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File: 102 KB, 535x374, Contra_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9938338 No.9938338 [Reply] [Original]


Feels good to 1CC them once in a while

>> No.9938348

The C in Super C stands for Commando

>> No.9939789

I'm trying to just beat these games, but man are they hard. The damn forklifts on the ice stage(?) are just brutal. Always lose a life or two there. I think I should just lie down and start shooting immediately instead of moving around.

>> No.9939847

If you can bring your spread shot to them then it really helps a ton. They are probably the hardest part for awhile in Contra 1. I can't remember if it is Contra or Super C, but in the final level you have a ceiling that lowers down on you and flying enemies spawn so sometimes you can't kill them due to the ceiling being in the way. Otherwise the rest of the game will be manageable, you'll just end up dying to gotcha moments like learning how the flame spouts in the electric plant work or getting killed by a spiked wall for the first time.

Super C is a bit smoother than Contra since you have over head stages. Just that the stage 6 overhead stage I have zero clue if it is even possible to consistently evade the vanishing and appearing mouths.

>> No.9939881

>Just that the stage 6 overhead stage I have zero clue if it is even possible to consistently evade the vanishing and appearing mouths.
great, this is where my last 10 runs ended

>> No.9939913
File: 18 KB, 224x280, 1181242070207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of pretending that the arcade versions are not massively superior to these shoddy ports.

>> No.9940279

If you used the 30 lives code you didn't finish the game.

>> No.9940280

They're not, they're slow and the jumping sucks shit. Also you can't tell which weapon you're picking up, the aspect ratio is retarded, the colors look washed out and the music is ass dildoes.

>> No.9940284

That's the games problem for giving me the 30 lives.

>> No.9940306

>they're slow
Categorically incorrect, they're faster than their NES counterparts, with more simultaneous enemies, more bullets, no horrendous sprite flicker.
>jumping sucks shit
It's the same jumping with a different, more animated graphic. Get over it.
>can't tell which weapon you're picking up
Skill issue, YOU don't know what the different weapons look like.
>the aspect ratio is retarded
You can see just as much horizontally as on the NES, but with more view of the top and bottom. Inconsequential.
>colors look washed out
You're telling me the NES hideous and muted colour palette is any better? The colours in the arcade games are leagues better than anything the NES is capable.
>music is ass dildoes
Crisp and soulful FM soundtrack, perfectly suited for arcades, with far more edge than those shrill and annoying NES tones.
Sorry but it's sounding like the arcade versions totally mog the dumbed down NES ports.

>> No.9940323

>Categorically incorrect, they're faster than their NES counterparts
>It's the same jumping
Absolutely not, on NES the jump immediately starts spinning, Arcade it just does this weird arc that's hard to compensate for.
>YOU don't know what the different weapons look like.
Which is fine if you have time to discern and aren't dodging fire. The NES turns this into a non-issue, a better design choice.

It's easy to see you're one of those attention-starved contrarians. Next thing you know you'll be singing praises to the MSX version.

>> No.9940349
File: 14 KB, 224x288, scontra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-retort. It is objectively undeniable that the arcade version has FAR MORE action, and does so far more smoothly than the NES could muster.
>on NES the jump immediately starts spinning, Arcade it just does this weird arc
The graphic is the only difference, you're position arcs in the precise same manner. As previously stated, get over it, it is a non-issue.
>Which is fine if you have time to discern and aren't dodging fire
Still sounds like a skill issue. Doom doesn't have generic letter icons for the weapons. Neither does Halo, or Goldeneye, or any other shooter with guns, including many that I'm sure you like enjoy the same. So, clearly this is not a real issue.
No, I am just not one of those tendies who insists on this silly idea of an NES port, of all things, being superior to it's arcade counterpart. It is a ridiculous claim that does not hold up to scrutiny. You're type complains solely because the graphics and musics are different than you're used to, and even if they were worst, which they are not, then the better gameplay in the arcade versions would still triumph.

>> No.9940393

Oh shutup that game is difficult enough

It's the bosses and that straight on level that are difficult. The rest isn't that bad. The snes one was a lot more difficult

>> No.9940408

All of the points still stand, you haven't bothered to prove otherwise. The aspect ratio alone makes never want to replay them.

>> No.9940413

>arcade version
>better gameplay

Just face it, you're a contrarian

>> No.9940417

But dude you can see more of the sky which totally changes EVERYTHING!!

>> No.9940428

They really aren't that hard. They are one of the most approachable run and guns and even getting a no-miss clear is pretty trivial with a bit of experience.

The arcade ports are fun and worth playing because they're different from the console versions, but they still don't come close in terms of quality.

Super C NES > Contra NES > Operation C > Contra AC >>>>>> Super Contra AC

>> No.9940439

Things get pretty chaotic from level 5 onwards.

>> No.9940443

It's like I'm really playing Contra 4!

>> No.9940446

use autofire, keep your shotgun, and route what to do at each section. once you know the route, the execution is usually pretty easy.

>> No.9940453

>All of the points still stand
"All of the points" amount to nothing more than namby pamby quibbling about the graphics being "worst" (really rather just different), to which my response is, get the fuck over it. The point that really stands is:
>more simultaneous enemies
>more bullets
>no horrendous sprite flicker
>FAR MORE action, far more smoothly than the NES could muster
Which YOU have not bothered to disprove.
>Operation C
What a fucking joke.
Shattered Soldier > Hard Corps > Contra AC > Super Contra AC >>>>>>> shit > any of those other throwaway games.

>> No.9940462

Operation C is actually really solid, especially for a gameboy game.

Contra AC is just really boring and one note. It's like 8 minutes long and trivially easy. There is just not too much it and it just feels really slow and sluggish compared to the console versions. Super Contra is just straight garbage. Just huge hordes of enemies, shitty boss fights, cheap bullshit, aiming feels awful, and the shotgun is ass so you have to use the machinegun.

>> No.9940468

Contra 3 is the only game that doesn't become trivially easy with game knowledge. The game is extremely brutal on Hard and is like 10x harder than even something like Hard Corps. The only Contra game comparable in difficulty is HCU Arcade.

Overall I enjoyed Hard Corps more, but Contra 3 is more unique and I think you can get more enjoyment out of it just because of its more dynamic nature.

>> No.9940494
File: 10 KB, 320x224, f82klc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra 3 has WAY too many slowdowns, and those terrible gimmicky rotation stages that constitute 1/3 of the game. No, thank you. Hard Corps curbstomps it, it's not even close.

>> No.9940505

You can just overclock to remove slowdown, but yeah it does suck to play with slowdown (in any game). The top-down stages aren't great, but I don't really think they hold the game back that much.

Hard Corps is just pure memo though, and has very little beyond bossfights.

>> No.9940526

As someone who actually played it at an arcade back in the day it isnfar superior to the NES port, the only reason the NES port got so much love is because it was an actually decent port and most people didn't even have access to a arcade cabinet since they seem to be fairly rare.
Hell most people didn't even know contra had an arcade version until decades later, either way the NES version is good but the arcade was the superior version. This goes for pretty much every other arcade port like POW or Strider.
The only one I can think of where it is better hands down is Rygar.

>> No.9940529

Fair enough, you like the arcade version better that's cool. Personally, I played both back to back and prefer the the NES version - just my opinion.

>> No.9940535

Most of the hazards in those levels you can't shoot down at all.

>> No.9940539

>terrible gimmicky rotation stages that constitute 1/3 of the game
They do not.

>> No.9940543

if you can't figure out the routing then just watch a no death clear on youtube. not sure which part you are talking about specifically, but I can check my replay and see if I remember what strat I used for it.

>> No.9940548

it's much uglier than the nes game with with a washed flat color palate and poorly concieved animation. these are not minor points in an visual entertainment product.

>> No.9940550

2 out of 6 levels bub, and they aren't exactly short.

>> No.9940554
File: 626 KB, 829x377, do-the-math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra 3 has 6 stages.
>Occupied City Street
>Destroyed Highway (over head)
>Factory Zone
>Air Battle
>Sheer Cliff (over head)
>Alien's Main Base
2 out of 6 stages, or 2/6, simplifies to 1/3.

>> No.9940557

>more colors equals washed out colors
I'm sorry they just aren't everything is still easy to see and determine what they are without any issues.
>muh jump animation
It had more frames of animation because it could do that it doesn't even look bad it just doesn't look like what (You) want it to look like.

>> No.9940558

Contra games are good but a little too easy for any serious 1cc action.

>> No.9940559
File: 456 KB, 575x533, Screenshot 2023-05-28 000149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry they just aren't (washed out)
it looks like a fucking gba port

>> No.9940570

GBA games are gorgeous (some of them)

>> No.9940571

What is washed out about this, the backgrounds look great, the enemies are clearly visible and easy to distinguish and your character looks like he's right out of a Schwarzenegger movie.

>> No.9940575
File: 11 KB, 256x232, 16311849-contra-nes-nice-waterfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're screen shot is blurry JPEG shit. Despite this dishonesty, I'll post a decent screen shot of the NES game for comparison. Notice how the arcade game:
>Is less blocky
>Far details
>Waterfall does not look like a static and simple repeating pattern
Are we really in the world where we are pretending that arcade graphics were not far beyond the NES? You say "looks like GBA port" but are we really supposed to believe the GBA does not have better graphics than the NES? Face it, the only reason you don't like it is because it's not what you are used to. Objectively speaking it is far better and it's not even close.

>> No.9940582

You keep using "clearly visible" as a defense but that's not what the issue is. It's the colors and designs that look like shit. They're perfectly clear yes, clearly shitty lol.

>> No.9940584

Personally I value gameplay over graphics so I like the NES version better.

>> No.9940592

The NES game has a more varied, vibrant color pattern and things stand out better due to color contrast and less detail.

>> No.9940594

Then you will be very happy with the arcade game, which features
>more simultaneous enemies
>more bullets
>no horrendous sprite flicker
>FAR MORE action, far more smoothly than the NES could muster
On top of aforementioned far better graphics and musics. The arcade games win categorically over their dumbed down NES demakes.

>> No.9940597

>>FAR MORE action, far more smoothly than the NES could muster
lol no

>> No.9940605

There's no need for more things if a game is good. The NES version plays better despite being on limited hardware, just like a NES game isn't inherently inferior to a GBA game.

>> No.9940608
File: 2.77 MB, 498x350, jonah-jameson-mouth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and musics

>> No.9940617

The Arcade fanboy is a notorious spammer that always shows on Contra threads, check the archives.

>> No.9940747

The armored truck is designed to start rushing at the player after a certain amount of time, so if you don't deal enough damage quickly, you're fucked. Also I'm not even sure that it's possible to destroy them with the basic weapon, at least I've never done it, only with other weapons. Maybe it's possible to jump onto the spot above their canon that looks safe in order to jump over them?

Either way, the truck works differently in the Japanese version. Instead of rushing at the player after a set amount of time, it rushes at the player once a certain ammount of damage has been dealt to it, meaning as long as you keep shooting, you should always be able to take it down. That makes those trucks easier not to screw up against.
Some other things in the Japanese version are more difficult though (enemy spawns in the first loop correspond to the 2nd loop of the US version) so it's not like you were giving up to play an easier version, so I recommend it, it's a nicer version overall.

and it's choppy and the animations are laughable and it's shorter and doesn't have as many bosses.
Contra arcade being superior to the NES version is an even worse cope from arcadefags than TMNT2.

>>Waterfall does not look like a static and simple repeating pattern

Waterfall looks better in the Famicom version, it uses background swap (more detailed) compared to the simpler palette swap of the NES version

>> No.9940763

pretty sure the mouths spawn points are completly random, and if they decide to spawn under your feet there is nothing you can about it. My best strategy is to rush through the area as fast as possible.

>> No.9940774

You’re out of you’re goddamned mind

>> No.9940810

More like if you didn't 1CC the Japanese version you didn't beat the game

>> No.9941363

the versions are like 99% identical. Japanese version is usually harder for arcade games, but easier for console games.

>> No.9941376

The weird slow aiming in the arcade versions sucks, the snappy instant aiming in the NES ports is infinitely better.

>> No.9941731

The first game is legitimately complete dogshit. Movement is sluggish like you're constantly immersed in water, continuous slowdowns, the aspect ratio doesn't make any sense considering there is only one vertical stage, the enemy placement is completely mindless, the levels are short and cramped to a ridiculous degree, to the point that the entire second half of the NES game is a single arcade level where each biome lasts literally 10 seconds.
The second one is much better, but still inferior to Super C.

>> No.9941745

> the aspect ratio doesn't make any sense

I bet they were just told to make do with tech made for SHMUPs they had a handful of

>> No.9941756
File: 480 KB, 850x1129, contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome games, I will never 1cc them though lol not even close. I still use the Konami code every playthrough