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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 65 KB, 250x183, Lufia_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9943006 No.9943006 [Reply] [Original]

picrel is better than chrono trigger

>> No.9943010

Requires a guide to beat without pulling your hair out of your head, but it's good otherwise. Shame so many retro RPGs are like that. I would never have beaten them as a kid.

>> No.9943012

honestly the only real instance of this is the stupid fucking grass puzzle, the rest is more than doable

>> No.9943020
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x1831, 7948792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me

>> No.9943037

just kicked gades ass in the first encounter and got his blade

>> No.9943156

>Requires a guide to beat
Where would you need a guide?

>> No.9943168 [DELETED] 

you know damn well you don't even believe what you typed and just want to shill your garbage for attention after mentioning a critically acclaimed beloved game as a comparison to your shit.

>> No.9943246

all I remember is that one puzzle with 3? rooms where you have to push stones around but one of these rooms requires you to actually pull a stone without ever explaining to you that this is possible. the game teaches you you can push but never that you can also pull, I think it even required you to hold a certain shoulder button or whatever for it to work. whats up with that? thats instantly the first and only thing I remember about this game and I finished it.

>> No.9945273
File: 206 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9945575
File: 28 KB, 1024x888, ctshot49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it by posting a dinosaur from that game.

Here is a dinosaur from Chrono Trigger. There's others as well.

Your move.

>> No.9945602

The boss theme in this game kicks ass.


>> No.9945663

Why did Lufia 1 suck so much ass, while Lufia 2 was literally perfect? The devs really turned it around in the sequel

>> No.9946048
File: 3 KB, 77x77, dinosaur_lufia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Lufia thread

Yasunori Shiono not composing more games in his prime is a fucking crime, I'd honestly put his best work up against pretty much any other JRPG composer. Whats a bit strange is before Ruins Chasers was canned, the composer for it was supposed to be Yukio Nakajima - When the project was scrapped in favor of The Legend Returns, Shiono came back onboard as composer. Always wondered why this was - Shiono seems to come in and out of Neverland as a composer, with his last entry being CIMA before completely vanishing - As far as I know, he never worked on a Neverland game after this or barely anything else outside of some Jap only mobile VN.

Genuinely insane quality jump, I don't think there are a lot of games I've played where a sequel completely blows the first game out of the water.

Here's one of the Dinosaur enemies you can fight

>> No.9946961

absolute brainlet.
probably top 3 most "difficult" puzzles in the game, but really its just trial and error, taking it one step at a time. i think its also one of those few puzzles in the game where it is essential to remember that you can pivot direction without "taking an action", so a lot of people get stuck because they forget that its even a function.

>> No.9946969

i dont remember if it tells you in the tutorial dungeon or not, but once you press the button to grab a pillar (a?), you can move it forward and back at will. shoulder button was to pivot in place.

>> No.9946972

i've been playing it for the first time the last few weeks. the tutorial dungeon definitely tells you. i've not used a guide yet and i'm at boundary kingdom

>> No.9947007

Get out.

>> No.9947009

How? You're not supposed to beat him on the first fight.

>> No.9947117

>Here's one of the Dinosaur enemies you can fight
Okay, I'll play Lufia 2

>> No.9947153
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x768, L2wp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats up with all the Lufia 2 threads lately? Not that I mind, but did an e-celeb talk about it or something? Or is it just some of the other Lufiafags realizing there are a few of us on the board and there really isn't any other place to talk about this game these days

>> No.9947162
File: 80 KB, 476x623, dekar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We were robbed of a full game of Dekarkino because Artea had to be the fourth party member for lore reasons


>> No.9947189
File: 767 KB, 1802x1079, lufia-the-legend-returns-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder The Legend Returns is actually a pretty damn good entry and definetely worth your time

>> No.9947197

TLR is great, although the """random""" dungeons are incredibly repetitive. Despite that I still went for all of the secrets in the walls on every floor of every dungeon, they had some really good stuff sometimes, especially in the optional dungeons. The soundtrack also helps get through the repetitive dungeons, it's really good. The pirate ship theme is fucking awesome.

>> No.9947201


>> No.9947246

Discuss the game or fuck off. Not everything is about your YouTube boogeymen you dumb cunt

>> No.9947269

remix goes really hard

>> No.9947270

They're almost the same repetitive garbage made for casual rpg first timers. Point is, at least chrono nigger has better graphics and a more entertaining story than "dude gods vs humans xD"

>> No.9947278

>we will never get estpolis 3
i am sad

>> No.9947340

t. zoomer that needs voice acting to finish a game because he's illiterate

>> No.9947627
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1661362981133206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Point is, at least chrono nigger has better graphics and a more entertaining story than "dude gods vs humans xD"
>t. didn't play either game

>> No.9948263

i got to him with about lv 19 characters and his Destructo Wave wiped out half my party.
i leveled them up to about lv 26 to have enough HP and DFP/MGR for everyone to withstand the attack.
I also heavily used the Camu Armor on Guy and Angel Wings on Selan to provide a source of effective full party healing using IP, backed up by Strong casted by Tia on herself, Maxim, and Selan (since Guy could take 2 or so Waves). every round I used one of the full party healing spells and a Strong. if i didn't have the IP, I had everyone use Strong to withstand a potential Wave and charge their IP.
lastly, I used the Fury Helmet with Menace to drop Gades' ATP, and a Stone Helmet to drop his DFP. I cast Bravery on everyone too.
with that set up, you can take him down. it takes like 20 or 30 minutes, though. your reward is the Gades Blade, which has outrageous attack power and the IP attack Octo-strike, which hits 8 times.

i don't like that i'm overleveled, so now i'm running from most battles, but the dungeons puzzles are still fun. hopefully in a few hours battles will be challenging again.

>> No.9948294

I’m stuck on the 2nd to last boss on frue Lufia. I’m level 81 and she’s wiping out my party spamming that bullshit dark wave or whatever it’s called. FUCKINNG HELP ME LUFIA BROS!

>> No.9948461
File: 20 KB, 337x599, lufia-3-design-doc-arts-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too fren

I keep holding out a sliver of hope some Square pulls a Shenmue 3 and makes a kickstarter for it

Miyata has expressed interest in the idea and he still has the story for 3 written on his PC

I just want some form of closure to the Sinistral plotline and who Arek is

>> No.9948463
File: 20 KB, 599x337, lufia-3-design-doc-arts-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Jap Janny who found the old design docs in a warehouse wanted 5000 bucks for them
>Nobody bid on it
>The auction finished with no wins and nobody knows what happened to it

I'm still fucking mad

>> No.9948485

Hey if anyone is interested there is a discord trying to get ppl to rom hack lufia https://discord.gg/UBmQRRwC

It's in super embryonic stage though

>> No.9948529
File: 296 KB, 1400x900, swordshrine_US_JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Kenji, this puzzle in Sword Shrine is kind of stupid, we should make another one for the Western release
>Sure thing Miyata - Maybe we should make it just slightly more difficult while we're at it?
>*Both men laugh*

>> No.9948532
File: 226 KB, 467x623, TiaArtwork_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always been curious how well the Lufia series actually has sold over the years - Tracking SNES sales always seemed like a mess since there are very few official sources I can find, never mind the GBC and GBA entries. Anyone know?

I'd imagine 2 is reasonably popular considering its pretty well known for something that isn't Final Fantasy

>> No.9948680

yes thats the one I was talking about here. >>9943246

looks like it wasnt just me and they fucked up with this retarded puzzle. the only worse """""puzzle"""""" I ever encountered was in alundra 1 with the secret dungeon and the ice pillars, gets you the ice wand.

>> No.9949292

i really enjoyed the US puzzle. it took me 10 minutes or so to figure it out. the only thing i don't quite like is having to read the signs to know what the goal is; i wish it were more natural to figure it out.
is the nip version easier? i can't tell from the map.

>> No.9949316

isn't frue lufia bugfix only? I remember the endgame being easy as pie, just spam your armor abilities from the pearl equipment
spider is much harder 2bh

>> No.9949629
File: 26 KB, 512x448, tarantula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poison shower

>> No.9949652

>embryonic stage
Nice wordplay for your transsexual child-grooming chat.

>> No.9949663
File: 371 KB, 901x423, gadesBattleMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Gades and the rest of the Sinistrals supposed to be towering Giants as shown the boss screen, or are they just taller than regular humans as shown in the overworld screen?

>> No.9949835
File: 1 KB, 42x46, arek_intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any fan theories on lore for the series?


Personally I always found Arek incredibly interesting with how little the games tell us about him. My impression is that he's the one pulling the strings between the Humans and Sinistral conflict, but never in any direct way - He seems to wait a hundred years, resurrect Erim which in turn resurrects the other Sinistrals, and then wait for the outcome before repeating the cycle. In 2 its also implied there are "good" gods counter to the Sinistrals, but Arek has stopped them from appearing.

This seems to imply is that Arek is "testing" humanitys dependance on gods and their ability to stand on their own.

Combined with his musings in the intro for 2 where he debates if humans or Sinistrals should rule the earth, and add to it that Sinistral is just a translation for "Mad god" in the Japanese script, it seems like Areks Ultimate goal is to determine if gods are needed at all. If humanity has no need for the good gods that would normally counter the Sinistrals and humans continually prove they can fend for themselves, what use is a god for them?

>> No.9949867
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We go into heavy speculations at this point since there is very little to go on, but the DS remake implies humanity has fought the Sinistrals countless times before and always lost - It is only with Maxim they now survive their extinction event. (If memory serves, the advanced equippable cores in the remake are implied to be remains of these earlier human civilizations wiped out by the Sinistrals)

The only way I can make sense of this is if Arek is a creator god responsible for creating both humans and the other gods, as well as the world and likely the Dual Blade itself. As the creator of the world itself, he observes it and gets alerted by the Dual Blade whenever a human strong enough to challenge a god is available. Since his ultimate goal is to determine if gods (And by extension, himself) are needed, his revival of the Sinistrals and hindrance of good gods during these times is a "test" for his human creations to prove themselves independant. Ultimately, he desires to not be needed and for his creation to go on without him.

Of course, there are some holes in this; For instance, how many times does he need to run the test to be positive of the gods obsolence? Personally, since the pre-release material for Ruins Chasers mention Arek would join the other Sinistrals at Doom Island and the "Truth would be revealed" I imagine Ruins Chasers would had been the game where the final confrontation with him would happen. Which would put it at three tests.

However, then we run into The Legend Returns which is the third test for humanity. And suprise - We don't fight Arek whatsover and he never shows up. My headcannon is Miyata still wanted Ruins Chasers to be the finale of the Arek plotline and treated TLR more as stopgap storywise so he could easily just retcon the three tests to four once Ruins Chasers got made.

Which has yet to happen, but oh well.

>> No.9949879

>resurrect Erim
Over and over, which was pretty cruel since she just kept falling in love with Maxim/his descendants.

>> No.9949894
File: 92 KB, 200x310, Erim_jpg_webp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this, Erim is particularly important among the Sinistrals, being shown as the only one to ever interact with Arek throughout the series. We can likely assume Arek revives her every 100 years and she proceeds to resurrect the other Sinistrals (Why he doesn't do it himself is a valid question).

However, it seems he places some degree of interest in Erims interaction with humanity. In the ending of the DS remake, he asks her to report her findings on humanity and muses on Erim sacrficing herself to save Maxims life. There is also the fact Erim comes back to life as her human alter ego after being defeated in both Lufia 1 and TLR, albeit without her memories in the former or her powers in the latter. Perhaps her return here is the work of Arek resurrecting her to spend her life with the Hero and Wain respectively.

The real doozy in all of this is that this would imply the Hero breeds a half-human half-god child together with Lufia and that Wain carries the blood of a Sinistral. If this is intended by Arek, I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish. Perhaps its just another of his musings on if Man or God should inherit the earth and his solution is instead crossbreeding the two to create peace between the two races. Maybe he simply sympathises with Erims suffering and this is his reward for her.

Alternatively Lufia and Seena respectively are stripped of their godhood upon resurecction and are 100% human in their endings and this point is entirerly moot.

Alternatively alternatively Arek is just a sick fuck.

The fact he needs to ask Erim for a report seems to imply he is not omnipresent or all-knowing, instead using Erim as a tool to interact with humanity. In a way, this sort of makes her a Diplomat for the gods. Albeit one responsible for untold amount of human deaths throughout the series and occasionally fucking gingers. No wonder she was tired of it all in TLR and wished for death.

>> No.9949906

Perhaps its exactly this which is the reason Arek rewards her by bringing her back by the end of Lufia 1 and TLR - He recognizes the cruelty in what he does and grants her the chance at a human life.

Thinking about it, in 1 its implied the Sinistrals passively come back to life whenever Lufia is around - She is born with no memories of being Erim by the start of the game, only realizing this when Daos reveals it to her. Since she comes back again by the end of the game, she must have been stripped of her power to do so as otherwise the Sinistrals would have come back again before the events of TLR. (Unless we assume there was yet another Doom Island war in the interim unmentioned by any of the games)

Still, agreed that its unnecessarily cruel of him - Seenas motivation in TLR is entirerly built on her wishing for death - but again, perhaps all this is simply Arek being an observer of his own creation, prodding it from different angles to see what happens.

>> No.9949932

Makes me wish i'd finished the New Game+ in the DS remake. I found it interesting Arek did a "do-over" but let Erim keep her memories. I wonder if that was intentional or by accident?
Seems like he almost felt bad for her because he knew she was actually in love with Maxim, despite him being with Selan. Strange he would give her a second shot for that.

>> No.9950472

Everyone on this board is 35+ if I was gonna groom this ain't the place

>> No.9950474

wtf is picrel

>> No.9950531

kill yourself
post shit thread, get shit replies (in a world with justice this garbage would be deleted and you'd be banned, but jannies here are comped)

>> No.9950583


>> No.9950602

A guide omegakek

>> No.9950916
File: 25 KB, 482x301, est1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been years since I played the remake, but if memory serves Erim retains her memories but in the same way you'd recall a dream; She occasionally recognizes events happening but has to do a double-take and go "Wait... I feel I recognize this" in small internal monologues. Most of the game plays out exactly the same, with the big exception being the ending; At this point she remembers the original timeline and realizes Maxim and Selan will die sacrificing themselves to save Parcelyte and Jeros, and instead sacrifices herself in their place.

Tl;dr it ends with Maxim and Selan going home to Jeros. In the final scene, we see Arek who seems pretty pleased with the whole thing and happily muses on how a god could sympathize with a human to the point of sacrificing their life for one, and how his and the dual blades fate stretches eternally into the future.

>> No.9951012

that not pulling, you have to pick up and pivot in place. the tutorial dungeon explains that function. there are only a few puzzles that actually require it for solving. its mostly useful for monster control.

>> No.9952362
File: 17 KB, 256x223, hoochees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still the best climactic ending

>> No.9952375
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>You don't like me, do you? I'm stubborn and I have a bad temper. No wonder you are tired of me.
>If that was all it took, I would have been tired of you a long time ago.

>> No.9952405
File: 1.67 MB, 2329x3926, Seena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always appreciated how Lufia 2 presented its main cast. A lot of SNES RPGs feel very "game-y" (for lack of a better word) with how they present their characters - They are all very matter of factly and characters don't really interact with each other outside of setpieces of the main character or big setpieces.

Lufia 2 doesn't really do that - The game gives the characters a lot of small moments together to butt heads or share their worries and fears with each other. Stuff like Dekar and Guy hitting the town to go drinking, Tia flat out telling Selan she's still gunning for Maxim when she realizes Selan is developing feelings for him, Guy wrestling with leaving his entire life behind to join Maxim and Tias quest, or the intro cutscene where Tia shows genuine concern over Maxim going on a routine monster raid; None of its really significant for the overall plot, but these insignificant little things makes the characters feel more real and alive.

Of course, in retrospect some of the dialouge is a little stilted due to the SNES-era translation, and probably a little quaint today in an era where RPGs give lavish and verbose dialouge to every minor character, but at the time, I thought it made Lufia 2 stick out from other SNES RPGs. When I first played Lufia 2, it was the first time I felt characters in a game actually acted like human beings and not just video game characters.

>> No.9952406
File: 111 KB, 222x255, 1572182190779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lufia was my first childhood crush... I used my crappy internet to get pictures of her

>> No.9952415

My negro

Help a brother out - Lufia doesn't really have a lot of art. Do you mind sharing any SFW stuff?

>> No.9952419
File: 12 KB, 640x480, のgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said with my crappy internet, anon, that was 23 years ago, I've lost everything several times since then
I do have this funny picture for you though.

>> No.9952465

Dang. Was it just pictures of her sprite or actual fanart? I don't actually recall ever seeing any fanart or pictures of Lufia herself for some reason Tia gets all the lewds

>> No.9952479
File: 267 KB, 480x640, 1911641_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can barely remember now, I think it was whatever amateur fanart my searching could find - these days? Well at least the first game has a pixiv wiki page

>> No.9952857

This game is shit
Even Lufia 1 is better
Stop shitting up the board with your shitposts

>> No.9952864

Literally the other way around
Lufia 1 at least has a somewhat interesting story and isn't a completely linear snoozefest
Also better soundtrack as well
Lufia(the character) is a better character than anyone of the ones in 2.

>> No.9952869

This might have been actually a good game unlike the first 2 shitty ones

>> No.9953112

i just got to the wedding ceremony. haha wtf. Tia got thrown away like an old piece of fruit.

>> No.9953362
File: 142 KB, 420x600, selan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is the power of giga Stacey

>> No.9953394

nothing of value was lost.

>> No.9953403

It's absolutely not and the shitty puzzle focus in dungeons makes it infinitely worse. And that's BEFORE taking into account the combat is discount Dragon Quest.

>> No.9953530

mechanically yes
but nobody plays JRPGs for the gameplay so CT wins

>> No.9953532

Best part? She disappears from the game completely, she likely committed picross canonically

>> No.9953536
File: 402 KB, 1300x350, tia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting the ending

>> No.9953541

I did indeed forget, is she in the credits roll?
Still harsh to not have her around as an NPC for the rest of the game

>> No.9954123
File: 156 KB, 720x699, screamingCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Maxim and Selans Essences fly across the world and we see the different party members, they eventually end up above Elcid where Tia is shown outside her shop. A woman notices she is crying and asks her whats wrong, with Tia commenting she has no idea why but that she is overcome with grief. Maxim and Selans essences linger for a bit before departing and fading to credits.

Its fucking brutal, man

Tia gets a happier end in the remake as she gets paired up with Dekar.

>> No.9954128
File: 3.93 MB, 2388x1668, 101092411_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally the Bogdanoff of the Lufiaverse

>> No.9954289

>the shitty puzzle focus in dungeons makes it infinitely worse.
the puzzles are legitimately best in class and are what make Lufia 2 stand above the rest.

>> No.9954298

Lufia II is a prequel so you know everything's coming and yet not only does the game twist the knife but it hands you the knife and makes you do the twisting.

>> No.9954302
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x612, tia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose wisely, white man

>> No.9954315
File: 132 KB, 430x520, 22059435_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word - It genuinely destroyed me the first time I played it, I wasn't ready. Ending is peak tragedykino.

I hadn't actually played 1 at the time so the ending really took me by surprise. I think there are arguments for both ways to play it; On the one hand, playing 2 first really catches you by suprise since its such a tragic ending and very unusual even by todays standards as far as JRPG endings go.

On the flip side, playing 1 first and knowing whats coming paints Maxim and Selans journey in a much more tragic light; Realizing the journey is doomed from the get-go makes Maxims quest almost Shakespearean and gives every interaction he has more gravitas when you realize how it all will end for him.

That fucking conversation with Selan before they head out to Doom Island and Maxim pleads with her to stay behind and she refuses. Like, fuck.

Both ways have their benefits, but personally I enjoyed the emotional shock of my first run.

>> No.9954323

I actually like this part of the story a lot. It's a very realistic way to solve a love triangle. Tia realizes she's lost to the cooler, stronger and hotter Selan and just bows out. She doesn't commit a heroic sacrifice or turn evil, she just goes home.

>> No.9954331

At least we have these pictures at least, it's good for inspiration if nothing else. These designs remind me of Star Ocean or Phantasy Star.

>> No.9954349

i thought you could still go back an visit her. is it just that substitute girl watching the shop instead? and she is in the credits.

>> No.9954475
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>> No.9954583

Love when games reward you for achieving things you're intended to not be able to do me narratively. I assume it doesn't change the story though?

>> No.9954586

What happens?

>> No.9954635

just play the game, it's like 12 hours long and absolutely amazing from beginning to end.

>> No.9955638

right. its a fight that you're "supposed to" lose. like if you havent been grinding, he'll wipe you in 1-4 turns. iris shows up and revives everyone after gades fucks off. if you beat him, he's just like "ugh, how annoying" or something, and blasts everyone with lightning or something in the regular walking around screen/mode, and then fucks off, and iris comes and revives you. if you beat him, you get the "gades blade" as a reward from the battle screen/victory, and its a weapon stronger that the shop weapons for the next few towns, and the special ability lets you attack 8 times in a turn.

>> No.9955949

I think it's a mix. Considering that on the overworld your characters are as big as cities but in the battles they are tiny dwarves even when compared to a slime enemy.
So probably space marine size. (Taller than a basketball player, smaller than a 2 story house)

>> No.9957426
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x562, maxim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space marine size is probably the intended way desu - The remake portrays Sinistrals in a similar scale.

>> No.9957437

The weird thing for me as a kid was that it took me forever to realize it regenerated based on your movement, and not on time. Even though everything in the game was movement based, I kept trying to force it by doing it faster, rather than in less movements.
It was very satisfying once I figured it out. Great puzzles in this game.
Same with the block puzzles which took me some time to realize you could have a diagonal match.

>> No.9957441

It's particularly hard to tell since Western sales for JRPGs back then were generally extremely low.

>> No.9958074

There she is. The /vr/ contrarian

>> No.9958103

Kill yourself.

>> No.9958581

I disagree but think both are good and do things differently.
but I'd still hand the overall trophy to Chrono Trigger.
I know it's a cliche at this point but that game just did so much right and its campiness was perfect.

>> No.9958609

I mean Chrono Trigger, and FF6 for that matter also did that, there were scenes you'd have by taking long certain characters to certain locations and then they could be extended out if you had multiple characters that were connected together.
Like taking Sabin and Edgar to Figaro Castle after Terra flew off, or taking Locke and Celes to Kohlingen.. which there's a scene for taking Locke, but that scene gets a little extended if you also take Celes, or sleeping in Inns with Shadow in the party.
Characters also just had different dialogue in scenes depending on who you took for parts.
Chrono Trigger also had different dialogue and interactions depending on who is in the party. Not to mention Character interaction and relationship extended into the combat system itself and is a huge part of what made the game work.

>> No.9958612

chrono trigger has better
>combat (although still pretty generic, really)
>exploration/discovery of cool places

lufia 2 has better
>dungeons come with actual puzzles and arent just "mazes".
>ancient cave and mode
>emotion in the plot
>better ending

they both have
>great characters
>incredible music worth listening to on its own
>memorable events

personally, i have to give it to lufia 2. while chrono trigger feels "cooler", its honestly just the animations and the fun of time travel. i genuinely enjoy the dungeons and puzzle solving of lufia 2 SO much more, and thats the majority of the gameplay out of combat.

>> No.9958991
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>> No.9959534
File: 87 KB, 516x797, dekar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be this alpha

why even live bros

>> No.9959535

got to the ancient dungeon last night. i've managed to get to B44 before i realized that some bushes have HP healing points under them. this is one of the coolest side quests in any SNES game i've come across. it feels like a completely different game. way better than other 16-bit rogue-likes, such as Fatal Labyrinth.

>> No.9959547

>Poison shower
Is that suppose to cause PTSD?
Because the real PTSD I got from this was the normal attack + paralize

>> No.9959870

It's not even better than the first Lufia game.

>> No.9959898

Ok tranny

>> No.9960086
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B67 fuuuuck

>> No.9960094

Yeah. It's a lot of fun. If you're not aware, if you beat the game twice there's a mode that's just running the Ancient Dungeon except you can choose your party.
Which means you choose Dekar who is the king of the game.

>> No.9960102

i'm went in as soon as it became available. my party is Maxim, Selan, Guy, and Dekar.
i've played enough nethack to know how to handle limited resources. i'm doing pretty well now that I found Stronger around B55.
each new unknown enemy gives me the creeps trying to guess how challenging they are to defeat. i'm really impressed by the variety of enemies and equipment.

>> No.9960193


Use the Angel Wings IP with Selan to fully heal the party as necessary. Put the Mind Ring on Tia to use Stronger. Use the Jet Helm to lower Gades speed enough so Selan can get a heal out before he can use Wave of Destruction. Buff up with the various Rings/Armor IPs. Cold Rapier on Maxim for the amazing triple damage IP, and an Eagle Rock for Guy.

>> No.9960254

fuck, lucifers wiped my party on B73. they were guarding a door and there was no way to bypass them. goddamn it, i was almost 8hrs in.

>> No.9960428

its basically a roguelite.
if you intend to clear all 99 floors and try to beat the final thing (completely optional bragging rights reward), you kind of have to do it now, before your party changes again. im pretty sure you mathematically CANT do it without dekar, because he can use the dekar blade (red chest item) to do 50% of the boss's hp on the first turn.

however, the equipment from blue chests are generally the best in the game, so you might make the rest of the game too much of a cakewalk if you incidentally farm too many of them. up to you.

the bushes that hide healing tiles (no mana tiles, sadly) look very different from regular bushes, so you dont have to waste your time cutting every single one. i dont think anything is ever hidden behind wall vines, unless its just been too many years since i've played and there can be a door, but it should be OBVIOUS its a door if thats the case.

providence (the escape item) and iris treasures (bragging rights collectable) are always in red chests. red mimics are a different color and easy to spot. blue mimics are missing the "shine" on the blue part. mimics can also be spotted by spawning in places that chests cant spawn, like next to walls.

try to kill everything for the experience, but there are some monsters you need to figure out if its even worth it.

if you want to know about the gimmick of the final boss of the ancient cave, just ask.

>> No.9960437

>im pretty sure you mathematically CANT do it without dekar, because he can use the dekar blade (red chest item) to do 50% of the boss's hp on the first turn.
You can do it without Dekar, but it's much tougher.

>> No.9960469

>Game has like, 8 "you're supposed to lose" battles
>It's possible to win every single one, getting a cool item in the process, or even letting you skip a dungeon

>> No.9960646
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capsule monsters were fun. i wish someone had made an JRPG without human characters and just a bunch of different capsule monsters that grow bigger and stronger.
and have them fight other people's capsule monsters

>> No.9961527

Blue hair always.

>> No.9962495
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Unironically why don't more JRPGs do this? Its a kino trope

>> No.9962503

jrpgs aren't about personal agency

>> No.9962569
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>better than chrono trigger
Well with the bar that low anything qualifies

>> No.9962993

>You can do it without Dekar, but it's much tougher.
I've done this, but I guarantee no one on this board has beaten it with the worst possible party.

>> No.9963338
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on my 3rd attempt to beat the ancient cave, and just got to B80. the game dropped me on a copper and silver dragon and a fight immediately happened on arriving to the floor. after beating them, this is what i see.

>> No.9963350

unless you're really well equipped with equipment and healing, i would start avoiding fights pretty soon. some of the enemies are ones that you dont even encounter in the regular world (like copper/silver/gold dragons, and the genies, and they might fuck you up). good luck, bro.

>> No.9963504

This usually results in
>NG+, which is trash in pretty much every jRPG
>grind (yawn)
>exploits (yawn)

>> No.9963790

Don't even know what you're talking about, so I'll just ignore your post completely.

>> No.9964081
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>> No.9964187

Why is it a prequel?

>> No.9964487
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i'm not bad at rougelikes, and the rng has been kinder with spells on this run compared to my first where i didn't get a healing spell until B55, and relied on IP healing and items (i forgot about my light capsule monster until about the time i got the spell).

i have found Strong, Stronger, Champion, Courage, Absorb, Destroy, Dragon, and Thunder to be the most useful. i didn't make use of Destroy until i found Silver Dragons, and was surprised it works on them (and Gold!). i'm used to death magic being useless in JRPGs. i can usually kill one of the dragons within the 4 unanswered attempts i get when i ambush them.

at this point
>a Dragslayer was in one of the >>9963338 chests, which was clutch
>i have silver weapons for undead things
>Selan is fast as lightning which helps with setting up Courage and escaping if i fail an ambush
>Dekar is equipped with a Gold Eye and 100% IP to shit on any pair Lucifers i come across
>genies are like oases of MP and IP and aren't threatening at all

i'm on B90 now, and my peeps are Lv73. they are steamrolling everything at this point. i don't think i've skipped any enemies this game. the only thing that gets me nervous are instant death attacks. i don't think i've seen all the Gold Dragon's moves, so am worried they have death magic. i'll wrap it up this evening, either in defeat or victory.

>> No.9964554
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Intro for Lufia 1 makes a big deal about the first Doom Island war + its kino to play as Artea and Guy after meeting them in Lufia 1

>> No.9964561

How the FUCK was Guy still alive in Lufia 1

>> No.9964639
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>first meet milka as a tiny girl in prequels
>her adult self is the final party member in 3
I appreciate all the continuity porn in this series

>> No.9965235

>i didn't make use of Destroy until i found Silver Dragons, and was surprised it works on them
Instant death works on pretty much anything that isn't undead, that's why instant death weapons like the Fatal Pick are so valuable even though they're cursed. Slap it on Selan or Arty since their attacks are pretty much worthless anyway.

>> No.9965250

Also instant death weapons have like a 90% success rate whereas the spells have about 50%.

>> No.9965505
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w00t, i beat the ancient cave! it only took 12.5hrs.
my party was at Lv84 at the end. i didn't leave a single monster alive.
i spoiled myself on the final boss after failing my first cave attempt, but otherwise i played it straight like a normal roguelike (no cheating with savestates and taking the Ls instead of a *W).
what a great sidequest. i don't have the time to go for more of the iris treasures, but thoroughly enjoyed myself.

i found out about death weapons on my second attempt when i equipped a Death Pick on Selan. it seemed alright, but being useless against undead enemies was too much of a liability since some of them are extremely dangerous due to instant death attacks and confuse abilities.

>> No.9965528

i dont think gold dragons have instant death moves, just stardust blow or whatever its called. they're strong and can take a toll on resources. its honestly been years since the last time a played, so maybe genies arent as bad as i remember. sounds like you're doing really well. good luck in the final stretch!

>> No.9965531

wow, good job. took me forever to get a winning run. the iris treasures are bragging rights, but the blue chest treasures are often the best in the game.

>> No.9965540

has a dumb name and the cover looks dumb. i doubt its better

>> No.9967002

I just beat Spekkio Lufia for the first time a few hours ago. I haven’t even played the vanilla but regardless Lufia II is my new fave snes rpg

>> No.9967321

This thread has convinced me to play this game

>> No.9967452
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>cover looks dumb
>literally just Chrono if he were a chad + the flying Island of Zeal

>> No.9968031
File: 125 KB, 715x536, bgrtrgdbte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine judging a game's cover based on its shitty localized US version

>> No.9968139

>left: kino
>right: potato

>> No.9968154

you know something, you're right. maxim is a chad. he actually, canonically fucks. he SPEAKS and isnt a silent protag casually existing. he has actual CHARACTER.

>> No.9968165

Why are the US covers are always so horrible, there's no way it didn't significantly affect sales

>> No.9968187

never forget the phalanx cover

>> No.9968210

But that one was actually good.

>> No.9969063
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Hope you enjoy it anon - Its one of my favorite RPGs.

Pic related is an infamous filter so don't feel too bad if you have to look it up.

>> No.9969067
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one on the right is the original cover. US version came out first and is an earlier version of the game.

>> No.9969081

i figured this puzzle out in about 15 minutes when i was 13. it only filters retards.

>> No.9969087

i took a peek at the manual pdf the other day, and i think the solution is in there. good puzzle, although i don't like how you have to read the sign to know the goal.

>> No.9969137

So far game is good, if a bit puzzle heavy.

>> No.9969335

its piss easy if you just remember that you can pivot and turn without taking a step.

>> No.9969404

i don't remember this being part of this puzzle, and i just played it for the first time a few days ago, faglord

>> No.9969849

pick up lower red tile, stand in spot 2 squares above maxim in the picture, pivot to face right, drop red tile above lower yellow tile. pick up yellow tile, place in the empty space to complete the lines. solved.

you literally MUST pivot in order to place the red tile properly. if you press right to face right, you will walk into the square you need to set it down on. it is one of the few puzzles in the game that require pivoting. thats it. thats the grand filter. the tutorial dungeon teaches you how to pivot. kill yourself.

>> No.9970021

You can move the tiles elsewhere, and then put them in place from the bottom. There are a couple of puzzles that require pivoting in the game, but this isn't one of them.

>> No.9970380

the puzzle resets automatically if you take too many moves. i use the pivot all the time, so it's possible i forgot that i used it in this puzzle.

>> No.9970410

no you cant. you have limited placements/turns. you can pick up any tile, none of them are locked. if what you're saying were true, then everyone could just rearrange all of the puzzles easily. you're retarded.
good job, faglord.

>> No.9970637

do i have to play lufia 1 first

>> No.9970680

no. lufia 2 is a prequel, and also a better game in every capacity.

>> No.9971875

Regardless, that isn't even the difficult one that filters most people. All you need to know is the game's controls there. It's the third tile puzzle that's actually a head-scratcher.

>> No.9971957

right? its a controls check and illustrates incidentally that the matching/lines also works diagonally. the 3rd puzzle then asks you to apply the knowledge learned from the previous 2 puzzles to an ACTUAL puzzle. its still easy, but it takes some actual thought and pattern recognition to figure out. very classic nintendo puzzle progression.

>> No.9973050

Not even close. It's decent but i can only play it in short bursts because it's basically just 1 dungeon after another.

>> No.9973141

oh yeah? and what exactly is chrono trigger then? run from one npc to another until you are directed to a dungeon, repeat. and lufia 2 is a simpler get quest in town, go to dungeon, turn in quest, go to next town, repeat. is more text boxes and npcs really that thrilling? i much prefer the actual GAMEPLAY of progressing through the dungeons.

>> No.9974321
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>> No.9976367
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drew this back in highschool