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File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess---button-1559683061515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9976854 No.9976854 [Reply] [Original]

This is such a bloated mess that it could have been split up into 4 different sequels
>1: Fall of Hyrule Kingdom with the Twilight leader Zant taking over
>2: Exploring the Twilight world with Midna as your companion
>3: Link's friends get captured by a group of bandits and he travels to new land to get them back
>4: Ganondorf's ressurection and quest for conquest over Hyrule

>> No.9976856

Wow. A Zelda thread.

>> No.9976858

It’s wasted potential the series. Of course Zelda has lots of threads from disgruntled fans

>> No.9976863

The gruntling is a choice, ungruntle yourself and play better games instead.

>> No.9976870
File: 9 KB, 127x137, 1363157509975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ungruntle yourself
I'm stealing that.

>> No.9976878

Imagine thinking TP is retro.

>> No.9976885

Muh Gamecube port. Which is a retarded argument because it's clear the definitive version's the Wii.

>> No.9976887

That fucking song that plays when
you're riding your horse. You know the one. Man twilight princess is kinda like the bbc of the Zelda series, the map is really large for hyrule and there are just so many dungeons. I only wish the GameCube version had widescreen support out of the box. But I guess you can make that complaint about most GameCube games

>> No.9976916

>entire world is mirrored, everyone is left-handed except link, sun rises and sets in the opposite directions
>shit tier waggle controls
>no independent camera control because no second analog stick
>removed features like being able to manually backflip off epona and charge your sword while riding
>glitches/flaws like not being able to use the boomerang while moving
>no first person aiming
lol you're fucking retarded, GCN versions murders this trash

>> No.9976926

Twilight Princess comes so close to being kino

>great atmosphere
>great soundtrack
>lots of dungeons and they’re all baseline good
>a ton of Heart Pieces to find
>Hyrule feels like an actual kingdom
>but combat is piss easy
>bosses are terrible
>story is the worst paced in the series even if it’s not bad

>> No.9976928

>Widescreen support
>Equip up to 4 items
>Seamless item swapping
>Motion controlled aiming
If you want to go even further the Wii U Remaster has the best of both worlds.
Skill issue. Filtered. Git gud.

>> No.9976934

>the definitive version's the Wii
The Gamecube is the console for which it was developed. The Wii version was a last minute rushjob to help sell the Wii using a highly anticipated title.

>> No.9976940

gamecune can do this too, supports progressive scan.
>4 items
nope, wrong. you can map one single item to the instant use slot on B, the other have to be mapped to the dpad, selected, then used with B. gamecube lets you have 2 instant use items. it's superior.
>seamless item swapping
meaningless term, see above
>motion controlled aiming
so you're a shitter?
not like any of this conjecture matters when the fucking entire world is backwards lmao

>> No.9976946

that's dumb, you're dumb.

>> No.9976953

Doesn't matter. That's like saying the Wii U ver. of BotW is the definitive version over the Switch. The Wii ver. is objectively better.

>> No.9976954

Please stop making Zelda threads

>> No.9976957

it isn't objectively better. it's objectiveky worse because it's missing features and has major problems like mirrored world and no way to move the fucking camera. you are an idiot.

>> No.9976961

>There are even contrarians for this shit game who think the GC version is better

>> No.9976963

You can force the same widescreen on gamecube through swiss too. That's because the Wii uses the same fake widescreen the GameCube does, where the wide image is crammed into a square that your tv can stretch into a rectangle.

>> No.9976964

>there are actual retards who think the Wii versiom is better despite major issues and a backwards world

>> No.9976969
File: 100 KB, 1024x997, BBCA7E68-985B-48D8-8EBC-D99254035CFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major issues
>Missing a fucking backflip off a horse

>> No.9976982

Imagine getting into semantics over equipment slots when one version has you spend less time needing to open/close a menus to swap out what you want on the fly. You people make me want to troon out.

>> No.9976987

... and all of the other shit you're ignoring, like the fact you can't control the fucking camera you halfwit

>> No.9976991

>when one version has you spend less time needing to open/close a menus to swap out what you want on the fly.
ah yes, the gamecube version, which allows you to equip two (2) entire items which can be used instantly, as opposed to the wii version's (1).

>> No.9977006

The lack of controlling the camera and mirrored world is a pleb filter. The game wasn't designed around needing a second analog stick to control the camera since everything's right where it needs to be and in plan sight. Plus you can just recenter with Z.

>> No.9977015

>ah yes, the gamecube version, which allows you to equip two (2) entire items which can be used instantly
Ah yes, the version that only allows you to equip 2 items at a time when the solution to a puzzle requires 3 or more items. Wii's 4 to your 2. ;)

>> No.9977030

4? you mean 1? because you can't actually use the item till it's been selected and there's only... 1 usable item slot. so really the dpad items are no different than just pressing start to map 2 items on the GCN version. keep coping though

>> No.9977035

how nice of the team at nintendo to remove basic control options and make the world nonsensical and defy the laws of physics to filter plebs

>> No.9977036

Cope, shitter.

>> No.9977040

Concession accepted.
Stop making Zelda threads.

>> No.9977048

>being this mad
lol enjoy your backwards zelda with no camera control, missing features and bugs

>> No.9977053

>Opinions I disagree with are from one guy!

>> No.9977056

>5 hr tutorial
>bug hunting
>wolf sections
>Terrible pacing
>Ganondorf was behind it all!
>Just as easy as Wind Waker
>Dull ugly version of OoT
>Terrible Anime story
>Useless items
>Linear dungeons that are easy to beat
>Empty overworld
Worst 3d Zelda.

>> No.9977070 [DELETED] 
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>Motion controlled aiming

>> No.9977105
File: 618 KB, 798x1090, 347645903_548972947422676_8934660267915066002_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of weird continuities what's the deal with breath of fire? They're supposed the same world but it's all so different.

>> No.9977120

Wtf, you can control the camera in the GCN version? That makes it better by default.
I didn't know that.
Also, what do you mean by "mirrored world"? It's been awhile since I've played the game.

>> No.9977170

How zoomers end a sentence when they're seething

>> No.9977186

Anon, you're the contrarian here. The Wii version was criticised heavier upon release and received worse reviews than the GC version.

>> No.9977208

yeah, you can use the c-stick and actually rotate it around link. in some spots you can even tap the c-stick backward twice and it'll give you a wide view above link, kinda makes it feel like the 2D games. by mirrored world i mean literally everything in the game was rendered normally and then flipped. so link was originally left handed is now right handed, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, etc. they did this because they decided to ship the game as a wii launch title at the last second and wanted link to be right handed to match most people using the wii mote, except they didn't have time to individually reanimate link's moves and just flipped the entire world instead.

>> No.9977210

>singles out a phrase he doesn't like and uses it as validation to dismiss a post that BTFOs his entire argument
How retards do a retarded

>> No.9977219

Thanks for your contribution. TP sucks so much the majority of the posts in this thread are shitposts and flamewaring. Congratulations on a great thread.

>> No.9977221

lmao I'm signaling that I'm above this argument I'm clearly seething about lmao

>> No.9977234

I often wonder anytime I get into arguments with people who add stuff like that in their posts are limp-wristed gays, insecure manchildren/underagedb& or women. It's an annoyingly petty retort.

>> No.9977242

It's an irony-poisoned zoomer trait. They think being sincere is cringe. Even if they argue about something until they're red in the face they still have to pretend they care less than the other person.

>> No.9977295

Huh I didn't know anyone ordered the Wii version, that's interesting to see

>> No.9977685

>They think being sincere is cringe.
It's weird how it's purposely ironic too, but at some point that insecurity just ends up becoming a part of their personality by default. To a degree I can't say I blame them, considering the multitude of factors that can make you a public punching bag both on and offline and that shit's social suicide for grade/highschoolers. And while you personally had to go out of your way to make that happen online years ago, sometimes I forget how fortunate my gen is for not having to deal with that constant fear as a kid.

>> No.9978018

>he wrote this entire cope because somebody typed "lmao"
>all because he's mad that the Wii version of Twilight Princess is worse than the GameCube version
I hate to tell you, but this behavior is a lot more retarded than what you're criticizing.

>> No.9978053

Just remove ganondorf and the villager stuff. Theyre completely unnecessary and add nothing to the game.

>> No.9978060

>Theyre completely unnecessary and add nothing to the game.
Incorrect. The villager stuff adds SOUL.

>> No.9978096

nah, i'll tell you how to fix TP:
>remove the wolf gimmick / twilight world shit entirely
>remove all story related minigame bullshit like goat herding and sumo wrestling
>remove horse grass and have illia give you the horse call immediately
>make every enemy in the game do x2 damage
>add more places in the overworld to use dungeon items
boom, fixed

>> No.9978193

Twilight Princess is peak perfection

>> No.9978580

I accept your concession, Zoomer. Thank you for another pointless flamewar post when you could've ignored it and talked about the game.

>> No.9978736

>we reached the point where wiibabbies are posting on /vr/

>> No.9978742

>You people make me want to troon out.
no need to state the obvious, wiitard faggot

>> No.9978778

>people want to talk about some of the best retro games ever made

>> No.9978791

>I accept your concession
Hello redd*t
>when you could've ignored it and talked about the game.
Like when you went off on a tangenital rant about the social implications of typing "lmao"?

>> No.9978794
File: 77 KB, 575x517, 1671411307596887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they're not gruntled
they're disgruntled
so ungruntling themselves is only going to make them more disgruntled

>> No.9978803

Is the Wii version worth anything? I got the GameCube disc to boot into swiss instantly so I don't really have any use for the Wii disc at this point

>> No.9978951

If Koizumi was given the reigns for TP instead of that hack Aonuma, this game would have been a 10/10.

>> No.9978978

No. The Wii version is the most common by far to begin with, and nowadays most people want the Gamecube version so they don't have to deal with waggle controls and everything being mirrored, or the Wii U port for HD grafix and bonus shit.

>> No.9978982

>nowadays most people want the Gamecube version so they don't have to deal with waggle controls and everything being mirrored
No they (freaks) want it for speedrunnung purposes, but go on revealing your bias.

>> No.9979480

The first post calling you out for the effeminate tactic of trying to signal nonchalance about something you're seething about was me, not anyone else you've been replying to. I actually agreed with you that the Wii port was inferior. >>9977186

Get your T levels checked and stop arguing like a little bitch. It would be easier to agree with you.

>> No.9979557

Oh wow I see the price difference on ebay. It does appear that he Wii version has much lower demand (not even close it seems.) I think I'll just toss mine out since it's not really worth the 15 bucks to hit up the post office. After buying the GameCube version, I thought it might be worth at least a little bit on Wii but that's okay.

>> No.9979567

Shit I'm retarded and quoted the wrong post.

was meant for

>> No.9979585

What better games are there that are similar to Zelda that aren't exclusively about combat?

>> No.9979619

>Muh reductionism
Well if you want to play that way:
Darksiders 1 and 2
Prince of Persia - Sands of Time

>> No.9979631

Unsighted and Crosscode.

>> No.9979718

yeah retard, it's called we are getting old
t. 33 year old boomer

>> No.9979963

The Zelda with on of the best artstyles. Though art direction was hit an miss. Could have been THE Zelda game but it has too many flaws. The soundtrack was meh, the world felt unimmersive, game was piss easy, sound design was weak and so on.
Shame really.

>> No.9979972

I feel similarly. I like seeing the art of this game. But I really don't like playing it

>> No.9979974

>getting rid of midna
It’s like the best thing of TW, your homosexuality is concerning.

>> No.9979975

Its always like this with you people, ask for recommendations and then get literally nothing like Zelda back. the closest being your non retro series, which still isn't really Zelda despite what journalists love to say
He didn't reduce anything at all.

>> No.9979985

>4 different sequels
no thanks