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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 792x599, 792px-PSX-Memory-Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9993186 No.9993186 [Reply] [Original]

>permanently kills video game difficulty

>> No.9993190

Why couldn't the Sony system have internal battery like Saturn did?

>> No.9993208

Because storing saves on a console battery is terrible

>> No.9993210

Games did come with batteries before the PS1, retard.

>> No.9993216
File: 50 KB, 600x351, nesgamewithbattery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larping zoomer

>> No.9993218

>Games did come with batteries before the PS1, retard.
only some games did. saving wasn't standard until the PS. and the 3rd and 4th gen games that did have saving were piss easy.

>> No.9993232

>only some games did.
And only some games needed the memory card. Have some self respect and shut your pie hole.

>> No.9993513

What about batteries, retard

>> No.9993516

He wasn't born back then so he doesn't know.

>> No.9993520

Game difficulty: being dead since creation of infinite continues. And now, even more dead with extra banana flavour!

>> No.9993528

lmao this is funnier than claiming the ps2 sold because of muh dvd player. the copers are on their last legs it seems

>> No.9993736

Heh, that's a good thing, hehe.

>> No.9993753

You obbiously never owned a saturn. Changing a battery is the same it dying you lose everything.

>> No.9993770

Imagine playing Final Fantasy 7-9 with a password system.

>> No.9993779 [DELETED] 

That's not a pic of the bing bing wahoo logo
Quit while you're behind kiddo. You're just embarrassing yourself.
>Changing a battery is the same it dying you lose everything.
Underage, ESL, and retarded. The unholy trinity of the zoom zoom.

>> No.9993793

>playing PC FPS game
>take two steps forward
>open door and take two more steps forward

>> No.9993796

When you cut the power to the memory, yes, you will lose your save...

>> No.9993809

>only some games did. saving wasn't standard until the PS.
True and in fact even on the PS1 many early games used passwords when you completed a level and you wrote them down, e.g G-POLUCE , this was still in some games as an artifact of test in PS2 games. However save games had been the norm on 8 bit computers, the amiga, atari st and the 286/386/486 up all sony did was bring a nice function from the computer gaming side to the console tard universe.

>> No.9993814

Tge PS2 spld for multiple readons but it sold millions of units frpm retailers that also sold and rented DVDs and then PS2 games. The PS2 like the PS1 was simply better than the competition for multiple reasons but DVD was defnitely one of them

>> No.9993817

Chill, snoy. OP is talking about memory cards in general probably.

>> No.9993819

Now this is hardcore gaming

>> No.9993827

Stop bumping your garbage thread.

>> No.9993831

If the difficulty of your game comes from having to write down passwords, your game is absolute trash, kinda like your thread.

>> No.9993908

First. No. SRAM will keep its memory for quite a while "when you cut the power to the memory". Second, when (You) "cut the power" it becomes a (You) problem. Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.9994057

Because it's drained so fast it dies instantly when you don't look at it and replacing the battery DELETES THE SAVES.

>> No.9994081
File: 1 KB, 240x210, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you dumb nigger, know what pic related is?

>> No.9994162
File: 49 KB, 572x379, beatoffthegamdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doom is so easy bro
>what do you mean I wasn't supposed to save every 3 steps

>> No.9994182

>implying this ever affected anyone

>> No.9994239

It never affected anyone because nobody bought a Saturn.
Hah, gotem.

>> No.9994550

>Saturn: Here's a stop-gap save method to last you until you buy a memory cartridge
>PlayStation: Fuck you buy a memory card right now
Yeah I'm thinking Saturn is based

>> No.9994557
File: 38 KB, 620x387, 1683331951598233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid brings his memory card to school
>steal it

>> No.9994562 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 700x700, GitGud_Front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.9994581

Many games don't support cartridge save at all. Probably a majority even.

>> No.9994586

You forgot all the snes games with built in save batterys.

Snes games without them are also mostly easy compared to genesis.

>> No.9994619

I don't see how saving every 3 feet is skillful.

>> No.9994640

full retard argument

>> No.9994641


Designing a game that would actually be challenging requires skill. The fools who made Doom put the burden of creating difficulty on the player, even though in a video game it's a computer's job to provide difficulty, not a human's. It's completely pointless for the human to have to constantly maintain a policy of keeping the game interesting when the programmers could very easily have stuck in any sort of simple roguelike-style automatic save deletion system to force players (unless they consciously went out of their way to cheat) to use save files only as session-ending bookmarks and not as history-rewriting time travel destinations that let everybody easily smother baby Hitler instead of having to contend with powerful adult mecha-Hitler. The stupid casual-level developers didn't have the skill at appreciating games to even notice that, so they didn't implement it, and as a result all players of their otherwise generally good game suffer. The game is utterly, needlessly broken by its awful save system and every interesting or entertaining run through it absolutely must be an artificial challenge run, the sort of thing a speedrunner would do to make a played-out game interesting again. Doom is played-out from the start, before you even install it. That sucks, and it isn't anon's fault.

>> No.9994646

(actually I lost track of which side of the argument I was responding to there, but whatever, you can see which side I'm on and my points stand - fuck permissive save systems, they are trash)

>> No.9994972

I agree with this.

>> No.9995121

Because battery backed RAM sucks and Sony didn't care that it was cheaper.

The reason why the Saturn's battery died so fast was because they also used it for the RTC module, same reason why Gen 2 pokemon games die in like 2 years.

>> No.9995158

Look at this useless cunt criticising the makers of one of the greatest video games in games history from his perch of knot even knowing save games had been around since 8 bit computers in the late 70s early 80s. What a retard.

>> No.9995163

Its not my thread you whining bore

>> No.9995175

That would be the SNES

>> No.9995289


>> No.9995320

Zelda II and the first two Dragon Quest games are not exactly piss easy.

>> No.9995541

Different design philosophy. The Saturn was just reusing the Sega CD's setup of internal sram/external backup and Sega didn't see any reason to change that aspect. Sony wanted the PS1 to be lean and cheap so they dropped internal saving entirely, instead giving you two memory card ports to work with. The upside is that this made managing save files way, way easier to do compared to previous consoles, but it also made memory cards an essential purchase to factor in and that messed up a lot of things for consoles until internal saving came back in the HD era.