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9943739 No.9943739 [Reply] [Original]

And why is it Breath of Fire 2

>> No.9943752

If the discussion is over per your post what am I supposed to write here

>> No.9943754

Lufia 2 followed by Phantasy Star IV

>> No.9944074
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I don't get what people see in BoF2.
Sure it had some really cool moments and I liked how the story didn't lay out everything explicitly so the player had to pay attention a bit.
But the super high encounter rate, forced grinding, some party members just being useless, and your fusions getting undone constantly just made the game an absolute chore to play.
I swear people only like it because "catgirl hot"

>> No.9944123

not even close.
Phantasy Star IV
Lunar 2
Final Fantasy V or VI
The dungeon design is horrible too

>> No.9944164

It was a challenging RPG released at a time when everything being made was too easy, the story was unique and more interesting than the usual JRPG fare, and the town building thing was novel.
>But the super high encounter rate, forced grinding
Dragon Warrior IV was my favorite JRPG as a kid, so these things never bothered me.
>I swear people only like it because "catgirl hot"

>> No.9944213

Chrono Trigger

>> No.9944217

Possibly the most overrated game ever made.

>> No.9944220

tl;dr but now that I know there’s a cute cat girl I have to play this

>> No.9944230

That title belongs to earthbound.

>> No.9944243

was bof really a higher encounter rate than ff1 or ff4? still playing through bof1 but I’m pretty sure it’s about the same as most classic JRPGs. i’m liking bof1 so far. is 2 really that much better? I’ll have to start it right after.

>> No.9944245

Add FFV and that's the trinity.

>> No.9944290

Yes, BoF2 has higher encounter rate than the first one, it's way more grindy too since i don't remember having to grind on the first one at any point
It's a shame too, because on a production and story standpoint is WAY better than the first one, but in terms of gameplay is way worse, aside from the higher encounter rate and the shitty dungeon design the game made the dragon transformations into spells, kinda like summons in Final fantasy games, and added the fusion gimmick that suck ass because you constantly get un-fused and need to exit the dungeon and go to fusion your characters again, then come back.
Thanks god 3 and 4 fixed everything with the first two games while keeping what worked

>> No.9944293

Why did they decide to completely gut the combat from BoF1?

>> No.9944302

i mostly love the story and characters. back then there was nothing as dramatic on the SNES. i'm afraid people who play it now use guides and don't get the "bad" ending, which is the best.

>> No.9944308

>you constantly get un-fused and need to exit the dungeon and go to fusion your characters again, then come back.
you're supposed to continue without the fusions. stop with the obsession of being maxed out all the time. when you watch a movie you like to see the characters lose all their powers and still triumph.

>> No.9944349

>you're supposed to continue without the fusions
yeah and that's a shitty mechanic, then what's the point in doing any fusion if it's going to dissapear before i even fucking fight the boss? Just to kill random mobs on the overworld and the start of the dungeon? Then i'd rather just prepare and level up my party normally
like seriously imagine if you're playing an SMT game and in the middle of the dungeon the Daisoujou you fused suddenly became a fucking Pixie again
or playing FF1 and after the class change your knight dies, you bring it back to life, and suddenly it turns back into a warrior again

>> No.9944528

10 SNES JRPGs that are better than Breath of Shit 2
Chrono Trigger
Live a Live
Metal Max returns and MM2
Treasure of the Rudras
Shin Megami Tensei 2
Tales of Phantasia
Super Mario RPG
Tengai Makyou Zero
Any Final Fantasy

>> No.9944568
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Phantasy-Star-The-End-of-the-Millenium-U-355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phantasy Star IV
>Shining Force
>Anearth Fantasy Stories
>Legend of Xanadu
>Emerald Dragon (PC Engine)
>Tengai Makyou
>Ys IV (PC Engine)
>Tenshi no Uta
>Neo Metal Fantasy
There was a litany of far superior JRPG's to choose from, especially beyond the confines of the SNES.

>> No.9944843

Don't anon! Somehow Capcom got away with making her wear no pants in a Nintendo game! And there is a love triangle where you can make your character imply he is into her! Don't subject yourself to such degeneracy!

>> No.9944846

>imply he is into her!
as if
Nina and Ryu are canon in every game

>> No.9944853
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Honestly Katt is the least raunchy thing in BoF2. She has to share a cartridge with things like Deathevan's multi dicks, Eichichi's 150cm bustline, and Nympho's Womb Tower.

>> No.9944925
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>somehow capcom got away with making her wear no pants
Pff that's nothing, in Breath of Fire 3 on basedstation we can literally see some butt naked Deis

>> No.9944961

all inferior

>> No.9944967

Both are good RPGs. So is BoF2

>> No.9944987
File: 767 KB, 800x687, anearth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to hear you're assessment as to why. Let's begin with Anearth Fantasy Stories, what makes it "inferior"?

>> No.9944995

you can't even read that shit nibba lmao

>> No.9945010

>pic utterly unrelated

>> No.9945017

Were that true, I wouldn't be trying to assert an opinion on JRPG's. What the fuck do you think the "J" stands for?

>> No.9945135

Huge encounter rate and grinding are literally the fun of JRPG's this is why Dragon's Quest is so popular. Useless party members is a trap designed to filter out tards who can't play the game.
I'll agree with the fusions though.

>> No.9945139

The J refers to the style of RPG, not the language in which the game is played. I hope this clears things up

>> No.9945145

Properly balanced games don't have this. That's why DQ dropped it after 2, and why it's so notable in BoF2. How many fucking times does this need to be said?

>> No.9945150
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You can flat out tell another guy of her race that you are "more than just friends", and he fights you in an unwinnable battle if you do.

Yeah but that was just for a second from the back, IIRC that happened with Ryu in BOF3 as well (or was it 4?) Katt is a party member that stays that way throughout the entire game, and they even show her like that in the manual from the front.

>> No.9945162
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>i-i-i-IT'S THE STYLE!!!
And please inform us then, exactly how we are meant to assess a genre where 90% of the games are in Japanese? If you cannot at least read Japanese, you cannot have a valid opinion of "J"RPG's.

>> No.9945180

Honestly with the encounter rate in BoF2 you shouldn't actually need to grind as long as you never run from battle. I don't remember having to grind too hard last time I played it, but maybe that's because it was the GBA port.

>> No.9945181

If they were worth playing they'd have English patches

>> No.9945189
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Too bad you have no way to know that for certain, EOP. Maybe then you could have a valid opinion on JRPG's.

>> No.9945195

have a (You), little buddy

>> No.9945198

we called them Fighters, you have outed yourself as ESL (tolerable) or zoomer (intolerable)

>> No.9945231

Yeah I'm not autistic enough and there are other better genres of games to play that require actual skill

>> No.9945274

The GBA version doubles the EXP and triples the Gold, that's how utterly fucked the game balance was in the original. BoF2 is possibly the worst balanced JRPG ever.

>> No.9945308
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More invalid opinions from someone who cannot even play the vast majority of games in the genre. Maybe sit it out next time instead of trying to talk shit about a genre you have never even played, EOP.

>> No.9945319

Nah, for that you'd have to look towards OoT

>> No.9945354

honestly the GBA version of BOF2 also fucked up the balance but to the other way around, now is braindead easy
i remember playing the game in autopilot.
basically just using normal attacks again all the bosses because of how overlevel i was

>> No.9945357

It probably should've been something like 1.5x EXP and 2x Gold. Even given that, though, it would still have a litany of little problems that drag it down into unplayability. It's death by a thousand cuts. They clearly didn't put a second of playtesting into it.

>> No.9945413

>But the super high encounter rate
You learn a magic spell that decreases the encounter rate before you finish your first mission, bro. On top of that you can find (and even buy) some accesories that permanently reduce the encounter rate as long they stay equiped.
Let me guess, you immediately equiped the Collar on Katt as soon you found it and then you wondered why the game had so many random encounters? That's because the Collar is a cursed accesory that doubles the number of random encounters as long it stays equiped and the game never explain this.
The Collar is very useful to grind levels faster and to farm for rare drops, though.

>> No.9946121

BoF wasn't good until 3 and 4.

>> No.9946760

why is her bowstaff made out of the toes of a dead cat girl?

>> No.9946921

It says right there in the pic that she's highly competitive. Now you know why there are so few of her kind left and what happens to the losers.
>It was among the Catgirls. It was real furball shit.

>> No.9946973

You get full front and back, actually.
>IIRC [buttshot] happened with Ryu in BOF3 as well (or was it 4?)
Both, actually.

>> No.9948625
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I only play the original SNES translation of Breath of Fire II. I will not elaborate.

>> No.9948628

>post that only amounts to "I don't like jRPGs"
then just neck yourself and don't post in jrpg threads you fucking moron

>> No.9948647

>I don't understand why people like thing
It is unlikely you ever will. You quite possibly lack that component of "soul" that other people have. I am not shitposting. I am completely serious. The fact you select only "story" or "characters" or worse "gameplay", and then post antagonistically about how you didn't enjoy them, with the implication that those who did are wrong, or even worse "owe" you somehow, suggests that. If it sounds like I'm being mean focusing on this, it's only because this frightening soullessness and antipathy is becoming increasingly prevalent these days. For some reason, maybe you were born to late, didn't have a strong father figure, mother was too consuming, didn't socialize with other children, I don't know, but for some reason, you seem physically incapable of understanding the concept of "EXPERIENCE". The EXPERIENCE of a good RPG is far more than the sum of its story+characters+gameplay mechanics. Those elements factor into it, but they're not the totality. They're the media from which the overall work is crafted.

What you gain, emotionally, spiritually, from a good game experience is more than a checklist of things you can rate from 1 to 10. Even mindblowing to many players, many of the mechanics they may actively dislike (muh encounter rate, muh limited continues, muh rare drops etc) all play into this overall experience. For the great games that have stood the test of time, you can't delete or "improve" these factors without diminishing the overall whole. Part of what you GAIN is that feeling of journey and difficulty you experience along the way. This is a critical concept in all sorts of gaming, but most at its most concentrated when it comes to RPG. This is difficult to visualize and articulate however, which is why many people simplify it in their heads saying it's just the "story" they like so much, but that isn't really accurate. It's how you lived and grew, even just a teeny tiny bit, as a person while playing it.

>> No.9948675

Summarize this blogpost written by some cuck on 4chan (in 20 words or less):

The blog post suggests that some people lack the ability to appreciate the holistic experience of a good RPG and reduce it to individual elements.

>> No.9948683

Does the Mega Drive have any amazing RPGs?

>> No.9948786

You say this like there are any other translations.

>> No.9948842

Really just Phantasy Star and Shining

>> No.9948884

I'd like a patch where TownShip citizens take up residence in the first available house rather than being tied to one in particular. Also, something to do with Tolens if I picked the carpenter whose wife cooks items would be nice. To say nothing of Whale Cakes.

>> No.9949183

JRPGs or RPGs in general? Because Shadowrun is excellent.

>> No.9950307
