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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 180 KB, 256x363, Medal_of_Honor_-_Allied_Assault_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9927010 No.9927010 [Reply] [Original]

fucking slop absolutely disgusting

>> No.9927023

great game, thanks for reminding me of it OP

>> No.9927036

mymoh dot tk

>> No.9927045

airborne is the coolest one.

>> No.9927048

For me it's MOH and Underground on the PSX

>> No.9927109
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, moh_infiltrator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite MOH game, even if I used to prefer the first few COD titles because of how they were more about being just one more soldier instead of a special operations dude like in MOH. Maybe that's why the D Day mission was my favorite.
Oh, the picrel game was pretty cool too.

>> No.9927113

No need to explain yourself, first COD is absolutely a fantastic shooter with great level design and gunplay, before they simplified everything in COD2.

>> No.9927136
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_Tank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9927189

I inherited a boxed copy of this like 15 years ago and have never even touched it. I thought this was a multiplayer expansion or something?

>> No.9927191

dude, it's it's own game, with a pretty fun campaign to play thorugh. It even got two expansion packs with even more single player missions. I rememer enjoying those.
hell yeah it is. COD2 was still good imo, but even as a young lad back then I could see that somehow it was worse than the first game and it's expansion United Offensive.

>> No.9927194

Agree, day of defeat (not source) was the real shit

>> No.9927195

no, it's a loose adaptation of the Saving Private Ryan movie. It has multiplayer too but it's a single player game first and foremost

>> No.9927219

compared to what?

>> No.9927225

whenever Michael Giacchino composes for a game, you know you are in for some kino
>it's a loose adaptation of the Saving Private Ryan movie
that was only the thrid mission, right? well, maybe the sniper mission too...
but anyway, it does more than being just that. The mission where you infiltrate a submarine base is pretty cool and nothing like that movie.

>> No.9927234

>mission where you infiltrate a submarine base is pretty cool
that's right
it's a fucking adventure it's fun

>> No.9927250

>but even as a young lad back then I could see that somehow it was worse than the first game and it's expansion United Offensive.

2 removed a lot of weapon recoil, removed select fire rates, introduced dedicated grenade throwing shortcut buttons, removed health bar and medkits, introduced regen health. Made running faster and generally introduced a much, much faster tempo of the gameplay loop as a consequence of everything.
COD2 is still fun as fuck, don't get me wrong, but it does one thing and one thing only. It lacks ambiance and atmosphere of 1, and dare I even say "soul" due to it. You no longer stop to take it all in, to admire the details, textures, world around you. You are now on the constant move, chucking grenades every 5 seconds and just running and gunning.

>> No.9927254
File: 285 KB, 1280x1024, Medal_of_Honor_Allied_Assault_(PC)_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved showing my papers, must be a staple of the series

>> No.9927258 [DELETED] 

reminder that WW2 games are literally madden tier and anyone who plays them is an unironic niggerloving, jew-fellating goy retard with a botched circumcision.

>> No.9927261

pretending to take a picture of the dudes and shooting them instead was even funnier

>> No.9927267 [DELETED] 

I agree with you, but you post this every single thread. not playing some sweet games won't make kikes disappear from the face of the planet, either go out there and do something about it or shut the fuck up.

>> No.9927270 [DELETED] 

you're talking about WW2 lovers in general
not really related with allied assault

>> No.9927273 [DELETED] 

i have 4 white kids and i dont consume slop. time for you to do your part, soldier.
>muh stop posting every thread
no lol

>> No.9927294 [DELETED] 

I don't give a shit man, I just enjoy shooting dudes in vidya

>> No.9927302 [DELETED] 

you don't care about anything. you have no honor, no pride, no hill to die on. you are a golem meant to cosume. that is your only purpose.

>> No.9927313 [DELETED] 


>> No.9928094

too short, shitty boss ending, and fuck EA for removing support for modding and dedicated servers at the last minute

>> No.9928147

That's 99% of WWII games.

>> No.9928973

My MOH Frontline crotch shot stats are impressive. It was my preferred method if dispatching

>> No.9929395

Its the best WWII FPS and its not even close.

>> No.9929572
File: 81 KB, 539x679, 1666325964780663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Manon gf

>> No.9929818
File: 38 KB, 959x1230, 1672192847019059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consolefags seething.

It was alright. COD was better though.

>> No.9929949

game was so kino

>> No.9930272

Reactions to thrown grenades were great too
>throw grenade around an officer
>a nearby soldier throws his body over it to shield his officer from the blast

>throw grenade around dog
>dog snatches it in his mouth and runs back to his masters, while they are like "nein, nein"

>> No.9930316
File: 236 KB, 1196x800, fwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up with that game. Remember my dad bought pic related first, then found out it was an expansion pack, so he bought MOHAA pack with MOH Spearhead included. Good times

>> No.9930327

bf, you mean

>> No.9930979

In its prime, probably the best WWII FPS multiplayer of all time

>> No.9932672
File: 324 KB, 335x506, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9934369


Played this game so much back in 2003/2004, specially the multiplayer demo with the Stalingrad map. God damn...

>> No.9934416

Wrong. The multiplayer is fucking amazing.