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File: 939 KB, 964x636, doom cover art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914915 No.9914915 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to play through pic rel in current year?
Is there a total conversion of it with actual 3d models or something? Like a quake engine version of it.
I just finished reading Masters of Doom and I feel like I need to actually play Doom and Doom II to get it

>> No.9914918

I dont know about conversions, but for me it's Crispy Doom.

>> No.9914924

I play it on dosbox with screen size on max (no hud). I will never play it any other way.

>> No.9914937

Brutal Doom mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOwvTqB9Zbs

>> No.9914965

Crispy Doom

>> No.9914968

Chocolate Doom

>> No.9915004

Chocolate Doom with the originals
GZDoom for newer mods
Zandronum for online

>> No.9915048
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutal doom.

This mod is not liked here (They don't like it here, just as they don't like everything popular and successful), but after it it's absolutely impossible to play the original Doom. Sorry to say, but after that original Doom is absolutely ridicilous.

>> No.9915053

Weak bait

>> No.9915063

GZDoom with the Smooth Doom wad

Enable full settings, go to gameplay settings, and disable mouselook, crouching, and jumping for the real vanilla experience. Also set compatibility to Doom (strict)

make sure you also enable autorun

Turn down scaling in the video options if you want a older pixelated look

Make sure you turn off all filtering.


Dont play these, brutal doom is not the real game and Crispy/Chocolate doom run in 30fps which is how the original game ran but not desirable in today's times

>> No.9915080

>Crispy/Chocolate doom run in 30fps
You can enable interpolation/uncapped frame rate in Crispy Doom, those kinds of features are the only reason Crispy Doom was forked from Chocolate Doom. There is also a DEH port of Smooth Doom that most non-ZDoom ports including Crispy Doom can run.

>> No.9915084

>Crispy/Chocolate doom run in 30fps which is how the original game ran but not desirable in today's times
Doom refreshes the game state 25 times per second, you get all sorts of accuracy problems when you decouple tics from the framerate.

>> No.9915130
File: 4 KB, 128x128, Woof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woof is better and has pretty much replaced Crispy and PrBoom-plus. The mouse turning also feels weird in choco and crispy for some reason

>> No.9915134
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxr2esdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lol. bait is everything you disagree with, mate?

>brutal doom is not the real game

I said they don't like everything interesting and successful. Brutal Doom is the ultimate original-killer. That's why they hate to talk about him. I advise you to try it no matter what.

>> No.9915149

Nah. Project Babel is better, Final Doomer and DAKKA are also strong contenders. Brutal Doom has fucked up balance all around and it's generally a fucking mess.

>> No.9915161

Why even think about balance in a singleplayer game? The main thing is fun.

>> No.9915163

looks like furry shit so i'll stick with crispy

>> No.9915167

It's not fun being able to effortlessly kill a lot of monsters using headshots. If I wanted to just chew through hoardes of monsters with little effort on my part, I'd just play Guncaster or Trailblazer, I'd also have nicer look art to look at and a better sheer spectacle of explosions.

>> No.9915185

It's made by the same guy

>> No.9915204

No, dooms logic runs at 35 just like the vanilla games framecap

>> No.9915234

Brutal Doom via gzdoom is the easiest way to play it. Both the engine and the mod are completely customizable, so you can turn off anything you don't like.

If you're not a raging autist who cares about shit like scanline thickness, there is no point in replicating the limitations of the original. To them you have to play it in 4:3 resolution, use keyboard aiming, and use a CRT monitor. Fuck that.

>> No.9915241
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>use keyboard aiming
Doom came with mouselook built-in.

>> No.9915258

Mister, I didn' put nothin' up. Plus I've seen people say that shit on doom forums. It's either some screen about how mouse look is pointless, or they bitch about people using vertical look.

>> No.9915267

Vertical aiming breaks the game though

>> No.9915269

I think GZDoom is the way to go. Real easy to set up.

>> No.9915270

I don't think vertical aiming (freelook) is enabled by default.

>> No.9915275

if you want the actual answer please just check the OP of the doom thread

>> No.9915279

Just install SNES Doom on your hacked SNES Mini, pretty much solved.

>> No.9915283

Just saying it's not unreasonable for purists to bitch about it. Keyboardfags are spergs though.

>> No.9915313

coulda sworn it was 35. I might be mistaken

>> No.9915321

call me crazy but I remember the "mouse" function would have you moving forward if you moved the mouse forward and backwards if you moved it backwards, left and right were strafing.
but I'm crazy, there's no way a game would be developed like that. Makes zero sense

>> No.9915331

Can't you just disable it by turning the vertical sensitivity to 0 or something?

>> No.9915379


Best for modern mods designed around mouselook, jumping, etc. ==mods that work well with this port include Project Brutality, Brutal Doom, H-Doom, and Hideous Destructor==
Different variation of GZDoom suitable for toasters. What I like to do is keep this installed separately and configure it with classic controls (no jumping, crouching, or mouselook) and HUD/FOV so it's suitable for playing legacy mods or mods designed with vanilla Doom gameplay in-mind while requiring the engine enhancements of ZDoom. ==zdoom-compatible mods that work nice with vanilla controls include Pirate Doom, The Ultimate Torment & Torture, and PSX Doom, among many others, there are specific edge cases like Doom Delta and Unloved though which won't work on LZDoom in which case I'd recommend using a launcher to set up a separate config for GZDoom==
A compromise between mod compatibility, quality of life additions, and faithfulness to vanilla (doesn't have added secret sound effects and blood splatter on walls like ZDoom variants do). ==mods that work well with these ports include Valiant, Ancient Aliens, and most slaughter maps==
>Crispy/Doom Retro
Vanilla Doom with varying degrees of basic QOL updates like rewinding, widescreen support, high framerate, etc. ==very nice for most early mods predating the turn of the millennium, and also more basic mappacks only requiring limit-removing ports like the Japanese Community Project for example==

>> No.9915382


A newer up-and-coming sourceport, the easiest way to describe Woof without going into geeky technical details about MBF is that it's essentially a hybrid between PrBoom+ and Crispy Doom, with excellent WAD compatibility and incredible optimization for newer machines to the point that it's even capable of running intensive joke WADs like Nuts and 100k revenants in real time without performance tanking so hard that it's not feasible to complete them, which is why it's becoming the port of choice for many casual and hardcore Doomers alike. Nugget Doom is a fork of Woof with some subtle tweaks and added features for those who may be interested, most-notably HUD customization. ==you pretty much can't go wrong running any WAD that isn't dependent on ZDoom features in this port, highly-recommended==
>Chocolate Doom
Strictly vanilla Doom, without having to worry about fucking about with DOSbox.
>Bethesda Unity ports
Official sourceports on Steam, has an acceptable amount of options but pretty barebones aside from promoting specific mods/map packs, and having local multiplayer and gamepad support which is kind of neat, was infamous at launch for having stupid GaaS shit implemented before it was removed due to backlash, and it still retains some glaring flaws including censorship to Nazi imagery in the Wolfenstein bonus level, some bizarre physics/collision bugs, and the Nine Inch Nails Easter Egg being removed- so it's not a very good choice for a first time playthrough. External WAD support does exist but it's finicky and not very compatible, and the health pack designs are compromised because of Red Cross copyright faggotry.
Ancient, obsolete official sourceport designed for Windows 95, notable for being Gabe Newell's first big gig before he went-on to found Valve and help develop Half-Life, and for being the first-ever Doom sourceport predating the popular Boom port and the game's open source status.

>> No.9915386


The standard modern multiplayer port and client, based on a fairly-recent version of ZDoom so modern mods and maps are very well-supported.
Good alternatives to Zandronum for players who are interested in a more basic/vanilla multiplayer experience that's closer to old school DWANGO-style Doom.
>Doom 64 EX
A very nice port of Doom 64 to PC with support for all the graphical and control bell and whistles you could hope for- including jumping and mouselook as well as custom map/mod support, the official remastered version of Doom 64 sold on Steam is actually an updated version of this port with new bonus content and obviously doesn't require a ROM to extract data from. Further updates to this port are coming in the form of Doom 64 EX-Plus, which also natively supports data from the 2020 remaster for the sake of modding and mapping.
A nice reverse-engineered source port of the PS1 version of Doom to PC with native widescreen support and uncapped framerate, noted for its significant presentation differences in its graphics, tone, and sound design featuring a new OST from Aubrey Hodges reminiscent of Doom 64's OST. Requires data to be extracted from a PS1 disc image, also supports the PS1 port of Final Doom, and uses its own separate mods and assets from any typical Doom source port, it even supports multiplayer by emulating the PS1's link cable functionality. This project has also led to a romhack of Doom on PS1 hardware with optimized code that runs smoother and supports external mods and map packs.

>> No.9915389


The "default" vanilla option provided in official modern rereleases of Doom on PC digital storefronts like Steam and GoG. DOS emulator provides a very limited experience inferior to source ports. Expect performance problems, inability to bind certain keys, resolution/scaling issues, input lag, and both audio and visual inaccuracies among other problems. If you copy the files over to run the executable on an older PC- bypassing DOSbox and running real DOS or Win9x though you'll have a great time, and there's no DRM to worry about typically.
With so many sourceports available for Doom all serving specific roles and niches, and mod support scattered among each of them, it would be wise to look into using a launcher to keep them all organized and make it easy for getting your WADs ready, so you aren't having to drag and drop EVERYTHING. If you'd prefer to keep your sourceport use to a minimum so you don't need a launcher, and you have a reasonably-strong modern PC- then I'd argue that GZDoom and either Woof or DSDA-Doom are the only sourceports you really need.
A tried-and-true old launcher, hasn't been updated in years but still works well with any modern source port, and it's very simple and straightforward to set up and use, though it is still missing some quality of life features from more modern launchers like being able to save specific configs for specific mods and so-on. You'll have to select them manually each time.
A very nice modern evolution of ZDL featuring most all the bells and whistles you'd hope for to make setting up mods and map packs a straightforward process, you can even save specific configs for easy access.
>Super Shotgun Launcher/SSGL
Not quite as flexible, lightweight, or straightforward as ZDL or DoomRunner, but it does have a nice, flashy UI and semi-automated WAD organization for those who might be interested, and it gets the job done with a bit of effort.

>> No.9915391

>Doom Launcher
A nice, handy QT ui-based launcher that gives you direct access to downloading from Doomworld's archives, though it has some flaws, such as having to manual add each wad you have to its library, which it can have a hard time doing depending on how you have your wads organized. A nice tool for collecting and experimenting with Doomworld's vast library of quirky wads from yesteryear and today, but not ideal for organizing or maintaining a large, existing collection of wads- especially those not available on Doomworld specifically. Certainly worth trying-out if you're just getting into Doom modding for the first time.

>> No.9915407

>plays brutal doom
>plays with texture filtering
You'll get some taste some day kiddo

>> No.9915470

Screenshot from google. I don't like this muddy filter and encourage everyone to play with normal textures.

That's it, buddy.

>> No.9915498

Pretty sure that was the PS1 version since it supported the PlayStation mouse. If playing on PS1 is your only option then play with a controller.

>> No.9915503

That's only in Final Doom on the PS1, and it indeed feels very strange.

>> No.9915553

Doesn't that still mean that running the game at a higher framerate will fuck up the accuracy?

>> No.9915715

>I just finished reading Masters of Doom and I feel like I need to actually play Doom and Doom II to get it
If you play a modernised version you won't be playing the game described in that book at all, m8. Either play it through Dosbox or use Chocolate Doom, anything else and you still won't get it.

>> No.9915717

>left and right were strafing.
No, left and right are turning.

>> No.9915720

Vanilla-true sourceport like Crispydoom or Woof. Forget about mods and especially GZDoom.

>> No.9915723

Crispy Doom keeps the game logic running at 35fps while uncapping the framerate. Ports not derived from Chocolate Doom do not attempt accuracy in the first place, so it doesn't really matter how they work.

>> No.9915735

>i need to play doom 1 and doom 2
>is there a total conversion for quake or some other 3d game?
This has to be bait. Not even the most braindead zoomer can be this stupid.

>> No.9915746

Why did you read Masters of Doom without ever playing Doom?

>> No.9915898

Gzdoom if you want better effects
Zdoom if you want it vanilla but with more fps
Both also work with heretic, hexen and strife but you'll need the wads.
It's basically Vulkan/OpenGL support and adds lots of ingame options.


>> No.9915943

> wants to 'get it'
> wants to play Doom with 'actual 3D models'

GZDoom will modernize the controls and graphics but you will largely get the gist of the oldschool experience.

>> No.9915956

>Doom with actual 3D models

Doomsday Engine and Vavoom are your ports of choice then.

>> No.9916213

GZDoom is a separate engine at this point. He'll be playing a remake.

>> No.9916545

ChocolateDoom, no PWADs

>> No.9916562

A person who just finished reading MoD does not need UMAPINFO or to fiddle about with compatibility levels. ChocolateDoom with no PWADs most accurately represents the Doom he read about in the book. Anything else will be inaccurate

>> No.9916668
File: 1.56 MB, 3840x2160, DoomRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a total conversion of it with actual 3d models or something?
There actually is something of the sort called Doom Remake 4. It's been taken out from Moddb, but you still be able to find it on the archive.
I'd rather go for PrBoom: Ray Traced if you want some graphical upgrade and still play something that looks like Doom.

>> No.9917959

For me it's the one that came out on PS4 because console peasant.

>> No.9918908
File: 21 KB, 270x125, schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best way to play through pic rel in current year?
For just the base experience with some niceties, Crispy Doom or Woof.

>Is there a total conversion of it with actual 3d models or something? Like a quake engine version of it.
No. Doom's gameplay and conventions don't easily translate directly to Quake's. There are some 3D model packs from like, 20 years ago, and they look like total dogshit, maybe you'd like that, but probably not.
Don't be afraid of 2D sprites.

Locking down to 35fps looks smooth as is (mind, none of the animations are even remotely this fast), but as said, ports can easily go past this and it's not tied in lockstep with game logic or animations.

It was carried over from Wolfenstein 3D, where it actually made a lot of sense, because:
>no up or down
>floor always perfectly flat
>walls always perfectly flat and at 90 degree angles
>there's no acceleration or deceleration, you start and stop instantly
So what you can do is to make a some VERY fast and precise moves which stack with your keyboard movement, and given that hitscanners have lag to their aim allowing you strafe out of the line of their fire, you can do some SICK dodging. If you want to be a pro at Wolf3D, then mouse movement is vital.

However, it doesn't make any sense at all for Doom, because there is height, the floors and walls can vary greatly, and you actually do build up your speed and gradually come to a stop as you move, thus the "mousewalking" becomes a horrible and jittery liability at best.
People recognized this at the time, and there were ways to play Doom with the mouse for turning but disabling the back and forth movement, such as novert.exe, or removing one of your mouse rollers. This became the dominating gameplay meta. The new official ports let you play with the mouse for just turning.

Unironically a solid port. Turn off VSync and you're golden.

>> No.9918919

>Brutal Doom is the ultimate original-killer
nah, and this is coming from someone who likes bd. It doesn't replace the original, it becomes an entirely different game at this point

>> No.9918926

the version on steam is pretty good

>> No.9919098

Am I wrong for just playing with only GZDoom?

>> No.9919130


>> No.9919148

just... play the fukin original?

>> No.9919159

Nah, it's fine. It approximates things well enough, just turn off the blur and you're good.

>> No.9919185

Horrible advice.

>GZDoom is a separate engine at this point.
Kind of. It's a moddable game engine which plays Doom.

>He'll be playing a remake.
No he won't, and you're a dumbass who doesn't know what the word remake means. The only significant difference is that RNG is true RNG instead of a pseudo-RNG using a predefined table of values. This is approximated pretty well and the behavior is very close. Beyond that, the level data and assets are all the exact same as in the .wad file.

You have stuff like freelook on by default, as well as jumping being possible by default, but just disable those features if you don't like them. You can even use the original collision behavior where monsters and players can't intersect, so called "infinite height," and there's a number of other compat flags to make other behavior closer if you want it to be.
ZDoom ports aren't properly demo compatible, but that only matters to speedrunners.

>> No.9919250

I finished episode 2 last night using GZDoom, and I noticed some weird autoaim thing on the final boss. Basically my rockets would shoot way up in the sky if the boss wasn't on screen, but shoot straight horizontally if it was. Did I really just autoaim my way through 2 episodes?

>> No.9919261

DSDA Doom is the best. It's faithful and it has the best performance.

GZDoom for mod stuff or wads that require it.

That's it!

Btw GZDoom by default has terrible fucking movement. Idk why the guy decided to change it from real Doom's movement which is much better and smoother, less momentum. I think this can be fixed in GZDoom by going into the compatibility settings and changing it to 'Strict'. Not sure though as I haven't used it in centuries. Maybe somebody else itt knows if that movement has a specific option to fix it in the menu.

>> No.9919583

You couldn't shift your view up or down in the original game. Carmack supposedly tried the approach you'd see in later games like Duke Nukem 3D, but thought the lack of perspective correction was sinfully ugly and disorienting (and it kind of is, to be fair).

Because enemies could be above or below the center of your line of sight (and the levels weren't designed with needing to look upwards or downwards), the solution was a built-in auto-aim.
Sometimes, if you would have been just a hair off the target you were aiming at, it would throw you a bone and subtly shift your horizontal aim for you, but most of what it does is shift your aiming up or down to target enemies there. This solution is kind of awkward, but it actually works pretty well and you get used to it, it's pretty rare for the vertical auto-aim to fumble or fuck you.

That said, it's a very foreign idea to those more used to later shooters, because either they would have proper perspective correction, or like Duke Nukem 3D, they didn't really care that it looked a little slipshod and went with it anyway because they thought it was important for the gameplay they were designing. More advanced hardware allowed for more advanced level design as well.

Anyway, personally I wouldn't hold it against you if you just turned off auto-aim and played with free aiming, because that's what natural for first person shooters. There's a couple of instances where this can break some things, but they're actually pretty few and largely not consequential.

>> No.9919643

>>He'll be playing a remake.
>No he won't, and you're a dumbass who doesn't know what the word remake means. The only significant difference is that RNG is true RNG instead of a pseudo-RNG using a predefined table of values.
Anon, the physics are different in GZDoom. Melee is different. Damage rolls are different. Collision detection is different (no, I don't mean infinite height). The game does not play as designed when run in GZDoom, because it's not a proper source port but a separate engine.

>ZDoom ports aren't properly demo compatible, but that only matters to speedrunners.
Let's put it this way: a Playstation plays PS games. A Polystation plays bootleg Famicom carts, but it only matters to Nintendo's legal team. Still, most people who want to play PS games will want a Playstation.

>> No.9919649

why would you want to replace the sovlful sprites with soulless 3d models?

>> No.9919656

I see, so this autoaim was a thing in the original, not a gzdoom. makes me feel better

>> No.9920108

>Anon, the physics are different in GZDoom.
>Damage rolls are different.
Barely enough to matter for the layman.

>Melee is different.
Yeah, it actually works on large hitboxes now.

>The game does not play as designed when run in GZDoom,
Literally none of the people who designed the game care that GzDoom has technically different damage calculation or physics calculation. What they'll actually say is that you aren't actually supposed to jump or use freelook

Setting aside that GzDoom has a bunch of compat flags to make behaviors and even physics behave more like the original .exe, it's not scientifically exact, but it doesn't need to be either.

>because it's not a proper source port but a separate engine.
It's outright built on Doom's source code.

>> No.9920134

not that anon: i agree with you that gzdoom can be made to be vanilla enough that it doesn't really matter.
but making gzdoom behave in a manner that can be called "acceptably vanilla" from a fresh install requires bushwhacking through one of the biggest and most poorly-explained options menus i've ever seen and hunting down 30 different compat flags. making crispy doom behave like vanilla requires opening the game and adjusting the brightness. if you wanted to play vanilla doom, which would you choose?

>> No.9920148

Just use the search prompt.

>> No.9920283

>Literally none of the people who designed the game care that GzDoom has technically different damage calculation or physics calculation.
lol. Anon, regardless of whether they care or not about a game that's been out of their hands for decades, you're still comparing the design work of a rocket scientist with its adaptation by a mobile app developer, and siding with the latter just because it's more modern and convenient. You're on the wrong board.

>> No.9920387

CummyDummy Doom

>> No.9920416

not him but this is a terrible argument. you're just appealing to authority. "bro carmack builds rockets and shit, he knows better than those other guys". literal NPC logic. john is obviously a talented guy, but acting like he must automatically understand how to create a game better than anyone else because of muh rockets and muh stealing school computers is fucking retarded. he has his limitations like anyone else; which are evident in the fact that he has a twitter where he posts pseudo intellectual thoughtbabble and reddit-tier photos. the dude is 52 years old and uploads pictures of himself wearing a captain america shirt and holding an ironman action figure with a shit eating grin on his face. think carefully about who you admire.

>> No.9920618

Doom gets me sick sometimes, I envy those who are able to play it for hours on end

>> No.9920636

Hey now, I put it like that because I knew it would reach him, but think for a second what conclusions you're drawing here. An "appeal to authority" in a clear-cut case where the game's AUTHORS left their ruleset in a codified state with a final update and a source release only asserts that you can play it as it was designed, or not. Is this really a false statement?

>> No.9920670

Most ppl can play fine once they get rid of head/weapon bobbing. There are mods for this, but you could just get Nugget Doom, it has a bunch of QOL options to deal with motion sickness.

>> No.9921448

Some people are affected by the viewbob and weaponbob, but many aren't. Both Woof and GzDoom lets you adjust both variables to your liking, so that you can make the effect really subtle, or so that you can turn it off completely.

>> No.9921580

you mean the authors who freely distributed the source code? not like this matters anyway. being a rocket scientist doesn't make you less of a retard than anyone else, end of story.

>> No.9921630

Keyboard aiming is the best way to play the game, if not just play a console version like the one on ps4.

>> No.9921638

lol no it isn't, you are retarded

>> No.9921652 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9921674

GZDoom. Most popular. Most WADs are made for it. No BS.

>> No.9922036

This. Really don't need to make this complicated. Wasd and mouse aiming, drag wad into gzdoomlauncher. Real easy to get into

>> No.9922152

I just got doomsday and it's pretty fun I guess.
Has some more interesting lighting but other than that it's pretty similar

>> No.9922328
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I'm actually not, and you're a stupid fucking faggot. Carmack himself is the rocket scientist you're touting, and he had very little input on the actual gameplay, he's the one who published the source code and told people to add jumping and freelook, or to put it in OpenGL.
Romero and Sandy had extensive input into the design of the game, they made the levels, and they won't get into fits of autistic screeching just because someone plays E1M7 or E2M5 with freelook, or because someone thinks gameplay mods for Doom are fun. None of these people view the exact method of RNG as something sacred, least of all the guy who actually wrote and implemented the pRNG.

The levels are the levels, the gameplay is the gameplay, and mods let you twist that however you please. I don't record demos for speedruns, so I don't care if there's minute discrepancies in collision detection or RNG, just like I enjoy both GzDoom and Woof, I enjoy the All-Stars version of SMB 1-3 as much as the original NES versions, and I don't miss CRT screens at all.

>Hey now, I put it like that because I knew it would reach him
You clearly know wrong, because I don't view any of them as infallible authorities. Romero is a fantastic level designer, but he has numerous unbearable qualities to him as a person.

>> No.9922342

I still use brutal Doom

>> No.9922408

Gzdoom is full of idiotic bs and its default settings are particularly shit. Any decent port like woof is way simpler to get into than gzdoom.

>> No.9922742

>something you have to use github for
Fuck off, Fabian.

>> No.9922763

Brutal Doom is a way to go with D1, D2 and Plutonia (must play official wads). Afrer that you will be able to decide yourself whether to go to vanilla + difficult wads (Sunlust and friends), or instead go to Project Brutaliity/Hideos Destructor with easier wads. Also Delta-Touch + controller may be convenient for non-hardcore playthrough.

>> No.9922812

Brutal Doom historically is not liked, because 10 years ago a lot of mappers were burned out by constant requests from audience to have their wads to be compatible with BD. This compatibility was not always trivial to get, and was breaking mappers planned encounters almost always. Thys a lot of irriration and negativity. Now, 10 years later, it us absolutely clear, that BD has so much soul (vision + attention to details) inside it, so its popularity is completely deserved. It is definitely makes official wads gameplay better, but this is not granted at all for custom wads, even if they are technically compatible with BD.

>> No.9922834

Disregard everyone telling you to use Brutal Doom for your first playthrough. Absolutely do check it out after you're finished, but it's a gameplay changing mod and as such you won't get a faithful original experience if you start off with it right out the gate.

>> No.9922917
File: 141 KB, 1833x1067, woofdownload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not some Linux bullshit, you don't need to compile anything, just grab the .zip and unpack it, like with GzDoom.

>> No.9923008

Nothing wrong with Brutal Doom, but do yourself a favor and at least experience the vanilka game first. If not just to better understand how it all evolved.

>> No.9923178
File: 1.01 MB, 719x721, 1676853163299972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downloading a zip and extracting it's content is now too hard for the average /v/ user
Jesus Christ, I wonder what this place will look like in a decade

>> No.9923183

it'll be phone browsing only.

>> No.9923185

increase your Field of View in the options. I need to be above 110 just to not get sick

>> No.9923189 [DELETED] 

I wanna fuck somebody

>> No.9923192

episode 4 is kicking my ass

>> No.9923316

ok but is there linux bullshit version?
and >>9922742 complaining about github is a retarded winfaggot smoothbrain.
it's only the best way to host community driven software. and it's FREE.

>> No.9923495

The average person won't find that.

I'm not saying it's hard for me, the point was if it was easier for the layman, midwit.

>> No.9923613

>the layman doesn't know what a zip archive is or what to do with it
it's so over

>> No.9923619

>Most WADs are made for it
No retard, most WADs are in fact made for limit-removing or Boom-compatible source ports

>> No.9923702

What >>9915185 said.
Also it's not furry, it's just a nod at the fact that it's code is based on MBF which was a really old source port that added friendly dogs among other things.

>> No.9923771

LMAO keep telling yourself that. Most WADs are Doom in Hexen format.

>> No.9924479

No it didn't, the first version used keyboard aim. Mouselook was one of the reasons that Marathon was so awesome.

>> No.9924540

Not true by a long shot

>> No.9924546

Stop baiting with your idiocy, retard.

>> No.9924549

Your mom is true by a long shot.

>> No.9924810

Doom had mouse turning implemented before it was even a finished product.

>> No.9924951

He direct links the latest builds in the OP to the Doomworld posts you mongs.

>> No.9925071

"Direct link" isn't a verb.

>> No.9925402

I'm going to rape you.

>> No.9925416
File: 4 KB, 295x80, Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 22-54-50 _vr_ - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i'll just let you do it for free, as long as your dick is clean

>> No.9925657

ok maybe he directly links you pedantic fuck to suicide then?

>> No.9925702


>> No.9925894

All these posts not a single direction where to get actual download.
Im not giving bethesda money for the steam version.

>> No.9925910

sometimes i wonder if these kind of posts are made by a chad who cares so little about anyone's opinion that he thinks nothing of calling himself a faggot. then other times, i wonder if the guy is actually just gay and that's why he doesn't mind.

>> No.9925943

You may be too autistic to understand the nuances of banter.

>> No.9925967

He's right i'm gay AND a chad.

>> No.9926627

Brutal Doom Black

>> No.9926891

A GZDoom port of the PlayStation versions of DOOM and Final DOOM alongside DOOM 64.
>You can switch between the original and Aubrey Hodges soundtracks
>the superior lighting of the PS1
>better controls
>HD and widescreen support
>levels missing from the PS1 restored and tons of new custom levels added too
>missing monsters restored to the PlayStation games and even added to DOOM 64
>all enhancements optional

>> No.9927837

Okay here's the definitive answer zoomzooms who still haven't played DOOM:
Crispy Doom
play it with that first it's more vanilla
use fukken jewgle

>> No.9927849

bro if you can't figure out how to pirate doom you need to leave

>> No.9928098

Google "goatse dl" hes a famous rom uploader

>> No.9928224

Can vouch for him, he's got the widest spread on the web.

>> No.9929909

What's the best faithful port that's not Chocolate so I can play at a sane resolution

>> No.9929917

Crispy, or woof if you want to play community maps.

>> No.9930007

Wtf even is this thread?

Just play the Steam version. Has multiple resolution, framerate options, and full rebinding and just works without any issues. It doesn't have any of the jank whatsoever of old PC ports.

>> No.9930009

I'd say Teletext is probably the best way


>> No.9930013

>old pc ports
Why use old pc ports when one can use new and superior ones? The steam version is passable but vastly inferior to a modern sourceport such as crispy doom or even DSDA.

>> No.9930016

They already updated the Steam port years ago. Go back and try it now.

>> No.9930018

I don't have to because it's not as good as the cutting edge open source ones.

>> No.9930025

>cutting edge
>for a 30 year old game that has had its source code released for over two decades
Cringe. Just play the fucking game and stop fiddling with bullshit

>> No.9930038

Why do you have an urge to post in a thread about doom sourceports if you don't know anything about the subject or care about it? Idiot.

>> No.9930040

Why do you care about the irrelevant minutia of different ports if you're shit at the game anyways?

Same as those retards spending hours tinkering settings and shaders just to emulate a game for 30 minutes. Fuck off.

>> No.9930080

Doom is so moddable there is no "best" way to play it. You can play it almost exactly the way it was originally released, play modern ports that have some touched up art and higher resolution, bog it down with so many graphics mods that modern systems chug running it. Its all up to you really. Also dont play Brutal Doom your first time through, its a fun power trip but its simply not how Doom was meant to be played since it effectively is a whole different game.

>> No.9930202

Why did you even create this thread instead of posting on the doom general? There's a fucking video link on the OP that explains everything you need to know. Worse is, mods didn't even lock or delete this thread. I am actually angry I spent my time typing this message and solving this bullshit captcha just to say this. Fuck you.

>> No.9930453
File: 402 KB, 999x726, the hot wind felt good against his midriff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll second the other guy and say Woof. It's like Crispy Doom, so you have wider options for resolutions and controls (including gamepads, if you feel like that), but it also plays Boom and MBF21 levels, so you'd be able to play 90% of all the good level sets made for Doom.

MBF21 is like a fixed and upgraded version of the Boom mapping format, which is a format which lets mappers be a lot more flexible and creative in building levels. 99 times out of 100, the actual gameplay, like how the weapons and enemies behave, are identical to Vanilla.

Gay and retarded strawman by a retard faggot (You).

You either pick a port which is authentic, or a port which has some degree of added options, and then you spend maybe 10 minutes setting up your binds, resolution, mouse sensitivity, etc, and you're good to go. 10 minutes would be for an advanced port and if you want to adjust fancy graphics options or something, the simpler ones take a fraction of that time.
I spend 90% of my time with Woof and GzDoom playing the game. The remaining 10% is spent on testing stuff as I create it. Your intellect is stunted and you're projecting that onto other people.

>> No.9930527

GZDoom with texture filtering disabled is the easiest way to get started.
If you want something a little more native feeling like you're playing on a DOS computer then look out for Chocolate Doom. For something in the middle of GZDoom and Chocolate Doom check out PrBoom+

>> No.9930665

Woof/Nugget-Doom or Dsda-doom, don't bother with anything else.

>> No.9930712

voxel gzdoom makes it 3d

>> No.9931232

Play doom 1 with raytracing


>> No.9931459

Nobody use them, but I can suggest a crt shader for the old experience

>> No.9931652

Nobody ever experienced doom this way. Also those shaders look like complete ass.

>> No.9931729
File: 3.97 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2023-05-24 08-46-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ReShade looks better.