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9923784 No.9923784 [Reply] [Original]

Would you say that Half Life was a bad influence for video games, causing them to move further towards more cinematic experiences?

>> No.9923795

Nope. Games have always been praised for doing that stuff. People want that in games.

>> No.9923796

Not Half-Life, just Counter-Strike.

>> No.9923806

The majority of games on every platform have always been bad so it really has made no difference one way or another.

>> No.9923824

Yo half life is fucking sick

>> No.9923827

Yes it is.

>> No.9923864

No, and I think you're retarded, and this is a stupid bait thread.

I don't understand what's with this influx of autistic "history" threads.
What is the point of this meaningless navel gazing? Why don't you just PLAY VIDEO GAMES and enjoy them?
Rhetorical questions, do not respond to my post, I will be closing this tab and filtering the thread.

>> No.9923894

It was a great influence but most devs who were inspired by it were not able to copy its strengths then newer games were inspired by those inferior games, etc. and we know what happened. Thankfully we're past that. Cinematic experiences will always be a thing and it's not inherently bad but at least those aren't 80% of games anymores.

>I don't understand what's with this influx of autistic "history" threads.
It's a slow invasion by /v/ and if the /v/ style of retarded inflammatory threads is allowed here, it'll invariably attract /pol/ lunatics and then we can say goodbye to interesting discussions.

>> No.9923904

No, because Half Life was based and if more games actually did what Half Life did they'd be good.

>> No.9924008

There aren't that many Half Life clones when you think about it.

>> No.9924037

No that’s retarded. The only thing close to a cinematic experience is the train ride at the beginning, which admittedly does suck after the first playthrough. All the story beats and plot points are scripted in the game engine. If you really wanted to you can walk away from them and go stare at a (in-game) wall. Most last no more than two minutes.

If anything it’s the Metal Gear Solid series that screwed the pooch. I remember being in college and watching my stoner buddy play MGS4 when it was new. We sat there and watched a cutscene that was literally an hour long. He did not touch the controller during this time.

>> No.9924039

MGS4 from what I know is the worst when it comes to gameplay/cutscenes ratio. It got close to 50%

>> No.9924058

>thinking Half-Life is responsible for games becoming more cinematic
Did you not know Final Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Time exist?

>> No.9924062

Why 7 specifically? 6 already had a bunch of story bullshit

>> No.9924063

Given "cinematic" is only second to "cartoony" as vague devaluated fig leaves to describe media go, it's conceivable to think that the answer to that could very well be yes. Then again, you weren't really asking a question, just phrasing an opinion as one.

>> No.9924070

Wait till you see metal gear solid.
What half life actually did was make what already happening in shitty cutscene fests like that, and said at least let story things be part of the game

>> No.9924074

My opinion of HL is positive, so no, that was a question

>> No.9924075

Because FFVII was making use of 3D graphics to appear far more cinematic than FFVI, and even most games at the time. Why would I cite FFVI? Its visual storytelling presentation for a 16-bit game was amazing, but couldn't really do the stuff FFVII was doing.
MGS is another good one. I have no idea how op thinks Half-Life, the game with no cutscenes at all, lead the way in games appearing "cinematic". If anything, Half-Life should be praised for being able to do story through gameplay, where you really never feel like you've left Gordon's viewpoint for a moment.

>> No.9924076

No, the one post 2000s games copied was Half-Life 2. The whole cutscene masquerading as gameplay that's also unskippable started with Half-Life 2.
In Half-Life 1 you can literally shoot your way through all of the dialog, you can even kill the random Indian looking NPC (the one Valve pretends is Eli in HL2) to skip most of the Unforseen Consequences dialog.

>> No.9924080

I'd say it's peculiar to load a question towards the point you would argue AGAINST, but I find that's in fact pretty common around /vr/ and online discussion in general.

>> No.9924094

I did want to lure the shooter purists somewhat, so that probably influenced my wording.

>> No.9924096

>I have no idea how op thinks Half-Life, the game with no cutscenes at all, lead the way in games appearing "cinematic"
because it had a story, events and npcs whereas doom is just pressing a buttons and collecting keys. I suppose some people rather games to be arcade mechanics with no story like that

>> No.9924130

>OP is still spamming this crap
Prior to HL, cutscenes in FPS games were just that, you might as well put the controller down since you weren't allowed to do anything. The only thing HL did different to FPS games that came prior is to make the "cut-scenes" just be stuff happening during the gameplay. Removing some of the "sit and watch the movie" aspect, and keeping people in the game instead.
And here is the fucktard OP, "uh...do u guize think HL is to blame for moviegames?!" How about OP get his retarded ass back here to explain how converting movie sequences to gameplay sections somehow makes things MORE movie-like?

>> No.9924364

Nope, Half Life didn't.

I feel like cinematics in VGs can be done good, OP, it's just how the devs would not oversaturated cutscenes over gameplay.

TIME CRISIS 1 (1995) by Namco. A chef's kiss. Scenes might be campy or like 80s Hollywood-ish cum secret special agent cum Mission Impossible cum City Hunter anime, but it was done well.

Not too short, not too long. Then straight into holding your plastic gun and shoot the baddies.

>> No.9924372

No but HL2 was the wrong direction.

>> No.9924407
File: 1.08 MB, 1433x2374, 754d198f-3ffb-412f-8ddd-4c7eefd6437d_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're being honest, this has been a thing since the FMV era (and probably VN's if you want to go all the way back to 8-bit). As with any cinematic experience, it really just depends on the quality of things like the writing, animation, and delivery. I think the problem with modern cinematic games has been moreso the unfortunate obvious agenda in the way they are written, not just the cinematic style in general.

Compare TLoU 2 to something like the first Uncharted for example, or even the first Jak and Daxter to the other two games. Sometimes they just lean way too heavy on the forced grimdark/controversial writing style when nobody really asked for it.

>> No.9924413
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There is no such thing as bad influence for video games there is only cheap and lazy men in suits in charge if studios jumping on bandwagons for a quick buck while refusing to invest on innovation.
Half Life was a breath of fresh air in 1998.

>> No.9924419

This is a good way to describe what happened to video games in general, or at least the "AAA" ones (which I'm not even sure was a term back in the 90's)

>> No.9924436

Played Half-life for the first time last year since the opening I touched back when Farscape season 1 was airing live (or 2 idk). I don’t get it. Other than the long intro don’t really remember a lot of story. The AI definitely isn’t anything like the back of the box describes. If this is what PC fags we’re going crazy over while I was stuck on goldeneye I’m okay w that. I’m talking strictly single player here. I can see a lot of good stuff stolen, a lot of good ideas, but when I play half-life I feel like I’m playing a shooter from the 90s. If there were a lot of cutscenes I surely don’t remember them. Just remember the shitty puzzles like, oh debris blocks ur path here at the end of the game but waaaaai oh no u have been searching an open area for hours u could easily crawl through the fire and burning debris in this tiny corner duh!! I might give it another try on console. Max Payne and Star Trek voyager: elite force, were both better on ps2 unmodded. Same w red faction and shadows of the empire so maybe I’ll give that one a shot.

Tldr: played it 6 months ago and remember zero story outside the opening title scene.

>> No.9924456

>Ocarina of Time
That's some dangerous territory to go into on /vr/
But you are at least partially right. Ocarina's success has had a significant impact on gaming.

>> No.9924465

OP's question wasn't loaded. A loaded question is one that makes assumptions, OP just asked a yes/no question.

>> No.9924560

cinematic stuff has been shoved into games from about the very beginning really. Hell, Donkey Kong has a cutscene to set up the game.

For me, I don't like half-life, because I think in-engine scripted plot events are annoying, but it's not the sole factor. I would say HL was part of something that was already happening but it wasn't a sole factor. I also think HL probably gets a distorted amount of praise and hate because of valvedrones being insufferable about how amazing valve is, and thus inspiring typical contrarian reaction posting. However, its lasting popularity is probably part of why it gets pointed to as a harbinger of this stuff. Frankly, most times I'd rather have cutscenes because at least I can skip those.

>> No.9924564


I can certainly understand the desire for games that are just pure fun with little in the way of story n shit, but I think saying half life was a bad influence is a huge stretch. It paved the way for games to become more than just 'blam blam bading bading' and showed a game can have a compelling narrative (for the time) that also informs the gameplay

>> No.9924613

There were dozens of terrible adventure and FMV games before Half-Life.

>> No.9924626

There's like one instance in the entire game where your control is taken away. What makes it cinematic? Because NPCs occasionally talk to you?

>> No.9924630

Hey schizo, isnt it about time you took your meds? This is the 90000000th 'was half-life actually bad?" thread that you've made.

>> No.9924662

half life is good because it leverages the scripting and linearity for novel gimmicks where you mostly retain control. most cinematic games that followed aren't nearly as dynamic in their setpieces or at the absolute bottom of the barrel they do that hold forward to watch your character run through a flaming corridor thing.

>> No.9925062

Go take your adderrall, kid

>> No.9925089

You're not allowed to say that because it conflicts with the people that are bashing Half-Life for some reason.

>> No.9925096

No, blame Halo.

>> No.9925113

i never felt that half life was copied in any meaningful way. i just don't see its inspiration in other video games

>> No.9925154

half life wasn't very influential. the thread premise is flawed. HL2 is much worse about trapping the player in rooms and forcing them to hear exposition, but even then the player is in control unlike most other games.

>> No.9925175

I honestly, truly do not think Half-Life was that big of an influence on video gaming. Counter-Strike was a bigger influence, if anything.

>> No.9925184

no but HL2 was

>> No.9925234

Not nearly as bad an influence on games as Nintendo and anime.

>> No.9925241

If this game was in 3rd person no one would consider a single thing about it to be revolutionary.

>> No.9925248

What an asinine comment.

>> No.9925270

Ah yes, the multiplayer-only game that didn't even have a single-player component until the wildly unpopular Condition Zero is at fault for games being cinematic and scripted. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9925271

All it did was incorporate elements that had already been done in gaming but WOW IN A 3D FPS.

>> No.9925280


Maybe. But it still would have been considered a very good must-play game for PC.

>> No.9925302

Half-Life did cinematic games correctly, putting everything in the player's point of view so that they're correctly immersed.

>> No.9925330

This was fine in HL1 where there wasn't a lot of exposition, but in HL2 this turned into a lot of time watching npc's talk in effectively unskippable cutscenes

>> No.9925362

Technically the way OP phrased the question, you could argue Counter Strike specifically was a bad influence but for different reasons than base HL's cinematic experience. Popularizing modern tacticool multiplayer team games where you shoot faceless baddie ter'rists was a bad influence, and worse than anything that could be attributed to normal HL games.
CS may have even been a worse influence than Halo.

>> No.9925365

if you suck enough at it, cs is a pure cinematic game

>> No.9925367


>> No.9925582

Doom 3 is one of the biggest examples of a half-life ripoff in my opinion

>> No.9925631

The longest segement like that in HL2 is less than 5 minutes long.

>> No.9925639

its a fucking rpg series what are you saying right now

>> No.9925646

Literally every single FPS after half life is influenced by half life. If you are standing around for even a second watching something happen or just passively walking around in your FPS then that is a direct half life influence. if you have to stand somewhere and wait for health/shields to recharge that is half life.

>> No.9925652

Goldeneye did it first and Gabe Newell is on record saying that they had to rethink Half-Life after playing GE.

>> No.9925661

Even the ROE expansion had a gravity gun

>> No.9925668

if you have to stand somewhere and wait for health/shields to recharge that is half life
lmao, what?

>> No.9925685
File: 608 KB, 767x658, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 00-38-04 half life charge - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh dude hello he was talking about this

>> No.9926317

>Half Life
Was hyped crap. Probably did more damage than good.

>> No.9926509
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It's a different discussion entirely to the one in OP question, which is about Half-Life being an influence on future cinematic experiences. If the thread was about the popularity of modern military shooters in the mid 00's then Counter-Strike probably had a bit to do with that. Counter-Strike is many things but it's not a cinematic scripted moviegame experience. Also a reminder that Medal of Honor 1 released in November 1999, only a year after Half-Life 1's 1999 release date, but before Counter-Strike was out of beta. Medal of Honor is where the military shooter cinematic experience movie game shit really started and it had much more of an influence on Call of Duty than Counter-Strike or Half-Life did. Look no further than who is behind Medal of Honor.

>> No.9926512

>Medal of Honor 1 released in November 1999, only a year after Half-Life 1's 1999 release date
Half-Life 1's November 1998 release date*

>> No.9927289

Half-Life certainly contributed but I feel that Metal Gear Solid had a way more significant impact in that regard.
No, the bad thing Half-Life did was encourage developers to copy it's railroaded linear design.

>> No.9927687

>Is it [game]'s fault for being such an interesting change of pace that the rest of the industry decided to copy it instead of copying games that came before
No, you luddite retard. If people didn't want this style of gameplay they wouldn't have copied it so much in the first place.

>> No.9927754

games obviously were going to get more cinematic as technology progressed regardless. this is just as stupid as saying heavy metal wouldnt exist without the beatles

>> No.9928041

Was half life the original first person cinematic shootformer?

>> No.9928056

friendly reminder that OP does these threads because he was raped by 3 well hung black men in the brisk and cool autumn of 1998 and making these threads is the only way he can cope with being more cum than man.

>> No.9928440

Doesn't work for me. It's just annoying.

>> No.9928462

it's a video game, it can't catch diseases

>> No.9928480

Tactical shooters are by far the minority in fps genre. Saying that CS popularized “modern tacticool multiplayer team games where you shoot faceless baddie terorrists” is like saying that Mario Kart popularized sim racing games like iRenting or Asseto Corsa. It’s not the same genre of game and the similarities are only surface level.

>> No.9928486

>it'll invariably attract /pol/ lunatics
this board already has a couple of retards going around posting racebait and all that shit
i've seen a couple more /v/-retard threads lately but i'd honestly just attribute it to the site's general decline

>> No.9929815

>Would you say that Half Life was a bad influence for video games, causing them to move further towards more cinematic experiences?
Yes, OP, I would. Half Life's higher focus on cinematic design and its huge number of hitscan enemies were both bad choices that unfortunately influenced a great many future games.

>> No.9929967

I'd say it was a good thing, because of the fact it pushed them towards cinematic experiences.

>> No.9930035

Integrating a well told story, while also delivering a great game, is objectively better than what shit like Quake did, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.