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File: 247 KB, 740x416, AnalogueNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9935906 No.9935906 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best way to play NES carts without a CRT?
Any alternative solutions? I don't have a good space for a CRT in my home.

>> No.9935913

That or a Mister. The mister can output at a higher resolution and has more CRT filters but the NT can play original carts.

>> No.9936043

RetroUSB AVS is drastically cheaper and really quite good imho. Otherwise you can get a bootleg retrotink and a Famiclone and call it a day.

>> No.9936236

Get a 13 inch set then

>> No.9936268

Nah I wanna be able to play carts. I'll look into the RetroUSB AVS >>9936043 cause ~700 for an AnalogueNT is a bit ridiculous
I like a clean look for my office and living room.

>> No.9936284

Don't wanna start a new thread for a dumb question. Are pandora box really that horrendous for a quick fix on the living room?

>> No.9936286


>> No.9936291

You either don't have a family, never have people over or don't care that you live like a slob.

>> No.9936318

Just because you can't figure out how to fit a tv with a larger footprint into your room doesn't mean others are spatially retarded or have weird hangups about their family and friends seeing their CRT.

>> No.9936338

It has a design flaw where the carts wobble and separate from the connection.

>> No.9936354


>> No.9936363

You talk like a woman.

>> No.9936634

Coomlector detected.

>> No.9936642


>> No.9936660

>too low iq to design a space around a single object
>let's his wife boss him around instead of living the life he wants to
>has a family (???)
>calls others coomlectors but uses carts instead of emulating

>> No.9936663

>into your room
No wife/kids + lives with parents gotcha

>> No.9936667
File: 19 KB, 488x385, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me nice try. But nice to see others think you're a fucking loser too.

>> No.9936682

cool projection
don't let your wife catch you on the computer though, you've already used up all your screen time for the week

>> No.9936861

fag moron

>> No.9936890

The best way to play NES carts is to move out of mommy's house first.

>> No.9937225

>play NES carts
you alright anon?
I think the best way is using the original console with RGB mod and a scaler

>> No.9937270

i have a family, friends that love me, and i keep my house in order
sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.9937761

If you have a real NES just get a retrotink. The analogue fuzz enhances the experience in my opinion.

>> No.9937928

Anyone? It's for a cocktail cabinet.

>> No.9937939

yes, they are bad

>> No.9938083

but TECHNICALLY you can use retrofreak usb adapter and read carts on the mister kek

I don't know why you would
but you COULD

>> No.9938136

can confirm the 2xpro is serviceable
but OPs faggy panel probably has too much lag
and poor pixel response time

>> No.9938736

Your house doesn't have rooms? "Living room" has "room" right there in the word, you retarded fambly faggot.

>> No.9939586

No one says "your room" referring to a living room, that refers to a bedroom, you moronic basement dwelling loser. Go ask your mom what's for dinner.

>> No.9939902

At that point might as well just lay the cart on top of the damn thing and pretend it's running off of that

>> No.9939936

Who the fuck is legitimately put off by the presence of a CRT?

>> No.9940240

>pretend its running
like people who use emulation?
>i simbly pretent to hab the geams

>> No.9941587

Your room can refer whatever room you were talking about not being able to put a CRT in. There's a thing called context that can change the meaning of phrases.
Looking forward to your response after you get permission from your wife to use the computer again.