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/vr/ - Retro Games

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997246 No.997246 [Reply] [Original]

Whats /vr/'s opinion on the crash in the retro market that alot of people are talking about?

>> No.997249

I have nfi what you're talking about. Links?

>> No.997252

Yeah, let me know when it happens.

Also, let me know when gas is a buck a gallon again.

>> No.997253

I think OP is referring to an "impending" crash, one that's foreseen. I'm in agreeance. Once tthe hipsters (I know, I know) grow weary of it, and when everything from a Fridgidaire to a dragon dildo can emulate (we're almost there!), the euphoria will wear off. Then it's on to the next big thing: the 00's!

>> No.997254

I see no evidence of a crash, price gouging is still everywhere.

I hope it does crash out, so we can get our games for reasonable prices again.

>> No.997260

The big nostalgia thing for the generation will be what? Comics? DVDs? Nahhh...probably music CDs

>> No.997261

*for the next generation

>> No.997263


The hipsters will collect HD-DVDs, and films on UMD. Trust me, those are so underground. It's the betamax of the naughties

>> No.997321

Myspace pages.

>> No.997359

I'm more interested to see if the PS2/GC/XBOX market shoots up in value over the next 5 years. Most games can be had for less than $10 in any used game store. It reminds me of the days when I first started collecting for the NES. Nearly every game was $1. No one seemed to care in the slightest--until one day where everything seemingly tripled in value.

>> No.997384

You know I see a lot of people who bring up the whole hipsters buying games for that sweet gamer cred yet I never actually saw any of them. Do you guys actually have proof of this or is this just something you all made up to unleash your anger on?

>> No.997417

>>997384 you don't see them because they buy from Ebay. You will know them if they are on your social media feeds because you will see pictures of the game or the game in their console but when you ask to borrow a triwing nut driver they will look at you with a blank stare.

>> No.997424

My pain is still gamestop and EB just dumping the manual and cover if the game's price falls below $7.

I have a nice collection of ~30 cased games, but 50 or so other great games in CD sleeves.

>> No.997429
File: 126 KB, 500x430, hipster-negros-con-collar-nintendo-game-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well how about his?

How about the fact that I was at the fair the on tuesday and walked by a kiosk that was selling "hipster stuff". There was a lot of the typical hipster stuff but the majority of it was gameboy iphone cases, legend of zelda keychains and tshirts with (insert retro video game reference.)

>> No.997434

Is that seriously why my cheap games never had cases or manuals? Man fuck that.

>> No.997436

Why do people think gauges are a good thing? Who the hell likes making a giant hole in their ear?

>> No.997438


Shelf space "costs" money tp the beancounters. Low profit stuff? Yeah, dump as much as possible and cram it all into one shelf in the corner.

>> No.997440


People who want it to look like a dogs arsehole when they grow up and take it out.

>> No.997456

At first I guess it was for shock value. Then it was to be rebellious and deviate from the norm.

Now I'm not sure why because its a pretty common sight now days and the real hipster aspect of it has pretty much vanished.

>> No.997458

That's why I've been on a quest for years:

1 - Only buy retro games if they're cheap.
2 - Talk shit about them and associate them with smelly dorks.
3 - Scare people away from it as much as possible or at least try to make them prefer emulators and roms only.

>> No.997465

That would make him as bad as a re-seller.

>> No.997463

Why not buy really shitty games and then try to hype it up as the next Earthbound so you can make massive profits? That's what I would be doing if I were one of those retro game reviewers people love watching on Youtube these days.

>> No.997464
File: 51 KB, 500x382, RodentEarring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess guaging has become too common so they had to resort to stuffing animals in their guage holes.

>> No.997468
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Like he should care if he is rolling in money from selling all those shitty games.

>> No.997483

Because I'm not a greedy shitbag. Modern vidya is already shitty enough, I had enough with the masses shitting old vidya too. This is the only thing I can do. Other than bombing E3 or going on a shooting in a Battlefield convention, but that's only a temporary relief. I want the masses away from my video games.

>> No.997503

Don't wanna sound like a resident of /v/ but I have to agree with you. All the general public is doing by liking retro games is kicking the damn prices sky high. Which hurts actual collectors.

>> No.997518

And actual collectors are just a bunch of hoarding weirdos that have some strange disdain for emulation. Who the fuck cares? Play your damn video games and shut the fuck up.

>> No.997520

What is there to even possibly be nostalgic about the '00s? What a shitty decade...

>> No.997523

You said you'd never forget.

>> No.997525

Its a hobby. And no different from a model railroader or someone who collects campbells soup shit. The difference between Video game collectors and Campbells collectors is Video game collectors actually have something thats worth money and functions as something other than a curio cabnet showcase.

>> No.997550

Facebook retro collecting fan pages

>help admin buy action 52
>what do you guys think of SMW its one of my favorties
>i finally got it! Ducktales 2 for $99!! Thats a steal! Never played the 2nd one hope its good.

It's everywhere

>> No.997561

Also craigslist

>buying these games
>nintendo world championship
>little samson
>any retro worth $120 or more

>> No.997581
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>> No.997590

I was looking for a Gamecube on CL a couple days ago (mainly for a memory card for use in my Wii), and it looks like people are actually starting to ask more than $20-30 for the console with maybe a game or two.

Probably better just quietly snatch one up if you've been thinking about it.

>> No.997596

Got ya beat


Sealed copies of the game go for like 175-200. But put dat fancy ass VGA label on it and quadrouples the price.

>> No.997594

That has nothing to do with hipsters though. The market boomed because a lot of the people who grew up playing NES games are adults with jobs now who want to relive part of their past. Same shit happened with Atari games at one point.

>> No.997605

I think if people as a whole learned that the gold copy of Zelda was the more common one, I wouldn't care about what else happens to the games market.

>> No.997609

How in the hell do they expect to get a Macbook Pro for a Classic Series Adventure of Link.

>> No.997614

>hipster logic

>> No.997620

I sold something to someone on /vr/ who bragged about collecting and watching VHS tapes.

>> No.997625


This dude gets it.

>> No.997630

That's just sad.

>> No.997635

I don't know any 16-17 years olds that grew up playing NES/SNES. Yet that's all I see on facebook talking about retro games.

>> No.997638
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You think I should go for that Chono Trigger?

>> No.997639

Why is it sad to collect and watch movies on vhs if the movies don't exist in another form?
There are tons of movies that are only onvhs.

>> No.997640

I think he's referring to someone who collects movies in VHS because they're in VHS, not because they're unavailable in other formats. These people exist, unfortunately.

>> No.997646


>> No.997647


I see a lot of kids ranging anywhere from 13-20 doing this and even a 20 year old would have already been 2-4 by the time the Genesis and SNES became obsolete by the publics standard.

>> No.997652

I'm 18 and "grew up" with a NES/Genesis because my dad had both.

>> No.997653

my nephew (he's 12) told me that he likes 'retro games'. First on his list of 'games to play' is SMW


>> No.997662

Cartridge based systems are very popular with kids. They'll usually wreck a disc based system, and Mom and Dad aren't going to let them near their pc.

So they end up playing the old N64, or one of the many clone NES systems.

SNES holds and allure for them because that's the one they haven't played as much.

>> No.997664

I really don't think it's likely to happen.
Unlike other media or collectibles which pretty regularly see re-releases of things retro games just don't.
Sometimes they're put on contemplation discs or the obvious, emulated but as a far as the original hardware and software it just isn't being made anymore and won't be anytime soon, if ever.
True you can emulate anything you want to on even the shittiest of PCs, but most people that are into retro want to play games on the original console via the cart or disc.
Even after this hipster faggot shit dies down that doesn't change the fact that for some games the demand will always be there, and especially for games that have lower production runs more and more of them are getting into collections where they're going to stay there most likely.
Even games that have astronomically high production numbers like Mario 64 (in comparison to other titles runs) is STILL hovering at around $20 basically everywhere. Look at Price charting, everything has either drastically (n64) or gradually (NES/SNES) risen in price. I fear it's only going to get worse actually.

>> No.997691


Wasnt me, but I've got over 1000 VHS tapes. At one point pawn shops were selling them for like 10p, so buying 30 films for the price of renting 1 dvd. Seemed like a good idea at the time... Now I have too many videos!

>> No.997696

where do you live?

>> No.997704


>implying betamax and vinyl fans don't like them for quality reasons and for elements of the physical object

That's why I like them.

>> No.997736

>or one of the many clone NES systems.
nobody has those, and nobody will.

stop trying to pretend that they are popular

>> No.997749


>I want the masses away from my video games.

That's funny, because the masses are the only reason why video games exist in the first place.

>> No.997757

>>997646 (You)
>>997646 (You)

>> No.997761


South UK

>> No.997769

You so funneh

>> No.997784

I'm indifferent. Games are for playing. If they become worthless, I can afford to play more of them properly.

Someone was on here the other night talking about how it was a dream come true in the early eighties when he could mow a lawn for $5 and get two or three Atari games.

>> No.997807

Oh look, someone being old and jaded.

>> No.997813

Oh look a useless post. Good job, faggot.

>> No.997815

The 90s were actually trying to be as shitty as possible. That was what was cool. The 00s are shitty because the economy was bad but for whatever reason there was much more positivity. it takes a while to get nostalgic though. 2013 is still too much like the 00s for their defining qualities to be very obvious and for people to miss them.

You should build a new room for your house out of them. That's what I'd do.

>> No.997817

That is a good video.

>> No.997820


The naughts were the best years of my life: High School and college.

But compared to the 70s, 80s, and 90s, they sucked.

>> No.997849

emulation is free. And that shit's gonna get real old when that hardware starts degrading. So a crash is going to be inevitable.

>> No.997853

Unfortunately emulation is not a perfect preservation method at the moment, at least for consoles other than SNES, and it never will be for newer consoles.

>> No.997870

>born in 1996

>> No.997875

I'm actually interested what collecting new consoles will be like for the generation that is growing up now. Granted they have mostly shit for a library of games but not all of it is. I kind of see it the way PC gaming is now, many older games Will. Not. Run. on newer systems and require a decent amount of work to run, either compatibility mode (which doesn't always work) or a virtual machine. Already PS1 and beyond disc consoles are basically considered junk as soon as the next wave hits so I'm curious if any systems will survive long term, add to that that most tech today is purposefully not built to last, will a running Xbox or Ps2 even be available 20 years from now? 15?
It's basically history repeating itself because right now original xbox titles are basically worth jack shit other than a couple collectibles.

>> No.997884

lolwat? Even if emulation of a particular system isn't 100% accurate yet it gets people to download and share rom dumps and it's the dumps that are the perfect preservation method. Eventually, emulation will be perfect for everything including modern systems.

Also, it's unlikely there will be a retro crash per se. The reason why there was never so much of a bubble for Gen2 systems is because there was a real crash which led to immense overproduction and surplusses so there was no limited supply. The lesson was learned and production matched supply from then on and now as the supply dwindles the prices naturally rise. The bubble mat burst, or more precisely deflate a bit but there won't be a crash.

>> No.997887

>Even if emulation of a particular system isn't 100% accurate yet it gets people to download and share rom dumps and it's the dumps that are the perfect preservation method.

And then the government shuts down the site hosting them.

>> No.997885

>when that hardware starts degrading.
Have you ever looked inside a retro console? There's not much to degrade. They're all solid-state electronics, and - aside from the power circuitry - aren't at all volatile.

>> No.997896

The Xbox used market in particular is really bad. Probably due to a combination of overproduction, better PC versions being available, and super easy piracy. Not really /vr/ though.

In defense of older disc based consoles though I just pulled a Model 1 Saturn out of the trunk of my car that's been in there for a year or more, popped my Action Replay 4Meg in there and fired fup X-Men vs Street Fighter no problem.

>> No.997897
File: 237 KB, 900x1091, girl flaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro game market will die down once this "geek is chic" fad finally dies.

>> No.997904

pfft downloading romsets over the web is so 90s.

>> No.997918


that pic is really grabblin' my washingtons

>> No.997919

There are disc-based retro consoles too, ya dingus!

>> No.997923

Name 7

>> No.997925
File: 120 KB, 600x551, 132097324773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neo geo cd
sega cd

>> No.997940

Name 3 more and one thats based on neither cd nor cartridge

>> No.997945

I know it isn't /vr/ I was just using it as an example because I wonder what it will be like when it IS /vr/.

>> No.997948

This. Fucking this.

>> No.997962

College was the best part of your life? That's kinda sad.

>> No.997971

Tfw I tried so hard not to go off on the admin of Retro Gamers Union for thinking $30 was good for DKC (I think that's what it was)

>> No.997970

I hope it crashes. In australia we've been charged $120 for new games and something like $60 upwards for older stuff for so long I'm numb to it now.

>> No.997973

I think the hipster factor is a little overstated. The bubble exists mostly because people stupidly buy without bartering through places like ebay. The price of these games are artificially high because there are people that want it, thus driving demand and prices up. Once the kids that are just looking for games their parents sold off years ago get them, this bubble will probably burst.

For this same reason, I'd say to hold off on Xenoblade Chronicles. Give it 5 years until it fades into irrelevancy, and is priced more decently. It'll happen, Gamestop is just riding a hype wave because they're a business. Fucking people over is their job.

>> No.997974

There are a few rare games for Xbox, Street Fighter Anniversary, some Jurassic Park game. Most people who are speculating on Xbox are buying new, sealed games though which I think is foolish. I wouldn't mind having a Steel Battalion controller though.

>> No.997981

or Canadian?

>> No.997994

The pricing in Oz has nothing to do with any perceived retro boom elsewhere though, right?

>> No.997998

No, it dosen't. The dollar crashed really badly in the mid 90's and prices shot up. They just never came back down, I can't even imagine what would happen if there was a retro boom here., surely you've seen those screenshots of collections going for 2k which are justa console and tenish games.

>> No.998005

>Eventually, emulation will be perfect for everything including modern systems.

Lol, no it won't. Byuu has said that even something like a Wii is basically impossible. I don't think you understand what actually goes into emulating a console with perfect accuracy. Read this article


The best we can hope for is being able to play everything at full framerate with no major problems, and that's being optimistic.

>> No.998015
File: 666 KB, 916x708, perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea those facebook pages are full of stupid.

>pic related

>> No.998023


And if they do? It'll push prices up, as they'll all be rarer

>> No.998027

Hell yea, try to see if you can haggle down a little bit though. I'd go for it, good luck fellow /vr/Trooper

>> No.998028

19 year old here. Grew up with SNES/N64. A 16 (born 1997) year old growing up with a NES pretty much never happens.

>> No.998030

>label is perfect
>sticker on label

>> No.998032

"There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will." -- Albert Einstein, 1932.

>> No.998035
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>> No.998045

I'd like to eat my words but I doubt I will ever get the chance. Your claim that it will happen is baseless.

>> No.998049

Super LD-ROM2
Sega 32X CD

Sega Master System cards.

>> No.998052

Now, name a console that ran entirely on farts.

>> No.998054

Name 25 more.

>> No.998056

F**k your investments, so you payed shitloads for some stupid game and years from now people are yawning at your collection? Well don't throw away your money on crap, If a game is worth playing and costs a fortune, emulate it.

>> No.998057
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>> No.998062
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My nigga

>> No.998060

though, to be fair, a LaserActive + Mega LD unit can play Mega CD games and probably 32X CD games too if you can make the 32x fit.

>> No.998068

You mean the words of the only person who has actually managed to perfectly emulate a console?

>> No.998064

Your claim that it won't is based on someone else's words, so how can you call someone out on a baseless claim?

>> No.998065

Looking at this post again, both LaserDisc-based consoles are disc-based and are neither CD (those discs are definitely not compact) nor cartridge.

>> No.998071

I'm pretty sure Einstein was a professional too. Also please cite your source where Byuu said that.

>> No.998074

He named three, point has been made

>> No.998081

I was joking, man. I'm not the person he was arguing with. I thought asking for 25 was high enough that you'd get that.

>> No.998079

He's quoted in the article I linked to.

>Other emulation projects, such as the Wii and GameCube emulator Dolphin, are vastly complex pieces of software that make games playable and even improve them through high resolution rendering. "There's just no way we'll ever have a bit-perfect, low-level simulation of the Wii," byuu wrote, but he admitted "at the end of the day, the most important thing is simply being able to play the game at full framerate."

But the fact that scientists managed to do something that was thought impossible in X area does not mean that emulate programmers will be able to do something that was thought impossible in Y area. Technology will not necessarily advance to where we want it to go. I hope it does, but I don't think it will.

>> No.998095

Also I want to recommend that article again. It's a great read and explains why perfect emulation is so important (not only for playing the games but also for historical purposes) and details some of the work had to go into bsnes, such as having an electrical engineer decap the dsp chips and scan them with an electron microscope. Link again


>> No.998096

The designers of the CPU and GPU have absolutely perfect models of them built in software. How do you think they verify the register-level chip design?

>> No.998103

>The designers of the CPU and GPU have absolutely perfect models of them built in software.

Let me know how you plan on getting that for each console. You can't even get the technical manuals for most of this shit. Byuu again

>"I couldn't even get Renesas (formerly NEC) or Hitachi to provide me with their technical documents on the processors they once sold to the public ... despite the fact that there hasn't been any money to be made on these old programs for at least a decade now."

>> No.998147

>Granted they have mostly shit for a library of games but not all of it is.
You are delusional. Previous gens had way more unplayable shovelware. Great:other ratio is unchanged, playable:unplayable ratio is obviously the highest yet.

>> No.998169
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>> No.998223
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I just e-mailed this guy and setup a time to meet him. Hes gonna trade his sealed adventure of link for my Macbook Air.

Too bad I don't actually have a Macbook and and don't actually live in South Carolina.

>> No.998225

I wasn't even arguing. I was just seeing if he knew. That's why I followed up with the console that ran on farts.

Anon delivered the lulz

>> No.998238

Got for him, i got mine for a Buck.

>> No.998243

i mean seriously >>998015, not even my copy is that beat up, and only has a bit of a faded violet in the top label.

>> No.998258

Oh. Well I feel silly now.

>> No.998260

>>"I couldn't even get Renesas (formerly NEC) or Hitachi to provide me with their technical documents on the processors they once sold to the public ... despite the fact that there hasn't been any money to be made on these old programs for at least a decade now."
Is this guy fucking autistic or what? The documents are all on their web site. I'm sitting here with the SH-2 programmer's manual right now, writing code for the Sega 32X (with an official development manual for it, as well).

>> No.998262

>In the United States, copyright lasts 70 years after the author's death. That's a bit of a gap.

>US copyright Law, making the world so much "better"

>> No.998267
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It's not going to pop.

You guys like to hope it's going to pop, and I see a lot of arguments in favor of that. But Every argument likes to ignore that there is a finite supply of these old games just like with any other old toy, and you can't count emulation as part of the supply because collectors don't want to play on that. They want the real deal. And in some cases, like with old disc based systems, the real deal is becoming harder and harder to get.
What has actually happened, is that we've hit the stage where these items have started climbing in value due to nostalgia. The prices might stabilize in the next few years for the lesser known titles, but everything from here on out is going to steadily climb in value. We will never see the days of cheap ass NES games again, because the demand from the generation that grew up with them will only grow with age. And NES and later games will never be as cheap as Atari games are because there are nowhere near the amount of them printed.

You want a game? Either get it now, wait a bit longer for lesser titles to level out a bit, or emulate. There will never be a cheaper time again.

>> No.998265
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>> No.998268


So far. We'll see what happens later.

>> No.998269
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>A and B reversed

>> No.998272

I almost want to sell my collection which would be worth thousands and then buy it all back once the market crashes, but i would be afraid that It wouldnt happen.

>> No.998286

Yeah it wouldn't be worth the risk.

>> No.998293

how popular are retro consoles among people that didn't play them as kids? if new generations keep wanting them the market will only keep getting better.

>> No.998309


Nintendo is popular. That's basically the whole story.

>> No.998330
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>they destroyed the carts and gameboy the wear them as jewelry

When will people learn to stop breaking and modifying these things so greatly? There are a finite amount and people just keep ruining them.

>> No.998332
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This fucking thread, jesus christ. So bad.
It hasn't, and not in anyone's lifetime in this thread. While not as severe as the current "retro" bubble,
>Books (of comic origin as well)
as well as
Have been digitized. Either on the console market or for "emulation". People still buy the physical copies. That market, niche or not, will always exist in the foreseeable future. As a form of preservation, emulation is important, but not for your lifetime.

>Ok...so, this collection thing is -just- a fad, right? Games will go back to being $2-$3!
where do you hear this from?
Yes, there is a "retro" bubble.
Yes, games are ridiculously over priced now, as compared to say....
That's it.
Bear with me on this.
Most of the "retro" bubble is targeted at 3 things.
3)...the SNES
A "good, but popular" game usually goes for what it was -originally worth-
Not really. Sure, your ability to find a black label copy of FFVII for a penny was never true, but adjusting for inflation, people were always paying a "pretty penny" for popular/rare SNES/GENS titles.

The ONLY thing that's really changed are two factors
A)The "appeal" of "retro" gaming as both a past time AND collecting
Ten years ago on e-bay, most people weren't looking for a
the way they are today.
just the game would do, and it still commanded an outrageous price for a poorly received JRPG.
The very creation of the "collection craze", the need for "CIB" and not just a banged up gamestop case became preferred. Combine that with the spread of smartphones and the popularity of ebay and other online merchantlism, retro game prices soared. Yes, like any niche, they will reach a peak and then explode.

Short version, just don't get your hopes up for a $10 SNES complete Chrono Trigger in 2-3 years time.

>> No.998334

This. Everybody wants old Nintendo stuff, especially SNES.

If you like Sega, now is the time to collect. Especially Genesis stuff. Nobody wants it. I've found numerous Genesis at yard sales in the last few weeks. The last one I found had 33 games with it and I paid $20 for it. Even the local shops sell most Genesis games for cheap, unless it's like the Sonic or Phantasy Star games. 32X is cheap, too, as long as you don't buy from eBay. Because nobody wants them, and most of the time they get mixed in with Genesis games.

>> No.998350
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>mfw I bought it for $8 4 years ago and sold it within a year for $30 when the price started to go up

Why anyone would pay this much for any game is beyond me. I feel bad for paying $70 for Dragon Force.

>> No.998356

>see pic
>start reading post
>realize it's the same old garbage 1/3 the way in
At least you chose a good pic...

>> No.998363
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How is it garbage? You're either in denial or don't know how to form an argument.

>> No.998373

I went to my local vidya shop 1 year ago and they had the usual DK, SMW, and other SNES games on some shelfs ranging from about 2 to 10 dollars, I go back 4 months later and all the "common" SNES games like SMW,DK,Super Mario Kart, etc.. Are in a glass case for 25 and up. I hope this shit stops. They also have Silent Hill and FF7 greatest hits for 45 dollars now.

>> No.998392
File: 977 KB, 450x275, war.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asperger rage aside, you need to remember something:
the geek is chic idea is driving more than one medium.
Television shows, internet programming, the lucrative gaming industry which only grows more mainstream, movies based on comics are dominating the world...
Thanks to the new era of tech (form and function), this fad will not go quietly.

>> No.998393

i'm sure it will be awhile before million-seller carts are gone

>> No.998395

You sir are a goddamn gentleman and a scholar

Oh dis nigga one of those types.

>> No.998417

>assuming an argument needs to be formed
Yeah... no.

>> No.998435

Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.998452

I mean that's dumb...
Makes sense that people think it's dumb to do that is what I mean makes sense.

Sorry... had a migraine today and they typically leave me half retarded for the rest of the day.

>> No.998456

I was quite unaware of a gaming crash.
I'm collecting for posterity, not money, so it affects me little.
I mean, if I could get games for even less, all the better.

>> No.998481

Don't let it crash yet, I still need to perfect my counterfeit NES boxes.

>> No.998510
File: 14 KB, 194x259, 1374693199222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm detecting an awful lot of reseller and hipster-collector denial in this thread. This craze won't last forever. You wanna get rich off of my childhood memories? You should have begged your parents to take you to Neverland Ranch, like everybody else.

Wait a minute...

>> No.998526
File: 44 KB, 373x149, 1366613636461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that really matters with modern consoles; since by the end of the PS4 and XBone's lifecycle, they will have accomplished their mission, and console AND PC gaming will be ALL digital distribution. Entire console libraries there for you...in the cloud...as long as you pay for the same game evry time they discontinue support for the last console.

Thanks, Cloud-lovers, Steam-whores, and DLC-buying suckers.

>> No.998597

I doubt there will be much worth playing anyway.

>> No.998642

Jesus Christ, is that a box behind it? I say go for it, full force, I know I would, in a heartbeat.

>> No.998645

$45? That's a fucking steal. they're $130 here (Australia)

>> No.998643
File: 21 KB, 928x396, save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well he actually showed up. Too bad I didn't

>> No.998652

I only ever see people talk about it here, and most of the time with the intention to troll, I know this won't last forever but I don't see it ending any time soon

>> No.998665

>liking betamax for quality reasons
this has to be a troll

>> No.998671

I bought complete with manual Black Label Final Fantasy VII for 30 bucks on Amazon

>> No.998676

I think most of those things, except for maybe the gaming industry, have been impacted positively by it though. The quality of both movies based on comics and TV shows have gone up dramatically and internet sites look a lot better than they used to a few years ago. Just because you can't feel like you are in special secret club anymore doesn't make it bad.

>> No.998692

>implying beta wasn't the gold standard for the television industry for a long time and only recently phased out

>> No.998693

>Just because you can't feel like you are in special secret club anymore doesn't make it bad.

Yes it does.

>> No.998703

Well I wouldn't go that far but it's certainly superior to VHS in every way except being mono audio.

>> No.998709


>> No.998752


>> No.998816

Huh. I thought it was common knowledge that Beta was superior in quality, and that VHS basically got the edge by being the format all the pornography was in.

>> No.998868

Only advantage VHS had over beta was recording time.

I had hundreds of beta tapes up until the late 90's when my VCR died and we couldnt find a replacement.

I had the original star wars trilogy which is probably the last decent copy that was unmolested.

>> No.998882

UMD movies damn son
i collect movies on all kinds of formats but umd are just horrible

>> No.998885
File: 843 KB, 1365x2048, 1367157187816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before, but I feel the need to re-iterate: Reading comics, watching anime, or playing games does not make you a "geek" or a "nerd". Watching movies/TV shows based on these things definitely doesn't make you a "geek" or a "nerd". There's no secret club; people have been doing these things since the '30's. Just because some semi-attractive female on Youtube says she likes Pokemon and then giggles, "I'm such a nerd lolz XD", doesn't make it so. Those words have simply been embraced as marketing buzzwords, and it's the easiest way for attentionwhores and money-grubbers to cash in, so to speak.

>> No.998887

Not know heaps of films haven't had a dvd release

>> No.998889

The only reason I even saved the picture was because I have a huge panty fetish. Otherwise I totally agree with you and preech that all the time.

>> No.998892

Nope, and

Read up a little. Sony lost for far more serious reasons than that. In fact, one of those reasons sparked up this DMCA bullshit that every media consumer in the developed world has to deal with, right now.

>> No.998897

>I peaked in college
Laaame. You sound like you might have been a preppy high school fag.

>> No.998906

Laserdisk is wayy more underground

>> No.998913

That is a funny way to spell laser disc

>> No.998917

When did they go, anyways? Betmax finally died off in Japan in 2002

>> No.998929

Died in about 2002 although i think some karoke discs where still being made in japan til about 2005

>> No.998949


It seems there are a lot of us Laserdisc guys here on /vr/. I have about 400. There was someone in another thread who said he had 1000.

I also just recently picked up a pretty nice Sony Betamax VCR that I'll probably be selling soon, once I test it. I do have five or six Beta tapes.

>> No.998960

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

>> No.998965

400?! jesus buttfuck and I thought having a handfull of anime ones was doing okay.

They fall outside of my area of interest though.

>> No.998978

To be fair most of this kind of stuff is the cheap best-selling games that are a dime a dozen and can be found easily. If they were doing it with stuff like Earthbound and Shantae I could understand the anger but it seems kind of harmless to me.

>> No.998996

It's a pretty cool format. I have a CRT projector and when you put them together you get an all-analog experience that's just not something you get anywhere else anymore.

>> No.999059

Look on the bright side, you've got a young kid interested in playing the classics. Just teach him how to shop for old games and how to not be a faggot about them.

>> No.999332

Oh yeah, the big retro game crash of 2013. I heard they're planning to bury a million copies of Chrono Trigger in a landfill.

>> No.999882

Gallon? Let me know when it's a dollar a litre anywhere except Alberta :(. MFW they just released the stats for North American Gas prices and I live in the province with the highest costs. 1.45$ a litre on average.

I hope the crash happens, but I don't think so because we are all going to buy that 100$ loose earthbound cart and drive prices back up again

>> No.1000051

Last gen systems (DC, PS2, Xbox, GCN, DS, PSP), though not currently under the scope of this board, are the systems to be collecting for right now.

Though, with services like Gaikai and Virtual Console, do you guys think PS2/PS3 games will ever have much value?

>> No.1000098

Yes. It's pretty easy to emulate Earthbound on a million devices plus it's available on VC but it's still through the roof.

>> No.1000168

physical copies of good/rare/popular stuff usually holds well. nothing compares to a tactile collection.

>> No.1000415

The early 00s were alright, at least up until the dot-com crash, 9/11, and all the aftermath of that shit.

Also, PC gaming was arguably in a golden age from 1997-2001. It wasn't until the release of Halo for Xbox and big-name PC devs entering the console market that things started going downhill.

>> No.1000427

I don't really care if there is a crash in the "retro games" market, as that really only applies to consoles.

Hipsters don't have nostalgia for old PC games/hardware, and therefore, the retro PC market isn't inflated in any way, shape, or form.

You can still get most 90s PC games for $1-$5, and hardware is either free (people giving it away) or cheap. The only expensive items are some of the more obscure ones from the early 90s, like Gravis sound cards and Roland sound equipment. VESA-bus cards cost quite a bit, too.

>> No.1000471

I don't think you've looked at the prices for big box pc software lately.

>> No.1000494


People who were born after you and grew up with 6th gen, obviously.

>> No.1000572

>But compared to the 70s
Everyone I've talked to that was actually alive during that time said they'd rather die than relive them. Same with the 60s.

>> No.1000630

but the 60's and 70's had the best music and cars, people actually went outside instead of using the internet

>> No.1000662

'70s rock was terrible (with a few exceptions), and people dressed like shit. I'd have to pass on that decade.

>> No.1000670

>people actually went outside insteas of using the internet
Have you ever looked at class pictures of recent high school classes and compared them to graduating classes in the 90s? If you were to take, say, a hundred guys out of those class pictures almost half of the guys from a recent year are betas but in a class from the 90s there'll be maybe 5 betas out of 100. Not nostalgia goggling; just an observation I've noticed. I'd bet all the money I own that the rise of the internet plays huge role in that.

sage for off topic

>> No.1000671

They stank all the time too. Long hair, barefoot people, and shirtless dudes every-damn-where.

>> No.1000676

My young high school cousins talk about beta shit that would have gotten your ass kicked in the 90s.

>> No.1000716

That has already begun man. 1st party GCN games are a lot more than 10 bucks. Loz WW is around 30-40. Paper Mario TTYD is about 40, same with shit like pikmin 2 and other games.

It has already begun.

>> No.1000874

I wonder how much history and how many collectibles have been destroyed and lost forever thanks to assholes like that.

>> No.1000890

If nobody ever destroyed any of them they wouldn't be as collectible.

>> No.1001235

Programmer's manual is not the level of detail someone like byuu wants. He's going to be interested in the behavior and timings of specific parts.

OTOH, one of the reasons I think he's wrong is that game development has gotten way less dependent on that kind of tricky, low-level behavior so you probably don't need anywhere need the same level of accuracy in emulating modern consoles.

>> No.1001254

Take a look at /v/, the place is crawling with '00s kids now. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen some kid being nostalgic over Halo, Xbox Live, World of Warcraft, Hoenn or Runescape, I'd be rich by now.

>> No.1002330

yea it's pretty much just a buzzword now which is weird considering all the torment bullies put me through when I was a kid. I wish I woulda grown up now when my game collection would have made me cool and people wouldn't have tormented me because i liked all the sci fi stuff that's popular now like Doctor Who.

>> No.1002370

The vast majority of "big box" PC games can be found for under $20.

The only expensive games are those that are both sealed and popular, or that had extremely limited production runs.

As it stands now, you can take a $100 into Half Price Books or spend it on eBay and get stacks upon stacks of PC games from the mid-to-late 90s.

>> No.1002405
File: 15 KB, 200x297, Toxic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some movies can't be found in other formats. I have tons of oldschool horror movies that have never been released on dvd or other digital formats.
Picture kinda related, good luck trying to find the uncut version.

>> No.1002859

You're better off.

The kids of today's pussified society are going to be history's worst adults, far worse than even our generation. Those of us who have kids are going to have to raise the people who will clean up after them.

sage for off-topic

>> No.1004745

A lot of anime here in the west is that way too. Especially one shot OVAs.