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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 111 KB, 640x931, reonp20f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9965643 No.9965643 [Reply] [Original]

>20 years later
>I am forgotten

>> No.9965667

>online focused
That's how it always turns out with that are reliant on this functionality. It was fun when it was active and the severs were going. I liked the second one as well.

>> No.9965669

It's because you were garbage. 20 seconds long door animations, 4 item inventory slots, some of the worst friendly AI ever designed and a story that retconns a lot of shit from the original trilogy.

Coincidentally the only people who claim it is good are the nostalgia faggots who played it back in the day online. There is a reason why this game didnt explode when the online servers were restored for emulation.

>> No.9965894
File: 256 KB, 1024x768, REOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass appeal is for utter faggots, this game was great.

>> No.9965908

Great in concept but not that good. RE:Resistance did it better

>> No.9966521

>RE:Resistance being a good game
True but not a fair comparison. It's an asymmetrical PvP experience while Outbreak is classic RE with teammates. It was also made back when online gaming was in its infancy

>> No.9966525

That cover is awesome

>> No.9966548

I *literally* just finished a full game run with 3 other people on OBSRV. Not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.9966586

Respawning enemies and the death timer were also utterly retarded design decisions and completely killed the game.

>> No.9966721

>death timer
i only messed around with it for a few minutes but is this what that viral percentage thing is? because that's gay
and the fucking enemies respawn too? all of them? i like to take my time with a first RE playthrough

>> No.9966778

i dont mind the death timer that much since on difficulties outside VH its not much of an issue
the respawning enemies shit is just too fucking cancer though, literally whats the point of wasting resources for safety if they just respawn anyway. if you're trying to figure out a puzzle and you're not inside the rare safe rooms you're screwed cause you're just gonna have to deal with constant respawns

>> No.9966838

>he doesn't choose the Doctor

>> No.9966870
File: 59 KB, 565x800, deadaim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Aim was the only good Resi game after the OG trilogy.

Inb4 Segafags try to claim Code Veronica was good or Nincels try to claim RE4 didn't ruin Resident Evil.

>> No.9966883

Code Veronica was good, and it ruined Resident Evil.

>> No.9967080

>20 secs long door animations
6 seconds
>4 item inventory slots
Filtered. Play Yoko
>worst friendly AI
True but you can play without bots
>retcons OG trilogy
Other than a few tiny details I don't see how it retcons anything
>respawning enemies
Filtered. Respawns are only an issue on high difficulty. Without them you could clear the map easily
>death timer
Filtered. Without the virus gauge there would be no way for you to die. It puts pressure on you to keep moving forward and it lasts for about an hour, which is enough unless you're bad

>> No.9967128

I remember playing a map where Hunters, who could break your gun if they hit you, would respawn around the map. And you couldn't fix it unless you were the plumber guy and still had one of the 3 repair items he started with.

>> No.9967194

This would be considered revolutionary if it came out today.

>> No.9967919

Just marathoned most of the series.
RE 3 > CVX > RE2 > RE1 > RE0
Nu RE:
4R > 4 > Revelations 2 > RE5 > Revelations 1 > 6

Haven't played 2R, 3R, 7, 8

>> No.9968560

>Respawns are only an issue on high difficulty. Without them you could clear the map easily
except even on Normal the game already gives you so little resources to kill the first wave of enemies, it just spams herbs instead of ammo, i saw many players that beat normal RE's fine just stumble on it
meanwhile on VH as soon as you kill a zombie a respawn is already knocking on the door lmao. its just unfun if you're forcing everyone to play it like they're speedrunning RE1 else face death by very rapid attrition, you're practically forced to know the puzzles beforehand, and you just bet it was impossible to know or coordinate without VOIP, like the fucking hotel on fire puzzle, or the one in the uni. im not even gonna mention the retarded door HP values.

>> No.9968752
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, Left_4_Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't fans recreate servers relatively recently based on stolen code?

>> No.9968984

I can beat Outbreak file 1 in my sleep with the retarded AI. However, file 2 is so fucking annoying and infuriating I only beat it once and never again. That hospital and the hunters in the last scenario was pain.

>> No.9969141

Any tips for a novice player for file1? Anything I should know?

>> No.9969158

How do you know that it's based on stolen code, even?

>> No.9969187

Hmm. The first two scenarios are fairly easy so you won't get routed too often. The biggest annoying thing in scenario 2 has to be the moth that poisons you and your teammates. If you can somehow run to the middle of that section before it sees you, you can try and pick it off if the others help and follow you. Hellfire has a really confusing apartment layout and puzzle. I suggest trying it a few times to get the layout down so you can breeze to the puzzle sections to avoid the timer getting too high. The boss licker for that section was comically easy though. Leech man in the hospital can seem scary and annoying, but you can avoid him with blood packs, or if you feel confident using your team as bait to run away. Plus side is you kill him early and can explore the hospital in peace. The boomer in the first scenario is worth saving and keeping safe for a touching heartwarming scene later. Even decisions, decisions isn't too hard but very long. Like if you fuck around too much you can die from the timer before the final boss. I'm sure there's more I'm missing but I'm at work right now.

>> No.9969489

File 2 is way better because the scenarios are bigger, more diverse and have better replayability. File 1 gets old quick because all its scenarios except the last one are incredibly short and linear

>> No.9970945

All the promo art for this game is fucking awesome

>> No.9971005

Left 4 Dead is a way better game than that.

>> No.9971031

I thought you could still play online with unofficial servers and PCSX2, no? I saw some people doing just that only a while ago.

>> No.9971037

Agree. Best save theme in a RE game also

>> No.9971046

Are you insane?

>> No.9971475

He's right.


>> No.9971557

I love the zoo. Probably because I like zombie animals. But it also was a lot of fun as you got better. It emphasized the party splitting up to cover space efficiently but is still pretty tight map. Fun boss fight.
That an RCPD are the stages I remember best.

>> No.9971724

I want a copy of it, but damn it's expensive on Ebay. Shame as well, since I enjoy Outbreak 2.

>> No.9972017

Really? I got mine for like 10 euro

>> No.9972080

Last I checked Ebay it was scalped to hell. Looking now, it seems prices have massively dropped. Thank fuck. I swear they were close to the price of AC2/3 games after the announcement of AC6. Horrible, triple digit price tags.

>> No.9972086

>I swear they were close to the price of AC2/3 games after the announcement of AC6. Horrible, triple digit price tags.
Man I was eyeing out For Answer for a couple months before AC6 announcement, eyeing for something less than $60 canadian to appear, then that shit went over $100. Should have got it while I could.

>> No.9972095
File: 202 KB, 638x644, 1420153458841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was also made back when online gaming was in its infancy

This shit came out in 2003. Infancy my ass.

>> No.9972098
File: 733 KB, 570x570, 1677607127613862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's bullshit all around. Lost any chance of getting third gen AC games, but I did manage to get a copy of Another Age for $20 after the announcement. Fuck scalpers and fuck "fans" that only collect games so they can post pictures of said game on social media and not play them.

>> No.9972258

Capcom out here remaking fucking RE 4 which was already a 10/10 game and didn't need it when this game came out way ahead of its time and would be a hit if it got a modern remake, since half the online games out are like this now.

>> No.9972325

>out here
go back to bpt

>> No.9972369


>> No.9972456

The fuck is a bpt, I'm not a zoomer, I don't know your lingo.

>> No.9973440
File: 56 KB, 350x700, Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>images you can hear

>> No.9973451

multiplayer resident evil tends to not do well. I think the servers shutting down has something to do with that.
gaiden, code veronica, 0, 4, and 7 were good imo. Even 5 isn't nearly as terrible as people say it is aside from the shit ai if you play solo.

>> No.9973453
File: 1.27 MB, 1195x1370, 7356858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out, a remake of Gaiden in the style of the 2,3, and 4 remakes.

>> No.9973463

Online gaming on consoles you fucking pedant.

>> No.9974612


>> No.9975567

Yes, there are fan servers, search for obsrv and you'll find them. As long as you're logged to their forum while you play it works mostly fine.
It's fun to play with friends and a voice chat, though they didn't add one to the Game itself, of course. If you're a euro, though, you might want to build your own servers, because ping makes zombies teleport erratically.

>> No.9976082

I thought the zombies teleporting everywhere was simply a limitation of the servers. Does it not happen at all if you play in the US?

>> No.9976706

>ping makes zombies teleport erratically.
The online is weird, but the way to think of it is like this: whoever enters a room first online is the "room master" and they see reality. If someone else enters after them, they'll see *A* reality, but it's not the one the game logic is working on, so if a zombie in the room master's world grabs you in their world, you'll see it teleport to your position and grab you. The size of these teleports can be really bad if the host is in another country.

Basically if you plan on fighting enemies (almost only for boss fights), in most situations you want to be the first person into a room.

>> No.9976727

That sounds like just about the worst netcode ever devised.

>> No.9976732

there's like 3 fights where that really destroys the pacing, but for 90% of the game online works fine

>> No.9976736

The best way to deal with zombies is to tackle them once and run past them. You're invincible when you're in the animation for kneeling down to pick up items (but not once you're kneeled down already, only while you're in the process of kneeling down), and you can use that to dodge stuff.

It's fine. You can actually abuse it a little too. If you know you're not the room master, you can run straight through zombies because the netcode like won't update them fast enough for them to grab or slap you. It wasn't intentional, but it adds a little layer of strategy to the game.

>> No.9978030

He's so right bros.

>> No.9978064

2 words:
Zombie. Elephant.

>> No.9978418

Multiplayer RE sounded like a good idea on paper, but in practice it turned into a bunch of autismos with all the optimal routes and puzzle solutions memorized coordinating over voice chat and just speedrunning the scenarios over and over and over. Just look at the Outbreak fan servers. Same thing would happen to any remake/remaster/whatever in no time flat.

>> No.9978445

>in practice it turned into a bunch of autismos with all the optimal routes and puzzle solutions memorized
I kind of wish it were closer to that. The online servers are actually just full of retards who've played the game for a million hours without ever improving, so it's mostly just people who think they're god's gift to the game when really they suck ass.

>> No.9978636

You're supposed to play with a friend you dumb fuck.
It's not an esport you cringe faggot

>> No.9978740

That could easily be fixed by having the items and codes randomized each time you play so you'd actually have to look for them and take different routes each game

>> No.9978807

No, that would be the dreamcast and let me tell you online gaming there was alive and well for a very long time, the PS2 had no one playing because netplay was fucking awful and very obtuse to use.

>> No.9978841 [DELETED] 

Yeah that's why people should stop acting like that it is, you fucking moron. My complaint isn't people not knowing how to play, it's that they don't know how to play while they loudly scream about how great they are at the game.

>> No.9978845

Yeah that's why people should stop acting like it is, you fucking moron. My complaint isn't people not knowing how to play, it's that they don't know how to play WHILE they loudly scream about how great they are at the game.

>> No.9978869

>play with a friend
>difficulty and puzzles doesnt scale to 2 players

>> No.9978876

Online is actually pretty substantially different from offline, especially in File 2. I think File 1 offline is actually tuned a little harder than online for some reason, but File 2 changes the items around, has multiple item sets, and makes the kill count required to clear Desperate Times significantly higher.

>> No.9978961

Not sure that's true. File 1 scenarios are pretty linear and you can zip through them quite easily if you play solo.
File 2 feels much harder as the scenarios are much more complex and require more tasks to be completed that are facilitated by teamwork. Wild Things and Desperate Times are particularly overwhelming if you play them solo in VH

>> No.9978968

File 2's undeniably harder than File 1, what I meant was that offline File 1 is harder than online File 1, sorry.

>> No.9979391

Why weren't these titled as mainline RE games? They are much closer to normal RE games than some numbered entries of the series.

>> No.9979421

because they're online PS2 games, they were obviously a bit too experimental to be numbered. They are canon though.

>> No.9979515

Can you play splitscreen?
Isn't there bots? Also just choose a lower difficulty

>> No.9979516

>Can you play splitscreen?

>> No.9980357
File: 99 KB, 1080x836, Screenshot_20230613_112819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly enough there's this promo image that shows splitscreen (picrel) but it never made it to the final game, probably too much for the PS2 to handle.
It's a shame because I feel a lot of people hated the game because they never got to play with someone else, and if it had came with at least 2-player coop a lot more people would've enjoyed it

>> No.9980505

the bots are retarded as fuck. also even in "lower difficulties" nothing changes except the game just spams you with healing items and the respawn timer is longer. you can still easily be cucked by puzzles or no resources due to constant respawns cause the game doesn't account for 4< players

>> No.9980519

>also even in "lower difficulties" nothing changes except the game just spams you with healing items and the respawn timer is longer.
A lot of stuff changes between difficulties actually. Door health values are different, puzzle difficulty changes, in the first scenario of File 1 the zombies turn into scissortails on higher difficulties, and even the cutscenes change to reflect that.

On File 2 there are keys on lower difficulties that just don't exist on higher difficulties as well, because they wanted you to have to break doors down more (which is harder).

>> No.9981308

I love this dude like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9982727
File: 212 KB, 561x541, female zombies outbreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



- Hated to hear the bad voice acting every 2 seconds(only in outbreak 2 they are mostly in silence).

- You cannot choose your partners(only in outbreak 2 you can).

- very few variety of weapons to choose(and most of them are very weak or even useless).

- Only can play as a zombie in online mode.

- Most enemies are infinite, so you cannot clear most areas.

- To stomp on enemies or push them is usually useless.

- Beating it without online mode in very hard mode is a nightmare(and the problem is most usefuls things like the "infinite weapons mode" needs a lot of it).


- One of the few resident evil games with female zombies. Thats the most important point of all. if we remember well, there were not female zombies in resident evil code veronica or in resident evil 0. But at least there are female zombies in resident evil outbreak, and a great variety of them.

- Every character has his/her advantanges and disadvantages.

- some rare enemies like the hunter gama returned.

- some new enemies(like the giant wasps).

- every character has a good ending and a bad ending.

In short: i give it a 7 out of 10

>> No.9982742

Valid review. Although stomping can be useful since it can stunlock zombies and keep them on the ground.
I also don't find playing as a zombie very useful. In online when people die they always disconnect or stay out the way because they don't want to kill their teammates. There's no real incentive to hunt down your teammates other than be an asshole

>> No.9982883

>- To stomp on enemies or push them is usually useless.
Stomping and pushing is actually hilariously effective, especially in File 1 where the stomp does 4x damage for some reason. The push stuns zombies 100% of the time unlike almost every other weapon in the game, too, which makes it perfect for getting by zombies.

>- very few variety of weapons to choose(and most of them are very weak or even useless).
The only really useless weapon across both files is probably the SMG. If you name any other weapon I bet I can tell you the specific scenario and enemy I use it on.

>> No.9983886

SMG could still be useful if you're playing Jim with maxed out crit chance

>> No.9983893

The SMG can't crit.

>> No.9983894

i love this game to death but i wish it was finished. the zombification is super half assed. there is zero reason to go after another player besides just being an asshole. it would be nice if there was a separate score system when playing as zombie to earn exclusive costumes and npcs like Mark:Z zombie costume for normal mark. also more ways to attack like pressing and holding the aim button makes you do the zombie grapple attack on other players.

>> No.9985286


>> No.9985323

>20 seconds long door animations, 4 item inventory slots, some of the worst friendly AI

all those are true. i hated this game.

>> No.9986270

>Coincidentally the only people who claim it is good are the nostalgia faggots who played it back in the day online.
I played it for the first time like three years ago and I like it more than most of the classic resi games, maybe all of them. Might have more to do with me being smart enough to figure out how to install the game on my harddrive to eliminate the door load times and also playing it online so I don't have to deal with the AI.

I can see how it might be a bad game though if you're stupid and/or so antisocial you can't join a lobby with people who literally can't even communicate with you.

>> No.9986606

Why did sales of File 2 fall off so hard? The first one sold about 1.5m but 2 barely scraped out 200k. It's one of the lowest selling games in the whole series.

>> No.9986815

Well it's pretty much just an expansion pack. Most people probably didn't want to pay full price for what is essentially the same game

>> No.9987107

kind of a shame since it's so much better.

>> No.9987153

REmake 1 forever

>> No.9987338

There was no voice chat functionality back in the day. Everyone communicated through ad-libs. >>9978740
Puzzle solutions are randomized every playthrough, item placements are also fucked with depending on the difficulty. In online mode, certain items are placed in random places on the map to throw you off.

>> No.9987357

>pushing enemies is useless
Are you serious? The tackle is the most useful tool in Outbreak, it's how I've gotten through the game, it's also a great way to conserve ammo.

>> No.9987408 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 597x605, 1659270532817233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting.

>> No.9987414
File: 149 KB, 597x605, 1668721667003573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting.

>> No.9987871

>It's because you were garbage. 20 seconds long door animations, 4 item inventory slots, some of the worst friendly AI ever designed

as the angry videogame nerd said "what the hell where they thinking?"

>> No.9987906

It doesn't eliminate the loading times. Even using softmodded ps2 and running the game over LAN doesn't eliminate the door load times. Its impossible to bypass it

>> No.9987915
File: 95 KB, 726x1000, 51ZF7C8C2BL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguably the coolest RE cover ever

>> No.9988025

fuck that. one of the best video game covers ever

>> No.9988104

not so cool once you realize you're the guy handing the gun

>> No.9988113

Obviously it doesn't eliminate them but it cuts them down to an extremely reasonable length.

>> No.9988841

Wasn't it only released a few months before resident evil 4?

>> No.9988846

>a dude reaching his hand towards another dude's crotch is one of the best covers ever

>> No.9988889
File: 65 KB, 704x1000, outbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they use the ugly ass movie title font in America?

>> No.9988917

He's handing him a gun. It's a display of true teamwork.

>> No.9988931

a display of gay, more like

>> No.9988941

I bought it day one when it came out, I always bought spinoff re games I think they're really fun. I agree it's the last good spinoff game, mostle because it isn't following mainline story and doesn't include established characters. But only if the Japanese make them, I don't believe anyone else gets what makes resident evil good.

>> No.9989509

RE4 and RE5 were experimental as fuck and got numbered. So was RE7. I find that your statement doesn't hold water, the Outbreaks were LESS experimental than mainline games.

>> No.9989521

Consider this, Capcom became shit. RE4 also had Mikami himself burning through money on prototypes and wasting years of dev cycle. The project was too big to not be a numbered game.

>> No.9990517

It's not really randomized though, there are usually three or four different codes for puzzles but they're always the same. Autismos can still speedrun the game by memorizing them and guessing the right one

>> No.9991067

>Autismos can still speedrun the game by memorizing them and guessing the right one
This was one of the big changes between File 1 and 2 actually. In File 2 you can't enter codes for things unless your character actually goes and reads the file. It's why you can beat all the File 1 scenarios in like 5 minutes but the File 2 scenarios still take some time.

>> No.9992279

fuck those loading screens between rooms
made drop the game and this was after i beated the research level where i had to kill the dude with the train

>> No.9992373

Installing it to HDD halves the loading times.

>> No.9993248

>didn't use his hard drive to cut the loading down to 2-3 seconds

>> No.9993587

What about emulation?

>> No.9993604

You can simulate HDD install through PCSX2.

>> No.9994028

Does that make a difference though? It's already loading from the hard drive.

>> No.9994032

>>20 years later
>>I am forgotten
How is it forgotten? I have a copy I was playing last Saturday.

>> No.9994034

>Nincels try to claim RE4 didn't ruin Resident Evil.
How would they know anything about the first three, they released on playstation first? Anyway there are no garish bring colours or bing bing sounds.

>> No.9994175
File: 1.53 MB, 960x540, 1672407978692777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason it does. You should NOT use the in-game HDD install though, since if you do that it won't let you join most of the online lobbies. What most people do is download an elf of HDLoader and run the game through that. Pic related is a comparison video I just made.

>> No.9994607
File: 51 KB, 780x439, ReOutbrekRBBB-780x439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a retard but I think these guys had more personality than most of the main RE cast combined

>> No.9995054

never heard of it

>> No.9995232

>never heard of it
yeah. You need to put more effort into your b8

>> No.9996906


>> No.9997058

Capcom probably doesnt even remember those games, same as Dead Aim, Survivor(I wish this one had a remake like 7).

>> No.9997107

They seem to remember Outbreak. It's referenced a couple times in the 2 and 3 remakes and 7.

>> No.9997309

They always used uglier Resident Evil logos in America.

>> No.9998757

biggest gripe is the loading times between rooms due to how frequently that occurs... wish I had one of them PS2 hard drives

>> No.9998764

just emulate it

>> No.9998853


>> No.9999601
File: 2.17 MB, 2016x1512, It_is_scarry_outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of remember reading that it was some effort from fans, when the non-Japanese servers went down they took it as a warning and got what they could from a still-active Japanese server. I am not fully clear on the details, maybe I do have it wrong, but I thought there were modern ways to play it online now.

Haven't joined a forum in years. Does it require any mods or specific things to be injected onto a PS2 HDD?

It is cool art from the SNK guy. You can always tell it is him and his style just from the looks.