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9981841 No.9981841 [Reply] [Original]

I really love this series(only the originals, i have not played any of the remake games), it's one of those games that i keep replaying every once in a while, but i'm looking for games that have a similar vibe to the original in terms of similar aesthetic, humor and gameplay, the later is not so essential though.
Any games worth recommending that are similar to Medievil?

>> No.9981845
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Dungeon Keeper 1 has similar aesthetic and humor but is a different game.

>> No.9981849
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Nightmare Creatures plays kinda similarly but is way more dark and gritty. Nowhere near as comfy.

>> No.9981880
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Legacy of Kain Blood Omen plays kinda similarly with upgrades and stuff, but it's way more dark and gritty. It's still very colorful and Kain makes it very entertaining.

>> No.9982050

Can confirm, plays nothing like it but has extremely similar vibes. That whimsical/dark British humor/aesthetic is incomparably charming.

>> No.9982116

There's nothing like Medievil out there.
Soul Reaver has the grim theme but no humor.

>> No.9982228
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Anything based on German Expressionism , also Maximo Games and Primal on PS2

>> No.9982247

>ny games worth recommending that are similar to Medievil?
Not really desu. You can try the GnG series or Maximo if you want something with a cartoony vibe with medieval themes and a bit of humor. Its the closest I can think of. Medievil is great because its so unique even to this day.

>> No.9982307

The Stained Glass Demon room was fucking terrifying, with how you get the sense that it could pop out at any time in an area you're going through frequently.

>> No.9982312
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Maybe this? It takes itself a bit more seriously and is more of an RPG than a platformer (actually I don’t think there’s any platforming at all), but it’s heart is in the same place.

>> No.9982348
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How about the Maximo games?

>> No.9982736
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>this series
Honestly I'd rather consider the original its own worthwhile thing that then immediately went downhill hard when it actually became a series.

The setting of the second is interesting enough if you accept that they may have done everything they could with the original, but otherwise I'd call it an obviously inferior effort all across the board. Plus, they should have kept the original health fountain mechanics; progress becomes inevitably staggerish as a result as you need to typically do a couple passes of each new level until you make it through with acceptable reserves and can keep hobbling along. The fighting pit gimmick levels manage to actually add insult to injury on that regard lol

>> No.9982757

nailed it
the most fun I ever had with medievil 2 as a kid was with the cheats enabled, just because it allowed me to enjoy the good elements of the game and negate the bullshit, but I never felt the need to do that with 1

>> No.9982798
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I used to play Herc's Adventures around the same time and there's a few similarities, but they are quite different from one another. You've got your main weapon that you use, but also collect other ones along the way that are useful for certain situations. There's the historic element as well if you're into that, though it's obviously Greek history rather than British, and it's also got that kooky offbeat humor that made Medievil so much fun. It loses a lot on the graphics but if you're playing PS1 games you are probably going to be fairly forgiving in that regard.

>> No.9982827
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Comparing the games at all is kind of a stretch really; you could list more obvious differences than actual similaries. Herc's biggest draw was the co-op gameplay, and for me also being based on a single seamless game world (which is pretty remarkable and somehow often overlooked as an achievement for a 1997 2D action game). Also Herc's is sprite-based so either game "winning" in terms of graphics over the other is very much arguable.

Funnily enough, Herc's is an spiritual sequel to Zombies Ate My Neighbors, which is actually level-based and tongue-in-cheek horror-themed so it could be more appropriately compared to MediEvil.

>> No.9983120

whats the order to play legacy of kain series?

>> No.9983136

Release order. There's time travel involved, so that's the best order to understand the overall story.

Blood Omen
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver 2
Blood Omen 2

>> No.9983214

>Any games worth recommending that are similar to Medievil?
Not like Medieval but you might like Pandemonium which is a 3d platformer

>> No.9983317

I only played Blood Omen. I hear Blood Omen 2 is fucking god awful dogshit. Soul Reaver, for everything I've seen, looks like a totally different game where the protagonist of Blood Omen is the antagonist.

>> No.9983318

Also DO NOT play the PS1 version. It is optimized horribly. Even opening the quick select menu takes a second or two. I could only bear it for 5 minutes before playing the DOS version and let me say: I am really fucking glad I did because you use that quick menu a ton lategame even mid combat.

>> No.9983323

>Pandemonium which is a 3d platformer
Like, why lie on every level? The game isn't a 3D platformer and it's really not that good.

>> No.9983386

I know it's weird to ask considering this is /vr/, but are the PSP and PS4 remakes of medievil any good? On one side I'm convinced they'll be terrible since Sony doesn't give a shit about its IPs, but I'm also morbidly curious since it got two different remakes.

>> No.9983569

I don't like the ps4 version, I think the camera bothered me but it's been a bit since I tried it.

>> No.9983620

Maximo is probably the closest thing I've played. I first played in in the last couple of years and the entire time I was thinking about some Medievil 3 for PS2 that we never got.

I really like the PS4 remake. I would argue it's less faithful to the literal game and more so to the original creators' vision 20-some years later. There are designs to criticize and the ever-present lack of contrast that every game now suffers from, but everything still looks like it could have been drawn by the original artist, even if you don't personally like one thing or another. On a technical level, I think I've seen people say they either removed enemy hitstun or just fucked it up, but I didn't specifically notice why it felt harder when I played it.
I've still never played Resurrected.

>> No.9983657

MediEvil 1 is among my top 10 games ever and ice played it many times.
MediEvil 2 sucked

>> No.9983753

I realized this last Halloween. I remembered like 2 so much more, but now I'd rather not play it ever again. I was like 3/4+ of the way through when I just decided to drop it, too.
That seems to happen a lot for me. I'll replay a series as an adult and my tier list for the games will get completely flipped on its head.

>> No.9983767
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>it's one of those games that i keep replaying every once in a while
Except for the lake level fuck that shit.
>Play through entire level don't have enough for chalice, level already blows
>Run back around level 3 times looking for enemies I missed
>Restart level
>Realize I was supposed to intentionally set off the traps otherwise there is not enough enemies to fill the chalice

>> No.9983790
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That crap really frustrated me the first time i played it. Idk if it was supposed to be a puzzle or just bad programming

>> No.9983852

Kain is an anti-villain throughout the entire series. He makes a selfish choice at the end of Blood Omen, grows to regret his choice, refuses to play by fate's rules and let himself die to restore the world, and dedicates himself to finding a third option which can fix everything and tell the universe to get fucked. Soul Reaver onwards might make him the antagonist but it enriches the fuck out of his character.

>> No.9984634

>The Lake
Fuck that level, its one of the few i back track to The Graveyard to fill all my life bottles.
Its not even hard its just tedious killing all those stupid frog things on the narrow platforms and not falling in a bunch of times

>> No.9984957
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>> No.9986152

is this good?

>> No.9987116

Was just about to mention this game. Never played it but its clearly the closest to a Medievil clone I've ever seen.

>> No.9987123

unironically play Gauntlet Legends / Dark Legacy, particularly the N64 release. the gameplay is basically the same aside from less focus on puzzles, and there are a bunch of horror / haunted house / halloween type levels.

>> No.9987229

PSP is a heinous reimagining
PS4 is about as close to a 1:1 remake as you can get by modern standards, although autists will still nitpick shit like the lighting or animations.

I personally say the PS4 remake is a perfectly fine way to play the game. Although I do agree that the lighting overall is way brighter than it needed to be. Also the new narrator is worse than the old one and I wish she didn't narrate over all the text in the game but it's livable.

>> No.9988118

There's no narrator in Medievil.

>> No.9988180

Try Dead Head Fred. It also have humorous horror themes and adventure gameplay.

>> No.9988291

>I personally say the PS4 remake is a perfectly fine way to play the game

How are the controls, because that was always the biggest issue in the original game.

>> No.9988315

Devs went to make Primal for ps2. It's an action adventure game (in the true early 2000s way) that also has a gothic vibe but doesn't take itself too seriously. You control two characters, a girl that can fight (combat is very basic) and her sidekick golem that can turn himself into stone but cant fight. So you alternate between the two on the fly to solve puzzles because there are often areas that one can access but the other cant.

Atmosphere is gorgeous and the world is quite big, there is lots to explore. Its not without flaws but I still think its a very overlooked adventure game.

>> No.9988523

Splatter Master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzLORT2dsTE

>> No.9988686

I don't have the game but I played a bit of it at Gamestop and its largely the same controls actually. I don't see what is the problem with the controls desu. The combat is supposed to be janky and it actually suits the game well imo.

>> No.9989009

I mean this guy
Who's replaced by a woman and also narrates every book you find in the game too because I guess PS4 owners can't read.

You can play with the original controls that are just exactly the same, or there's a modern control scheme that does a few things mainly right stick camera controls, better placement of the shield button, and they added the ability to swap between multiple equips like you could in 2.

I played it using original controls anyway because I prefer shoulder button camera controls, but the shield but placement is a lot better.

>> No.9990719

Aw man I should really emulate this so I can CHEAT like a motherfucker. I rented it when it came out and had a blast but didn't beat it. Found it for cheap at a local retro store like 12 years later and got far but when I died after doing a shit load of stuff and losing everything at one point I shut it off for the day and never returned. Never played the second either.

>> No.9990768

Get into the DROD for good humour and adventure.
Different syle of game, tho.

>> No.9991040

probably Alundra 2

>> No.9991075

Pumpkin Jack. It's a short game but feels like it was made in that era with the same design sense and aesthetic.

>> No.9991256

>I died after doing a shit load of stuff and losing everything
Save, bitch. It's a trivial amount of money pretty quickly.

>> No.9992340

What are you talking about? It's been long enough that I don't remember exactly the extent of punishment. Just that you lose everything you attained since the last checkpoint after death. I was pretty far into the game, probably like 75-80%. I knew what I was doing it was just one of those "cannot be assed" situations where I stopped for the day. I didn't even intend to drop it. It just happened.

>> No.9992347

Death really isn't that punishing at all. I assumed from your post you meant you had died without saving for a long time, since you have to pay to save and I've seen a lot of people bitch about that; but the price for saving is only steep at the very beginning and quickly becomes relatively trivial. If all you did was die, you lost some ability upgrades that aren't all that big a deal and can be re-attained with little trouble. You can also keep up to three, I believe, on death by putting them in the locked slots.

>> No.9992467

Evil dead: regeneration is the game you are looking for. Trust me.

A newer game that is obviously inspired by medievil is Pumpkin Jack. Not as good as medieval, but may whet your appetite

>> No.9992494

Why are you trying to be so mean, it is a 3d platformer and it is not bad. I suggested it because it has jester character