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File: 130 KB, 1280x720, best-genesis-rpgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9994715 No.9994715 [Reply] [Original]

crazy how nothing can top these sega genesis rpg's to this day

>> No.9994721

Auster thread

Auster thread

>> No.9994723

Problem with Phantasy Star is that it was a very contemporary anime game. Since late 80s and early 90s anime was awesome, the game's vibe was awesome. But as time went on and it became a 2000s anime series, it started to be really lame, as one would expect.

>> No.9994809

Imagine playing faggy weeb shite>>9994715

>> No.9994812

OP is a faggot

>> No.9994835
File: 163 KB, 463x655, Popful Mail cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9994836

The waifufag's YS3

>> No.9994837
File: 148 KB, 640x1090, 4920_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one (1) time I will defend Saturn

>> No.9994851

God damn do I still have the trauma 30 years later of all the grinding PS4 made me do. Maybe I was just a weak ass kid but I remember that game made you GRIND

>> No.9994854

You probably were intimidated and overgrinding. There's only 2 places in the game where a grind may be necessary; right before Dio so that you can actually take his hits, and before the final dungeon.

>> No.9994923

Monster World IV mogs that shit.

Shit compared to the Zelda-likes that the Sega Exodus had to offer (Light Crusader, Beyond Oasis, Crusader of Centy).

Fatal Labyrinth is underrated as fuck and still the best console roguelike. Toejam & Earl is quite good as well, especially in co-op.

>> No.9995171

Just because they use nuyen doesn't mean Shadowrun is weeb.

>> No.9995201

He doesn't call the Mega Drive by the wrong name.

>> No.9995212

Genesis' ecosystem.

>> No.9995236

>Imagine playing faggy weeb shite

>> No.9995508

Imagine being so young that the cyperpunk genre is "weeb shite" to you.

>> No.9995737

Well I still need to beat these games. Which would you guys recommend to start with?

>> No.9995761

shining force 2

>> No.9995952

>all the grinding PS4 made me do. Maybe I was just a weak ass kid
Maybe. I was around 20 when I played it, and didn't grind at all. The other three games had way more grinding.

>> No.9995995
File: 34 KB, 400x400, ZqDS8Abi_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star IV is the easiest of the three, so start there.

>> No.9996001

I was sort of surprised to find out that the Phantasy Star game on the Genesis I never played actually let you progress the story to the point that you played as a character and then later, that character's kids and their friends, and people didn't like that. People would think that was awesome now.

>> No.9996134

Phantasy Star I and SF2, alongside Landstalker, make the trinity of amazing SEGA Rpg's. Shadowrun is pretty good too.

>> No.9996503

>doesn't mention Rings of Power

>> No.9996527

People didn't like Phantasy Star III because it was a buggy mess that felt like a massive swerve from the stories of the first two games. The generations thing was one of the few bits people thought was cool.

>> No.9996694

That isn't why people don't like Phantasy Star 3. They don't like it because it has terrible dungeon design, terrible gameplay (it is incredibly easy), quite uninteresting story.

>> No.9996701

Popful mail is nowhere near as good as any of those 3 games and I wouldn't even call SF2 all that amazing.

Picking that over Legend if Oasis is hilarious.

>> No.9996702

>he tries to justify his faggot weeb shite to validate himself on a board full of 40 year old virgins
Sad! Touch some grass, grandpa.

>> No.9996706

You should replay it. I ignored it way too long and only played it about five years ago. One of the things that impressed me the most was that I just went through, explored everywhere and did sidequests when they came up but I never once had to stop and grind anywhere. To me that is perfect difficulty for an rpg which is very rare.

>> No.9996715

Not him but cyberpunk has almost all western roots. The Shadowrun Genesis game is based on the American tabletop role-playing game and made by an American company. Sorry dude, but you are turbo retarded.

>> No.9996728

>faggot anime tranny calling anyone else retarded

>> No.9996731

Try understanding what you're even talking about next time before you act like a dipshit.

>> No.9996736

D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is really great. Probably my favorite Genesis RPG

>> No.9997123

I don't consider grinding "bad". But I also quickly map out levels in my mind (or even on paper if its too complex like it is in PS2) and try to get to locations as quick as possible so I'm usually under leveled compared to someone who explores. Dio has a hard check to your party. He does massive AoE damage every turn. If you aren't strong enough, you just die. So I had to grind a bit for him. I don't consider this "bad design" or anything. If anything, I consider complaints about grinding ridiculous given how absolutely nothing grinding in 16 bit games is compared to modern games.

>> No.9997153

Opinion discarded

>> No.9997184

I agree in general, grinding itself isn't bad if it's not excessive. And indeed if you are trying to get through dungeons quick as possible I could see some rough spots in there. To me it's a personal definition that a perfectly balanced rpg is one where if you explore each new area fully but don't stop to grind intentionally then the bosses you encounter along the way should be hard but beatable by the skin of your teeth.

The best example to me was Lunar 2 on Sega CD where multiple boss fights would use up all my items and magic and just when it seemed I'd lose the boss dies. Down to the most perfect fighting Zophar's final form ended with every item being used, only Hiro left alive with no MP left, one attack away from death and wins the fight with a normal attack. That's incredibly rare though.

>> No.9997236

I remember they hyped the shit out of this back in the gaming magazines of the day

>> No.9997246

I’ve been sperging out on all these Final Fantasy games and you’re right - it’s about time for a Sega RPG reunion tour

>> No.9997375

Do you miss a lot by not playing 1-3? I've never played any, but mostly hear about how 3 and 4 are really good.

>> No.9997380

You miss some good games. PS2 is one of the craziest JRPGs I've ever played. Downright sadistic dungeon design, cool 80s anime aesthetic, killer music, cool story. I honestly like it as much as 4. If you don't like Dungeon Crawlers, though, this is essentially one that is overhead view instead of first person.
A lot of people like PS1, too.
3 is widely considered the worst game, because it feels half assed and half finished. A lot of cool ideas that are either poorly executed or not really executed at all (multiple generation stories sure is a cool idea, too bad only Rhys has a character or real story).

>> No.9997445

Thanks, I might have gotten 2 and 3 mixed up?
They look cool, although I'm not too familiar with JRPG/Dungeon Crawlers. I want to give them a shot. Maybe I'll just start with 1, seeing as my experience with Master System is pretty limited anyway, I want to try more of its games.
Back to OP though; I need to play Shadowrun too. Always hear good things and it's been on my list for a while.

>> No.9997773

>replace Zio with Dio
Darkness would fall over the Algol system forever.

>> No.9997782

PS4 is a more accessible PS2.
If someone remade PS2 in PS4's engine, that would be great.