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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9917054 No.9917054 [Reply] [Original]

What was the exact moment you realize this was a piece of shit?

>> No.9917058

When I was nutting in your mother and she said it felt like FF9

>> No.9917059

What was the exact moment you realized OP's gay?

>> No.9917078

The you're not alone scene

>> No.9917080

Yeah that was a little corny, but the music was awesome.

>> No.9917082

>the music was awesome
True, it was the best part

>> No.9917190

I never did, I'm still living in the delusion that it's a fun game and that I had a great time playing it.

>> No.9917335

When I played the card mini-game and after the queen died.

>> No.9917340

That moment never happened, it's a fine JRPG

>> No.9917424

When I fall asleep waiting for the battle to start.

>> No.9917445 [DELETED] 

I was bullied bad at school and coming home to this was what got me through that year. OP you will delete this or someone report OP and get it removed. Though it is admittedly not as nuanced and high brow as FF8 which has recently been reevaluated. It is a funny lovely game with tons of fantastical characters scenes, locations, and music and much loved by fans.

>> No.9917519

Honestly it’s probably the best track in the game. Even if just by the quality of the music ffix isn’t a shitty game.

>> No.9917883

7, 8 or 9, /vr/?

>> No.9917884

It’s better than 10.

>> No.9917889

9>8>7 for me, but it was also the order I played them in.

>> No.9917897

Yeah, this was bad. Plus all the stupid references, and how much of a piss the main character was. But I think I facepalmed hardest when the central computer of the Yfa tree is ... Garland. No no no, this is a DIFFERENT Garland! He just happens to look the same and have the same name as the one from FFI. Member? Member Garland? I member!

>> No.9917906

7> 10 > 8 > 6> 5> 4 > 9> 12

13 is when the series officially died.

>> No.9918107

I knew from the very first battles that it was shit. The battles are so slooooooow.

>> No.9918135

when i discovered that there were optional card battle superbosses in the final dungeon was when i realized it was one of the best in the series

>> No.9918168


>> No.9918236

Back to fanfiction.net for you, dipshit.

>> No.9918334

I liked FF9, but the card game is straight up bullshit with how the numbers aren't explained. Triple Triad had the weird rule spreading, but at least it was very clear on how those rules worked.

>> No.9918503

I think most people say this is the best one because they're embarrassed about the one they actually like better, and everyone high fives each other. I don't remember anything interesting about ff9.

>> No.9918527

I was a kid when it came out and i always assumed these games were for girls and homosexuals so i just ignored it and played GranTurismo and G-Police instead.

>> No.9918541


>> No.9918554

The intro game is so fucking long, even if you've played it before. At least ff7's intro, midgar, is somewhat engaging.

>> No.9918602

>13 is when the series officially died.
13, 14, and 15 are shit, but 16 actually looks promising (and I fully expect Square to disappoint once again). The fixation on 13 and Lightning did the series no favors though.
I'd argue 12 is when it actually started to die. Shit story, shit characters, and I don't know what the fuck they thought they were going for with that pseudo MMORPG point and click style fuckery gameplay, and don't get me started on the fucking license board. I'll take FFX's shitty sphere grid over that garbage.

>> No.9918610

Two hours in, when I decided to save for the first time and found out I had no more memory available. I dropped the game completely.

>> No.9918619

I kept thinking I had missed a tutorial section, because there is a tutorial, it just doesn't tell you how to play

>> No.9918623

it's good but it like all ff games loses steam when it goes from a well-grounded overworld story into a full-blown lsd schizo trip

>> No.9918624
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>Honestly it’s probably the best track in the game.
I'm afraid I must respectfully and sexily disagree.

>> No.9918625

>What was the exact moment you realize this was a piece of shit?
When I looked at the cover art and saw David bowie meets jimmy neutron

>> No.9918626

>filtered by XII
>filtered by XIV
>filtered by the fucking Sphere Grid
Yeah I'm thinking brainlet.

>> No.9918627

I'm sorry you chose the retard path, anon.

>> No.9918636

I think they mention that the codes on the cards matter, but not HOW they matter

>> No.9918649

>people still crying about Tetra Master in 2023
If you're too retarded to Google something then you shouldn't even be posting on 4chan.

>> No.9918869

The cover art was more than enough

>> No.9918875

I only started disliking it after 5 or 6 playthroughs. At some point there is nothing left for me to do with the game.

Unlike FF8 which can be replayed 10+ times and you'll still find new things every time.

>> No.9918890

Not enough GRIMDARK EDGE for you?

>> No.9918927

fags who love 8 and 10 absolutely hate 9 and refuse to play it

>> No.9919140

Pic unrelated?

>> No.9919540
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Once I realized that I was spending 20 to 30 minutes during each boss fight waiting for Zidane's steal to be successful.

>> No.9919660

All stealing skills and he STILL fails every time I fucking hate him so much it's unreal.

>> No.9919698

Decades after I beat it 2 times when I realized all Zidane can do is attack and steal for the entire game, even his limit break attacks are just progressively stronger single hits with cool animations.

>> No.9919728
File: 465 KB, 500x352, tumblr_lp9dhntKni1qbvovho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a fine plot and a sense of exploration. You get through by pressing X again and again, just like in 5 and before, except one in your party will go SSJ. At least it's not too grindy. It's a return to formula, and Dagger's ass is huge. Just go in for the adventure.

>> No.9919771

oh no it's retarded

>> No.9919805

when I tried to use a ritual I learned on /x/ to summon Beatrix into the real world as a tulpa who would fall in love with me, and it DIDN'T WORK
what a betrayal, 0/10 most disappointing game ever

>> No.9919913
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>It has a fine plot
damn straight

>> No.9920006

Partially this for me.

The other factor was doing a second playthrough with the intent to run a different party to the one I used on my first, and realizing you only actually get free choice for a relatively tiny part of the game. Disc 1-2 and the first 20% of Disc 3 is locked. Desert Palace is technically free choice, except the game spells out that your mages won't be able to function in Oeilvert, so the only sensible decision ends up being a fixed one. After that you finally get to choose, although Eiko cannot be picked, Vivi is locked in through Gulug, and Garnet has a 50% chance to do nothing on each turn due to her trauma making her a terrible pick. Ipsen's Castle removes the ability to pick Amarant. Earth Shrine is fixed. The first REAL chance to fully pick your party is for the tiny stretch of the game in the start of Tera and then Pandamonium.

At least Disc 4 is entirely free choice, including the ability to bench Zidane in Memoria.

>> No.9920010

>lol just google it
Woah there Bradygames, settle down!

>> No.9920014

>Japanese name is Hill Gigas
>English version "translates" it as Hilgigars
Uh bros... I thought we had the good translated game?

>> No.9920449

Low poly was something else

>> No.9920465

The translaters thought they need to breathe some personality into the cookie cutter, power rangers-style japshit fantasy world

>> No.9920582

>What was the exact moment you realize this was a piece of shit?
But it’s not a pos

>> No.9921438


Correct analysis. Another thing I really disliked was how the game forgot characters and teams once they were no longer useful to progress the plot. Steiner & co become completely secondary after Garnet excapes Alexandria castle for the second time, but not in the usual FF, you could literally kill them off and nothing would change.