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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9934094 No.9934094 [Reply] [Original]

If morrowind is in your top 5 RPGs of all time, post your other top 4.

>> No.9934138
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>> No.9934269

idk I don't like rpgs

>> No.9934274

saying you dont like rpgs is like sayin gyou dont like games. WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Theres no other game for you, idiot

>> No.9934283

>armored core 2

>> No.9934287

Fallout 1
Fallout 2
Baldurs Gate
Divine Divinity

>> No.9934289

Whoops mgs2 isn’t an rpg I’ll go with dark cloud

>> No.9934292

it isn't so I guess I won't post

>> No.9934293

lol wtf

>> No.9934294

> Divine Divinity
Such an underrated game. Also sacred has a similar feel

>> No.9934296


>> No.9934319
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Xenoblade Chronicles

Morrowind is #3 between FF7 and Skyrim.

>> No.9934330

Dragon Quest III
Fallout 1
Wizardry 8

>> No.9934378

It's nice to see that there are people who like Fallout 1 more than 2.
I always thought I was crazy for having that opinion lol.

>> No.9934529

what, that's the common opinion

>> No.9934590
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my top 5
>Final Fantasy 8
>Fallout 2
>Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure
>Final Fantasy 6: Brave New World (romhack) with "fan translation" aka "ted woosley returned"
>Summoner 2

ah shoot, that's 5 without Morrowind. Actually, I just pretended Morrowind is up to my 5th place so I can share the rest of my opinions, I think Morrowind places closer to 8th place. I think Morrowind is a very strong RPG, but MY favorites is also based off of MY experiences, so I nostalgia really hard with things like pic related.

>> No.9934592 [DELETED] 

how much of a fart huffer do you have to be to say this shit completely unprompted.
>inb4 you think i care that morrowind isnt in your top 5

>> No.9934594

Maybe it is, but I've never seen it.
Whenever I see people discussing Fallout, their favorite one is usually 2 (or New Vegas with 2 in second place).

>> No.9934597

Thats not true at all. Everyone loves and prefers Fallout 2 more. That or [not retro]

>> No.9934603

Morroshit is trash.
here are my top 5 rpg though

2.Fallout 3
3.Fallout New Vegas
5.Mass Effect Trilogy

>> No.9934605

>Fallout 3 in 2nd place
opinion instantly invalidated.

>> No.9934608

Oh fuck, i didn't even notice Skyrim is in first.
It's even worse then.
Fucking bugthestards.

>> No.9934618

if you look even closer you'll notice that his entire post is bait you fucking shitter /v/tard

>> No.9934624

You'd be surprised how many people have such opinions unironically. Also, if this was truly bait, he probably wouldn't place a good game in 3rd place.

>> No.9934629

>good game

>> No.9934657

Personally I remember Fallout 2 being the default recommendation of the two for a long time (pre /vr/), then at some point common sentiment shifted to F1 instead.
Personally I like Fallout 1 better and couldn't get into 2 as much but it definitely has more content.

>> No.9934704

4chan vidya boards have such shit taste in pc genres

>> No.9934830

>he probably wouldn't place a good game in 3rd place.
good game kek

>> No.9934834

well this is an rpg thread

>> No.9934849

I don't really play modern games. I'm sure these are all generic picks.
Baldur's Gate 2
Space Station 13
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Planescape: Torment

>> No.9934851
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How contrarian. Now I know how nintoddlers feel.

>> No.9934918

I meant in games of pc genres

>> No.9934958

Final Fantasy 7
Chrono Trigger
Fallout 1
Dark Souls 1

I think the genre pretty much lives and dies on how interesting its world and characters are. Without this going for it the genre just isn't interesting enough most of the time. All of my choices imo have exceptionally high pros as far as world building, lore and exploration of the game world goes. The characters are also great and memorable.

>> No.9935061

meh depends on whether you have console taste or pc taste I think
pcfigs tend to value mechanics more

>> No.9935078

morrowind is the crowned king of games people play that want what roguelike gameplay offers but are too stupid to learn how to play roguelikes.

>> No.9935148

There's very little roleplaying in Dark Souls though, no? Your character has only the vaguest idea of how things operate in the setting or what the other characters want. There isn't a lot of meaningful decision-making opportunities or chances to develop your character in ways other than "uses swords instead of axes". I also think the lore is very shallow, but that's a separate opinion that doesn't invalidate your choice.
Morrowind isn't well-regarded because the gameplay has a lot of depth, but because of the setting, characters, story, writing quality, and immense amount of in-game world building materials.

>> No.9935151

Yeah I really don't see how that guy can draw a line to roguelikes at all whatsoever. Seems like a zoomer post

>> No.9935219

every single zoomer I ever talk to sucks morrowinds cock on its "complexity" and "depth", this guy >>9935148 is the complete polar opposite of everything I've ever heard kids say about morrowind. "you can build any spell u want!!1! class and race matters!" etc etc

get real. saying the opposite of what literally everyone says because you got called out on liking a baby game.

>> No.9935228

I think you just hang around on zoomer discords then man. stop grooming kids. You still haven't expanded on your original thoughts whatsoever.

>> No.9935229

No, people like morrowind for the storylines you can alter through your actions and the in depth world full of actual characters. Roguelikes are randomly generated. I think your zoomer brain may be mistaking daggerfall and morrowind but even then the roguelike comparison is just retarded.

>> No.9935235

>There's very little roleplaying in Dark Souls though, no?
That wasn't OP's question. Dark Souls still counts as an RPG.

>> No.9935275

In no particular order

>Fallout 1 & 2 (similar enough to be a package deal)
>Deus Ex
>Baldurs gate 1
>VtM: Bloodlines

>> No.9935283

Retarded opinion, retarded post, and you hand around retards. The strength of Morrowind is the setting, the quality of the writing/lore and the freedom you have in building your character in regards to stats (there's lots of different playstyles, though if you try to play effectively you'll get funneled into a type of battlemage every time).

>> No.9935285

I play roguelikes, and I play (and love) Morrowind. There's literally no commonality between them.

>> No.9935287

>basic pedestrian mainstream 90-iq cheeseeater opinions
>"if i post gigachad from my apple device it will make me seem deep and unique"

>> No.9936765

That map looks like a lady with her legs up shooting a queef out her vagina mound

>> No.9936778

>”i don’t like morrow wang that much also here’s my favorite JRPGs”
ummm thanks? do esls really?

>> No.9936841
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Star Ocean the Second Story
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics
Planescape Torment

>> No.9937023

- Final Fantasy 6
- Pokemon Blue
- Deus Ex
- Skyrim

>> No.9937172

The joke
Your head

>> No.9937237

Never player Morrowind

Fallout 1
Fallout New Vegas
Planescape Torment
Dark Souls 2
Planescape Torment
Dark Souls 2
Pokemon Green Leaf

>> No.9937271
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good taste.