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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10661785 No.10661785 [Reply] [Original]

It aged well.

>> No.10661791


>> No.10661796

I prefer it to 2. Level design is up there with super Mario bros 3.

>> No.10661818

i prefer it and its remake to the sequel. Fighting through spoopy liminal spaces while i take a short break from people is preferable to being called a lonely loser who needs unwarranted praise from a virtual waifu door opener

did the makeup of Valve's staff become more loser between the two?

>> No.10661831

I like 2, but the first one is definitely stronger.

>> No.10661968

"cinematic experience" patient zero

>> No.10661975

I have more fun with later movie games. Half Life 1 has lots of "classic shooter" elements that I think are already vestigial by this point. Half of the game is ugly industrial Legend of Zelda in a bad way. A game running on constant novelty and gimmicks if fine. But half of the gimmicks in this game are "find the vent that leads out." Which is miserable.

Yes but cinematic experiences are good.

>> No.10661984

Wing Commander did cinematic experience years before it.

>> No.10662116

not really

>> No.10662187

games dont age

>> No.10662280

"Games don't age" is pure pedantry. Yes, you're right, games aren't (usually) changed by the passage of time as in the literal meaning of the word "aging", but anyone with half a brain can tell that what people mean when they say a game "aged poorly" is that it no longer feels as good to play as it once did.
Sometimes this is because the game was part of a fad that's since died out, sometimes its novelty on release helped paper over some flaws in its design, and sometimes later improvements to its mechanics leave older games feeling worse by comparison.
Sure the phrase can be overused by people who just aren't into older games regardless of their actual quality, but that doesn't mean the concept holds no merit.

>> No.10662285

anyone with half a braincell shouldn't use stupid phrases in the first place faglord

>> No.10662309

Play it more than once and you realize it's nothing more than a tech demo for the engine, they just hid it better than they did with Half Life 2. It also has a lot of retarded fans who mistake the feeling of them playing it when they were young, with the game actually being enjoyable. The kind of retard who thinks every game stopped being good after 2000 because all they consume is triple A slop and YouTube brain rot

>> No.10662314 [DELETED] 

ruined all FPSes for 20 years

>> No.10662324 [DELETED] 

Sup schizo
Careful of your thread will be deleted again.

>> No.10662334 [DELETED] 

>actual schizoid calling other people schizos
I would never use the phrase "aged well" even ironically, cuntflap

>> No.10662339
File: 1 KB, 100x100, 1697812933386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when a game "aged well" it means it's still good by modern game standards. Compare the first Unreal which was acceptable back then but is trash now

>> No.10662340 [DELETED] 

>zoomers loves it
>doom general loves it
Rpgcodex lost

>> No.10662349 [DELETED] 

I thought jannies rangebanned this faggot

>> No.10662351

>good by modern game standards
but the modern standards are worse

>> No.10662375

You want to break the "aged well" crowd? Point out how poorly Dark Souls "aged"

>> No.10662421

How would that do anything? Soulsbabies generally aren't the people saying every old game aged poorly. It also hasn't aged that badly. The novelty of the souls formula has since worn off but DS still holds up pretty solidly.

>> No.10662431 [DELETED] 

/v/tards will blame Sony for this but will rather kill their own mother than admit half-life and OoT were the pioneers of movie games

>> No.10662438

The other anon mentioned "modern standards" and by modern standards it's too "clunky" and too hard

>> No.10662440 [DELETED] 

>assblasted snoy
Of course, your kind ruined /vr/

>> No.10662445 [DELETED] 

thanks for proving me right

>> No.10662448 [DELETED] 

No one cares, go back to /v/

>> No.10662452

Best level?
Best weapon?
Best enemy?

>> No.10662454 [DELETED] 

you cared enough to go full rabid consolewarrior on me

>> No.10662461

>Best level?
>Best Weapon?
Gluon Gun
>Best Enemy?
HECU Marines

>> No.10662483

Most retarded take in the thread. If DS actually went against modern standards it wouldn't be so popular with modern audiences. You're just using a highly specific and stereotyped idea of modern standards to try for an epic rhetorical trick.

-I like the office complex and pretty much everything that takes place on the surface. Not as big a fan of the more industrial areas.
-Gameplaywise the marines, but overall gonna say bullsquids.

>> No.10662492

>"cinematic experience"
more like roller coaster experience

>> No.10662498

hard to decide
the revolver
either alien controller or alien grunt

>> No.10662516

I'm just pointing out what I see constantly on other boards and forums since 2008. Endless crying and whining about it being too hard, then when you compare it to modern AAA slop you see why. The games stop every five minutes to walk them through the controls or vomit exposition

>> No.10662540 [DELETED] 

I always find funny how this schizo keeps making this thread every month and not getting the replies he wants every time.

>> No.10662573 [DELETED] 

go for it
fuck this game

>> No.10662582 [DELETED] 

You will never convince /vr/, you lost

>> No.10662625 [DELETED] 

Can't wait for you to spam another gaylo thread after this.

>> No.10662646

>Best level?
Hard to decide, I love everything up to Residue Processing so much, so one of those chapters. Questionable Ethics, Surface Tension, and Lambda Core are great too.
>Best weapon?
Satchel charges
>Best enemy?
HECU Marines

>> No.10662827

as far as cinematic first person shootformers go it is definitely one of the games in the genre of all time

>> No.10663209

Surface Tension
Alien Grunt

>> No.10663458

maybe you should stop being an insecure boomer and argue with something other than nostalgia.

>> No.10663781

Not really. It sucks ass. Hence why you'll never get Half-Life 3!

>> No.10665092

Except for the intro taking too long (just like Half-Life 2), yeah.

>> No.10665286
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The intro was the best part.

>> No.10665290
File: 22 KB, 500x500, for gods sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lambda core
tau cannon

>> No.10665330

Agreed. It's one of the lamest FPS shooters ever.

>> No.10665346

*greatest fps ever

>> No.10665397

>First Person Shooter Shooter

>> No.10665468

On A Rail is shit

>> No.10665484

It aged, well...

>> No.10665497


>> No.10665547

anyone with half a braincell shouldn't use stupid terms like "faglord"
you first

>> No.10665946

Man, I only played Counter-Strike as a kid. Then one day, I noticed Counter-Strike also installed some other weird thing called Haflife...... holy. fucking. shit.

>> No.10665956

first shooter to do it right at least

>> No.10666139

>Half Life 1 has lots of "classic shooter" elements that I think are already vestigial by this point
My favourite is having the super shotgun as the standard shotgun's alt fire.

>> No.10666148

Yeah, worst game I've ever played. There are better fps games out there such as Halo, which truly outshines other fps games.

>> No.10666164

Better than the sequel, which is the worst paced fps game I've ever played.
It's a complete slog to replay because of all the locked in a room until the story and exposition dump ends.
Shit like that should be optional or in a cutscene you can skip.

>> No.10666169


>> No.10666176

It fails in comparison to shooters from before like doom, rise of the triad or system shock, and after like system shock 2. Thief came out the same year and was a superior first person experience

>> No.10666182

>SS, Thief
immersive sim garbage

>> No.10666202

>rise of the triad
That’s how you know it’s alf

>> No.10666219

Hello again, Roland

>> No.10666220

Yeah he's desperately bumping this thread for someone to agree with him.
Samefagging too.
I think the 25th anniversary broke him

>> No.10666224

The marathon/halo fag does still makes videos?

>> No.10666237

No, he developed self awaremess, realized he didn't like games anymore and leaned into his gun channel

>> No.10666345

Dunning-Kruger post.

>> No.10666395

I played it a few years ago and I had a lot of fun, I like the combat and platforming. The game handles a lot like Quake if there was a larger and more varied armory, where some guns need reloading and some don't, and with more types of enemies to fight.

But fun isn't for everyone, I suppose.

The classic shootan isn't vestigial, it's fun and energetic, it's part of why it's so enjoyable.

It's only just barely cinematic, also. People say tech demo, but that's only really accurate for the opening train ride, where they show off a lot of the stuff the engine can do, like skeletal animation and scripting, that segment is like a brag because nobody else ever did an extended in-engine cutscene like that, most devs would not build that as an in-game sequence because their engine wasn't designed to do those things.
After the train there's a little bit of wandering around, with some limited Duke3D style environmental interaction (which is all optional), but after the experiment the game is just on.
There's some times where you meet a character and they start expositioning at you, but you're virtually never held in place and made to listen, you can almost always completely ignore them and move forward without a problem, with an occasional instance of needing that NPC to do something for you.

Some people pretend like Half-Life is comparable to Metal Gear Solid 4, but that's retarded at best and disingenuous at worst.

I feel it's more suitable to call Half-Life 2 a tech demo, as the seesaw and scale puzzles are a bit on the nose, and that game actually WILL force you to stay put to listen to exposition. I think it's an ok shooter, but the levels and the gameplay isn't nearly as well crafted as the first game. Ravenholm is kind of the best part because it makes you employ a novel weapon to solve puzzles and fight enemies, the rest of the game leans heavily on conventional shootouts with Combine grunts, which aren't as fun or interesting as HECU grunts

>> No.10666419

>Best level?
Surface Tension, just barely edging out Xen and Interloper.

>Best weapon?
Gluon Gun is really fun, but you barely get to use it, so I'll say the MP5, not because it's such a wonfderful hitscan weapon (I kind of dislike how it handles in that aspect), but because of its grenade launcher. The grenades have a useful range and arc with an impact fuse, and you get a pretty reasonable amount of them throughout the game.

>Best enemy?
I like the Bullsquid a lot, but I kind of have to say the military as a whole. The grunts themselves are tough and mean, but they also use a lot of toys which add challenge and variety, anything from gun turrets, mines, and snipers, to tanks and attack helicopters. Watching them fight aliens is fun, too.

>> No.10666428

Half-Life is gayer

>> No.10666435

You are gay.

>> No.10666461

>There's some times where you meet a character and they start expositioning at you, but you're virtually never held in place and made to listen
Pretty sure there are still a few instances.
Like when the soldiers drag you, or at the teleport tower thing you have to listen some long ass exposition before you can continue.

>> No.10666535

Half-Life fags like yourself are so gay, you got half-naked pictures of Gaben on your hard drive.

>> No.10666541

Wrong. HL2 is simply annoying to replay, have you actually done it? Gimmicky shit like that only works the first time around and is a bad experience the second time since you are stuck in "no playing allowed" zones until the game decides to allow you to progress.

>> No.10666556

There's a few, yeah, but most of the time you're free to ignore the guards and scientists.

I like Rise Of The Triad quite a lot, but better than Half-Life it is not.

>> No.10666560

You can select chapters tho unlike the non Black Mesa or Source versions of the first game.

>> No.10666727

Unreal was worth it just for UT99.

>> No.10667193
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>Unreal is trash

>> No.10667496

It was so good it gave you other games like counter strike.

>> No.10667616

The shooting parts I think are fine. By "classic shooter elements" I mean things being laid out like a maze with pseudo "adventure game" logic being required to progress at various points. Also my definition of "cinematic" or "movie game" is rather loose. When I say that I pretty much mean a moment where the idea of what you're doing and experiencing is given higher priority than mechanical input. Makes sense to me, and about half of the people I explain it to.

>> No.10667731

The level and enemy design of HL1 definitely leads to much more interesting scenarios than in Half-Life 2.

>> No.10668183

No, It's super junky. Still, the gameplay is fun if you accept the glitches the games comes with. And the Deathmatch is hella fun.

>> No.10668202


>Classic Shooter vestigial
>Cinematic experience are good

Go to see a movie then. The gameplay in this game rocks and it will be better than any shitty modern game with full of physics animation for a better immersion but everything else is a monotone and lack of challenge fight before popping up a cinematic.

>> No.10668447

I love movies. I also love movie games. "Gameplay" focused video games are sometimes okay too.

>any shitty modern game with full of physics animation for a better immersion but everything else is a monotone and lack of challenge fight before popping up a cinematic.
Half-Life 2?

That game is 20 years old now. If we were getting a lot of really novel and well produced "movie games" now that would excite me, but we aren't.

>> No.10670024

ehhhh it told its story through the environment, showing rather than telling. Modern cinematic bullshit is kind of cutscene and dialogue heavy, way less natural