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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9920045 No.9920045 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the better version?

>> No.9920052

Nightmare on Dreamland was MUCH easier than Adventure.
I enjoyed the greater difficulty and novelty on the NES version, tho NiD was good too.

>> No.9920067

That might be true for the main game but the NiD Boss Rush mode is the perfect level of challenge IMO.
It took me years to finally beat it all the way through, and my heart was pounding out of my chest the whole last fight.
It really rewards learning every boss inside and out. There are a lot of little tricks and secrets you wouldn't see in a normal playthrough.
I still replay it every now and then. It's one of my favorite ways to spend ten minutes when I'm waiting on someone.

>> No.9920430

Former for difficulty
Latter for presentation and content

>> No.9920438

You like the presentation better in the GBA version? It always looked way too slick to me, plus that one comparison image showing the platforms that float in the air for no reason throws me.

>> No.9920451
File: 441 KB, 2000x1000, FlO9-fEXoAE4HO5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus that one comparison image showing the platforms that float in the air for no reason throws me.
this one?

>> No.9920589

I prefer the older one desu

>> No.9920606

Anon delivers.

>> No.9920607

Kirby's Adventure runs like shit and has awkward controls and that's where half the difficulty comes from.

It looks better, but the other is more fun to play.

>> No.9920629

kirby's adventure looks great for nes, but kind meh for gba.
they also didn't bother to do the giant rotating rooms on gba, so nes has something over gba graphically surprisingly.

>> No.9921513

You should play the 3DS version, it was a complete rewrite so it fixes the slowdown.

>> No.9921604
File: 2.42 MB, 1500x6272, remake_adv_all_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really no contest. KA maximizes NES hardware's capability so much it almost feels like an early SNES game. That, and the physics are just so off in NiDL. They added too many frames of animation to a lot of Kirby's basic moves, so what used to be snappy in the original is now a slog in the remake. Most B-Button ability inputs have Kirby stop to a crawl, muster up his power, and then eventually discharge it, because again, the developers were fellating themselves over that new smooth GBA animation that they forgot to keep the gameplay seamless. Play KatAM or SqSq and you'll see that the devs distinctly learned from this mistake. There's also other ways abilities were messed up besides the button delay; for example, Parasol has this weird sudden drop now, which makes that spike-filled chute a nightmare unless you float down as Kirby normally. Lord help you if you're Meta Knight. Speaking of him, his duel with Kirby was completely bastardized. In the original, you couldn't get away with button-mashing your way past the fight, but in the remake, because boss AI was botched, Meta Knight doesn't know what to do and is defeated quickly (and yes, button-mashing will even work in Extra Mode..how sad is that?). Minibosses also suffer - they used to be able to keep you on your toes, but now they're slow oafs with massive telegraphs. Increased graphics aren't even consistent - they blew their load on the spritework, so background/layering details are no longer animated for space contstraints. Presumably why Butter Building's iconic rotating towers were replaced by a boring waiting game. Quick Draw counterpart also had fun win/lose animations removed. Upped music tempo hurts the original melodies. And multiplayer? NiDL is one of the last few Kirbys where some abilities change you to set colors, so good luck keeping track. All in all, NiDL is a disaster, and the only benefit it ever had over KA (occasional framelag) is corrected by 3D Classics and ROM hack versions.

>> No.9921704

The GBA and DS era of Kirby was truly his darkest era. All the redesigns to make everything look like the anime led to a lot of shitty design decisions.

>> No.9921940 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 1800x1000, REMAKE_compare993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Kirbyfags know that Nightmare in Dream Land is low-hanging fruit, even if a lot of them have a hard time articulating it.
The real redpill is realizing that Super Star Ultra is also worse.

>> No.9921963

It's two fucking buttons lmfao shut up

>> No.9922007

*looks at pics*
both have soul

>> No.9922327
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sorry but kssu is more pleasing on the eyes, i can barely tolerate kss's overly saturated colors and ugly 90s cgi, even sakurai said that he was against it

>> No.9922384

Yeah, this is stupid. Wish they kept the original's layout and aesthetic

>> No.9922438
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/vr/ is not gonna like this but I played Nightmare in Dreamland first, so it's the one I prefer. I do think the original for an NES game, but the GBA one is also one of my favorites on the system, probably in my Top 5 with Sonic Advance, Wario Land 4, and Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure.

>> No.9923536

Best version to play is the 3D Classics port of Kirby's Adventure. It is the NES game but no slowdown, save features etc etc.

>> No.9923552
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The right looks way closer to pic related than I'm comfortable with. It's borderline unnerving to look at.

>> No.9923559


>> No.9923568
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3D Classics. It preserves the superior art design and difficulty of the original while completely eliminating lag and sprite flicker.

>> No.9923646
File: 79 KB, 643x840, would you?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both
i don't get why i should choose one over the other when both of them are perfectly fine and fun games