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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.33 MB, 3760x2110, GameCube-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9996524 No.9996524 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really that much of a joke back then?

I was there, and I don't recall it being mocked all that much (even online). Most of the shit-flinging was between the PS2 and Xbox camps.

>> No.9996536

Only with poorfag single-system people and Anti nintendo "mature gamers".
My friends and I were all idort and played tons of gamecube

>> No.9996549
File: 51 KB, 681x511, 001-super-mario-bros-729677-e2e4d41c5fdb46359ca9f5a36366db6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was mostly older gamers mocking it because it couldn't do online very well. I was younger at the time and only really cared about playing Mario, Sonic, Smash Bros, etc, so I defended it at the time. This is of course also before the Wii when Nintendo's actual IP's were eclipsed by stuff like Wii Fit. In hindsight it's just okay. GBA and DS are probably better for the most part, especially if you like 2D games

>> No.9996571

I mean it looked pretty goofy compared to the competition, and the minidiscs heavily limited its multiplat selections. Online was shit, and had a lot of noticeable shovelware and baby games. It was mocked for good reason, and only seems like a great console in hindsight with its successors being much worse

>> No.9996572
File: 222 KB, 258x387, 1666709664021869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.9996573

i remember people making fun of it cause it looked like a purse.

>> No.9996579

yeah at the time it was a gay console for fags, which is on brand

>> No.9996603

Mine was a Mario Golf machine. literally the only game I ever bothered to get for it.

>> No.9996610

Honestly yes. It was a big fucking L for Nintendo. And I say this having had one and greatly enjoyed it. It was almost shameful to talk about it tbqh.
The Wii was better but it was still pretty cringe. Nintendo didn't get acceptable again until the Switch, when they basically settled on a "yeah it's casual but idc" image.
I guess societal trend was too tryhard in the early 00s that it just favoured the "le hardcore serius gaymr" image.

>> No.9996619

>Wii was better
Wii was significantly worse, it just didn't look quite as silly

>> No.9996627

Yeah, the Wii looks like a kinoludo because we have the hindsight of only talking about the good games on the console, but the shovelware ratio was insane at the time. I love the Wii and probably have 100-120 games including WiiWare on my batocera box, but even scrolling through the rvz lists I laugh at how bad some of the games are, do we really need a dozen Cabella hunting games

>> No.9996634

Yeah the only game with any appeal was smash melee

>> No.9996637

I hate the name, always have always will
just terrible

>> No.9996672

Doesn't it mean "peace" in Japan?

>> No.9996813
File: 84 KB, 800x800, GB-60A-3-Inch-Retro-Handheld-Game-Console-Player-with-3-Emulators-for-Genesis-for-Nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned that Nintendo's strength has always been handhelds, after the SNES their best systems were probably GBA and DS. The Wii was an attempt to catch up with their handhelds using the Gunpei Yokoi business model which at the time worked, but immediately after we got Wii U which tanked even harder than the GCN. Their handhelds by comparison have all pretty much been A+ since the Game Boy.

>> No.9996818

平和 doesn't sound like 'we' to me.

>> No.9996865

It's not a Japanese word. It's a made-up word intended to sound foreign. The sound doesn't even really exist in standard Japanese.

>> No.9996995

I never had a negative experience playing any of the consoles.
Wait… I take that back. I would get neck cramps from playing these at Walmart, while my mom would shop for clothes and groceries.

>> No.9997001 [DELETED] 


>> No.9997007

zoomer detected opinion rejected

>> No.9997072

>Most of the shit-flinging was between the PS2 and Xbox
Dreamcast bros, we're still forgotten...

>> No.9997076

I’m fine with that, just look at the OOT threads on here

>> No.9997087

It’s not even console war shit, the flagship IP’s went from legendary (OOT, SM64, Starfox, Goldeneye) to either mediocre or nonexistent.

Even completely ignoring the PS2 and Xbox, the library was a step down from the highs of the SNES and N64.

Like what did it get? Kevin Costner’s Water World starting Link, Mario cleaning up brown slop, and a six hour tech demo where you vacuum ghosts?

>> No.9997121 [DELETED] 

I was forced into alcohol treatment back in 2003 for a DUI, and the Gamecube+ Midway's arcade Treasures saved my sanity and my life, partial credit anyway.
Then throw in the Zelda's Collector's Disc and you got something amazing even before you get the the rest of the library.
Brats with overpowered PCs that they don't use except for rape games can fuck off.

>> No.9997129

I don't remember shit flinging in general. PS2 was so overwhelmingly dominant.

>> No.9997148

> Brats with overpowered PCs that they don't use except for rape games can fuck off.

That’s a very specific subsection of people to bring up out of nowhere anon

>> No.9997161

You're not saying I'm wrong.

>> No.9997169 [DELETED] 

>to bring up out of nowhere
Also the topic of the thread is that the GC was a joke, which is was only to those I described, but you're being your favorite word: "obtuse", so you're pretending to be wit-retarded, where you pretend you don't get, while acting superior in the worst reddit way.
Go back.

>> No.9997304

I hate the GCN but love the Wii. It took awhile for the Wii to grow on me, but I consider it one of Nintendo's best consoles. I would not rank it above the SNES, but it is better than the N64. It's technically not retro though, but some of my favorite Wii games are Pandora's Tower (probably my #1 Wii game), Little King's Story, Endless Ocean 1&2 (which inspired me to get my scuba diving license), Harvest Moon Animal Parade (one of the best titles in the series), Rune Factory Frontier (Runey cheat is obligatory), Super Mario Galaxy 2, etc. I never got around to playing Zack and Wiki, Fragile Dreams, or the Sin & Punishment remake, but I bet they're good.
What did the GCN have? Nothing really. Just some overrated titles like WW. I think Melee is basically the only good GCN game.
Regardless, it's time Nintendo dies and becomes a third party developer.

>> No.9997312

Literally the ONLY reason anyone over the age of 10 bought a gamecube was for RE4. Which then proceeded to get ported to everything else anyways. The only other game of note was Eternal Darkness and maybe Geist.
The console was dirt cheap and was popular as a Christmas present for grandchildren because of that but the only system seller it had was ripped away from it less than a year later.

>> No.9997317

it was and remains the best-looking console of that group by far - Xbox looks like a particularly ugly VCR that's inexplicably trying to be cool, and PS2 is just a normal-looking piece of computing hardware with little character
the GameCube unit is very elegant, it's cute but not cutesy, it's quite nice
only the handle is a bit questionable, but even that part of it kinda works I think
you'd really have to be a fool to prefer a big dumb X with neon-green accents meant to excite twelve-year-old boys to this great little purse shape
but that's gamers for you

>> No.9997323

Double Dash was the best game on the console

>> No.9997324

o yeah I forgot you too when rating consoles' looks just now - Dreamcast looks pretty nice I'd say, it's up there with the GameCube (but still below it)
it's got an ugly controller tho

>> No.9997328

>Like what did it get?
Pikmin and Monkey Ball were enough for me - beautiful games those

>> No.9997343

Well OP, think back on how the landscape was during the early 2000s, from 2001-2005. The PS2 was hot. It had a DVD player. It had the normie sports titles and shooters. It had all the 3rd party support. It was coming off the success of PS1 and the general dominance of the market. PS2 was ubiquitous. So, all you really heard kids talk about in every school in the US back then past kindergarten was about the PS2. It was the "cool" console, not unlike the Genesis back during the '90s, but with actual acclaim to back it up.

Then... You have GameCube.

At this point, Nintendo had built up this family friendly image that kids grew up with, and they wanted to grow out of this. Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, all these things were immediately turned to cringe after the turn of the millenium. And Nintendo's bone-headed decisions didn't help. Zelda? Gets a realistic tech demo only to then do a 180° and use a kiddy cel-shaded look. Mario? Suddenly has a goofy-ass water gun strapped to his back cleaning up literal shit. Pokémon? Fell off hard after Gen 2 where it got its lunch eaten by Yu-Gi-Oh. This is a small sampling of how disastrous Nintendo was becoming.

With all this going on, what kid would be caught dead on Team Nintendo during those years? Simple. Losers, nerds, freaks. "That kid". If you were only a hardcore Nintendo fan in grade school, you were very unpopular and bullied a lot. Things gradually got even worse as ghetto nigger culture reached an all-time pitch fever by the mid aughts thanks to rap music and the release of San Andreas in '04. By 4th grade, even white kids wanted to drag their pants across the ground smoking weed, pretend-shooting glocks while saying "nigga" after every sentence. Bing bing wahoo didn't stand a chance.

And now, several decades later, these same children are now grown up ineffectual millenial manchildren, reminiscing about the GameCube and fabricating this totally made-up scenario where it was a good era for them. It wasn't.

>> No.9997350

In retrospect Wind Waker aged a lot better than wigger simulators.

>> No.9997370

I got all my gaming info from Nintendo Power at the time it came out, so I thought it was the best thing ever.

However whilst I did play the shit out of Melee and Star Wars Rogue Squadron nothing else really caught my interest. I ended up playing it less than original Xbox

>> No.9997384

It hasn't, Wind Waker shipped unfinished and its art style is half baked at best, it's an utter chore to play and at no point is it fun. Then you have something like psi ops the mindgate conspiracy, you're a shaved head looking slim shady with brain powers that lets you levitate people 10 feet off the ground, set them on fire with your mind and throw them into a squad of their friends and watch them all get set on fire. That's still as fun today as it was then.

>> No.9997387

it didn't have grand theft auto

>> No.9997390

>it's an utter chore to play and at no point is it fun
It's a lot more fun than a generic grey console shooter.

>> No.9997394

Nah it sucks from start to finish, sounds like you're afraid to try new games so I'll have a blast playing Urban Chaos and you'll keep trying to find the fun in wind waker (doesn't exist)

>> No.9997397

Wind Waker is far from a perfect game, but it's certainly a lot more engaging than generic console shooters.

>> No.9997401

Nobody has named any generic console shooters, just games you haven't played.

>> No.9997404

You're clearly a fan of really generic and really boring console shooters.

>> No.9997407

I like fun games :) Wind Waker is not fun so I do not like it. I can see how it might be fun to people who do not play a lot of games.

>> No.9997409

>I can see how it might be fun to people who do not play a lot of games
The irony of this coming from the console FPS fan.

>> No.9997412

Do you struggle to use analog sticks? I know Nintendo was slow to adapt to them so it makes sense the players would have trouble with them.

>> No.9997413

I struggle to stay interested in boring console FPS games because I've played much better games in the same genre.

>> No.9997414

>I struggle
Clearly, stick to Zelda it is more your speed.

>> No.9997418

It's just funny of all the games to praise while insulting Wind Waker you choose console FPS titles, the genre of games even more simplistic and easy than Wind Waker.

>> No.9997420

They're more fun, you came out yourself as threatened by them: >>9997350 wind waker was a generation behind and remains controversial for starting up the zelda cycle as a meme among zelda fans. Today its only brought up as an attempt to gaslight people into believing the games are anything but bad.

>> No.9997424

>They're more fun
They legitimately have less going on in terms of mechanics and depth than Wind Waker. If you find that shit fun I don't know what to say other than play more games.

>> No.9997429

For gamers it was great but everyone wanted gta, that was like the brickwall for GC but I think it could have ran better than ps2. People who grew up with nes and genesis were in their 20s now. I had great times with monkey ball multiplayer but trying to tell those casual gamers about a great game on the childish looking console didn't garner any interest. Mario and Zelda were seen as a bit like relics of the past for people who need to grow up which is strange to think these days, I had a bit of that attitude because the expectation was these super interesting games with amazing technology were coming out soon like splinter cell. Time has shown has those hyped ps2 and xbox games don't hold up that well. GC was starting to feel a bit dead but then Fzero came out and I was super impressed but it was too late in the eyes of the public. I think the failure of rareware to deliver the last 10 years made people appreciate the style of nintendo games from back then.

Like true crime and all that, freedom to drive around a whole city was still new at the time.

I brought one because they were so incredibly cheap but I did like it. Still this console got no respect. Later on this system got snes emulators that ran almost perfectly. I was excited for Halo, a fps that you get to drive a car, how amazing but it plays pretty badly these days.

>> No.9997509

No, I’m not joking, that’s an oddly specific subsection of people to target.

>> No.9997515 [DELETED] 

No one but idiots like you play those rape games, kid, now leave.

>> No.9997524 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 3400x2300, IMG_0817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that this website also serves as a daycare for genuinely mentally ill people

>go back

No one cares about muh sekrit club faggot

>> No.9997534 [DELETED] 

>I forgot that this website also serves as a daycare for genuinely mentally ill people
No that's reddit, the site you came from. Now leave. You've added nothing to this thread.
Either stick to the topic or shut the fuck up. You're not cool and no one here thinks you are or will ever think you are.

>> No.9997546

i don't remember anyone ever saying they disliked the gamecube. everyone wanted one when it was new and everyone wants one now, even if they're in denial.

>> No.9997549 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 5000x2239, IMG_0818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped for /r/4chan btw :)

>> No.9997557

rape games is kino tho, you got filtered by god tier rape games

>> No.9997567

>rape games is kino tho
This is /vr/, not /v/, anon.

>> No.9997574

In an era where barely anyone even played games online...

>> No.9997578

Ya it kind of sucked. Nintendo kept making really bad controllers and no games. Maybe if there's another controller for it and you need fzero and star wars that badly

>> No.9997583

>Nintendo kept making really bad controllers
Switch isn't retro yet, anon.
The GC controller is just about perfect.