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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9962604 No.9962604 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>9954960

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:


>> No.9962608
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263/#9611406

Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9890843/#9896579


=== NEWS ===
[6-5] ROTT: Ludicrous Edition release on July 31, 2023.

[6-1] Pandemonia updated to 2.4.

[5-31] Duke Nukem Collections 1 & 2 announced for Evercade.

[5-29] dsda-doom 0.26 now available with beta UDMF support

[5-28] Walpurgis 0.98 is out

[5-28] Corruption Cards updated to 5.0

[5-27]Combined_Arms Gaiden upgraded to 2.1

[5-25] Explore Jam 3 for Quake released

[5-25] 3D scans of Quake 2 toys

[5-24] Aleph One updated

[5-23] Nugget Doom updated to 1.14.0

[5-23] Woof 11.1.4 released, Mac/MIDI support improvements and bugfixes for Dehacked

[5-22] "Bring Your Own Class" Zandronum mod release

[5-18] Chasm: The Rift's re-release gets a major update and console release

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.9962613
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>> No.9962631
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>> No.9962634
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>fine hell ass

>> No.9962635
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I guess since multiple people want to use it, and since I'm already making a MAPINFO, go for it. I will add any MUSINFO to the wad.
I just ask that you name any extra MIDI that you use as "D_"+the name of your waifu+a number for each additional MIDI.
This offer obviously extends to anyone who already submitted a map.

>> No.9962650

that's a pretty cute image

>> No.9962667

how exactly do i replace the music in my wad? i know i can just add a midi to the wad and rename it D_RUNNING but i dont think thats how you want it

>> No.9962670

That will do just fine if you use a single music. I will rename MIDIs depending on the map order later.

>> No.9962696

What are some weapon packs?

>> No.9962706
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Pic-related is my personal favorite.

>> No.9962710

Kinda feel dirty that I gave the developer feedback for that back in the day, but the mod itself is great.

>> No.9962715
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Nothing beats classic 40W range phased plasma rifle.

>> No.9962739
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>Brlzbrlzbrlzbrlz-plzang brlz-plzang
Say hello to tinnitus

>> No.9962741

>Say hello to tinnitus
guns should be loud, no exceptions.

>> No.9962779
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Giving this a go myself, more thoughts later.

>> No.9962794
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just finished GOING DOWN, holy shit such fun megawad
what should I play now

already played
>ancient aliens
>augur zenith
>btsx1 (should replay from the latter part, I think I never finished this one)
I started playing sunder but didn't catch my attention
might be in the mood for some classic shit like memento mori, which I played back in the day
thanks, frens

>> No.9962803

Can any anons on here tell me how I could go about hosting a Doomseeker server properly without running the risk of doxxing myself like a retard? It won't show up in the server browser no matter what if I have my VPN enabled, even if I enable port forwarding.

>> No.9962808

64's plasma gun sounds better although most things sound better then then the original plasma gun.

>> No.9962817

If you're just doing something to play with some friends I don't think you need to have it show up in the browser, you can just give them the IP:PORT and password if needed I believe.

>> No.9962820

I don't know how about self-hosting, but you can use this as a backup plan

>> No.9962834
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Fucker had a red shield and it didn't work. I had to kill him the normal way.

>> No.9962835

vat is dis?

>> No.9962840

didn't know deathstrider had custom enemies
is there a good crash course for someone who already knows their way around base hideous destructor?

>> No.9962849
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I have been thinking about Duke lately since the Evercade thing and I finally realized that the base concept for Duke Nukem Forever is so fucking lame compared to every other Duke game, starting in a Casino is fine but then you wander the desert, find a strip club then go to the Hoover Dam then Area 51( which Duke already did in The Birth).

Time to Kill and Zero Hour's plot are typical time travel stuff but at least the settings you go are interesting, who the fuck cares about Hoover Dame.

>> No.9962851
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Looks like pre-alpha 94 Protons of /vr/

>> No.9962858
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He did such a good job with the pack that I booted up slab6 just to see how a lot of it would look with software rendering. I wonder if he's got plans to do anything else once he's done with the Doom 2 enemies. Wouldn't blame him if he moved on afterwards, shit's time consuming.

>> No.9962860

>starting in a Casino ... you wander the desert, find a strip club then go to the Hoover Dam
>what is FNV

>> No.9962864

You definitely don't start anywhere near a casino in that.

>> No.9962872

that's true

>> No.9962890

Lost Civ

>> No.9962913

What happened here you NIGGURS

>> No.9962920

It's Deathstrider with Project Malice enemies. It's not an official DS enemy pack but it might as well be, Ace recommends it and it's super cool.

There's the readme and Zhs2's guide:


You can load up into the Flagship and use the console by the doorway to pick a room to go to. One of them is the shop/armory, and on the ship, you can buy everything for free and test things out.

>> No.9962925

Thanks anons, I'll take this into consideration.

>> No.9962980

Nice, thanks for the info, was getting messy juggling spells and guns around.

>> No.9963003

Oh no, le heckin buggerinos!. Fixed. Shields shouldn't affect damage from overdose. Turns out this was bugged for the player as well.

>> No.9963014

Eviternity or JPCP

>> No.9963053

Fucking sick. I was almost thinking the shield was canceling out the damage since it was the healing one.

>> No.9963082

The healing shield doesn't heal the owner. Probably gonna keep it that way.

>> No.9963084

Can someone please reply? Thanks in advance.

>> No.9963087

Hello doom thread. I'm kind of a shitter with DECORATE so hear me out:
I've encountered a very ridiculous coding problem in DECORATE and I really don't want to register a Doomworld account to ask about it.

The problem I'm having is usage of A_Overlay to draw additional sprites on the HUD.

I'm attempting some dual-welding magic with a knife and a gun, CQC style. It draws nicely when I break them apart, but it doesn't seem to work on Zandronum or any legacy version of GZDoom. It simply errors stating that it's an invalid state parameter. Any suggestions?

Right now the weapon's state for calling it it's just:

KP1M A 1 A_WeaponReady
TNT1 A 1
TNT1 A 0 A_Overlay(100,"PistolDraw")
PSTF A 1 A_WeaponReady
TNT1 A 1

I'm not sure A_Overlay is compatible with these other versions of GZDoom or Zandronum. I can't find any documentation on it other than a bug report on Zandronum's bugtracker with no description of it. Would it be easier to simply merge these two sprites and treat it as a single entity?

>> No.9963089
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youre fucking gay dude lmao

>> No.9963094
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>https://jinotra.in/mods is still offline
Fucking hell, if only I wasn't lazy to mirror it

>> No.9963114

Also again, this works on GZDoom version 4+, but I wanted to retain support for zandronum for its multiplayer.

>> No.9963129
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>picrel doesn't mention brutal doom even under HISTORICALLY NOTABLE SHIT
someone please give me a ~3 sentence pithy summary of what I'm supposed to think about brutal coom

>> No.9963138

>someone please give me a ~3 sentence pithy summary of what I'm supposed to think about brutal coom

Brutal Doom is what John Romero would've made if he had the tech for it back in the nineties.

>> No.9963142

big demons have way less hp and waste time taunting you so they're pushovers while imps are way more aggeresive so typical window dressing becomes deadly
there are so many variations and addons I don't know how brootal doom kiddos deal with this or that version of GZDoom not working with such and such BD

>> No.9963172
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why is quake 64 so fruity looking

>> No.9963187

The "spam colored lighting so it looks modern" school of game design.

>> No.9963193

wtf did you do where's the soulification-blur?

>> No.9963196

>Led Generic Weapons
Just a decent almost vanilla set of weapons
>Dark Passenger
Tilted angle weapons that look decent and has a necronomicon you can charge to cast a buff with. Runs like shit with certain wads though for some reason so it's a bit broken.
>final doomer
A bunch of vanilla-like reskins with some small differences to their balance.
Also tilted angle. Less pretty IMO but fun to use anyway.
>High Noon Drifter
Western style and pretty darn nice.
Actually an overhaul with quite a lot of new weapons that changes balance a lot. Adds classes and upgradeable weapons that can be turned into other weapons. Pretty fun, but not so vanilla. Works well with a few other addons too like the Zeta shop and/or DRLA monsters.

>> No.9963229

I don't think Zandronum has A_Overlay in the first place.

>> No.9963237

I've never understood how Quake 64 can do colored lighting, texture filtering, and a more complex skybox effect, but has to have textures cucked down to Wolf3D-tier resolution. It's not like they were big to begin with.

>> No.9963250

Play some Antaresian Reliquary or >>9962890

Stop parroting this bullshit

>> No.9963259


>> No.9963279

Term did sounds, except a scant few (sorrow sounds are what comes to mind, and i did the new sunken land sounds). Hexenmapper did music, and of the original 4 eps I think 8 were worked on or done by other mappers. Sunken Land was all mapped by me.
Kassman also did some texture edits and a few new textures.
i think that's it. to clear up credits.
i guess could've just copy pasted the credits txt
too late
everyone was real cool working on it like that. cool people. fun times. night

>> No.9963282

That other Anon already answered it, sadly.
A_Overlay doesn't exist in Zandronum. The best you got is Flash states using a_gunflash. And what he's trying to do requires using the synthfire trick, which means also getting ACS involved.

>> No.9963283

8 maps
ok now night

>> No.9963289
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>> No.9963292

Wrong thread chief

>> No.9963293

wow I thought this room would be empty and I was starting to get scared but then I saw the furniture and the doggo and I'm alright now

>> No.9963308
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I love final doomer.

>> No.9963320
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sorry, is this better?

they probably downgraded the PC textures instead of creating new ones specifically for the N64 version.

>> No.9963347

I wonder if part of it is that they may have felt themselves forced to add color in places to improve contrast, so that the environment was a little easier to read and distinguish on less than ideal setups (composite, small TVs, etc).
I think complaints about Quake's brownness are a little exaggerated, but nonetheless they aren't entirely unfounded, there are places which really are very brown.

>> No.9963352

>Is that Tom Hall at the end

>> No.9963361

Because textures are graphics which have to be loaded into memory, and there's only so much which can be loaded up at once on 5th gen consoles. All textures in the environment, every texture on a weapon, monster, or item, every sprite and graphic (like the menu and HUD), every character set, these all need to be loaded into the memory to be used, and the PSX, N64, and Saturn, simply do not have enough memory to load up all the assets in the game in a single instance.

To give you some ideas on these kinds of limits, let's look at Doom on these consoles. Texture variety is dramatically reduced per level, and sometimes the enemy variety is as well, the Spidermind is used very seldom in the console ports, not just because he sucks, but because his sprites are XBox Hueg and putting him anywhere means sacrificing a lot of other stuff, then you have the Archie who's cut altogether because he's got shitloads of frames and he's maybe not that easy to truncate (he also isn't entirely suited to the Jaguar based ports, for the same reason they don't have actual Nightmare difficulty).
For Doom 64, they had some clever approaches to this, such as the Nightmare Imp being a palette swapped Imp and with a fancy translucency effect and tweaked stats, it uses the same assets loaded into memory. Many textures also have color tinting applied to create more visual variety, almost all doors and much of the detail textures (bookshelves, demon faces, some switches, etc), are actually halves which are mirrored, some are even just quads. Water has no animation frames, they're static flats in dual layers scrolling in different directions, with various palettes applied as needed. You also have the dramatically truncated shotgun animations.

>> No.9963376

wtf Scythe 26 is actually super easy.

>> No.9963380

War Rooster

>> No.9963396
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I'm curious, what's the general opinion on Perdition's Gate and Hell 2 Pay? No one ever seems to talk about them

>> No.9963426

>playing deus ex
>everyone is acting like i shot shit up even though i only knock people out and nearly ghost everything
>chewed out by armory guy over massacring people
what the fuck

>> No.9963441

Really? That's annoying I was considering a non-lethal playthrough up until JC's imprisonment.

>> No.9963445

Could someone explain what the hell is going on here? I'm assuming he's getting the Cybers stuck by running into their hitbox, correct?
What I don't understand is why aren't the other two Cybers shooting him while he's punching the first one?

>> No.9963448

I'm pretty sure the game only thinks you went non-lethally if you ghost the level all the way up to the leader. That's the only way I found anyway.
In reality it could be absolutely anything; incidental kills by Gunther or the security bots, some guy falling into water, you name it. Immersive sims are inherently extremely janky because they rely on emergent gameplay and systems interacting with each other, and that just leads to thousands of unpredictable outcomes.

>> No.9963452

And by ghosting I mean literally no interactions with the enemies - no knockdowns, no being seen, no nothing.

>> No.9963487

on PC quake needed at least 8mb of ram
the N64 had 4mb (+4 with expansion)
colored lighting is done with vertex colors and don't need much ram or processing
texture filtering was a hardware feature of the n64

>> No.9963496

You can have Paul kill everyone on the levels he can reach and not get chewed out out provided you never shoot anyone with a gun yourself. You must have killed someone. I've played this map a billion times. I pretty much always speedrun the map by using Paul to kill everyone I can and get the stealth pistol every time.

I don't bother sticking to being fully sneaky after the map anyway beyond trying not to kill NSF types.

>> No.9963498

Im talking about both liberty island and hells kitchen. i didnt kill a single person at all and had JC bragging about how many people died

>> No.9963501

Are you playing a mod of Deus Ex?

>> No.9963512

I don't think you remember the sequence of events. It's after two missions when you go to the armory and the guy chews you out for having killed people.

>> No.9963516


>> No.9963529

in some places it adds to the atmosphere but damages it in others. it really is a tossup.
the biggest downgrade to me is the music that while still being good it doesn't compare.
for zoomers reading this it was composed by Aubrey Hodges, the guy who made the music for Ps1 Doom, Ps1 Final Doom, And Doom 64.
the PC music was by Trent Reznor from "Nine Inch Nails"
i like this version for replay variety i guess.

>> No.9963534

I looove the Quake 64 ost man.
In some ways it's more atmospheric than PC, which comes off as cheesy in certain spots. 64 has nothing on Falling however.
One of the best dark ambient works ever.

>> No.9963539

i play this kind of music to go to sleep (dark ambient)

>> No.9963540

I think I do. But you are talking about after Liberty Island - both Castle Clinton and NYC are kind of random in terms of not killing anyone. If you don't shoot anyone yourself it should be fine provided Anna doesn't end up in a gunfight with the Castle Clinton guys - use the secret entrance every time to avoid this. But Hell's Kitchen is kind of random where it all comes down to using the gas grenades + running in with the prod/baton/crossbow and playing real aggressive to knock out everyone you can in the big shootout. It's too chaotic to reliably do every time but just ignore the damage you take and focus on knocking out as many as possible before UNATCO kills everyone. So if you get chewed out there - just appreciate that you get some extra lockpicks/multitools iirc.

>> No.9963543

I use this every night.
Not dark ambient at all. Just beautiful ambient. But if you want something dark...

>> No.9963546

That sounds so fucking difficult I had to look up to see if there's unique dialogue at all, and there is.
I dunno if that's worth it. Maybe that pacifist playthrough one day.

>> No.9963550

A controversial, but very popular gameplay mod renowned by edgelords everywhere. Chances are you've already heard of it or even played it before opening this infographic, even Doom's creators have acknowledged its existence, it was arguably very influential on Doom 2016's development, and it's inspired dozens of offshoots and forks like Project Brutality, Burl Tumd, and Johnny Doom over the years.

>> No.9963552

There is a clinic to the north so you can at least heal afterwards for no cost provided you reload the game after getting the password. Also bring an armor/hazmat if you are that concerned. Major thing is with proper gas grenade usage - you can make it so most of the enemies aren't shooting at you at least as you run in closer to knock them out. And then the remaining enemies you don't hit are mostly gonna be firing at unatco anyway - just try to get the guys before the park with the baton as much as possible then use crossbow/prod to take out the rest quickly. Or just prod with the prod the whole time if you got the charges.

>> No.9963562

They're pretty obscure since their commercial status was never relinquished by the devs or publishers, so they're not as readily available as a typical fanmade Doom wad from back then but they can still be found on MyAbandonware I think.

>> No.9963563

very nice

>> No.9963573

>they can still be found on MyAbandonware I think.
NTA, but a quick look into MyAbandonware gave me this. Not sure if that's it or not.

>> No.9963581

It is. I just downloaded it.

So-far they're both very TNT Evilution-esque, evocative of the early days of Doom modding where the novelty of rendering a big map or giving it "Doomcute" properties took precedent over level design and structured combat encounters. Not bad though.

>> No.9963592

A lot of the monster sprite reskins are janky mid-90's CGI pre-renders. I do recognize the imp reskin enemies as showing-up in one of the secret levels in TNT Threevilution from recently though.

>> No.9963608

Thank you!

> And what he's trying to do requires using the synthfire trick, which means also getting ACS involved.
I hadn't heard of this, I already have ACS involved at some point. Looking this up, I found a community post from a 'Xaser' who uses this method in parkour, and its described in that thread by 'Zhs2' as:
>A_Gunflash, which is already a humongous workaround, combined with tokens that looping states (both Gunflash and not) check in the weapon and scripts that give them based on the keys the player is holding (typically Fire and Altfire).

Any other place where I can read on this trick? I mean besides copying parkour.

>> No.9963614


^ This is the official download link from Tom Mustaine's site.


>> No.9963617

Neat, thanks anon. Definitely see the TNT influence if it was a Tom Mustaine project.

>> No.9963618
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a couple threads ago an anon alluded to the fact that you can toggle frag off in hdest


>> No.9963624

Ugly as Sin addon.

Russian Overkill uses it for the pistols. I don't know if there are any comments on it in the code.

>> No.9963629
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>> No.9963630
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You could look how I did it for the Solar Pistols in Combined_Arms Gaiden.
Basically how it works is one gun is a flash state and the other is a normal weapon state, neither weapon actually responds to primary/altfire, instead there's an ACS script in the background checking for player input, when they hit those buttons, it gives them a token item and then the guns respond accordingly.
This is some old trickery but it's powerful and pretty reliable.

>> No.9963663
File: 679 KB, 1920x1080, Mu Cephei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this map was so much fun

>> No.9963669

>getting waifu
we're gonna make it

>> No.9963671

cool palette what is that from?

>> No.9963713
File: 39 KB, 433x329, doomguy mah boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying something out for the first time, testing the waters hopefully all goes smoothly. I'll be joining here in a little while once I head to lunch.

Got a Dwango5 vanilla deathmatch server hosted through The Sentinel's Playground on Zandronum. If anyone's interested in having a look and blasting other anons the server name is

>[TSPG] /vr/ Dwango 5 Deathmatch

and the password is:


>> No.9963727

sunlust after the third forced reset

>> No.9963730

>myhouse is already forgotten

>> No.9963732


>> No.9963736

What? The hoover dam is a good concept just for the scale of the thing. I havent played DNF so i cant say how well executed it is. But the concept of driving a motorbike across it, blasting aliens flying from every direction, sounds awesome. Maybe you have to get across fast to defuse a bomb those alien bastards planted.

>> No.9963737

I feel dumb for watching it through and expecting something doom related to pop up

>> No.9963738
File: 12 KB, 160x160, moyai_1f5ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.9963740

Damn, that's a nice render

>> No.9963759

Doomcute has gone too far.

>> No.9963787

>making this map for HDest, show progress to my friend
>he offers to help test stuff, think it's best to get him acclimated to HDest - turns out he's never played Doom before
>we usually just play console games together, blunder my way into running a GZDoom coop in vanilla, we blast through Knee Deep in the Dead together
>start HDest - every minute I'm explaining a new fucked mechanic and he's flabbergasted
>after ~30m ask if he wants to go back to vanilla
>"Nah, I wanna keep doing this"
We ended up having a fair bit of fun even with how fucked stuff is.

>> No.9963814
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what is you're mouse sensitivity in FPS games /vr/oom? How many centimetres to do a 360 degree turn? Why don't you find out now, it's fun.

>> No.9963816

It depends on the game, I tend to set it higher than the default while making it so I don't turn 360 degrees at the lightest touch

>> No.9963848
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OK what are THE most fulfilling and and greatest doom experiences you ever had? This can be whatever combination of wads or vanilla or whatever, just doom memories that you cherish the most and wish you could replay for the first time again

>> No.9963851

more like doom lmao

>> No.9963856

just add music

>> No.9963858

Doing Hdest with bros on coop was truly some of the best times I had
The cooperation, the coordination, the mechanics, having each other's back, triumphantly getting through rooms and maps
Good times

>> No.9963860

My first playthrough of Doom on SNES.

>> No.9963867

First time playing Doom on Atari Jaguar.
I didn't know this kind of games existed and the best looking game i'd played was Shinobi on master system.
It looked real and scary, i was awestruck.

Since then it was Brutal Doom online coop on wads i couldn't possibly know or recall but urban settings ftw. it was 10 years ago or more maybe but the binge was real and the servers were full.
and i say that as someone who prefers vanilla and hates BD for solo play. good times.

>> No.9963878
File: 266 KB, 761x559, dude liminal bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the past i spent a lot of time playing brutality on hell on earth starter pack while listening to the beta mix of run by iamthekidyouknowwhatimean. or porth wen/send me to the void from final station ost.
>inb4 brutalkiddie
in terms of vibes it was an unrivaled experience.

>> No.9963882

>I'm pretty sure the game only thinks you went non-lethally if you ghost the level all the way up to the leader.
Sam Carter chews you out over Battery park, not the first level. Its possible that >>9963426 walked through the front door of castle clinton instead of the back way and that's what causes people to think you joined Anna in the massacre. You have to use the back door the little kid in battery Park provides you to be considered Paulsky material

>> No.9963886

Playing SIGIL co-op with some online friends of mine a few years back
Playing Skulltag as a kid and getting my ass whupped because for some reason I played keyboard only and didn't bother strafing
Getting Doom 3 as a gift a few years later and being excited about it

>> No.9963890

First time I played the older version of Dakka with a bunch of people, and realizing it was fucking amazing.

>> No.9963897

Lately it was finishing AugurZ again through Babel, and again it left an AZ shaped hole in my heart. It just hits all the right marks.
One of my favorite memories is getting roped back into Doom in the real early 2000s and finding out Zdoom with all of its features was a thing.

>> No.9963902

Playing co-op with friends from highschool via LAN and making my first shitty terrible maps.

>> No.9963910

>Trudging through Plutonia and making smooth progress on subterranean levels (Frontier, Antichrist)
>Rediscovering doom via gaming blogs, playing custom wads like there was no tomorrow
>Stumbling onto this general after a long gaming pause, blasting through Roundabout Cliffside to the Guilty Gear music

>> No.9963919
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It's about how you execute, not what you're working with. And DNF had plenty of good settings, though it was at it's best when it was in locations Duke could riff on more (and had women for sex jokes and damsel-in-distress kinda situations)

>Time to Kill and Zero Hour

I wish those games and Land of the Babes had been re-made in the latter half of the 360 gen so we could've had the best tech without sacrificing the Duke style to the censorship attitudes, a third person time traveling Duke game with unapologetic attitude could've been really good.

>> No.9963923

I appreciate it.

>> No.9963925

Feels like you meant to quote >>9963848

>> No.9963926
File: 640 KB, 900x948, pestiscruento.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this general has the most comfy threads on the whole chins. i try to always have it on a tab even when i don't play retro FPS.

>> No.9963932

Game stories in general have stopped being fantastical. It's a symptom of the industry being taken over by "The adults" (corporate execs who digest everything through an elevator pitch and not people who do things because it's fun). Duke becoming boring is just Broussard becoming boring, and becoming someone who's only investment in the series became hearing elevator pitches about what the game was about between doing rugs and playing WoW.

>> No.9963940

Why does it feel like sprite based games have more soul than 3d games?

>> No.9963943

>I wish those games and Land of the Babes had been re-made in the latter half of the 360 gen
i wish they'd at least release decent ports on Steam, especially since Zero Hour is a Build game...

>> No.9963945

Even just in terms of graphics, sprites age a whole lot better than 3D stuff does, but it's also that working under those sort of limitations promoted a lot more creativity out of people than just being able to slap down borderline photorealistic 3D models.

>> No.9963958

early 3D was so ugly.
a friend of mine mocked Doom 64 because it used sprites but the alternative looked worse...
part of why Doom 64 aged fine is because most of the bad reception as i remember it was because of the antiquated engine but now even kids like sprites.

>> No.9963960

Finishing Scythe 2
It has such a great build-up.

>> No.9963968

>add ZMAPINFO lump to disable jumping/crouching
>because i added ZMAPINFO now i also need to define the music and next level
>if i don't, map is silent & next level is the cast scroll
w-why doesn't zdoom just default to the regular values for my map slot...

>> No.9963970

Looking for Doom .wads that a racist would enjoy.

Asking for a friend, obviously.

>> No.9963974
File: 756 KB, 1348x1624, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a dream about some adventure
>see a couple of robot characters
>think to myself how cool they are and how i`d want a mod with their weapons
>wake up
>only vaguely remember something about a rocket-powered hammer, missile pods and a jetpack

>> No.9963978

Quake engine games are cozy and so is Unreal, but other dev talents didn’t translate so well to 3D or things got fucked up i.e. Monolith going from Blood to Blood 2.

>> No.9963979

Mr Friendly
The Adventures of Square

>> No.9963987
File: 2 KB, 205x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if anyone would enjoy these maps but they were included in the OP (IWADs and more (>6 GB))
also moonman and the capitalist radio maps, also included in the download

>> No.9963990
File: 309 KB, 940x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this actually any good?

>> No.9964004

Those are mock screenshots, there's no actual game in there.

>> No.9964005
File: 856 KB, 2462x2424, FTSnyJQXoAcHXon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's about how you execute, not what you're working with.
I disagree, were a talking Duke who is an over the top action hero not a military fps, setting and levels are extremely important even more so with DNF being a post Half-Life game.
>the Duke style
That's Duke 3D's style and to be real Manhattan Project did it better, Duke is more likeable in MP, steals less movie lines and saves the babes.

>> No.9964007
File: 143 KB, 1024x997, 1684754091365911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convinced a few of my close friends, some who don't really have a big interest in Doom, to play Samsara with me on Super MAYhem 17 with Mario enemy sprites and Bolognese gore.

>> No.9964009

my day has been ruined

>> No.9964021

It's not totally faked

>> No.9964029

Idk man quake and hl have a ton of "soul" in fact certain sprite based modern games like ion fury feel totally soulless to me. It's just all about design and intention more than what tech is behind it.

>> No.9964036

>Perdition's Gate
Decent but boring.
>Hell 2 Pay

>> No.9964040
File: 262 KB, 1335x727, 1683938302566184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game stories in general have stopped being fantastical
You're really off the mark and it's not applicable to Duke Nukem at all. The story of Duke Nukem 3d and DNF are essentially the same and in fact, DNF could be argued to be more fantastical, especially with the parts where you get shrunk.

"Soul" is a buzzword that shows the user's utter incapability to analyze why they like something. Define what "soul" is to you.

As some of the other anons said, early 3d models can look really cruddy when time passes but well made sprite art is pretty much timeless because the 'tech' in sprite art from 1993 is pretty much changed to sprite art from 2023 whereas 3d technology has gone forward massively.

But games like Quake 1, Half Life 1 and a number of action games like Silent Hill, MGS1, some old 3d Fighting Games etc show that art direction also mattered for the three-dimensional graphics as well, the visually appealing ones still look pleasant despite them no longer being as technologically impressive.

And people have forgotten a lot of the shitty looking sprite graphics games, a lot of it comes down to the artist. What annoys me a lot these days is when a throwback waves does sprites "becuz retro!!!" but their graphics are low pixel density garbage with shitty animations and modern post-processing effects thrown on top (like Nightmare Reaper)

>> No.9964042

Sounds like a fun fun time

>> No.9964051

>You're really off the mark and it's not applicable to Duke Nukem at all. The story of Duke Nukem 3d and DNF are essentially the same and in fact, DNF could be argued to be more fantastical, especially with the parts where you get shrunk.
You mean the same Duke 3D where you
>Go to the moon
>Go to an Alien ship in space
>Go to the ISS (Or some equivalent?)
>Go back in time
>Go to the beach
>Go to the White house

is less fantastical than DNF, a game where you're in a little tiny desert part of the west coast?

I think you're off the mark.

>> No.9964056

Duke Nukem 3d wasn't that "cuhhrayzee" in terms of it's levels. Most of them were pretty down to earth and real-world themed locations (nothing wrong with that, some of those were my definite favorites especially when it was novel)

I do wish we had gotten more of Vegas itself in DNF and the flashy, neon sign kind of partying instead of everything looking dusty like it's Baghdad or something. Maybe even an amusement park level where you can interact with various fairground attractions given a deadly twist and typical Duke humor etc.

And places like Dr Proton's base, the flippin' moon and battling terminator robots in Area 51 were really neat setpieces.

>> No.9964057

>You're really off the mark and it's not applicable to Duke Nukem at all. The story of Duke Nukem 3d and DNF are essentially the same and in fact, DNF could be argued to be more fantastical, especially with the parts where you get shrunk.
the fact that it's the same story says a lot tho.

>"Soul" is a buzzword that shows the user's utter incapability to analyze why they like something. Define what "soul" is to you.
the fact that he asked why means that he knows it's a buzzword

>> No.9964058
File: 31 KB, 499x636, 1666702590004528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern games like ion fury feel totally soulless to me
Then you're a fool, do have any idea the amount of effort and work it takes to what they did with Eduke over using any modern engine.

>> No.9964062

BTSX is ass, play Overboard or Moldy’s NOVA maps if you want more Moldy.

>> No.9964067

To be fair he is right for a lot of the shit that only tries to superficially be "retro" to use it as marketing.

Stuff like Ion Maiden is very much a minority compared to all the crap just trying to cash in on a trend while it lasts.

>> No.9964082


>Go to the moon
You go to the moon in DNF too
>Go back in time
No you don't.

>Go to the beach
>Go to the White house
Those are expansion packs and yeah they were pretty neat. The White House was also an insanely wasted level in Duke it Out in DC because it's the first level, there aren't even any proper gags or jokes about the whole thing, it's just kinda... there. Honestly the White House should've been the last level of that xpact but eh.

DNF's Duke Burger level was pretty neat, shrinking you down so you have to navigate a maze of everyday objects turned hazardous and the RC car levels, as well as mine cart riding, wrecking ball, forklift and crane sections etc..

Yeah, DNF could've been more "balls to the wall" for sure but it's not tonally "super serious" when you compare it to Duke 3d.

>the fact that it's the same story says a lot tho
Well, same overall premise. There were some twists and turns like the president being willing to sell out humanity, Dr Proton kidnapping Duke and the whole plot about the Duke Clones he was intending to use against the aliens and then to get control of Earth.

But the basic premise of Duke fighting an alien menace and getting the babes is kind of a Duke series' staple.

>> No.9964098

Amount of work =/= soul

They worked really hard on something that turned out to be mind numbingly try-hard and completely soulless compared to its 90s build engine inspirations. Just feels like they focused on trying to be like something else instead of originality and lo and behold it's a shittier version of something else which makes it soulless

>> No.9964102

>Well, same overall premise. There were some twists and turns like the president being willing to sell out humanity, Dr Proton kidnapping Duke and the whole plot about the Duke Clones he was intending to use against the aliens and then to get control of Earth.
the whole thing felt like a giant overcheesy homage in the form of something that had both the limitations of old and new and a few extra layers of stupid. i really enjoyed it but more because it was mildly offensive, full of boobs and still quite interactive.

>> No.9964103
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Monster Condo, The Spirit World and The Living End were actually pretty neat endgame levels. Overall I've gained a lot more respect towards DOOM 2 on this replay run, the midgame slough, shit like that level where you go around turning switching while constantly in the poison and Sandy's city levels had previously turned me off of finishing Doom 2 playthroughs but I'm glad I stuck with it and ended up respecting the game's levels a lot more. It would've probably felt less fatigueing if there was a more Doom 1 style episodic structure with interpics and everything but regardless it was a solid experience.

>> No.9964109
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, fury_nodrmtrain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and it’s one of the best/better of these shooters to come out in the last several years. Unfortunately my favorite perk about it - being purely on Build - is probably why there’s so many issues.

>> No.9964115
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_184951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aaaannndd it's over. Next up : The Plutonia Experiment !

>> No.9964118

Cant say for Ion Fury but this would fit for Amid Evil. Its art direction looks like old geforce boxart; the enemies are bland, nonthreatening bullet sponges; and the weapons are worse versions of their inspirations.

>> No.9964120

You have to admit that Ion Fury feels extremely sterilized compared to the other Build Engine games. Shelly's design downgrade from 90s power bimbo into literal generic background NPC is laughable at best. Humor and dialogue in the game is unironically a redditor's imagination of 80s action movie banter.

The story itself is both very generic and presented completely seriously, like it's trying to get as far away from Duke and Shadow Warrior as possible. Even the fact that there isn't a real final boss fight seems like a bizarre attempt to 'break the mold' that just falls flat.

>> No.9964121

>crap just trying to cash in on a trend while it lasts
It's clear most people cannot tell the difference.
Passion = soul you fucking retard and no having a soul doesn't make a game good or bad because Quake is game made by a bunch people who that point hated each and just wanted to get something out the door as quick as possible and it's still great for the most part.

>> No.9964123

as much as i enjoyed it there's something really boring about its visual design in some places.
not sure i can put my finger on why.
the quality is top notch tho you can tell it's a work of love.

>> No.9964126

I didn't like ion fury. It's competent, but I just didn't enjoy it and the only thing about the game that sticks out to me at this point (played it at release) is the final boss being a worse version of IoS, which is a accomplishment in itself.

>> No.9964138

>not sure i can put my finger on why.
Let us know when you find out. There’s not many out there of these “new retro”shooters with the same amount of effort and open level design.

>> No.9964143

ITHURTS!!!.WAD when?

>> No.9964145

i think it's the industrial style of some areas that don't look as relatable or interesting. the color palette is pretty nice but could also be the culprit as they are more pastel.
it could be a case of boring perfection where nothing really stands out idk.
the level design is great tho and some stuff is the best i've seen on Build.

>> No.9964150

I love maps that start with you getting assaulted from all sides

>> No.9964154


>> No.9964156

intriguing image

>> No.9964159

A little gay.

>> No.9964171

Just completed hexen's second hub with the rebalance mod playing as a fighter and its pretty fun so far since i dont have to deal with vanilla centaurs but it seems a bit easy, hopefully it will get harder from now on.

>> No.9964173
File: 827 KB, 280x158, me with 2 herps after picking up the blue key on map04 of extermination day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9964174
File: 208 KB, 426x585, it's ov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i wasn't so lazy i'd draw doomguy sat on a couch with five imps standing hehind it for the next thread OP but i'm too lazy to bake threads anyway

>> No.9964185

>OK what are THE most fulfilling and and greatest doom experiences you ever had?
First time properly playing it. Good old vanilla DOOM in DOSBox.
>Shelly's design downgrade from 90s power bimbo into literal generic background NPC is laughable at best.
Upgrate*. Original version of Bombshell looked like a stereotypical cheap whore who is just unappealing and not interesting.
>the quality is top notch tho you can tell it's a work of love.
Even if some people don't like Ion Fury (and get some of the reasons), at least it's nice that some are able to acknowledge all the effort that went into it.

>> No.9964204

That takes like 2 minutes in photoshop

>> No.9964209

>Even if some people don't like Ion Fury (and get some of the reasons), at least it's nice that some are able to acknowledge all the effort that went into it.
in my case i liked it quite a bit and was disappointed in the direction they took for the sequel because i wanted more even tho some stuff didn't click as much as other build games.(dunno if the expansion is out)
in terms of quality, objectively speaking Ion Fury is the best product of the Build catalogue. it feels more polished and inherited from 25 years of expertise.
i have Gimp because i'm too lazy to crack Photoshop. hell i'm too lazy to look up if i have to pirate it...

>> No.9964217

>i have Gimp
You have my deepest sympathy.

>> No.9964221

i fear you sympathy won't help at this stage

>> No.9964248

I don't even remember how I handled that section, but that sounds about right.

>> No.9964249

I'm 19 maps into Plutonia on UV pistol start and all I can say is good luck lmao. It forces you from a casual doomer into a skilled enthusiast classic FPS gamer.

>> No.9964252

Back in the /vr/ cyberrunner/whodunnit/push/etc days.
For single player maybe going through heretic with some call of duty mod. Ended up being retardedly fun for some reason.

>> No.9964267
File: 463 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Chex_20230606_132243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slept on Chex Quest 3 for too long. It's not particularly-challenging or engrossing compared to a lot of shit I've been playing lately but the level design is fun and the soundtrack slaps.

>> No.9964271

Passion =/= soul either. People are passionate about things that don't amount to anything soulful. Ion Fury is just bland copycat of other styles and games and sci-fi concepts but thinks it's getting away from it for being a "homage" it just feels totally devoid of any real unique creativity which is what "soul" is imo, when someone challenges themselves to bring something new and competitive to the table even if it's not a fully polished thing. Hence the word "soul" because a soul is something individual and unique.

>> No.9964279

When I played through the Chex wads, I put them on nightmare.

>> No.9964281

Gimp is fine. Although I wish they'd abandon the layer anchoring system and go with a normal layer setup. It's my only gripe with it.

>> No.9964282

Yeah, its a pretty nice challenge on nightmare and the secrets arent extremely obtuse like in other doom games

>> No.9964287

Centaurs are piss easy with fighter anyway. Literally just punch them.

>> No.9964292
File: 25 KB, 326x302, tubsy_gertrude_what_up_babe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you make it, anon.

>> No.9964304
File: 63 KB, 591x680, 1682889719586150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shelly's design downgrade from 90s power bimbo into literal generic background NPC is laughable at best

As much as I do like the 1990s 'power bimbo' aesthetic, I think Shelly's design is pretty good for the most part... But they could've stood to sex her up a little more. Needs a bit more t&a you know what I mean. A larger bust size a little more cake to the rear haha. But overall I think she's fine.

I actually really like the industrialcore areas, the various warehouses, production facilities and the like. Though the city areas and the EDF facility are imho the best, they have the most of that delicious lived-in feel.

My biggest minuses I give Ion Fury (aside from Shelly desperately needing bigger tits! Please...) are that the game really needs a more challenging bestiary of monsters, it's got that issue where the higher-tier monsters aside from the rocket-firing terminator torso and the warmech are less challenging than the shotgunner / grenadier enemy. Similarly, there should be more fun to use lategame weapons, the minigun is nice but after the first third or so of the game you've gotten all of the weapons, and since the game isn't episode-based, the progression kind of ends there.

And the soundtrack is quite lame, the "main score" nails the thematic really well, but most of the level musics are a bit too cheery, it needs to be more ominous like Doom / Duke tracks or "thematic" (Verhoeven films maybe??) similar to Blood and Shadow Warrior.

It's still really solid experience and I'm looking towards Aftershock plenty.

>> No.9964320
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_212721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pistol start
I think I'm gonna heed the Casali advice and go with HMP the first playthrough, no mid-level saving but continuous. It's reserving me more challenge for later and maybe I don't feel like getting my shit pushed in that hard...

Also, you know you're in for a treat when the first level greets you with the sounds of an Archvile..

>> No.9964323

bsp2 was a mistake

>> No.9964332


>> No.9964334
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_212702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congo's been a fun map. I think the mappers used the vine covered wall texture, brown water and the base textures to create a nice, jungley thematic is this why they also have so many chaingunners? . A lot of the ambushes were quite on the nasty side but the level isn't also massively long, after having played through 2048 units and 412 Linedefs I can definitely see the Plutonia influence in those wads and I like it. Rather than being bogged down to fight massive hordes and really long maps, both the level architecture and monsters are utilized effectively. The layouts of the area and the "bunkers" with firing slits made it feel a bit lived-in in a nice way. No "doomcute" to speak of, but it had a "location" feel to itself.

>> No.9964339

There's still a shitload of things i don't know about UDMF.
One thing i should learn is how to make this map a PK3 file that still retains the OTEX textures and those fire traps from Realm667, so when people play it the only other thing they need is MetaDoom.

>> No.9964340

I enjoy the pain of blind pistol start UV. Each level is an exercise in memory, skill. And learning routes. If I need the help I'll just google secrets.

>> No.9964345

It's not that bad a mistake actually. You could even argue it's not a mistake at all. But it did allow tronyn to make some maps I don't like.

>> No.9964356
File: 684 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_213930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I wish you luck on your journey! I'm certainly having quite a bit of fun on mine, I think I'll eventually venture into the higher tier challenges but for now I wanted to go back and replay all of the official content that I have access to as sort of a palate cleanser to really remind myself how Doom as it was from Id Software themselves is.
Oh, and I gotta say it was cool to see Well of Souls' water drain effect and little features like the drainage canal etc, just a good amount of aesthetic and I loved to see 512 Linedefs etc doing that sort of stuff as well even with the limitations and all.

>> No.9964358

OK why imp be making me act up in that pic.

>> No.9964364

you may be gay

>> No.9964365


>> No.9964368

i answered your question

>> No.9964380

The palette is consistent across most Build stuff, especially those faded blues. A big thing about its artstyle is that its more on the grimey/dystopic kind of “cyberpunk” and not filled with lots of color, neon, and rain so I get more Judge Dredd/Transmetro vibes.
>pstart all of Plutonia and feel great about it
>go back and start pstarting Doom 2
Tricks and Traps filtered me more than Speed did.

>> No.9964392

>be civvie
>play hexen and heretic on hardest difficulty
>complains the game is hard

>> No.9964397

I'd argue Shelly's new design is a downgrade simply because it completely lacks any sort of character. Her styrofoam-armored full body suit from a 60s sci-fi flick fits a cannon fodder mook more than it does an action hero(ine). Compare and contrast with Doomguy's armored-but-bare-armed outfit, or Duke's absurdly contrasting tank top and sunglasses.

>> No.9964404
File: 457 KB, 1920x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_150700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla Essence is a new favorite of mine. Absolutely remarkable cosmetic mod for GZDoom in its accuracy and compatibility with modern wads.

>> No.9964413

No way all of doom 2 is way easier than something like Speed which pistol start on UV is by far the hardest official id shit I've ever fucking endured

>> No.9964414
File: 710 KB, 2186x1309, IonFuryCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her look in this piece of artwork, looks like something between a motorcycle patrol officer and a riot cop. Needs larger ta-tas, but the design is otherwise tight imo.

>> No.9964416

It really depends on how weapons are placed in the map. Suburbs from doom 2 is great because the ssg/mega/ammo is in the first building and then you're free to grab the other weapons as you like. Prison in TNT is miserable as the first room is a nightmare and you'll be shotgunning some high-tiers until you find the ssg in the last building.

>> No.9964428
File: 993 KB, 1600x900, spasm0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>constantly complain about Copper for the dumbest of reasons
>keep playing mods based on it
When will I ever learn?

>> No.9964430

I would say doom 2 is more painful not because of elegantly balanced but brutally hard difficulty like plutonia where the maps are so short and addictive to restart but doom 2 is hard because the maps just fucking suck and are frustrating because of bad design and not fun to die and retry a bunch of times.

>> No.9964436

Well nevertheless. He's hot. I want his fireballs.

>> No.9964445

I hate how the OG Shadow Warrior gets no love

>> No.9964450

It does, I just dont think it holds up as go as duke or blood. The level design just feels markedly worse than duke and the weapons aren't that fun to use and the enemies just aren't as good or iconic.

>> No.9964460
File: 318 KB, 1920x1080, ohn-blade-sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelly's new and old design were boring for different, new Shelly looks like an NPC, like if Half-Life had girl Barney's they would be Shelly and old Shelly looked like Duke with boobs to the point they could be siblings which was weird, honestly replace her with the cute red hair chick from Sin Episodes and let me play as Blade.

>> No.9964465 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.49 MB, 3344x2404, 49-2767949403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not for the Loverboy, the cultist around the corner would look more like a main character than she does.
I love the game, but her design sucks ass and it's not even a matter of sexiness, the getup is just completely devoid of personality or focal points.
Even the Bombshell game's design was better, because at least the Bionic commando arm and skull-motif chest plate were fucking something.

>> No.9964470

Almost needed a guide but i completed the third hub of hexen

>> No.9964482

Hopefully, Aftershock withh stratch that itch for you. And whatever Voidpoint ends up making next.

>> No.9964484

Guy on the right looks more like a protagonist

>> No.9964490

He's right about Hexen because Hexen's entire gameplay design is just bad no matter the difficulty but yeah playing Heretic on black plague was weird.
Arm sure but that hair is just bad.

>> No.9964492

I haven't played Ion fury, but when I see this character I have the feel that i'm going to play some obnoxious character that will make lots of cringe jokes to make herself 'le badass' and never shuts the fuck up during the game. I hope i'm wrong.

>> No.9964496
File: 130 KB, 1091x1136, 76cf12e7e580aaf1963ded6b89cc295b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Half-Life had girl Barney's they would be Shelly
Not a negative for me.
I love the "shirt and tie" look if done well. It would make working in Black Mesa even more attractive prospect if that was possible.

>> No.9964497

I just found the strictness of pistol starting Tricks and Traps harder than any of the pistol starts in Plutonia, made me appreciate 2 somewhat.
>helmetted Shelly
This would’ve been great to see on the mug, I’m otherwise satisfied with her overall look in IF.
Looks like you’re screwed.
I just don’t think the setting appeals to people as much as Blood or the legacy of Duke3D does. It also came out way too late and sold terribly. Not helping much is Wang being the least “politically correct”.

>> No.9964508

>some obnoxious character that will make lots of cringe jokes to make herself 'le badass' and never shuts the fuck up during the game

Yeah, like all Build Engine protagonists.
You can turn off her voicelines if you don't enjoy them. I do, which is why I keep them on.

>> No.9964521
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1610-duke-nukem-3d-dos-screenshot-some-buildings-are-now-underwater-3729032021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The palette is consistent across most Build stuff
nah faded blues are not a problem for me, it reminds me of some movies' color grading. it had a big impact on my first encounter with douk.

>> No.9964529

also forgot to add, the digitized/photographic look of some textures in games of that time has a certain charm to it.

>> No.9964531
File: 185 KB, 1321x695, 1685755057346104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it a lot. I think it's got a strong thematic (that I enjoy)

>weapons aren't that fun to use
Kiddings me ? Each to their own I guess but I looooved the uzis, the sword, the grenade launcher, the throwing stars and the cut-off guardian head etc. And the bazooka with the nuke etc.

The items are also pretty useful, like the ripper heart producing a second Wang that fights enemies etc.

As much as I like Ion Fury, I wish instead of the modern SMGs it had the classic Uzi like Wang does, with the telescoping stock, just feels so powerful but with the "oomph" and on-demand reloading like IF.

One thing that I think is lacking in Shadow Warrior though is that the physics of moving and aiming feel remarkably worse than Duke / Blood / IF or even Redneck Rampage for some reason. Wang's fast but the moving and aiming feels like it drags a bit ?

>Not helping much is Wang being the least “politically correct”.
For me it's another positive. I hate the modern flavorless "le wholesome good egg" kind of shit being forced into everything. Lo Wang's the kind of harmless but really fun stereotype that's not supposed to be taken seriously at all.

>> No.9964532

You guys ever considered updating this?

>> No.9964537
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Redneck Rampage did a lot of that. Works really well for the environments, a bit hit & miss on the enemies.

>> No.9964540 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x900, spasm0049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that easteregg prompt was lying

>> No.9964541
File: 60 KB, 347x316, sadbocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond.

>> No.9964542

Yes, do you have any ideas personally? Like, if there is anything missing or outdated

>> No.9964553

They are probably targeting something they can't see, but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.9964558

NTA but, the tiny.cc link at the top is dead (as are some of the links in the pastebin in the OP)

>> No.9964574

Didn't watch the whole thing, but my guess is that they are infighting with something down there that they can't aim at.

>> No.9964585

Perhaps updating the newest /vr/ wads from 2020 to current year and some links. idk the rest, people still suggesting to play those wads nowdays.

>> No.9964590
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, cac 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will be the one to pick up where kurashiki left off since all she has been doing is drawing her for honor character

>> No.9964595


>> No.9964601

She's been through some shit, that she's drawing anything is better than nothing.

>> No.9964602
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x720, Good Day Sir Part 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your thought on enemy "teleporting" in Doom. I've already gave this ability to a boss enemy and it's pretty fun, at least in testing conditions, but what if I also gave it to a regular enemy? I'm thinking giving it an extended melee range and a projectile attack, which would cause it teleport towards player

>Will harass player in odd places
>Like a lost soul on steroids

>> No.9964605

I mean it'll basically be a wraith from doom 3. Except probably more threatening depending

>> No.9964608

It's been a while since I played Doom 3, so I don't remember what wraith was like.

>> No.9964619

that feels like way too many projectiles for an enemy that can appear in front of your face randomly

>> No.9964625

Too based
>For me it's another positive.
Yeah I’m just explaining why it’s almost as unpopular as Redneck Rampage, and why no one wants to make new shit for it. Blood has all sorts of good stuff and Dukebros get an embarrassment of riches/autism with AMC Squad. Wang just gets shitty nushooters.

>> No.9964627

Yeah, maybe. He's supposed to be the final boss, but I gave him this set a lot time ago before I thought about teleportation.
I'll be refining the whole set soon, maybe I'll take some of that away.

>> No.9964629

You actually listed two pro's and no cons.
Also, I like your idea for giving the teleport to a common enemy. Even before I finished reading your post, I had thought of the black skeletons from Kegan's WEBMs teleporting up and punching the player in the face.

>> No.9964634

a melee teleporting enemy that took forever to teleport 2 feet

>> No.9964635
File: 919 KB, 1292x830, MAP02 WIP 06062023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, think I have the vast majority of textures DONE. Pending any big changes just have to start putting in objectives/pointers to completing the level (breadcrumbs etc), props, then start thinking about enemy and pickup placement.

>> No.9964642

look at around 6:00. all the cybers are aggrod to the hellknights and shit.

>> No.9964675

I once thought a way to make a teleporting enemy work would be that there's actual 2 of the enemy but one version is invisible and collides with stuff like the world and other entities, while also moving much faster.
So when the "teleportation" happens, the main enemy just replaces the invisible actor and vice versa to give the illusion of quick teleportation.
>In terms of programming behind the scenes, X has a secret "extra actor" near him, that calculates its surroundings and randomly picks a spot for quick teleportation (As an attempt to make him teleport without getting him stuck in the wrong places and make it so he's not just secretly moving to a place faster and make his teleportation seem more instant)
At least to avoid situations of someone getting stuck or ending up in the wrong place.

>> No.9964680

What happened to her?

>> No.9964685

That's pretty much my take on teleportation here, but with one thing, it becomes invisible and starts moving very fast, as part of its attack sequence it becomes visible again.

>> No.9964689

OK so I watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1AB1pOI28 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA4uV7VKqY0 and I understand how he's getting the Cybers stuck.
However, if those other two Cybers' targeting threshold reaches 0 while he's punching the first Cyber, is there a chance they will then target Doomguy, who has not damaged them yet, or will they always switch to targeting another enemy who has already damaged them? Decino doesn't completely explain this, although his words suggest the latter may be the case when he says "after taking 100 steps it can retaliate against other damage inflictors."
In other words, is the dude in >>9963445 risking surprise rocket buttsecks when those other two Cybers' targeting thresholds reach 0, or is he in complete control with no risk of getting shot by them because some of the Hell Knights and Barons have already damaged those two Cybers?

>> No.9964703
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, ctom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detail is weird in this map but the sky rules, there's some nice choice in level progression, and real fun fucking fights. Before this I had only tried the Quoth stuff through what was in Violent Rumble.

>> No.9964707

thread theme

>> No.9964709

Put in a blurb about Brutal Doom under "HISTORICALLY NOTABLE SHIT" that explains what it is and why it's controversial, considering it's one of the best-known Doom mods for better or worse.

>> No.9964727

once the threshold reaches 0, they will retaliate at attackers. but if theres no one currently attacking, they'll keep chasing their current target (be it monster or player)

>> No.9964737

I heard Mark might be a
<===== PSYCHOPATH???
Is that true?

>> No.9964739
File: 393 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_134134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I actually pet The Cube? And what does Convert Flux do? Are the rifts supposed to make noise? I can't really hear anything.

Does The Cube remember who he was?

>> No.9964740


>> No.9964747

Just finished Ashes 1.15, thanks to anon who provided the link. I really enjoyed most of the game, level design is outstanding and even the story is competent. Great gunplay, and what I was impressed with the most is the scale of the game and how perfectly it blends the abstract nature of the engine (or rather its limitations) to produce a great, semi-open world experience. It falters a bit towards the very end and ends on an anticlimactic note, but when you first get into the city and look for Michonne Station... great, great great. Among the best FPS games I ever played, actually. I asked for 1.15 because standalone worked like shit on my laptop for some reason, I will definitely try more Ashes in the future. There's some weird damage scaling, like those hulking fire-brutes go down with several noscope shots, and I never bothered with ethereal green-ooze shooting beings; I kinda wish the game world was more...dry, more Mad Max-y, but I also got strong Manhunt vibes because it set up going from one decrepit urban space to another so well, populated by bloodthirsty gangs. I played on hard and had some ammo problems on the first two levels, and an abundance of stuff later on even without getting every secret. Worst part of the game is when you enter that building that has fallen sideways right before you go through to the tower, because I did not figure out one jump. In all, jumping is a bit too accentuated.

>> No.9964748

It's an amazing look that no one knows the value of, unless you're platinum and you made Astral Chain with some extremely hot cop girls.

>> No.9964751

Got it. Thanks. I understand what's going on in the video now. Maybe some time in the future I will use this newfound knowledge to anally fist some Cyberdemons.

>> No.9964753

Oh and I forgot - how in the hell did Vostyok manage to evoke so much boomer humor without making the game feel like an homage? It feels completely like a late 90s game, not only in aesthetics, but in style and the references and the... everything. Like a time capsule. That Doom minigun demon jumpscare was VtMB-like.

>> No.9964756

nailed it

>> No.9964761
File: 117 KB, 388x438, uibjkobunoinkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with some doom radys

>> No.9964763

Even the devs know, which is why the next game is in Unity.
That said, its biggest shortfalls were just being boring. Everything was competent, but the weapon selection was limited, and the enemy roster was tiny.

>> No.9964769

>You go to the moon in DNF too
ok so you count the actually-competent DNF DLC but you don't for the expansion packs for Duke 3D?

DNF's DLC shows that it COULD have been a really competent, extravagant game that went places Duke 3D never could have.. if you cut Broussard out of the picture and let the team work.

>> No.9964813

It's kinda funny in a sad way how Chinese whispers chunks of the community still gets over him.

>> No.9964821

>Just finished Ashes 1.15, thanks to anon who provided the link
NP, glad you liked it, it's pretty fun in a Build-y sort of a way.
>It feels completely like a late 90s game, not only in aesthetics, but in style and the references
It even references stuff like 2000AD, which I can't help but feel will have gone over the heads of most of the people who played it.
>That Doom minigun demon jumpscare was VtMB-like.
The cardboard cutout Mancubus in the store? I thought that was a pretty fucking clever one.

>> No.9964839
File: 593 KB, 1280x616, youlljustturnoffthehudanyways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but
>Define what "soul" is to you.
Something in earnest that tries to create, something that you interact with screams the individual itself or something that is pure in its creation. Being that no outside force seemed to touch it, or even pay a temporary thought in its production.
Though what most people refer as soul is just the hard-to-describe feelings of nostalgia of a simpler time when their media seemed to be without thought of the outside world, or even well-known design. Thus why you may say something with terrible ui has soul, because it was formed by itself - flaws and all.
Sorry to put you through this code-anon.

>> No.9964841

Thank you for playing and for the evaluation. There are some good quoth maps around if you want to play more. Mapjam 9 is a nice collection and authors like necros, hrimfaxi, jpl and others did some sweet things between 2005-2013.
There is also the infamous Warpspasm, if you can stand spawn (tarbaby) overdose.

>> No.9964847

also damn you're a natural at dodging gug projectiles.

>> No.9964850

Rentry OP link kind of fills this purpose, I think? Could've been a little more comprehensive and sleek, like descriptor tagged wadbooru concept that's been flying around here these past weeks (which probably won't ever happen without yet another selfless tech-geek philanthropist descending upon us, as I'm too into Doom only ironically and because my boyfriend visits here, feel no contempt).

In any case, any additional source of info is always beneficial, and exclusive mention of /vr/'s mapping gig existence is outside the question. But I also think that each of the local borne mods and mapping projects deserve equal focus and coverage respectfully, PNGs won't be flexible enough sizewise and always up-to-date with new things to come as years pass (given passion god bless). Foremost, YWTPSFD is a pass-up image file for all the newbies to get into the course of things with tastefully curated first taster, succinct and to the point.

>> No.9964856

>something that when* you
Neat doodle, anon.

>> No.9964859

You say that but Lo Wang is the only Build Engine protag still getting new games.

>> No.9964869

>Something in earnest that tries to create
Very fitting tied with a screen of one of Term's mods, dude absolutely fits the bill of a developer who just wants to make something that is as awesome and as much fun as possible.

>> No.9964874

Yeah I saw the Dredd reference too. Will continue with Afterglow although I'm getting a FPS dip here and there (using the 1.10 pk3)

>> No.9964884

>Define what "soul" is to you.
Vision, hard work and passion, it's definitely easier to see in smaller projects, like I agree Nightmare Reaper is ugly but you can tell the dev tried and I can respect that.

>> No.9964890
File: 2.44 MB, 498x498, 8c1fad6cf5dd59b6246835f94a3ba302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which wad has the best (original) soundtrack in your humble opinion?

>> No.9964894

because you touch yourself at night, also you're wrong

>> No.9964895

Buckethead's Sigil OST is pretty great.

>> No.9964901

Aye, it's why I used it. I respect Term's drive, it's also what I believe too.
I want to insert my cringe OC in demonsteele, and even further I want to make sure I make a short comic of all demonsteele characters doing stuff.
I want to make intermission screens where you see Hae-Lin making Sweet Sundae Ramen, and Sun Shihong playing bing bing wahoo krazy pizza uncle man. Why? Because it's fun, because I want to create.

>> No.9964903
File: 15 KB, 325x325, 1411291923305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to make intermission screens where you see Hae-Lin making Sweet Sundae Ramen

>> No.9964906

Ancient Aliens has a superb OST. About as good as action game music can get IMO.

>> No.9964912
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>> No.9964915
File: 1.04 MB, 500x720, yctuvhjbonkl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9964923

Nice work! Do you think you could draw Daina from LTG wearing a diaper? My friends and I get a good laugh imagining her being forced to wear a diaper in the mod and being laughed at by the demons while being called 'Diaper Daina'!

>> No.9964930


>> No.9964931
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>> No.9964932

His only crime imo was getting on BoA devs ass for content reasons. Not crediting people is a little shitty, but I think that was only seen as particularly bad due to how big brutal doom got.

>> No.9964937

>I respect Term's drive, it's also what I believe too.
In a way I respect him even more for that than his mods and stuff, dude really does seem to have a talent for finding the fun or cool part in everything.

>> No.9964939
File: 1.38 MB, 1816x1296, Image47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964943

>My friends and I
Nice appeal to numbers attempt but you have no friends.

>> No.9964965

He was a bit of a dick but then again so are a lot of mod devs, he was just a lot more visible.
>but I think that was only seen as particularly bad due to how big brutal doom got.
It sure was an experience seeing people complain about stuff he released being unneeded and then days later praising somebody else for releasing something similar.

One of the things that made me distance myself from a lot of the cliqueish parts of the community was seeing <cancelled developer> and friends complaining that Mark released the ACS-based Bolognese, saying it was unnecessary because similar mods already existed and then days later tossing themselves off because Nashgore was re-released as a Zscript mod.

>> No.9964983
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>> No.9964991

My pride's on the line, that was hard mode wasn't it? Not nightmare?

>> No.9964993

Also the sky is one of Quoth's packaged skies. Really nice. You should definitely try other Quoth maps/episodes.

>> No.9964996
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>> No.9965000

>nailgun becomes completely useless the minute you get a super nailgun, offers no unique advantage
what were they thinking?

>> No.9965005
File: 5 KB, 183x275, 28291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9965008

nailgun is still useful if you wanna save ammo combined with quad damage.

>> No.9965015

only if you're fighting an enemy that'll die from 1-2 quad nails, and even then you might as well just use regular shotty and save the more valuable ammo

>> No.9965019

Is there a mod for DOOM that adds DOOM II enemies to all episodes?

>> No.9965021


>> No.9965023

>bait reply got more replies than the drawing

>> No.9965024

There's actually a mod made two years ago or so by an anon from these threads. I have to jet right now but I'll look for it when I get back.

>> No.9965027
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>> No.9965030


>> No.9965032
File: 128 KB, 1000x288, 1674771841581692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weapon looks cooler and shoots 2 spikes at a time
>isn't the Super Nailgun
I have no clue.

>> No.9965036

Use Doom 2, and just remake the Doom 1 maps and put in the new monsters and weapon where appropriate, ez.

>> No.9965039
File: 3.91 MB, 960x540, ctom dang.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great time and I'll probably mess with it some more later, choosing the order of trouble I can get in is a lot of fun.
>also damn you're a natural at dodging gug projectiles.
That was a painful but fun process...
Holy shit anon, nice, damn.
>My pride's on the line, that was hard mode wasn't it? Not nightmare?
Oh boy, check the bottom at the end.
Also thank you both for the recommendations.
>what were they thinking?
I dunno, in episode resets? Most of the custom maps I've played have been hub-based shotgun starts that make use of the weapon progression.

>> No.9965041

>A-shooby-dooby-dobba-dobba-da it's a secret

>> No.9965047
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>> No.9965050
File: 994 KB, 1024x768, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there something wrong with me if I can't stand the vanilla campaigns of Quake and Blood but absolutely adore Arcane Dimensions and Blood Wish?

>> No.9965051

*Death Wish woops

>> No.9965058

Ill agree with you that Quake is simply "alright" but Blood's campaign is a fucking masterpiece.

Quakes 2 expansions are pretty good, especially the second one

>> No.9965064

still a shittier weapon. also it only shoots one spike at a time, the barrels alternate.

>> No.9965102
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>> No.9965117

that pisses me off and goes to show that there is still more to be done for the sake of drawing

>> No.9965119

Oh but you had attempts where you died as well so my pride is intact. Good shit.
It's on one of my older harddrives anon hang on.

>> No.9965149

Is oblige good or is it a meme? Need something to play with demonsteele

>> No.9965154

Oblige maps are decent enough, Obsidian maps are on the whole better though.

>> No.9965172
File: 2.20 MB, 2560x1440, wsqss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh but you had attempts where you died as well so my pride is intact. Good shit.
Yeup, we're only human and this stuff does not fuck around.
I'm diving into Warpspasm.

>> No.9965173
File: 1 KB, 252x96, 1669841322301288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9965175

your shotty is showing.

>> No.9965190

What's the difference between Oblige, Obaddon and Obsidian?

>> No.9965198

Obaddon is an addon for Oblige that added more stuff, Obsidian is basically the continuation of Obaddon as it's own fork of Oblige since Oblige had it's development axed.

>> No.9965214
File: 451 KB, 732x886, 5kamst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when i was using the ipad demo

>> No.9965234

BOOM here it is.
Works with all Doom 1 based maps, megawads, etc. Great fun with BASED Ganymede.

>> No.9965240

Nah I'm the same way. I greatly detest the fact that most big Quake projects these days are made with vanilla monster mods. Quoth should be the standard at minimum.

>> No.9965252

What's got you down in vanilla blood? Other than taking a nosedive in difficulty after episode 1 from a mix of enemy placement and knowing the mechanics I think it's one of the best retail FPS campaigns period

>> No.9965260

>Other than taking a nosedive in difficulty after episode 1 from a mix of enemy placement and knowing the mechanics

>> No.9965310
File: 125 KB, 617x440, notbsettings1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>nosedive in difficulty
There's fixes for that these days

>> No.9965314

No I mean
>What's wrong with Blood other than these things that are wrong with Blood?

>> No.9965317
File: 65 KB, 640x400, Monitor_1_20230606-194656-974974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if it's been posted yet (quick ctrl+f didn't catch anything), but new ACE injection demo dropped.
It's rather cool.

>> No.9965341
File: 166 KB, 1366x768, jamal jones e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been shambling through E1 of Jamal Jones, this is pretty rough at times and a big step down from Ray Mohawk 2. Map15 actually put me to sleep the first time I played it. The first wad since Sunder to do so

>> No.9965346
File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, 1605195112824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's silly, but honestly if a "drop in difficulty" is making it so someone can't get into the vanilla campaign these days it won't be an issue.
I think a bigger problem with the vanilla difficulty than what >>9965252 pointed out is it being literally broken and swapping values when loading a saved game that's not on Lightly Broiled or Well Done.

>> No.9965424

Please don't make Quake 3 RTX a thing, Bethesda!

>> No.9965447

As long as they release the source code (which I think they would have to thanks to Carmack) I wouldn't mind. RTX or not, a suped-up Quake 3 engine would be great to make shit with.

>> No.9965456

im sure IDTech3 is also opensource. theres ioquake3 that can be used as a framework to make games.

>> No.9965461

Hm, wouldn't have thought to play on Nightmare. Is it the same as Doom Nightmare where enemies respawn? Might actually have trouble pulling that off in some of the early Chex 2 levels since they're a bit stingier with ammo.

>> No.9965463

>Is it the same as Doom Nightmare where enemies respawn?
Yes, but the enemies are pretty harmless so it's not that bad.

>> No.9965464

As long as it includes a standard renderer like Quake II RTX does I don't mind it. At-least it'll boost the multplayer numbers for a little while.

>> No.9965470

No, he's just arrogant and autistic.

>> No.9965474
File: 41 KB, 525x440, FxRK-oQXwAE5kMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen C.Kid guy in a while.

Haven't seen her in a good while either.

Well, that took different turn, one which I also haven't seen in a while.

>> No.9965480
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>> No.9965482
File: 82 KB, 550x413, 1449039738474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was having a great time with Ashes Afterglow until now that i hit the biodome. Map is absolutely amazing, but these plant fucks are kicking my fucking ass.

>> No.9965492

I played all three episodes just yesterday. I really liked some of the levels, like E2M2. My biggest issue is the limited ammo, and I think it was too easy (might replay on the hardest difficulty since I played on normal.) The enemies, though I like their designs, needed more variety too; needed more ranged attackers.
coincidentally having a bowl of Chex right now too.

>> No.9965502

If you want a good laugh, High Noon Drifter has stuff for Chex 3 built into it.

>> No.9965507
File: 135 KB, 460x460, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Chex cereal is mediocre but Chex Mix slaps, especially pic-related.

Chex Quest isn't a perfect game but I respect the Hell out of it for being by-far the best free prize to ever come in a cereal box, and for being many kids' first introduction to Doom, especially in households with strict parents.

Mad props to the lead dev for going back and making a third entry in 2008 too, you can tell it was produced by a seasoned mapper which makes me wonder if he's contributed to any other wads under a different alias or something.

>> No.9965516

use the napalm launcher

>> No.9965523
File: 618 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Chex_20230606_234055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek rip booger people

>> No.9965524

I am, it's just that i'm having a hard time dodging the stupidly fast projectiles, and they do a ton of damage.
Skill issue, i suppose.

>> No.9965530
File: 311 KB, 1529x525, inf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Deus Ex get praised so heavily as the perfect game? Even on a first playthrough you could notice shortcomings and frustrating broken shit. I don't get why people are so accepting of broken shit on old pc games.
Honestly I think Deus Ex is outpaced by its non retro games in the series

>> No.9965536
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>> No.9965538

>frustrating broken shit
how i spot an opinion that doesn't matter
git gud fagget lolololy

>> No.9965546

you don't think for yourself

>> No.9965553
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>> No.9965560
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on it, boss

>> No.9965561
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>> No.9965562
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>> No.9965583

>How do I actually pet The Cube?
Equip fists and spam grabbing. The animation makes it look like you're patting it on the head. Works for the Eradicator turret and (some) merchants.
>And what does Convert Flux do?
Absorbs rifts for cube ammo. It's a double-edged sword if you're using voidstones.
>Are the rifts supposed to make noise?
Yes, fully.

>> No.9965589

Did nobody spot that this is the myhouse.wad layout, or am I just being memed on?

>> No.9965594
File: 3.78 MB, 852x480, squidward.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice episode, its brick game was exquisite.

>> No.9965601

haha wouldn't it be great if everybody would state the title of the things they posted instead of being absolute fuckwits.

>> No.9965612
File: 813 KB, 1130x1000, j91pxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't draw him as much as i used to

>> No.9965616

it's dwell 2.2 sheesh

>> No.9965626

I genuinely have no clue why they haven't made a new Blood.

>> No.9965634

sorry man i just made you the object of years of rage of people just posting screenshots with no context.

>> No.9965638

like the creepypasta?

>> No.9965641

it's clearly Squidward

>> No.9965650

>"Records of a longest pilgrimage, in search of ephemeral made eternal"
What does this line allude to?

>> No.9965656

And it's on rentry, if that matters

>> No.9965680
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>> No.9965681
File: 2.24 MB, 658x750, Araki is afraid of this thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9965692
File: 560 KB, 1920x1017, 1520536952818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le tailor

>> No.9965697

Ngl I hate LTG and fire emblem. Fuck it.

>> No.9965723
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_002328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai shiranui

>> No.9965741

Ahh, okay.
>Absorbs rifts for cube ammo. It's a double-edged sword if you're using voidstones.
Nah, the C mode that uses the ammo. Though I see now it give him experience. I can't tell if it does anything else.

>Yes, fully.
Do him and the knife ever talk?

>> No.9965771

>Even the devs know, which is why the next game is in Unity.
What do you mean? Voidpoint didn't announce a new game, they're working on Aftershock now.

>> No.9965831

Oh, that. That converts flux to mana. Hardly useful if you're at max mana (only increases regen at that point), but if you're in a hurry to cast Voidstorm/Invuln it can help cut down the wait time.

No, cube isn't really aware of the knife or cares, and vice versa. It is the only neutral artifact that doesn't give a shit if you're good or evil or are carrying some giga evil artifacts.

>> No.9965839
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>> No.9965858
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>> No.9965873

Simular feelings, I finished ep1 recently and decided to take a break with other wads before going to ep2. you actually like Ray Mohawk 2? I found it to be pretty bad and literally godmoded the last stages because I couldn't be arsed to play them but wanted to how it ends.

>> No.9965879

I found the whole second hub of afterglow to be pretty bad, the maps are big for the sake of being big and it's boring. I didn't even find the third faction there.
For me: afterglow finale > afterglow first hub > 2063 > afterglow second hub

>> No.9965881

So I started Ad Mortem, and on the third map, is the wall glide the intended method to get the berserk secret?

>> No.9965885
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not the same anon but ok

>> No.9965890

Yes, it's actually a 1px wide ledge, you can hug the wall and get caught on it as the piston lowers.

>> No.9965897
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>> No.9965905
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picrel is my favorite sketch and epic moment of the general. no idea who it was

>> No.9965909 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, Sam2017 2023-06-07 03-14-50-907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes retro fps thread but this is one of the greatest fights i've ever seen in an fps. the mood, sam goading the opposition into fighting him harder, wave after wave of enemies. i cannot believe how bad of a rap ss3 gets. this is heaven.

>> No.9965913
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>> No.9966023

Beat me to it.

>> No.9966027
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>> No.9966064 [DELETED] 


>> No.9966076

>you actually like Ray Mohawk 2?
Yeah, I'm biased 'cause it reminds me of Antares' partial conversions where I also had no problem excusing a few dud maps. Big run and gun setups, fast pace, fun new weapons, that's my jam.

>> No.9966078 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 343x539, sjm6fqbwb7066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a Motherfucking...

>> No.9966085

No, Anon, that's a babby fucking

>> No.9966092

Woah anon, you can't just accuse someone of being Ian Watkins.

>> No.9966097

>still no mod that lets me fuck the cyberdemons gf while he's forced to watch

>> No.9966105

That would probably be pretty easy to pull-off, just make a fork of H-Doom.

>> No.9966152
File: 418 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230606_174601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so he's like a rechargeable mana potion.

Huh. I figured in a lore sense, since they're both trapped in/as objects, they'd have something to say. Like if they're both on a shelf in the armory they'll just ignore each other?

>> No.9966157

because it takes way too long to actually get to the part where it's a proper serious sam game in 3

>> No.9966159
File: 295 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_055631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I really like this spell. I'm sure I've said that already but I'm doing it again.

>> No.9966163

To be fair, I said that too >>9964625 so good for him. They’ve all played weird to me, but maybe they just need to “click” like Sam’s games eventually did.
My baseless idea is someone up there must have a hateboner for it or something.

>> No.9966169

Is Chex Quest just a wad I can download? I've never played it before.

>> No.9966184

Yeah. It was originally a promotional game that came in Chex cereal boxes in the US in 1996 that ran on the Doom engine, then years later the lead dev created Chex Quest 3 which also includes all levels from the first two games as their own bespoke episodes.


Apparently he's also made some mods for Warcraft III and a Quake III map which is a remake of a Duke3D map.

>> No.9966187

>go to the saloon
>come back
>house exit door is now gone

>> No.9966189

I haven't really thought about it much honestly. The cube speaks vocally (somehow) whereas the knife speaks more telepathically. But even that aside, the knife is pure evil so it holds nothing but contempt for everyone else. You'll know more if you unlock the lore in the terminal and read the hidden item lore (needs 150 assassinations per chapter for the former, max evil alignment and a hungry knife for the latter). It's not far-fetched to imagine the two would refuse to speak to each other just out of spite. Plus I find it fits the canon better if they don't.

>> No.9966195

Forgot to mention you also get part 1 of the "hidden" item lore if you don't meet the evil alignment requirement for part 2. Or you can just look in the files, kek.

>> No.9966209

Chex Quest is effectively a conversion of Ultimate Doom
Chex Quest 3 is the above but with more episodes and the stuff that was left in, taken out.

>> No.9966215
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>> No.9966243

Wat dis

>> No.9966247

Yeah, that makes sense. I had no idea the terminal had lore unlocks beyond what was already there. How does that work? Like I imagine progress for stuff gets reset every update.

Also I like how the knife description and stab control flickers back and forth. That's a cool detail.

I did see those in game. So I'm guessing Solomon is the one who put her in the knife?

>> No.9966251
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>> No.9966252


>> No.9966272
File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Chex_20230607_083527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This level looks vaguely like parts of Valiant, just brighter.

>> No.9966280

This is really weird, it's very involved and I've never fucking heard of it. There's also no real mod page for it, just the git which has detailed gameplay guides but no real background, inspiration behind it. Where did it come from? Why does it exist? I'm quite flabbergasted.

>> No.9966286

I don't know about BEST but all these years later I still come back to Memento Mori's soundtrack.

>> No.9966307

btsx3 looks bland as shit

>> No.9966332
File: 118 KB, 221x300, 1663845801879653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fireblu by the foot

>> No.9966339

Doesn't reset, no. The lore unlocks are permanent and persist between playthroughs. They are mainly reserved for DEEP LORE and super secret stuff. Unlocks are usually triggered by certain actions.

You'd be correct. I plan on expanding upon her lore some more at some point, but it needs to be done carefully. Currently working on the follower/companion feature, so everything else is on the backburner.

>This is really weird, it's very involved and I've never fucking heard of it. There's also no real mod page for it
Just as intended. Of course the cat's out of the bag now after a year and people have noticed it, but I'm completely intentionally keeping it very low profile. I sleep better at night that way.
>Where did it come from? Why does it exist? I'm quite flabbergasted
HDest drama was the catalyst for it, but not the sole reason. That's all I'm gonna say lest the jannies bin me, plus it doesn't really matter anymore.
>but no real background, inspiration behind it
I just wanted to build a codebase that isn't completely up the ass where I have full control over everything, mainly the code. Most of the inspiration for the DS universe came during the development process and continues to this day. The core mechanics are either approximated from HDest's (because I used to play that a fucking LOT) or from various addons for it, e.g. Arcanum, Cube, merchant, etc., only with lots of improvements/adaptations.

>> No.9966342

I'm not liking the dark look, spritework is as good as ever though.

>> No.9966343

Well after playing around with give all I finally see what it's about. Fuck you for making the game I've been wanting to make for a while. This is amazing.

>> No.9966352

Hah, glad you like it, Anon. Surprised give all doesn't shit the bed; I remember accessing the inventory after using that outright crashed at one point. Or maybe it was "give everything"...

>> No.9966443

Hexen is finished, and with the rebalance mod it was even enjoyable.

Are there mods to use heretic weapons in doom and vice versa?

>> No.9966448

what does FIREBLU taste like?

>> No.9966452

Samsara has IWAD cross-compatibility, so along with the crossover gimmick you could use it to play as the Doom marine in Heretic, or have Heretic monsters appear in Doom levels.
Fair warning that Samsara's gotten infamous for feature bloat, but regardless it can still be used to mix and match IWAD content.

>> No.9966454

Readme mentions things like enemy shields and bosses, is the enemy roster changed as well?

>> No.9966462

You could always just use an older version too.

>> No.9966469

>and the stuff that was left in
Like what? I never had chex quest as a kid so I've only played 3.

>> No.9966471

No. The mod will never feature custom enemies because that defeats half the purpose of the mod's existence. Shields are rarely and randomly applied to enemies that fit the criteria. Besides, I suck at making monsters. Use Project Malice with it, it's the best monster addon to play DS with imo.

>> No.9966474
File: 498 KB, 1440x900, gzdoom_McIRPwKRQH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Refueling Base.

>> No.9966484

what's up with the floating ironsight on top of the regular ironsight

>> No.9966487

He can see twice as hard

>> No.9966494

in HD your crosshair changes to match the sight of the gun you're currently holding
it's especially cool with guns that have iron sights because the front and back sights move independently of one another when you walk around

>> No.9966502

>scrap# .jpeg
Baraag or HentaiFoundry?

>> No.9966529

It seems interesting, very interesting overall. At a glance it seems like “Spawn gets Hideous” or something. I might try it out later even if I’m more of a ‘guns/unguh only’ kind of guy when spells are involved.
One of my favorites.

>> No.9966541
File: 23 KB, 346x406, THROW DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fag that used to complain about it crashing here. tell me your mod setup NOW.

>> No.9966560
File: 14 KB, 342x651, Standard Issue Bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip the Flesh & Steel option on if you want a less magical/supernatural experience and a more bullshit one. Also gives access to some F&S-specific items/weapons.

NTA, but here's mine.

>> No.9966563
File: 249 KB, 1600x900, 2023-06-07 at 12.48.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just getting to this map making stuff and it's pretty much like playing with legos. Using dev textures helped me so much I can't believe I haven't tried it before. No more having to deal with texturing as I block!

>> No.9966579

oh jesus christ on a meat bicycle. if this wallpaper scroll of a list works for you, gonna cross my fingers a small part of it gonna work for me. cheers.

>> No.9966591
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I can taste this map.

>> No.9966626
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x900, spasm0055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiritworld made me discover a whole new level of dickery in its secret level. . .
BTW, is a free-aim spikeshooter doable in vanilla Q1?

>> No.9966627

ah I remember the old days when I first tried mapping ... and it was using Qoole, for Quake 2, and I had no idea what "leak" meant and why nothing worked

>> No.9966632

Blueberry gelato & watermelon sorbet

>> No.9966645
File: 334 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_091905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see, mine is
Aside from Deathstrider and AceMus, the addons in order are, from the AceCorp site

Spike Driver
Loth's Arbalest
Storage Solutions
Advanced Power Armor

From Zhs2's site

Original Spawning
Strorb(I replaced the sound in SNDINFO with Solomon's new Resurrect 1 sound. INVIGORATING)
Buff Effects HUD
Buy Assembly Cores

And I'm playing this on Strange Aeons right now so I have a little patch for that that I put Zhs2's Steroid mod in and that replaces Rage Spheres. I'm probably going to replace the little green ghosts that spawn off these guys with a version that can be shot/punched since Solomon is the literal Grim Reaper.

>> No.9966647

I've recently finished Doom I and II for the first time.
Very good stuff. Though, I felt most maps in Thy Flesh Consumed were ass.

Doing 64 now, everything feels more satisfying (except plasma gun) but the maps are frustratingly confusing.

>> No.9966706

>some mods for Warcraft III

>> No.9966735

I see so many people talk about Hideous Destructor and read that it's brutally difficult and there's tons of unexplained mechanics. So if I want to get into what's the best way to start as a beginner? Are there any good tutorials?

>> No.9966737

If you're talking about the walls shooting lasers, that's something that happens in the stock techbase levels.

>> No.9966741

There is a "Boot Camp" video on Youtube, watch it for the most comprehensive and efficient tutorial. If you want it quicker read the manual, it's in the pk3. Bind your keys.

>> No.9966746

>Flip the Flesh & Steel option on if you want a less magical/supernatural experience and a more bullshit one.
Wow yes please, you know what’s up. Super encouraging you already thought of this ahead of time.
I’m in love this this pack.
Thy Flesh Consumed got pushed out when they were all focused on Quake. E4M2 is at least really challenging.

>> No.9966747

What's the first wad I should play after finishing all of commercial Doom? Including Master Levels and Doom 64

>> No.9966749


>> No.9966750

Chex Quest

>> No.9966769

Definitely Plutonia

>> No.9966773
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, spasm0067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just *KNEW* this might happen, as expected beforehand...
Yeah I know, but there are places where they keep firing directly at your position instead of a set diirection

>> No.9966776

Plutonia is commercial Doom

>> No.9966779

Plutonia but beware its way harder especially on UV, which is meant for expert doomers and masochists. Also the formerly xbox exclusive no rest for the living is a really solid

>> No.9966782

2048 Units of /vr/

>> No.9966784


>> No.9966803

TNT Evilution, then Plutonia

>> No.9966813

I'd recommend playing WADs in this order if you're just talking about The Ultimate Doom and Doom II

>Master Levels for Doom II
>Final Doom (play TNT Evilution first because it's easier, or just skip it it's kind of mid but definitely play Plutonia)
>Doom 64
>Chex Quest
>Hell to Pay
>Perdition's Gate
>Icarus: Alien Vanguard
>Alien Vendetta
>Kama Sutra
>Japanese Community Project
>Whitemare 1 and 2
>Going Down
>Back to Saturn X
>Scythe 1 and 2
>Memento Mori
>Hell Revealed
>Ancient Aliens
>Plutonia 2
>Anteresian Reliquary

>> No.9966818

The Unity remaster has a list of addons approved by id, that's a good start. The list of mods, I mean. There's no need to switch over to the port itself.

>> No.9966861
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, lolunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Unity remaster

>> No.9966867

Doesn't it also replace the red cross on medkits with that gay pill shit?

>> No.9966869

It was actually updated to be a green cross, which is less retarded but still not very visually appealing.

The most egregious thing about the Unity version is the censorship to the Nazi imagery in the Wolfenstein levels.

>> No.9966871

as far as i know, you need login to download addons. you dont need it to play the game (anymore)

>> No.9966898
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>> No.9966903

It's pretty dumb since the Red Cross's idiotic bullying shit shouldn't even apply to them anymore, they only went after id before because they were a small studio with no chance of standing up to them, now they're Bethesda (and Microsoft's) pet, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.9966930

Hu-huh, what an mess...

>> No.9966936

It doesn't matter how big they are. Red Cross has its stuff protected by an int'l treaty.

>> No.9966949

started Deathstrider recently. What are good mapsets that play well with it?

>> No.9967000

>Doom had to change its red crosses
>Quake still has all of them even after the remaster
Mixed signals here, either they completely overlooked Quake or no one cares enough about it.
Try the fuckgate here >>9966898 in Hellbound, let us know how it goes.

>> No.9967003
File: 648 KB, 1520x825, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_201031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i know how to do 3D floors.

>> No.9967013

>Quake still has all of them even after the remaster
I think Quake got away with it because the red cross isn't on a white background. I saw someone post a few months ago that they made an alternative then ended up unused though.

>> No.9967020
File: 603 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220830_211403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Scythe or Ancient Aliens

Other good wads :

Augur Zenith
2048 Units of /vr/
512 Linedefs of /vr/ (both /vr/ wads are good for people that like Plutonia style of tighter maps and mostly moderate amount of monsters but hard ambushes)

>> No.9967023

>I think Quake got away with it because the red cross isn't on a white background
I think you’re right. I heard about the dwarf game getting its cross changed recently and it was in a whitebox. Did Doom’s berserk pack get censored as well?

>> No.9967027

Ad Mortem and 2048 Units had such nice weapon sets.

>> No.9967030

>Hell To Pay
Horrible semi-shovelware wad

Aside visuals the gameplay and map design was already shit at 98

>Hell Revealed
While they have both good maps, most of the wads has not aged that well

>> No.9967032
File: 14 KB, 370x208, berserkc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Doom’s berserk pack get censored as well?
Yup, it looks neutered the poor thing.

>> No.9967037

>suck ability

havent seen that mod yet.

>> No.9967038

PMS-inducing pills.

>> No.9967045

Funnily enough I tried hellbound with it (and project malice) and for now stopped on the map right after gateway lab.
I Died many times trying to kill the incoming horde with claymores,tactical retreats and camping around corners/doors.Then just said fuck it, took berserk and rushed inside the gate.

>> No.9967048

Qucik, gimme some fantasy-themed wads for hexen/doom/heretic that I can play through with Walpurgis.

>> No.9967052

I'm proud of our wads too, but it's egoistic to shill them to every newcomer like they would be a essential piece of wad history.

>> No.9967056


>> No.9967058
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>> No.9967064
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, doom04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love the 2048 Units pistol without a reload even if it got a nerf to the firerate or if it had at-will reloading. My autism compels me to often magdump to empty out so I can have a fresh mag to go. It actually made me want to use the pistol more because it felt nice to use.

But yeah, Ad Mortem also has a nice weapon set (and Ad Mortem is a good feeling mod in general) . Not sure why though but the RTCW sound for the luger makes me a bit autismal and hoping the firing sound was instead that of the wolf 3d one but eh. I love the enemy sprites for Ad Mortem as well.

>> No.9967074

When all else fails, give the Eradicator turret two Venoms, 3000 5.56 rounds, and go get a drink.
>captcha WAD2T

>> No.9967090
File: 313 KB, 1920x1299, stephen-savage-veronica-lodge-doom-marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't shill them because they're /vr/, I shilled them because they were wads I genuinely enjoyed a lot playing and they were the exact kind of custom content that really drew me back to Doom after a long pause.

My idea of custom Doom wads (and I know this is ignorant because I haven't properly looked at the mod scene in years) had been that a lot of them overdo things, are turbobloated with hundreds of monsters, emphasis on slaughter etc (nothing wrong with slaughter but that's not what I personally go for) or TCs that while fun, aren't maybe someone wants to jump to immediately (again, acknowledging that this is my personal perspective.

>> No.9967095

got it, thanks anon.

>> No.9967195
File: 292 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230530_113254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck ability

Forgive me.

>> No.9967196

I will not put a chaingun in the map and will starve the player of other ammo to force him to use the pistol, thoughts?

>> No.9967201

At least two different anons were working on Kirby mods but I don't think either got them to a even alpha release state.

>> No.9967203

I hate you and everything you stand for.

>> No.9967204

Do you at least give the player a chainsaw or berserk?

>> No.9967208

honestly /vr/ wads and DBPs need some knowledge of mechanics and mapping tricks to appreciate
people who haven't played much doom should play vintage classics or just what looks neat but know that UV is for people who have been scratching a revenant itch for 25 years

>> No.9967217

Aw that poor bugger.
Hilarious because that ended up being my HD strat.
There are a few things here I never see mentioned elsewhere that I love plugging.

>> No.9967225

Will the waifu maps be shared in places like the doom world forum or will it remain a /vr/ only thing?

>> No.9967254

>but know that UV is for people who have been scratching a revenant itch for 25 years
This, even Cyriak says that he balances HMP as the fun difficulty

>> No.9967258

I've toyed with the idea of sneaking into a mod these and having it be like a 0.5% chance of replacing the normal one.

>> No.9967260

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/107015-wad-progression-for-skill-improvement/ orders a lot of classic .wads in terms of difficulty.
It ranks them from easiest to hardest and Scythe comes immediately after Plutonia, the hardest commercial DOOM, so Scythe is a decent starting point.

>> No.9967303

Huh. I remember seeing it in the cereal when I was a kid and I even had the game itself, but I didn't have a computer until I had already lost the game. I guess I'll check it out finally.

>> No.9967318

It has the most flatulent elevator sound of all of the Doom engine games.

>> No.9967320

Sorry, I meant to imply I did EVERY commercial Doom release, including Final Doom, Perdition's Gate, Hell to Pay, Hacx, etc. obviously not shit like d!zone or whatever though

>> No.9967323

raspberry + cherry
or blueberry + strawberry
or just watermelon in some blue gatorade.

>> No.9967324

>didn't beat Maximum DOOM
You didn't beat every commercial release.

>> No.9967334
File: 682 KB, 1029x802, MAP02 WIP 07062023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got over 32k linedefs
Got the yellow skull key area set up
Got all the slime sections done
Got everything textures

>> No.9967335

It's got elevators too?

>> No.9967336

>obviously not shit like d!zone or whatever

>> No.9967367

>I didn't even find the third faction there.
Speaking of that, am i really supposed to use stealth to plant the bombs in the Junkyard? Stealth? In the Doom engine? Dude said if i kill all the raiders the mutants will go wild but i'm getting shot on every corner, i'm about to give up and just start blasting.

>> No.9967381
File: 59 KB, 318x160, 1685612267326688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these btw

>> No.9967414

Each bomb area has two spots, one that would aggro the whole place and a stealthy one.

>> No.9967417

Are you sure you want to exit SLADE?

>> No.9967420

I didn't even want to open SLADE.

>> No.9967434

I wasted 30 minutes humping every wall in tnt map 31 because apparently the steam version of the tnt iwad didnt fix the yellow key bug. After wasting 30 minutes humping every wall in map 15 just to find the secret level. I think I understand now why tnt is so polarizing.

>> No.9967438

I never exit it, I just wait for it to crash of it's own accord.

>> No.9967465
File: 253 KB, 438x549, mlynar nothing better to do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967473


>> No.9967474
File: 760 KB, 960x540, tntph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I understand now why tnt is so polarizing.
I'd say the "worst" has yet to come actually, though it sucks not knowing about the yellow key bug because it's otherwise one of my favorite TNT levels.

>> No.9967490

Elf Gets Pissed

>> No.9967553

I played an unfixed version too, probably gave me a lifetime distrust in maps not softlocking.

>> No.9967561

Thank god no, I misclicked, sorry.

In the decade or so I have been using SLADE it has crashed on me once, at least I think it did, but I can't quite remember anymore.

>> No.9967583
File: 3.98 MB, 320x200, kart0000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kart Time?

>> No.9967585
File: 638 KB, 600x737, intense intensity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update: froze on map05 of community chest 4.
load order:
>arbalest addon
>project malice
>universal gibs
right in the middle of me getting styled on by that nightmare of a mastermind replacement. jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.9967587

>In the decade or so I have been using SLADE it has crashed on me once
You must be the holder of the mythical stable version of it, cause I've had it crash for the most random shit possible.

>> No.9967591
File: 473 KB, 1280x960, SRB2K-CEP64 2023-06-08 02-01-11-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so.

>> No.9967592 [DELETED] 

Black Tower and TEETH make the whole thing worth it. Especially Black Tower. Great level.

>> No.9967596
File: 13 KB, 1053x651, Screenshot 2023-06-07 190659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

System Shock is finished too now its time to play some doom (with mods because vanilla doom is boring)

>> No.9967602

Whats the deal with Strife? It always comes with the iwads zip but i never saw a single person mention anything about this game

>> No.9967629

It's an fps with light rpg elements, I personally didn't like it

>> No.9967636

it's cool
i like the aesthetic and the voice acting
blackbird talks too much tho. i prefer the normal ending to the good one.
gameplay could have been better
also worst sewer level ever

>> No.9967642
File: 4 KB, 490x95, 1657144470820871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OpenGL renderers have additional requirements for the nodes that the software renderers can ignore, as they are much stricter on their need for subsectors to be convex and precision of coordinates is paramount. The glBSP nodebuilder provides a standard for GL nodes, which are stored in additional lumps so as not to conflict with regular nodes: GL_VERT, GL_SEGS, GL_SSECT, GL_NODES and GL_PVS. These lumps may be in a separate file from their associated level, allowing the distribution of "GWA" files which contains prebuilt GL nodes for commercial levels without having to distribute modified versions of the levels themselves. To match the nodes with a level, a GL_LEVEL lump is used, generally containing a checksum of the level data to make sure the nodes are attributed properly.

guys i dont have gl_ nodes in my WAD. what am i doing wrong

>> No.9967645

I just don't like "you did things a little off" lose scenarios

>> No.9967654

It's pretty neat, is one of the earlier attempts to melt RPG mechanics into a FPS.

>> No.9967662

>also worst sewer level ever
I have that shit down to muscle memory because I was retarded enough to add Strife compatibility to my shit and actually fucking playtested it.


>> No.9967682

From a technical perspective its amazing, gameplay aint half bad either. Some levels are kinda lame. Overall I thought it was pretty good, considering when it was released.

>> No.9967686
File: 849 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_210514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liking hellbound, very moody and comfy
playing it with final doomer helps with it being somewhat sloggy

>> No.9967696

I shouldn't have asked for that free reply. I feel terrible now.

>> No.9967709


>> No.9967712

I wonder what Hideous Destructor death match would be like.

>> No.9967716

probably that webm of rocks being thrown at Kegan

>> No.9967739

I've played it and it's either laser tag with occasional jamming and wallbanging with 7.76 or using long brontos in a ZDWars scale map to blow the shit out of eachother while bouncing around everywhere using zerks.
Do not, for any reason, play with more than two (2) players outside of LAN. You will regret it, not just because of the netcode, but because of being unable to coordinate or have everyone be forced to not bring their custom loadouts which they can respawn with every time they die. Or the one madman using the Insurgent loadout and suddently respawning with a BFG or thunder buster every other death.
Also run UaS. Disabling frag is extremely important even if no BFGs or barrels are present.

>> No.9967748
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, fuck_glass_houses.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967758

I remember playing doom for the first time on 360 with the bfg edition on a dogshit tv "monitor" that had less resolution than my equally shitty 720p monitor right next to it. Played during the summer years ago and there's something I miss about bad controller feel and midi music that takes me back.
Also played through all of doom 3 on that and it was pretty ok although I didn't appreciate how much better doom 1 & 2's shotguns were till much later

>> No.9967764
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 1686184781588918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more enemies equals fun

>> No.9967767

TNT just isn't as challenging or memorable as Plutonia, and it was overshadowed by the controversy of it being paywalled mere hours before it was supposed to come out.

>> No.9967773
File: 3.91 MB, 854x480, tryingout.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fun so far. I'll get used to it for awhile before turning spells on. Is this merchant bro always following me around? I'm worried he'll get lit up.
I hope you won't be offended if I ever want to edit the crosshairs.

>> No.9967785

sunlust just locked me out of my free energy rifle and packs even though I had the key
I had to break out the console

>> No.9967814
File: 111 KB, 1001x540, 1588276041757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this merchant bro always following me around?
Ignore this, I read the manual again.

>> No.9967832
File: 39 KB, 427x427, 1457763270884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rush through planting bombs and eating bullets
>mission success, somehow succeed in being subtle
>go back and kill everyone anyway
Fuck this map. Even the biodome didn't get this annoying. I hope the other anon is right and the finale ends up being better than everything until now (which was great, except for this fucking mission).

>> No.9967857
File: 16 KB, 691x151, Screenshot 2023-06-07 214410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could i add to make this more chaotic?

>> No.9967858

Add the cyan and grey monsters in ColorfulHell.

>> No.9967863

Also Universal Entropy. Also excellent mod choices anon. Sounds like a fun time. What is MK Champions and Some Very Menacing Noon? Never heard of it.

>> No.9967869
File: 1003 KB, 989x980, 1657636468400093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu map is... le finished. i wont update it anymore unless someone finds a bug or something, or le lead asks me to change something (i didnt change the blueboard-friendly horny pics hope thats ok)

Waifu: Taihou (Azur Lane)
Level Name: Red Boat
"You're Winner" by Lippeth
Resident Evil 0 Safe Room
Battletoads and Double Dragon Level 7

supports all difficulties. comes with a demo. has credits lump for credits of art featured.

>> No.9967872

The champions mod add champions enemies like those in Binding of Isaac and menacing noon is just the random name of the map generated by obsidian

>> No.9967875

Utterly outstanding

>> No.9967881

Deathstrider anon, when I buy .50 ae magazines they're empty.

>> No.9967898

new thread whendo

>> No.9967924

>and menacing noon is just the random name of the map generated by obsidian
Shit's got some potential for hilarious wad names and map names,

I think I had one called The Demonic Orifice

>> No.9967945

>most of the wads has not aged that well
what do you mean?

>> No.9967957

I dont give a fuck about boobies, what she really needed was personality. All the classic Build protags were larger than life characters. Shelley is a cyberpunk cop... That doesn't really do or say anything related to that identity.

>> No.9967973
File: 102 KB, 800x600, jArm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shelley is a cyberpunk cop
Fuck, now I realized this chick from something considered shit even in the mid 90s probably has more going for her than Shelly.

>> No.9968001

Fucking sweet. I like Ganymede but also prefer the larger bestiary of D2. Now I can run through some Doom 1 wads too.

>> No.9968025
File: 3.92 MB, 640x480, 2023-06-08 06-27-44.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9968036

You like to magdump but don't want reloading?

>> No.9968058

So, has NBlood/NotBlood made BloodGDX thoroughly redundant at this point? Haven't checked them out in a while

>> No.9968068

If you’re only concerned about Blood, maybe. BloodGDX’s main thing was the sliders to customize difficulty and NotBlood has that and more. But GDX is also for other Build games as well.

>> No.9968069

I liked ur map :)

>> No.9968089
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1038, 1677156962528635.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9968091

I was mostly wondering about whether they've achieved parity in terms of accuracy
>But GDX is also for other Build games as well.
I'm aware, which is why I plan on probably keeping it around for a little longer, although its support does significantly overlap with Raze. I'm not sure how those two compare against each other, however.

>> No.9968096

two more quads

>> No.9968103

BloodGDX has a few weird replay desyncs with DOS while NBlood has only ever had one desync that I've encountered. BloodGDX does support more map versions while NBlood only supports 1.21 map versions. This means you can download and play a lot of early 1.x mods/maps with BloodGDX.

>> No.9968107

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.9968113


>> No.9968116


>> No.9968119

Could be anything desu.

Merchantinos are invulnerable. You can turn off the hoverboard if it's annoying. I implemented it so you don't have to constantly haul them around, plus I needed something to build the movement AI code with. Only reason it's a hoverboard is because I can't be arsed to do walking animations for all merchants. Having simple sprites is why reskins are easy to do.
The mod's intended to be as moddable as possible (within reason). Go wild.
I noticed you have bobbing set to 0 or something very low. Just fyi, the weapon bobbing in the mod was designed around the default value of 1, as it's intentionally subtle to begin with and doesn't go into vanilla/HD levels of intensity, which always bothered me cause it looked almost comical.

Intentional. All mags come empty for balance reasons. Makes ammo price easier to change without having to then rebalance everything that uses the ammo, like Tenderizer mags which can hold up to 100 shells. Plus it means mags can be cheaper.

>> No.9968142

Hey. I found it incredibly obtuse how to buy stuff from the merchant, the HUD doesn't explain that you have to press Jump to accept a transaction and thought I was missing a button. Nor that you can navigate the menus with your mouse instead of arrow keys. Its pretty damn fun otherwise. Love how you made the double barrel, really slick and visually coherent way to reload and change ammo.

>> No.9968148

Press F1 for help. Works in all menus.

>> No.9968150

That's somewhat I was worried about as well. I read the manual and tried pressing F1, but it just brought up the normal F1 help screen from doom 2 instead of a custom one like in GMOTA and other such mods. I din't know the context was to press it inside a menu instead of just anywhere. Thank you.

>> No.9968157

>For context-specific help, press F1 while the menu is open!
lol no worries anon

>> No.9968169

Am I retarded? It keeps launching with missing textures

>> No.9968180

yes, load otex textures.

>> No.9968182

Ooooh. Oh. Oh yeah, that's right.

>> No.9968185
File: 3.97 MB, 720x404, 2023-06-08 00-52-21 - 0.01.09-0.01.35.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit obsidian I'm just trying to do some playtesting here why do you have to try to physically harm my retinas like this

>> No.9968194

I lurve Obsidian.

>> No.9968198

Be sure to load OTEX first or you miss out on Anon's cute waifu pics.

>> No.9968209

NTA; does this use OTEX 1.1? Because I still get a couple of unknown OTEX textures, and I can't seem to find verson 1.0 of the texture pack. Sad.

>> No.9968213

Nevermind. Apparently the pk3 version of OTEX is faulty. Using the wad one works fine. Amazing.

>> No.9968224

>Apparently the pk3 version of OTEX is faulty.
Yeah, the archive appears to be corrupted

>> No.9968228

what does this mean? I can't figure it out.

>> No.9968231

Not That Anon.

>> No.9968249

Can you please take a screenshot of those arches? Or just upload the obsidian map/wad

>> No.9968252

It's MAP29

>> No.9968257

Thanks anon!

>> No.9968349

>Thread dying
>No bakers present
time...to die...

>> No.9968356

Fine, I'll do it. Assuming they didn't ban me from creating new threads again.

>> No.9968379

New thread. I think I didn't screw it up this time.