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File: 389 KB, 1200x1600, vice city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9991687 No.9991687 [Reply] [Original]

I've played Vice City for over 20 years but I have combined about 45 minutes of gameplay between GTAIII and GTA:SA combined. I never got into those two titles because VC was the new game when I got PS2, and I was burnt out on it by the time SA came out.
Nowadays I'm wondering what would be the better experience: modded VC since I've only played vanilla, or just go play one of the other two PS2 GTA titles. What do you prefer in that scenario?

>> No.9991719

Here, enjoy: https://fitgirl-repacks.site/grand-theft-auto-the-original-trilogy/

>> No.9991753

3 is the only good one

>> No.9991806

I finished it and can't remember a single thing about its story. I mean, I still could remember two or three things about GTA1.

not OP

>> No.9991815

>Mute retard survives a bullet to the head
>Wants revenge so works for criminals who know he's a player controlled demigod that can't die and still double cross him anyway
>After the mute retard accidentally the whole of Liberty City he settles down with the don's daughter
>Seconds after she opens her mouth he blows her brains out
>Roll credits

>> No.9991867

I agree

>> No.9991878

what are you asking? to play vc modded or to play vanilla III/SA?

III is pretty boring imo. VC basically makes it obsolete. I will get plenty of hate but it's true.
SA is worth diving into but it took me a few tries to get past the first area. Game really slows down when it makes you do these monotonous gang wars early on only to completely abandon it and all the other RPG elements.
It was cool when it came out but definitely feels tacked on and pointless these days.

>> No.9991898

>who know he's a player controlled demigod that can't die
I don't think that part is explained in stroy, and it was her wife, and she kind of fucked everything up for him anyways. Well, after it was already fucked up.

>> No.9991958
File: 2.43 MB, 640x480, fpv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First person view mod is really good (as long as you don't collect ice cream factory money)

>> No.9992231

What is it with Cherry Popper breaking the entire game

>> No.9992291
File: 34 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucks the game up

>> No.9992468

I would say play through San Andreas once but don't bother scouring the map to collect anything because that is frustrating and unrewarding, unlike in Vice CIty.

>> No.9992512

something so satisfying about getting it to work

>> No.9992527


Play GTA 3. SA sucks

>> No.9992548

They saw a man who was constantly bumping off high ranking mob and cartel members, leaving a trail of burned out wrecks and dead cops all over Liberty city, and they thought, yeah, better try and whack that guy! Obviously they didn't know the meta, but you would still have to be a total moron to fuck with Claude.

>> No.9992558

I'd say play the other two, or try Vice City Stories and Liberty City Stories.

>> No.9992650
File: 1.67 MB, 1511x2140, vice city stories pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very angry this doesn't exist

>> No.9992654

>emulate PS2/PSP
Owning the game is good too but still

>> No.9992810

Sir. Sir. That's illegal.

>> No.9992824
File: 56 KB, 1200x900, D_TKUdgX4AItQUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9992828


>> No.9993582

Same, why VCS, LCS and RDR never got a PC port is a mystery to me. Maybe one they, since Definitive Edition sold well.

>> No.9993594

RDR barely functions on consoles, VCS and LCS only got ported to PS2 because it's free money.

>> No.9993614

so many racists on this website

>> No.9993617

Thank God.

>> No.9993618

what do you mean by barely function? never played it but was always interested in it

>> No.9993623
File: 264 KB, 1000x526, The-Warriors-Remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Warriors!

>> No.9993638

>he blows her brains out
I always thought he commits suicide.

>> No.9993641

It may be Rockstar's most broken game from that era, at least the PS3 version. Not unbeatable but some features like fast travels just don't work, you get in the wagon and controls lock up, same with the wanted posters side mission. The zombie DLC was so broken I couldn't even complete it.
Overall I did enjoy my time in New Austin.

>> No.9993692


>> No.9993747

Wasn’t that a ps3 thing tho? I know elder scrolls Skyrim was unplayable for months for ps3.

Anyway, why not try VC stories like the others suggest if VC is ur fav. Thanks to the anon who linked the mod going to check that out.

>> No.9993761

>muh racism
Most of them are Brazilian or Indian. Only brain dead hippies like yourself believe in equality.
RDR wasn't barely functional, the anon is just regurgitating second hand information he got from a YouTube video. There was something about the way RDR was coded that makes it difficult to port, that's why there was no PS4 or XB1 remaster like with GTA V.
>Always thought he killed himself
Are you not thinking of Postal 2? Dude knew it takes two shots to the head to kill anyone in Unreal 2 games.

>> No.9993824 [DELETED] 

Racism is privilege plus power, pee oh cee can’t be racist

>> No.9993979

VC had more soul. Even on release GTA3's setting was dull

>> No.9993995

That was the entire point of Liberty City. It's a shithole.

>> No.9994978

I think the setting is perfect. Just urban decay, government housing and industrial hell with some skyscrapers and a casino in the middle.

>> No.9995214

I think that's largely your imagination at work. GTA3's map is mostly nondescript buildings that could be anything. It's Generic City, USA

>> No.9995283

no its way better than the retarded neon pink everywhere le heckin 80s cringe

>> No.9995372

Imagination was a part of experiencing old games though

>> No.9995386

san andreas is the best ps2 gta

>> No.9995503
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories_SLUS-21590_20230614013341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it emulates on pcsx 2 no problem pic related

>> No.9996094

No it sucks ass, it's easily the worst one out of big 3
Setting is cool, story is lame, and mission design is horrible and straight up unfair in some missions

>> No.9996101

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.9996105
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (770).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably better than some shitty old PC port which barely works.
I could never get GTA 3 Anniversary Edition working properly on Windows 10. Even after installing patches and shit.

>> No.9996110

Stop baiting me off topic, faggot.
Doesn't it run at like 25fps though? I'd go with PSP version if you're going to emulate. Not like you need camera control in 3D era GTA games anyway. I know there was a mod for Liberty City stories to run on IIIs engine for PC, but last I heard Take Two nuked it.

>> No.9996118

>cant die
The doctors only cost $100 if i remember correctly. Thats the America we want

>> No.9996229

>Doesn't it run at like 25fps though?
Only in europe

>> No.9996240

Most TVs were 60hz by the time the PSP games got ported, so I'm thinking this is bullshit.

>> No.9996268

>the don's daughter

>> No.9996301

>VC basically makes it obsolete. I will get plenty of hate but it's true.
I agree, bikes, helicopters, better music, better missions, good twist at the ending, its really a good game. Its worth playing III just to see what they made with the little they had at the time.
>SA is worth diving into but it took me a few tries to get past the first area.
same, the game starts getting fun when you get to San Fierro, never cared about the gangs and think sweet is an ungrateful piece of shit, hating CJ just because he didnt want to waste his life smoking crack and painting walls

>> No.9996316

>Game really slows down when it makes you do these monotonous gang wars early on only
there is only one mandatory gang wars mission

>> No.9996323

Having played the original trilogy recently, it's all a complete mystery to me.
Everything in GTA3 worked fine, no need to install anything. The radar and the moon were stretched, but it wasn't a big deal, and I didn't find any other problem.
GTA VC simply refused to load for me. The exe crashed no matter what, no patch worked for me, I had to use reVC instead.
GTA SA started fine, but after a while the mouse stopped responding and I could only use the keyboard. It was unusable, I had to install the silent patch, everything was ok afterwards.
One would assume that all the games using a similar engine should behave similarly, but it all was completely random.

>> No.9996331

The computer you own now is not the computer these games were developed for in the early 2000s, so mods and fan patches are needed. The very first post links you to a repack of the trilogy that has everything you need to run it on modern hardware.

>> No.9996405

Oh, absolutely, I'm used to old games needing some tinkering to work. I don't mean that it's weird that they work differently compared to when they were originally released, that's a given, I'm puzzled by how they worked differently to one another. I would expect similar errors in all the three games, it was the fact that all the errors were completely different in each game what surprised me.
Anyways, the pack with all the games conveniently patched is much appreciated, I hope it'll save me some time the next time I'll replay the trilogy.

>> No.9996421

Maybe the original GTA 3 has more fan fixes than the anniversary edition which was the one I played which was all fucked up even after applying a bunch of fixes.

>> No.9996432

nta but it is a nuisance to be playing and either completely ignore your territory or to constantly be dropping what you're doing to defend your turf. Instead I'll just dominate the whole map ASAP and then save once every gang is cleared, stops the game from starting new gang wars. I think there's a part where you have to do another gang war but that's it really. Plus once you've cleared out everyone you're likely to have a fuck ton of spare MP4 and AK-47 ammo.

>> No.9996434

Those aren't even the recompiled games.

>> No.9996451

I think Rockstar didn't really care about the ports, same goes for IV. No worries, I only posted that because most people tell you to track down the original console versions and they're crap.
I never promised the recompiled versions. That's a torrent of the PC ports fixed with patches and mods with no extra effort required on the part of the enduser. Just install and play. As it should be.

>> No.9996454

To me it's a bigger nuisance to waste time on gang wars since you are going to lose all your territories anyway after the Green Sabre mission. So yeah, it's a good way to make some money and upgrade your skills, but later when you get back to Los Santos all those territories are lost and you have to start again.

>> No.9996459

Yes meme.jpg

>> No.9996463

Hi zoomie

>> No.9996464

Anybody here played DEP San Andreas? I tried but it crashes after about half an hour of playing, I had to turn off ROSA for it to work properly but now it looks less pretty.

>> No.9996465

Why would you play the fucked versions? I guess it's still useful because you need the discs to install the recompilations.

>> No.9996476

>I guess it's still useful because you need the discs to install the recompilations
I still have Vice City in a box somewhere, is it worth digging out to play the recompiled version?

>> No.9996495

The game itself is the same, it just runs nicer on modern PCs.

>> No.9996507

Does revc support asi scripts? I tried tinkering with it but they won't work

>> No.9996546
File: 3 KB, 168x94, 16 million bustas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the good part though. Instead of being pestered from rival gangs starting wars throughout the entire game, you can clear the map ASAP and never have to deal with their pestering for as long as you play that file (not to mention the free guns, money and shooting experience). Yeah you have to do it again late-game, but it's far less irritating than being constantly pestered throughout the game for losing territory until it isn't safe for you in any gangland nor is it any better to constantly babysit the turf you do have. I say rip the Band-Aid off, get it all done ASAP, save, and you'll be better off for it.

>> No.9996636

I don't think so.

>> No.9996654

I feel like we've played two different games. Gangs won't pester you through the entire game, gang wars are a thing only while story is taking place in Los Santos, so at the beginning and at the end. While the game is taking place in those villages, San Fierro, desert and Las Venturas, there are no gang wars, so there is nothing to pester you.

>> No.9996816

yeah that's what I remember having to do. Basically waste an hour turning enough areas green. I get that they wanted you to keep up with it as you're doing other shit but I hate that kind of anxious monitoring that prevents me from enjoying anything else I'm doing.

>> No.9998631

GTA is gay.

>> No.9999032

Is that why I caught it sucking off your dad?