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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 92 KB, 755x755, v r C - R T T - H R E A D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1365003 No.1365003 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>1345491

>> No.1365008

>mickey mouse tv+dvd
My sides.

>> No.1365010
File: 290 KB, 1200x1007, 1375135071530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get a hand on pic related.

>> No.1365025

They're no different than PVMs although I remember when that ad surfaced and that alternate term was discovered - a few people immediately got some amazing deals.

I discovered Olympus OEV branded PVMs and got one ultimately for free.

>> No.1365038

Fuck yeah CRT's. All i need to do is find a wide one for my computer and I'm golden.

>> No.1365040

I own one. Got it local on ebay for a dollar. Heavy as fuck.
On the drive home we took a sharp corner and it rolled over, damaging it as when I got home it has no picture.
I use the poor thing as a stand for a smaller trinitron I scrounged from the street. I don't have the heart to throw it out or enquire as to how much it will cost to fix it.

>> No.1365041

Just like the movie theater.

>> No.1365050
File: 1023 KB, 281x243, 1344366156028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolled over
Hold the fuck up. If your TV is anything like the picture is, then you must of taken the hardest corner in the galaxy.

>> No.1365076

Reposting from last thread

My CRT monitor has been getting these erratic black lines appearing on the screen at random while I'm playing. They range from thin to so big the entire image is distorted. What's going on?

>> No.1365081

He was playing Super Mario Kart at F-Zero speeds.

>> No.1365087


Gotta hit the shoulder buttons on those tight turns, brah.

>> No.1365089

Is the raster pattern distorted or are these lines in the scanned signal?

>> No.1365090

For real though, the TV in the picture must have a lower centre of gravity than your mother. How the fuck can it roll over?

>> No.1365095

CRTs can be extremely front-heavy thanks to the tube. I'm guessing that played a huge factor..

>> No.1365097


I second that. I burst a vessel in my finger trying to carry my tube tv into the house the other week. a 32" wide CRT weighs a metric fucking ton.

>> No.1365104

I have only a vague idea what those terms mean. if the raster pattern being distorted means that some of the the lines that should be straight aren't then yes, it's distorted.

>> No.1365113

Display a bright white 240p screen and look at the scanlines. Are the problems happening in each video line, or is the shape of the lines wrong?

>> No.1365123

exactly, that and we were going up a steep incline. The thing is heavy as a mother fucker and it rolled onto its front side.
The majority of the weight is in the front >>1365010 look at how it tapers at the back and how large the front is in comparison

>> No.1365121

yall niggas need 240p test suite


>> No.1365130

I can't see the scanlines at all.

>Only works on Sega consoles

>> No.1365134


Go find a DC and make it your own. You won't regret it.

>> No.1365135

if you have a Wii, you can use a genesis emulator

>> No.1365147

That happened to me with a 20" FD Trinitron PC monitor. Lesson learned: CUSHION.

>> No.1365164


Does anybody have any experiences with widescreen VGA monitors? Namely the blur factor vs LCD's.

>> No.1365174
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>That TV


>> No.1365183
File: 49 KB, 752x1063, Woop the soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my TV

>> No.1365186

FW900 cleanly resolves 2304x1440. W900 cleanly resolves 1920x1200.

>> No.1365197


Thanks! I used to use a 1900x1200 lcd, but it died.

>> No.1365205

>Other versions
>There is interest in creating versions for other platforms, so far these have been the choices due to having homebrew SDKs.
>Of course since it is an open source project, contributions are welcome and encouraged.
>A SNES version is being looked into.
I'm going to get a SD2NES in the future. So i might make one for NES first (i have sum homemade flash carts) and then later for SNES.
I think it shouldn't be hard to make a simple menu which executes such testpatterns.

>> No.1365257

I used to have a TV like this to take to fighting game tournaments but I ditched it after one use and bought a more sensible small TV instead.

>> No.1365275
File: 555 KB, 2592x1936, toshiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this sexy beast from a hoarder. She had it for ten years and didn't have much use when it was new!

>> No.1365280

close up, tho this is composite, it still looks pretty good.
It only has 2 inputs, 3 if you count rf but I don't.
1x svideo/composite input
1x component/composite input
it's also got stereo and composite out which is nice for hooking up an external stereo

>> No.1365286
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1936, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking captcha messing up my posts

>> No.1365302


Dem scanlines. Sadly, I have a really nice HD CRT that doesn't actually look that great with retro games. :<

>> No.1365405

lol wow

>> No.1365547

>from a hoarder
How many cat corpses did you have to clean out of it?

>> No.1365586
File: 1.48 MB, 2560x1920, Goonie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365721

With 120hz refresh and black frame insertion allowing PC monitors to display true 240p, are there still any advantages to using a PVM over a PC CRT monitor?

>> No.1365732
File: 119 KB, 800x600, fw900_eyebleed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Actually syncs 15KHz signals
2. Long-burning phosphors made for 50/60hz
3. No horrible eye-searing scanlines

>> No.1365748

1. Why does it matter if PC CRTs can actually display their resolutions without scaling?

2. Are PC CRT phosphors not as good as a TVs'? Or do their phosphors not last as long at 120hz as they would at 60hz?

3. What exactly is wrong with PC CRT scanlines? Too thick? Too dark? Too sharp?

>> No.1365752

Hardware black frame insertion with a strobed LED backlight can simulate any phosphor persistence. Short persistence gives sharpest motion.

My 120Hz LCD has a CCFL backlight so I am stuck with software BFI, which looks like long persistence phosphors. Also you get minor image artifacts because of the temporal dithering (only really noticeable in 8-bit games).

And I use a pixelate style shader so I have no scanlines.

>> No.1366082

But how would one do that for actual consoles?

>> No.1366084

You wouldn't.

>> No.1366090

I've got a friend in the UK who wants to import an NTSC-U N64. Besides the power converter for the console itself, what does he need to get it to display on a PAL TV? I know fuck all about this kind of stuff so I apologize in advance if this is obvious.

>> No.1366101
File: 352 KB, 1600x1200, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After an anon discovered that some sony DVD recorders have SCART RGB inputs and component outputs i went and bought one.

How do i make sure if it is using RGB instead of composite?

>> No.1366103

It should work fine since most TV's made after the 80's accept RGB signals.

>> No.1366110


The N64 doesn't output any RGB signal without a mod, there's his problem.

>> No.1366112

I meant NTSC sorry.

>> No.1366116


None of mines did

>> No.1366168

So if i have a PAL N64, only way i can go without a modding is s-video?

>> No.1366174


Not even S-Video, composite only.

>> No.1366183
File: 268 KB, 800x600, 11791930193_20b7ddcddd_c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Profeel Pro, I found it on Craigslist within literally a week of someone posting that same image for the first time.

I don't even know how it happened but it did.

>> No.1366184

>Not even S-Video, composite only.

>> No.1366191


On Euro N64 don't output S-Video, only composite.

>> No.1366195

But that isnt true, I have a PAL N64 and use S-video cables.

I had to add 220uf caps and 75ohm resistors to the cable though because I could only find NTSC ones.

>> No.1366201


Really? Nice to hear then, I'll try to get a hand on the right cable then.

>> No.1366204


nice, how much did you pay for it?

>> No.1366207

nothing it was free

>> No.1366213

Ok so i have tested it and It is definitely RGB, but for some reason whenever i try to play a NTSC game the screen goes blank and says "no input".

I can still hear the game audio through the speakers.

PAL games work fine.

>> No.1366273
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>> No.1366306

I need me a crt
I had a small lcd but it looks like shit...

>> No.1366392

17 inch dot mask CRT monitors are fine for that, he's probably talking about monster 24 inch monitors that have insane dot pitch

>> No.1366393

Not for emulation on PC. They're still better for real hardware since they don't require upcoverting the signal.

>> No.1366397
File: 991 KB, 3280x2460, 100_6137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1366450

Been thinking about getting a crt for a while and I figured I might as well get one that does more than just retro gaming.

Are the 720p/1080i TVs in the most +30 inch range any good? Sure they are quite hefty and all but they do seem to have few drawbacks picturewise. Will a retro console even play well with them however?

>> No.1366474


Also how are they with modern consoles?

>> No.1366481

Fantastic with modern consoles, shitty with retro consoles. There are PVMs and BVMs that will sync correctly down to 240p and all the way up to 1080i. The problem is that there's a frequency change when the line crosses over to HD and it's cheaper to slap an upconverter circuit in than it is to use real multisync circuitry.

>> No.1366520
File: 2.14 MB, 2999x2249, smb21pt5322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's doing my Philips with PAL composite /vr/?

>> No.1366524

Seems like older HDTVs like my early-2000s Toshibas were more likely to be multiscan, whereas newer ones like my mid-20000s Toshibas and Sonys upconverted.

>> No.1366565
File: 810 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the left edge is spot on but the right edge is a little cutoff.

Here's my PAL NES + 24" Trinitron via thick composite cable.
I adjusted H. Size and H. Center to match the edges of the NES and all the other settings are set to give the correct aspect ratio (i used a testpattern with perfect circles).

>> No.1366570

I don't really have space for a large CRT. How are the 8" and 9" BVM/PVMs?

>> No.1366575

she has 11 dogs, so none, but plenty of dog fur

>> No.1366590

Would a 13" TV would take up too much space? I keep one in the shelving underneath one of my HDTVs.

In any case I'm curious about those tiny PVMs myself, so I hope somebody else knows.

>> No.1366595

The tiny PVMs are just as good as the larger versions in image quality but they're designed to be viewed up very very close and keep in mind they are every bit as DEEP as a 20" PVM. Also the grilles are finer on the tiny ones but not quite proportionately so.

>> No.1366606

Do you keep yours on a desk, or a small dedicated table, or something else?

>> No.1366629
File: 153 KB, 755x755, 1390777737404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1366635

I keep it sitting next to a 13" trinitron with a Famiclone hooked up to it. #rd gen games are pretty playable but you'd need to sit really really close to it to play anything newer. Mine's a 5" though.

>> No.1366779

Always nice to see old ads like this.

>> No.1366816
File: 223 KB, 506x900, IMG_20140125_152750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kof 2002 nigga
im going to try the large widescreen crt in the garage now, shame i only have RF at the moment, im waiting on an s-video cable to come in the post.

>> No.1366825

I'm curious if you'll get decent performance from a widescreen (assuming HD) CRT over RF. Does it have DVI or better yet VGA input?

>> No.1366858

just back now, it's got scart and some nice speakers but we don't have a remote for it, so i was unable to tune in the dreamcast.
im not expecting it to be anything brilliant , as it's a BEKO

>> No.1366945
File: 501 KB, 469x371, holhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awe yeaaaa

>> No.1366951

I warned everyone in the previous CRT threads about these. Those i know where branded as Grundig (made in the 2000s).
They are very prone for getting dry/cracked solder joints, as soon it starts to malfunction it's always caused by these solder joints.
Don't expect a long lifetime from it, but expect it to die with blown up components (like capacitors or bridge rectifiers).
Also once connected my NES to one of these, they were incapable to display 288p properly and displayed it as 576i and it wasn't possible to select AV without remote (a typical sign of not so good quality).
But the Zapper worked and the game genie menu was distorted and warped (because NES color 0x0D is used as background in the GG screen, some TVs could have problems with it and the BEKO one was the only one i saw).

>> No.1367194
File: 2.27 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey crt
Can you tell me if this TV is any good?

>> No.1367196
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>> No.1367201

It's an HDTV so it's awesome for new school games but retro games are very likely to not display correctly. However, if you could get it cheap we'd all be interested in seeing some pics of it displaying 240p signals, especially over component.

>> No.1367203
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 'rents are considering tossing it.
I'm considering keeping it.

>> No.1367205
File: 2.24 MB, 2448x2659, IMG_3323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's a "CRT" because it's fat and it does that static electricity thing.

>> No.1367213

Who can pass up free? At the very least you can hook some consoles up to it and post some pics of how they perform.

We're still a little bit unclear on the quality of SD content on HDCRTs and Trinitrons are particularly interesting to /vr/.

I, personally, would LOVE to see SNES or GEN displayed on it using RGB SCART cables through the SCART-to-YUV converter but I'm sure you're not trying to invest nearly $100 in cables to show it. lol

>> No.1367218

lol yes, it is a CRT

>> No.1367219



Wait, this screenshot is taken from a Sony FW900? I use one of those, but it can't display 240p natively. How is this done?

>> No.1367709

Driver and refresh rate trickery.

>> No.1367716



>> No.1367718

I've never done it myself, but I know there are several PC CRT monitors that will display at 240p, but with a high refresh rate in order to keep the sync at 31khz.

>> No.1367942
File: 293 KB, 1024x576, L1010241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in the Chicago area looking for a nice CRT?

I have a PVM 2950Q, 20M4U, a kind of busted 20L5, and a couple of nice composite 13" Trinitrons. Need to free up some space.

>> No.1368031

Please don't do that. It's creepy.

>> No.1368185


So basically there is some lag on lower resolutions?

>> No.1368193

Yes, and it may or may not affect the picture quality.

>> No.1368203

It'll seriously affect the picture quality.

>> No.1368213

So what does /vr/ think of apex crts? I was bouncing around pawn and thift shops yesterday and saw one that looked pretty good. not a huge tv, but a decent size, and the picture looked good. kinda tempted to pick it up.

>> No.1368258
File: 214 KB, 800x600, RGB_Capable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that if you own one of these consoles, you DON'T need a mod to output RGB.

>> No.1368263

Not too big of a deal, but might be a good idea to note that only the Model 1 and 2 Genesis/MD do RGB out of the box.

>> No.1368270


There are other models? (the nomad excepted)

>> No.1368279
File: 2.23 MB, 3920x2260, Sega-Genesis-Mod3-Set[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was specifically talking about the model 3. It can be modded for S-Video and RGB though.

>> No.1368285


Never seen this model until today anon. Well thanks for the info.

>> No.1368318


>> No.1368320
File: 286 KB, 711x256, nqq39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those hoverballs?

>> No.1368325


the funny thing is, there was some kind of bug with the first and 2nd model genesis consoles, and developers just programmed with that in mind. the model 3 fixed it, which broke some games.

>> No.1368342

There's always some guy acting like the chronicler of the sum of all knowledge gathered in these crt threads. Just read those posts.

Anon should speak for himself and not presume to speak for everyone.

>> No.1368347

Supposedly it's possible to restore the ability for those games to play/work correctly and compatibility with the 32x as well.

Now that's something I'd like to see; A 32x on a model 3.

>> No.1368363
File: 56 KB, 1000x746, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess that's one way to make sure you're getting actual s-video.

>> No.1368393
File: 117 KB, 800x600, halfcab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1368397


Funny furniture, but it might do the thing. Is there a console inside or an arcade PCD w/ a supergun?

>> No.1368402
File: 100 KB, 640x480, halfcab2 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not mine actually and it was so long ago i don't remember but i would imagine a supergun setups.

>> No.1368415

i dont see how these/table top pacman machines dont hurt your neck

>> No.1368425
File: 155 KB, 768x1024, dscn5102v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be a good size monitor for me to have on my desk to tate? I use to have a 27" sony but i'm looking for smaller does anyone game on the 13"s?

>>1368415 you sit down to play them like japanese style cabinets

>> No.1368434


I own two 14", one Sony Trinitron and an Amiga monitor. 14" is a really good size for a 4:3 monitor.

>> No.1368449


I'll look into the 14 and 20s more I haven't looked at CRT's in a while, i got a 42" NEC edtv for dirt and haven't been looking much since. I do regret not grabbing a massive 37" mitsubishi a few years back though :'(

>> No.1369191

Does the W900 develop the brightness problem prone to FW900 and other late trini CRTs?

>> No.1369196

I have asked around, and it is possible using a FPGA, but as of yet no one makes one.

>> No.1369203

Theoretically possible, but will require buffering the whole frame and adding latency. True best solution for LCDs is a scanning backlight.

>> No.1369219 [DELETED] 

If you don't want to be Anonymous then just become a namefag. You're already acting like one.

>> No.1369227

>anon iz leejun!!!

You are not fit for /vr/. Come back when you're 18, bro.

>> No.1369230
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1920, 1390631243370[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say "massive Mitsubishi"?

>> No.1369239

So... Are you saying you're NOT interested in whether or not HD WEGA CRTs can resolve 240p over component or are you just anonymously griping about your individuality? Because that would definitely be shitposting.

>> No.1369241

>implying i'm the same person as the first two

>> No.1369435



How much?

>> No.1369473

I tried lugging something similar up a couple flights of stairs with my buddy, couldn't do it. It now sits forever in the basement.

>> No.1369524

Anybody have any experience with VGA to composite convertors? Ive just moved and all my consoles are boxed up and ive got no room to bust them out, but the previous owners were nice enough to leave a big fat crt for me. Was thinking about hooking the pc up to it for emulators. Anybody tried it?

>> No.1369527
File: 18 KB, 600x450, 00606_ciM9RDlI2fA_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spotted this thing on craigslist. It's a 27" monitor with only VGA input. 1024x768 native resolution and "multisync". I don't believe it does 15khz, though.
Should I bother with it?

>> No.1369541

Look up the model number and check. At 27" it might take a wider variety of formats...

>> No.1369561

Is there any adapter or any other sort of way to connect my computer to the RGB SCART connection on my PVM through an HDMI or VGA port? Or could I perhaps find an older graphics card with a proper connection for it?

>> No.1369573


Im this guy >>1369524

After the same sort of thing. Ive seen convertor boxes on ebay that say they do it but im not sure how the quality would be or if they even do the right rez, most ive seen can only go to 640x400 @ 60hz

>> No.1369591

Yes. VGA is rgb it just syncs at a higher frequency. You need hacked drivers (soft15khz or crt_emudriver) configured correctly and then it's just a matter of connecting the right pins

>> No.1369603


So in other words, you'd only want to do it on a dedicated emulator box, not my gaming pc otherwise id have to fuck with drivers every time i want to use the crt?

Fuck. Guess il just get the wii out then

>> No.1369615

Uh, I've heard that s-video cables vary in quality, is this true? I'm looking for a SNES/N64/GC one.

>> No.1369619

Yes, a large number of 3rd party ones just run composite on both pins.

>> No.1369627


Ah. Are there any sure quality ones or at least things to look for?

>> No.1369646

The drivers were designed with MAME cabinets in mind but you could probably do a multi-monitor setup or something.

>> No.1369649

Official ones from Nintendo. Hori, if I had to guess?
I'm sure there are others, but the only system I have running over s-vid right now is my 64, and that's using a multi cable that I've had for at least 6 years now, and I haven't seen any of the cross hatching that dual composite usually causes.

A few anons have posted sources of good ones, but as I'm not in the market for one, I haven't saved any of the links.

>> No.1369672

Don't buy any that have a yellow composite plug.

>> No.1369681

I'm running a standard Linux kernel with an AMD Cypress and I can use 15KHz modes on my TV just fine while I've got high res on my monitor.

>> No.1370012


Ok, is this sorta what i need then? VGA>CRT for emulators?


>> No.1370019

No. You just need one of the regular ass video cards that support CRT_Emudriver and a cable for connecting DSUB (VGA) to whatever input you want to use on your PVM (5BNC?)

>> No.1370048

Nintendo, Monster, and Hori are all known good

>> No.1370349


Save it for a certain death and transform you basement in a gaming room.

>> No.1370384

>PVM 2950Q

Interested. If you're still here and can quote a price we can make something happen.

>> No.1370469

>mfw jokingly ponder "it'd be nice to have one of these, but how'd I even get it in Portugal"
>mfw jokingly go check portuguese used-items sites
>find ONE Profeel Pro
>It's around €700

>> No.1370474


Replace "Portugal" with "France" and you know How I got all my consoles/computers/monitors.

>> No.1370478
File: 38 KB, 800x603, 1390993801110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is nigga, I've currently got about €0.30. Not even adding in the questions of where in my rented room I'd shove that beautiful beast.

Oh well, I'll carry on trying to find good PSX games for my PS2 to play on my cubic shitty 1999 Daewoo (pic related- not my specific tv, but an image of the same model I found on google)

>> No.1370480


Oh fuck I hate those shitty round TVs. At my local thrift store during summer there's a fuck load of them, and if you mis the only Trinitron of the year, they're your only choice. Some of them are RGB capable, but it doesn't matter if you accept RGB or not when your tube is so shitty that everything look like composite.

>> No.1370482

I'm not completely unhappy with it, if only for nostalgic purposes- it's literally the same tv I had ten years ago when I started gaming more seriously after only being allowed portables before (due to price), and it's handy in its small size- but I'd certainly enjoy something better.

>> No.1370527

Do PC games look better on fat monitors as well? I don't think they do, or do they?

>> No.1370539


They do. Playing Quake 3 or Tribes on a good PC CRT monitor is the best thing to do.

>> No.1370543
File: 2.58 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-12-30 01.01.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have "shitty" daewoo too and while it has its own problems, its actually quite good, it has rgb-scart and I can clearly see difference between composite and rgb-scart.

>> No.1371307

$75 each for 2950Q and 20M4U
$10 for the busted up 20L5 (shows a clear picture, but "wiggles". Also has a rather broken but functional front panel. Broken in shipping :(
Little trinitrons are free.

>> No.1371313

yeah looks good.

>> No.1371353

I found a guy selling a bunch of Sony SSM-14N5U monitors.

Looks like they are composite and S-video only, but they would have to be better than my old store brand TV.

>> No.1371738

10/10 Would take turns playing Megaman 2 in underwear with.

>> No.1371757

I have a technical question I hope some of you may be able to elucidate, albeit it may be hard to do so as I'll be somewhat generic in my description. I have a supposedly flat screen HD CRT with component input, unfortunately, it cuts part of the image only on the left side. I'm quite confident it's not overscan. Could this be fixed by simply accessing its service menu or is it hardware related?

>> No.1371761

I recently got official Nintendo licensed S-video cables for my Sharp X-Flat 32" CRT. Picture looks really good, but I've noticed that bright colors show a bit of checkerboarding on the screen. Is this common?

>> No.1371763
File: 949 KB, 1280x1280, musashi_crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for the pros: I'm assuming these offset colors are a convergence issue? Can I fix this in the service menu or would I need to open the TV up and tinker? Using a Trinitron.

>> No.1371829

The convergence is a bit off, but it also looks like a lower res TV, so you will most likely see red, green, and blue for every pixel on screen when you smush your face against the glass.

What model is it? All Trinitrons have a convergence dial somewhere inside the TV. You will have to open it up, but it's pretty easy on Sony TVs (They usually have arrows that point to the screws you have to take out).

Make sure you know what dial you're turning before you turn it! And mark or take a picture of the original position of any dial you plan on turning! These precautions take 5sec each and will save you a lot of headaches and heartbreak down the line.

Like many have said before, open CRTs are dangerous and possibly lethal. I have never gotten hurt from working on a CRT (even while on!), I just try not to touch tube or solder points on the board. Capacitors are the ones you definitely don't want to touch!

This all sounds scary, but really all you do is open it up, find the convergence dial, turning it back and forth while looking at an image on screen until it looks good. May as well adjust the sharpness while you're at it. Other dials are really not worth your curiosity.

Good luck and stay safe!

>> No.1371831

Looks more like a Focus problem than a Convergence one,

>> No.1371858

Yep, I meant focus when I said sharpness, which is a completely different thing.

>> No.1371891
File: 140 KB, 941x1476, lag_demo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the curious I've done some photography of my KV-36HS500 alongside an early 1980s television.

The signal is split from an SNES. There is no audio lag, the sources are indistinguishable in that regard.

The lag of about 150 points is pretty consistent. Does any expert know at what rate the points are incremented? 50 per field/frame?

More to follow!

>> No.1371902
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This exaggerates the effect, but it does show that you are able to time a high-speed photograph well enough to get a simple second timer to show different values.

>> No.1371925
File: 173 KB, 1296x1944, lag_demo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I split the luminance cable to a VCR which sent the composite video signal laglessly to the older television (which normally only accepts RF). This is GGXXAC+ on a PS2, so not retro.

Still, it shows that the same effect exists with component input at 480i with this television. Guilty Gear's training mode timer divides 1 second into 60 parts, and we're consistently 3 ticks behind.

>> No.1371949
File: 106 KB, 1240x1797, lag_demo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image demonstrates display lag at 480p over component. The split luminance signal is doubled up on the older television, and this makes it difficult to read the timer, but in the series of photos I took, the lag is always either 1 tick or 2 ticks.

>> No.1371957
File: 530 KB, 2107x2806, lag_demo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A less technical way of showing lag. Holding a direction while in the Rankings menu causes the score tables to switch at high speed. In this shot I've captured the older television already refreshing the new score matrix at least once, while the Sony HD CRT is drawing it for the first time.

>> No.1371969

I should mention that all of these photos were taken with the TV set to "Pro" mode, and ClearVM (the edge enhancement/noise reducer) set to OFF. DRC modes did not change lag in 480i, and DRC is unavailable in 480p.

>> No.1372035
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, 320x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of low res LCD screens?

>> No.1372042

Makes me nostalgic in a bad way.

>> No.1372052

I think that looks pretty fucking good, actually. I wish you could buy large 320x240 or 640x480 LCDs that took RGB and displayed SD content unscaled.

>> No.1372057

You can, but it's not worth it. The colour and motion properties are simply not good enough for gameplay.

>> No.1372061

Yeah because of LCD persistence the ghosting probably isn't so great. People seem happy with their Nomads and Game Gears after they put those new back up camera screens in them though.

>> No.1372102

shit nigga that looks good

>> No.1372293

Yes. If it is a multisync it will likely accept doubled refresh rates, meaning it is possible to get a 240p picture out of it, over RGB no less.

And if that doesn't work it will make one kick ass 31khz monitor.

And if THAT doesn't work you can hook your PC up to it and watch some HD movies on it with that super smooth and deep black CRT image quality.

>> No.1372313

Thing is, I already have a 36" 31khz CRT. The best I can think of for this is a tate monitor for 480p shmups, which I already have monitors for (though smaller).
I should probably go check it out though. A dedicated monitor for a MAME PC would be nice.

>> No.1372381

Wow, thanks for posting these. These are great examples of how laggy HD sets are in comparison to SD sets. Save'd.

>> No.1372386

My pleasure.

My goal now is to get a nice lagless EDTV. I really like the look of 480p but I just stick with JRPGs on the HD set.

>> No.1372394

So if I was going to buy a ntsc top loader so i can play both ntsc and pal games and just get a pin converter for famicon games. (is that right?) What problems would it have running on an pal crt? I'd really appreciate some help thanks.

>> No.1372401

We all appreciate the effort, now we all have clear evidence of what we didn't know for sure before.

Thank you from all of us!

(BTW, any EDTV you get that forces 480p will cause lag. You would need something that accepts and displays 15kHz without upconversion.)

I also save'd'd'd them all! :)

>> No.1372403

Isn't line-doubling possible with only 1-field lag?

Obviously multiscan would be best, but I need a larger screen for my room's layout. Any 32"-40" multiscan monitors you guise can recommend?

>> No.1372404
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>We all appreciate the effort, now we all have clear evidence of what we didn't know for sure before.
>Thank you from all of us!

>> No.1372405

Yeah, it's the "we" guy again. But that's fine by me. I don't get a chance to give back that much.

>> No.1372423

Seriously, thanks for the contribution.

>> No.1372436

1-field is 1 frame for 240p content.

But line doubling is theoretically possible with only one line of lag. I don't know if any such line doubler exists. The marketer who promotes his scaler box here never gave any concrete figures, so I suspect it has at least one frame of lag.

>> No.1372443
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>> No.1372668

>The marketer who promotes his scaler box here
It really looked like there was only one obsessed person claiming he was a "marketer," probably as some misguided shut-him-up tactic.

The "marketer" was probably just another even more misguided shlub who had something against CRTs, but the responses to his posts were almost as much of a waste of space in these threads. I'm glad they both stopped posting; they were idiots.

>> No.1372679

Got a small Sharp CRT TV today.
Got home and plugged in the Snes and turned it on and it worked fine, looked so much better than my HDTV.
Then tried PS1 and the colours seemed to be flashing, the logo screen had green and purple, and the memory card/cd player screen flashes green/blue/purple/orange.
The PS1 definitely works and tried multiple cables, the PS2 also works with the same cables so I'm guessing there's some compatibility issue. The PS1 is SCPH-9002.

Any ideas?

>> No.1372682

What signal/cable types are you using for them all?

NTSC or PAL for all equipment?

>> No.1372687

It's all PAL.

>> No.1372693

>What signal/cable types are you using for them all?
SCART for everything I'm guessing? Come on, if you want help you have to give up more detail than that.

Also, when you say the PS2 works with the same cables, you mean it works fine with the same cables on that Sharp TV?

>> No.1372696

Not just that, but if the cables are SCART, can you confirm that the cables actually carry RGB (or do you know if they only carry composite or something else).

I'm an American who hates multifunction cables with poor labeling in both the computer world and the video world. RGB is great, but SCART is dumb.

>> No.1372705

Using RCA cables on everything I've tried, have a PS1 cable that is scart and the same problem occurs. Not sure if i the scart cable is RGB or not, and I was using the same RCA cable on my PS2 that I was on my PS1

>> No.1372710

OK, unless I'm ignoring something, it does sound like the PS1 itself, since it sounds like you've isolated both the cable and the PS2 as working.

Maybe there's a dirty pin in the PS1 connector on the console side. Can you look inside and clean it if needed? Other than that you might have internal problems I can't really straighten out with the details you've given.

>> No.1372719

The PS1 works fine on other TV's using the same cables, so I guess there is something causing it to not function properly on this particular TV.

>> No.1372746

Well if it were the PS2 not working there would be several things to check, but since it's the PS1 I don't really know.

>> No.1372842

I don't know about European PlayStations but on a US PS2 the same pins put out RGB as put out Component video and you can switch it via software but on the PS1 you're stuck in RGB mode. Are you plugging in 3 RCA cables (Yellow/White/Red) or more? It kind of sounds like your display is in YPbPr Component mode and so is your PS2 but not your PS1.

This blows me away that even a progressive scan signal on an HDCRT lags by .05 seconds. I guess it's the nature of the beast since the whole field has to resolve and then be drawn. I wonder if the timer wads nearer the bottom of the screen if the discrepancy would be less.

There's more than one of us, Anon. That's why we say "we". Also now it has the added benefit of upsetting you way, way more than it reasonably should.

>> No.1372847

Ignore and report

>> No.1372856

I was told once by a meth cook that they used to scavenge old computer monitors for the red phosphorus because it was the purest they could get back in the day. Was there a specific name for those CRT monitors with the red hue? were they even CRT?

>> No.1372859

Probably amber monochrome. What a strange and dubious anecdote.

>> No.1372956

input lag

>> No.1372969

The problem is more "ghosting" from motion because LCD can't turn on and off fast enough.

>> No.1373014

Speaking of lag on displays, does anyone here know the response time for the PSone LCD add-on? When I have it on and hooked up to my CRT at the same time I don't notice any difference.

For the purposes of testing (out of curiousity) would a standard iphone video have a high enough framerate to be able to estimate it?

>> No.1373119

No longer a major problem on modern LCDs. The main type of blur on LCDs is sample-and-hold blur caused by the lack of refresh-synchronized flicker. If you only play low framerate games (less than the refresh rate) then it doesn't matter.

>> No.1373429

>No longer a major problem on modern LCDs.
It absofuckinglutely is still a problem in modern LCD's. It has barely improved over the decades and it will never go away. Unless you're doing that 120hz strobing trick it will always be a problem.

>> No.1373451

"Ghosting" is the blur caused by slow pixel switching times. This is a minor issue with modern TN panels.

Sample-and-hold blur is a completely different problem, and it can only be reduced by simulating CRT flicker (eg. 120Hz strobing, which I use myself) or by increasing the framerate (impossible with consoles).

>> No.1374035

Good question. The PS1 LCD is standard definition so there'd be inherently less lag than an HD LCD, but I dunno an exact number.

>> No.1374196

I have a FW900, but it's a tired fellow and needs refurbished. How do?

>> No.1374202


Discharge it and change the caps.

>> No.1374301

First time I've been to a CRT general. Have I done well on my own? KD-34XBR960 and a KV-40XBR800. Had to learn to solder and swap out ICs on the latter just after I bought it. I had no idea these things came with built-in subwoofers when I bought them at first. Satisfying.

I fear LCD TVs after watching anything on the 960. Where the hell do I go from here? Plasmas? Pioneer Kuro? Further back in time?

>> No.1374304
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Forgot images

>> No.1374460
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Gosh darn interlacing.

>> No.1374471

>The PS1 LCD is standard definition so there'd be inherently less lag than an HD LCD
Only because the PS is an SD console. Gotta be clear on things like that.

I have two XS955s, bought when they were still available new in stores. They're incredible for modern consoles and TV/movies/sports, but they just aren't ideal for retro consoles since they upscale low-resolution sources, which introduces lag and affects the picture.

>> No.1374491

I've got an old Philips Magnavox that I used for a Genesis. Think it just had coax, so I used an RF converter for years (and later I hooked that thing up to a composite converter when I bought a PS2). Pretty sure it was shit. I'm out of my depth.

>> No.1374574

The best and easiest to find/use displays for retro consoles (all CRT type) are non-HD pro video monitors or SDTVs with the right inputs to take what you have.

You also want to avoid anything less advanced than S-video if you can (composite or RF). S-video gives you a huge improvement, but component and RGB will give you the best picture on any compatible retro console.

>> No.1374609

I'm interested in one of those 13', though I live in central IL and won't be in the Chicago area until Summer. If prices aren't a bitch, would you be interested in shipping one? I'd cover the costs of course.

>> No.1374612

*13'', fuck.

>> No.1374753

Doesn't signal processing in digital displays add input lag? Or is that only if it's connected by HDMI or DVI?

>> No.1374796

>Doesn't signal processing in digital displays add input lag?
Yes, always, even on digital CRTs that are being fed a signal at a different scan rate as the actual display mode being used.

>> No.1374983

Okay, so do handheld games and modern console/PC games assumed to be played on new digital displays somehow compensate for the input lag introduced by digital signal processing?

>> No.1375017

Yes, and it's very easy. You simply relax the response time required of the player in your games.

So when an oldie olson tells some snot-nosed punk that games used to be harder, he's not lying.

>> No.1375026

Kuro is pretty great, but the 960 is pretty much all you need until the switch to UHD.

If you want something bigger you might consider looking into rear-projection HD CRTs.

>> No.1375193

I could ship, but I'm fairly weary of shipping CRTs. A couple I've had shipped came pretty banged up. Though these 13" ones are much smaller and lighter. I'd prefer you not have to pay shipping worth more than TV. Have you exhausted all of your local thrift shops and craigslist? If you're really interested I could give you a shipping quote

>> No.1375223

dont put your damn foot on the tv asshole

>> No.1375240

You're a grill?

>> No.1375245
File: 96 KB, 500x437, Mike-Tyson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They could never make this game today.

>> No.1375310
File: 231 KB, 1148x800, 5930-Sony_APM-33W_Clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a phase of watching '80s Japanese electronics ads on YouTube and "new media" seemed to be the TV buzz word of the mid-late '80s. From what I recall it was mainly related to TVs having RGB inputs for home computers and shit.

Also, you missed the APM speakers - square speakers to go with your square TV

>> No.1375343

PAL NES will only work correctly on a PAL NES. If you play them on an NTSC NES the audio pitch will be fucked, and the few optimised games (SMB1 and 3 at least) will play too fast, among other potential timing issues.

>> No.1375348

>PAL NES will
PAL NES *games*

>> No.1375403

Isn't it funny how Japan wasted such a great phrase like "new media" before truly new media fully emerged?

>> No.1375406

Your mom's a girl

>> No.1375420


>> No.1375453

>If you play them on an NTSC NES the audio pitch will be fucked, and the few optimised games (SMB1 and 3 at least) will play too fast, among other potential timing issues.
Some PAL NES games aren't even playable on NTSC due of graphical glitches or crashes caused by the way they are programmed for their designated format, of course the opposite is also similar.
The audio pitch issue isn't really that bad compared to garbled graphics which render the game unplayable. (I own 6 'chosen' NTSC games and they work and sound fine on my PAL NES)

>What problems would it have running on an pal crt?
That your PAL TV will display NTSC video in black and white or distorted. Maybe the your TV won't display it at all.

>> No.1375742

I'll look out for them. Occasionally, my lab offloads old equipment, and they've got a surplus of unused monitors. Might get lucky.

Do Dreamcasts benefit from S-video?

Makes sense. I don't think I need anything bigger. The 960 does overscan though.

For scale.

Live with one.

>> No.1375752

>Do Dreamcasts benefit from S-video?
very much so

>> No.1375836


>Do Dreamcasts benefit from S-video?

Of course. Sparing all convenience and expense, the best setup for a Dreamcast is to use a VGA box to hook it up to a CRT computer monitor and some nice computer speakers.

>> No.1375845

>Do Dreamcasts benefit from S-video?

Really, with Dreamcast you might as well hook it up with your "non-retro" consoles and play it in 480p.

>> No.1375849


That's not the best idea. Dreamcast games don't look as bad on an HDTV as, say, N64 games do, but they still look way better on a CRT.

>> No.1375878

Yeah, I've been looking at my local Goodwill and single thrift store for the past few months. I did manage to get quite a nice 23'' CRT with component inputs, but I really want a TV I can set on a desk or something beside me. I'd appreciate a shipping quote. Shot ya an email.

>> No.1375883

I have a Dream...

...cast, VGA box, transcoder, and big 4:3 CRT HDTV with a native (no upscale/lag) 480p mode. It's incredible.

The S-video jack on my VGA box is also set up to output low-res to my equally large CRT SDTV. I've almost never used this mode unless I'm playing Capcom fighting game (not because of lag, but because their sprites in DC games were all low-res and full of jaggies).

>> No.1375915

What CRTs are you using?

>> No.1375939

I'm sure it's extremely arcade reminiscent with no shaders or filters required.

>> No.1375972

Both Toshibas, 36HFX72 and 35AF44.

I don't know how arcade-reminiscent Shenmue is supposed to look, but no, I wouldn't call it that on the HDTV.

On the SDTV when playing Capcom fighters, both the screen and the scanlines are a little too big for that based on how close I sit to it.

>no shaders or filters required

My source is an actual Dreamcast with a VGA box.

>> No.1375998

Yeah and you're recreating both distinct flavors of arcade games at the turn of the millenium. A Dreamcast is arcade hardware at heart and you're displaying it right. If Shenmue HAD bern an arcade game, it would have been on a similar display to yours. It's what VF4 was on. Something like Millionaire Fighting is a port but it's a damn fine port and you're pretty close to RGB with the Svideo output and the VGA box makes it much easier to split than switching your transcoder over to the SD for 2D games.

>> No.1376336

What's the "best" 20" PVM? I suppose I'll define best by its response time and/or display quality.

Need something suitable for my desk. Basically looking for an all in 1 CRT.

>> No.1376339

A Sony PVM-20M2MDU or PVM-20L2MD probably would be a good choice in that size. Someone else can probably recommend other models.

>> No.1376350

If you need me to be a little more specific, I guess I'm looking to use it mainly for 5th and 4th gen games. I'm also one of those degenerate speedrunner types.

If I may ask a dumb question, I've seen some screenshots of PVMs and they look outstanding, coming from a generic crappy CRT worth pennies now to a PVM, how big is the difference? I'm really hoping it's worth the full investment.

Thanks for the advice though, looking at both around my area now, sadly none so I'll probably do some ebay "fun."

>> No.1376414

Not for /vr/ use, but as it's the CRT thread, I might as well ask here -- How good are CRT projectors? Are they a good investment for a retro-Home Cinema, or a WEGA or HD CRT is better?

>> No.1376418
File: 1.03 MB, 3280x2460, 100_4007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generic crappy CRT worth pennies now to a PVM
Night and day.

As for middle of the road Trinny to PVM:

Sonic 3, running from emulator on Wii over component

>> No.1376420
File: 1.34 MB, 3280x2460, 100_6351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 20M2MDU
Same game, same console, same signal; Just at a later date.

Starring redraw line.

>> No.1376432
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x2250, 1383747248390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, well I think if I'm still going to go out of my way to get a fancy CRT I might as well get a high end one and the 20" PVMs seem just right for that. (Assuming I'm in the right to call them high end anyway)

Thanks for the information and comparison though. I think I might actually like the flat screen a little better, but it may just be your images and the fact that I've used flatscreens now for a solid 10-13 years. Probably pleb tastes really.

I have this image saved and I absolutely love whatever the hell it is. Is it a PVM? I saved it after I lurked here months ago with plans to purchase a good CRT in the future.

>> No.1376437

Interested as well. The models I've seen that other people had were lackluster. Maybe I just haven't seen a good one.

>> No.1376438
File: 1.20 MB, 3280x2460, 100_6314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assuming I'm in the right to call them high end anyway
Not the highest end, but yes.

>Is it a PVM?
>That bezel
I'm nearly positive that's another 20M2MDU. Definitely a PVM anyways.

Still can't seem to get any good pictures of Zero Mission. Could probably just rip the save from the cart and play on the Wii, but I can't be bothered.

>> No.1376459

I think that image is much better than the sonic one, without being an expert of course. Game looks great to me!

So far it seems like I'll be going with a 20M2MDU in a few weeks here then.

Just for fun, can you name a CRT that is considered to be a complete upgrade from PVMs? I really appreciate all the help by the way, thanks a ton.

>> No.1376464
File: 1.18 MB, 3280x2460, 100_2709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High TVL count BVM(Broadcast Video Monitor).

20M2MDU's have 600line tubes, and there are BVMs that have 900 and even 1000liners.

It's all about increased sharpness.

As for the Zero Mission picture being better, the two things it does have over the Sonic picture are:

1:No Moire (circular rainbow pattern on the left of the screen)
2:You can't see where the screen is being redrawn.

If you're looking for, or want to see more photos:

>> No.1376470

Why does disney keep farting out garbage like this?

>> No.1376478

Ah I see. Okay. So I guess a BVM-1911 would be good because it's got 900 lines? I feel like it shouldn't be that simple.

As for the images, I am really digging some of those in the collection, especially super metroid, thanks. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for some deals on some CRTs.

>> No.1376491

You also have to worry about age/wear, and what the monitor was used for; Otherwise you could end up with a date stamp burnt into the corner, and a soft image.

If possible, look for models made closer to, if not after 2000.

>especially super metroid
All of those were taken on S-Video even.


If you don't mind digging through the last thread on foolz

>> No.1376493

I'll have to take a look in the morning, finally deciding to head to bed. Thanks for all the help!

Sucks that my local area has barely any PVMs/BVMs in the last few months, can't just go check one out and look for burn in and shit. Oh well, I've got time.

>> No.1376501
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No problem.

>> No.1376504

What´s a good price for a BVM 2010p?

>> No.1376664

I acquired a Sony CRT projector from the '80s for free, and gave up on it due to the amount of calibration required - there was a big array of controls for convergence and geometry, and it looks like it would be impossible to set up unless I had a fixed location for it. It did have a built-in pattern generator though (cross hatch and dots? i forget)

It might have been fucked anyway as occasionally the picture would jump, and I couldn't get it into any reasonable focus at < 3m.

>> No.1376665

There's nothing wrong with CRT projectors for gaming. They're much better than rear projection TVs that's for sure.

>> No.1376863
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I've been having some trouble with a crap Zenith CRT HDTV I got for free. It's not entirely optimal for retro gaming, but it's worked well enough for a while. S-video, composite, etc.

I've recently noticed that the bottom left and bottom right side of the images displayed when playing my Gamecube, SNES, and PS2 are collpasing, and that they vary in just how much they are dipping towards the center. My N64, however, is producing no such effect.

I use a universal (GCN/PS2/Xbox) s-video cable to play everything that isn't my Saturn and NES, and swap which system is connected through it about once per day.

Does anyone have any idea of what's going on?

>> No.1377061

So I've been trying to find a nice HD 16:9 display but its quite hard to find any proper information besides the FD trinitron list on wikipedia. Are there any good lists on PVM and BVM models and their specs?

>> No.1377078

Uh, so...

What makes a good CRT?

>> No.1377102

Low dot pitch
Screen size between 15 and 24 inches

>> No.1377108

>Screen size between 15 and 24 inches
Oh boy, not this hilariously arbitrary shit again.

>> No.1377142

Anything bigger is too big and lacking in quality
Anything smaller is too small

17 or 19 inch is the sweet spot for CRT screen size

>> No.1377154

>Anything bigger is too big
>Anything smaller is too small
>Not arbitrary
Are you talking about CRTs or your dick? Because you're using some mighty subjective reasoning there.

>> No.1377214

It works, but not many PAL CRT TVs accept s-video over SCART. So you probably used an adapter thinking it would work but it did not.

>> No.1377623


Mine accept it, I use it with my LD player.

>> No.1377858

Is the Trinitron KV-32WF3E any good? Mostly want it for PS2 gaming, since my current CRT is pretty broken.

>> No.1377897

Is it worth going out and buying another CRT to play my old games on, or should I just use an emulator? I'd rather not use an LCD TV.

>> No.1377919

I'll post here before I make a new thread about it...I want to get into retro gaming with the SNES, and I'd like to play the game on a curved or bubble CRT. I don't really know much about CRT, but I'd like something around 20 inches. Is there a good well rounded entry CRT for retro gaming you guys can recommend? And can is it possible to use the CRT to play something like Doom or Quake on the pc?

>> No.1377981

It would be worth it to me to get a real CRT.

20" PVMs would be great for this.

>> No.1378007

Do they work as pc monitors too?

>> No.1378061

I'm not an expert on these as my only PVM is a small SD model, but I can tell you that they're not intended for that (especially the SD ones). I'm sure you could use one of the HD/SD multisync ones as a PC monitor of sorts, and I'd be surprised if someone here hasn't already tried this.

>> No.1378260


Its way to technical stuff to really get into but really aperture grille is a must have. Trinitron was the leading brand for a long because Sony held a patent on AG-tech that didn't expire until the turn of the millennium and that was about the time that the crt market drew back.

Really, all you can say about a good crt is that it should be made by Sony. Then its just degrees of awesome depending on your preference. If you want a small crt next to the bed, get a ~10" PVM and if you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women you get a BVM-D32E1WU.

>> No.1378261
File: 725 KB, 2144x1108, gsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do this with most ps2 games using GSM. it's not very noticeable in a static image, but by setting the mode to NTSC-NI with some correction option enabled you can make the snk games look great, as well as stuff like capcom fighters and 2d game collections.

Now I don't have to destroy my eyes playing metal slug

>> No.1378262

and um, those images are swapped, smh. The top one is 240p, the bottom is 480i

>> No.1378319

This is a man who plays games with his face pressed up against the screen.

A 27"-32" inch screen is fine if you're back a few feet from the TV. A 13"-20" would be better for a desktop that you sit at. Viewing distance means everything.

>> No.1378337

this exact tv is at my local good will, the strange thing is every other tv is only $1 but for this one they want $40. I like the tv but its not worth even close to that imo. Anyone have experience with it?

>> No.1378343

a 20" can be watched by three people pretty comfortably. Goldeneye is a bit cramped but that's part of the joy.

>> No.1378390

>really aperture grille is a must have
No, it really isn't. There's so much more than just grllle/mask type that determines a good picture, and Sony never had a monopoly on image quality.

>> No.1378405
File: 445 KB, 640x960, 480i240p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooray comparison images

>> No.1378410

>And can is it possible to use the CRT to play something like Doom or Quake on the pc?
You'll need to set a 15KHz video mode on your PC, but yes this is possible. Doom and Quake work nicely, because they're natively around 240p (if you had a flexible-enough monitor to sync 15KHz/70hz for native tall-pixel 320x200p, that would be excellent).

>> No.1378491

...for a strict SDTV or SD-only monitor.

>> No.1378875


Playing Quake on CRT is a must anon. No blur and 120Hz at 640*480 (the true Quake player resolution) makes it so smooth I convinced a dozen of people that most of the time, CRTs are better than LCDs.

>Be at University, there's a computer room with both LCDs and CRT monitors.
>"Huh! Anon, Why are you using this big old CRT while you have a NEW and MUDERN LCD?"
>Explain them how the colors are better, how the motion is smoother, and how it is important to have black and not dark gray
>Show them Quake 3 Arena on both my laptop LCD and the CRT I hooked
>Thanks to the power of the 125 FPS and the 120Hz refresh rate I forced, it's the smoother thing they've ever seen on a computer screen
>"Anon, you're right! This monitor is really good!"
>Next time I see them, they're using CRTs too.

>> No.1378918

Why not 125Hz vsynced?

>> No.1378951


Many monitors don't go above 120Hz, and I don't carry my Samsung Syncmaster everywhere.

>> No.1379053
File: 2.79 MB, 2592x1936, gotta go pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the Wii can output the correct resolution.

The vertical resolution is native but the horizontal resolution isn't, it's half-shit half-perfect.

>> No.1379057

I wouldn't be surprised. I've yet to get SCART cables for one of my Ge- Mega Drives, and until I settle on a model, I'm probably not going to.

It's still a good comparison in that it's the same signal being fed to both sets.

>> No.1379061

It's not a good comparison because the Wii is upscaling the image before outputting.

The same people who are fine with Wii emulation are the same people who don't give a shit about PVMs.

>> No.1379415

I always thought this part of the game looked "better" with the signal loss you'd get from composite cables. The waterfall looks better translucent, and with a quality monitor/cables, the illusion is revealed.

>> No.1379439
File: 2.49 MB, 1936x2592, sleepy head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...

Take a look at this typewriter and work out for yourself why you're wrong.

>> No.1379480

I'm just saying the particular instance with Sonic, among others, show that the blur from signal loss was sometimes taken into account to produce a desired effect.

>> No.1379502

Anyone know where to get a good RGB monitor for fairly cheap?
I'd love to have one for my N64 and Saturn.

>> No.1379676

I think I fell in love with CRTs. Everything looks so good, video games, old TV shows, old anime. Even new stuff like GBA games look great.

I hope my current TV would last for a long time.

>> No.1379743
File: 961 KB, 2304x1728, 100_0906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/m/ stuff are awesome on CRT TVs, everything is smoother.

>> No.1379783

I was actually watching some sentai. Though for some reason my Wii has issues running some Dairanger episodes I put on it. Oh well, it run other shows pretty good.

>> No.1379896

From an arcade machine

>> No.1379951
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, 1391375649008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know retro consoles have upscale lag on hd tvs.

But when is the cutoff?
Does N64 and GameCube lag on hd tvs??

>> No.1379960


N64 does, not sure about the Gamecube. The Wii still works, though.

>> No.1379969


It's the TV that lags, not the console. HDTV's lag no matter what console you're playing on. Modern games are designed with this in mind, retro games were not. Only 7th gen and newer games can tolerate it.

>> No.1379974

How come I still don't notice any of this, even with older game systems on LCD tvs? I still play well, regardless. I only got a CRT so I could play Virtua Cop and the Zapper games.

>> No.1379984


You would notice if you were playing a rhythm game or something like Punch-Out!!

>> No.1379994

Punch Out works just fine, as does Xevious and some later levels in Super Mario Bros. 3, both of which also depend on timing.

>> No.1380000


>Punch Out works just fine

No it doesn't. It is quite literally impossible to beat Punch-Out!! on any LCD ever made.

>> No.1380004

No, there isn't enough input lag unless you're using a really old LCD or a shitty off-brand.

>> No.1380010


I suppose you're going to recommend that we use an upscaler like the xBR now, right?

>> No.1380015

No, the stock video input should do just fine.

>> No.1380021


Stop talking about things you know nothing about.


>> No.1380025

So why are you rambling on about input lag when it's negligible on all but the shittiest of LCD screens?

>> No.1380028


Because it's not anon.

>> No.1380030

Do you have any statistics to back this up as someone making the claim that it's the TV that lags?

>> No.1380031


It isn't. We don't need LCD apologists shitting up this thread.

>> No.1380038

If I'm an LCD apologist, why am I using a CRT?

>> No.1380047


Here you go:

See how 19ms is considered excellent.

>> No.1380063

Is 19ms a bad thing? It seems like a nice tradeoff for a better picture.

>> No.1380065


>better picture

Hahaha oh wow

>> No.1380080
File: 73 KB, 1080x1080, low_quality_bait_1080p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380083

Yes, VGA and component video look better on an non-CRT.

>> No.1380086

You only need to say it once, buddy.

>> No.1380104


No it doesn't, anon. The only kind of LCD that have a good picture is the over-priced OLED, otherwise enjoy your dark gray instead of black, bad contrasts and unnatural colors.

>> No.1380124

Plasma also doesn't suffer from those particular problems, but it has its own problems.

>> No.1380128


Plasma could have been a good alternative, as it's better than LCD, even it still has the sample-and-hold blur problem.

>> No.1380145

>otherwise enjoy your dark gray instead of black
Aren't there gray blank screens on even the incredibly high end Trinitrons?

>> No.1380143

yes it can. it has a full 240p mode and also the emulators that use it aren't "upscaling". put both side by side and they are incredibly similar

>> No.1380156


It's way darker than the one on LCD, and the more bright object you have on screen, the darker it appear.

>> No.1380340
File: 325 KB, 2322x4128, Crt master rays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think of my 50-something inch crt?

>> No.1380358

Question about RGB:
Is it possible to wire an RGB connector from a console to a VGA monitor?
If you look at the VGA pin outs, you'll see a Red, Blue, and Green input (as well as returns, but I'm thinking that it isn't necessary to connect those), and Horizontal and Vertical Sync.
I have a CRT monitor with strictly VGA input, but no CRT with RGB, so I'm just curious as to if this is possible.

>> No.1380395

I think it's not a CRT

>> No.1380404

Generally not because few if any VGA monitors sync down to 15khz

>> No.1380427
File: 912 KB, 1818x2751, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you feel that way, but it really is.

>> No.1380432

Is there a way to make the RGB side output a 30khz rate?

>> No.1380437

No. It's not. It's rear projection. It might be CRT rear projection but it's probably DLP.

>> No.1380439

It's Crt rear projection, that's what I'm trying to say.

>> No.1380443

No. You could upconvert it but then you'd just be doing the same thing an HDTV does. There are some VGA CRTs out there that can sync 480i/240p at 15khz but they're a small minority. I used to have a partial list. I can look for it if you want.

>> No.1380459

Here's the page that lists a bunch of 15khz capable "SVGA monitors"


>> No.1380464

Dreamcast supports this. I don't know of any other consoles that do. (PS2 has utilities to force 480p modes, but they don't always work.)

>> No.1380490

All you'd be doing is doubling the refresh/sample rate, right?
If it's a pure double, there's no lossiness.
It's the same as running a digital 720p signal into a 1440p monitor. The up scaling is as simple as making every pixel take up a 2x2 space.
In this case, with it being a cycling rate, it just has to double up every cycle.

15KHz: Cycle one has a value of 1. Cycle 2 has a value of 2. Cycle 3 has a value of 3.
30KHz (Exactly doubled): Cycle 1 and 2 have a value of 1. Cycle 3 and 4 have a value of 2. Cycle 5 and 6 have a value of 3.

I'm no expert, so correct me if I'm wrong, but if it's a straight doubling, there should be no issue, right? You'd just need to find a way to double the rate between the console and the monitor.

>> No.1380676

speaking of 15khz ive read hooking up a pc running soft 15khz on an arcade monitor if you have the monitor turned on during the windows boot up where its not 15khz and not the right resolution it can damage the monitor. Is that only for arcade monitors or would the same be true for a sony PVM?

>> No.1380692

The cutoff isn't based on generation, it's based on scanrate (and therefore signal type).

Feed 480p or 1080i to a CRT HDTV or monitor that can handle either or both of those natively and you'll have no lag. But yeah, feed any resolution to any display that can't handle it natively (even a CRT HDTV or monitor) and you'll get lag.

Human perception and reaction times vary greatly. Do the high-speed camera test using a split signal like another anon did and you'd see the difference.

OLED isn't LCD, it's so much better.

LCD's problem with black isn't that the screens are gray, it's that it's impossible for to block the full output of the backlight. CRT and plasma don't have that problem whatsoever.

>> No.1380721

OLED has sample-and-hold blur just like an LCD.

>> No.1380795


Wii/Gamecube output 240p just fine.

Compare a SNES/Megadrive over composite video and you'll see it's exactly the same, even in 512x240 mode (horizontal doubling doesn't make a difference). But they can do 256x240 so the point is irrelevant.

The only big difference is the gamecube's composite signal is AWESOME. Way, way superior to the Megadrive, and considerably better than even the 1 chip SNES.

Try it, it's night and day.

>> No.1380803


I assume you mean a 15khz monitor. Craigslist is easiest.

Technically, every PC monitor is RGB.

>> No.1380814
File: 86 KB, 496x422, asus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quads wasted on such an ignorant post. There are plenty of LCD screens with extremely low lag. Low enough that the year EVO world championship uses them.


If these are good enough for people to react to 1 frame windows in fighting games they are good enough for beating Punch-Out!!

>> No.1380817

for anyone interested:

>> No.1380825

>enjoy your dark gray instead of black, bad contrasts and unnatural colors.

Are you from 2006?

I love CRTs, but LCD tech has come a long, long way. The best LCDs have very good black levels. In the "can't tell if it is turned off in a darkened room on an all black scene" range.

CRT is no longer the king of display technology. They're just the best for /vr/ and old television shows if that's your thing.

Personally I'd like a nice big plasma for my HDTV viewing.

>> No.1380830



Can it do 240p?

>> No.1380839

Yes, it's possible because I've done it. But your monitor must support the signal your console is sending it.

Most retro consoles use a 15khz signal, and most PC monitors do not support that. But
some do.

Most of them do support 31khz, and that means your Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox and PS2 games can look splendid.

>> No.1380841
File: 83 KB, 560x217, jpac[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering the same thing myself but I know tons of those shmups dudes use pvms with mame and I never see anybody complaining about it so I'm cautiously optimistic it has its own protection circuits. Arcade monitors didn't need them since it would have added cost and they assumed competent technicians were installing them.

There's a pretty cool JPac these days that does a LOT of cool stuff including filter signals that aren't at the frequency you set with jumpers.

>> No.1380849


Some of them will go all screwy and make a high pitched noise, some of them will just double the image onscreen until it gets to the login screen.

Some say it will hurt it, some say it won't. I had one monitor die due to too high frequency, so I'm wary.

Best thing to do is just turn the PC on, then wait a minute or so for it to boot up, then turn on your monitor.

>> No.1380850

>If these are good enough for people to react to 1 frame windows in fighting games they are good enough for beating Punch-Out!!

Doubt it. Not on an NES anyway. They're quick enough when displaying their native resolution from a digital source but they'll still lag when upconverting 240p.

>> No.1380862

It looks to be 16:9 so it's probably HD. An HD rear projection...

>> No.1380865

Play on a PC outputting the native res of the monitor. Never said it had to be on a real NES.

>> No.1380867

will some games force it out of 15Khz? like if I tried a modern game would it take it out of the really low resolution ands tuff

>> No.1380872

Not if you have your emus and computer set up properly. MAME can interlace 31khz games to make them display properly on a 15khz monitor.

>> No.1380879

Yeah that's where I figured that the misunderstanding was happening. The Punch-Out challenge is with a real NES/Fami.

>> No.1380882


LCDs are only tolerable for gaming if they're 120hz and support LightBoost

Fuck awful sample and hold motion blur

>> No.1380889
File: 29 KB, 779x354, 1385916106162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is best?

>> No.1380910

>LCDs are only tolerable for gaming if they're 120hz and support LightBoost

which they are and do....

Hence why I said they've come a long, long way.

>> No.1380912


There's no single answer. My preference is slot mask.

>> No.1380932


Punch-out!! is available as a title on the Nintendo Play-choice 10 arcade platform. That means it will use the RGB video output (with inverted colors).

The LCD screen in the GCW-Zero is supposedly native 240p and lagless at that res.

If you could somehow rig the two together...

>> No.1380945

I returned a 2005 Panasonic Flat CRT with built in DVD player at Costco yesterday and got $300 back.

>> No.1380952
File: 18 KB, 375x150, bea-arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you.

>> No.1380957

Then dont. I did though. It was bought before their tv policy change, so I took it back. Was way too big and heavy for a small house, and it really only had use for 3 years, and then sat on the floor for another few years.

>> No.1380970

>It was bought before their tv policy change
I miss those days.

>buy a new DS every year
>return it just before the warranty is up
>full refund, no questions

>> No.1380979

OLED switches in microseconds, though, so it's no problem to make the screens fake a raster scan.

>> No.1381057

they don't even sell games anymore

>> No.1381116
File: 1.37 MB, 2368x1809, sonic the hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic from my GC over composite.

>> No.1381129
File: 2.33 MB, 2576x1952, sonic 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar scene as to here

>> No.1381135
File: 2.00 MB, 2576x1952, knuckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1381358


>Are you from 2006?

Nope, the first time I used an LCD was 3 years ago, with a laptop LCD (the laptop was new).

>> No.1381420

Aperture Grille. Only nostalgiafags will tell you otherwise.

Retro games were created on Aperture Grille displays, and while some consideration was given to inferior display technologies in then-common consumer usage it was not their target hardware.

>> No.1381421

If blur from signal loss was intended that typewriter wouldn't look like that.

>> No.1381426

>composite cable


You're welcome.

>> No.1381434 [DELETED] 


That site wouldn't be around if not for me and a handful of others. You are fucking welcome.

>> No.1381470

You're on an anonymous imageboard, you're no one.

>> No.1381576

mines slot mask and I have no problems with it

>> No.1381592

Doesn't matter. Motion quality is more important than image quality, and they all have god-tier motion quality.

>> No.1381608

>Retro games were created on Aperture Grille displays, and while some consideration was given to inferior display technologies in then-common consumer usage it was not their target hardware.

>> No.1381634
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, resized_sony KV1300E b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aperture Grille was invented in the 60's and became super common on professional TVs and expensive consumer TVs.

>> No.1381637

>super common on professional TVs and expensive consumer TVs.
Only Sony could manufacture aperture grille based sets before ~1995.

>> No.1381657

Sony held the patent, which they occasionally licensed to other manufacturers.

Sony's displays were very common in the professional market and the upper-tier consumer market.

>> No.1381659

I like shadow mask the most.

>> No.1381663

>It's the same as running a digital 720p signal into a 1440p monitor.

I played Fez like this on a Catleap (IPS) and it looked great, polygonal 720p games look a bit crap though, gives me a Quake vibe.

>> No.1381751

>See how 19ms is considered excellent.

However the elephant in the room is that CRTs aren't 0ms exactly. They don't "lag" in that they aren't buffering a fulll frame like an LCD but it's not like the console says "DRAW!" and the full image is on the CRT right there and then. It takes around 12ms for a CRT to fully draw a frame (I can't be bothered looking up the timings though). The catch is that stuff at the top will be drawn earlier so the latency for centred objects is lower. 19ms is very close to the single frame CRT draw "lag" so I doubt it will actually make any difference at all to anyone.

No, the problem with retro on HDTV tends to be that SD gets fed through a crappy multi-frame buffering de-interlacer and upscaler of 48ms and higher.

>> No.1381780

I have a chance to buy a Trinitron BVM 2010P or a PVM 2054QM. I'm thinking on getting the BVM, is this a good choice? If so, how much should I offer?
Can I connect my consoles to it with the normal cables? I live in PAL land so my consoles are RGB/Scart and I think I have a component cable for my Xbox.

>> No.1381881
File: 676 KB, 1529x2048, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32" RCA was wondering where it stands.

>> No.1382032

From that generation alone, not bad at all actually. (I still own one of the two smaller Thomson TVs I bought in the '90s and it's a keeper.) However, since its best input type is S-video, you could find better in that size these days.

>> No.1382540

>Retro games were created on Aperture Grille displays


I will grant the small PVM models were sometimes used by the PlayStation era, but for everything else it was dot triad all the way.

>> No.1382543

I found a Sony GDM-C520K for $5 and lasted a year before flickering got really bad. I replaced it with a G520 I got for $20.

Maybe with my luck I can find an FW900 on the cheap as well.

>> No.1382548
File: 43 KB, 448x642, FamiStars10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Retro games were created on Aperture Grille displays
>No, that's not true
Not that wrong. Nintendo used at least one Trinitron for SMB3.

>> No.1382553

Huh. I always thought Nintendo and Sharp were in bed together back then.

>> No.1382558

Nobody's claiming that Trinitrons were perma-banned from development use. But the claim that games were designed for them primarily is absurd and cannot be defended.

Their business relationship wasn't as close and all-encompassing as you think. Would you be surprised to hear about all the Macs and Android phones being used at Microsoft? Just another one of those things.

>> No.1382567
File: 21 KB, 248x221, moblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Moblin from the FDS Zelda 1 manual. The inconsistent color per-pixel makes me think the picture was taken from a shadow mask but then the straight vertical lines make me lean toward grille.

>> No.1382572

that's definitely aperture grille
shadow mask is staggered dots

>> No.1382578

I don't think the focus is fine enough that we would see the dots, but less-focused images of shadow mask usually look like each pixel, while the same color, have different blends of the color since the three dots/subpixels aren't necessarily in the same position in every pixel.

>> No.1382581

Okay I just eyefucked some of my real NES manuals and I think the inconsistent color is a side effect of the printing process, but the sharp vertical lines could have only come from a grille.

>> No.1382858

>The best LCDs have very good black levels.
They fucking do not.

>> No.1383007

>But the claim that games were designed for them primarily is absurd and cannot be defended.
Commodore's M.O. was to buy the shittiest TVs they could find. It's in Bagnall's book.

>> No.1383017

Probably >>1380825 has been tricked by dynamic backlight control.

>> No.1383076
File: 418 KB, 2904x1944, dfs2vZt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will go back a little bit on this, and say I have seen some photographs of this kind of trini (there are several models) in some older photographs. But they were on the high end for the time, and I'd say a lot of developers only wished they had access.

In reality, a lot of old games were programmed utilizing a combination of old Japanese PC monitors (think PC-88 to X68000 style) along with the actual hardware itself being fed to whatever was laying around. Maybe they used some Trinitron TVs they had available since they would give a pretty good result, but nothing can say they were specifically designed with this in mind.

>> No.1383082

Also, I very stupidly sold one of these years ago. The image was simply flawless. I didn't know enough at the time to utilize the CMPTR port properly. ;_;

I got it for free from a surplus auction, and now they are probably very expensive since RGB has caught on so much.

>> No.1383090

If it works it works. Maybe smoke and mirrors, but it gets the job done.

>said the man who owns no LCDs and still uses a CRT as his main PC monitor because it doesn't need any bullshit gimmicks

>> No.1383097

I don't think you can use manual screenshots to really say that's anything to do with the nebulous "developers intentions". This stuff would have been put together by a completely different team. They probably would have used the highest quality display they could get their hands on for photographing, so naturally it would have been a aperture grille. They always seemed a little easier to capture to me as well.

>> No.1383149
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1391484302582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the first TV of my youth, and I plan on keeping it for a long time, if only for decoration.

>> No.1383157

Can a normal TV replicate the same picture found in those tiny PVMs? At least, close to it?

>> No.1383198
File: 35 KB, 640x411, Sharp-tube-tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you. I have one of my earliest ones stashed away, but not my very first. It's lost to history. I might try to track down a photo of it and see if I can find a similar model.

>> No.1383206


It depends on which aspects you are referring to.

One of the good Trinitron televisions with component video inputs can certainly come close. S-video from a reasonably good source like a PlayStation or Gamecube will also look really close.

Of course, RGB is what you want. And many televisions released in Europe have a SCART connector which will support RGB. Jump through the right hoops and you can have a rock solid picture that will stand right up there with the best on a good quality consumer set, even if its the old dot triad style screen. With the really good black levels and solid colors.

Do they have the low lag of a PVM? Yes, in almost all cases.

Learning how to properly calibrate your television can also make a big difference.

>> No.1383228

I got a NES back just a few days ago, this was me testing it out, picture's 2 days old. Works like a charm, but the image seems a bit clipped when I play castlevania, at least the starting screen is. Music and image is near perfect for the tv's quality.

All I'd need now is an old betamax (my folks got rid of ours awhile ago) and I'd be in my youth again.

>> No.1383247

Overscan clipping is normal.

>> No.1383256

Yeah, I don't mind it, I just notice it now because I'm not 5 years old.

>> No.1383324
File: 38 KB, 593x445, sonytv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for anyone who might know- I came across this 20" Trinitron the other day. Seller wants $20 for it. I know next to nothing about Trinitrons. Can anyone tell me if it's worth it? Sorry for the crappy cellphone pic, it was the best I could to in the time I had with the tv.

>> No.1383335


Talking about making my screens looking like this.


Currently they look like shit due to composite, and I believe my TV displays Genesis video a bit narrower than it is.

>> No.1383384

Well, the Genesis has pretty bad composite video output. Does your television support any of the other standards?

Alternatively, you can use a wii or gamecube + emus for a decent improvement in image quality.
Best thing to do is just upgrade to a better set.

>> No.1383391

It's worth the twenty. It has component and it's 15khz. Pair it up with a Wii or YUV transcoder and you're cookin' ;).

>> No.1383419

Awesome, thanks for the help!

>> No.1383438

My... my sister and I used to stay up watching shows on DVD's with this kind of TV when we were way young...

But I hadn't even remembered the fucking TV until I saw it again, this is fucking me up

>> No.1383584

I have a 27" Sony Wega

Pretty sure I can't play light gun games on the thing (it's a flat screen not tube) but don't have any to test it out, can someone confirm?

Just dug the thing out of my closet, need some component cables to hook up my av switcher now.

>> No.1383596


>dat clarity

>> No.1383624

>it's a flat screen not tube
If you mean it's a flat-panel LCD, then light guns don't work on it at all.
If you mean it's a flat screen CRT, then I know that the NES Zapper works just fine.

>> No.1383640


second one, and thanks.

>> No.1383734


Hard to tell the source display, but pretty clear picture. Nintendo was tight with Sharp, but these caps could really be from anything.

>> No.1383758
File: 1.03 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20140204_181256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today on my way home I found these had been put out for collection.

Trinitron KV-T29SF1 and KV-HW21M30.

How'd I do?

Both work great. However neither of them had remote controls. My problem is that on the KV-HW21M30 I can't get the OSD to turn off. I've gone through every menu, tried holding buttons etc. but no luck. I'm also an ausfag and the only replacement remote I could find is $40.

>> No.1383761

Why do people always say 'as' instead of something else?
>I played games as I was bored
>I didn't go outside today as it was raining
My retarded cousins ex used to say that shit all of the time
>we got another piece of cake as it was good
my favorite one though
>how do you do on this day today?

>> No.1383769

The use of 'as' can be correct grammar in many of those cases. It is used in some contexts to indicate the reason, rather than indicating that an action is simultaneous than another, which is how you seem to be interpreting it. Think of its function as similar to 'because'.

The key to differentiating between the two is whether a comma is used before it, or in speech, if an appropriate pause is made.

>> No.1383775

I dunno, I haven't checked. It's a Trinitron from 2003, so I assume it's just composite and RF. If I'm going to use emulators, I might as well play them on my laptop.

>> No.1383778

I think of 'as' the same way I do 'because'. It may be because she used it so damn much that it just sounds wrong. She would use it with just about everything.
>my legs hurt as I rode my bike
Do you mean while you rode or due to the fact that you were riding? I think she's just used it a fuck ton and it bugs me any time I see it.

>> No.1383782

Yeah, that is an odd speech idiosyncrasy. If she pronounced it correctly it would sound too literary for colloquial speech...but it sounds like she wasn't even giving it the proper intonation.

>> No.1383785

Here's the first one that I saw that had 'as' in it.
>wishing things were different as i'm still in love with u. you still in my heart and i always love u. I cry as i write this and wish things were like we plained as i want to give them to u and i would like to meet u in real life. I will awalys love you forever and my love for you will always be in my heart forever as you mean alot to me and always will

>> No.1383790

Here's another one.
>I got Halloween candy for Halloween as i got Twizzlers,skittles,snickers and 3 Musketeers so anyone want to stop by i will have that this year so hope to see you all at my door for candy

>> No.1383795

Tell as bitch her speaks are dumb

>> No.1383802

I want to shit and rub her face in it whenever I see that shit.

>> No.1383841
File: 2.70 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, what the hell. Here's a few pics from mine. It's a trinitron, I'm not sure what the model is. It's heavy as hell and that really makes me want not turn it around. It looks better than the pics. It's not that blurred/blended in. I've been thinking about getting an S-Video cable. I know they used to make them, but I'm really wanting to get a multi-console cable that has Dreamcast and a Nintendo plug in.

>> No.1383842
File: 2.81 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why X is glowing like that. I wasn't charging his shot or anything.

>> No.1383845
File: 2.94 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1383851

Having trouble with the exposure, I guess. Taking photos of CRTs is one very good reason to master manual exposure settings.

>> No.1383875

It's just a cheapy Kodak I got at Black Friday 2-3 years ago. It was going to bug me if I didn't look for the model number. It's KV-27v10

>> No.1383897

Ok, different question...which is better. A PVM or a BVM?

>> No.1383903

usually BVM amirite guise? Depends on the tube size, age, inputs, and # of lines.

>> No.1383915

One is a BVM 2010P and the other one is a PVM 2054QM. I thought the BVM is better.
Also, I live in PAL/Euro land so my consoles are RGB/Scart and I think I have a component cable for my Xbox.

>> No.1384023

i'm getting a CRT monitor..it has VGA as well as 5 BNC connectors. can i use my consoles on it? i'm thinking it won't work because they don't output a 31khz signal...except for my modded dreamcast.

>> No.1384497

I think BVM is usually higher quality as far as I know. And from what I've seen most PVM/BVMs dont have a scart input on the back and instead use BNC for RGB. So you'll need to buy a scart to bnc breakout connector. Retrogamingcables.co.uk has some

>> No.1384628

i want to hook up a CRT TV to my computer for emulation. how can i get the absolute best visual quality?

>> No.1384653

- soft15kHz or crt_emudriver
- connect your VGA port to your TV somehow (natively or with a converter like a JPAC or component transcoder)

>> No.1384873

Thanks for the link.
I've contacted the guy who sells it so now I'll play the waiting game.

>> No.1384882
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my CRT. I love it very much. We would take peaceful walks through the park together except the thing takes like four people to move.

Am I a pleb who doesn't know what he's missing? Have I been blinded to the more important aspects of a display device because of my CRT's sheer size?

>> No.1384917

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but are HD CRTs devoid of any input lag like regular 4:3 CRTs?

Is the HD upscaling what causes input lag, or is it the type of display that causes it?

>> No.1384920

I'd say it's either a CRT projector or some sort of weird optical system (something like a telecine machine but with video as the source as well?). The geometry issues (around the edges, most noticeable when there is horizontal scrolling) are more like those from a Vidicon tube camera than a CRT monitor.

It's very weird they used some sort of optical process for this, but I guess either 240p didn't play ball with their video editing system, or they wanted to be able to do those cool close-ups with scanlines.

>> No.1384931

HD CRTs does not upscale picture they just don't have native resolution just like CRT monitors.

>> No.1384941
File: 24 KB, 500x400, vga_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably won't handle <30 kHz. Also you don't need to mod a Dreamcast to get VGA out...

>> No.1384946

So in layman's terms, there would be no input lag like there is on most HDTVs nowadays?

>> No.1384947


Also, since you folks are experts, the front video input has problems and needs to be fiddled with to not look like shit/show up at all, largely in part thanks to consoles being unplugged from it after every use. Does anyone know if that sounds like something I could fix with elbow grease and hope? I rarely use the front input because of this

>> No.1384952

I believe some or all HD CRT TVs use a scaler on SD inputs.

They have input lag too, possibly worse than modern TVs as they use older technology for scaling, deinterlacing and other processing.

There are some PVMs that handle both SD and HD resolutions - it would be interesting to see how these work.

>> No.1384954


Hey fellow Marktplaats lurker, I noticed them on there as well. Was tempted to contact the seller but decided that I'm pretty satisfied with the TV I have right now. Did you buy them? I noticed he changed the status of the ad.

>> No.1384960

Either the RCA socket is dirty and needs cleaning (contact cleaner spray or something like that), or it's worn and needs replacing.

Best solution: Use s-video instead (assuming it has it somewhere)

>> No.1384959

>They have input lag too, possibly worse than modern TVs as they use older technology for scaling, deinterlacing and other processing.

That's a shame. I was hoping I could find a cheaper CRT that would have little input lag versus getting the more expensive ones. Thanks for the info.

>> No.1384970

TBH I don't think you'll find a CRT solution that does both SD and HD without some downsides unless the PVM L5 series do both without shitty processing.

Any proper SD CRT will have absolutely zero input lag.

>> No.1384993

I already have a PVM 1440 QM so its not really necessary that I need a new one. But it is always nice to get an upgrade or get a spare one.
I contacted the seller after he changed his status since the ad was mainly about the PVMs and I was interested in a BVM.
I'll keep you posted if I get any response.

>> No.1385009

I got rid of mine but kept the volume knob. Towards the end of it's life, I wouldn't get a clear picture unless I left it on for about 30 minutes first. I still used it like that for a long time like that though.

>> No.1385012

I should have read my mail before posting. The BVM monitors are sold, I'm not sure about the PVM monitors.

>> No.1385092

>If I'm going to use emulators, I might as well play them on my laptop.

That's your choice, but emus can be 99.9% indistinguishable from the real thing under the right circumstances.

>> No.1385097

All other things equal, BVM is better.

However, in the used market it's all about condition.

>> No.1385109
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, MitsubishiDS20M_Amiga1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It probably won't, but it just might.

Give us the model #.

Mitsubishi Diamondscan 20M is a SVGA monitor that can sync to 15khz.

>> No.1385118

Some of them have it, some of them don't. The ones that do have a lot less than a typical HDTV.

>> No.1385123

Theoretically, a Sony FW900 can display 240p all the way up to 1080p with no lag on either.

>> No.1385142

no it can't display 240p (at least at 60 Hz)

>> No.1385152

mitsubishi precisepoint 9105

>> No.1385161

is there something that can go from 240p (15 kHz) to 720p (45 kHz)?

>> No.1385227

Computer monitor != TV or video monitor

Multi-sync computer monitors like >>1385109
were designed for home computers like the Amiga, ST and Archimedes which could output both SDTV and VGA resolutions. Don't expect monitors from this era to do particularly high resolutions - maybe 1024x768 in a shitty interlaced mode if you're lucky, but more realistically 800x600 @ 60-70 Hz

>> No.1385254

You know, it's interesting that there was never a consumer demand for VGA monitors that could also be used as TVs, or more precisely that consumers standards were low enough that people who wanted that just used TV tuner cards in their computers and enjoyed windowed 15khz video with heinous interlacing.

>> No.1385275

so when it supports 800x600 progressive mode it should theoretically supports 1920x1080 interlaced mode it's only 540 lines.

>> No.1385287

The phosphors used in VGA CRT monitors are generally not well suited to low refresh rates (50-60 Hz) and the dot pitch (and other factors) doesn't work too well with interlaced SDTV resolutions.

You could use a TV tuner card to get fullscreen video with a half-decent de-interlacer (like with DScaler) but it still looks like shit compared to a real CRT TV.

There are pixel clock limitations too. The horizontal resolution might be too high. And the picture size/geometry can get completely fucked up with old monitors and resolutions they are not designed for.

>> No.1385309

btw are CRT projectors any good for "gaming"? Specification on some high end ones like Sony G90 states that they can go from 15 kHz to 150 kHz so i think i could use one of these for retrogaming as well as for playing old (98' - 04' era) PC games at 2048x1536@85 Hz.

>> No.1385319

>You could use a TV tuner card to get fullscreen video with a half-decent de-interlacer (like with DScaler) but it still looks like shit compared to a real CRT TV.
I'm typing this on an HTPC->CRT HDTV and I have an SD TV card in it. Upscaled SD TV on this setup looks incredibly smooth, but the image is quite soft.

>> No.1385394

...you might actually get lucky. Even if it can't do 15khz something like that is still very cool. It will have a low dot pitch and look great at 31khz.

Get it.

>> No.1385397

Never said 60hz. Just 240p.

>> No.1385406
File: 2.20 MB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this for free but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what's wrong with it and is it fixable? It's a Sony Trinitron KV-24FV300 if that helps...

>> No.1385408


Yeah, it's one of those things where you read the specs for the monitor and see something like a Mitsubishi Megaview supports up to 1600x1200 resolution.

But when you try it in practice it won't take up the whole screen, everything gets dark and fuzzy, and the monitor makes a very alarming high pitched noise when you try sending it that res.

It's a supported mode, but not an intended one.

That said, I have heard NEC XM29 monitors do work well in interlaced 1024x768.

>> No.1386352


More like 1600*1200 anon.


Most mid 90s non-3D accelerated VGA cards support these resolutions, so it might not be a problem.

>> No.1386415
File: 234 KB, 1273x954, 6KIxz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the inside of my CRT.

>> No.1386419
File: 315 KB, 1156x900, 6KINu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I was in there was to clean and mess with the RGB cutoffs and drives, as well as focus and brightness. There was some extreme Red bleed on my 27" Trinitron, and I wanted to try to fix it.

After I finished I liked the results, however there is still a convergence issue around the corners of the monitor. Annoyingly they cemented the convergence rings in place.

>> No.1386567

>Change the angle of the TV to the side
>Screen shaking like crazy
>Put it back
>Stops shaking as much
What? I tried moving the position of any electrical device near the TV but nothing changes unless I'm moving the TV itself.

>> No.1386818

It's very likely that your TV has some dry solder joints.

>> No.1387084

>Annoyingly they cemented the convergence rings in place.
This is pretty much standard procedure so they don't move around in transport. My PVM is the same, and although it does need some adjustment (convergence and landing) I'm too scared of trying to loosen up the rings as I'll probably just make things worse.

>> No.1387214

Yeah. I've been in the backs of many arcade machines and found that to be the case. Sometimes they use a glue that can be picked off. Imagine that I may be able to take a razor blade to what is on the rings of mine.

>> No.1387259


I recall reading on another form that it is not cement, but is actually grease that hardens over time.

>> No.1387474
File: 322 KB, 1236x902, 6LnnD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the convergence rings free and played around with it for quite a while. Think it looks better.

>> No.1387731
File: 754 KB, 800x600, 1360454030492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1387748

>The phosphors used in VGA CRT monitors are generally not well suited to low refresh rates (50-60 Hz)

Some of them are because my 17-inch dot mask CRT monitor looks fine playing R-type at 512p 55hz and has noticeable phosphor trails on dark backgrounds.

>> No.1387854


>> No.1387916

Open it up and adjust Vertical and Horizontal Sync maybe? Seeing as there is no picture that's the most likely adjustment that might fix it. If not, then look to make sure that somehow the connections from the neckboard to the chassis didn't come loose and that the neckboard is firmly on the neck.

You can adjust the syncs with the monitor on, but before you go touching connections be sure you have unplugged the CRT. And if none of those things work, then probably have some bad components on the chassis that would need to be replaced.

>> No.1388159

Lucky you, guys. I lost my family's oldest three TVs to failure and senseless destruction (!). I miss the outdated dials and all that stuff. My current oldest TV is from the early '90s and has an S-video port, so yeah...

A couple of ours were like that too, and like you, I used it for a long time that started. I didn't keep any mementos from them other than the remote control of one of them. I later picked up a working TV of the same brand without a remote that I haven't set up yet, so maybe it will work with it. (I know it already works with another spare remote I have.)

>> No.1388172

Your post is part of the /vr/ experience I enjoy the most: rekindled memories.


>> No.1388175

Wish someone could have helped with this, but I don't know of any other way to deal with this than to try using a remote to get rid of it.

Sony universal remotes can be pretty cheap and might be able to replicate the functionality of the original remote. Maybe you could try one of those.

>> No.1388181


>> No.1388184

>I've been thinking about getting an S-Video cable.
For Nintendo consoles, definitely do it. But don't go for a multi-system cable; those can be unterminated and end up looking like junk.

>> No.1388194

JVC - beautiful and less common! They had some cool Transformers styling to their devices that I didn't like at the time but really miss now.

Maybe this advice is too late, but you could try using short A/V extension cables for frequent plugging/unplugging. Just leave the extensions plugged into the TV. That way you're not wearing down the TV's connectors. Or go for a nice terminated switch so you're not swapping cables all the time.

>> No.1388201

Deinterlacing/scaling causes lots of lag.

Display technologies (like CRT vs. LCD) have different pixel response times, which leads to a lesser form of lag.

Some latency can also come in the form of A/D or D/A conversion and [overly-]advanced comb filters for composite sources.

>> No.1388205

I'm posting the new /crt/ thread soon since this one is now past the bump limit; you can try re-asking there.

>> No.1388208

I bought a JVC iArt CRT untested for .99 or 1.99 and it didn't work at all.

>> No.1388212

thanks for the insight /vr/o I'll keep my fingers crossed the audio on that thing sounds beautiful.

>> No.1388216

Aww, that's a shame. I'm guessing testing wasn't possible at the original location.

>> No.1388220


