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File: 85 KB, 1200x681, Psp-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9956858 No.9956858 [Reply] [Original]

Any psp pros online?

Which model is objectively the best if I want an emulation machine.

>> No.9956869

one that can do better clockspeeds and has the extra ram
gonna have to look it up

>> No.9956871

If you don’t already own a PSP, why not get a true emulation handheld for way better performance, compatibility, etc.?

>> No.9956872

Because I'm a monster hunter fan and I also want the PSP to play those games on the native hardware.

>> No.9956873

Either 2K or 3K

You don't want a 1K because it has less memory. For official software the extra memory is only used to improve the online browser and function as a disk catche, but homebrew devs can and often do use it for whatever they want and as a result a lot of homebrew is incompatible with a 1K.

You also don't want a PSP Go because its storage options are more limited without hard modding.

You also don't want a PSP Street because they're pieces of shit.

>> No.9956887

>PSP Street
Wtf I am just learning about this now

>> No.9956897

Europe only

>> No.9956906

Any reason to get a PSP over a Vita?

>> No.9956907

get a vita, two analog sticks is much better for monhun

>> No.9956908

Marginally easier to install CFW and manage storage, that's it. a Vita can do literally anything a PSP can software wise.

>> No.9956917

PSP battery lasts longer
hacking is much easier
PSP feels better in the hands
UMDs are fun

>> No.9956923

I’ve totally switched to my Retroid Pocket 3+. It emulates everything just far better. Runs all PSP games I’ve tried without issue. And even runs a lot of PS2/GC games. Saturn/DC run perfectly as far as I can tell.

>> No.9956925

Either the 2000 or the 3000, the original 1000 model has a horrible screen. The 3000 has far superior colors to the 2000 but the catch is interlacing artifacts compared to the wicked ghosting of the 2000.

>I want an emulation machine
Then you'll be pretty disappointed. PSP emulation was cool for the time when we didn't have smartphones, chink handhelds, 3DS's and other devices, but its pretty sub par by today's standards.I know you already said it in the thread but if all you want is emulators and Monster Hunter then get a RP3+. PPSSPP is an amazing emulator and I have no doubt it would run the Monster Hunter games flawlessly, you can even upscale the resolution. All that, and actually up to date software emulation that blows PSP out of the water.

For PSP games I generally just use the Vita these days. Great screen, better battery life, nicer and more premium feel to the handheld. Much has been said about PSP games having input lag on the Vita through Adrenaline but if you actually create a program bubble for the PSP ISO you want to play then its no issue at all. I beat Gitaroo Man on the highest difficulty that way so trust me, you don't notice it.

>> No.9956954

holy based
mh on psp gonna give you hand crumbs

>> No.9956983
File: 258 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys but I want to feel and hear the UMD disc drive whirring on loading screens. I bought pic related as well as a UMD copy of monster hunter freedom unite.

Also just looking at the rp3+ form factor I can tell right away that doesn't look comfortable to hold. I could be wrong but I'm trusting my instinct on this one.

>> No.9956984

This but 3000 only, it has a much better screen
Vita costs twice as much and has no games. A console is worthless without a good library, emulation is just a nice extra.

>> No.9956996

I'm going to have to side with the other anons here; the Vita is the more powerful device with fancier emulation behind it, but it was designed around the time when Sony thought it was a good idea to throw away any sense of 'style' with their goods. It also just feels kind of shit to hold imo. PSP is better for long gaming sessions because it was actually designed in mind for adult hands.

>> No.9957096

i would tell you to have this conversation in the handheld general but shills will just tell you to buy a heckin emu device from overseas so it can spy on you via your wifi

i have the psp3000
but i think even the 2K supports tv out over the cables

the 3K is prob the safest choice screenwise but im no expert

i also have a vita and think it looks great and seems to handle ps1 games better +does psp as well with a slightly blurry/filtered upscale (you can turn it off but i hat the razer pixel look)

i would say to get both
i think /vr/ should only allow discussion of REAL hardware

/g/ is the place for chinese shill posters

>> No.9957102

any phone from the last decade is better in every way

screen size
replaceble controller/battery

FUCK OFF this is a psp thread

>> No.9957105

Don't worry, I ended up buying a green 3000 and even a UMD of my favorite game.

>> No.9957113

3000 or 2000 desu. I don't recommend 1000 because the screen is terrible, at least from my perspective (I own both a 3000 and 1000), tons of awful motion blur. I don't recommend a GO because its harder to replace the battery (something you will inevitably have to do if you buy a used PSP) and its harder to get a SD card for storage on the GO model.

>> No.9957116

it feels better to hold, and in my opinion PSP games look better on it than they do on the vita, I don't like any of the upscaling methods

>> No.9957118

Not OP, but I'm curious

>> No.9957128

Oops, sent too early.

Not OP, but I'm curious as to what handhelds there are that are cheaper than a PSP and can still handle a similar level of emulation? I'm not up to date on the purpose-built emulation handhelds at all.

>> No.9957134

If you're Japanese or a woman, the PSP Go.
If you absolutely need a PSP and nothing else, the PSP 3000.
If you just need it to have a Sony logo, the Vita.
Otherwise you can grab a dedicated emulation handheld that blows the PSP out of the water for between $50 and $100.

>> No.9957136

I'm sure there are hundreds of chinkoid handheld emulation devices that can handle PSP games for $60USD or less, but they're all uncomfortable squares that are either too big or too small.

>> No.9957149

>Not OP, but I'm curious as to what handhelds there are that are cheaper than a PSP and can still handle a similar level of emulation?
Miyoo Mini Plus
Anbernic RG35XX

Both are like $50-60 brand new and destroy the PSP at emulation. The only downside is they can't handle PSP itself.

>I'm sure there are hundreds of chinkoid handheld emulation devices that can handle PSP games for $60USD or less
There aren't, that's more a $100 thing. But OP is specifically looking for an emulation machine, and if he is considering a PSP, that means N64 at absolute best.

>> No.9957154
File: 1.47 MB, 1079x812, ff_psp3000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you care about "blowing things out of the water"
a tablet or phone destroys all chinkelds


>> No.9957158

2k if you really don't want a Vita instead.

>> No.9957159

>The only downside is they can't handle PSP itself.

this thread is about PS-fuckin-P
please stop shilling go to handheld general

>> No.9957161

For more than you'd spend on a PSP 3000 in decent condition.
After the $100 mark, it doesn't make sense.

>> No.9957173
File: 514 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0981(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays umd

its not about making sense, its about sending a fucking message

>> No.9957186

amazon regularly has flash sales on their 14" tabs
they sell them at a literal loss hoping youll pay into their ecosystem

root, blip nova launcher on
you have yourself a decent machine at $75
congratulations , see you next black friday bb

>> No.9957189

Actually no, I'm op and I just want psp and gameboy advanced. PSP is quite literally perfect for me.

>> No.9957190

Started playing Tenchu 1 on my psp today. Put on a few umd movie isos and some mega drive games a couple days ago. No, I don't care about chink handhelds, the shita or better emulation. I just want to stay in the 2000s, thank you

>> No.9957224

>I don't care about chink handhelds

>> No.9957229

>just use a phone
>it's not about cost it's about using real hardware
Not sure what you're arguing.
I suggested the 3k, so I don't think you know either.

>> No.9957248

>but i think even the 2K supports tv out over the cables
Only 3000 allows you to play games with composite cables, not really a big deal just worth noting

>> No.9957285

i misunderstood your post sorry anonkun

>> No.9957395

>this thread is about PS-fuckin-P
>please stop shilling go to handheld general
the OP literally said his goal was an emulation machine in his OP

if a friend asked me which ferrari would be best to move furniture, I'd tell him to buy a pickup truck

carry on, though

>Actually no, I'm op and I just want psp and gameboy advanced. PSP is quite literally perfect for me.
GBA works well in PSP
check this video out:


>> No.9957413

>if my friend said he likes videogames i...
would tell him to emulate and simply pretend hes playing the games

what a faggot kek

>> No.9957425

Vita is a better choice.
- The OLED screen is very nice and doesn’t have the monsterously bad ghosting.
- Better Retroarch support if emulation is your end game.
- people are saying the psp is easier to mod but it’s pretty much just as easy. I’ve modded both recently, as long as you can read both are effortless.
- better feeling controls, and a second analog stick. It can be used in emulation and even some psp games as well. I don’t think the nub on psp is the worst thing in the world, but no sane person could prefer it over an actual analog stick.
-MH (psp) I believe can use the second stick for camera. Double check this, but I’m pretty darn sure.
- Vita’s library is admittedly not great, but you do get some good games as well as access to the entire psp library as well.

>> No.9957439

Doesn't Vita introduce significant input lag to PSP games/emulators?

>> No.9957480

not really
the anon that cited that linked source in the handheld thread is technically correct
however he was referring to PS1 titles
but ps1 games ran at shitty FPS anyways even on real hardware

all the games were playable
however, i did have one fuckup on my psp3000 trying to smash through symphony of the night; it freezes and crashes but it could just be a bad download (the vita doesnt crash)

>> No.9957486
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>Vita’s library is admittedly not great
i think this is a meme honestly
the vita has over 1700 titles
surely there is SOMETHING there for you

>> No.9957492

90% japanese only titles

>> No.9957515

If playing PS1 and PSP games in a handheld is your primary goal, then nothing beats a 2000 series Vita. I say 2000 series because that 5% better looking OLED screen of the original model is not worth it over the upgrades of the second generation vita. Not to mention the potential problems that occur with OLED such as burn-in that the early Vita is notorious for. People that think the first gen Vita is better because of that stupid OLED are the same type that think glossy screens on laptops are better than matte. Sure, they look better in perfect conditions, but we so rarely operate in perfect conditions that it completely defeats the entire purpose.

With that being said, the Vita is expensive and only getting more and more so, and it's a pain in the ass to jailbreak and install CFW on it. And if you do get one, I suggest you also buy handgrips and carrying case for it to keep it safe.

>> No.9957556

i have about 170 titles installed on mine
everything was free with pkgj
the 3ds has more shit that interests me but
im very glad\thankful i have both
+it does psp\ps1 acceptably

if you go that route i recommend fiddling with the filters on a per-game basis

>> No.9957559

>and it's a pain in the ass to jailbreak and install CFW on it.
you literally do it through the browser now anon
sd2vita is like $5 and lets you use microsd

3ds is easy now too (sans latest update)
things are lookin up brother

>> No.9957582

It's kind of running out of exclusives since a lot of them are getting ported, but it still has a version of Gravity Rush 1, Muramasa Rebirth, the Katamari game is pretty good, Killzone is pretty good too, it's got portable Dragon's Crown. I'm sure there's a billion other ecchi dungeon crawlers I'm forgetting right now.

>> No.9957614
File: 1.66 MB, 3592x1778, 15C9A850-59F1-409C-A5ED-9549B0ABFF27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy welcome to the 3k club. I like it. And I like it more than vita. Everything just feels more responsive. Great PS1 emulation and lots of good PSP games and even fully translated Japanese ones. Mine is mostly SHMUP and JRPG machine. My one complaint is it has a great library of fighting games like Darkstalkers, Alpha 3 Max, and Tekken 5, but the D pad is just rough for entering in those sorts of inputs. Or that’s what I’ve found at least. Works fine on my PS1 though!

>> No.9957629

2000 series makes it easier and cheaper to to the initial hack as it has its on built in memory. Don't need to buy a seperate memory card like on OLED one.

>> No.9957634

>Don't need to buy a seperate memory card like on OLED one.

iirc part of the latest browser exploits lets you run IMCunlock as part of the initial exploit, so you never need a memory card.

>> No.9957635

>you literally do it through the browser now anon
I looked up what you're talking about and you're right, it is a LOT easier now than it used to be, assuming it works as it's supposed to. When I got mine over two years ago it was a complete pain in the ass and the instructions available from all the major sights were a jumbled mess written by people that were very technically skilled but not very competent at translating that knowledge into coherent thoughts and sentences.

>> No.9957639

same for me anon
im still not even sure if i did my vita correctly kek
there are so many fuckin partitions on the storage

i kinda want to get a duplicate device and do it again just to have one on hand before pkgj dies and the files go 404

>> No.9957651

Trust me, you don't know pain until you try to set up a PSVSD with an out of date guide, not realizing that it's out of date, and spending an entire straight day having to reformat your SD card dozens of times over wondering why the fuck your Vita won't work while following the guide to the pixel.

>> No.9957659

my point is proven
i have NONE of those titles installed kek

>> No.9957791

Just having a psp makes you a vr puss magnet. Go to Walmart and use the free wifi and you'll get mad honey yo.

>> No.9958036

>ps1 acceptably
Wait, PS1 emulation its only acceptable on Vita?

>> No.9958279

umds suck the life out of battery. and most people rip out umd drive and install custom lipo batteries

>> No.9958287

afaik you cant even select custom pops version on boot if you use adrenaline on vita. and trust me you need that because a lot of games arent compatible unless you use specific pops version. one of such games is dr slump where i believe you need 3.x firmware selected
so by "acceptable" he means if they work at all

>> No.9958316

Well there's work arounds for most games, dr slump works now in adrenaline or RetroArch. There's still a handful of games that don't work for psp/Vita and and extra few that don't work for Vita, but it's mostly just slow down or audio issues. The new fix involves changing game ids and a bunch of shit, but between RetroArch and adrenaline it's good for 99% of what most people would play.

>> No.9958324
File: 9 KB, 200x252, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just having a psp makes you a vr puss magnet. Go to Walmart and use the free wifi and you'll get mad honey yo.
now this guy fucks!

>> No.9958375

I have a Vita (OLED) -- is it worth buying a PSP for the native screen res?

>> No.9958435
File: 402 KB, 1403x1965, 954E96AE-AD73-4766-873F-0E60674BAB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if you wanna mod. If yes then you should get a 1000 because there’s an ips screen available for it. If not then get 3000 because it has best screen.

>> No.9958749

nah I think if you already got a Vita it’s not worth buying a PSP. the screen and buttons are marginally worse. I noticed input latency on my Vita compared to my PSP, but it’s minor and only really matters if you’re playing like PSP Metal Slug or whatever.

>> No.9958753

The only reason is if you want a suspend game function, I don't think Adrenaline has that.

>> No.9958779

you have to know full well that "most people" do not rip out their disc drives or use larger batteries.

>> No.9958795

it's novel if you have the money to burn for it.

>> No.9958798
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>PSP battery lasts longer

>> No.9958903

Absolutely not, because you will have to deal with

I own OLED Vita and PSP-2000 myself and you should get a PSP only if Vita's face buttons absolutely kill your fingers in action/fighting/rhythm games like it does to mine. I can button mash PSP for hours but Vita is only good for turn-based games.
Also, PSP native screen res is not native for any emulator, therefore you should emulate on the much more powerful and good-looking Vita instead. Unless you want a TV-out which is pretty nice to have for PS1 games which don't need R2/L2 buttons (there are workarounds for these, but it's still more inconvenient than dealing with the same problem on the Vita)

Save states? IIRC Adrenaline has them. If not, I've been using eCFW SaveState Shot plugin with minor issues (rarely hangs during saving, very rarely destroys the savestate it's overwriting when it hangs)

>> No.9958917

I suppose I was thinking of the PSP go which has the Pause Game function. On CFW it effectively works like a save state albeit with one slot. I don't know how the PSP go compares to every model of PSP but I felt it's the best due to the Bluetooth and Pause Game features, if anyone differs I'd like to hear why.

>> No.9959042

the 3000 screen is fine.

>> No.9959120

Which Master System emulator is the best, SMS Plus or Masterboy?

>> No.9959218

PSP is not retro yet and also severely outdated when it comes to emulation

>> No.9959963
File: 116 KB, 680x905, psp_3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ended up getting both but realistically the vita is probably fine for most normies

>> No.9959998

I don't know how easy hacking the PSP is but the Vita takes like 30 minutes, it is very easy.
I think PSP games look like shit on the Vita screen, and the Vita itself doesn't offer much to play that hasn't already been ported to some other platform, especially if you don't like visual novels.

>> No.9960001

the screen settings are adjustable anon
i change my vita shader settings on a pergame basis

remove your nostalgia goggles
the original psp screen looks terrible in 2023
i only keep the original device running out of nostalgia\resolution autism

but saying its "terrible" is a gross misrepresentation

>> No.9960257

is that a custom face plate? or is that a decal?

>> No.9960263

Are the PSP battery mods worth it? I got a new 3rd party battery recently, but for some reason now the battery display doesn't correctly show the remaining charge, so it just shuts off randomly.

>> No.9960282

I was using a PSP 1001 or whatever the first model was for emulation way back in like 2009. There are likely much, much better options nowadays. I haven't priced one in a long time but I'm sure they now have "vintage pricing" like everything else.

>> No.9960292
File: 26 KB, 341x256, _-Monster-Hunter-PS2-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, Monster Hunter is my favorite series of all time and the PSP games are not only the worst entries ,(pre mmworld/rise which are not really MH anymore) but even if you want to play them, the PSP is the worst device. Emulate on PC with a good controller.

>> No.9960302

its an official special edition
final fantasy

>> No.9960796

>I don't know how easy hacking the PSP is but the Vita takes like 30 minutes

A PSP takes like 20 seconds. You copy a file to your memory card and run it, you're done. Granted it might take like, 2 minutes instead if you want to go with the option of installing permanent CFW, but that's slower.

>> No.9960803

3rd party batteries, except for like cameron sino, suck big time. I'm running my IPS PSP 1k with Switch lite battery.

Good 12-14hrs of battery life with PSP

>> No.9960814

Any aside from the 1000. The 1000 has half the RAM

>> No.9961147
File: 67 KB, 512x448, demon-s-crest-snes-screenshot-another-boss-battle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for others with PSP as their emulator, how do you get decent SNES performance? I have a 2000 and it seems no matter what I try it's never as smooth as when emulating say Genesis games on it which feel perfect. It's not a huge deal because I don't delve into the SNES library as much anyway but curious if there's anything to make it better.

>> No.9961202

You don't. You play it on another console. Sadly SNES emulation sucks.

>> No.9961207

Bshit. This is only relevant for SNES/N64 emulation (both of which suck anyway) and lack of save state support.

If those do not matter to you PSP 1k is the superior PSP. IPS screen, 14+ hrs battery life with a mod, most comfy body.

>> No.9961245


PSP Go's are pretty cool but microSD adapters are out of the question and the proprietary shit is expensive.

PSP Street has no wifi capability and shittier screens/build quality.

PSP 1000 also has a much shittier D-pad that makes playing fighting games and 2D platformers a lot harder.

>> No.9961251

There's no reason to get a PSP when the Vita exists

>> No.9961254

Why would it? it boots up PSP hardware and PS1 hardware

>> No.9961270

That was what I figured, but my setup is ancient so I was wondering if it had got better over time. It's not d huge deal, I mostly use it for genesis anyway.

>> No.9961373

Which emulator are you using? The best one is called SNES9x TYL Mod, some games still have slowdowns but the compatibility is much better, but unfortunately snes emulation is never gonna be as good as genesis

>> No.9961391

I heard N3DS has good SNES emu, anyone able to corroborate?

>> No.9961410

>If those do not matter to you PSP 1k is the superior PSP. IPS screen, 14+ hrs battery life with a mod, most comfy body.
I heard this too. Like PSP 1000 seems decent if you're willing to put time into modding it. How's the IPFS screen look?
>its an official special edition
>final fantasy
oh sick never seen that before.

>> No.9961465

>OP asks "Which model is objectively the best if I want an emulation machine"
>I tell him
>you call bullshit, then proceed explain why it isn't bullshit and actually matters
Super Metroid runs fine on a PSP so yea lol. Even commercial games like FF Type 0 run worse on 1000 series PSP's. Never mind the worse screen of the 1000

>> No.9961515
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Yeah I'm running SNES9X abd some TYL mod, but it's likely old. I set this all up I think at least 10 years ago, maybe closer to 15 so I was more wondering if things got better.

It is playable at least and not a huge deal since I've always played more Genesis anyway, but it would be nice to play the Star Wars games or Metal Warriors again more smooth.

>> No.9961554

Yeah the latest one that drastically improved the emulator came out like 5 years ago, here is a link:
As for genesis picodrive 1.51b is the best, but you may have that one already

>> No.9961662

If you care about video out and using a controller then the Psp go is the better choice here. The screen is really nice and sd card adapters cost 10$ of etsy.

>> No.9961836

desu if you want to play on a TV you're way better off with a PSTV. It probably won't even be more expensive than a PSP Go.

>> No.9962110

Ahh good to know, thanks! I've found both Dgen and picodrive seem to run Genesis just fine so that's never been an issue. GBA doesn't run perfect, but it was such a small library and I played most of what I wanted to back then so I don't feel I'm missing out. Fist of Mars fine which is good enough for me.

>> No.9962207

That's pretty hilarious, I regularly see the Monster Hunter games cited as the main reason to own a PSP and the best games on the system. Goes to show how pathetic the PSP was.

>> No.9962493

Less input lag on psp games

>> No.9962564
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Ordered it. Feels good.

>> No.9962578

I finally fixed my memory stick slot in my 3000 but the power switch board & ribbon cable that handles the buttons got fucked somehow. Replacements for those are decently acquirable without having to buy a whole new system, right? Cause these fuckers have gotten expensive lately

>> No.9962625

>not retro
Fuck off, it's just a portable ps2

>> No.9962662

About to go dig my 2000 out of storage can a generous anon provide me a comprehensive list of working emulators?

>> No.9962685


Most up to date emulators are just retroarch cores these days though.

>> No.9962796

PSP actually has a decent library, but Monster Hunter was a huge hit and back then I would definitely say it was the reason to own one. MH was awesome on it given the circumstances of the time.

But ergonomically it's horrible to play fir long periods ablnd MH is a heavily multi-player focused game but because that was still rudimentary they balanced it for single player so everything is piss easy. Honestly if you want to experience classic Monster Hunter play Generations. Unless you want to be rea old school then play the original PS2 which is in some ways still the best.

>> No.9962825

If SNES emulation was any better, I'd prefer the PSP over the Vita as a matter of aesthetics. Not that the Vita has particularly good SNES emulation either, but at least it's still plug and play versus having to do hacks for fucking Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.9962907

>E1000 has the best screen
>is also rare

>> No.9963116

>PSP actually has a decent library, but Monster Hunter was a huge hit and back then I would definitely say it was the reason to own one. MH was awesome on it given the circumstances of the time.
Man, I remember being blown away by all the stories on /v/ about Anons playing MHFU. Traded just the base console of a N64 that I traded a copy of Far Cry for to some random chick from Craigslist for a PSP 1K. PSP did not have a working UMD drive and was partially dog chewed, so I traded it to Gamestop, where the worker gave me a used 2k in near mint condition and a copy of MHFU as trade. No idea why he did that, but I still appreciate it to this very day. Thanks, Gamestop wagie. You were a bro.

>> No.9963139

PSP Go microsd adapters do exist, but a single japanese man makes them in limited quantities and at rare intervals. Wish it could get cloned someday.

>> No.9963318

Or you can get them at your convenience from AliExpress at any time.

Modded PSP 1k is probably the way to go if you are looking for best screen choice.

>> No.9963379

Get an OLED Vita instead. The screen is both bigger and better, and the resolution is exactly 2:1 of the PSP's so you won't have to deal with Nintendo portables' blurriness in non-native games/emulators.

>> No.9963391

integer scaling is nice and all but ultimately you need a 1:1 resolution for the lcd grid to look right

>> No.9963392 [DELETED] 

It's not the same but I like the LCD3x filter with smoothing, it's not the same as a legit screen but it comes close.

>> No.9963394

I like the LCD3x filter with smoothing, it's not the same as a legit screen but it comes close.

>> No.9963485

I modded my 1000 with a IPS screen and the screen quality for PSP games is definitely better than my OLED Vita. The 1000 built quality is the best one too, the only problem is the shitty D-Pad, if you could replace those it would be perfect.
Should I bother getting another model?

>> No.9963490

>I'm running my IPS PSP 1k with Switch lite battery.
Is there a tutorial for this?

>> No.9963502

get a psvita slim, it has psp hw and you can get full psps os with adrenaline, battery is also better and it uses micro usb instead of meme cables. If you really want a psp the psp go is the best option you can get component video output cables, the hw is more powerful and they can support ps3 controllers if you wanna do that

>> No.9963605

>NesterJ AoEX R3 (NES)
>TempGBA4PSP-mod (GBA)
>snes9xTYL Mod 180404 (SNES)
>PicoDrive 1.51b (Genesis, Sega CD)
>MasterBoy 2.02 (GB, GBC)

>> No.9963656

it will be retro this year. according to rules ps2 became retro in 2020 and released in 2001. so psp and nds will be retro in 2023 as they were released in 2004

>> No.9963660

Nah, the other models are noticeably worse when it comes to build quality and comfort. Just mod the D-pad.

>> No.9963674

with only 2x the resolution on either axis you really don't have the pixel real estate to get a convincing lcd filter

>> No.9963715

the rules are not likely to slide again that soon.

>> No.9963757

A handful of games don't run/are prone to crashing/have bugs on Vita.

>> No.9963779

With the patches https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-mode-to-fix-ps1-games-for-psp-and-psvita.607286/ I don't think there are any games that run on psp, but not vita.

>> No.9963806

I would say the Go, but for monhun it's not so good. I adore mine and have used it daily for years but it has its downsides. If you can find a 16gb you have a total of 32gb though, and the battery isn't great but mine is holding up oddly well at 4hrs ish. On the flipside it has the best screen in the range, highest quality inputs and is somehow the most comfortable for my very large hands. 3000 has its upsides and it's largely a preference thing but the go is just such a great piece of hardware.

>> No.9963903

I recommend the Go if you're a woman but otherwise it's not comfortable to hold. Furthermore the screen will likely be wobbly, Start+Select and the shoulder buttons feel VERY weird (ie awful), and it doesn't even tell you the exact battery percentage

>> No.9963946

A hacked vita 2000 running the PSP firmware

>> No.9963952

The LCD3x filter in Adrenaline looks pretty much like a real PSP screen
Also you can play PS1 games in full resolution while they are downscaled on the PSP

>> No.9963963

The 1K has better build quality and a nicer feel, and the only incompatible homebrew is the shitty N64 emulator

>> No.9963964

Ah, that's neat. I'm glad the gap between them regarding PS1 emulation has closed. But I was talking about PSP games. Tomb Raider Anniversary has glitchy FMV playback and crashes all the time. Bejeweled 2 simply doesn't boot at all. I'm using clean rips and the latest version of Adrenaline. I've tried using ISOs from different regions, changing the in-game clock speed, changing ISO modes, etc., but nothing works. Fortunately it's just a handful of arguably inconsequential games that don't seem to be playable.

>> No.9963967

Why is SNES emulation as bad on the vita as is is on the PSP?

>> No.9963969

>while they are downscaled on the PSP
PSP is 272p which is more than enough for non-interlaced games

>> No.9963973

Sold poorly and its tiny homebrew community is more interested in porting Android games than writing new emulators.

>> No.9964457

Vita or PSTV. Hack it and it'll flawlessly play all of the PSP/PS1 games with dual analog support as well as have a far better emulation suite. There's no reason to get a PSP nowadays unless you're a stickler for having it over a Vita.

>> No.9964637

>There's no reason to get a PSP over a Vita
I don't understand whats wrong with vitashills. I'm not paying 2-3x as much for a piece of shit with no games just to play ps1 and psp games.

>> No.9964671

This. It'd be nice to have a psp thread without most everyone talking about vita. Psp is its own man fuck outta here with vita. Not everyone here is a poorfag whose gotta settle for one or the other ei

>> No.9964673

Sorry, vitashill karate chopped my head before i could finish

>> No.9964679

You get the best dpad ever designed vs a clicky and stiff piece of crap dpad.

>> No.9964694


>> No.9964758

i thought they were both acceptable
but what do i know
i only play simple arcade games and rpg

>> No.9965170
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>Also you can play PS1 games in full resolution while they are downscaled on the PSP
I'd rather not play home console games on a handheld tbqhwy.
I make exceptions for JRPGs though because it makes the grindy parts more bearable when I'm not tied to one spot.

>> No.9965185

>it's not comfortable to hold.
>is somehow the most comfortable for my very large hands.
Did you even read the post you replied to?
>likely be wobbly
I've never dealt with a wobbly screen and I have 2.
>Start+Select and the shoulder buttons feel VERY weird (ie awful)
Seems like a matter of opinion, start and select are no worse than before and the shoulders are an improvement in my opinion.
>battery percentage
If you're buying a PSP you're hacking it, you can just add that yourself if you really care.

>> No.9965338

>shoulders are an improvement in my opinion
What, where even when you feel them press down, it still doesn't actually push the button till you go aalll the way down?
>If you're buying a PSP you're hacking it, you can just add that yourself if you really care
Nope, it's a hardware thing, it doesn't have the components necessary to get a precise battery reading so it can only give you 1/3, 2/3, or 3/3

>> No.9965815

my chink psp3K battery goes from full to dead mid-game so.....
i lurk the handheld threads hoping a miracle device is made so i can play for more than an hour or two

even the switch is disappointing during shiny hunts - and no I will not turn down the brightness
i run at max no matter what

>> No.9965820

emulation handhelds tend to suck big time.
Why can't we just get a PSP3000 but with modern performance? It's the perfect form factor.

>> No.9965835
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Depends on what you really want out of your device. The Vita is great for emulation in my opinion, PLUS it can play your existing psp titles via Adrenalin. RetroArch sadly isn't the best way to emulate on the Vita.

The PSP is also great. Feels better in the hands, the buttons are bigger, but you can't emulate stuff like N64, Sega Saturn and many others.

And also, Vita hacking is easier than ever right now IIRC. If you get a good deal on a Vita - go for it.

>> No.9965876


>> No.9965882
File: 86 KB, 500x442, psp-psv01-58071b975f9b5805c21bc723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't imagine playing PS1 and other games from consoles meant to be played on a TV on the Go's tiny screen instead.

>4.3 in (110 mm) 30:17 TFT at 480 × 272, 16.77 million colors
>5-inch (130 mm) qHD OLED capacitive touchscreen
pic related PSP-2000 and Vita; not pictured Go:
>3.8 in (97 mm) 30:17 TFT at 480 × 272, 16.77 million colors; sliding screen
imagine the Go with screen size less than 3/4th of the Vita above them

MonHun on the PSP vs Vita:

>> No.9965891

I must have been too busy pressing the shoulders to notice that incomplete pressing isn't pressing.
>it's a hardware thing
Huh, no kidding. I suppose Sony didn't want people making more pandoras and chose to save a bit of money on parts. That too bad, though I can't say it affected me much.

>> No.9965901

PSP's d-pad is marginally better than Vita's which is still miles better than the actual piece of crap that is DS/3DS d-pad.
Both d-pads are fine, instead it's PSP's face buttons which are much better than OLED Vita's and better than LCD Vita's.

The "hardware thing" is the battery controller which is part of the battery. It only reports its capacity and the current voltage, the percentage calculation is derived from these by the software on the console which takes into account recent power consumption (mostly what you've been playing at which brightness).

>> No.9965916

>The "hardware thing" is the battery controller which is part of the battery.
Yeah thanks I figured that out myself, you are awarded one internet regardless

>> No.9965939

What I mean is that inaccurate/wrong charge levels are a problem of the 3rd party batteries i.e.chinkshit (not like there's anything else on market nowadays), not the system's as >>9965338 implied
In practice you can still get the percentage/time left with homebrew apps. It's the same on the Vita.

>I'm running my IPS PSP 1k with Switch lite battery.
Modded battery? Details?

>> No.9966028

>In practice you can still get the percentage/time left with homebrew apps
i suggest anyone who has issues with battery to use this homebrew. none of the batteries gonna report accurate charge, so use voltage number. it seems to report correct voltage as i tested app right before i did battery mod to check levels and multimeter showed same voltage as this homebrew. voltage should be in between 3.5 and 4.2 ideally between 3.7 and 3.8

>> No.9966029

snes9xtyl mecm 091127

>> No.9966104

>In practice you can still get the percentage/time left with homebrew apps
On homebrew apps it just says 100% then drops down to 66%, and then drops down to 33%

>> No.9966145

>I'm running my IPS PSP 1k with Switch lite battery.

You will need
- OG psp 1k battery, desoldered the battery controller from it
- HDH-003 switch lite battery

I might record a tutorial or something if I get my hands on another 1k. In general:
- take UMD drive out
- grind down the left handside of the body where UMD was at, so that the HDH battery fits
- solder in +- from the battery to the battery controller
- assemble/solder in the battery controller to the motherboard if you are not using OG battery

HDHs keep up the sleep mode and do not randomly shut down. I tried multiple battery types in the past, this one works the best from all I tried.

>> No.9966235

bad taste, vita's is the best one ever designed. PSP's is good for ones on the mushy side but tactile d-pads are better.

>> No.9966273

Aren't there any good replacement d-pads for sale? I once tried the cardboard method but some directions would make diagonals.

>> No.9966281

So you have to mutilate your PSP in order to do this mod. I'll pass.

>> No.9966417

Looks like you have to mod the case too which isn't ideal.

>> No.9966472

Not really, you're just opening the back sticking the adapter in the M2 slot and fastening the rest to the inside before closing it up again. I don't think you need to cut anything besides some electrical tape

>> No.9966610

>anon gives you real reason why psp is better than vita
>i'll pass

>> No.9967234

>RetroArch sadly isn't the best way to emulate on the Vita
What is then in your opinion?

>> No.9967280

None, PSP is shit for emulation. It was only cool in the past because it was the best we had available.

>> No.9967289

it runs psp and ps1 games just fine anon

>> No.9967308

They dragged and dropped the ARM build of the core, so it isn’t really leveraging the Vita SoC. Shame nobody got around to making one specifically for it.

>> No.9967356


>> No.9967564

I own 2 PSPs and 3 Vitas but I still like using my PSPs for emulation and such because I just plain have nostalgia for using it for emulation and such.

>> No.9968729

>you can't emulate stuff like N64, Sega Saturn
can you even run those at a playable fps on the vita?

>> No.9968741

you cant run those properly even on pc

>> No.9968750

Perhaps not "properly", but they're more than playable. Emulation of both is a glorified proof of concept on Vita.

>> No.9968762 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 500x581, animesher.com_psp-games-anime-girl-658152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My classmate got some used PSP and was fucking around with it for a while
He was kind of a faggot and everyone secretly hated him
He literally jumped off a bridge and an hero'd himself when he was 20 because some teenage Russian whore was manipulating him by pretending she's preggers from him after he dumped her
Outlived that faggot by more than a decade
PSP is for faggots

>> No.9968764

runs psp, vita, and ps1 games just fine

>> No.9968906

why do we keep getting fags spouting bullshit because they haven't touched emulator since 2004? do these people have some idea of emulation being some specific thing that will always be as bad as znes because that's just what emulation conceptually is somehow? n64 and saturn emulation are incredible nowadays

>> No.9969184

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

>> No.9970076

it is incredible
compared to the days of nesticle

>> No.9970352

I would get a Vita. You can get PS1, PSP and Vita games with PKGj and arcade to GBA games with retroarch. The Vita is incredibly underrated, maybe not on here but in general. There are a lot of good japanese games and you can get the classic Snoy platformers like Crash, Spyro, Ratchet, Jak and Sly

>> No.9972438

Same. The PSP's homebrew scene was amazing.
The Vita's is incredibly underwhelming in comparison.

>> No.9973325

i can't believe we're stuck using psp emulators for gba on vita

>> No.9973403


Funny enough, these were my entry into MH and got me hooked as soon as I finally figured them out.

So as an MH oldfag, World and Rise are just fine amd help this franchise stay alive by bringing in newfags.

>> No.9973408
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now that is a name i havent heard in a very long time

>> No.9973826

They're still very affordable, provided you don't go for a limited edition model. That said, the only thing it can emulate well is PS1. And it's hard to find a third party battery that isn't complete shit. You shouldn't get a PSP in the current year for emulation.

>> No.9973890

I know /vitagen/ is and has been certifiably insane for years, but shitting all over the Vita because of that is stupid. It's a wonderful device that's a joy to use. A world where it was nurtured and loved by Sony as much as Nintendo did their handheld ecosystem is a world I'd do terrible things to live in.
I do like the ergonomics and larger buttons of the PSP, though. It's give and take, and I find myself switching between them because I have the option :^)

>> No.9973908

best model is ppsspp on my pc

>> No.9973930

And I fully agree it was great for that at the time. Being an MH fan when it was just a PS2 game was kinda painful because it was so niche and has such a steep learning curve. So when the PSP games came along and it got popular it was still awesome, even if I didn't like the hardware itself.

But these days I really can't think if any reason to play them on PSP other than possible nostalgia.

>> No.9973941
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>I know /vitagen/ is and has been certifiably insane for years,
Fuck those cunts. Threads devolved into nothing but Estelle/namefag worship, boats, the same dozen screenshots posted and reposted again and again and sleepposting. It use to be a good general, before the userbase turned into curesy tranny shitters after the Vita was officially discontinued.

>> No.9973959

>general devolves into low-effort ritualposting, lewdposting, and namefag shite
Sounds like your average /vg/ general. At least they don't obsess over trannies and drama like /emugen/.

>> No.9974058

Either way I hate those bastards. Turning a one-great general into a hyper gay, namefag circlejerk that's not even on topic.

>> No.9974113

I thought that mgba was a native port for the ps Vita.

>> No.9974129

It doesn't run full speed even with overclocking.

>> No.9974140

It is native?

>> No.9974261


>> No.9974347

What are some actually good games on this thing outside of ports and remakes? I used to use it as a PS1 emulator back before I had a xstation but as far as actual PSP games go, I've only played to completion the port of persona 2 innocent sin, persona 3 portable, and the ports of the trails games, as far as actual exclusives go I haven't been able to find anything that looks particularly interesting outside of a couple exceptions like Katamari, Peace Walker, and the Monster Hunter games

>> No.9974367

I have a psp and never use it for emulation but it is cracked to run psp iso off the memory. That being said I liked that for a while Sony used the same charger on everything, so when I bought a used Sony ereader off eBay for 5$ the psp charger worked perfectly.

Mostly I just emulate psp on my steam deck these days.

>> No.9974369

I really enjoyed rengoku tower of purgatory(the first rengoku) and the wipeout titles , I got it with my psp. I remember being blown away at having playstation graphics in a game boy sized device.

>> No.9974517

>I really enjoyed rengoku tower of purgatory(the first rengoku)

>> No.9975258


>> No.9975337

>PSP Go because its storage options are more limited without hard modding

Adapter is only 15bucks on Etsy, easy as shit.

>> No.9975670

> Working at a game store when the PSP launched in the US
> Live in city near air force base
> We get a FUCKLOAD of PSPs (they were sold in a "Value Pack" in the US originally, with a 32mb memory stick, cleaning cloth, slipcase, and headphones)
> A couple days after it launched, go in to work high as fuck on weed, codeine cough syrup, and a microdose of LSD (thug life)
> A very polite man in some type of military uniform comes in, asks if we have any PSPs in a strong British accent
> Think he might be fucking with me, sell him one anyway
> About an hour later another guy in a uniform comes in, asks if we have PSPs in a British accent
> Sell him one
> A few minutes later another one, then a couple more, then another, then a small group of them
> Have no idea what the fuck is going on, think I might be tripping too hard
> Finally ask one of them what is going on
> Turns out there was some sort of joint pilot training exercise going on where a bunch of RAF pilots came to the nearby air force base, and since the PSP wasn't launching in Europe fot several more months they were all coming in to buy them early for themselves and their kids
> Sell like 60 PSPs to British pilots over the course of the week

The PSP game that made me feel the same way at launch was THUG 2 Remix, because it was literally a PS2 game on a handheld. Completely blew my mind at the time. It happened again later with Liberty City Stories. That was back during the beginning of the arms race between cfw hackers and Sony, and GTA required CFW 2.0 which was "uncrackable" (until it got cracked lol). Emulators were releasing like crazy, .isos and .csos for new games were dropping like crazy, Logitech was making memory sticks, what an amazing time that was.

>> No.9976063

>I remember being blown away at having playstation graphics in a game boy sized device
i think that was the point of gta lcs. gaming magazines were calling it "big game in small box". yet in retrospect gta lcs is not very good compared to gta vcs or especially chinatown ward which blows both games out of the water and proves that graphics wasnt everything

>> No.9976071

Chinatown Wars was a pity game for Nintendo fans who were depressed that the DS wasn't powerful enough to run a GTA game in 3D.

>> No.9976478

What's /vr/'s opinion on the Vita? Is it a better emulation machine alternative to the PSP?

>> No.9976646

It's better than the PSP, but still subpar. SNES and GBA emulation on it are pitiful by 2023 standards.

>> No.9977828

> Ridge Racer 2 on the PSP

I love this game. Is there a similar drift style racing game on the PSP (or Vita)?