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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9974114 No.9974114 [Reply] [Original]

>The only meaningful difference is that one of them has a complete GUI built-in while the other does not.
Am i understanding this correctly?

>> No.9974120

Isn't duckstation completely different emulator that's more inaccurate to boot. I guess it works better on complete toasters or something. There should be no reason to use anything other than mednafen.

>> No.9974136
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>he uses R*troarch

>> No.9974137

accuracy on duckstation is pretty good but yea probably not as good as mednafen

>> No.9974150 [DELETED] 

it mogs mednafen even after the troondev had a meltdown and left it

>> No.9974160 [DELETED] 

>Obsession out of nowhere

>> No.9974163 [DELETED] 

sorry stenzek/talreth this isn't a le safespace for you, promptly ack yourself

>> No.9974169

Duckstation also actually works.

>> No.9974171

Everyone seems to claim that both are equally accurate. Maybe mednafen is the more accurate one? I personally can't tell any difference between them.

>> No.9974175 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your vacation.

>> No.9974178 [DELETED] 

>he thinks that works

I've had enough "vacations" to run a timeshare business

>> No.9974183 [DELETED] 

Is "accurate emulation" just a dog whistle for "troon friendly" at this point?

>> No.9974185

No "accurate emulation" means accurate emulation. Please cure your mental illness.

>> No.9974187

People realized that if you want accurate you just buy a real console.
Duckstation may be run by a retard but Mednafen is irrelevant.

>> No.9974191

>Mednafen is irrelevant.
Why do clueless people type retardations like this on the internet?

>> No.9974213
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Yeah so you better use PCSX-Reloaded so you don't catch it you fucking retard.

>> No.9974217
File: 1.19 MB, 498x498, realtalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying, I've been using various emulators since the mid 90s, and never once has "inaccuracy" been a problem. Fucked up graphics layers or sound, sure. But missing a cycle or two here and there? Who the fuck cares? Speedrunners, that's who. And who are the speedrunners these days? Well, we all know the answer to that.

>> No.9974223

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.9974229
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>and never once has "inaccuracy"
>Fucked up graphics layers or sound, sure

>> No.9974262
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>> No.9974264

Based, no one on this board is skilled or "skilled" enough to speedrun anyways.

>> No.9974267

>Fucked up graphics layers or sound, sure.
Isn't that an issue with accuracy?

>> No.9974272

Shut it, monkey.

>> No.9974395

If you're going to be a lazy faggot while building your software then don't complain when trannies replace you in your community.

>> No.9974420

Lazy emulation development shouldn't be excused regardless if speedrunning faggots care about it or not.

>> No.9974423

Under the hood, Mednafen is supposed to be the more accurate of the two. The reality, however, is there are games one will play that the other will not, so if you want the highest possible compatibility, you will want both installed. That said, almost all such games tend to be obscure shit you've probably never heard of or just mediocre titles no one really cares to play, with very few exceptions (off the top of my head, Mednafen has a pretty big issue with Resident Evil Director's Cut, and that's probably the highest profile game that is broken on it).

>> No.9974427

Negative. Usually it was missing or broken mappers in NES, or incomplete PPU or S-SMP implementations in SNES. I'm talking REALLY broken here. As in, entire graphics layers simply not showing up, or the entire soundtrack being scrambled into noise, not the minor shit like missing I-frames, single digit % slowdown, or sprite flicker that certain groups get so... hung up on.

>> No.9974486
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Playstation emulation is basically perfect. You have no idea what you're fucking talking about bot.

>> No.9974490

These "people" are just different shades of reddit consoomers, they're asspained because PSX emulation is close enough to invalidate the need for physical for most, but owning all that is what they tie their identity to because they have no skills or real hobbies besides gaming. Now that technology is eroding that just like everything else they're going through an existential crisis. Watch, I'll probably get an angry tirade response about cope, seethe, etc. because looking in the mirror for a few seconds is painful.