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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9979758 No.9979758 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t stop buying handheld consoles even though I play more often on emulators on my PC

>> No.9979768

That's sad, dude.

>> No.9979770


>> No.9979792

>all those handhelds yearning to be played
>instead they're locked away forever in some fat fuck's collection of pussy repellant

>> No.9979806

>still playing the games while keeping the coomlection in mint condition
pretty based take

>> No.9979826

I don't care for the games enough on these. Dunno why just not as good

>> No.9979839

I have a mint-in-box glacier GBA but of course I don't play it to keep it mint. I play on my SP-101

>> No.9979851

>autistic behaviour
>pokemon and nintendo
like clockwork.

>> No.9979852

It's an impressive collection and anyone who wants to play game boy games can still play them.

>> No.9979939

Probably has them in that acrylic that requires a hammer and chisel to open.

>> No.9979940

post timestamp

>> No.9980307

so many leaky batteries in all those game carts

>> No.9980485

I've never seen a CR2032 leak.

>> No.9980507

It happens. Check out arcade motherboards horror stories where the CR2302 batteries leak acid all over the board.

>> No.9980528

Impressive collection, cool autism variant

>> No.9980581

Is a beautiful collection but if it seem worthless to you now, you should sell it to someone who could appreciate it.
Just sell every console by its own,,, huge collections usually go to greedy resellers.

>> No.9980582

>own too much stuff for my own good
>tell myself that if I ever meet someone to play gens 2 and 3 of Pokemon with that I will outright give them a copy of Silver/FireRed to play with me
Man, I hate this shit so much

>> No.9980583

It's extremely rare in a normal environment. Arcades usually works in extreme conditions for countless hours...

>> No.9980598

None of the special edition Zelda consoles in pic… dropped!

>> No.9980601

Never mind I see one at the bottom, that’s the best one!

>> No.9980696

You should let other people enjoy things instead of being a hoarder

>> No.9980773
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>> No.9980806

Those acrylic cases for handhelds seem retarded... if one falls over its just gonna get scratched and damaged by the hard plastic its being held in.

>> No.9980809

Anon, Toy Story wasn't a documentary

>> No.9980812

Sell all but one of each. Or give them to friends who want one.

>> No.9980814

Why is mental illness more prevalent among Nintendo and Sega fags but not based Song chads?

>> No.9980815

Cool shelf, imagine your house burning down and losing all of that tho

>> No.9980892

I'd rather have myself burn than my collection. I've done occult rituals to transmit my soul into this collection. Many people claim they can hear me whispering when they walk near my collection.

>> No.9980898

No harm in that my dude. It's your money. This is a sick collection, quite aestethic!
As long as you collect and play games, who the fuck cares how you do it? Just enjoy whatever works for you mate.

>> No.9980904

>brand chauvinism
Autism spectrum disorder

>> No.9980905

You have depression. Try smoking weed whenever you're fixating on buying something

>> No.9980915

You forgot the prescription scribbled on the nearest napkin to your armchair

>> No.9981840

Great collection. Probably should stop and take a step back though. Learn to just bask in its glory and let that be enough.

>> No.9981903

Yeah. This is why I don’t bother owning anything. Also I rent an apartment so it’s my landlord’s problem.
Just me in my empty apartment, me sitting on the floor in the dark.

>> No.9981914

>the gang's all here...

>> No.9981918
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>> No.9981924

you're only missing the bug diet.

>> No.9981938


>> No.9981942


>> No.9981984
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>> No.9981985


>> No.9981993

unironically mental illness

>> No.9982006

>It's an impressive collection
is it?

>> No.9982046

Congrats, you are a hoarder. Seek professional help.
Should have just bought a psp instead of all that toddler shit

>> No.9982049


>> No.9982067
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>> No.9982085

>H-he does n-notice that OP's stolen photo of some autistic collection of handhelds are in cases which suspend it between plastic nubs right?

>> No.9982089

Extremely based sober bro. You're cool man.

>> No.9982092

I wouldn't call it impressive, in that it required aome impressive feat to acquire, but it is kinda neat seeing a bunch of versions and colors like that.
Agree with other anon, that this isn't preventing anyone from playing Gameboy games. I have like 5 Gameboys just because people gave them to me.

>> No.9982104

i think it's funny how any time somebody posts an image like that, they're effectively telling you that they don't have sex

>> No.9982113
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This is me but with bootlegs

I envy you OP, I wish I could've gotten on the Game Boy train sooner before everything went through the roof

>> No.9982182


>> No.9982187 [DELETED] 

Wanna play coop age of empires?

>> No.9982202 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1096x731, 1685129258451016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how it starts.
>You get a last gen Nintendo and you're poor. All you do is play Zelda over and over, then you get a job doing IT for a small HVAC company.
>2 years later you have every Zelda ever made.
>Every special edition Zelda console
>Beta carts
>You broke into NoJ and stole the source code for oot
>You tracked down every copy of oot that your childhood friends had acs a kid
>You have a copy of Zelda for Xbox 360 released to Nintendo corporate for a 2008 Christmas party is yokohoma
>You created a Zelda AI
>You cloned hayden panettiere to put your Zelda AI into
>You are a nintoddler

>> No.9982801

>Nintendo, mostly Pokemon
How predictable

>> No.9982812

>anon gets random coomlector photo from reddit
>retard anons give (you)s

it's really that easy isnt it?

>> No.9982828


>> No.9983224

>He needs weed to fuck.

>> No.9983275

Leave him alone anon he's just spreading the love, not his fault we're cheap

I couldn't find anything on TinEye

>> No.9983284
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>I wouldn't call it impressive, in that it required aome impressive feat to acquire, but it is kinda neat seeing a bunch of versions and colors like that.
This is what I like about stuff like Game Boy and Tamagotchi, no matter how many you have they're still so fun to look at. I like seeing custom ones too and projects like PiBoy Zero

>> No.9983502

Snowpiercer was a pretty good movie

>> No.9983510

Other handhelds exist you tendie freak, this shit is so gay you aren’t a gaming fan you’re just a [company good] fan. There’s other games besides Pokémon and BingBing, there’s other companies besides Nintendo.

>> No.9983964

I don't like how Nintendo turned their business model into exploiting Pokemon autists

>> No.9984001

The handful of bugs was honestly more appetizing than the blended goop.

>> No.9984021

Yes they can leak but normally 1. From poor manufacturing if reasonably new, 2. If extremely old. What counts as extremely old will vary from maker to maker but lots of og batteries haven't leaked yet. Any goon can replace a non soldered battery with a garbage quality one which may account for a few of the leaky arcade ones

>> No.9984025

> I don't like it so no one else can
Life in your head must be hard

>> No.9984068

That’s not what he said.

>> No.9984113

I'm not a nintendo or GB fan but appreciate a good collection wther its games or gemstones or coins or books or whatever and that looks very nice. This board generally dislikes collectors for some reason but I love my game collection and play it. It is like walking into an old style game store and owing it and I fucking love picking a game to play off the shelf and knowing a I have loads to choose from. I don't want to play fucking emulators or fuck around with chinese shit or have to fuck around every time I want to play something. If I wanted to do that I'd just play PC games.

>> No.9984116

>There’s other games besides Pokémon and BingBing, there’s other companies besides Nintendo.
I'd normally agree with you and my collection is all retro 8 bit, PS1, PS2, Big box PC etc etc but I think OP has his thing and enjoys it. At least he's not just some seething poorfag with some shitty emulation venting about how this or that is fucking sovl

>> No.9984220
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I've been trying to find a gameboy light for a while now but every listing is either hideously overpriced or a (((((sample photo))))) listing where they're just going to send you busted garbage if you fall for it.]

Worst is a lot of searches turn up results for modded DS lites of screen swapped gameboys. I want the damn electroluminescent screen.

>> No.9984364

Because of poor conditions and the law of large numbers, I've seen it happen in a number of desktops, and once in a rack mount server. It's not as bad as spinning hard drives, where you know it will eventually happen; but that's probably more to do with having another less catastrophic failure mode.

>> No.9985365

That anon. Sorry I was generalising a bit. I worked in IT and electronics engineering for over 2 decades and 100% believe you on this. In the xt-486 era before these batteries existed the barrel type ones were much worse for leaks. Almost every board was eventually killed this way! Mainboard manufacturers have since still been caught out with bad batches of gear even from 'reputable' makers. Anyone old enough here might remember the capacitor debacle of around 2000-2004 as well. But how often do decent caps fail before their time? Same with lithium buttons imo.

>> No.9985635

Very much a 90's mode of consumerism (that I'm admittedly nostalgic for) that entire era was all about collecting assorted versions of stuff, from pokemon, beanie babies, tomagochi, trading cards, furbys, chia pets, game consoles and controllers, crazybones, tekdeck dudes, pogs, the list goes on.

probably why I have collectors autism to this day..

>> No.9985721

Your money, your choice. Even if I'm not video games collector myself. Ignore all these "muh consoomer" faggots. Almost of them consoom other kinds of crap like alcohol, cigarettes etc.

>> No.9985817

Not what I said moron, let me guess you post pictures of chink handhelds running Pokémon games on Reddit?

>> No.9986363
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Maybe you can help me figure out what to do: I have a GBA and a GBC that don’t seem to read cartridges very well. One of them even corrupted my Pokémon yellow save data. Although I think that cartridge is fucky as well. How do you diagnose and repair such things on gameboys?

>> No.9986367

its probably the cart. if not cart then handheld. clean them. do we really need to give you a list of troubleshooting options? open cart. replace battery. problem with gbc/gba? open it up.

>> No.9986381

This is a sad picture, wow.

>> No.9986383

I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t do all of those things. Inside of both of them look fine and the batteries in all my carts were replaced within the past few years. I’m not an idiot. I need more advanced troubleshooting ideas. Tell me where to look with the meter, etc… thanks for trying to help though, I appreciate it.

>> No.9986673

Do whatever the fuck you want with your money, we're not your parents. Don't listen to these retards, they're probably jelly.

>> No.9986891

buy electronic contact cleaner and wipe the ports and carts clean.

>> No.9986924

Stop it.

>> No.9986939

> Moron. Lol
That literally is what you said. Using different words. Funny how language can work that way. No doubt you are so congenitally impaired this concept will sail by you.

While you struggle to process this, my bigoted fuck, please list all your favourite non-'chink' handhelds so I can shit on them. Thought as much.

also don't gaf about pokemon, but it takes a severely deranged tosser to be that offended by another person liking it

>> No.9987029

>collecting the same shit over and over

>> No.9987094

>bigoted, tosser

>> No.9987098

>my bigoted fuck
woman moment.

>> No.9987120

How long has it been since you cut your dick off?

>> No.9987282

>yes I am a massive trolling faggot. How could you tell?
Nice try, now get back to your inbreeding

>> No.9987336


>> No.9988629
