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9990493 No.9990493 [Reply] [Original]

This game is really underrated these days, I feel like it was one of the most hyped games ever but nowadays hardly anyone talks about it.

>> No.9990497

It's really good and I'm glad zoomers haven't latched onto it and drove it into the ground yet

>> No.9990502

the only contribution Twilight Princess made to humanity is a cure for insomnia

>> No.9990523

>remember the Link's Awakening trading quest?
>what if you did one just as long in between every single dungeon?

>> No.9990530

>This game is really underrated these days
Nah, its shit, old zedla is a load of absolute garbage zoomers are right on that

>> No.9990538

It depends on the game. For some reason with certain installments, the developers seemed to think Zelda meant flowcharting "you get X then you can go to Y" and that's it. Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, and TP are all pretty bad about it. TP has some fun aspects and the dungeons are good though, but I don't know if any of it is good enough to be worth replaying the Lanayru section.

>> No.9990546

thats because your brain is mush and you are easily tricked by bombastic fanfare, you'd probably be okay with 90% of movies out now

>> No.9990572

Based. Way too many people shat on it for being "just OoT again" - which'd be understandable if it wasn't literally the only 3D Zelda besides OoT to follow a similar formula. The N64->GC generational leap was more than enough to distinguish it. Also it's cool that it's the only 3D Zelda to depict a non-apocalyptic Hyrule. (well OoT does too, but not for most of the game)

>> No.9990586

We had this thread already.

>> No.9990652

I think Nintendo was working on TP first but put it off to the side to rush WW instead. TP feels very fledged out but WW feels more rushed than you could imagine.

>> No.9990654

I think they were initially working on a GC Zelda in the style of the Spaceworld 2000 trailer, which became WW, which was then rushed out because the GC was struggling. After that they planned to make a sequel to WW in the same style, which became TP due to pushback from NoA.

>> No.9990658 [DELETED] 

what? its the opposite though. TP feels half done

>> No.9990662

WW has like half the game missing. Even if you feel TP is unfinished, it isn't nearly as egregious as WW.

>> No.9990682

I like nearly everything about TP that isn't actually playing it. Sometimes I'll listen to the OST or see a cool screenshot and want to replay it, but I can't. Its just too boring to play

>> No.9990686

People are still making Midna porn, so it's not forgotten. Also, Normies are either going to play the new BotW style games or they're going to go le full retro and play ALttP or OoT. TP is both too old to be modern and too new to be retro to them. But Midna's ass, though.

>> No.9990738

No one ever talks about any Zelda game that's not BotW/TotK these days, OoT being the sole exception. Like with Resident Evil, people pretend anything before 7 doesn't exist. There was still some discussion about 4 from time to time, yeah, but now that the remake is out no one gives a shit about the original as well. I swear classic games are being unironically forgotten even by people who used to play them

>> No.9990745

Millennials wanted Ocarina but DARK and MATURE.
This was shitted out to appease them.

>> No.9990762

>ridiculously long tutorial with schmaltzy "slice of life" cinematics and brain dead chores that are never repated later in the game
>completely linear, no alternate dungeon orders
>barely any side quests outside of golden bugs / poes
>fewer items, fewer upgrades
>dungeon items have almost no use outside of their respective dungeon aside from 2-3 places in the overworld (if you're lucky). see: spinner and dominion rod
>removed death counter (because the game is so easy it's impossible to die anyway)
>redundant items (half the chu jellies do the exact same fucking thing)
>can fish anywhere but the fishing itself is a massive downgrade. no more reeling, baiting, or realistic fishing techniques; literally just drop in water and wait for a hook. flick up, auto catch. also, no real reward for catching big/unique fish.
>removed moves (i.e. crouch stab) in favor of ulockable "skills" that are never necessary to use
>retarded oversights like waiting until the very end of the game to give you the horse call after you can already warp around the map
>everything related to furfaggot mode
OoT if he shit

>> No.9991184

>"just OoT again"
It took all the good things from OoT, skipped the bad things, added only good things
No reason to play OoT anymore

>> No.9991194

The game was only good back when I was a teenager, when it came out.

>> No.9991239

It's only real flaw is it's drag ass opening, but it's not THAT bad.

>> No.9991269

I would like it better if it didn’t have such an ugly color palette.

>> No.9991320

>"Me can't play games unless they hgave pwetty babey cowows WAWWWaAAAAA ME DEPWESSED WAAAAAAA"

>> No.9991441

I like TP a lot, the dungeons are awesome, but goddamn those first few hours are such a godawful boring slog.... and hunting those tears with the wolf was retarded

>> No.9991584
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>> No.9991630

>I think they were initially working on a GC Zelda in the style of the Spaceworld 2000 trailer
Apparently Aonuma and the team responsible for it hated that demo hated it and were burnt out on Ocarina of Time style with no idea where to take it or what the gamecube title would actually be about. They ended up experimenting with styles until they settled on the cartoony designs. The demo was also never even supposed to be seen by the general public, which ended up coloring expectations and garnering backlash for Wind Waker when it got out anyway.

>> No.9992086

I had a friend that used to say that whenever he played OoT he slept.

I'm definitely one of those fans. Though they could have added more dark themes like blood in a temple, as in the OoT Shadow one, and that awesomely creep islamic chant as in the Fire one.

>> No.9992104

Learn color theory.

>> No.9992107

Once you get past the internet it’s better than Ocarina.

>> No.9992150

i have it on wii and haven’t played it yet. seems like wii is a forgotten system

>> No.9992157

>any zelda

>> No.9992179

>Better than OoT
If anything it accentuates the problems of OoT and adds new ones.
>Long, unskippable cutscenes
>Lengthy into/tutorial section
>Even MORE emphasis on story with characters no one gives a fuck about
>Majority of items, barring a few, serve very little use outside of dungeons
>Does nothing unique with it's world besides the Twilight Realm and is just OoT with an ugly coat if paint

>> No.9992364

>Long, unskippable cutscenes
The cutscenes are skippable.
>Lengthy into/tutorial section
The intro adds to the immersion and epic fantasy feel of the game.
>Even MORE emphasis on story with characters no one gives a fuck about
You'd give a fuck about the story/characters if you were autistic enough.
>Majority of items, barring a few, serve very little use outside of dungeons
Standard for 3D Zelda items, not unique to this game.
>Does nothing unique with it's world besides the Twilight Realm and is just OoT with an ugly coat if paint
Massively expands on OoT's setting along with adding new environments. I do agree the artstyle is a bit bland though, especially with how fugly the twilight sections look.

>> No.9992375

>All conjecture
>No arguments
Typical fanboy apologist.
Concession: Accepted

>> No.9992378

I'm not an apologist, I'm just autistic and have weird taste. I hate modern zelda/modern nintendo, if it helps.

>> No.9992426
File: 55 KB, 520x383, the_legend_of_zelda_twilight_princess_image_f4al2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this came out, I played it from start to finish twice in a row (gamecube version). All I remember about it was all of the 8.8 memes on /v/.

>> No.9992429

>8.8 memes
To this very day I still cannot believe that's real. It's so goddamn close to a 10 and yet fans treated it like it was an insult. Just goes to show how overblown that game's hype really was in retrospect.

>> No.9992503


>> No.9992520

Worst 3d zelda. Sooo boring. Shitty casual dangeons. First 30 hours b4 I find sword are awuful.

>> No.9992546

someone defend the fetch quest fest before city in the sky pls (which is frankly the only standout dungeon in this crap of a game)

>> No.9992581

>Worst 3d zelda
Wouldn't that be Skyward Sword?

>> No.9992759

>got this game with my Wii during Christmas 2006
>was so excited
>never finished it
I finished the fourth temple and got the first mirror piece. Should I continue that save or play the HD version on Wii U?

>> No.9992771

The flying sections in Lake Hyrule are fucking garbage and Hyrule Field is a massive downgrade from OoT. It has the best Hyrule Castle/City out of any Zelda but the downside is there's not much to do it. The entire game is a weird monkey's paw, for every upside the game has there are two downsides.

>> No.9992781

The field feels weirdly segmented, agree about castle town

>> No.9992791

I think it's mostly frustrating. It has a lot of potential to be one of the best, but it just fumbles so many moments.

I also can't play it on anything other than the Wii. It doesn't feel right to not hear Midna giggling and talking to you constantly.

>> No.9992807

On paper it's good, though the execution could've been a bit better. It makes use of the Dominion Rod outside the dungeon as well as gets the player to explore the world to fund some extra goodies.

SS and TP are neck and neck for the most boring 3D Zeldas for many of the same flaws they share. It's just that by the time SS came out, Nintendo really dropped the ball with the Zelda formula and it's no thanks to them appealing to the Wii era of just casuals along with the "Your experience may vary" wiimote gimmick un the game.
SS only manages to squeeze by being better in terms of the visuals with great dungeons/puzzles.

>> No.9992885

>5 hr tutorial
>bug hunting
>wolf sections
>Terrible pacing
>Ganondorf was behind it all!
>Just as easy as Wind Waker
>Dull ugly version of OoT
>Terrible Anime story
>Useless items
No amount of revisionist history will change the fact that TP sucked.

>> No.9993169

Yeah it may have been the most hyped game ever released. Every forum was going nuts about it. This is when OoT was still hailed as the perfect game #1 ever made especially by fans who felt burned by Majora and Windwaker. Gamers were retarded in that era, literally just fit the stereotype of brainless idiots getting high on their couch chugging mountain dew and doritos. All that hype just because the game had a darker artstyle like OoT, plus 2 years of delays didnt help.

>> No.9993440

Yeah, I like that the fans cucked them into doing this. Otherwise I'm sure toon link would just be the standard link at this point.

>> No.9993453

I thought it was good, I enjoyed it but only played it once. Wind waker, Ocarina of time, Majora's mask - I've played them into the ground and got 100% on each of them at least two times.

I think that the cinematics and characters in Twilight princess shine, especially Ganon is a good character in this game because it displays the power and influence he has. Even at the end, when he is stabbed through the chests and has his neck broken by Zant he will stand he won't kneel for Hyrule or it's royal family in his last breath.

But, the replay ability is lacking in this one for me. The realism makes everything just seem kind of tedious, and slow. It's worth playing for sure, but I see why it hasn't kept up. It also doesn't help that it has a left and right hand version lol.

>> No.9993506

Fun game, I never understood why people had such an autistic fit about the wolf bug hunt segment.

>> No.9993510

that's the first zelda game I ever played that I didn't bother to finish. and I played every single one before it all the way through. it was just so fucking boring.