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File: 26 KB, 253x360, PanzerDragoonSagaBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918284 No.9918284 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any other game that radiates the same aura that Panzer Dragoon Saga does? Just finished it on my Saturn, and I have to say that nothing I've played really "felt" like it. The HUDless UI while walking around towns, the comfiest campsites, the music, the odd dialogue, the evolution/growth of the dragon/MC - it was truly a unique experience and I need more like it

>> No.9918290

Its greatness is because no one knew the rules yet, so they failed upward into a bold masterpiece of creativity. This is why there is nothing like it. We have the rules now. The rules say you cannot be good.

>> No.9918294
File: 1.63 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230516_151127~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are a few pictures from my TV

>> No.9918307

Xenosaga Episode I

>> No.9918314

I've been meaning to try Xenosaga. Thanks for reminding me, anon.

>> No.9918353

-Never quoted.
-No screenshots other than the same 1994 tech demo-tier dreary shit ever posted.
-Never a mention of memorable music.
-Characters never spoken of.
-I still don't know what the story is about because in the past 25 years I've not heard one sentence about it.
-Famous only because it's expensive or something.
>masterpiece of creativity
Is that code for a reeking pile of shit?

>> No.9918365
File: 755 KB, 800x608, My_Great_Capture_Screenshot_2018_04_25_21_53_31[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can emulate the Saturn on a fucking toaster these days anon, why don't you download the game and find out for yourself?

Play the first two games first if you like rail shooters and/or give a shit about the lore, otherwise read the manual and then jump right in and the game will do a decent job of teaching you everything you need to know.

>> No.9918378
File: 1.79 MB, 1600x2140, Panzer-Dragoon-Saga-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reviewers hail it as one of the greatest RPG's from the 32bit generation
> SOA makes a short print run and advertises that the game will be hard to find
> Pay stupid Ebay prices for a hard to find copy.

Also the claim that the source code was lost due to a harddrive crash, which also lost the source code for Magic Knight Rayearth. I'm not saying the game doesn't deserve its' praise. But couldn't Sega at least re-release this one on an emulator? This and Shining Force III? And Shining in the Darkness.

>> No.9918387
File: 863 KB, 1400x1876, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 107 (June 1998)_0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9918389

This game somehow requires four discs despite taking 10 hours to beat.

>> No.9918396

>But couldn't Sega at least re-release this one on an emulator?
Sega: Best we can do is a re-release of Bonanza Bros.

>> No.9918426
File: 38 KB, 720x822, 1659630365892214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like 15 hours, but the amount of discs is irrelevant. Grandia is a single disc game on the Saturn/PS1 and it takes like 80+ hours to beat.

Riven on the PS1 had 5 discs and you can beat it in six minutes.

It's all relative.

>> No.9919073

Yeah it was a great game, I beat it recently. It's on my top 10.

>> No.9919228

I'm sure all those Japanese companies """"losing"""" their game's source code well into the late 2000's did it purposely so it didn't get leaked.

>> No.9919301

is this worth downlaoding the emulator and playing this? I really don't feel like it but I like starfox 64

>> No.9919304

They threw the shit in the trash because storage media was expensive

>> No.9919309
File: 133 KB, 1970x1266, 14PB4ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919328

Forgot what? Is this a bot?

>> No.9919335

Probably due to all the voice acting and FMV

>> No.9919343

They didn't, saga's code was never "lost" that's just a meme goons parrot to sound smug and superior.

>> No.9919351

yeah sure, the same company investing millions on niche arcade hardware couldn't do better than some European shovelware dev and shell some hundred dollars for a backup disk.

>> No.9919360

dont respond to proven wrong rumors and hearsay with irrelevant posturing

>> No.9919362

>-I still don't know what the story is about because in the past 25 years I've not heard one sentence about it.

The story is the same as damn near every other RPG. Rebels are fighting the Evil Empire, you get stuck in the middle.

There's a memorable mindfuck at the end though. Throughout the game, there are constant references to some kind of divine being who holds control over the fate of others and has the power to end all wars. In the ending, the protagonist finally finds this entity and talks to him. It is you, the player.

>> No.9919371

also, the entire game starts with the protagonist getting killed, and then revived by the dragon for the single purpose so you can control him in the game.

>> No.9919904

Play xenogears too if you havent already. Read the perfect works after.

>> No.9920086

Panzer Dragoon Zwei is going to be far more similar to Starfox 64, since that's a rail shooter with branching paths and Saga is an RPG. Zwei isn't as good as Starfox 64, but I still highly recommend it.

>> No.9920104
File: 134 KB, 1074x1082, 20221025_030849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a contrarian isn't deep or brooding. You don't hear people talk about it because most people has a PS1 and the second most popular console with the N64. That, and Panzer Dragoon Saga came out when the Saturn was bargain binned.

>> No.9920152

>But couldn't Sega at least re-release this one on an emulator
Sure, they could. But investors keep publishers by the balls and investors are the biggest retards of society. Sega only invests in Sonic, Yakuza, and Atlas studio. They don't even localize Vocaloid content because investors just go "ew, that's too japanese, nobody is going to buy it" and Sega has to listen.
Capitalism is absolutely fucked. Investors literally prevent companies from making money due to their shit demands, and if a company does their own thing and makes buckets of money, the investors will panic sell and tank the value of the company. It's fucking insane.

>> No.9920172

>I still don't know what the story is about because in the past 25 years I've not heard one sentence about it.

That's good. you can go into the game without any preconceptions. Wish this was the case for all games.

>> No.9920194


>> No.9920213

>Also the claim that the source code was lost due to a harddrive crash
Creator says it was recently found. Though I doubt sega's interested in porting it.


>> No.9920220

>Though I doubt sega's interested in porting it.

They are more focused on delivering another collection of Genesis/ MD games. It really seems like Sega just wants to skip over releasing any real Saturn collections and just go for the Dreamcast instead. Outside of NiGHTS, and Guardian Heroes.

>> No.9920263

Sega has a bad rep in preserving anything to be fair

>> No.9920275

>Creator says it was recently found. Though I doubt sega's interested in porting it.
Sammy is too busy with hotels

>> No.9920310
File: 7 KB, 640x640, mk64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega also ignores their arcade and pre-Genesis games, games like Arabian Fight, Revenge of Death Adder, Daytona 2 and Scud Race not to mention games that never got a good port like Thunder Blade and Outrunners.

>> No.9920381

The original Jade Cocoon had a somewhat similar feel. I think it has to do with how the lore is conveyed in regard to an ancient past, perhaps.

>> No.9920391

Yeah that's definitely part of it. I've always loved the RPG trope of discovering ancient technology that is far too advanced for characters in the game to understand (kinda like in KOTOR). What I also think in part makes PDS so good is that aspect of the scarcity of physical copies. It works really well with the general feel of the game while playing.

>> No.9920418

>Panzer Dragoon Saga came out when the Saturn was bargain binned
While not untrue, there are some other things to consider such as:
- in japan the game bombed very heavily, it was a huge failure. Apparently the nips didn't like that the game only had 1 character.
- in the USA, the game sold out instantly, it required a second print run, which also sold out instantly. It is true that both runs were very low, however.
- in the UK, the entire first disc of the game was given away for free. There was definitely a lot of talk about it.

>> No.9920434

They are currently remaking Panzer Dragoon Zwei (the same team who remade the first game), and Orta was made backwards compatible at 4k resolution for the Xbox One a few years back. So there's at least SOME interest for the series.

Consider that we are living in a world where, in the last 20 years:
- Duke Nukem Forever got finished and released
- Sonic and Mario starred in multiple games together
- Shenmue 3 got made

so Panzer Dragoon Saga getting a re-release is not outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.9920445

>Orta was made backwards compatible at 4k resolution for the Xbox One a few years back
Man you just made me want an Xbox One or Series, you fucker.

>> No.9920462

I want to play this but I'm autistic about beating prequels first and I can't get past the tunnel level in first game. It sucks bros

>> No.9920481

I beat it on emulator recently. I liked Gash's character a lot. His lecture on the need to destroy the Towers was pretty cool and well-done.

>> No.9920513
File: 87 KB, 280x280, Azel-wearing-her-craymen-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw man
>call it a woman

>> No.9920523

Don't forget to binge on Ar Tonelico