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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 717x479, poketea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918006 No.9918006 [Reply] [Original]

Who were your retro Pokemon teams? Here's my Gen 1 team, same one I've always used

>> No.9918009
File: 261 KB, 1416x864, pokemon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 2

>> No.9918010

That's Gen 3.

>> No.9918013
File: 107 KB, 717x477, poketeame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 3

>> No.9918017

Yeah its from Leaf Green but it's the same team I used in the actual original games like I said, I use the same team every time in Gen 1

>> No.9918019

>no movesets
The only interesting part. Also why two ground types?

>> No.9918021

my first team was swellow, gardevoir, blaziken, walrein and flygon.

>> No.9918057
File: 38 KB, 472x468, CARD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently trying a mix of the usual suspects and some oddball choices. Much more fun than slam-boning the game with meta 'mons. Also makes things more fun in my group playthrough.

>> No.9918067


>> No.9918080
File: 10 KB, 600x611, moves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not finalized or really all that interesting. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.9918104
File: 94 KB, 1495x987, ruby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this thread exclusively, I've dug up my original Ruby save game from 2006.

It was actually nostalgic to see my old team after all these years.
We've crushed so many trainer's dreams and took their money. Those were glorious days.

>> No.9918109

>why two ground types?
Idk, I think as a kid I just wanted dig, and didn't want it to be on anyone elses moveset, so I just got in the habit of having Dugtrio

>> No.9918114

I steamrolled through Red with a Charizard, Raichu, and Sandslash (traded). Good fun was had.

>> No.9918145


>> No.9918153


>> No.9918175

Please tell me the difference between emulating Pokemon and playing on real hardware without
or forgetting the fact that Pokemon can be played on the big screen through official means.

>> No.9918190

This is really cool to see.

>> No.9918226

There's no way I can really remember or check the save, specially gen1. I remember relying a lot on overleveling the starter(totodile) and keeping shiny gyarados+lugia+suicune on gen2. I opted to try grass pokemon since then. This is current team,

>> No.9918273

Nidoking, zapdos, vaporeon,....underleveled charizard, hitmonlee, and snorlax

>> No.9918283

...5 other Pokemon

>> No.9918286

What game is this?

>> No.9918325

GSC tradebacks

>> No.9918349


>> No.9918397

How the fuck would anyone remember?

>> No.9918958

You're gay

>> No.9919042

1.) level 50 typhlosion
5 other HM slaves

How I played when I was eight years old

>> No.9919074

Articuno, Nidoqueen, pidgeot and Kadabra, last one is really op on the first gen

>> No.9919076
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 1484142178618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 1:
Blastoise, Hypno, Magmar, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Jolteon

Gen 2:
Typholsion, Ampheros, Tyranitar, Umbreon, Lugia, Smeagle

Stadium 1
Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Blastoise, Exeggutor, Snorlax

Stadium 2
Typholsion, Blastoise, Alakazam, Umbreon, Gengar, Tyranitar

>> No.9919464

Beefed up Blastoise for bruteforce and surf, Fearow for fly and backup, Butterfree for status effects, Sandshrew for remaining HMs and moral support, and two other benchwarmers, probably including a voltorb for flash and snorlax to stall for revives

>> No.9919483
File: 3.34 MB, 4160x2080, halloffame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red: blastoise/zapdos/kadabra/haunter/2 shitters trade evos are bullshit and you know it

gold: feraligatr/ampharos/espeon/hooh/gyarados/some random

emerald: it's been so long I don't remember at all but have the most recent team I used

>> No.9919498

I remember using Level 100 Umbreon to solo Red in Crystal. I was like 11, and pumped everything into one mon because I was too dumb to pay attention to "party composition", "types" and "common sense".

>> No.9919505
File: 197 KB, 720x720, Pokemon Gen 1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919548
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>implying the real common sense isn't to put all your time and effort into a single pokemon since only one (usually) can fight at a time

>> No.9919557

I really wish I'd remember my first hall of fame, but I know even though I asked my mom to buy Red the starter I chose was squirtle

>> No.9919558

Gen 3 just had a little change in style that I never liked.

>> No.9920007

Wow. You played vanilla pokemon with vanilla teams. How interesting.

>> No.9920061
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>> No.9920106

Nostalgia is the only thing that matters with Pokemon, anything else is for people who need to play more games and get over it. When I want a challenge or something competitive.....I don't play Pokemon lol, I play Pokemon to remember what it was like being 8.

>> No.9920140
File: 7 KB, 194x132, original team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark types are cool. Even Sceptile I think was just Pursuit and three HMs.

>> No.9920202

Sorry. Couldn't hear you over my spongebob-spaggheti-os and my kaptain krunch baby formula. Made me do a big burp. Could you repeat that?

>> No.9920286

Real master have 4 attacks on each mon. Exception is a status move for capturing.

>> No.9920687

A team of all machamps

>> No.9920728
File: 486 KB, 753x600, 1674274359309392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.

>> No.9920823

And they're all the same type.

>> No.9921226
File: 559 KB, 720x576, Charizard Using Flamethrower (Pokemon).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oldest team was my fully evolved starter, Charizard, the first Pokemon I caught who I kept in the party, and whatever Legendary birds or other Pokemon I thought would be a back-up or who were just plain cool. Basically, I still had a Kakuna in there, and discovered the Lorelei softlock with no outside knowledge of it. That moment also helped teach me that I really needed to be careful with which Pokemon I had on my team, and to make sure they could actually win or at least escape that loop, since I didn't want to have to reset the game and risk going way back if I forgot to save. My second time around, I started gathering Pokemon I thought were cool, like Haunter, Staryu, Fearow, Tentacruel, and Articuno, Zapdos, Mewtwo, and Mew when I felt like alternating them (and after my dad helped me get Mew). I also began investing in training all of the Pokemon, not just my starter (who was Charizard again). Both playthroughs were fun in their own ways, with the former helping with the growth into the latter.

>> No.9921263

>overleveled starter
The only way to play Pokemon

>> No.9921390

>Gen 1
>Gen 2
I have not played any other pokemon game.