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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 169 KB, 928x691, 14920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
993615 No.993615 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/
What is the rarest video game you own in your collection?
>pic related
Apparently, Fun 'n Games is a pretty rare SNES game. according to a former staff member who worked on this game said the total produced and released of Fun 'n Games is only 2000. Too bad like most rare games, its fucking shit. The game is just a shit version of Mario Paint.

>> No.993643
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Pic related
Probably not the single rarest game I own, but I have never come across anyone else who owns this. iM1A2 for the Windows 95. Not valuable (maybe $5 at best; I bought it for $2), but it's interesting enough.

>> No.993671
File: 2.36 MB, 4000x3000, 100_0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.993680

Why have I never seen this before

>> No.993690

As I've lost my whole collection at least twice, I don't have anything more rare than Towering Inferno for Atari 2600, but you can buy it on eBay for a couple bucks despite its low print run.

>> No.993701

Based on quantity - Uniracers
Based on price - Earthbound or Tomba, I don't really price things I already own

>> No.993707
File: 2.19 MB, 2448x3264, 20130524_111420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some more... but these are my two favorite ones.

>> No.993709
File: 2.80 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my small assortment

>> No.993716

Wait, duh, forgot I had the whole Mega Man Legends collection and a buttload of Sega CD RPGs.

>> No.993720
File: 319 KB, 1630x1222, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a couple of 'em.

>> No.993729

How is the スプライツ (Sprites) game?

>> No.993738

It's a shmup that also combines elements of puzzle fighter games, so it's really at it's best when played with a friend; enemies you shoot go to your opponent's section, and vice versa. It's really meant to be played with a friend; only downside is a lack of a rapid-fire button, but you get a charge attack instead.

>> No.993749

I'm terrible at shmups but that sounds moderately interesting

>> No.993750

Hey. I have Fun 'n Games. I didn't know it was rare.

>> No.993752

It's very forgiving. It's not at all like a bullet hell.

>> No.993762

Not sure how rare these are but I've got:

MGS VR Missions
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Paper Mario 64
Never been opened Super Gameboy

>> No.993770

If its the SNES version then its rare. the Sega Genesis and 3DO versions are very common.

>> No.993773

No, yeah. I have the SNES one.

>> No.993774

Paper Mario isn't that uncommon but it's not exactly common as dirt.

>> No.993779
File: 262 KB, 960x720, super starfox weekend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Starfox Weekend

>> No.993781

lucky you m8. you own a about $140 game then.

>> No.993787

Are you the guy who bought that and made a thread about it last week or so?

>> No.993791


>> No.993794

Hey, I remember you from the other thread recently. Does it play well? Is the certificate valid?

>> No.993819

I didn't know Conker was particularly rare.. went on ebay saw averages of around 35 bucks.

So, why is that, just not as many made as various other Rare games? Or was it the nature of the game being so suggestive

>> No.993821
File: 1.48 MB, 999x753, SMASbioniccommando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two. I trade a copy of SimCity for SMAW back in the day, and got the Famicom Bionic Commando for only 6 bucks from a clueless seller.

>> No.993831

Well, it's mostly due to a combination of things including lack of promotion (it was even shunned by Nintendo), short shelf life, and (as with Earthbound) fanboyism.

>> No.993836

My rarest is probably Chrono Trigger CiB, and I wouldn't even call that rare, just grossly overpriced on Ebay

>> No.993842

Hitler blatantly in the title of a Nintendo game
Where can I get one?

>> No.993853

I haven't seen a cart in person for under $70. most cib's I've seen are always over $100.

>> No.993857

I have a bunch of signed stuff from the 80/s90's from western developers/musicans etc, I guess that since they are all one off's they are 1/1 ultimate rarity.

I'm not going to post any photos because I don't watn to get anyone in trouble, or cause an avalance of fanmail.

>> No.993858
File: 752 KB, 2443x1933, Worms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had a very limited release on the N64 for some reason but they're a dime a dozen on PS1.

>> No.993865

then you're lying

>> No.993869

I remember when you could buy tons of those on Ebay at one point. Dunno why I didn't, probably lacked the cash at the time.

>> No.993880

Oh, I'm not that guy. That's a different Anon.

>> No.993882

That's the rarest rare game.

>> No.993890

A friend of mine loves Panzer Dragoon Saga. Is it all he's cracked it up to be, or is he just trying to justify the wads of cash he dropped on it?

>> No.993894

Pretty sure it's just Bionic Commando. I guess get the JP copy is rare.

>> No.993895


>> No.993897

If you don't want to post pics can you list a few?

>> No.993901

Are you the guy who got it as a gift from his girlfriend?

>> No.993902


>> No.993915


My Dad bought this game, among other tank-related videogames in the 90's because he worked at a branch of General Dynamics where they manufactured parts for M1A2s. I wish I still had it.

>> No.993917

Nope. I got it with sweet, sweet free oil sands money from the Albertan government.

>> No.993960

It's a well-done, innovative RPG; there's really nothing quite like it. That said, I don't know if it's the best JRPG out there, but it stands up there with the best Squaresoft RPGs.

>> No.994046

haha i shouldnt talk shit because rarest things I own are sealed copies of Metal Wolf Chaos and Seagata Sanshiro.

And Dungeons & Dragons Collection for Saturn.


Legends is kinda rare, not sure bout the rest

PDS easily, and Keio

not really rare at all

holy shit winning the thread so far, easily


>> No.994085

There's no Keio in there.

>> No.994170
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, 20130412_174223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was dirty and had "james" written in permanent marker on the back label. I've since cleaned it up real nice.

>> No.994253

right, twinkle star sprites. mixed them up

>> No.994342
File: 39 KB, 854x480, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarest I have is Star Fox Super Weekend. I made a thead about it back when i bought it.

>> No.994346

oh, that was me. i just posted it.
congrats on the cart! it's a nice piece!

>> No.994348
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-08-09_11-57-21_501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and, yes. it does play well. however, i fuckin' suck

>> No.994370

Aw shit! I remember you, is it a repro or not?

>> No.994374

nope, it's straight up original! I did my research and all the markings and numbers n shit are correct. the certificate, I'm still not 100% sure about, but I've seen other people who have it, and it seems to be of the same thickness and all that. I'm pretty confident it's legit.

>> No.994386

Damn son. Good find.

>> No.994392


>> No.994694


Pics or it didnt happen, etc.

>> No.994703

sealed copy of guru guru logi champ

>> No.994742

Clayfighter: Sculptor's Cut, which my brother pinched for me when he worked at Blockbuster.

>> No.994756

Earthbound and a copy of the sega CD lunar. I also have a Nib double dragon ii.

>> No.994770

Is Demon's Crest rare?

>> No.994830

Am I the only person who looks through their collection from their childhood and realizes that they bought no 'rare' games? I remember owning Comix Zone which is harder to find these days but it was thrown out at some point or another.

>> No.994843

/vr/ related? Complete, nearly mint copy of Tales of Eternia. Possibly also Brave Fencer Musashi, though that may not be rare at all; only bringing it up because I've only seen it for sale once locally (Same with God Hand). Non /vr/ related, add Xenoblade, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and God hand to the two up there.

>> No.994890

I own I believe 8 out of the 20 or so games for the Vitural Boy, including a copy of Water World. I lost that copy of Water World though years ago, so I guess I dont own it anymore, lol.

My cousins boyfriend gave me all of the games when I was 12.

>> No.994919

That Sega Saturn porn. Your living my dream.

>> No.994940

Its kinda uncommon.

>> No.995063
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20130412_143947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got PDS as a gift from my girlfriend (at the time) if that's what we're talking about. I actually had two for a while when I was doing some serious trading, which I'm thinking of getting back into.

The game is really, really awesome. It has both walking and huge flying dungeons and the air-to-air combat is cool graphically and unique mechanically. The story is also very interesting and takes the Panzer Dragoon world and wraps it up very JRPGishly.

On the down side, the game is pretty easy and only moderately long unless you're looking to 100% it (which would be extremely, extremely difficult)

>> No.995275

If you don't post pics then you might as well be spewing bullshit at us.

>> No.995279

Probably my rarest game if judging by price alone, is Little Samson for NES. It helps that it's a pretty damn good game.

>> No.995313

oh wow, congrats. how did you come across that?

>> No.995360

I got it when it originally came out, didn't even know it was a rare until about two months ago.

>> No.995436

Mega Man V for the GB, which isn't even that rare.

>> No.995551
File: 2.09 MB, 3648x2736, musha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom bought it for me for about $5 from a video store that was getting rid of games. The stickers are still on, and you can see Country Video written on the cart.

>> No.995563

I literally hate you.

>> No.995571

High five. I also got my MUSHA from a video store that was making room for 32 bit stuff. It was pretty funny, the owner went to delete the game's entry in the rental database and showed me that I was the only person who ever rented it. Luckily he saved all the cases in the back room so that was included when I got it.

>> No.995613

Shit nigga, I bought mine for 90$ ;_;

>> No.995619

SD Snatcher for MSX2. It's missing the user disk though.

>> No.995639
File: 550 KB, 1600x1200, P1020102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still searching for the Master System version

>> No.995649

You can probably clean the marker off the label with some rubbing alcohol; Genesis cart labels tend to be laminated. You can also remove the sticker on the manual by heating it up with a hair dryer.

>> No.995650

bullshit this is an old image ive seen it before

>> No.995664

no dont do that mr.clean magic eraser is the way to go dont use rubbing alcohol on a label

>> No.995676
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1936, photo (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this. Only one I've come across anyways. Probably a warehouse of them sitting somewhere in Vietnam.

Other than that probably Mega Man X2 as far as sSNES goes.

>> No.995681

You know Magic Eraser is basically sandpaper, right?

>> No.995967
File: 42 KB, 600x525, 1328723757226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own any rare games.
Unless quackshot is rare which I really doubt.

>> No.996324

this. even though it's super fine sandpaper, basically, i would NOT use a magic eraser on a label.

>> No.996352

Maybe anon posted their pic more than once. I've been known to do that

>> No.996445

haha dude i was gonna ask if that was you. You said you live in Alberta and they gave you 400$ tax refund so you bought a 400$ game? Awesome. Too bad that all around the oil sands is shit and it's gonna spread further. Meanwhile I'm on the other side of the mountains and we let Nestle take as much of our ground water as they want for free and sell it back to us for millions. FUUUUUUCK

>> No.996451

I own a couple of doujin games (Super Marisa Land and MegaMari), but no console games that are particularly rare. Kind of makes me sad.

>> No.996478

Final Fantasy 7 black label signed by
Nobuo Uematsu. I guess that's rare?

>> No.996479

Did you get that signed at Otakon a couple years ago?

>> No.996514

Mine is nothing special and might not even count. Zelda Ocarina of Time: Master Quest. They say that this particular version was given out exclusively as a preorder bonus for Windwaker but yet it sells for around 30 bucks pretty much everywhere. Again, nothing special but I may as well share.

>> No.996520

Gunman's Proof is probably the closest thing I have to rare. And it's probably not rare, I just don't see many copies of it for sale.

>> No.996575
File: 81 KB, 640x717, 1204214634-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these babies. Jealous video game nerds?

>> No.996598


never heard of this game. did a quick youtube search... fucking 7 part video on classic game room. lol fucking 7 parts?


>> No.996608

One for each level.

>> No.996615

Pocky & Rocky 2, maybe.

>> No.996651

That's exactly how it was released and how I obtained mine. Either Windwaker garnered a lot of preorders or there's just little demand for it. Kind of surprised it's not like $50 myself.

>> No.996656

Yes, in fact, I'm an angry video game nerd right now

>> No.996682

Not really rare, but expensive

Demon's Crest
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Harvest Moon 64

>> No.996691

I guess Link: The Faces of Evil, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Halloween.

>> No.996708
File: 10 KB, 300x225, 0414_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mine would be Crystal mines
not my picture, my copy is packed away in a box. I'm moving on tuesday
I have a bunch of other weird random games that I had never really heard of, too, like loopz, city connection, some yoga game or something, etc.

>> No.996776

Lopez Jr.
Pidny Portny
Mephisto Shriek II
Dim's Adventure
California Sportz
HoHo in the land of HaHa
Wise Tiles

>> No.996960

Full title is Twinkle Star Sprites, originally for NEOGEO so it's very easy to emulate to try. It's awesome.

>> No.996990

Not exactly rare, but the euro version of KoF 95 on the Sat was probably my most valued game.

Was, as in, some faggot lost the cart. Said faggot also lost my copy of Guardian Heroes.

>> No.997079

Take me back to the past

>> No.997086

My uncle says he has a assault rifle style lightgun and cartidge for the nes that the army used for training or something. He got it off some gun nut collector friend of his.
I haven't been able to track any info about it on the web, I haven't seen it yet but I think he's going to give it to me. He said the cartidge was plain white with something typed in black type.

Anyone know anything bout this??

>> No.997094

man I used to have this game as a kid and played it alot.now I wish I didn't get rid of it when I got older.

>> No.997097

doesn't exist, your uncle is a lying faggot

>> No.997101



>> No.997105


They made one for SNES. Its rare. If this is the case then its an awesome find. Can't remember the name.

>> No.997110


Ok, I'll check it out. I just assumed it was nes for some reason. It's probably that then, does it have a plain label?
ok. I guess I can google it myself..

>> No.997116

I haven't heard of this

>> No.997124
File: 26 KB, 267x200, MACS-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.
He's not lying guys.

It's called the M.A.C.S, somehting like 600 made. The last one sold on ebay went for $800.

>> No.997126
File: 98 KB, 545x324, macs_v1.1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, if this uncle really has it go the fuck over there and get it.

Also post photos.

>> No.997127
File: 13 KB, 400x159, macgun-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997128



M.A.C.S. Multipurpose Arcade Combat Simulator
found it.

Cart alone is $660 dollars.
With gun it could be worth a lot more.
It does have a white label

>> No.997130
File: 24 KB, 400x301, macgun2-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.997179

>I just assumed it was nes for some reason
because you were pulling shit out of your ass and now you're riding the factual wave others have created.

btw my uncle has a rare limited edition zelda zapper that was only for earthbound and has luigi in it.

>> No.997237
File: 1.60 MB, 2322x4128, 20130816_123356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shining jem

>> No.997240

i remember too. you could buy everything in that pic for like $50.

>> No.997698

Marmalade Advance

>> No.998239
File: 820 KB, 637x850, 20130414_104139[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what this is worth, probably nothing (just like the real game). but it IS half of the blockbuster world championship cart.
i've never seen another copy, nor anyone talk about it though.

>> No.998270


/k/ here, just stumbled into this thread. I actually played around with one of these lightguns in ROTC back in 1998 or 1999. They had one set up in the range, it was pretty cool for the time.

>> No.998287

Ducktales 2 for NES

>> No.998467

I have that one piece game for the wii.

>> No.998483

That's worth over $1000 if it's legit. Rip it for archives sake, and then sell it.


>> No.998487

ex 11B here. There was quite a few visits to the fictitious range during my '06-'10 stint. The tech is decent, you actually 'zero' the weapon before you go on various simulated missions. Some look like that Mad Dog game, shooting at real people, other missions involve small pixelated figures popping up in places like 'Industrial Area'.
I can only imagine what these simulations will be like in another 10, 20 years..

>> No.998496


No one responded before but I love the GG and you sir have a fucking amazing piece there. Would love to find a copy for myself some day. Great show.

>> No.998562

that is awesome.

>> No.998582
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.Q. in a sleeve

>> No.1001402

I wish I was smarter about collecting when I was a kid.....hhh

>> No.1001419

As someone who has had the displeasure of playing on M.A.C.S...

Go get that shit anon. It's hard as fuck! I played it at a recruiting booth in the good old days.

>> No.1001427

My rarest is probably only Mega Man X3, but I've got a sealed copy Toshinden 1 in a CD case that isn't GH or "Not For Resale" that I've yet to find another copy to even have an idea of what it's worth.

>> No.1002513

I've got the cartridge re-release of the first Zelda game (Famicom).

Dunno how rare it is but chicks dig it.

>> No.1002519

>Dunno how rare it is but chicks dig it.

I bet you don't even have a famicom or a converter to play it on your NES.

I bet you can't read japanese.

I bet you have never even beat the game.

>> No.1002540

Suikoden II, not exactly rare, just expensive.

>> No.1002541

Does anyone have the SNES Competition Set? It was mentioned in an instructional video for DKC promoters that was posted here recently. According to the video, it came with F-Zero, Super Tennis and Super Play Action Football.

It's not mentioned in the video -- and I find nothing about it on the web -- but if they came on a single cart, then it's got to be one of the rarest ones out there.

>> No.1002553
File: 307 KB, 1280x960, P4130019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.

It was the last physical release for the Super Famicom, in 2000. I've spent a lot of time looking for this one. It was also released on the Nintendo Power format, which is much easier to find.

Also, it's a fantastic game.

>> No.1002556

Yeah and my dad works for Nintendo AND Sega.

>> No.1002576

There's a store selling Bad Fur Day near me. I was wondering if it was good or not.

>> No.1002752

It's different, I can say that. The humor is great, but WAY overhyped by fanboys. The graphics are among the best on the N64 and the gameplay is akin to other Rare games (collect-athon.) It's definitely not worth the exorbitant price-tag most people want for it. Try emulating it first to see if you like it before forking out $50-$70 for a cart.

>> No.1002817
File: 219 KB, 1280x960, 100_2053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Half-Life Day One Demo, Diablo for PSX, and Trespasser the first pc game with physics.

>> No.1002830

first time I've ever heard about this game.

i looked it up and now want it.

>> No.1002838

>taxas chainsaw massacre and halloween
sweet man

>> No.1003574

if you like cheesy 90s anime with classic Zelda type battle then it's totally worth it.

>> No.1003741

If its under $50 buy it. I doubt it though.
