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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9999605 No.9999605 [Reply] [Original]

Now that /vr/ is close to getting 10 million posts, what are your proudest vidya achievements/records?

>> No.9999615

Beating Freya on Universe mode in Star Ocean 3 without cheesing it. Shit was hard, you could die any second if you weren’t careful, and the battle lasted like 30-40 minutes.
Also beating everything on Proud mode in KH2 final mix + was pretty hard.

>> No.9999620

I did ocean-fly on Super Metroid after like 20 tries with savestates. My college roommates and I were pretty wasted too and it was one of the hypest moments in my life when we all went nuts over it happening

>> No.9999629

I wore a Sega Saturn shirt outside once and a cute blonde girl with very large breasts and nice bangs complimented me on it. I've never played a single Sega Saturn game besides Sonic R.

>> No.9999641

Double Dragon II (NES), Streets of Rage 1, Castlevania Dracula X, Bloodlines on a single life
speedrun of a game I won't mention
no-lvl up of Final Fantasy VIII as a teen, before there was a single walkthrough on it (I actually made it harder on myself since I didn't know to turn enemies into cards for free APs)
Mega Man 9 no damage achievement

beating Adventure Island and 1943. Yes, just beating them.

>> No.9999645

You can safely say you've played 50% of the Saturn's library then. Take Nights Into Dreams for a spin and you've seen all the system has to offer. Dreamcast 4 lyfe yo.

>> No.9999651

Saturn Bomberman is pretty dope

>> No.9999670

That one time I, in fact, beat the game.

>> No.9999673

Legitimately unlocked all the cheats in Perfect Dark.

>> No.9999757
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Completing Mortal Kombat 1 with all characters and fighting Reptile once few years ago. I suck at fighting games so it was a pretty funny trainwreck ride spanning whole summer.

>> No.9999763

Beat a load of percieved to be difficult nes games like Batman and Double Dragon III as a young child.

>> No.9999769

>percieved to be difficult nes games like Batman and Double Dragon III

Percieved being the key word

>> No.9999770

Very impressive but
>Mega Man 9 no damage achievement
this shit is just insanity

>> No.9999772

beating truxton on pc engine in 2 continues on normal and 1 continue on easy

also 1CC contra arcade

>> No.9999774

Silly as it sounds, I'm still proud of beating Metroid 2. I was 6 years old and it was the first game I ever beat without any help.

>> No.9999776

I 100%ed F-Zero GX, probably that.

>> No.9999793
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Saving is allowed up to Wily's castle, so it's actually more like
>beat each stage individually without taking damage then beat Wily's castle without taking damage

and I already knew the game by heart before attempting it, like I knew every single enemy placement to the point I would be able to shoot with the buster before they appear at the correct height and have the bullet hit them just as they spawn, without hardly ever missing a shot. It's one of my favourite games of all time.

Still yeah it took many attempts. I think the one thing that got me the most was Magma Man during the boss rush. There is something about his pattern and his randomly chosen high and low jumps that would hit me very often, even when spamming the weakness.
webm related was the wily capsule, abusing every single weapon to get damage and get rid of as many of his shots as possible

>> No.9999808

Nodeath Dracula's Curse US with the Akama code (2nd Quest, no companions). Probably the hardest thing I'll ever do.

>> No.9999819

>It's one of my favourite games of all time.
Out of all the 40+ Mega Man games that exist, it's definitely one of the best. I'm surprised there was even an achievement for pulling this off. I could barely even beat the game normally and never attempted the hard mode but you did a 0 hit run, this truly is insane. Even considering the fact that you can save before Wily's castle

>> No.9999824

1cc ikaruga (on easy lol)
passing every 10 footer in ddr extreme except psmo

>> No.9999838
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>> No.9999861

Defeating Shin Akuma in World Tour Mode of SFA3 after 5 hours of retries.
Getting all gold medals in Armored Core Ninebreaker.

>> No.9999930

Soul Blade-SC3 1cc all on max difficulty. 2 was the easiest, 3 was the fucking hardest with that cheating AI.

I'd also pick Yugioh Capsule Monster Coliseum using only the Light starter deck. No shops, no prize monsters, no custom pieces. You have shitmons but the extra exp you're giving them kinda makes up for their stats. From what I could remember Fiend Reflection's a tank, Larvas becomes busted when you evolve it, and Skelengel could hit stuff far away. Maybe someday I'll do it with the other decks and make a writeup.

>> No.9999935

I beat Sonic 3 and Knuckles as a kid and had fun.

>> No.9999936

I beat battletoads

thank you fromsoft for inspiring me to play hard games

>> No.9999937

1cc in some arcade shoot 'em ups like Raiden 2 or Gradius 3

>> No.10000004 [DELETED] 
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Kraig GET

>> No.10000014

Shit get for a shit board.

>> No.10000017

>The get is a Sharty-tier glownigger meme that hasn't even been popular for 12 full hours
>Immediately pruned because of how embarrassing it was
What a disgrace.

>> No.10000021

Am I supposed to care that the jannies got their fee fees hurt, didn’t even see the get

>> No.10000024 [DELETED] 

Did janny delete the gets?

>> No.10000026

baka can't mind the 10000000th post anywhere

>> No.10000030

I wanna be a 3d ghost in your dream

>> No.10000032 [DELETED] 

oh so they deleted it to avoid (You)s. now I don't feel bad

>> No.10000035 [DELETED] 

The first did not exist, this board skips dubs. Only zeros get dubs.

>> No.10000047 [DELETED] 

where's the 10000000th post then?

>> No.10000048

it's better than many other things it could have been

>> No.10000049 [DELETED] 

Check the archives (warosu/desuarchive)

>> No.10000051

the picture was cringe but at least the text was based

>> No.10000052 [DELETED] 

>Only zeros get dubs.

>> No.10000386

>Now that /vr/ is close to getting 10 million posts
half of which were by a single australian.

>> No.10000641 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10000706 [DELETED] 


>> No.10000727

desuarchive has 10 mil, that is all i will say

>> No.10000775 [DELETED] 


>> No.10001272

not too hard compared to the other anons itt but probably the hardest things i've done in my vidya life:
>dmc1 sparda + ebony&ivory only, no items, dmd
>actually beat yugioh forbiden memories without any cheat, no raigeki, no equipment, began the game with a dark hole in the deck and decided to not roll again because that would be cheating, also never bothered to farm magic cards

>> No.10001394
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>> No.10001403

beating NES TMNT

>> No.10001409
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get fucked zoomers

>> No.10001427 [DELETED] 


>> No.10001538 [DELETED] 

desuarchive dot org slash vr/thread/9999605#p10001409

>> No.10001581

What route did you take and can you make a webm of how you handle Trevor's clone?

>> No.10001874

Now do GX's story mode in the hardest difficulty

>> No.10001875 [DELETED] 


>> No.10001915
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the most memorable one for me was getting all platinums in Blast Corps, though I've probably done a few harder ones than that since, that was the game that made me feel like I could 100% anything if I put my mind to it.

>> No.10002963 [DELETED] 

Anyone got a link to the 10,000,000 post? Why does it seem like nobody really cares? I remember back when it was a big deal when a board hit big post number milestones.

>> No.10002965 [DELETED] 

Tranny Janny insta deleted it because the sharty lives rent free in xir head

>> No.10003687
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I got the penultimate level in Captain silver without the fairy spell powerup, so combat is really fucking hard

especially when you have to fight pirates on a 2 tile big boat in the middle of the ocean

>> No.10003697 [DELETED] 


>> No.10003698

Full golden armor on bomberman 64

>> No.10003702

I was the first documented person to ever discover the "bombchu trick" in Ocarina of Time, allowing for things like exploration of Dampe's Grave without a timer. This was in the early 2000s, right when everybody on GameFAQs was obsessed with finding El Puerco.

>character blocks path and will engage you in conversation, can't walk past them normally
>throw a bombchu past them
>z-target bombchu
>follow bombchu
>walk right past them, enjoy your sequence break

To this day I'm not sure if it was ever more widely used, but my kid self felt like I'd discovered gravity by the way people treated me on the forum back in the day.

Also confirmed the existence of the hidden wall face boss near the end of Secret of Evermore (and confirmed that it's based on a randomized three-digit code), as well as discovering some weird way of viewing parts of the game code by talking to people in the market city with the dog in a certain way. Not sure if that ever got preserved either since I was the only person on earth who loved Evermore.

>> No.10003912

beating super ghouls and ghosts, true ending, no save states

>> No.10003919


>> No.10004782

1CC Final Fight 2 and 3 on expert. Not particularly hard, but still.