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/vr/ - Retro Games

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993447 No.993447 [Reply] [Original]

recently started a home arcade (finally ... been dreaming about this for years) ... whadya think /vr/?

>> No.993450


Uh, why don't you just have one MAME cabinet and not have a bunch of huge boxes taking up space? Heck, even one arcade cabinet takes up a huge amount of space, I cant imagine having multiple ones.

But Uh, other than that yeah it's neat.

>> No.993456

You could ideally have multiple MAME cabinets dedicated to different arrangements, such as one with a vertical monitor, one with a racing wheel, a 4-player panel, etc.

>> No.993457
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OP here ...

4/10 not bad ... but on the off-chance you're serious then you just don't get it (i thought "le edgy" was a /pol/ or /b/ thing ...)

>> No.993460

>i thought "le edgy" was a /pol/ or /b/ thing ...

What are you even taking about?

>> No.993467
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In all fairness without video/amusement arcades, we may not have vidya at all (or it would be something very different)

>> No.993468

You need dat carpet and walls. Gum on the machines too. Hidden quarters on the floor.

>> No.993471

sweet arcade OP, i have a few cabinets myself. fuck the haters, mame sucks anyway. nothing compares to the real vintage. it's like comparing a famiclone to a NES.

>> No.993472


Oh I get it. In that vague "it's silly" kind of way. I just think it's absolutely silly to have multiple arcade cabinets when MAME exists.

Also what exactly was "edgy" about my original post? If I had told you to go fuck off and die that would be edgy. I was asking an honest question. I helped a friend of mine build an arcade cabinet recently and I would be hard pressed to find a place for one cabinet, let alone three. But please, keep being super defensive about your video game choices.

>> No.993479
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thx ... it's quite humble now, admittedly but a start ... i recently bought a new house and the dude that lived here before me was a contractor and built a 6-car garage off the house.

i'm a fucking sysadmin and have no idea what to do with something like that. so i'm hoping to eventually have a massive private arcade like the guy that owned Luna City Arcade ..


i went there once ... it was beyond fucking sick. it's too bad he got a divorce and had to sell it all :(

>> No.993481
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OP here

thx bro. pic is most definitely related

>> No.993482

you are the cancer that is killing /vr/
I got a playchoice and a neo geo, wouldn't trade them for anything. mame cabs are just clunky abortions 99% of the time.

>> No.993483
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>> No.993492


Right back atcha man. I gotta admit, if I had to have one dedicated arcade machine it would be Mrs. PAC-Man.

Heck I had the opportunity to buy a Golden Axe cabinet a few months ago for $150, but I didn't have the spare cash at the moment. I still regret that.

>> No.993497


>you are the cancer

Why? I thought I was perfectly civil and I was asking a genuine question.

>> No.993498
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agreed ... 99% of MAME cabs are ham-fisted, awkward, ugly pieces of shit ... granted if you never frequented arcades then you probably only care about the actual games themselves, not the social and aesthetic qualities of video arcades

god, i'd fucking love a Neo Geo cab (ANY number of slots) ... i just bought 3, and had the Ms Pac repaired, so i'm done spending for now

>> No.993502
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oh man ... $150 for even a semi-working cabinet (if original) would be a good deal

>> No.993503

OP, you're being kind of a dick.
I've been considering building a MAME cabinet solely because I don't have the space or money to have a bunch of cabinets.
I understand the appeal to having the original machine as compared to a faux machine that looks as if it's real.
Ideally I'd have original everything, and have everything I'd ever want, but a single MAME machine is simply more practical than your own arcade. Obviously, that's not an issue for you.

Even when you essentially told him to fuck off he said he genuinely meant what he said. You're the cancer here.

>> No.993504


I know, I'm still kicking myself for it. Even though at the moment I would be hard pressed to find a place to actually put the cabinet.

Plus it was Golden Axe! My favorite arcade game ever.

>> No.993507


To be fair I don't think it was the OP calling me cancer.

>> No.993509

Have you ever heard about collections? And by the way MAME can't play all arcade games of the world. So yeah, your post has absolutely no meaning.

>> No.993512
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OP here

My apologies if i came across as a bellend ... Can we maybe just talk about arcade games?

>> No.993514

i'm not OP, but there is nothing retro about gutting a vintage cab and putting a PC inside.

>> No.993519


What can't MAME play in that case? I bet it's not that many games.

>> No.993528


Then there's also nothing retro about emulating old games, which is what most people here do.

Fuck off.


Speaking of Golden Axe, did Golden Axe 2 get an arcade release? Well, whatever, OP you should get one of the two. Plus that D&D beat-em-up.

>> No.993525
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OP here ... FWIW ... other dedicated cabs i'd love to have ...

any variation of the original Street Fighter II
Bad Dudes
Battle Toads
Mortal Kombat II (i have a UKM3 cabinet, but it's in a shitty MK cabinet and doesn't even have the proper fucking marquee but the CRT is clear and it plays great)
Neo Geo (at least 4 slots ... and Samurai Shodown [and Metal Slug] is/are mandatory)
Galaga (duh, almost everyone wants this one)
X-men: Children of the Atom (if i had the 6 player version i could die happy tonight)

>> No.993538
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OP here

to play devil's advocate here, i get that most peeps don't have the space for a massive 100+ lb fucking cabinet that only plays ONE game. so i can maybe understand the MAME thing.

but for me the "arcade" thing isn't solely about the games ... it's the aesthetics, sights, sounds, and social interaction that was so prevalent in the golden age of vidya. granted the games are still fun as hell in an emu, but (yeah i'm about to go full retard here) there's something special about seeing all the cabinets lined up, people dropping quarters in, hanging out, cheering each other on (or talking trash if you're playing the 1-on-1 fighters)

>> No.993543


So are you saying you've like, actually opened your own arcade to the public or...?

'Cause none of that sounds like it's actually going to happen otherwise

>> No.993547

I would love to, but I'm mostly just gonna lurk after this seeing as I don't know shit about arcade machines.

Another anon brought up that it may not have been you, which I sadly didn't consider. Sorry 'bout that.

What other machines do you have?

Would you rather people not play games they weren't around for or can't afford?

>> No.993551
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Maybe arcade cabinets are "too retro" for /vr/

>> No.993553

Bullshit, /vr/ has decent arcade threads fairly often

>> No.993557

I don't like that LCD, but otherwise it's good.

>> No.993560

They're probably a bit more of a niche thing than consoles or PCs, most people don't own their own cabinets.

>> No.993562
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in the last 6 weeks i've picked up 3 games ...

Super Breakout (all original dedicated)
Ms Pac Man (dedicated, but just had it rebuilt to work properly)
UMK3 (it's admittedly a ugly-as-fuck conversion cab but the CRT is clear and it plays very well)

so to answer your question, i don't really have a worthy collection yet worth inviting people. but i am very much inspired by the dude that owned Luna City Arcade in Linden, VA ... he would open to the public a couple times a year ... all games on free play ... i hope to do the same one day

>> No.993564

OP here (is a faggot as well, probably)

i know man ... but it's nearly impossible to get GOOD rebuilt CRTs here in the states ...

>> No.995589 [DELETED] 

I have a Neo Geo MVS at the moment. I wish I could get a Donkey Kong cabinet but my apartment is too tiny.

>> No.998340
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Please tell me that there are some other arcade enthusiasts on /vr/

>> No.998379

I really don't have much of a desire to own any particular arcade cabinets.

It would be pretty neat to have a MAME cabinet, but I don't have the money to build that sort of thing.

I just settle for playing a few games on my laptop from time to time.

>> No.998402
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I think the draw with arcade cabinets is not just the games, but the entire arcade experience/culture that was so popular in the late-70s through early 90s

>> No.998413


True. I wouldn't buy a whole cabinet just to play a game.

However, I think if I did buy some cabinet and started playing it just for nostalgia's sake, I'd only get depressed that arcade culture died out.

And just playing on a cabinet doesn't really give you that experience. Arcades were social areas where you and some stranger you never met before can decide to go on some adventure together.

Can't really capture that experience.

>> No.998419

Mavis Beacon looks like she fell on some hard times.

>> No.998421

Not to jump on your back with the other two, but its mainly a cost/space prohibitive hobby. How many anons live on their own? How many of those anons have a house? And after the expenses of having a larger living space, how many can afford plunking down an average of 350-800 bucks for a 'decent shape' cabinet?
Its a practicality thing, bud.

>> No.998448
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OP here

I feel you man but i am one of the (sounds like few) anons that actually has the space and funds to create such a funland. I hope one day i can open it to the public so they experience what it's like to hang out and game in a true arcade experience

>> No.998457

I get the desire. Someday I'll have a basement wunderland. The arcade culture is something I miss like crazy, and loathe the day the 'ticket redemption' model came along and fucked everything.

>> No.998606

>I hope one day i can open it to the public so they experience what it's like to hang out and game in a true arcade experience
You could always start an actual arcade in a mall with a big theater or an area where parents will want to drop off there kids.

>> No.998656

You could. If money was not an issue.
A barcade model is a good idea as well, as you can offer proper retro gaming and hit your target audience, however a liquor license typically costs big bucks. No booze means you better have an awesome location. And if you have that, you probably paid/pay out the ass for it.

>> No.998712

It's really best to get the real deal instead of trying to make a MAME cab. I have a legit Street Fighter II machine that I got for about $300. Every time my friends come over they play it and we have a blast. Since pretty much every fighting game is JAMMA, I can switch it out to whatever arcade board I come across pretty easily without needing a new cabinet. Thinking about getting Marvel vs Capcom 2 right now.

>> No.998717

id go hangout everyday if you smoked weed. nothing better than stoned gaming any shitty day instantly forgotten about.

>> No.998785


I would rather install a 19" television than an LCD. From there, you have a few options:

-Buy a new chassis from one of the online retailers and attach it to the television tube. This is a bit complicated, but it can produce something very close to a brand new arcade monitor.

-Buy a television with s-video/composite input and use a RGB>composite adapter. With Ms. Pac-man's low resolution and black background the difference in video quality between the various signals would be minimal.

I would say to look for a component video TV, but most of those are flat-screen, and they often have internals which are much trickier to work with when decasing.

>> No.998789

Your UMK3 looks like it was originally a Mortal Kombat 1 cabinet.

>> No.999382
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OP here

MvC2 is pretty much my buddies' and my holy grail of 1-on-1 arcade fighters. i swear by Zeus' beard that i'll track down a dedicated MvC2 one day.

>> No.999392

>a Mortal Kombat 1 cabinet

you nailed it. the cabinet itself is shit, but the UMK3 PCB works great, and it's got a clear 25" CRT. it is admittedly a shitty conversion cab but i couldn't pass it up for $320

>> No.999724

I've got pretty much everything except a monitor and the marquee that lighs up which game is being played for a 4 slot neo geo. I've always considered doing it as a side by side cocktail cabinet with red colour scheme from the upright ones.

Problem is once I've built one for that I'll something for my Gunbird PCB.

>> No.1000560
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would love to track down a SHUMP cabinet as well ... i'm not picky ... if the cabinet, side-art, etc is all original and it works well (or can be repaired for a resonable price), i buy it