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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9947348 No.9947348 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins metroidvanias forever

Just imagine how good the genre would have been without these.

>> No.9947351


>> No.9947357

>without these
you mean without symphony of the night, since before that the franchises were both very different games. in fact, metroid never really changed so drastically so I dont think it affected them much as you think

>> No.9947360

classicvanias were never good

>> No.9947369

Super Metroid invented the genre.
SOTN perfected it.
Without these two, the genre wouldn't even exist. This is a completely pointless topic.

>> No.9947373

>Super Metroid invented the genre
So, not the original Metroid?

>> No.9947376

"metroidvania" has always been a meaningless bullshit term. they're just fucking 2D action-platformers with places you can't access until finding a certain item. i really don't know how any of this shit is different from 80% of the NES library.

>> No.9947379

Who gives a shit, you have tons of generic steam indie games that play like this now. go fuck around with that you easily pleased moron

>> No.9947384
File: 49 KB, 490x459, 1673513053513975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left hand shaking right hand

>> No.9947389

exactly, metroid never really turned into a mish mash 'metroidvania' game that altered its gaming DNA like castlevania did, its just metroid. and it has been for a very long time.

>> No.9947391

i think you might be retarded bro

>> No.9947393

"Metroidvania" genre should only be called Metroid. it was released BEFORE Castlevania, and therefore Castlevania is a clone of Metroid.

>> No.9947402
File: 365 KB, 500x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there, i fixed it

>> No.9947403

SOTN ruined everything. It's so hard to find actual Metroidlikes, they're all tainted with slow movement, melee combat, RPG mechanics, and loot to pander to casuals who want to grind away their time forever instead of enjoying a streamlined experience. Not to mention how much of a fucking chore standard enemies are when you're exploring around. Everywhere is full of flat, uninteresting corridors full of too many enemies that each take too many hits to kill... it's a slog. I wish the -vania half of Metroidvania never happened, it's just Super Metroid except made worse in every possible way.

>> No.9947406

No, it's called Metroidvania because almost all of them incorporate shitty RPG mechanics and other dumb bullshit from SOTN. That's the -vania part. SOTN plays nothing like Super Metroid and I hate that most people aren't discerning enough to tell the difference.

>> No.9947408


>> No.9947409
File: 79 KB, 622x640, 398AFD3C-407D-42DA-A216-96AEFF4D5F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck zoomies

>> No.9947415

thats not what they're saying though retard

>> No.9947417

no one cares, shit thread

>> No.9947418

what are you even talking about

>> No.9947419

Metroid is not an RPG, never was, never will.
It's a "Wherethefuckdoigo" game with you grabbing randdom powerups to help you progess in a basic open world 2D/3D platformer.

>> No.9947425

auster-kun style shitposting and it's consequences have been a disaster for the board

>> No.9947430

Full essay about australia-kun when?

>> No.9947431

I don't care about Castlevania of any variety, it's not my thing. I played SOTN back in the day because of the comparisons to Super Metroid. To my disappointment, it sucked, and then every ostensibly Metroid-style game after that took more from SOTN than from Metroid and it ruined the entire genre.

Fuck off, I was playing Metroid 1 while you were in diapers. Super Metroid's navigation and momentum-based movement are so much more fun than Castlevania's slow-walk-in-flat-corridors-for-miles-smacking-overly-tanky-enemies style of design.

>> No.9947437

Sorry, taht's calls to a "flamewar" according to the Mods and we're not even on /v/. Not even memeing. I got warned with that for daring to ask about Auster.

>> No.9947438

yeah the metroidvania genre would be really great without the metroid or the vania
it'd be an empty title screen with no options on it and no game behind it - just perfect, thanks for sparking this idea OP
let's set up a Kickstarter together to get this miracle game developed

>> No.9947440

the jannies let him shitpost

>> No.9947441

You mean Willyboys?

>> No.9947443

>Metroid is not an RPG, never was, never will.
Yes, that's what's so good about it, did you even read my post before replying? SOTN's RPG mechanics are a big part of why that game is so utterly shitty to play and the fact that nearly every Metroidvania game that came after started incorporating those shitty RPG mechanics is what ruined the genre. Actual Metroidlikes are impossible to find because it's all Metroidvania bullshit infected by SOTN's dumb RPG mechanics.

>> No.9947447


There's nothing much to ask about. Maybe it was a real person at some point but for as long as I've been seeing the meme resurface (that being a period of years) he's just been a fictional character. It's like calling people zoomers if you dislike them - it's just mindless noise that you need to tune out in order to make use of /vr/.

>> No.9947454

metroid was never good

>> No.9947457

Metroid was always good.

>> No.9947460

inferior to Castlevania

>> No.9947467

This is some seriously low-effort trolling.

>> No.9947468

>He moght've been real, but he's not. TRUST me.
I've been through this song and dance on /v/. Your type really need to stop trying to hide your own existence when there's archives of autism showing otherwise.

>> No.9947470

and OP isn't because?

>> No.9947475

Inferior to classicvania? Maybe.
Inferior to metroidvania? Fuck no.

>> No.9947476

*cricket noises*

>> No.9947479

classicucks should get their own containment thread already

>> No.9947483

not him but there's clearly more people in this thread. ive seen your autistic australia shit in every thread but i dont see any commonality between any of the people you accuse. you're just a shitposter

>> No.9947489

>My vague conspiracy theory is true and important and on-topic somehow. TRUST me.

The character you're referring to 100% certainly isn't real. If there were a real person once, yeah sure he's probably still alive somewhere, and he might even be posting here, maybe making multiple threads per day for all I know. But you're not talking about him anymore - you're just playing with silly myths that no longer rely on his actual existence at all. If you care about this crap then you're broken.

>> No.9947491

SOTN and SCIV are the only good games of this series

>> No.9947494

>wah wah wah stop exposing me

>> No.9947498


Get a grip you nutbag. There's nothing important to expose and nobody would much care if it WERE exposed except nuts like you.

>> No.9947502

your thread is shit

>> No.9947507


>> No.9947508


I don't make threads here. I agree that this thread is bad. And yeah my small part of the thread, in which I briefly wrestle with the mentally ill and for no good reason put myself at risk of being temporarily banned, is also not very good. Okay this is my last post on the topic, everybody please return to discussion of how metroidvanias would be better without Metroid or Castlevania, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

>> No.9947510

the fanbase is annoying

>> No.9947514

lol SOTN lives in this board head rent free

>> No.9947515

You realize that both Metroid and Castlevania existed before metroidvania, right?

>> No.9947517

that has nothing to do with the quality of the games

>> No.9947519

they are inferior to metroidvanias anyway

>> No.9947528

>Y-Your just as bad as the shitposter!
Nice scapegoating. Self-reflection is a mother fucker for the insecure to face so I get why you'd redirect it at someone else. This isn't Reddit, so there's no need to bite back about being called the boogeyman.

>> No.9947531

--> >>9947507

>> No.9947535

also metroidvanias as a genre aren't retro, you have to go back

>> No.9947538

explain how classicvanias are good first

>> No.9947539

Posts like these come off oddly autistic, like the anon just spewed their thought process of justifying their faggotry.

>> No.9947542

>no new ip
lol sad op

>> No.9947550

>explain how classicvanias are good first
if you dont understand why well received game franchises have achieved strong fanbases and longevity, then youre the idiot and there is nothing to explain. its a video game, you either like it or not, but that doesnt negate its quality or how great it is.

>> No.9947551

they are simple, yet challenging, yet fun action games

>> No.9947560

and yet you are crying over metroidvanias

>> No.9947565

>"Game is bad!"
>"Prove that it's not!"
Burden of proof's a bitch, huh.

>> No.9947578

That's how you know shitposters like >>9947489 are behind it all. If they really wanted to hide their tracks they could buy several goiym passes and samefag to oblivion.

>> No.9947580

>and yet you are crying
oh I see, youre just begging for attention. you are a retard.

>> No.9947592

delete this thread already, lazy faggot

>> No.9947618

Laughed out of his own thread. Sad.

>> No.9947640

why would there be new ips this late in the thread

>> No.9947643

But they are. SM is 1994. SOTN is 1997.

>> No.9947646

If there is a perfectly valid thread but people come in and fuck it up, their posts should be deleted. Don't throw the whole thread under the water for your mistakes.

>> No.9947651

see >>9947494

>> No.9947652

Leave him alone, stop shitposting so hard.

>> No.9947657

Didn't ask.

>> No.9947659


>> No.9947667

see >>9947657

>> No.9947693

>still no new ip

>> No.9947748

Who care?
Based department

>> No.9947791

Of course it’s an RPG (role-playing game). You Play the Role of Samus Aran, intergalactic bounty hunter. Did you even play the game, bro?

>> No.9947856

wouldn’t even be the worst idea for a video game in 2023

>> No.9947897

tranny thread

>> No.9947901

why are you going full /v/ in here?

>> No.9947902

op is a /v/ tard

>> No.9947908

Admit you are wrong OP and everything is forgotten