level as far as actually traversing it goes. But it takes a long time for each attempt and it can get frustrating when each try takes you several minutes.

>> No.1427832


Didn't you see the screenshot?
He's dead, man.
Ain't coming back.

>> No.1427837

He's just napping.

>> No.1427939

Your strategy seems to lack Lighting Balls. You should use Lighting Balls. Lighting Balls are very powerful.

>> No.1428989
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, 1393288958055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Castlevania currently. Fuck this boss and area. Fuck it so much.

>> No.1430082

Everyone sucks at Castlevania III. It is an infuriatingly well-done game. It's like the nemesis you hang out and play chess with mid-evil plan.

Use Alucard and cheat your ass off. Just fly over fucking everything. Also, use Sypha.

>> No.1430124


You probably didn't have holy w-

>looks at pic


Just stand on the platform on the right and start spamming holy water and whipping as soon as you see them, and get right back to it even if you get hit. They should run out of life before you do.

>> No.1430193
File: 21 KB, 480x448, 130123-cv-05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good news is since you're taking the Sypha route you won't have to put up with this bullshit

>> No.1430206

The one time I beat CV3 is when I found Syfa's Thunder Spell, and spammed that on Death and the boss before that. Of course Dracula was a whole other ball game, but man that Thunder kicked some serious ass.

>> No.1430289

>Use Alucard. Also, use Sypha.
you can't use them simultaneously

>> No.1430303
File: 47 KB, 404x600, cv3famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the differences between the north american and japanese versions of CV3 aside from the music being different?

>> No.1430319

Yes. I got stuck on the first Dracula boss though. I can't find a pattern that works with him.

>> No.1430324

>dodging blocks is hard

>> No.1430327

>easiest boss of the game
but its not
I had difficulties only with the boner launching skeleton boss and the doppleganger. the rest of the game was pretty smooth.
when I was a kid, at least

>> No.1430369
File: 148 KB, 502x896, cv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which door should I take?

>> No.1430374

Protip: Whip it until it dies.

>> No.1430415

the pirate guy has a different attack and dracula's last form is easier on the jap version. also no statue/medusa tits censorship

>> No.1430416


there's no reason not to play the famicom version, the only japanese is the intro bit

>> No.1430417

how is the sound if you play it on a standard NES?

>> No.1430440

>there's no reason not to play the famicom version

>the only japanese is the intro bit
plus the dialogue when you get a partner. but all that's necessary is knowing that the default option means yes

>> No.1430469

link me this

>> No.1430479

just 4 you anon

Gonna need to download a patcher unless you find a pre patched version

>> No.1430496

You won't hear that gaudy BRRR BRRR sawtooth wave for one. The VRC6 has three extra channels, which are two square waves and said sawtooth. CV3's music seems as if it was composed by one of those 80's hair metal musicians who believe that having 20 simultaneous and distinct melodies would sound good.

>> No.1431143


I didn't realize that Igor is invincible and kept attacking him instead of focusing on ol' Franky boy,

I'm at death now and... I want to beat him without holy water but I don't know if I have the power to

>> No.1431230

You can beat the big head without water, sure.
the problem is doing the first one without Sypha's hadoken storm.

>> No.1431269


>> No.1431405

>play on nesDS
>get hit
>hold L to turn back time
>beat anyone

>> No.1431419

I'll have to agree. While a lot of people slobber over the Akumajou Dracula 3 music, the NES Castlevania III soundtrack is fine and excellent on its own. A few tracks sound better on this one or that one, but on the whole the English version of the game is more than enough for someone wanting to get a real gem of a hard game.

>> No.1431420


>> No.1432291

Castlevania I guy here. Any tips on the corridor before Death? The one with the gorgon heads and axe knights.

>> No.1432426

Use your subweapons to kill random enemies and destroy torches. After you kill a set number of things with a subweapon, you'll get a II or III drop.

>> No.1432437

He's talking about 3.

I always used the axe on Death.

>> No.1432441

Nevermind, I did it. I've managed to reach Dracula now.

>> No.1432468

I can beat the first form fine but i'm having trouble with the second form. I can never manage to run under his jumps and then I end up getting cornered and he uses the fireballs

>> No.1432478

if you duck on second form the acid can't hit you

>> No.1432480

I've ducked before and it's hit me. What distance should I be from him for it to work?

>> No.1432490

directly underneath him

>> No.1432517

Right thanks, but I still can't manage to run under him.

9/10 times, he manages to land on me still

>> No.1432528

Is it considered cheating if I use holy water? On one hand it makes me feel bad, but on the other hand.... it seems to take forever to harm him with the whip.

>> No.1432546


Is there a guide like that for Castlevania? It seems there are quite a few games, and many of them have different versions, so I would find it very helpful.

>> No.1434634

Use other characters. Learn things not to do. If nothing works get the japenese version. Fantastic game anyway.